Final Platform

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Domestic Policy

Tort reform

Party Storm will work to minimize the number of cases filed under tort reform. It

supports the goal of preventing any type of backlog in courts. Abolishing the American rule and

reinstating the collateral source rule. Party storm will be reinstating caps on economic damages

to protect small business and abolishing caps on non-economic damage cases as there can be no

value placed on human life.

Prison reform

Party Storm will be implementing a multi-layered program that ensures the safety of all

members involved and allows for inmates to gain the opportunity to work in order to participate

in our other associated programs dealing with reintegration and rehabilitation. Our party would

be able to provide a total of 98,300 jobs for all the possibly eligible inmates out of our current

2.3 million prisoners. An additional 985,300 prisoners would be released due to having only

minor drug charges and would instead be mandatorily required to participate in our rehabilitation

program saving us a total of around $9.2 billion to $17.6 billion a year in maintenance costs.

Project FLASH is a program that will revolve around analyzing and improving the work

programs present in prisons nationwide, our WIND initiative plans to help inmates struggling

with drug addictions while imprisoned and provide rehabilitation, and finally Party Storm plans

to implement a reintegration program to take the prisoners who have learned skills via project

FLASH and introduce them as a productive society member once their sentence is up. For

prisons, Party Storm will make sure that prisoners who are in prison or jail for extensive periods-

over three weeks- will be given frequent mental checkups in addition to regular ones and will

also have access to a therapist and/or psychiatrist.

Medical research

Party Storm will institute our plan to increase funding to medical research institutes,

primarily the NIH, by 25% within the next fiscal year. By doing so, we will establish research as

a priority of ours in order to broaden our knowledge of medicine and better serve the people in

our country. Party Storm will also establish a Board of Research Review (BRR), in order to

ensure that we do not cross any ethical lines when conducting research. All research projects that

receive funding through the National Health Institutes will be responsible for gaining approval

by the Board of Research Review by submitting a form that will be available on the Board of

Research Review’s website.


Party Storm intends to improve the infrastructure for our country with three simple goals

in mind. To match our goals with renewable energy and provide safety and a sense of security

for all Americans, we will renovate and make nuclear power facilities safer, and more efficient.

In addition, we will implement programs to encourage states to improve highways and road

systems and implement new long distance reliable public transportation.

Renewable energy

Our party will accomplish a decrease in fossil fuel usage by around 50% in thirty years,

giving companies and citizens a good amount of time to adjust jobs, power plants, or energy

information. The practical impact of this plan would be it will lower the number of greenhouse

gases that the U.S. produces, it would increase jobs around the nation, and it would help the U.S.

in becoming independent from fossil fuels. In the U.S., all types of alternative energies exist,

with my program we will increase Nuclear power, Wind power, and geothermal power with

intent, and slightly fund hydro and solar power. We will focus on improving existing power
plants in the U.S. by making them safer and more efficient, increasing the number of wind farms

in states where they will provide the most energy, and most importantly as we increase our

energy production in alternative energies we will focus on pressuring the reduction of energy

produced through non-renewable energies, especially fossil fuels and those that damaged the

environment the most.


At Party Storm, we plan to reduce the unnecessary subsidies to farmers, over $20 billion

a year, which we will implement over time, in $1 billion. Increments for the next 6 years.

Eventually only subsidizing $14 billion. Farmers with a large yearly income over $400 thousand,

will no longer receive subsidies so that the reduced subsidy amount can be distributed to those

poorer farmers who actually need the subsidies. We will also implement more diverse subsidies

to help discourage farming and encourage crop rotation practices.

Water conservation

Party Storm is addressing the drought problems plaguing many parts of the US right now

and creating programs similar to those that California implemented in the recent past to address

their unique situation. We intend to implement a cap on daily water usage to 70 gallons per

person, gradually decreasing one gallon per year as the drought problems persist, ending when

the environment stabilizes, and by reevaluating ever the third year. Residents will pay the same

rates on water usage, only increasing should they pass their cap, by 50% a gallon.


Party Storm will continue the current regulations on GMO research, having different

states’ institutions place their own views on how to regulate each topic. Storm will not fund

GMO research but will mandate labels required for them.

Puerto Rico

The U.S. will grant Puerto Rico statehood; Granting Puerto Rico statehood would give

them a chance to rebuild their economy and fortify their infrastructure. Along with helping

Puerto Rico economically and the overall well being of people there are political benefits for

people in Puerto Rico and the Hispanic population altogether.

Space exploration

Party Storm plans to increase funding to the SpaDE program in order to help fix the

growing problem of space debris orbiting the planet and interfering with many of NASA’s

operations and eliminate safety concerns associated with the space debris problem. In addition,

as the debris becomes less of an issue, NASA will partner with private companies such as

SpaceX to focus upon Mars in the coming years, and achieving a man on mars in the near future,

but the space debris epidemic needs to be addressed first.


Party Storm intends to focus on protecting the government’s main Structures. To do so

we need to reduce the number of weak spots or vulnerabilities in our systems. Part of this would

be too regulatory agencies to make sure they are keeping up a standard of cybersecurity to keep

from breaches. We would also regulate the private agencies too. This would especially apply to

companies and organizations that hold sensitive information about citizens in the US. This means

that the companies would be required to notify the people involved. We will also put into place a

team, highly trained in being able to protect against hacks and breaches to respond to major

breaches that put the danger of American citizens at risk such as those that involve hospital

records or worse.

Counter-Economic Industrial Espionage

Party Storm will double every fine dictated within the Economic Espionage Act of 1996,

enforce significant jail time for individuals who lead larger groups or individually commit

economic espionage, use excess administrative measures, and work with other governments in an

attempt to create a substantial global effort to combat economic espionage. Should the

perpetrator be an individual acting without the assistance of a group, and with the knowledge that

their actions would benefit a foreign power, they may be subject to imprisonment for up to 15

years total and fined up to US$500,000 per offense. Should the perpetrator be an organization

with the understanding that their actions would benefit a foreign power, said group will be fined

up to US$10,000,000 or 3 times the value of the information to be determined by the predicted

value as held by the original organization or individual with the inclusion of expenses required to

originally obtain said information. Should the individual have knowledge that the

misappropriation would injure the original owner of said information, they may be subject to

imprisonment for up to 10 years total. Should the organization have an understanding that the

misappropriation of the information would injure the original owner of said information, they

may be subject fines up to US$5 million.

Education k-12

Party Storm intends to raise teacher’s wages, provide better training and ensure more

proper qualifications for teachers, we will also ensure that teachers have access to the teaching

resources they need without having to spend their own money. These changes will ensure that in

time, class sizes overall will decrease and students will receive the individual attention that they


Post-secondary education
Party Storm is planning to address the increasing problem of rising college tuition costs

and an inability to pay for those costs in a unique way. We will provide federal aid through a

qualification program that gives larger sums of aid to those gifted individuals living in poverty.

This will allow us to ensure that gifted individuals receive abundant financial aid without

wasting aid on those who do not require it, we also will not increase the amount of federal aid

distributed as this will only lead to colleges increasing prices further. We plan to provide

incentives to colleges to reduce tuition costs across the board and ensure ani affordable adequate

education for those who need it most.


PAS would be allowed, however, it would be limited to terminally-ill patients with less

than six months to live who are deemed competent and over the age of eighteen. In this, it would

be much more limited in the number of patients who would have this option available to them in

their end of life treatment.

Social welfare

Party Storm plans to make fundamental improvements in the previously organized

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as the SNAP program,

including increasing the number of eligible families, and simple funding increases as the

resources to distribute help to those in need are already in place, they just require proper funding.


Party Storm will take a “Housing First” approach to combat the rampant homelessness

throughout all major urban cities in the US, by utilizing hundreds of thousands of acres of

unused land, and plenty of vacant properties in major urban cities, Storm will ensure that the
homeless rate drops drastically, as currently, the .5% of US citizens that are homeless is too high,

almost 1.62 million people, and we here at Party Storm know that it needs to be addressed.

Mental Illness

Due to the shortage and inaccessibility of resources when it comes to mental health

services, Party Storm plans to take an approach of providing Early On Services to those under 18

and who are still in school. This will consist of accessible and abundant therapy services and

therapeutic counselors at public schools. Party Storm also plans to make mental wellness

services available to most insurance companies meaning: medication, therapy sessions,

psychiatric institutional stays, counseling, and more.

In terms of medical research, Party Storm will increase the amount of psychiatric

research being done, specifically into the dangers of higher doses and prescribing fairly potent

medications without trying holistic options first. To address the lack of psychiatric facilities in

this country, Party Storm plans to increase the number of psychiatric facilities to admit more

patients and will also be funded to provide a larger structure of the wards to provide more bed

and rooms, space, and outside areas. In terms of education, a denser mental health unit will be

implemented into the health course that already exists to help teens recognize symptoms they

might see in themselves and raise awareness for mental illness to help those who do not struggle

understand and help to eliminate stigma around the topic. Students will also be aware that they

can apply for a 504 plan, and if they meet the criteria, they can make the choice to make

accommodations or not.

Drug legalization

Party Storm plans to reduce the stigma against drug addiction, and first and foremost

work to help those struggling with it and struggling to help themselves and get better. Our first
step in this path is by decriminalizing marijuana, and by legalizing its recreational usage and sale

over time, the government will be able to tax its sale and provide much-needed revenue as the

underground market for the most common drug in the US will no longer be criminal and will, in

fact, be taxable and generate revenue. We will reduce sentences for possession of cocaine and

heroin, but only across minor infractions, and provide those struggling with addictions to serious

substances such as these with adequate rehabilitation.


Party Storm intends to address the growing problem of under-vaccination by creating

stricter vaccination requirements in government-run facilities, funding for research and

development will be increased, with a public education campaign launch in order to counteract

misinformation and increase public health and safety.

Corporate regulation

Party Storm intends to apply a combination of holding corporations accountable for their

actual costs and not leading a blind eye to attempts to disguise these statistics from governmental

taxing organizations. We will also prevent oligopolistic collusion, protecting workers rights, and

promoting corporations generating positive externalities.

Veterans Aid

In terms of veteran care, Party Storm plans to allow a free medical mental check

diagnosis after veterans get discharged to check for early signs of severe trauma, post-traumatic

stress disorder, and other mental illnesses. If diagnosed, veterans will be referred to a psychiatrist

for confirmation and further treatment. When given annual checkups, they will have mental

evaluations tailored to them to increase the success rate of medication and treatments diagnosed.
In addition, we will help the homeless and healthcare issues plaguing veterans throughout plans

to reduce homelessness overall and provide health coverage to all Americans.

Social security

Party Storm intends to increase taxes on the employers' side to fund Social Security more

and decrease the rate of current increasing age of retirement. This increase in funds will go to

help the homeless issue and also those disabled. We will provide a strong surplus in the social

security department to help the large baby boomer population relying on it, as well as to ensure

that the funds are not used up for future generations.

Drug trafficking

Party Storm plans to implement the RAIN (Reduced Accessibility to Illegal Narcotics)

policy to counter all forms of drug trafficking and also allocate more funds brought in from the

taxation of marijuana to improve staff training and equipment, provide funding for research into

new drug-detecting technology, provide sufficient staffing to check all commercial trucks

passing through POEs and/or checkpoints, provide funding for the effort to shut down any illegal

opioid sales online, Continue efforts with Mexico and engage with China in trying to reduce the

amount of drugs produced and sent from or through their countries and explore possible options

of fighting drug trafficking on a larger scale through the United Nations, and continue work

within communities to shut down and seize drug operations within our borders. Party Storm also

plans to implement the Umbrella Policy where Party Storm would be able to provide protection

for those seeking refuge from drug trafficking situations by placing them in the Witness

Protection Program.

Party storm intends to implement a single-payer healthcare system in the US to provide

coverage for all Americans, and we plan to do so by merging Medicaid and Medicare into this

new system. Storm plans to increase funding to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). We also plan to increase funding for the CDC

to increase research and keep people safe from adapting viruses and bacteria. Within our

universal system, coverage provided to all Americans will be physician and clinic services, as

well as prescription retail drugs. In addition, our service will not include premiums, but will still

use cost-sharing methods such as deductibles.


Party Storm will work to bust CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) and

provide regulations on the abuse and mistreatment of animals to ensure more do not develop, in

order to improve the conditions animal products are produced for sale in markets. Those

violating regulative policies by overcrowding animals or by excessive death due to the neglect of

animals will be subject to fines and the disruption of their farming practices, within reason.

Regarding Animal Testing practices, Party Storm will ensure that the only testing for animals

that are allowed is testing on products designed for animals, with proper regulation to ensure no

harm comes to our fuzzy friends. A combination of in vitro and in silico testing, with a detailed

plan on how to properly utilize both, and testing focused on toxicology methods and safety for


Job loss

Storm will return funding towards jobs and job programs back to the amounts in 2016,

before Trump’s presidency, achieving proper balance in the labor market to satisfy the needs of

both taxpayers and federal workers, benefitting the entire country as a whole, the focus will be
increased to federal jobs in areas of education, healthcare, infrastructure, and conservation, while

decreasing the spending on defense and military to fall in line with our foreign policies.

Minimum wage

Party Storm plans to raise the minimum wage to $8.50 per hour. This is a small increment

that will help those that are currently making below this value. This will have many beneficial

effects and will be a small enough change that it won't cause any small businesses to suffer

drastically, as is a common concern for policies that plan to raise the minimum wage by any

drastic amount.

Net Neutrality

Party Storm will ensure a free and open internet is available to all Americans and will

fight any intent by the FCC or any business interests to do so otherwise, in order to ensure that

net neutrality stands.

First Amendment & Hate Speech

The U.S. Constitution defines the First Amendment as a guarantee to “establishment of

religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the

press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a

redress of grievances”. Party Storm believes the First Amendment is an integral part of American

culture and should remain protected by the Federal government. Party Storm will maintain a

neutral stance upon the First Amendment and continue to guarantee the American people the

right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and the right to petition.

Hate Speech is speech that attacks an individual based on race, ethnicity, sexual

orientation, religion, or disability. Party Storm will regulate Hate Speech under the “Fighting
Words Doctrine”. Party Storm values a safe environment for free speech that does not incite


Gun Reform

The U.S. Constitution defines the Second Amendment as a guarantee to “a well regulated

Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear

Arms, shall not be infringed”. Party Storm recognizes the Second Amendment and believes gun

policies should reflect modern guns. Party Storm will raise the minimum age requirement to

purchase a firearm to 21 years old and prevent individuals with a prior history of Domestic abuse

to purchase a firearm. Additionally, Party Storm will extend the Law Enforcement Act of 1994

to ban assault weapons. Assault weapons under Party Storm’s administration will be classified as

any Long Rifle, semi-automatic weapon with a select fire option. Handguns and long rifles that

are bolt action or semi-automatic without having a select fire option will still be considered legal.


Party Storm believes in an individual’s right to choose to have an abortion and promote a

healthy pregnancy and parenthood. Therefore, Party Storm will support individuals to undergo

an abortion up to the second trimester and up to the third trimester in cases of rape, incest, or

extreme fetal complications. To provide safety and support to individuals undergoing abortion

procedures, Party Storm will repeal TRAP laws that implement restrictions that create an undue

burden on individuals seeking abortions.

The Adoption process involves Open Adoption, in which the child’s birth mother chooses

the future parent, or Closed Adoption, in which the child’s birth mother allows an adoption

agency to choose the future parent. Currently, the matter of adoption is up to the states that

enforce a separate set of requirements for adoptive parent qualifications. Party Storm believes an

individual that meets the requirements for adoption should qualify as an adoptive parent,

regardless of sexual orientation, race, and ethnic backgrounds. Therefore, Party Storm will

implement a Uniform Adoption Act that applies to all 50 states to allow qualified individuals

older than 18 years, to adopt, despite sexual orientation, race and ethnic backgrounds.

Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action is the policy to improve opportunities for historically excluded groups

in American society, which often focus on education and employment. Party Storm believes in

promoting racial and income equality by eliminating racial exclusion and enhancing the diverse

environment. Party Storm will expand Affirmative Action to cover individuals of Middle

Eastern and Asian descent. Moreover, Party Storm will expand Affirmative Action to include

income through R.A.A.I.I.N., Reform Affirmative Action, Include Income Now. Affirmative

Action will not permit schools from establishing strict quota systems and focus on socio-

economic factors in Affirmative Action to effectively promote a diverse community and success

for historically excluded groups.

Civil Liberties

Civil Liberties are freedoms and rights guaranteed to Americans that are stated in the

Constitution and Bill of Rights and implied rights through modern interpretations from courts

and legislatures. Party Storm believes civil liberties should remain protected and prevent

American individuals from unequal treatment and service based on gender, race, sexual
orientation, disability, and other unchangeable characteristics. Party Storm will maintain and

protect American civil liberties in employment, education, housing, and other public settings.

More specifically, Party Storm will recognize the right to privacy and protect it as a fundamental


Death Penalty

The Death Penalty is the punishment for crimes usually involving murder, treason,

espionage, and other felonies. Party Storm agrees with the United States Supreme Court and

believes that the death penalty constitutes a cruel and unusual punishment. Additionally, the

death penalty target minorities and the poor creates a large burden to the taxpayer due to high

expenses and is ultimately irreversible. Therefore, Party Storm will abolish the Death Penalty.

This will not only save millions of dollars but also save innocent lives that have been wrongly


Domestic and Sexual Violence

Domestic Violence refers to abusive actions between individuals in a close relationship,

including intimate partner violence, family violence, and child and elder abuse. Sexual Violence

refers to sexual acts committed without the victim’s consent, including sexual harassment,

stalking, unwanted exposure, sexual assault, and rape. Party Storm recognizes domestic and

sexual violence as serious crimes and believes all victims receive support and protection.

Therefore, Party Storm will raise penalties for domestic and sexual abuse with the addition of

counseling and increase protections against sexual harassment in the workplace. Additionally,

Party Storm will continue enforcing the Elder Abuse Victims Act, the Family Violence

Prevention and Services Act, the Violence Against Women Act, and expand Title VI protections.
Party Storm will also enforce M.I.S.T., Mandatory Instruction for the Safety of our Teams,

mandatory education of the workplace harassment.

Gender Equality

Party Storm believes gender equality is an essential component of the American Society.

Party Storm strives to protect and promote all individuals, regardless of gender. Party Storm will

support the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to enforce laws against workplace

gender discrimination as well as investigate discrimination allegations. Additionally, Party

Storm will update the Equal Wage Pay Act to eliminate wage disparity based on sex. To

encourage more gender diversity in STEM fields, Party Storm will also implement programs that

encourage and teach individuals in STEM careers.

LGBTQ+ Rights

The LGBTQ+ community includes, but is not limited to, gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans,

queer, and genderqueer individuals. Party Storm believes all members in the LGBTQ+

community deserve equal treatment and services in the United States. Therefore, Party Storm

will accept Nonbinary and Gender-Queer as legal terms for IDs and Driver’s licenses, enforce

the Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act to ban conversion therapy, and reverse the Religious

Liberty Order to prevent discrimination on sexual orientation. Party Storm values the LGBTQ+

and will promote the general welfare and stability.

Paid Family Leave

Paid Family Leave refers to partially or fully compensated time away from work for the

arrival of a new child or a serious illness of a close family member. Party Storm believes in

providing the best support to the American workforce, including Paid Family Leave. Party

Storm will implement and enforce the Family Leave Act and compensate workers up to 12
weeks of paid family leave. The Family Leave Act will require that all employers pay

employees their respective salaries while on leave.

Foreign Policy

DACA and Border Security

Party Storm will be using the policy Kachow in regards to DACA which allows DACA

children to remain in the U.S so long as they are contributing members of society, contributing

members of society being defined as a member who maintains or is preparing to maintain a

steady source of income through legal means such as going to school, holding down a steady job

etc. Within the Kachow policy, there is a no tolerance policy stating that any convicted felons or

homeless persons will be escorted back to their country of origin.

In regards to the border, security Party Storm will be implementing the sandstorm policy,

which entails maintaining a budget of $47.5 billion. This money goes toward maintaining a

strong southern border. The United States Customs and Border Protection had allotted $1.6

billion for The Wall. However, this money, within Sandstorm, will be transferred to the

Transportation Security Administration. The forecast within Sandstorm calls for adding more

scanners, computed tomography, and employees for the TSA. This would make the process of

security in airports much faster than it already is because with an increased number of scanner

there will be more than two or three scanners at each airport. In addition, an increase in

personnel would create more job opportunities for the jobless in the United States as well as

make heightening security in airports. This policy also includes the continuation of trusted

traveler programs such as Global-Entry, SENTRI, NEXUS, and FAST.

Foreign Climate and Global Warming

We here at Party Storm care about the environment and thus be rejoining the Kyoto

Protocol to make a commitment to lower greenhouse gases. Along with rejoining the Kyoto

Protocol, we will implement a carbon tax to further our commitment to the environment. Along

with these policies, Party Storm will also establish NASA Carbon Monitoring System to make

sure our carbon emissions continue to decline.

European Union

In regards to the EU, Party Storm can do very little besides supporting or denouncing the

organization. In this regards, we will be supporting the nation as it provides financial stability for

many countries in Europe, thus we will also be denouncing Britain's decision to leave the EU. As

part of our immigration policy, more refugees will be able to apply for asylum and citizenship.


Party Storm will maintain NATO to promote countries with values similar to the U.S and

allow other countries to seek out help if they desire to do so. This would mean maintaining the

current spending on this organization. If we were to leave NATO, we would fail both of our

goals, because we would be unable to help the most people and by leaving NATO we have

exited an alliance with our European Allies, which could damage our relations with them.


We will be planning to move from NAFTA to the USMCA, maintaining the current

administration's plan to slowly integrate the policy over the next 16 years and implementing the

sunset plan, reducing the price of goods that the U.S has provided the raw materials for along

with increasing American productivity and industry. Along with increasing American industry,

we will also be increasing the number of thorofare gateways, ensuring that they are well-manned

and have the proper technology to stop the import of illicit substances.
World Trade


We will maintain the current tariffs on imports from China, due to the healthcare

overhaul ensuring that the American public is well cared for along with giving the U.S some

control over China’s actions in regard to human rights violations.

Middle East

In regards to trade in the Middle East, Party Storm will be increasing trade of most

commodities, excluding those commodities that are used for conflict. This policy will help

ensure a smooth transition from U.S military involvement in the Middle East to assisting them in

creating their own independent states without creating a power vacuum.

Cuba and Venezuela

Party Storm believes in treating both countries equally and that all trade should be

normal, unrestricted trade with these countries. This would mean lifting the current embargo

with Cuba that has restricted most trade for many people of Cuba who didn’t have a specific

need for a resource such as builders. The equalization of the trade in these countries would have

to come with the requirement though that the United States Border Protection Agency and Drug

Enforcement Agency would need to make sure that within the imported goods was nothing other

than what the good actually should be

The United Nations

With regards to the United Nation maintaining the status quo will be most beneficial to

our parties objectives. As the UN is fairly effective as it stands today. We will continue to use

this organization to ensure safety, maintain peace and security for the world's population.

Party Storm recognizes that the United States, with a large, diverse population and

significant economic success, will not be able to successfully adopt another country’s

immigration policy as is. Instead, we propose a policy that is a conglomeration of existing

policies yet at the same time innovative and wholly American. An open system allowing

temporary work visas to those who qualify and an uncluttered path to citizenship for migrants

will prevent the aging of the US population, as well as provide labor for improving

infrastructure, similar to the Gulf States. This plan, Secure Access to Immigration Legalization

(SAIL), ensures that any person who has the funds to dramatically alter their life by moving to

the United States has a safe and legal method to do so. Under SAIL, visas would be available to

anyone cleared by the extensive border security, and a simple path to citizenship would be

available after 5 years of residency, job/education security, and intent to remain. This policy

would, of course, be implemented not all at once but gradually, with an expansion of the visa

system beginning at 1 million in year one, then expanding by 1 million every 5 years, until 4

million is reached, when the cap will be removed. Additionally, with visas available for all

applicants who pass security, extensive and complicated refugee policy is not necessary, as

refugees with have equal access to visas. Resettlement agencies will maintain their funding to

help victims of war and persecution builds a new life.

Latin America

El Salvador

Party Storm will continue trading through the U.S.-Central America-Dominican Republic

Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), which eliminates tariffs, opens markets, reduces barriers

to services, and promotes transparency.

Party Storm will continue trading bilaterally with Guatemala ensuring that our

relationship remains productive so that we may begin assisting in corruption illumination and

decreased human trafficking. Along with decreasing human trafficking Party Storm’s

immigration policy will decrease the amount of illegal immigration into the U.S


Party Storm will be handling the migrant problem through our immigration policy along

with holding trade over the country's head as to provide an incentive to improve so they could

begin trade with the U.S. Once the country begins to improve Party Storm will begin trade with

Honduras and begin the process of stabilizing.


To remedy this inflation, the United States must aid them by establishing exclusive trade

deals through NAFTA that will protect them from Chinese competition until their economy is

stable and the Peso’s inflation reduces back to the levels seen in 2008. Stabilization of the

economy will help to create jobs, will help to allocate money toward infrastructure, and will limit

social disruption such as individual and organized crime. However, this trade agreement does

come with a catch aimed at stopping political corruption the United States will give an ultimatum

that embezzlement and money laundering will result in embargoes and trade restrictions placed

upon Mexico by the United States.

Dominican Republic/Haiti

As a progressive nation in a progressive era, it is reasonable for the U.S. to set a goal to

foster peace and cooperation for future trade between these two nations and begin a new era of

productivity unhindered by civil disagreement. Party storm will foster this peace through

increased negotiations and peace talks with the U.N in an attempt to educate, which will help end
discrimination. Hati is suffering from drought and heat brought on by climate change that uses

lead to decreased productivity making Haiti less competitive. To mend this issue, the United

States must cooperate with Haiti to offer trade solutions and subsidies for technology that will

help with their reliance on good weather for irrigation-based farming.


The United States must maintain imports of factory-made goods, fruits, vegetables, and

textiles from Brazil, as usual, and should not intervene regarding their management of

infrastructure and society. Stopping trade would do nothing but hinder the nation and open them

up to a political weakness that the U.S’s competitors could take advantage of. The United States

will continue to discourage slash-and-burn, continue to set goals for “zero net deforestation,” and

subsidize research, scientific institutions, and private sector organizations to incentivize

communication across all countries about the dangers of deforestation.


The U.S. Department of State has determined that Ortega has committed gross human

rights violations, and will continue to discourage them by restricting visas for those who have

committed crimes, and also by continuing to pursue the exposure and prosecution of those

individuals. The U.S. will also continue to use Fincen (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network)

in order to track embezzlement and laundering of Nicaraguan funds through the U.S. by filing

Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs). As is consistent with previous policy, the U.S. will

maintain clear and positive communication with the Nicaraguan government in order to cultivate

a healthy relationship and to attempt to negotiate transparent, democratic elections

Inflation reached one million percent in 2018 and is projected to multiply another ten

times before 2020. The first step to cultivating a prosperous economy and a healthy relationship

between the United States and Venezuela is to lift all sanctions that have been placed on them,

which will promote economic progress. The first goal is to increase communication between our

governments and encourage political negotiation. This, in the long run, will improve the

relationship between our leaders and open doors for humanitarian aid. We also recognize the

National Assembly’s legislation as legitimate over Maduro’s Constituent Assembly. The U.S.

will attempt to accurately record violations against human rights, and will only suggest fair,

democratic elections, as the role of enforcing peace through democracy is the responsibility of

the U.N. and the I.C.C. The U.S. will not play the part of world policeman. In 2017, Venezuela

was responsible for an oil spill off the coast into the Caribbean, by the company PDVSA. This

oil spill is just one example of many oil spills that happen frequently due to the mistreatment of

procedure, and it is because the spills do not affect exports. As their economy is already in

decline, their exports are low, and spills don’t impact their economy. This results in the

mishandling of oil and the mistreatment of the ecosystem. The U.S. must prosecute PDVSA for

spilling oil into the Caribbean and also enforce all future spills to disincentive the mistreatment

of crude oil.


The United States, in the future, will take a neutral stance in politics regarding Cuba,

while lifting all travel and trade restrictions placed on them. The United States will also prioritize

the recording of human rights violations and will work towards the ultimate closure of

Guantanamo Bay.

Trade Deficit
Party Storm’s objective of reforming the education system will help maintain the U.S.’s

strength in manufacturing. The U.S will be able to make cheaper products and out produce other

countries, luring U.S. companies away from trade with China and focusing more on internal

trade. This helps reduce the deficit by limiting the number of expensive consumer goods that are

bought from China. Additionally, it will add jobs to America in manufacturing and Artificial

Intelligence, making it a better choice for companies to choose the U.S. for creating consumer


Humanitarian Aid

Working with a budget of 20 billion, policy option one regards 13.2-14 billion dollars to

economic aid and 6-6.6 billion dollars to military aid. Any policies with regard to foreign nations

will, in part, be covered by this policy. In regards to all policy the aid the U.S will provide aid

with an economic/military ratio of 2:1


AIDS in Africa

Party Storm plans on maintaining the status quo and continually supplying Africa with

enough foreign aid in a value that is close to the amount given the previous year. This means that

the U.S. would be giving a static amount of funds to a plethora of countries, many of which are

considered “hot spots” of HIV/AIDS. To continue the decrease in the spread of aids.


At Party Storm, we will continue to provide aid through the U.N and the programs that

are currently in place improving education, healthcare, and job security.

Party Storm will be supporting the U.N’s mission of providing antivirals to Uganda to

help combat HIV/AIDS along with continuing to provide training to help make the Ugandan

military more professional. Party Storm will also continue to provide the same amount of

humanitarian aid that will be provided in the form of health care and education.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo

The democratic republic of the Congo is often ranked very near the bottom on charts for

both the development index and GDP. Along with this, the country is extremely war-torn with

millions dying since an outbreak of war in 1998. If that isn't bad enough it is also an epicenter for

the AIDS epidemic in Africa. We here at party storm would like to do as much as possible for

this country which includes providing humanitarian aid in the form of economic relief and

education along with the continued work of the U.N to decrease the number of deaths due to

aids. Ideally, with the increase in education, more people will be able to move into positions

requiring secondary education including doctors, which are much needed in the country.


Party Storm will be working in tandem with the programs already in place including the

EU Training Mission in Mali (EUTM) mandate to train the Malian army, and the EU Capacity

Building Mission (EUCAP) continued training the Malian national guard, gendarmerie, and

police forces. Since 2013, the UN Peacebuilding Fund has allocated $12 million to address

unemployment, access to justice and education, and communal tension.


Party Storm will continue to support the attempts by the EU to mediate talks to decrease

the rates of violence in the country and will also be assisting the U.N in assisting in lowering
corruption in the government and hold individuals accountable ensuring they are tried fairly and

persecuted correctly.


Nigeria is facing problems in regards to the terrorist group Boko Haram. We will

continue selling weapons and military surplus to the state under the stipulations that the state will

continue to reform its military.


We here at Party Storm recognize the abuse occurring in Somalia in regards to the Al-

Shabab abducting child soldiers. We will be imposing sanctions on Somalia prohibiting the sale

of weapons to decrease the use of child soldiers. Along with this, we will be looking into taking

further action against the Al-Shabab more effectively as to cause no civilian casualties.

South Sudan

South Sudan is facing a myriad of problems including war, famine, and corruption.

Unfortunately the U.S is relatively incapable of giving south Sudan aid due the likelihood of it

being used to rule the war efforts, instead Party Storm will be implementing strict sanctions on

South Sudan aimed at ending corruption including both asset freezes and travel bans on leading

government officials in response to their movement of money offshore and money laundering.

Along with asset freezes, any money seized from citizens by government officials will also be

frozen and subsequently monitored. These actions are not to suggest that Party Storm is

completely against the entirety of South Sudan, these policies would encourage political leaders

to stray away from war and find alternative means of revenue and the famine in South Sudan is

largely man-made and exacerbated by the war these sanctions will also begin to relieve the South

Sudanese people.

Party Storm will be overturning previous policy in regards to Sudan and replace it with

enhanced anti-money laundering measures and modernized sanctions. After regaining leverage

for future negotiations, the United States should help facilitate a revitalized peace process that is

both comprehensive and inclusive. This would hopefully begin the groundwork for a healthier



Party Storm will be working in tandem with the U.N to help alleviate corruption and

begin providing basic necessities to the poor including better education to help develop a middle


South and Southeast Asia

China and Taiwan

In regards to Taiwan Party Storm has decided to return to pre-Trump policy namely not

acknowledging Taiwan as an official country. This policy is primarily to maintain a better

relationship with China. This is not to insinuate that Party Storm will discontinue trade with

Taiwan. Party Storm recognizes that the U.S and China are influenced heavily by each other in

regards to trade and, in light of the current administration's trade war, tariffs have gone up

exponentially for each country. Though Party Storm wants to promote American industry first

we also recognize that placing this burden on China also places a large burden on American

citizens as prices increase on many basic goods. We will be lowering the tariffs placed on China

during the trump administration in the hopes that China will also lower their tariffs. A better

relationship with China would allow the U.S to have more influence over other Southeast Asian
countries and open a pathway for us to mediate conflicts over the South China Sea and other

disputed waterways more peacefully.

North Korea

Thus the U.S. can trade food and water provisions in exchange for the loosening of the

borders and hopefully later, the U.S. could implement a program that provides humanitarian

relief. To try and fix the failing economy, the U.S. could start to trade with North Korea, in

hopes of reviving their private sector and help fund infrastructure development. However, we

still should try to limit their access to nuclear reactor resources, mainly plutonium and uranium.

The U.N. Overall can implement this plan, this policy will remove sanctions to stop pressure on

North Korea and perhaps trade with them, but still restrict trade of plutonium and uranium, then

help fund humanitarian relief with the help of the U.N. and N.G.O.


Nepal is suffering from problems including women's rights, the rights of children born

out of wedlock, and implementing justice. The Tibetan civil war ended in 2006 and what

followed was a tumultuous time in which justice was not properly dealt with immediately after

the war. War criminals have been granted amnesty and families have not been awarded the

proper compensation. We here at Party Storm will be ensuring that the current government has a

steady plan for prosecuting these criminals. In regards to women's rights and the rights of

children, Party Storm believes education is the best means for change and thusly the

humanitarian aid provided to Nepal will help support a spread of education.

Philippines/ Indonesia

Party Storm believes in offering humanitarian aid to countries affected by natural

disasters. Each year, the Philippines experiences typhoons, flooding, landslide surges, and high
levels of seismic and volcanic activity. In Indonesia, high-level earthquakes and tsunami

disasters affect thousands of civilians. These natural disasters result in the loss of homes, lives,

and livelihood. Party Storm recognizes the Philippines and Indonesia’s significant disaster risks

and will build and strengthen the local communities, government agencies, and local non-

governmental organizations’ preparation and response to natural disasters through extensive

disaster risk reduction programs. Party Storm’s programs will focus primarily on evacuation,

resilience, and relief.


Party Storm would like to end the long conflict between India and Pakistan and plans to

do so with the help of the United Nations. As Party Storm plans on maintaining the current

funding for the UN this option is completely feasible and with renewed interest from Pakistan’s

Imran Khan a bilateral negotiation may begin between the two countries. The U.S’s role would

be to provide support through the U.N and help influence the removal of weapons of mass

destruction and the creation of peace treaties with the intention of ending Pakistan cross border

terrorist groups. Along with de-escalation Party Storm will be encouraging global relief

operations to assist in Pakistan's water crisis securing clean and available water for the country.


Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims are fleeing out of Myanmar into

Bangladesh since the state of Myanmar does not recognize them as legal citizens and are trying

to rid of the Rohingya population. The United Nations is providing humanitarian aid such as

medical care but is conflicted about sending them back to their home state in fear of further

prosecution. Party storm will continue to act through the U.N to help stop the atrocities being

committed in Myanmar.
Middle Eastern aid

The first and most achievable of which is that USAID funds be redistributed to cater to

the humanitarian crises that are occurring as a result of the conflicts in the Middle East. It would

be in the best interests of the U.S. government to increase humanitarian aid to countries that

suffer the most that will be discussed further.


The United States will continue to Aid Lebanon to defend themselves against the

Hezbollah and ISIS influence. We will continue to support the Lebanese military so the state

does not fall under extremist control. Party Storm will also continue trading with Lebanon to

help improve their economy and, so long as we continue selling the country weapons, we will

still be assisting in the fight against extremist groups.


Party Storm recognizes the United States history with Iraq. We will thusly be taking

some responsibility through a new approach, assisting Afghanistan through fostering economics

through trade, along with providing assistance so that Afghanistan can begin to set up their own

government. We will not be trading any weapons and by providing other means of aid we will be

able to withdraw troops leaving behind a much smaller force only to be used for training.


Jordan is relatively stable for the geographical position it is in. This, however, does not

mean that there are no issues. Jordan currently has 1.8 million Palestinian refugees due to the

problems between Israel and Palestine. This problem will be resolved with our Israel Palestine

solution. Along with the refugee crisis, Jordan has a poor economy. This problem would be
eased with increased trade and should again also improve with the resolution of the Israel

Palestine conflict.


The crisis in Yemen is devastating and Party Storm recognizes that the situation has gone

beyond a crisis. We at Party Storm will be using the U.N to provide humanitarian Aid and relief

mainly in the form of food and medical supplies. Along with this, we will also begin negotiating

with neighboring nations in hopes to provide much needed medical age.


In regards to Syria Party storm recognizes that the Syrian Civil war is not only deadly to

the Syrian rebels, but also to American soldiers. Assad backed by Russia must be stopped along

with the Islamic State in order to secure peace in the Syrian nation. Party Storm will thusly

remain in Syria, though we will be removing all troops deemed unnecessary maintaining the

absolute minimum number of troops needed to ensure victory over the Assad regime. We will

also increase the trade of military commodities to Syria at a discounted price and continue to

pressure Russia to back out of Syria.


Party Storm will be supporting the two-state solution for the Israel/Palestine conflict,

creating a border between the two states on a North and South boundary line with Jerusalem in

the middle of the two new states. Jerusalem would be treated much like the Vatican in Rome so

that neither state would have complete control of the city, instead of a joint city managed by holy

leaders of the three faiths, Christian, Muslim, and Jewish, that consider it holy land.

Party Storm plans to pull out our military, very slowly and carefully, out of Iran and Iraq,

and replace the power void with a more benefitting and cheaper method of influence - economic

and diplomatic relations. The U.S. has a program called the Generalized System of Preferences

that was mentioned in the 2002 Trade Act this program offered countries approximately 3,500

products that were duty-free, without any import or sales tax that can be implemented in these

countries. Party Storm will also be creating treaties with Iran and Iraq that will ensure that the

investors and companies doing business with them are treated right and fair set up a routine of

meeting with the country and setting up business councils so that there is a more integrated

relationship between the two countries economically. Combining all these programs will create a

new, hybrid program called GADFT, Global Aiding Duty Free Trade, which will do what it says

in its name, provide access to the global market to Iran Iraq, allocate a small portion of revenue

generated from the dispersion of military and increased trade to provide a bit of support to Iran

and Iraq to build up their infrastructure and private sector. In addition, the program DEUS and,

Development of Embassies Under Security, which will help set up U.S. official embassies in Iran

Iraq and send diplomats to discuss present and future problems and make relations, eliminate

corrupt government officials, and set up trade standards for the protection of companies that had

uneasily invested in these two companies.


Party Storm does not support the violent nature of Russian or their annexation of the

Crimean peninsula and will thusly be putting economic sanctions and heavier tariffs on Russia.

These tariffs will allow the U.S to make money that is needed to support internal improvement

along with allowing us to influence and reign in some of Russia's violent tendencies.
Federal Individual Income Tax Brackets

Single Filer Income Tax Brackets

Taxable Income Tax Rate

$0 - $30,585 15%

$30,585 - $68,360 $4,587.75 + 22% of all income over $30,585

$68,360 - $137,600 $12,898.25 + 25% of all income over $68,360

$137,600 - $211,900 $30,208.25 + 30% of all income over $137,600

$211,900 - $496,400 $54,727.25 + 33% of all income over $211,900

$496,400 and above $148,612.25 + 50% of all income over $496,400

Married Joint Filer Income Tax Brackets

Taxable Income Tax Rate

$0 - $61,170 15%

$61,170 - $114,160 $9,175.5 + 22% of all income over $61,170

$114,160 - $167,900 $20,833.3 + 25% of all income over $114,160

$167,900 - $211,900 $34,268.3 + 30% of all income over $167,900

$211,900 - $558,400 $47,468.3 + 33% of all income over $211,900

$558,400 and above $161,813.3 + 50% of all income over $558,400

Separate Joint Filer Income Tax Brackets

Taxable Income Tax Rate

$0 - $30,585 15%

$30,585 - $57,080 $4,587.75 + 22% of all income over $30,585

$57,080 - $83,950 $10,416.65 + 25% of all income over $57,080

$83,950 - $105,950 $17,134.15 + 30% of all income over $83,950

$105,950 - $279,200 $23,734.15 + 33% of all income over $105,950

$279,200 and more $80,906.65 + 50% of all income over $279,200

Head of Household Filer Income Tax Brackets

Taxable Income Tax Rate

$0 - $43,735 15%

$43,735 - $91,600 $6,560.25 + 22% of all income over $43,735

$91,600 - $137,600 $17,090.55 + 25% of all income over $91,600

$137,600 - $211,900 $28,590.55 + 30% of all income over $137,600

$211,900 - $496,400 $50,880.55 + 33% of all income over $211,900

$496,400 and above $144,765.55 + 50% of all income over $496,400

All values in billions of US dollars
Current Budget represents requested funds

Federal Revenue by Source

Current My Proposed Projection for FY 2019 - 2022

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Individual Income Tax 1660 2232.6 2277.3 2322.8 2369.3

Corporate Income Tax 218 380.9 388.5 396.2 404.2

Payroll Taxes 1179 1202.6 1226.7 1251.2 1276.2

Fuel Excise Tax 53.1 108.3 110.5 112.7 114.9

Airway Trust Fund Excise Tax 20.3 41.4 42.2 43.1 43.9

Affordable Care Act Excise Tax 23.1 47.1 48 49 50

Tobacco Excise Tax 20.6 42 42.9 43.7 44.6

Alcohol Excise Tax 13.6 27.7 28.3 28.8 29.4

Tariffs 57.6 58.8 60 61.2 62.4

Estate Tax 22.3 28.4 29 29.5 30.1

Federal Reserve 72.2 73.6 75.1 76.6 78.1

Total Revenue 3339.8 4243.4 4328.2 4414.8 4503.1

All projections assume an average 2% rate of inflation.

Final Spending

Discretionary (Trump) Storm
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Agriculture 17.9 25.8 26.316 26.84232 27.3791664
Commerce 7.8 10.2 10.404 10.61208 10.8243216
Defense 574 400 408 416.16 424.4832
Education 59 79.7 81.294 82.91988 84.5782776
Energy 28 35.7 36.414 37.14228 37.8851256
Health & Human Services 65.1 72.6 74.052 75.53304 77.0437008
Homeland Security 44.1 47.5 48.45 49.419 50.40738
Housing and Urban
Development 31.7 37.9 38.658 39.43116 40.2197832
Interior 11.6 13.4 13.668 13.94136 14.2201872
Justice 16.2 19.4 19.788 20.18376 20.5874352
Labor 9.6 13.7 13.974 14.25348 14.5385496
State / International
Programs 27.1 42.5 43.35 44.217 45.10134
Transportation 16.2 18.3 18.666 19.03932 19.4201064
Treasury 11.2 14.4 14.688 14.98176 15.2813952
Veterans Affairs 78.9 75.8 77.316 78.86232 80.4395664
Corps of Engineers 5 8.3 8.466 8.63532 8.8080264
Environmental Protection
Agency 5.7 9.2 9.384 9.57168 9.7631136
General Services
Administration 0.5 0.3 0.306 0.31212 0.3183624
NASA 19.1 20.3 20.706 21.12012 21.5425224
National Science 6.7 8.5 8.67 8.8434 9.020268
Small Business
Administration 0.8 0.8 0.816 0.83232 0.8489664
Social Security
Administration 9.3 10.6 10.812 11.02824 11.2488048
Other Agencies 19.8 23.6 24.072 24.55344 25.0445088

OCO Defense 64.6 49.9 50.898 51.91596 52.9542792

OCO State 12 22 22.44 22.8888 23.346576
Program Integrity 1.9 1.9 1.938 1.97676 2.0162952
Disaster Relief 7.4 9.1 9.282 9.46764 9.6569928

Total Discretionary 1151.2 1071.4 1092.828 1114.68456 1


Social Security 1005 1070 1091.4 1113.228 1135.49256

Medicare 582 0 0 0 0
Medicaid 404 0 0 0 0
Single Payer 0 986 1005.72 1025.8344 8
Other Mandatory Programs 545 603 615.06 627.3612 639.908424
Net Interest 315 371 378.42 385.9884 393.708168

Total Mandatory with

Interest 2851 3030 3090.6 3152.412 3215.46024

Total Federal Outlays 4002.2 4101.4 4183.428 4267.09656 1
4414.79174 4503.08757
Total Tax Revenue 3,339.80 4,243.36 4328.2272 4 9
Total Surplus -662.40 141.96 144.7992 147.695184 8

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