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Class No:
Network Topology (Activity Guideline) – Set 2 Ring Network

Figure 1 Diagram of the star network

1. What is Star Topology?
 A star topology is designed with each node (file server, workstations, and peripherals)
connected directly to a central network hub, switch, or concentrator
2. How is Star Topology Connected?
 In this type of network topology, each node of the network is connected to a central node,
which is known as a hub.
3. How to send message in a Star Network?
 To send a message from one End Device to another, the message must be sent via the Co-
ordinator, which relays the message to the destination.
1. Assign role to each group member:
Role Number of student Student Number
Workstation (Computer)

Central Node 1
Message / Data to be sent

Presenter 1

2. Complete the following tasks:

1. Presenter describe “What is Star Topology?”
At the same time Group members act as the “Star Network”
2. Presenter describe “How is Ring Topology Connected computers?”
Group members continue act as the “Star Network”
3. Presenter describe “How to send message in a Star Network?”
Group members act as the “Bus Network” and a message is sent from Workstation 1 to
Workstation 2.

3. What is the disadvantage of “StarTopology”?

Prepared by May Lau 2011

Network Topology (Activity Guideline) – Set 2 Ring Network

Prepared by May Lau 2011

Network Topology (Activity Guideline) – Set 2 Ring Network

Answer the following questions about “Bus Topology”

1. What is “Bus Topology”?

2. How “Bus Network” connected? (Draw the network diagram, describe how it is connected)


3. How to send message in a “Bus Network”?

4. What is the disadvantage of “Bus Topology”?

Prepared by May Lau 2011

Network Topology (Activity Guideline) – Set 2 Ring Network

Prepared by May Lau 2011

Network Topology (Activity Guideline) – Set 2 Ring Network

Answer the following questions about “Ring Topology”

5. What is “Ring Topology”?

6. How “Ring Network” connected? (Draw the network diagram, describe how it is connected)


7. How to send message in a “Ring Network”?

8. What is the disadvantage of “Ring Topology”?

Prepared by May Lau 2011

Network Topology (Activity Guideline) – Set 2 Ring Network

Prepared by May Lau 2011

Network Topology (Activity Guideline) – Set 2 Ring Network

Answer the following questions about “Star Topology”

9. What is “Star Topology”?

10. How “Star Network” connected? (Draw the network diagram, describe how it is connected)


11. How to send message in a “Star Network”?

12. What is the disadvantage of “Star Topology”?

Prepared by May Lau 2011

Network Topology (Activity Guideline) – Set 2 Ring Network

Prepared by May Lau 2011

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