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Final 8/16/06 1:52 PM Page 26

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CATIE phases 1 and 2 provide a

compelling rationale for individualized
treatment, which should be standard
clinical practice for schizophrenia

26 VOL. 5, NO. 9 / SEPTEMBER 2006

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CP_0906_CATIE.FinalREV 8/17/06 3:14 PM Page 27

Current p S Y C H I AT R Y

A fter nearly 3 out of 4 phase 1 patients

stopped taking their assigned antipsy-
chotics within 18 months, researchers in the
Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention
Effectiveness (CATIE) braced themselves for
phase 2.1,2 In this phase, they sought answers to
Peter F. Buckley, MD
Professor and chairman
two challenges clinicians face when prescribing
Department of psychiatry and health behavior medications for chronic schizophrenia:
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta • What to do when response to an initial
antipsychotic is inadequate.
• What to do when troublesome side effects
The researchers did not know how many
phase 1 patients would sign up for another phase
of the trial or which of the two medication path-

ways—efficacy or tolerability—they would

choose. This article addresses what CATIE’s
phase 2 findings tell clinicians about “real-life”
decision-making in schizophrenia treatment.


Funded by the National Institute of Mental
Health (NIMH), CATIE is a three-phase, ran-

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CATIE phase 2

Table 1

Drug discontinuation patterns in CATIE phase 1

Measures Findings after 18 months
% of patients who discontinued Olanzapine (64%) Ziprasidone (79%)
medication for any reason Risperidone (74%) Quetiapine (82%)
Perphenazine (75%)

Time to discontinuation Longest (most favorable) with olanzapine, but not statistically
for any reason longer with olanzapine than with ziprasidone or perphenazine

No statistical difference among risperidone, quetiapine,

ziprasidone, and perphenazine

Time to discontinuation Longer with olanzapine; no statistical difference among

for lack of efficacy* risperidone, quetiapine, ziprasidone, and perphenazine

Time to discontinuation No statistical difference among agents

for intolerable side effects

Rate of discontinuation Highest (19%) with olanzapine (primarily because of weight

for intolerable side effects gain or metabolic effects with this medication)

Rate of discontinuation Highest (8%) with perphenazine

for extrapyramidal effects

Rate of discontinuation Lowest with risperidone (10%)

for intolerability (overall)
* Nonequivalent dosing in CATIE phase 1 is an ongoing debate.

domized, double-blind trial that began with The results, Nasrallah concluded:
1,432 patients in phase 1. (For details on the study • provide a compelling rationale for clini-
design, see the review by Nasrallah HA. cians to match medication profiles to indi-
CURRENT PSYCHIATRY, February 2006, p. 48-65.) vidual patients
CATIE’s eligibility criteria are broad and • support the need for clinicians to have
include schizophrenia patients with comorbid choices among medications when treating
conditions such as substance abuse and mood patients with schizophrenia.4
disorders. The primary outcome measure is all-
cause treatment discontinuation, which incorpo- WHAT TO DO NEXT?
rates efficacy, safety, tolerability, patient choice, When an initial antipsychotic proves inadequate
and clinician choice (Table 1). or causes intolerable side effects, how do you
Phase 1 compared the efficacy and safety of choose a more efficacious or tolerable medica-
four second-generation antipsychotics (SGA) tion? Phase 2 offered CATIE patients and their
and one first-generation antipsychotic (FGA).3 clinicians two choices—an efficacy and a tolera-
Nasrallah concluded that—despite the high dis- bility pathway (Figure, page 33).1,2
continuation rate in that phase—there were “no Efficacy pathway. Patients who chose the efficacy
winners or losers” among the five antipsychotics. pathway were randomly assigned to clozapine
continued on page 32

28 Current
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CATIE phase 2

continued from page 28

Table 2
discontinuation for any
Phase 2 efficacy pathway: Discontinuation for any reason reason. Secondary out-
comes included reason
Measure Clozapine Olanzapine Risperidone Quetiapine
for discontinuation (as
How many patients 25 of 49 12 of 19 12 of 16 13 of 15 determined by the
discontinued (56%) (71%) (86%) (93%) study clinician), symp-
Median time to 10.5 2.7 2.8 3.3 tomatic ratings, and
discontinuation months months months months evaluations of adverse
Trial duration. No pa-
tients in either path-
(50%) or olanzapine, risperidone, or quetiapine.1 way received the same antipsychotics they had
Researchers selected clozapine as the major effica- taken in phase 1. All patients could continue treat-
cy comparator because of its robust effects in treat- ment through the 18 months of the CATIE trial or
ment-refractory schizophrenia. Clozapine was until they completed 6 months in phase 2.
given open-label because of its safety monitoring
requirements; other treatments were double-blind. EFFICACY PATHWAY RESULTS
As in phase 1, the primary outcome measure Discontinuation. Consistent with literature about
was time until discontinuation for any reason. its efficacy in treatment-refractory schizophrenia,
Secondary outcome measures included time to clozapine showed a robust clinical effect. Overall,
discontinuation because of side effects, patient more patients receiving clozapine stayed on treat-
choice, or lack of efficacy. ment and for longer periods, compared with
Tolerability pathway. Patients who chose the toler- patients receiving olanzapine, risperidone, or
ability pathway were randomly assigned to dou- quetiapine (Table 2).
ble-blind treatment with ziprasidone, olanzap- On secondary measures, discontinuation for
ine, risperidone, or quetiapine.2 Ziprasidone was lack of efficacy was significantly lower with cloza-
the major comparator because of clinical data pine (11%) than with:
showing a favorable tolerability profile. • olanzapine (35%)
The primary outcome measure was time to • risperidone or quetiapine (each at 43%).
Discontinuation rates because of adverse
effects or by patient choice were the same across
all medications (Table 3, page 34). Patients on
Want to know more? clozapine achieved better ratings in overall psy-
See this related article chotic symptoms, positive symptoms, and gener-
al function, but not in negative symptoms. Weight gain. On average, patients gained more
weight while taking olanzapine (+1.1 lb/mo)
 CATIE’s surprises:
In antipsychotics’ square-off, than with:
were there winners or losers? • risperidone (+0.5 lb/mo)
FEBRUARY 2006 • clozapine (+0.5 lb/mo)
• quetiapine (+0.5 lb/mo)
Differences in weight gain—or in metabolic

32 CurrentpSYCHIATRY
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p S Y C H I AT R Y


CATIE phase 2: Distribution of patients in efficacy and tolerability pathways

N =1,493
Patients assigned
to phase 1
N = 1,052
N = 543 for phase 2

Enrolled in phase 2 N = 509

Dropped out of study

N = 99 N = 444*
Efficacy pathway Tolerability pathway

Assigned to: Assigned to:

N = 49 N = 19 N = 16 N = 15 N = 137 N = 68 N = 70 N = 63
Clozapine Olanzapine Risperidone Quetiapine Ziprasidone Olanzapine Risperidone Quetiapine

Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued

N = 25 (56%) N = 12 (71%) N = 12 (86%) N = 13 (93%) N = 104 (77%) N = 44 (67%) N = 44 (64%) N = 53 (84%)

N: number of patients
* 106 of the 444 patients were assigned before ziprasidone became available and were included in safety analyses.

parameters or other adverse effects—were not side effects. Patients stopped treatment in the effi-
statistically significant, however. cacy and tolerability pathways for similar reasons
(Table 3, page 34).
TOLERABILITY PATHWAY RESULTS Weight gain. Patients taking olanzapine
Discontinuation. Patients in the tolerability path- gained more weight (average +1.3 lb/mo) than
way took olanzapine or risperidone significantly did those taking the other drugs. Patients taking
longer—median 6.3 and 7 months, respective- ziprasidone lost weight (average –1.7 lb/mo).
ly—compared with ziprasidone (4 months) or Among 61 patients who gained weight during
quetiapine (2.8 months). phase 1, 42% of those switched to ziprasidone lost
• Time to discontinuation during phase 2 weight in phase 2, as did:
was the same across all drugs among patients • 20% of those switched to risperidone
who entered phase 2 because of intolerable side • 7% of those switched to quetiapine.
effects in phase 1. Among those switched to olanzapine in phase
• Time to discontinuation because of side 2, no one lost weight and 2% gained weight.
effects also was similar whether patients discon- Metabolic effects. Some parameters changed,
tinued phase 1 for lack of efficacy or intolerable depending on drug assignment:

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CATIE phase 2

Table 3
ceived high rate at which patients did not
Reasons patients stopped taking adhere to the first medications they received.
their medications in CATIE phase 2 To some extent, the word “discontinuation”
is imprecise, however, because this group
Efficacy Tolerability
Reason pathway pathway
includes patients who did not drop out of
treatment altogether but chose to move on to
All cause 69% 74%
phase 2.
Lack of efficacy 26% 29%
It is important to note, however, that
Lack of tolerability 10% 15% nearly one-half of phase 1 patients who were
Patient choice 26% 24% eligible to enter phase 2 (509 of 1,052) did
not. This group represents the true drop-out
rate, which is substantial. The high rates of
discontinuation seen in phase 1 also occurred
• prolactin increased in patients switched to in both phase 2 pathways (Table 3).
risperidone Few patients entered the efficacy pathway. In an
• cholesterol and triglycerides increased in approach designed to reflect routine clinical prac-
patients switched to olanzapine or quetiapine but tice, the researchers recommended the efficacy
decreased in those switched to risperidone or pathway to patients who discontinued phase 1
ziprasidone because of lack of efficacy
• QTc interval measure- and the tolerability pathway to
ments showed no difference those who discontinued phase 1
across all drugs. Were patients who because of intolerability. Many
knew they were patients did not follow the recommen-
METHODOLOGIC CAVEATS dations, however, and seemed to choose
taking clozapine
When considering how CATIE’s their pathways based on whether they
phase 2 findings might apply to
more willing wanted a chance to receive clozapine or
clinical practice, keep in mind to ‘stay the course?’ ziprasidone in phase 2.
four caveats about the study’s Thus, among the 543 phase 1
design. patients who enrolled in phase 2, 99
Clozapine was given open-label, yet quetiapine, (18%) entered the efficacy pathway,
olanzapine, and risperidone were given double- and 444 (82%) entered the tolerability pathway.
blind in the efficacy pathway. This pathway’s The efficacy pathway included 85 patients who
findings are consistent with what we know about discontinued phase 1 for lack of efficacy and 5 for
clozapine and other SGAs in treatment-refracto- lack of tolerability. The tolerability pathway
ry schizophrenia, but how the open-label design included 184 patients who discontinued phase 1
affected clozapine therapy outcomes is unclear. for lack of efficacy and 168 for lack of tolerability.
Were patients who knew they were taking Dosages may not have been equivalent. SGAs’ dos-
clozapine more willing to “stay the course” than ing equivalency is unknown,5,6 which impedes our
were patients in the pathway’s double-blind arm? ability to interpret comparative studies such as
Discontinuation rates remained high. The 74% CATIE. The study’s designers developed the its
“overall discontinuation rate” in phase 1 sur- dosing ranges by careful consideration, including
prised many psychiatrists because of the per- recommendations from each SGA’s manufacturer.
continued on page 42

34 Current
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CATIE phase 2

continued from page 34

Table 4

Mean modal antipsychotic dosages (mg/d) in CATIE phase 2 pathways*

Clozapine Ziprasidone Olanzapine Risperidone Quetiapine
Efficacy 332 — 23.4 4.8 642.9
Tolerability — 115.9 20.5 4.1 565.2
* 800 mg/d of quetiapine and 160 mg/d of ziprasidone are generally regarded as therapeutically equivalent to 20 mg/d of olanzapine.

As Nasrallah described,4 the trial’s dosages were many patients a clinician needs to treat with drug
not universally consistent with FDA-approved A to see one additional benefit, compared with
ranges or usual clinical practice (Table 4). In drug B
phase 2, for example, ziprasidone dosages were • number needed to harm (NNH)—how
less than psychiatrists usually use, and quetiapine many patients a clinician needs to treat with drug
dosages were greater than usual. A to see a given adverse effect, compared with
Fortunately, studies are underway to deter- drug B.
mine each SGA’s optimum dosing. This work In this analysis, the
will help us understand what we NNT for olanzapine (5.5 to
can expect when we increase an 10) was lowest among the drugs
antipsychotic’s dosage—a key Quetiapine’s dosages compared in phase 1, and the NNT
step towards understanding dos- were higher than for clozapine (3) was lowest among
ing equivalency. those compared in phase 2. A lower
psychiatrists usually
number means that, overall, clinicians
use; ziprasidone’s can expect a more robust treatment
A recent analysis helps put dosages were lower response.
CATIE’s findings in perspective. On the other hand, the NNH for
Citrome and Stroup quantified the results olanzapine in weight gain and meta-
of phase 1 and 2 with respect to: bolic disturbances (12.4 to 17.7) was
• number needed to treat (NNT)—how the lowest in phase 1, indicating that clinicians
can expect more weight gain and metabolic
effects with olanzapine than with other SGAs.
Patients with schizophrenia who stop taking Ziprasidone had the highest NNH (106 to 208)
their medications because of inadequate among the agents in phase 2 for avoiding discon-
response or side effects can benefit from tinuation because of weight gain or metabolic
switching to other antipsychotics. When disturbances. In other words, ziprasidone
selecting the next drug, evaluate your appears less likely than other SGAs to cause
metabolic problems.

patient’s needs as well as the tolerability

of the medication your are considering. These risk-attribution measures demonstrate
the dilemma clinicians face when trying to match
Bottom schizophrenia patients with antipsychotics.

42 CurrentpSYCHIATRY
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Current p S Y C H I AT R Y

CATIE was “an N of 1,493” subjects, whereas

Related resources
each patient we see in clinical practice is “an N of  Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE).
1.” One patient may need a more-robust response;
another may need improved tolerability.  Lieberman JA. What the CATIE study means in clinical practice.
Psychiatr Serv 2006;57(8):1075.
We strive for balance, seeking to optimize effi-
cacy—often by raising the dosage—while mini- DRUG BRAND NAMES
mizing adverse effects. Aripiprazole • Abilify Quetiapine • Seroquel
Clozapine • Clozaril Risperidone • Risperdal
Olanzapine • Zyprexa Ziprasidone • Geodon
WHAT TO TELL PATIENTS Perphenazine • Trilafon

CATIE phases 1 and 2 provide a compelling ratio- DISCLOSURES

nale for individualized treatment, which should Dr. Buckley receives research/grant support from AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals,
be standard clinical practice for schizophrenia: Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., Eli Lilly & Co., Janssen Pharmaceutica, Pfizer, and
Solvay Pharmaceuticals, and is a consultant to Abbott Laboratories, Alamo
• All drugs used in phases 1 and 2 worked. Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.,
Eli Lilly & Co., Janssen Pharmaceutica, Merck & Co., and Pfizer.
• All showed noteworthy adverse effects that
were different for each drug. The author thanks Del Miller, MD, for comments given on a draft of this
• Different patients responded differently to paper.

each drug.
Using our clinical judgment and available
information, we must match—as best we can— References
the individual patient’s characteristics with the 1. Stroup TS, Lieberman JA, McEvoy JP, et al for the CATIE
antipsychotics’ risk:benefit profiles. CATIE phas- investigators. Effectiveness of olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone,
and ziprasidone in patients with chronic schizophrenia following
es 1 and 2 provide independent information on discontinuation of a previous atypical antipsychotic. Am J Psychiatry
the comparative efficacy and tolerability of each
2. McEvoy JP, Lieberman JA, Stroup TS, et al for the CATIE
medication. investigators. Effectiveness of clozapine versus olanzapine,
The CATIE investigators and NIMH have quetiapine, and risperidone in patients with chronic schizophrenia
who did not respond to prior atypical antipsychotic treatment.
done a great service to our field in providing a Am J Psychiatry 2006;163:600-10.
rich repository of timely information to inform 3. Lieberman JA, Stroup TS, McEvoy JP, et al. Effectiveness of
clinical practice. But the CATIE study was not antipsychotic drugs in patients with chronic schizophrenia. N Engl
J Med 2005:353:1209-23.
designed to answer all our questions about treat-
4. Nasrallah HA. CATIE’s surprises: In antipsychotics’ square-off,
ing schizophrenia.8,9 Clinicians and patients need were there winners or losers? Current Psychiatry 2006;5(2):52-65.
to look elsewhere for guidance on the roles of: 5. Buckley PF. Dosing equivalency of second-generation
antipsychotics. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2005;25(5):501-2.
• psychosocial treatments
• recovery and the therapeutic alliance in 6. Davis JM. The choice of drugs for schizophrenia. N Engl J Med
maximizing outcomes 7. Citrome L, Stroup TS. Schizophrenia clinical antipsychotic trials
• long-acting SGA formulations intervention effectiveness and number needed to treat: How can
CATIE inform clinicians? Int J Clin Pract 2006 (in press).
• aripiprazole (addressed in CATIE phase 3)
8. Ragins M. Should the CATIE study be a wake-up call? Psychiatr
• SGAs in first-episode schizophrenia Serv 2005;56:1489.
• FGAs when a patient does not adequately 9. Lieberman JA, Hsiao J. Interpreting the results of the CATIE study.
respond to an initial SGA. Psychiatr Serv 2006;57:139.

VOL. 5, NO. 9 / SEPTEMBER 2006 43

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