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Contact us
Vicki Larson, vlarson@marinij.
com; Colleen Bidwill,



Portraits of anxiety
Serena Cole’s striking
paintings are
designed to make
viewers uncomfortable

By Vicki Larson
@OMGchronicles on Twitter Steve Price shines as Gordon
Gottlieb, a black market dealer
As a young girl living off in human organs, in Ross Valley
the grid in the Sierra Ne- Players’ “Dead Man’s Cell Phone.”
vada, Serena Cole spent a lot

of time holed up in her room
alone drawing, inspired by the
women, fashions and glamour
in Vogue and other women’s
magazines that had been given
to her.
When she was working on
her MFA at the California Col-
dials up
lege of the Arts in San Fran-
cisco, an adviser challenged
her obsession with drawing
fashion, prodding her to head
to Barneys — a high-end cloth-
ing store — and try on some of
the clothes she fetishized and
observe what that felt like.
at RVP
Was she more interested in the By Barry Willis
clothes or what they stood for? IJ correspondent
A café customer’s compulsion
“It was weird. to answer a ringing cellphone
It was mortifying leads her down a rabbit hole in
Sarah Ruhl’s “Dead Man’s Cell
to go in there and Phone,” at Ross Valley Players
pretend like I through March 25.
belong.” The customer, a young
— Artist, Serena Cole
woman named Jean (Debo-
rah Murphy), discovers that the
owner of the phone has qui-
“It was weird. It was mortify- etly passed away at his table. By
ing to go in there and pretend answering his phone, she gets
like I belong,” Cole says with a drawn into deep involvement
laugh. “I realized it’s not about with his family and his unsavory
having the stuff. It’s not even PHOTOS COURTESY OF SERENA COLE business, as well as taking on a
about looking like that myself. Serena Cole’s “Don’t Even F*cking Try It,” part of her exhibit “What It Feels Like For a Girl” at Art more than substantial part of
It’s purely about seeing imag- Works Downtown. his karmic burden.
ery and letting my own imag- “Dead Man’s Cell Phone” is
ination run with it for a few not the first Ruhl script to be
minutes and then moving on. IF YOU GO produced at The Barn — “The
I don’t really want any of those What: Serena Cole’s “What It Clean House” was done there
lifestyles, but I like looking at Feels Like For a Girl” three years ago — but it may be
them.” When: Through April 13, 10 an indicator that RVP is eager to
Many women do, the 38-year- a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through venture out more often from tra-
old Oakland artist acknowl- Saturdays ditional favorites. Ruhl’s magi-
edges. Which is why her art ex- Where: Art Works Downtown, cal realism isn’t for everyone —
plores the repulsion and attrac- 1337 Fourth St., San Rafael it requires huge leaps of faith by
tion to the unattainable fantasy Admission: Free audience and performers, but
promised by fashion advertis- when done well it’s amazing,
ing, and delves into the imag- Information: www.artworks- heartrending and hilarious.
ery we pay attention to, and al-, www.ser- The current show benefits
low to manipulate and exploit from strong but understated di-
our feelings of lack, inadequacy More: Receptions 5 to 8 p.m. rection by Chloe Bronzan, co-
and anxiety. Friday and April 13, artist talk 11 founder and artistic director of
Her latest work — “What It a.m. Saturday Berkeley’s Symmetry Theatre
Feels Like For a Girl,” at San Company, who imparts a devil-
Rafael’s Art Works Downtown cultural anthropologist, Cole ish sense of timing to Jean’s bi-
through April 13 and her first melds fashion, art history and zarre affair with the consider-
show in Marin — is no differ- current events, riffing off her able aftermath left by Gordon
ent, although it has a decidedly vast collection of mostly eso- Gottlieb (Steve Price), a black
political bent. teric fashion magazines from market dealer in human or-
Europe, to inspire her striking gans. Price is an actor of amaz-
‘A time to be angry’ portraits. ing range; he’s good in serious
“As a girl or woman, it feels We all want to be someone roles, such as Atticus Finch, the
like a time to be angry, to be else, but the person we want to ultra-moral lawyer in “To Kill
sad, to be unsatisfied and to be also wants to be someone a Mockingbird,” but he’s at his
be loudly opposed to people in else, and fashion is often how best in no-holds-barred comic
power who seek to further di- we try on different personas, roles. The second act opens with
minish the rights of women,” she observes. his extended free-association
says Cole, who teaches art at riff that is simply crazy good, a
Maybeck High School in Berke- Psychology of fashion CELLPHONE >> PAGE 2
ley. “I’m interested in the psy-
Being talked over or patron- chology of fashion, not neces- Serena Cole’s “Janus,” part of her exhibit “What It Feels Like For a
ized or stared at are issues most sarily what it does to women, Girl” at Art Works Downtown. IF YOU GO
women knew all too well be- but the fact that it appeals to What: “Dead Man’s Cell Phone” by
fore Donald Trump was elected women to be somebody else,” Cole’s work is “deeply un- happy person. I feel like it’s the Ross Valley Players
president, and they’ll exist af- she says. “I’m not interested in nerving,” writes Sheila Regan so much more interesting to When: Through March 25; 7:30
ter him, she says. “But, Trump’s theologizing and saying, ‘Oh, in Minneapolis’ City Pages. think about a person’s story if p.m. Thursdays; 8 p.m. Fridays and
actions and words antagonize this person looks so skinny; it’s “Cole has a talent for blending they’re not entirely happy,” she Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays
society’s lack of respect for so terrible.’ I think it’s more in- an uncanny realism with a sim- says. “Happily-ever-after is not Where: The Barn Theater, Marin
women and has fueled a fire of teresting to say, this appeals to mering anger that forces you to a story.” Art & Garden Center, 30 Sir Fran-
indignant women that is tak- hundreds of thousands of peo- interact with the work.” Darcy Smith of Canada’s cis Drake Blvd., Ross
ing over the world,” she says. ple — why? There’s a lot of dark, Cole admits she has no use Block magazine writes that Admission: $12 to $27
“That is how it feels — anger, sad stuff in those magazines.” for happy images. In fact, she her iconic portraits “explore the
indignation, anxiety, frustra- Her watercolor, colored pen- says her work is more about un- strange double-edged sword of
Information: 415-456-9555;
tion, flames.” cil, gouache and graphite paint- happiness. being wanted.”
Approaching her art like a ings capture that dark sadness. “It’s not my job to make a COLE >> PAGE 2 Rating (out of five): \*\*\*/*

Four things to do today >> Buzz

Historic women to be made into Barbies
Watch your back Malibu Barbie! Frida Kahlo
is coming to get you. Not to mention aviator
Amelia Earhart and NASA mathematician
Katherine Johnson. On the heels of the
#MeToo movement, with its awareness of
the need for women’s empowernment, Mat-
Women Importance Nature Getting tel is jumping on the girl power bandwagon
paint women of creativity for kids funky with its new “Shero line,” as USA Today reports.
See how wome Hear Mimi Robinson Explore Mount Bur- The Nth Power “Girls have always been able to play out different roles and
portray women in and Christian McE- dell Preserve and perform funky careers with Barbie and we are thrilled to shine a light on real
art at a reception wen’s perspectives its animals during a and soulful music, life role models to remind them that they can be anything,” Lisa
for “Women Who on art, poetry and walk for kids. Meet with electro-funk McKnight, the senior vice president and general manager of Bar-
Paint Women” creativity at at 10 this morning band the Crooked bie, said Tuesday, as USA Today notes.
from 6 to 8:30 7 tonight at Point at the gate on San Stuff at 8 tonight The new feminist-inflected “Shero” genre will include Olympic
tonight at Madrigal Reyes Books at Andreas Drive in at Sweetwater snowboarder Chloe Kim, “Wonder Woman” director Patty Jenkins
Family Winery at 11315 Highway 1 in Novato. Free. Bring Music Hall, 19 Corte and Australian wildlife conservationist Bindi Irwin, as Huffington
819 Bridgeway in Point Reyes Sta- lunch. Rain may Madera Ave., Mill Post pointed out.
Sausalito. Free. tion. Free. cancel. Valley. $12to $15.
2 | B


COM offers a muddled ‘David Copperfield’ Satchmo continues

By Barry Willis
IJ correspondent
to inspire Donnay
By Richard Freedman
“David Copperfield” Bay Area News Group
may be a familiar story
to some, but the produc- It probably wouldn’t
tion at College of Marin take an investment in An-
through March 18 is a bit or 23&Me to re-
problematic. alize Roberta Donnay and
Charles Dickens’ auto- Louis Armstrong are not
biographical story (it was related.
a monthly serial in 1849- No matter. Donnay
50) adapted for the stage was convinced. Yes, she
by Alastair Cording, tells was a kid at the time. But
the tale of a young boy’s she believed she was that
struggle as he is bounced connected to the great
from place to place and Satchmo.
school to school until he “I thought he was my PHOTO BY EDDY BEE
emerges as a successful grandfather,” Donnay says, Roberta Donnay and the
adult writer. Along the chuckling. “He was like Prohibition Mob Band
way we meet dozens of someone I would know. In perform in a benefit in
relatives, friends, asso- my little young mind, he Mill Valley on International
ciates, rivals and a cou- was related to me.” Woman’s Day.
ple of enemies —more, re- It was Armstrong’s mu-
ally, than can be followed sic that mesmerized her.
in this large production “So much joy,” she says. IF YOU GO
in the cavernous James “And the message from his What: International
Dunn Theatre. PHOTO BY ROBIN JACKSON trumpet so powerful. And Women’s Day Celebration
Multiple roles by many College of Marin’s “David Copperfield” features an austere set and modern opera staging. his singing voice, so un- When: 7:30 p.m. Thursday
cast members make keep- usual, and his phrasing — I Where: Throckmorton
ing track of who is who a Director Molly Noble IF YOU GO never heard anyone sound Theatre, 142 Throckmor-
daunting chore, magni- was a founding member of What: “David Copperfield” by College of Marin drama like him.” tion, Mil Valley
fied by echoes off the stage Porchlight Theatre Com- department Donnay also felt some- Admission: $25 to $45
floor that make some di- pany, which specialized in what of a kinship with dif-
alog difficult to decipher. 19th century productions. Where: James Dunn Theatre, College of Marin, Kentfield ficult childhood circum- Information: throckmor-
The austere set by Ron She gives this one a sort of campus stances, “surrounded by
Krempetz is a large ab- modern opera staging, in When: Through March 18; 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; a lot of negativity, no sup-
stract backdrop and a which there’s little action, 2 p.m. weekends port, nobody really under- to Make Abuse Nonexis-
set of rolling platforms with most of the wordy di- Admission: $10 to $20 standing me as an artist.” tent (WOMAN), featuring
that are moved around alog delivered formally. It’s Information: 415-485-9385, W hen Donnay read Clairdee, Deborth Win-
the stage as the play pro- only a few steps away from Rating (out of five): \*\*/* Armstrong’s 1954 memoir, ters, Kay Kostopoulos and
gresses. There are few simply having the actors “Satchmo: My Life in New Willow van den Hoek.
props and no set pieces to stand in place and recite Orleans,” she was so im- “I love promoting other
speak of, leaving the stage their lines. The language of As is almost always the is really enjoyable. pressed that she realized women and I love to see
floor mostly bare as a Dickens’ time wasn’t as or- case at COM, the acting is there would be a point in other women perform,”
sound-bouncing platform. nate as in Shakespeare’s, generally first-rate. Andy Barry Willis is a member her career as the front vo- Donnay says. “It occurred
The odd result is that ac- but it still sounds abstruse LeBuhn is good as David of the American Theatre calist for the Prohibition to me that women are cre-
tors who try to project are to moderns. Two-and-a-half Copperfield, bested only Critics Association and Mob Band that she would ating history right now.”
the hardest to understand, hours of this can be a lot to by Nicholas Schwager as president of the SF Bay pay homage the legend Donnay expects to per-
while those who don’t are absorb. Reading a synopsis the despicable schemer Area Theatre Critics who died in 1971 at age 69. form several Amstrong
completely comprehensi- of the story before going to Uriah Heep. His interpre- Circle. Contact him at The time, apparently, is tunes beyond the popular
ble. the play could be a big help. tation of this classic villain now, with “My Heart Be- “What a Wonderful World”
longs to Satchmo” avail- or “Hello Dolly.”
able Monday on Blujazz “I think a lot of people
label. don’t know the history of
“I feel this incredi- his music,” says Donnay, a
ble amount of joy paying self-admitted “geeky music
homage to this great men- history buff.”
tor to my life and music,” The Satchmo tribute
Donnay says, adding that is the latest recording by
she just “went through a Donnay and the Prohibi-
bunch of his songs and tion Mob Band that’s toured
picked the ones I felt we since 2012. Other albums in-
would sound good on.” clude “A Little Sugar” (2012)
Donnay and the Prohi- and “Bathtub Gin” (2015).
bition Mob Band perform “A Little Sugar” spent nine
in an International Wom- weeks on the Jazz radio
an’s Day benefit Thurs- charts, and “Bathtub Gin”
day at the Throckmor- was named one of the Best
ton Theatre in Mill Val- Albums of 2015 by Down-
ley for Women Organized Beat Magazine.

Nan Ayers as the Other
Woman. Together they
form a sort of social spi-
“As a girl or woman, it feels like a time to be angry, to be FROM PAGE 1 der’s web in which Jean
sad, to be unsatisfied and to be loudly opposed to people in seems bafflingly and in-
power who seek to further diminish the rights of women,” Serena Cole’s “All Seeing Odalisque.” shining example of the al- extricably caught.
says Serena Cole of her solo show at Art Works Downtown, chemy that sometimes oc- “Dead Man’s Cell
“What It Feels Like For a Girl.” curs with brilliant text, Phone” is a marvelous
excellent direction, and a departure for RVP and

solo show sparks or at least genius actor. It’s the high a highly recommended
adds to. point of the show and destination for theater-
“I hope it evokes some alone worth the price of goers.
FROM PAGE 1 sort of an emotional re- admission.
sponse. These are not just Other cast members Barry Willis is a member
Power of the gaze portraits of beautiful peo- are good, too: Peter War- of the American Theatre
Cole is aware of the power ple, of happy people, or den as Gordon’s brother Critics Association
of the gaze — wanting to be even regular people; these Dwight, Christine Ma- and president of the
looked at but wanting to are portraits of emotions. comber as his overbear- SF Bay Area Theatre
control who looks and when These people have multi- ing mother, Marilyn Critics Circle. Contact:
and how — especially as so- faceted layers to them,” Hughes as his long-suf- barry.m.willis@gmail.
ciety addresses the #MeToo she says. “But I’m also fering wife, Hermia, and com
movement. conscious that when you
“You want to be looked have a portrait, that per-
at but it’s also very uncom- son is being made to be
fortable to be looked at,” looked at. I’m trying to PLEASE
she says. “My work is about give them a little auton-
the disgust in fearing you’re omy and make the viewer RECYCLE THIS
being seen as a subject but
also wanting to be seen as
a little uncomfortable,
that there’s an acknowl-
appealing. It’s complicated.”
Complicated, but an im-
edgement that the subject
that’s trapped in the paint-
Thank you!
portant part of the conver- ing is actually looking out
sation, one she hopes her at them.” “The Past is the Present.”

WITH US at the

Annual 21st
Marin CROP Hunger Walk
Sunday, March 11,
1, 2018
Registration start
rtts at 1:30
At: First Presbytarian Church of San Rafael, 1510 Fifth Ave, San Rafael
Online Registration:

Interfaith Street Chaplaincy Church World Service St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room
San Francisco Theological Seminary,
Marin Interfaith Council, San Rafael Joe’s,
Dentistry by Design of Marin, Spotless
Cleaners, Dan and Dori Crawford,
Ross Valley Dental Richard Doyle, DDS,
Advanced Medical & Surgical Dermatology,
Ruth Rubin, MD, Bellam Self-Storage,
Lily’s Cleaners and Tailors,
First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael,
First Congregational Church of San Rafael,
First Presbyterian Church of San Anselmo,
Christ Presbyterian Church,
Ralph and Leslie Purdy,
Candace Frawley & Andreé Bouty
Best Bets
Meaningful life Mystery musical
Maria Shriver wants The young and
to help you live a charming Edwin
more meaningful Drood has been
life. The former First mysteriously
Lady of California murdered, but by
shares how to do whom? Well, you be
so and her latest the judge. In Marin
book, “I’ve Been Onstage’s inter-
Thinking …: Reflec- active whodunit
tions, Prayers, and mystery musical,
Meditations for a “The Mystery of
Meaningful Life,” in Edwin Drood,”
conversation with audience members
author Kelly Cor- search for clues and
rigan. Hear their talk vote for the killer.
at 7 p.m. Wednes- It opens Friday and
day at Dominican runs through March
University’s Angelico 31 at the Belrose
Concert Hall at 20 Theater at 1415 Fifth
Olive Ave. in San Ra- Ave. in San Rafael;
fael. Tickets are $40 8 p.m. Fridays and
and include a signed Saturdays; 2 p.m.
copy of her book. March 17, 24 and
Call 415-927-0960, 31. Tickets are $12
extension 1, or go to to $27. Call 415- 290-1433 or go to

Things to do and see calendar

On stage Plamen Tanev. 10 a.m. to
“David Copperfield”: Col- 5 p.m. Tuesdays through
lege of Marin Performing Saturdays, or by appoint-
Arts Building, James Dunn ment. March 9: Reception. 5
Theatre, 835 College Ave., to 8 p.m.
Kentfield; 415-485-9385; Bank of Marin: 19 Sun- nyside Ave., Mill Valley.
The College of Marin drama Through March 15: “Un-
program students perform chained Artists,” exhibit
Alastair Cording’s stage presented by P.A.T.H. and
adaptation of Charles Dick- ArtReach. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
ens’s classic coming-of-age weekdays.
story about growing up and Bartolini Gallery: Marin
facing adversity head-on. ALAN DEP — MARIN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL
Center, 10 Avenue of the
Through March 18; 7:30 p.m. Flags, San Rafael; marin-
Fridays and Saturdays; 2 Learn how to country line dance on Thursday at the Through April
p.m. Sundays. $10 to $20. HopMonk Tavern in Novato. 12: “Found In Our Own Back
“Dead Man’s Cell Phone”: Yard,” featuring six Marin
Classical/opera/ novato. March 8: Country
found-item artists. 9 a.m. to
Barn Theatre, 30 Sir Francis line dancing. 7 p.m. $10.
Drake Blvd., Ross; 415- choral music 5 p.m. weekdays.
456-9555, extension 1; First Presbyterian Church: Galleries & museums Bay Model Visitor Center: 72 Kensington Road, San 2100 Bridgeway, Sausalito;
Anselmo; 415-497-6634; Artist Within — A Cedars
Ross Valley Players’ comedy Gallery: 603 San Anselmo 415-332-3871. Through
explores the paradox of bachmotets.brownpap- March 10: “Fluxations in March 10: Ave., San Anselmo; 415-
modern technology’s ability 454-2568. Through April 1: Static Blue,” by Sausalito
to unite and isolate people Marin Baroque Chamber artist Bret Arenson. 9 a.m.
Choir and Orchestra perform “Featured Artists.” 10 a.m.
in the digital age. Through to 5 p.m. Mondays through to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through
March 25; 7:30 p.m. Thurs- “Bach Motets: Pinnacle of Saturdays.
Sacred Choral Music.” 8 p.m. Saturdays; 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
days; 8 p.m. Fridays and Sundays. Bolinas Museum: 48 Wharf
Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays. $15 to $30. Road, Bolinas; 415-868-
Throckmorton Theatre: Art Works Downtown:
$12 to $27. 1337 Fourth St., San Rafael; 0330; bolinasmuseum.
“The Mystery of Edwin 142 Throckmorton Ave., org. Through April 1: “Mirror
Mill Valley; 415-383-9600; 415-451-8119; artworks-
Drood”: Belrose Theater, Farnaz Zabetian’s “My Brain on Fire” is part of “Women Through Mirror,” “Vertigo,” “Housing,
1415 Fifth Ave., San Rafael; Creativity and Community,”
Who Paint Women” at Madrigal Family Winery in Sausalito. Wednesdays: Classical April 13: “What It Feels
415-290-1433; marinon- Like For a Girl,” solo show and “A Dynamic History: The young and choose the killer. March 9 142 Throckmorton Ave., concert at noon with Miles From Coast Guard Station
by Serena Cole. March 9
charming Edwin Drood through 31; 8 p.m. Fridays Mill Valley; 415-383-9600; Graber and Elizabeth Prior. through April 10: “Home to Marine Biology Lab.” 1
has been mysteriously and Saturdays; 2 p.m. March Refuge Sanctuary,” works to 5 p.m. Fridays; noon to 5
murdered, but by whom? 17, 24 and 31. $12 to $27. Tuesdays: Tuesday Night Dance by Terra Linda High School p.m. weekends.
Marin Onstage’s interactive Live! Comedy Showcase. 8 HopMonk Tavern: 224 students, “Undertakings,” Branded Boutique: 118
whodunit mystery musi- Comedy p.m. $17 to $27. Thursdays: Vintage Way, Novato; 415- by Ryan Erler and “Myster- Throckmorton Ave., Mill
cal allows the audience to Throckmorton Theatre: Mort Sahl. 7 p.m. $20. 892-6200; ies of the Unknown,” by CALENDAR » PAGE 4
4 | B

March 29: Solo show by brary: Sausalito City Hall,

Calendar Elizabeth Flanagan. 11 a.m.
to 9 p.m. Mondays through
420 Litho St., Sausalito; Through
FROM PAGE 3 Wednesdays and Sundays; March 10: “Coyotes: Beyond
11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursdays the Howl,” photos by Janet
Valley; 415-888-2135. through Saturdays. March Kessler. March 11 through
Through April 2: Solo show 29: Closing reception. 6 to April 22: Solo show by
by Andrew Faulkner. 10 a.m. 8 p.m. Bibby Gignilliat. 10 a.m. to
to 7 p.m. Mondays through 9 p.m. Mondays through
Saturdays; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Desta Gallery: 417 San
Anselmo Ave., San Anselmo; Thursdays; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sundays. Fridays and Saturdays; noon
415-524-8932; destagal-
Civic Center Galleries: to 5 p.m. Sundays. Through March
Marin County Civic Center,
16: Works by Jeffrey Long Seager Gray Gallery: 108
3501 Civic Center Drive,
and Jo Killen. 10:30 a.m. to Throckmorton Ave., Mill Val-
San Rafael; marincounty.
5:30 p.m. Tuesdays through ley; 415-384-8288; seager-
org. Through March 30: “Art
Works Downtown Showcase Fridays; 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Through April 1:
Exhibit.” 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays; by appointment “Material Matters” and “Kim
weekdays. Sundays and Mondays. Ford Kitz: Small Works.” 11
Gallery at Cavallo Point a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays
College of Marin Fine Arts through Saturdays; noon to
Gallery: Performing Arts Lodge: 601 Murray Circle,
Fort Baker, Sausalito; 415- 5 p.m. Sundays. March 10:
Building, 835 College Ave., Reception. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Kentfield; 415-485-9494; 339-4741; cavallopoint. com. Ongoing: “Wonder and Smith Anderson North:
Through April 5: “Marin Awe,” 2-D and 3-D moving 20 Greenfield Ave., San
Collects,” featuring art and images by Louie Schwartz- Anselmo; 415-455-9733;
design from the private col- berg. 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
lections of Marin residents. 11 daily. Through April 8: “Dreams of
a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Gallery Commonweal: 451 Transformation,” photos by
Mesa Road, Bolinas; 415- Sara Leith-Tanous. 10 a.m.
Community Congregation- to 5 p.m. daily.
al Church: Rock Hill Gallery, 868-0970; commonweal.
452 Rock Hill Drive, Tiburon; org/gallery. Through March Throckmorton Theatre: 142
415-435-9108. March 13 30: “Ann Hogle: Transitions.” Throckmorton Ave., Mill Val-
through April 26: Works by 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays; ley; 415-383-9600; throck-
Frances Whitnall. Call for by appointment. Through
times. Gallery Route One: 11101 April 3: “The Altered Voice,”
Highway 1, Point Reyes works by Sophy Bevan and
Community Gallery: “This Island Earth Series,”
Alemany Library, Dominican Station; 415-663-1347; gal- Through works by Janey Fritsche. 2
University of California, 185 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays through
Palm Ave., San Rafael; do- April 8: “Will Thoms: Paint-
ing on Cardboard,” “Speak- Saturdays. Through May
14: “Water Forms: The Art ing Out: 9 Myanmar Artists” Tiburon Peninsula Club:
of Marijke Pieters-Kwiers.” and “Lena Gustafson & 1600 Mar W St., Tiburon;
Peter Calderwood: Bodies of See the interaction of artists with their materials at the reception for “Material Matters” 415-789-7900. Through
8 a.m. to midnight Mondays on Saturday at the Seager Gray Gallery in Mill Valley.
through Thursdays; 8 a.m. Water – Extended (Atlas of March 31: Photography print
to 10 p.m. Fridays; 9 a.m. to Decivilization).” 11 a.m. to 5 series by Marine Strange. 8
p.m. daily, except Tuesdays. Ave., Suite A, Mill Valley; a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays; 8
9 p.m. Saturdays; 2 p.m. to 415-388-3569; theimage-
midnight Sundays. Higher Space Gallery: a.m. to 8 p.m. weekends. Through March
Corte Madera Library: Rebound Bookstore, 1611 30: “Faster but Slower: Tiburon Town Hall: 1505
Community Room, 707 Fourth St., San Rafael; Photography by Jeffrey Tiburon Blvd., Tiburon; 415-
Meadowsweet Drive, Corte 415-482-0550. Ongoing: Martz. Through June 1: 435-7373; tiburonheritag-
Madera; 415-924-3515; “Steven Hurst: Treasures “Americana Photography” Through April Through From My Dreams: 41 years by Jim Hughes. 10 a.m. to 6 30: The Mount Tamalpais
March 22: “Pauline Iv- making the world.” 10 a.m. p.m. weekdays. School Student Art Show.
ancovich Teller, An Art- to 6 p.m. Mondays through Call for times.
Saturdays. Madrigal Family Winery:
ist’s Journey: Works from 819 Bridgeway, Sausalito; Toad Fish Gallery: 686
1934-2008.” 9 a.m. to 9 Homestead Valley Com- Bridgeway, Sausalito;
p.m. Mondays through munity Center: 315 Monford Through April 14: “Women 415-324-8106. Ongoing:
Thursdays; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ave., Mill Valley; 415-388- Who Paint Women,” featur- Sausalito abstract and con-
Saturdays; noon to 5 p.m. 0128; ing works by Teri Vereb, temporary artists. 10 a.m. to
Sundays; closed Fridays. Through April: “Altered Land- Robyn Kralique, Simin 6 p.m. daily.
Creekside Pizza and Tap scapes,” works by Nance Massoudi, Cynthia Tom and Town Books: 411 San
Room: 638 San Anselmo Miller. Call for times. Farnaz Zabetian. Noon to Anselmo Ave., San Anselmo;
Ave., San Anselmo. Through The Image Flow: 401 Miller 7 p.m. Thursdays through 415-526-3791; townbooks.
Mondays. March 8: Recep- org. Through April: Paint-
Views through the microscope become art in “Labscapes” ings by Marsha Balian. Her
tion. 6 to 8:30 p.m. through March 23 at the Osher Marin JCC in San Rafael.
Marin Art & Garden Center: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays
30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., org. Through March: “Es- “Labscapes: Views Through through Saturdays.
MARCH Ross; 415-455-5260; magc. sence of Spring.” 10 a.m. the Microscope.” Call for YIA Gallery: Youth in
The Nth Power w/ Special org. Through April 29: “Gath- to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through times. Arts, 917 C St., San Rafael;
THU Through
8 Guests with: The Crooked Stuff ering Distance,” paintings Saturdays; closed Sundays Robert Allen Fine Art: 301
DINNER AND A SHOW by Christopher Leith Evans. and Mondays. Caledonia St., Sausalito; March 28: “Rising Stars,”
The Travelin’ McCourys - featuring 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays Museum of International 415-331-2800; robertallen- featuring 125 two- and
sAT Ronnie & Rob McCoury, from their dad
Sat Steve Lucky through Sundays. Propaganda: 1000 Fifth Through March three-dimensional works
10 Del McCoury’s legendary bluegrass band
Mar 10 and the by students from 17 Marin
with: Rainbow Girls
Rhumba bumS Marin Community Foun- Ave., San Rafael; 415- 30: “Works on Paper: A
featuring Miss CarMen dation: 5 Hamilton Landing, 310-1173; propagandamu- Group Exhibition of Drawings public, private and alterna-
Wake the Dead - the World’s getit 8:30 Suite 200, Novato; marincf. Through April and Mixed Media.” 10 a.m. to tive high schools. 10 a.m. to
sUn Only Celtic All-Star Grateful
11 Dead Jam Band Sun doug adamz org. Through May 18: 14: “Italian Political Art: 5 p.m. weekdays. 4 p.m. weekdays; 5 to 8 p.m.
7:00pm Mar 11 Amazing Troubador March 9.
5:00/No Cover “Bond,” featuring six Bay Leftist Posters from the San Marco Gallery: Ale-
Kanekoa RiveRtown Area artists. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ’70s.” Ongoing: Collection many Library, Dominican Zinz Wine Bar: 207 Corte
wed Fri
16 Madera Ave., Corte Madera;
14 “The Hawaiian Grateful Dead.” Mar tRio with weekdays. of propaganda posters, University of California,
8:00pm Julie Bernard 415-927-9466; zinzwine-
Fabulous Harmonies Marin Museum of Con- paintings, sculptures and 185 Palm Ave., San Rafael;
5:00/No Cover temporary Art: 500 Palm items from more than a Through Ongoing: “Land-
THU Painted Mandolin and Achilles Wheel
15 8:00pm Sat St. PatRick’S day PaRty! Drive, Novato; 415-506- dozen countries. Noon to 3 March 16: “Leo Bersamina: scapes and Gadgets,” solo
Mar 17 JeRRy p.m. Wednesdays through Capture and Flow” and show by Hilary Sheehan. 3
California Kind feat Rob Barraco (Dark hannan band 0137;
Star Orchestra), Barry Sless (David Nelson Special Food and Drinks 8:30 Through April 22: “Na- Saturdays. “Arngunnur Ýr: Witness.” 8 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays through
fRi Band), John Molo (Bruce Hornsby, Phil &
than Oliveira: The Figure Novato History Museum: a.m. to midnight Mondays Sundays.
Sun todoS SantoS
16 Friends), Pete Sears (Jefferson Starship,
Hot Tuna) & Katie Skene Mar 18 FeatuRing wendy fitz Over Time.” 11 a.m. to 4 815 DeLong Ave., Novato; through Thursdays; 8 a.m. — Compiled by
8:00pm Cantina Americana
p.m. Wednesdays through 415-897-4320; novatohis- to 10 p.m. Fridays; 9 a.m. to Colleen Bidwill
5:00/No Cover
Paul Kantner Birthday
Rock & Roll Party!
Fridays; 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ongoing: “Novato 9 p.m. Saturdays; 2 p.m. to
Celebration with The Airplane Fri
23 weekends. Dairies.” 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. midnight Sundays. Send listings to
sAT Family, LIVE DEAD & RIDERS Mar beeR ScoutS calendar@marinij.
17 ‘69 + Special Tribute to “Blows 8:00/No Cover Marin Society of Artists: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sausalito City Hall:
Against The Empire” Saturdays. 420 Litho St., Sausalito; com at least two weeks
Sat Shana 1515 Third St., San Rafael; prior to the event. Photo
Mar 24 moRRiSon 8:30 415-454-9561; marinso- O’Hanlon Center for the 415-289-4117; sausali-
FREE Show with Roger McNamee of attachments should be
Moonalice (solo) Through Arts: 616 Throckmorton
Sun Boogie Woogie Queen 300 dpi JPGs with a file
sUn 12:00pm
Mar 25 wendy dewitt’S March 31: “Fresh Art 2018.” Ave., Mill Valley; 415-388- Through March: “People of
size of 2 megabytes and
18 Rainy Eyes, Phoebe Hunt & Paper with Guest lady BianCa Marinship.” 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Wings 5:00/No Cover Noon to 4 p.m. Wednesdays 4331; should include caption
7:30pm through Sundays; closed Through March 22: “Music Wednesdays and Saturdays. information. Include a
West Marinicana
TUe Fri as Muse.” 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
27 Green Leaf Rustlers feat Mar 30 LowatteRS Mondays and Tuesdays. Sausalito Presbyterian daytime phone number on
wed Chris Robinson
28 & 8:00/No Cover March 9: Reception. 5 to 8 Tuesdays through Fridays; Church: 112 Bulkley Ave., your release. Mail listings
THU 8:00pm
Sat tom Rigney Dance p.m. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. Sausalito; 415-332-3790. to Calendar/Lifestyles,
Mar 31 & FLambeau Party! Mill Valley Chamber of Osher Marin JCC: 200 N. Through April 15: Solo show Marin Independent
Open Mic Every Monday 7pm
Cajun Orkestra 8:30 by Margot Hartford. Call for
with Austin DeLone Commerce: 85 Throck- San Pedro Road, San Rafael; Journal, 4000 Civic
19 Corte Madera Ave. morton Ave., Mill Valley; 415-444-8000; marinjcc. times. Center Drive, Suite 301,
Mill Valley 415-388-9700; millvalley. org. Through March 23: Sausalito Public Li- San Rafael, CA 94903.
NY Times Puzzle No. 0201 Edited by Will Shortz No. 0201 REALITY TELEVISION

ACROSS 26 Seven-time Cy 53 Student of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Young Award Socrates
1 Tough person to winner of the 14 15 16
tolerate 1980s-2000s 54 At the start … or
how the first two 17 18 19
5 Qatar’s capital 28 Operating system letters of each
developed at Bell starred
9 Decide to join 20 21
Labs clue relate to
14 Literary 29 Frost the answer? 22 23 24 25
30 “The Simpsons” 57 In many cases 26 27 28
15 Clinches bus driver 58 James with a
16 One joining a 31 Barfly posthumous 29 30 31 32 33
union? 34 *Malady of Pulitzer
34 35 36 37 38
17 *Roman of French history? 59 Award for
Hollywood? 39 Really binges, in Agency of the 39 40 41

brief Year, e.g.

19 Pretend 42 43 44 45
40 No. crunchers 60 Frigid temps
20 Shoe company
based in 41 No longer 61 Velvety growth 46 47 48 49

Southern serving: Abbr. 62 FiveThirtyEight 50 51 52

California 42 “Uh, excuse me” .com owner
21 Basketball 53 54 55 56
43 Like rock stars PAUL HEBERT — ABC
sportscaster among fans DOWN
Dick 57 58 59 Lauren Burnham, left, and Arie Luyendyk Jr. on “The
46 *Regent of film 1 According to Bachelor: After the Final Rose.”
22 Paradise in “On criticism? 60 61 62
2 “Arrival” actress

‘Bachelor’ star says

the Road”
49 Get blubbery Adams
24 *Legal acting 50 In the worst way PUZZLE BY DAMON GULCZYNSKI
in a 1980s 3 “Talk away”
51 Maryland state 21 Starbucks 32 Den : bear :: 46 John of colonial

he’ll take heat for

prime-time soap 4 Mom’s mom
opera? symbol specification holt : ___ Jamestown
5 Have a date night
at home, say 22 Average guy 33 Child’s bear

switching fiancees
6 Vast amounts 23 Tons 35 Ranks
O F F S T A G E A V I S 48 Beat it!
7 “Have you ___?” 36 Impressionism?
D R O N E S O N S N I V E L 25 A camera may be
8 Digital set on it 37 Handle 50 Difficult situation
communication, 38 Goof
O M A H A M O M E N T S 27 Something a doc 52 Castigate, with
for short?
“into” By Lynn Elber
Kufrin, whose consola-
P E R P B R U S H E S might order 42 When many kids
9 The void start fifth grade The Associated Press
tion prize is starring in the
O M A L L E Y C A T S O R E 30 They may follow
10 Like one line on a
54 Cartesian next season of “The Bache-
M I N I O R E O N E S S buzzers, for short 43 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, conclusion
sales receipt LOS ANGELES >> ABC’s “The lorette,” was to have joined
O M E N V O G U E 13 …, e.g.
31 Subject of some 55 Sass Bachelor” says he’s willing in the ABC conference call
E R I N E P I S T L E S 11 Magnate 44 Pens
biomedical to take the heat for dump- but dropped out for sched-
L E N O M I T S N O J O K E 12 Subjects of research 45 Yours, in Tours 56 Over there ing Becca Kufrin to find uling reasons, the network
O C T O P O D U B E R the Second true love with runner-up said.
P R E M E D I T A T E D Commandment Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past Lauren Burnham. That left Burnham to
E U G E N E E M E R G E N C 13 Endangered state puzzles, ($39.95 a year).
“Would I do it all again defend her man, who’d
bird Read about and comment on each puzzle: and face this scrutiny to be proposed to her on Tues-
18 Beach look? with her? Absolutely,” Arie day’s “The Bachelor: Af-
Luyendyk Jr. said Wednes- ter the Final Rose” after
day during a teleconfer- reaching out to her behind
Bridge By Phillip Alder ence with reporters. the scenes while engaged
His decision to break up to Kufrin.
Can you squeeze out an extra winner? with Kufrin during Mon- Burnham called Luyen-
day’s season finale after dyk her “soulmate” but ad-
In “Through the Looking Glass”, Lewis When the dummy came down, South he’d proposed drew head- mitted some hesitancy in
Carroll wrote a song for the White saw that he had only 12 tricks: two lines including the words accepting his change of
Knight that includes the couplet, “Or spades, six hearts, one diamond and “horror,” “brutal” and “gut- heart.
madly squeeze a right-hand foot / Into a three clubs. But maybe clubs were 3-3; wrenching.”
left-hand shoe.” or if West had at least four clubs, he Luyendyk defended the
Many bridge players feel that way about would be the victim of a madly squeeze! spectacle of ending their But she
squeeze plays; that they work only South won with dummy’s diamond engagement on network defended
when in an expert’s hand. But some- ace, drew trumps, played off the top TV.
spades, crossed to his hand with a club “I wanted everyone to Luyendyk, sort
times one will occur inexorably, without
declarer having to do anything more and cashed the rest of his trumps, just know that the breakup was of, saying she
than cash winners and watch the one keeping an eye open for the diamond on me and that I made a didn’t think he
mistake,” he said, add-
specific card. queen.
ing that the relationship threw her over
How does that apply in this seven-heart With five cards left, dummy had the started on camera and it for Burnham to
deal after West leads the diamond diamond jack and four clubs. South held
king? South’s two-heart rebid prom- one heart, one diamond and three clubs.
was appropriate to end it “maliciously to
ised a six-card or longer suit. So North West retained the diamond queen and He speculated his ex
break my heart.”
jumped straight into Roman Key Card four clubs. But what could he discard might even be thankful
Blackwood to learn that his partner on the last heart? He was squeezed. for it.
had the club ace and heart king-queen. When he threw a club, declarer dis- Although she handled
With many chances for a 13th winner, carded dummy’s diamond jack, then ran it graciously for the show, “It did take some reas-
North plunged into seven hearts. the clubs. Kufrin unloaded after- surance, but the fact he
ward about having her ro- was willing to take that
mantic dreams publicly risk meant a lot to me,”
SIX-WORD STORIES crushed. she said. She’s moving
“It was like a slap in the from Texas to Arizona to

Tell IJ your short, short tales of luck face,” she told People mag-
azine. But she defended
Luyendyk, sort of, saying
she didn’t think he threw
be with Luyendyk as they
plan their wedding.
She said she “feels” for
Kufrin and is eager to see
Marin Independent Journal and beyond? laugh or cry or feel some- ing, and don’t write the her over for Burnham to her as the next “Bachelor-
For March, please share thing. And please, we’ll be story in the subject line of “maliciously to break my ette.”
It comes in like a lion, with the IJ a six-word story extremely grateful if you the email. heart.” Luyendyk said he stands
it creates a certain kind — just one — about luck, include your full name Send your six-word story She got a boost from by the outcome and his
of “madness” and it has whether you’ve had it or and your Marin home- to billboards reportedly put happiness.
many of us wearing green not, or what you’re hoping town, write your short by March 16 with “Six- up by fans in her native “I could have done
and wishing for the luck of for. Please make it a story story in the body of the Word Story” in the subject state: “Becca, you’ll always things in a different way,
the Irish. March is on its with a beginning, mid- email (please, no attach- line. Then look for the sto- have a rose from Minne- for sure. But ultimately
way, and who couldn’t use dle and end, and not just ments), use proper punc- ries in the March 27 life- sota,” one digital message I needed to do what was
a bit of luck — in March six adjectives — make us tuation and check spell- styles section and online. proclaimed. best for me.”

A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 7:00 Celebrate

The Shape of Water (R) 6:50, 9:40 Black Panther (PG-13) 12:40, 1:30, The 15:17 to Paris (PG-13) 2:35
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Game Night (R) 7:30, 10:00 3:40, 4:35, 6:40, 7:40 Fifty Shades Freed (R) 1:10, 4:00
Darkest Hour (PG-13) 12:25, 3:45, 6:50 (PG-13) (10:00, 12:40, 3:20) 6:30, 9:45
Red Sparrow (R) 6:30, 9:35 Annihilation (R) 12:45, 3:50, 6:45, 9:30
A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 7:00 Peter Rabbit (PG) 12:00, 2:25, 4:50, 7:15 Fifty Shades Freed (R) (11:50, 5:30)
Red Sparrow (R) 12:20, 3:30, 6:40 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 7:30
A Wrinkle in Time 3D (PG) RealD
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, • Best Bets • Lib at Large A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 7:00, 9:50
Black Panther (PG-13) (10:00, 10:30,
3D 9:35
Missouri (R) 12:15, 3:30
• Film • Theater Black Panther (PG-13) 1:15, 4:20, 5:50,
11:00, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 4:30,

• Dining & Food • Events Calendar 6:50, 7:30, 9:00, 10:00

5:00) 6:00, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00
Peter Rabbit (PG) (10:15, 11:15, 12:45,
Dunkirk (PG-13) 5:05
• Sports and more! Black Panther (PG-13) 12:00, 3:10,
1:45, 4:00) 6:30, 9:00
Faces Places (PG) 3:10 6:20, 9:30
Jane (PG) 1:15 Death Wish (R) 11:40, 1:10, 2:25, 3:45, PLUS
Contact us
Vicki Larson, Plus Life,; Derek Arild,
La Boda de Valentina (R) (1:20, 4:00)
Black Panther (PG-13) 11:30, 2:40
C1 LIFE+SPORTS Plus Sports,

Thursday, May 8, 2014 » MORE


5:10, 7:45, 10:25


National Theatre Live: Hamlet 6:40, 9:15

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Black Panther (PG-13) 12:30, 3:40
(NR) 7:30
Early Man (PG) (10:45)

Missouri (R) 11:00, 1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:55

Hurdler Monica Bi poses with
some equipment on Tuesday at

Death Wish (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:40

Tamalpais High School in Mill
Valley, Calif.

Tam’s Bi

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

for 100,
Senior is known
for her consistent
Early Man (PG) 12:15 Annihilation (R) (11:00, 12:35, 1:45,
(PG-13) 11:05, 1:55, 4:40, 7:35, 10:20
JOURNAL performance
an Easter service at Red Hill Church on

On the hunt
Easter egg as she sits on a table during By Ed Yevelev
Jayani Lattiebudaire, 1, plays with a plastic
@marinij on Twitter

4:30, 5:25) 7:15, 9:50

It’s every hurdler’s nightmare
scenario, and Monica Bi was glad

Every Day (PG-13) 2:40

she experienced it early.

Fifty Shades Freed (R) 11:15, 4:25,

Now a Tam High senior stand-
out, she looks back and laughs at
her own moment — a miscalcu-
lated timing and jump, leading to
a face-first fall onto the track dur-
ing a practice.
“I ate it really really hard,” she
joked. “But it wasn’t that bad. It
was actually kind of good that it » @The_Janis_Mara on Twitter happened.”
Janis Mara »
Bi said it was helpful in remov-
a tree in the courtyard at San Anselmo’s

ing some nervousness — some-

Red Sparrow (R) (10:00, 10:45, 1:00,

Red-haired Levi Lokkesmoe, 5, shot toward ball — thing she has rarely shown in at-
Sunday, basket in hand and eye on the tacking the hurdles for the past
Red Hill Church at warp speed Easter

Game Night (R) 1:00, 4:10, 7:05, 9:40

four years. A top MCAL contender
resident scooped up a neon orange plastic
er, egg. In one fell swoop, the San Rafael
in both the 100 and 300 races this
we got here, his eyes were big as saucers. spring, Bi is known not just for her
pseudo-ovum concealed in the roots. “When consistent performance, but also
eggs!’” said his mother, Angie Lokkesmoe, her bubbly, fun-loving personality
He said, ‘Mom, it’s my turn to hunt for egg hunt — even in the tensest of races.
and adults who took part in the Easter Hurdler Monica Bi puts on her
one of the crowd of about 200 children

The Greatest Showman (PG) 12:10,

shoes at practice on Tuesday, Apr.
15, 2014, at Tamalpais High School
after church services that morning. in Mill Valley, Calif. (Frankie
“I was afraid Frost⁄Marin
Hurdler Monica Bi puts on her
The hunt was broken down into age
categories, the little shoes at practice on Tuesday, Apr.

1:45, 2:30, 4:00, 4:45) 7:00, 7:45, 8:30,

a some-
but even the youngest children exhibitedthe wild ones would 15, 2014, at Tamalpais High School
what disconcerting ferocity in stalking earlier not leave in Mill Valley, Calif. (Frankie

Gringo (R) 7:10, 9:45

Easter egg. “I was joking with the Frost⁄Marin Independent Jour-

Black Panther (PG-13) 3:45, 10:15

and asked, ‘Is there blood out there?’”
said Pas- anything nal) Frankie Frost
tor Michael Snearly. for the older “She’s always the one breaking
egg hunt,”
“This is our first year for the Easter ones because that tension. She always brings

2:45, 5:15, 7:50, 10:25

dd b

Black Panther 3D (PG-13) RealD 3D Paddington 2 (PG) 11:25, 2:00, 4:30, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle 10:00
12:30, 7:00 7:10, 9:40
(PG-13) 12:50, 3:50 Game Night (R) (10:10, 12:00, 2:20, 3:10,
Black Panther (PG-13) 10:55, 11:45, Find it in print or online at
12:35, 2:15, 3:05, 3:55, 6:25, 7:15, 9:45, Peter Rabbit (PG) 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 4:50) 7:10, 8:10, 9:35
7:10, 9:35 Every Day (PG-13) (11:30, 2:00, 4:30)
Black Panther 3D (PG-13) RealD 3D
1:25, 4:45 Download it for free at the AppStore The Post (PG-13) 12:50, 3:35, 6:45, 9:30 7:00, 9:30
Peter Rabbit (PG) 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, Red Sparrow (R) 6:40, 9:50 Death Wish (R) (10:20, 11:50, 12:50,
Death Wish (R) 11:40, 2:30, 5:20, 8:00,
7:30, 10:05
10:35 Red Sparrow (R) 12:15, 3:20 2:30, 3:20, 5:00, 5:50) 7:30, 8:20, 10:00
The 15:17 to Paris (PG-13) 1:50, 7:20
Black Panther (PG-13) 10:00, 12:00, Early Man (PG) 12:15, 2:35, 4:50
1:10, 2:10, 3:10, 4:20, 6:20, 7:30, 9:30, 10:30 Game Night (R) 12:25, 2:50, 5:20, 7:55,
digitalfirst | M E D I A
The Shape of Water (R) 11:50
The Strangers: Prey at Night (R)
Black Panther 3D (PG-13) 11:00, 5:10 10:30
Peter Rabbit (PG) 10:20, 1:30, 4:10, A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 7:00, 9:50 7:15, 9:30
6:45, 9:15 A Wrinkle in Time 3D (PG) RealD
NT Live: Hamlet Encore 2018
3D 8:20 Loveless (R) 6:00, 8:45 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 7:00
Game Night (R) 11:20, 2:00, 4:40, 7:15, (NR) 7:00
Gringo (R) 7:10, 9:55 Lady Bird (R) 2:00, 4:25 The Party (R) 4:30, 6:30, 8:15
10:00 Black Panther (PG-13) 3:30, 6:45
The Strangers: Prey at Night (R) The Shape of Water (R) 10:40, 1:35,
Annihilation (R) 10:40, 1:20, 4:00 4:30, 7:20 A Fantastic Woman (R) 3:45
7:20, 9:30 Darkest Hour (PG-13) 3:45, 7:00
Red Sparrow (R) 12:20, 3:45, 7:05, 10:15 Every Day (PG-13) 11:55, 2:20, 4:55 I, Tonya (R) 10:30, 1:15, 4:05 2018 Oscar Nominated Short
A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 7:00, 9:45 Phantom Thread (R) 10:25, 1:20, Call Me by Your Name (R) 3:55, 6:50 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing,
The Hurricane Heist (PG-13) 7:05, Films: Animated (NR) 6:15
4:15, 7:10
A Wrinkle in Time 3D (PG) 8:15 9:35 Annihilation (R) 11:15, 2:00, 4:45, 7:30 Darkest Hour (PG-13) 4:20, 7:15 Missouri (R) 3:20
2018 Oscar Shorts Live Action
For Hearing Wheelchair Red Sparrow (R) 12:30, 3:50, 7:00
Impaired 6 Accessible 5 Bargain Shows in ( )
Thoroughbreds (R) 7:25 (NR) (4:00) 8:30
Showtimes Valid: Thursday, March 8, 2018
6 | B

If kid broke it, do Horoscope

By Eugenia Last
NEA Crossword

the adults ‘buy it’? THURSDAY, MARCH 8

Pisces (Feb. 20-March

20) — Opening up about
DEAR AMY » My young problems with their fam- the way you feel can
daughter recently had a ily, either. backfire on you. Someone’s
slumber party. What are your motives will appear to be
One of her friends thoughts? aligned with yours, but in
was playing on my hus- — Wondering the end, you are likely to
band’s iPad, and while DEAR WONDERING » You
face a rude awakening.
walking away with it, she don’t say how old these Aries (March 21-April
dropped it and shattered children are, but your 19) — Make a point of go-
the screen. husband (presumably) ing over your finances and
My husband jokingly was in charge of the getting your taxes in order.
said, “You break it, you group while you were You’ll discover a way to
bought it.” I think this gone, and so I’d say that save a little cash.
scared her. She went into when an adult hands a Taurus (April 20-May
my daugh- child an iPad — or doesn’t 20) — An emotional dis-
ter’s room take it from her — then: closure of information will
and hid “If she breaks it, YOU end in personal loss or pain.
under bought it.” Choose your words wisely
a blanket. Your husband already or you’ll destroy a good
She cried “joked” his way into scar- friendship.
Amy for a long ing this girl. I give you all Gemini (May 21-June
Dickinson time. Be- credit for working hard to 20) — You’ll be faced with
Ask Amy cause I was comfort her. questions that you don’t
out taking It would be appropri- want to answer. Emotional
another child home, I ate for the neighbors to manipulation may seem like
was not home when it help their child to write a a good idea, but you’ll still
happened. note — or contact you to have to face the facts at
I texted the child’s say, “We are so sorry this the end of the day.
father (our neighbor happened. We hope you’ll Cancer (June 21-July
across the street) to understand and forgive 22) — One of your peers is
tell him she acciden- our daughter, and we’ll likely to withhold informa-
tally broke the iPad and try to find a way to make tion. Deception is apparent,
that she was inconsol- things right.” along with underhanded-
able. When she finally It does not sound ness and someone trying to
emerged, my husband like these neighbors take credit for something
told her that he wasn’t have it together enough you did. Protect your rights.
mad at her and that we to do this — either that, Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
like her very much. She or the fact that your — Have some fun with
seemed somewhat com- husband has had “nega- friends or the peers you
forted by this. tive interactions” with have the most in com-
Since then, we have them in the past (what, mon with. Participating
not been contacted by the exactly, does that entail?) in events that you find
parents or received an has intimidated them into stimulating will bring about
apology. paralysis. positive change.
My husband would If the crack isn’t Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept.
like them to replace the too bad, you can put a 22) — Problems at home
iPad screen, but they screen protector over will leave you feeling emo-
have three children the (cracked) screen and tionally uncertain. Before
and not a lot of money. carry on using it. you end up in a vulnerable
Still, it would be nice The lesson here — position, question how
if they would offer for all of you — is that, honest both you and the
something. in life, stuff happens. It person you are dealing with
My husband can be is important to be for- are being.
very grumpy, and in the giving and to move for- Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.
past, has had some nega- ward with integrity, 23) — You may want a
even if you don’t get change of scenery, but
tive interactions with this
what you want, or if oth- confusion and delays
ers don’t behave in the while traveling are appar-
My daughter is afraid
optimal way. ent. Make sure you leave
that if he says something,
her friend won’t want to enough time for a detour.
You can contact Amy
come over anymore, be- Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov.
Dickinson via email:
22) — Uncertainty will
cause she is already afraid askamy@amydickinson.
play on your emotions. Celebrity Cipher By Luis Campos
of my husband. com and follow her on
I do not want to cause Don’t trust anyone with
Twitter @askingamy. Instructions: Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people,
information regarding your
financial, medical or legal past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands for another.
Sudoku matters.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-
Dec. 21) — Your easygo-
ing attitude will change if
someone tries to control
you or make decisions that
will affect you.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-
Jan. 19) — Before you give
cash to someone, make
sure you know where your
money is going. You’ll be
taken advantage of if you
let someone prey on your
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
19) — Honesty in business
and when dealing with
peers and partners will
be important. Romance is

Daytime movies
7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
9:00 a.m. Babe (1995,
Comedy) TMC The (2) KTVU 2 BigBang BigBang Gotham (N) Apollo "Week 2" (N) News (N) News (N) Modern
adventures of an orphaned (4) KRON 4 InsEd. ET KRON4News (N) KRON 4 News (N) KRON 4 News (N) Law & Order: C.I.
piglet who dreams of (5) KPIX 5 Feud Judy BBang Sheldon Mom (N) Pieces S.W.A.T. (N) News (N) Colbert
Answer to Previous Puzzle becoming a champion sheep (7) KGO 7 Jeop. (N) Wheel Grey's Anatomy (N) Scandal (N) With Murder (N) News (N) Kimmel
herder. (9) KQED 9 Martha Check Queen (N) 'TVPG' Rolling Stones (N) 'TVPG' Music (P)
Instructions: 10:05 a.m. G.I. Jane (1997, (11) KNTV 3 Extra Access Super (N) A.P. Bio WGrace Champion Chicago Fire (N) News (N) Tonight
The object is Drama) SHOW A tough navy (14) KDTV 14 Rosa Guadalupe El Rico y Lazaro Papa a Toda Madre Por Amar Sin Ley Noticias Noticie.

to place the intelligence officer fights (20) KOFY 13 ABC 7 News (N) Last Man Last Man ABC7 News (N) Corrupt Mystery Jokers News (N)
numbers 1 to 9 to become the first female
(22) KRCB 22 Belly Slimdown 'TVPG' Queen (N) 'TVPG' Food: What the Heck 'TVPG'
in the empty Navy SEAL trainee.
(26) KTSF 8 Chinese News (N) Stylish Man Nothing Gold-Stay Chinese News (N) iWalker
squares so that 11:30 a.m. Conan the
Barbarian (1982, Fantasy) (32) KMTP 32 Journal Quadriga Arts Arts World World Arts Arts Journal Bundes.
each row, each AMC After a childhood spent (36) KTVU+ 6 News (N) News (N) Modern Modern BigBang BigBang Seinfeld Seinfeld TMZ News
column and in slavery, a man hunts down (43) KCSM 17 News Native Backstge Voyager All-Star Orchestra Roadtrip Nation Julia Robinson
each 3x3 box the one who massacred his (44) KBCW 12 Goldberg Goldberg Supernatural (N) Arrow (N) NightB. 2 Broke Fam.Guy Fam.Guy
contains the tribe. (54) KQEH 28 Nature 'TVG' Brain Secrets 'TVPG' Food: What the Heck 'TVPG'
number only once. 12:20 p.m. The Time (65) ION 16 Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods
Traveler’s Wife (2009,
HBO 551 Movie News (N) <+ Live by Night (‘16, Cri) 'TVMA' (:10) Real Sports (:10) Here and Now
Drama) HBO A librarian, who
travels through time when MAX 561 (5:30) Movie Mob <+++ Watchmen (‘09, Act) Malin Akerman. 'TVMA' <++ Volcano (‘97, Act) 'TV14'

under stress, tries to live a SHOW 576 Homeland <+++ Unbreakable (‘00, Myst) 'TV14' The Chi "Wallets" Cartoon Homeland
stable life. STZ ENC 518 (:10) <++ Dear John (‘10, Dra) 'TV14' <+++ Footloose 'TVPG' (:50) <+++ Flashdance 'TVMA'
2:00 p.m. Free State TCM 501 (6:45) < To Kill a Mockingbird 'TVPG' (:15) <+++ Poltergeist (‘82, Hor) 'TV14' Movie
of Jones (2016, Action) TMC 591 6:15 < A Rising Tide < Charlie Wilson's War (:45) <++ Free State of Jones (‘16, Act) 'TV14'
TMC Newton Knight, A&E 47 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 60 Days In (N) (:05) The First 48
after deserting from the AMC 49 (5:) < Open Range <+++ Young Guns (‘88, West) Emilio Estevez. 'TV14' <++ Young Guns II 'TV14'
Find the 7 words to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses Confederacy, leads a
© 2018 Blue Ox Family Games, Inc., Dist. by Andrews McMeel

represent the number of letters in each solution. Each letter rebellion against them. ANPL 51 Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law
combination can be used only once, but all letter combinations BRAVO 48 Top Chef Top Chef Top Chef (N) Top Chef "Finale" Watch Tardy...
2:30 p.m. Hang ‘Em High
will be necessary to complete the puzzle. (1968, Western) AMC After COMC 63 6:50 Office :25 Office Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily S. Oppositi
surviving his own hanging, DISC 29 Street Outlaws To Be Announced Outlaws Fast "The Race Is On" (N) 'TV14' (:15) Twin Turbos
CLUES SOLUTIONS a cowboy vows revenge on E! 64 E! News (N) <++ Bring It On (‘00, Com) 'TV14' The Kardashians E! News
those who tried to murder FOOD 34 Chopped Chopped Chopped BeatFlay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay
1 operating a car (7) ___________ him. FX 36 Movie <+++ Jurassic World (‘15, Adv) Chris Pratt. 'TV14' Atlanta Atlanta (:15) Atlanta
2 most inconsistent (9) ___________ 3:45 p.m. Flashdance HIST 62 Swamp People Swamp: Blood (N) Swamp People (N) (:05) Truck Night (N) (:05) Truck Night

(1983, Drama) STZ ENC A HALL 66 F.House F.House F.House F.House Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls
3 crushing and soaking (10) ___________ welder’s dream of becoming LIFE 46 Runway ProjectR PR Stars Social (N) Project Runway (N) (:05) Glam Masters Project Runway
4 set up a perimeter (6) ___________ a professional dancer proves
more difficult than she OXY 73 NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS "Patience" NCIS
5 where Geneva is located (11) ___________ thought. SPIKE 45 Friends Friends Friends Friends Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync <++ Horrible Bosses 'TV14'
5:00 p.m. High Noon SYFY 160 6: < The Last Witc... (:15) <++ Gods of Egypt (‘16, Adv) Gerard Butler. 'TV14' The Magicians
6 prevailing against (10) ___________ (1952, Western) TCM A TBS 35 Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Conan (N)
7 take off (6) ___________ marshal on the verge of TLC 50 My 600-lb Life My 600-lb Life To Be Announced Family by the Ton My 600-lb Life
retirement must face a TNT 37 5: Basket. NBA Basketb. San Antonio vs Golden State (L) 'TVG' Inside the NBA NBA Basketball
vengeful gunman and his USA 42 Law & Order: S.V.U. Law & Order: S.V.U. American Ninja (N) Law & Order: S.V.U. Law & Order: S.V.U.
RE DRIV PA SWIT RAT 5:20 p.m. Out of Time
WGN 33 Messenger Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Mother Mother
CSN 40 6: Central The Happy Hour Dan Patrick Show SportsNet (N) Warriors Warriors

(2003, Crime Story) STZ

ESPN 38 (6:00) NCAA Basketball 'TVG' SportsCenter (N) 'TVG' SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
FE AND CE ING TCH ENC A Florida police chief
must solve a double murder CNBC 58 Jay Leno's Garage Jay Leno's Garage Jay Leno's Garage Jay Leno's Garage Paid Program
before he himself falls under CNN 56 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight A. Cooper 360 A. Cooper 360 CNN Tonight

suspicion. CSPAN 15 (6:00) Politics & Public Policy Today The day's major public affairs and political events. 'TVG'
6:45 p.m. To Kill a FNC 59 Ingraham Angle Fox News @ Night Tucker Carlson Hannity Ingraham Angle
Mockingbird (1962, MSNBC 60 The Last Word (N) The 11th Hour (N) Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour
MA MOVE NC ING OVE Drama) TCM A young girl
FREE 52 5: < Miss Congen... Beyond (N) <++ Miss Congeniality (‘00, Com) 'TV14' The 700 Club
grows up quickly when her

Previous Answers: 1. TIRESOME 2. VACUOUSLY 3. HUGE father defends a black man DISN 55 Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bizaard. Bizaard. Gravity Gravity StuckM. Bizaard.
4. DEBITED 5. MOTORMOUTH 6. STAYING 7. SCORPIONS 3/8 charged with rape. NICK 53 Knight Sponge <++ Puss in Boots (‘11, Ani) 'TVPG' F.House F.House Friends Friends
| 7


ZITS Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman SHERMAN’S LAGOON Jim Toomey

MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM Mike Peters WUMO Wulff & Morgenthaler

THE DUPLEX Glenn McCoy LUANN Greg Evans

BABY BLUES Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman BALDO Hector D. Cantu & Carlos Castellanos

BLONDIE Dean Young & John Marshall BIG NATE Lincoln Peirce

SIX CHIX Bannerman, Shulock, Piccolo, Gibbons, Epstein & Piro TAKE IT FROM THE TINKERSONS Bill Bettwy

TUNDRA Chad Carpenter PICKLES Brian Crane

8 | B

A Community Partnership to Strengthen Nonprofits • Visit

Gain work skills via Sustainable Marin
A number of Marin non-profit groups are working
with government and businesses to make our
community more environmentally and economically
sustainable over the long term. Volunteers are sought
through Sustainable Marin to aid these organizations
with marketing, speaking and technical skills. High
school students are welcome to earn community
service points. Get information at sustainablemarin.

Library reading tutors needed

Volunteers are needed at San Rafael’s Pickleweed
Library on Tuesday evenings to help new readers
build their skills. They need assistance with
pronunciation, helping with difficult words,
introducing new words, posing and answering
questions to increase comprehension, and general MOUNTAIN PLAY GALA: Mountain Play Association held its annual fundraising gala, ”Thank You for the Music,” to
concepts. Get information at benefit the 2018 production of “Mamma Mia!” The highlight of the November gathering was a Broadway revue featuring
past and present Mountain Play stars. Partiers included (from left) 2018 Mountain Play Director Jay Manley with Bob
and Donys Powell. The Mountain Play will present “Mamma Mia!” for its 105th season opening on Sunday, May 20.
– Photo by Gary Ferber

Orchestra performs in Mill Valley
Russian Chamber Orchestra presents a program of Outdoor
Vivaldi, Bizet and Mozart, with soloists Mariya Borozina
and Ann Zanrosso, on March 11 at Mt. Tamalpais United
Methodist Church in Mill Valley. Learn more
Marin County senior forum slated
California Alliance for Retired Americans
is sponsoring a free presentation about what’s TAMALPA AWARD:
happening to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Actor Ian Swift was presented with the
on March 20, 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. at Congregation Rodef Tamalpa Award by Mountain Play’s
Sholom in San Rafael. Light refreshments will be Executive Director Sara Pearson and Eileen
served. RSVP at (415) 342-7135 or (415) 492-8160 or Grady, Mountain Play artistic producer (from
left). The award is presented annually in
email More information can
acknowledgement of an individual’s lifetime
be found at
support of the development and evolution of
the Mountain Play.
Mayflower Chorus Mardi Gras – Photo by Gary Ferber
The Mayflower Choral Society invites all to “Party
Like It’s Mardi Gras!” on March 24 at the Corte
Madera Recreation Center. Costumes are encouraged.
The event includes a tribute to Marilyn Izdebski, a
Marin County theater arts teacher and producer, a
Cajun-style menu, extensive silent and live auctions
and DJ music and dancing. Reservations are $50
through March 6 and $60 afterward and can be made
online (with service charge) at
Get information at OUTDOOR CLASSROOM:
The Terwilliger Nature Education Legacy’s
Women’s Dipsea hike approaches mission is to share Elizabeth Terwilliger’s
The Women’s Dipsea hike was the first women’s love of nature with millions of children
through “Tripping with Terwilliger”
cross-country running event in the United States.
educational award-winning films. Films
A tribute hike will take place on Mount Tamalpais’ can be downloaded from terwilligerfilms.
Dipsea Trail on April 21, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Girls and org. Pictured are filmmakers documenting
women ages 8 to 100-plus can register at Terwilliger’s outdoor classroom.
– Photo courtesy of the Terwilliger Nature Education Legacy
news/2018-02-02-womenshike.php. Registration is
limited to the first 500 women.

Get noticed: Listings, photos sought

Nonprofits: Do you have an upcoming event,
ongoing volunteer opportunities, or photos from
recent events that you’d like to share with our
readers? Send information and high resolution photos




Please visit to learn how you can get involved.

Giving Marin is a special Community Partnership Initiative with significant financial support
from the Marin Community Foundation and these community-minded business partners.
These partners are making a difference in Marin County by donating advertising space and
funding to nonprofit organizations that provide critical services to those who most need it.

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