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Alhamdulillah, Hafizh participates in Islamic Studies, He memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-

Mauun, hadist about Allah’s creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. He can say
kalimah syahadah loudly. He is creative, he can choose the colors in painting using brush. He has
a well-developed vocabulary. He is independent to choose activities in the class without
instructions. He can tidy up his stuff independently. He can communicate with friend through
interview in pairs by saying, “where are you shopping, Toriq?.” Hafizh’s handwriting is good. He
can write his name, alphabet and numbers independently. He shares personal experiences with
friends in Bahasa Session. He arrives at school each day with smile, ready to learn. He follows
classroom routines well. He participates in morning circle by answering the date, month and
weather. He is friendly. He works well with classmates. He is caring to others. He likes playing
swing and slide on the playground. He does well taking turns during games. He shares well with
others. He prefers to share toys. He enjoys conversation with friends. He brushes his teeth, prays
doa after eating and plays with friends after meal time. He gets along well with others in the
classroom or on the playground. He likes playing the sand and make numbers or alphabet in
montessori area. He can names the picture. Today he can associates numbers based on the
quantities by drawing lines picture with numbers 1 to 10.

Alhamdulillah, Neyl participates in Islamic Studies area. He participates in memorizing surah An-
Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. He is
energetic, cheerful and able to make friends easily. He always smiles. He is an easy going child
who likes to socialize with others.Neyl’s handwriting is good. He can write his name, alphabet
and numbers independently. He is confident to ask some questions to the teacher about his work.
He finishes a task well. He puts his best effort into his assignments by showing he did the task
until finish. He arrives at school each day with smile, ready to learn. He follows classroom
routines well. He sits quietly and listens to the teacher. He eats his food fastly in meal time. He
does well taking turns during group game such as mini soccer on the playground. He shares well
with others. He prefers to share a ball. He can answer the teacher’s question about shopping
places by saying “Pasar, miss.” He shares his personal experiences with friends in Bahasa
session. He enjoys conversation with friends. He plays with friends after meal time and gets along
well with others in the classroom or on the playground.

Alhamdulillah Faiz has already participates in Islamic studies area. He participates in memorizing
surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun. He memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about
Allah’s creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. He does a task well. He can recognizes
“Huruf Hijaiyah” independently. Faiz’s handwriting is good. He can write his name
independently. He follows classroom routines well. He sits quietly and pays attention to what the
teacher says. He listens to and follows directions well. He can count and match 1 to 10 in math.
He can answer teacher’s question about kinds of color. He participates with friends about
shopping poster. He shares his personal experiences with friends in bahasa session. He
participates in montessori area by doing some activities such as writing numbers with sand. He
takes responsibility for his learning by showing he always finishes his tasks. He is an enthusiastic
learner who seems enjoying school time. He recognizes the letter “A’’ until “R”. He shares
personal experiences with friends. He enjoys conversation with friends by saying “ga boleh
marah-marah.” He eats food fastly. He always come to his teacher to say “hamdallah” after eating
and brushing teeth. He plays with friends after meal time and gets along well with others in the
classroom or on the playground. He likes playing slide, mini soccer and swing on the playground.
He shares well with others.

Alhamdulillah, Daffa is enthusiastic in Islamic Studies area. He participates in memorizing surah

An-Naas until Al-Mauun. He memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about greeting
others with salam, Allah’s creature, saying good words, and doa waking up loudly. He arrives at
school each day with smile, ready to learn. He is cheerful and active. He always moves his body
in the line. He speaks and prays loudly. He can answer about the meaning of surah Al Mauun. He
follows classroom routines well. He sits quietly and listens to the teacher. He is fast to do a task.
He can write his name independently. He asks some more activities by saying “miss, abis ini apa
lagi?.” He takes responsibility for his learning by showing he always finishes his tasks. Daffa’s
handwriting is good. He participates in montessori area by coloring a number, making a crown
and drawing lines. He shows sign of independence by saying “Miss, aku bisa sendiri.” He can
takes off and puts on his pants if he goes to the toilet. He can associates numbers and write 1 to
10 independently. He shares personal experiences with friends in bahasa session. He enjoys
conversation with friends. He shares well with others. He likes to share his toys such as cars. He
plays with friends after meal time and gets along well with others in the classroom or on the

Alhamdulillah Jasmine has already enthusiactic in Islamic Studies area. She participates in
memorizing surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s creature, saying good words,
and doa waking up. She is an honest girl. She says something that she has done. She is a
confident child, she leads the students in pledge before entering the class. She can tell a story by
looking at the pictures. She follows classroom routines well. She likes making a crown, coloring
some numbers and playing puzzles in montessori area. She shows respect to her teachers when
the teachers presents about “use of the water.” She can answer the question by saying, “washing
hands.”She follows direction. She sits queitly in morning circle and answers the teacher’s
question about the day, date and the weather. She has done the task based on the teacher’s
instruction. She remains focused on the activity at hand. She is cooperative and happy. She is an
active participant in small group discussions. She can be a majorette in marching band. She
enjoys spending time with friends. She enjoys reading a book in mini library. She answers
questions that demonstrate understanding. She shows kindness and grace when working in
groups. She follows directions and shows good listening. On the playground she likes playing
swing. She does well taking turns.

Alhamdulillah Athayya has already participated in Islamic Studies area. He participates in

memorizing surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun. He memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun,
hadist about Allah’s creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. He is an easy going child.
He arrives at school each day with smile, ready to learn. He follows classroom routines well. He
sits queitly and answers the teacher’s question about the date, day and the weather. He can write
his name independently by looking his name tag. He is confident to asks questions about
something that he doesn’t understand by saying “bu guru kenapa Affan menangis?.” He likes blue
color. In montessori area, he likes coloring the worksheet. He takes blue crayon and colors the
worksheet. He shows respect for teachers and friends. He always listens when the teacher told the
story of Nabi Ayyub. He shares personal experiences with friends in bahasa session. He speaks
clearly. Before meal time he asks a question, “Bu guru kapan kita makan?.” He eats well in meal
time. He plays with friends after meal time and gets along well with others in the classroom or on
the playground. He is cheerful. He always smiles with his friends. He enjoys conversation with
friends. He does well taking turns in talking. He is cheerful and able to make friends easily. He
works well with classmates.

Alhamdulillah Toriq is enthusiastic in Islamic Studies, He participates in memorizing surah An-

Naas until Al-Mauun. He memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. He is confident child. He can choose the
activities independently. He arrives at school each day with smile. He follows classroom routines
well. He sits queitly in morning circle and follows his teacher to mention the date, day and the
weather. He can writes his name independently by looking his name tag. He often chats with his
friend while working. He asks questions to his teacher about the task. In montessori area, he
chooses to play water and sponge and fills the empty glass. He has a well-developed vocabulary.
He can mention the place of shopping by saying “indomaret” and use of water by saying
“washing hands.” He is interested in reading a book. He likes reading a math book. He can count
the numbers 1 to 10 in English. He shares personal experiences with friends in bahasa session. He
enjoys conversation with friends. He works well with his classmates. He plays with friends after
meal time and gets along well with others in the classroom or on the playground. On the
playground he likes playing swing. He is a kind boy to share toys such as a car and ball.

Alhamdulillah Hannah participates in Islamic Studies area. She participates in memorizing surah
An-Naas until Al-Mauun. She memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. She can show her feeling through speaking. She
follows classroom routines well. She sits nicely in morning circle and follows her teacher to
mention the date, day and the weather. She asks some questions about task to the teacher in the
class. She can write her name independently. Hannah’s handwriting is good. In montessori area
she likes coloring and painting some pictures. She often chats about her activities with her
friends. She follows directions and shows good listening skills. She takes turns talking. She can
mention the place of shopping. She is a confident girl. She has a well-developed vocabulary. She
names the pictures that were shown by teacher such as apple, ball, cat, dog, ellephant and fish.
She shares her personal experiences in bahasa session. She tells about her daily activities at home
such as “Carisa, aku beli mainan baru.” She remains focused on the activity at hand. She is
cooperative and happy. She is an active participant in small group discussions. She finishes a task
well and works independently. She shares well with others. She shares her toys such as camera
and funny calculator.

Alhamdulillah Rara is enthusiastic in Islamic Studies, She participates in memorizing surah An-
Naas until Al-Mauun. She memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. She pays attention to her environment. She
follows classroom routines well. She sits queitly in morning circle and answer some questions
about the date, day and weather. Rara’s handwriting is good. She can write her name
independently. She shows kindness and grace when working in groups. She demonstrates the
ability to make good choices. She focuses his attention correctly and appropriately. She finishes a
task well. She is a good girl in praying together. she listens to and follows direction well during
“solat.” She always asks permission if she wanted to borrow the mukena. She chooses the words
fully. She says, “Miss, bolehkah aku memakai kaos kaki?.” She can associates numbers 1 to 10.
She matches between the quantities and numbers by drawing lines between them. She remains
focused on the activity at hand in motessori area. She is cooperative and happy. She is an active
participant in small group discussions. She likes playing swing with friends on the playground.
She does well taking turns during group games. She tells about daily activities to her friends in
bahasa session.

Alhamdulillah Faruq is enthusiastic in Islamic Studies, He memorizes surah An-Naas until Al-
Mauun. He memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s creature, saying
good words, and doa waking up. He is creative. In art he can color the picture very well. He
arrives at school each day with smile, ready to learn. He has good coordination between eyes and
hands by sewing bag model from flanel. He follows classroom routines well. He sits queitly and
answers the teacher’s question about the date, day and the weather. He can write his name
independently by looking his name tag. He can mention and write A to Z. He also can mention
the place for shopping in shopping theme. He is a capable child. He can do all areas such as
coloring, writing and dancing. He expresses ideas clearly, both verbally and through writing. He
does a task well. He can associate numbers 1 to 10 by matching quantities with the numbers. He
likes playing the sand and make numbers or alphabet in montessorie area. He is creative, he can
choose the colors in painting using brush. He shares personal experiences with friends in bahasa
session. He enjoys conversation with friends. He eats well and fastly in meal time. He plays with
friends after meal time and gets along well with others in the classroom or on the playground. He
likes playing mini soccer on the playground and does well taking turns.

Alhamdulillah, Carisa is enthusiastic in Islamic Studies, She participates in memorizing surah

An-Naas until Al-Mauun. She memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up independently and correctly. She arrives at
school each day with smile, ready to learn. She follows classroom routines well. She is an
independent child. She finishes her tasks independently. She shows kindness and grace when
working in groups. She demonstrates the ability to make good choices. She likes to tell her daily
activities to her friend by saying “Putri, kemarin aku jalan-jalan.” She follows directions and
shows good listening skills. She takes turns talking. She cares with the environment. She cleans
and tidies up the class without instructions. She pushes the chairs to the tables. In bahasa session,
he has a well-developed vocabulary. She names places for shopping based on the pictures such as
market, alfamart and supermarket. She can write her name independently. Carisa’s handwriting is
good. She remains focused on the activity at hand. She likes coloring, making a crown and cutting
the shapes in motessori area. She is cooperative and happy. She is an active participant in small
group discussions. She likes playing swing and slide on the playground. She does well taking
Alhamdulillah Putri participates in Islamic Studies area. She participates in memorizing surah
An-Naas until Al-Mauun. She memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. She arrives at school each day with smile, ready
to learn. She follows classroom routines well. She shows respect to teachers and students. She
always follows the teacher’s instruction such as Line Up, please!, sit nicely, please!. She sits
quietly in morning circle and answer the teacher’s questions about the date, day and weather. She
does a task well in montessori area. She is a creative child. She likes decorating handmade things
in individual learning, coloring some numbers and making a crown using materials in montessori
area. She has created interesting forms of artwork. She can mention places for shopping in
shopping theme such as market, supermarket and bookstore. She shows kindness and grace when
working in groups. She demonstrates the ability to make good choices. She shares personal
experiences with friends in bahasa session. She speaks clearly. She chooses the words carefully.
She always speaks politely when she needs something such as ‘’Miss, boleh ga aku duduk
disini?.” She enjoys spending time with friends. She likes playing swing on the playground and
does well taking turn during a game. She eats fastly in meal time.

Alhamdulillah Aidan is enthusiastic in Islamic Studies, He participates in memorizing surah An-

Naas until Al-Mauun. He memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. He is a smart child. He works fastly. He can
associates the numbers with quantities by sticking the paper based on quantities. He creates trolly
pictures through mini colorful shapes. He always answers the questions from the teacher such as
family member, places of the water, etc. He treats school property and the belongings of others
carefully and respectfully. He plays and uses school property as the functions such as sand paper
number is used for Math area. He shares personal experiences with friends. He enjoys
conversation with friends. He plays with friends after meal time and gets along well with others
in the classroom or on the playground. He arrives at school each day with smile, ready to learn.
He is cheerful and energetic. He is cheerful and able to make friends easily. He works well with

Alhamdulillah Izzati participates in Islamic Studies area. She participates in memorizing surah
An-Naas until Al-Mauun. She memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. She is an easy going child. She can follow her
activities in the class. She cares with others such as she wants her friend to write attendance list
first. She tells the story about her holiday in front of the class. She is creative and has created
interesting forms of artwork. She likes artwork such as coloring picture. She colors the picture
very well. She is interested in listening story about animals. Izzati’s handwriting is good. She
writes numbers very well. She has got a star for writing number 6 on math worksheet. She
remains focused on the activity at hand. She is an active participant in small group discussions.
She enjoys spending time with friends. She answers questions that demonstrate understanding.
She shows kindness and grace when working in groups. She demonstrates the ability to make
good choices. She focuses his attention correctly and appropriately. She stays on task and is self-
motivated. She follows directions and shows good listening skills.

Alhamdulillah Khairi is enthusiastic in Islamic Studies, He participates in memorizing surah An-

Naas until Al-Mauun. He memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. He is an easy going child. He is the fastest
learner in Qur’an session. He can answer the question about the meaning of surah Quraisy. He
can answers the questions about “huruf hijaiyah.” He can count on 1 to 10. He can write his name
independently. He awares with his environment. He always tidy up the class after activities. He
can follows the rules in the class. He is a humble child. He helps his friend (Athayya) to tidy up
helps his friend Ell to find his crayon. He shows his confidence in telling his story about family
members. He arrives at school each day with smile, ready to learn.
Alhamdulillah Affan is enthusiastic in Islamic Studies, He participates in memorizing surah An-
Naas until Al-Mauun. He memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. He is an eager child. He has a leadership soul.
He invites his friends to be good in lines up. He always tries to finish his job in the class. He can
follow the rules. He tidies up his plate after eating independently. Affan takes an active role in
discussions. He shares personal experiences with friends. He enjoys conversation with friends. He
plays with friends after meal time and gets along well with others in the classroom or on the
playground.He arrives at school each day with smile, ready to learn. He is cheerful and energetic.
He is cheerful and able to make friends easily. He shows sign of independence. He is interested in
gym. He leads his friends while doing brain gym on friday. He speaks clearly. He works well
with classmates. He is friendly. He warns his friend to always be friendly. He says : Daffa, ga
boleh marah-marah.

Alhamdulillah Ell participates in Islamic Studies area. He participates in memorizing surah An-
Naas until Al-Mauun. He memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. He shows his confident to be a leader in the
class. He can match numbers and quantities using cart and counter. He shows his responsibility
to eat his food independently. He is kind, caring and friendly boy. He cares to others such as he
closed the door when it was open. He is always willing to help a classmate. He likes sweeping
with a small broom in the class. He names the pictures such as father, mother, brother. He can
also associates the numbers with quantities. He is polite to adult in and out of the classroom. For
example he shakes hand to the teacher and people in the morning. He likes to play slide on the

Alhamdulillah Aisyah participates in Islamic Studies, She participates in memorizing surah An-
Naas until Al-Mauun. She memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. She is a confident child. She always answers the
questions given by the teacher. She is interested in dancing area. She follows the teacher’s
movement in dancing area. She remains focused on the activity at hand.She is cooperative and
happy. She is restless girl. She is an active participant in small group discussions.. She enjoys
spending time with friends. She answers questions that demonstrate understanding. She shows
kindness and grace when working in groups. She stays on task and is self-motivated. She follows
directions and shows good listening skills. She takes turns talking.

Alhamdulillah Raesa participates in Islamic Studies, She participates in memorizing surah An-
Naas until Al-Mauun. She memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. She is cheerful child. She can be friend with
others. She chats with Affan while doing worksheet by saying, “Affan, kamu suka warna
apa?.”Raesa arrives at school each day with a smile, ready to learn. She is respectful of others.
She shakes hand to the teacher in the morning. She follows directions. She retells events from her
experience to her teacher. She shows kindness and grace when working in groups and shows
good listening skills. She participates well in class. She takes turns talking. She likes playing
swing on the playground.

Alhamdulillah Fayyadh enthusiastic in Islamic Studies, He participates in memorizing surah An-

Naas until Al-Mauun. He memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up loudly. He can answer the question about the
meaning of surah An Nashr. He can knows the meaning of short surah started from An-Naas until
At-Takasuur. He show his confidence to lead pledge in the morning before entering the class. He
follows the rules in the class. Fayyadh’s handwriting is good. He always asks some questions to
his teacher when he is difficult in doing worksheet. He is confident when he tells the story about
his holiday in front of the class. He gets along well with others in the classroom or on the
playground. He enjoys spending meal time with friends. He speaks with confidence to his friends.
He enjoys participating in conversation and discussion.

Alhamdulillah Nadine is enthusiastic in Islamic Studies, She participates in memorizing surah

An-Naas until Al-Mauun. She memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. She is a creative girl. She often making artwork
from different media which is available in the class. She colors the picture with a lively colorful.
She shows her confidence by explaining her puppet about family members in front of the class.
She has responsibility for her tasks. She remains focus on the activity at hand. Nadine’s
handwriting is very good. She has got a star for writing number 6 on math worksheet. She is an
active participant in small group discussions. She completes daily assignments in a timely manner
and works independently and stays on task. She answers questions that demonstrate
understanding. She shows kindness and grace when working in groups. She demonstrates the
ability to make good choices. She focuses his attention correctly and appropriately. She follows
directions and shows good listening skills. She takes turns talking. She likes playing swing on the
playground and takes turns with her friend to play it.

Alhamdulillah Naeza participates in Islamic Studies, She participates in memorizing surah An-
Naas until Al-Mauun. She memorizes Surah An-Naas until Al-Mauun, hadist about Allah’s
creature, saying good words, and doa waking up. She likes working in montessori area. She
works well with classmates. She can follow the rules such as washing hands, brushing teeth after
eating. She gets along well with her classmates after meal time. She is friendly and well-liked.
She likes playing swing on the playground. She is enthusiactic in dancing session also Marching
Band. She has shown very good improvement in spelling and word work over the past several
weeks. She enjoys sharing with her friends. She arrives at school each day with smile. She seems
excited every morning. She speaks clearly and shares with others in bahasa session. She is able to
respond well with direction. She shows self-confidence in her work. She loves learning alphabet.
She shows signs of leadership in the classroom.

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