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Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5E
Minutes for 18 December 2018
ANC 5E Meeting
1400 P Street NW, Cafeteria

Present: Commissioner Bradley Thomas (CT), Commissioner Horacio Sierra (CS), Commissioner Eddie
Garnett (CG), Commissioner Sylvia Pinkney (CP), Commissioner Dianne Barnes (CB), Commissioner Nancy
Jones (CJ), and Commissioner Patricia Williams (CW)

Tardy: Commissioner Bertha Holliday (CH) [7:34]

Absent: Commissioner Hannah Powell (CPW) and Commissioner Katherine McClelland (CM)

Meeting Commenced at 7:10 pm with a quorum

1. CB took roll call.

2. CB moved to accept the December agenda with revisions based on the removal of the Big Bear Rooftop item
upon CM’s request. The motion was seconded and approved on a voice vote.

3. CS moved to approve the November 20, 2018 ANC Minutes. The motion was seconded and approved on a
voice vote.

4. Commander Stuart Emerman from the MPD’s Third District announced that PSA 501 will become part of the
Third District on January 2, 2019 and will be split in half between PSA 306 and PSA 308 along Rhode Island
Avenue NW. He explained that the change is to enhance efficiency and police response times. He suggested
that people subscribe to the MPD 3D Listserv at He also reminded us
that organizations such as ANCs, civic associations, and condo boards can file Community Impact Statements
to help judges when they determine how to sentence criminals.

5. 2019 Rock N Roll Marathon. The organizers asked for a letter of support for the marathon’s route through the
ANC 5E area. CT moved to send the letter of support. The motion was seconded and approved on a voice vote.

6. BZA Case. Masjid Muhammad Mosque. 1519 4th Street NW. An architect and the imam for the mosque gave
a presentation about the planned expansion of the mosque and the BZA exceptions they are requesting respect
to lot size, penthouse additions, and a minaret.

7. BCA Bloomingdale Village Square Grant Request. CH made a presentation on behalf of the Bloomingdale
Civic Association.

8. The following bills were submitted for reimbursement:

CB $264 for Christmas party refreshments

5E01 Edward Garnett 5E03 Hannah Powell, Treasurer 5E05 Bradley Thomas, Chair 5E07 Bertha Holliday 5E09 Dianne Barnes, Vice Chair
202-596-9027 202-549-1586 202-670-0151 202-491-3996 202-409-7155

5E02 Patricia Williams 5E04 Sylvia M. Pinkney 5E06 Katherine McClelland, Corresponding Secretary 5E08 Horacio Sierra 5E10 Nancy Jones Recording Secretary
202-709-9375 202-269-4180 612-408-5828 202-594-7850
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5E
CW $19.02 for ink
CT $30.51 for paper supplies
$500 for videographer

CH moved to approve the bills for reimbursement. The motion was seconded and passed on a voice vote.

9. Dominique Chestnut provided an update from the Mayor’s Office.

10. Kelley Cislo provided an update from Councilmember McDuffie’s office.

11. The NoMa Parks Foundation provided an update on their Tanner Park project.

12. CT welcomed the incoming ANC Commissioners.

13. CT thanked the outgoing ANC Commissioners and awarded them with a certificate.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:25 PM

Minutes Recorded by Commissioner Horacio Sierra

5E01 Edward Garnett 5E03 Hannah Powell, Treasurer 5E05 Bradley Thomas, Chair 5E07 Bertha Holliday 5E09 Dianne Barnes, Vice Chair
202-596-9027 202-549-1586 202-670-0151 202-491-3996 202-409-7155

5E02 Patricia Williams 5E04 Sylvia M. Pinkney 5E06 Katherine McClelland, Corresponding Secretary 5E08 Horacio Sierra 5E10 Nancy Jones Recording Secretary
202-709-9375 202-269-4180 612-408-5828 202-594-7850

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