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1. What is the name of the biggest part of the human brain?

2. What is the human body’s biggest organ?

3. The bones around your chest that protect organs such as the heart are called what?

4. What is the fastest land animal in the world?

5. Is a dolphin a mammal?

6. What is the tallest animal in the world?

7. How many legs does a spider have?

8.What is the name of the largest ocean on earth?

9. What is the name of the highest mountain on earth?

10. What is the second most common gas found in the air we breathe?


1. The cerebrum. 2. The skin 3. Ribs 4. The cheetah 5. Yes 6. The giraffe

7. eight 8. The Pacific Ocean 9. Mount Everest 10. Oxygen

1. Brass gets discoloured in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air?
A. Oxygen

B. Hydrogen sulphide

C. Carbon dioxide

D. Nitrogen
2. Which of the following is a non metal that remains liquid at room temperature?
A. Phosphorous B. Bromine

C. Chlorine D. Helium

3. Chemical formula for water is

A. NaAlO2 B. H2O

C. Al2O3 D. CaSiO3

4. The gas usually filled in the electric bulb is

A. nitrogen

B. hydrogen

C. carbon dioxide

D. oxygen

5. What is the unit for measuring the amplitude of a sound?

A. Decibel B. Coulomb

C. Hum D. Cycles
6. One horse power is equal to
A. 746 watts

B. 748 watts

C. 756 watts

D. 736 watts
Answer 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A

7 . What is force?

A Speed of a moving object

B Friction between two objects

C Change in the shape of an object

D Pushing or pulling action against an object

8. What is meant by interaction among living things?

A) The interaction among the same species of living things.

B) The interaction between different species of living things .

C) The interaction among living things that live in the same habitat.

D) The interaction among livings to obtain their limited basic needs.

9. Which of the following statements is true about non-biodegradable wastes?

A These wastes cannot be recycled

B These wastes will never be diminished from the environment

C These wastes can be broken down by certain microorganisms

D These wastes produce substances that will be returned to the soil

10. Decaying materials will produce simpler substances such as

A soil and water

B mineral salts only

C nutrients and oxygen

D water and carbon dioxide

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