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Chapter 31: Assisting With Ambulation (One Nurse)

Check (9)Yes or No


1. Puts non-skid slippers on the patient.
2. Applies a transfer belt.
3. Places bed in low position and locks the wheels.
4. Assists patient to dangle at the side of the bed (see
checklist for Procedure Checklist Chapter 31: Dangling a
Patient at the Side of the Bed).
5. Faces the patient. Braces feet and knees against the
patient’s feet and knees, paying particular attention to
any known weakness.
6. Bends the hips and knees and holds onto the transfer
7. Instructs the patient to place her arms around the nurse
between the shoulders and waist (the location depends on
the nurse’s height and the height of the patient).
8. Asks the patient to stand as the nurse moves to an
upright position by straightening the legs and hips.
9. Allows the patient to steady herself for a moment.
10. Stands at the patient’s side, placing both hands on the
transfer belt.
11. If the patient has weakness on one side, positions self
on the weaker side.
12. Slowly guides the patient forward, observing for
signs of fatigue or dizziness.
13. If the patient must transport an IV pole, allows the
patient to hold onto the pole on the side where the nurse
is standing. Assists the patient to advance the pole as
they ambulate.

Recommendation: Pass ______ Needs more practice ______

Student: Date:

Instructor: Date:
Copyright © 2007, F. A. Davis Company, Wilkinson & Van Leuven/Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing

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