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Method statement for Line out and excavation

1. Scope

2. References

3. Definitions

4. Responsibilities

5. Special care

6. Construction Procedure

7. Construction Sequence (Flow chart)

8. Control measure (QHSE)

9. Resources

10. Records

11. Time Frame

➢ Scope: -
Excavation for
1. Foundation
2. Pile caps
3. Services
The purpose of this method statement is to give the step wise work methodology to
carry out the excavation in planned and controlled manner with reference to the
technical specification and standards. Excavation by means of blasting is out of
scope of this method statement.

➢ References: -
IS 3764
1200 pt. I-1992
Relevant Approved Drawings
Excavation Plan

➢ Definitions: -
Permanent work: - the permanent work constructed, serviced and maintain
for client in accordance with contract
ER: - Employer representative
ITP: - inspection testing plan
Safe Slope: - The steepest slope, at which an excavated face is stable against
slips and slides, having regard to the qualities of the material in the face, the
height of the face, the load above the face and the moisture conditions.
Barricade: - Any object or structure that creates a barrier obstacle to control,
block passage or force the flow of traffic in the desired direction.
➢ Responsibilities: - (RACI Matrix)
Project Construc Consulta Site Superv Safety
WORK Manage tion nt/ Engine isor Office
r Manager surveyor er r
Permit Requirements A R C I
Study geo-technical report and, A C R I
dewatering plan, Railing work
Fix reference lines and reference A C R I
points, dimension, column center pt. &
Measure and confirm Plot dimensions, A C R I
Take levels of entire Plot at required
levels are to be recorded as per strata A C R I
Classification likes soil, etc.
Check excavated size at bottom of pit / A C R I
trench and mark P.C.C. size as per
drawing and formation level
Worker & Public safety C R I A

➢ Special care: -
1. For water logged area.
2. For environmental sensitive area.
3. For Slope.

➢ Construction Procedure: -
▪ Pre-Excavation Activity: -
Prior to the start of work the excavation permit shall be obtained from the Engineer
In-Charge Before starting the excavation, ensure that no underground electrical
cable, Water line, Sewer line passing through the excavation area Utility services if
any observed in the underground of excavation area shall be brought to the notice
of Engineer-In Charge and the services shall be terminated as agreed.
Permit Requirements: -
1. Excavation Permit.
2. De-watering permit.
3. No-objection certification from all services providers such as
drainage, water supply, telephone, gas, irrigation, optic fiber
4. Verify existing utilities
5. Refer to as built plans
6. Emergency / Contingency Plan
7. Public safety

▪ For Line Out: -

1. Fix reference lines and reference points as per architects setting out plan.
2. Fix building block plan with respect to setting out plan.
3. Check all dimensions and diagonals of individual buildings.
4. Check all side margins to satisfy setting out plan.
5. Construct corner point pillars and mark faces of each building prominently.
6. Confirm all dimensions with Architects visit and proceed with wooden
railing of individual Buildings
7. Mark all column center points on railings as per center line drawings by
paint on railings.
8. Physically check all dimensions and diagonals before start of excavation.
9. Ensure that all props & railings are properly anchored.
▪ Excavation: -
1. Study Geo-technical report before start.
2. Prepare Dewatering Plan if required from soil report.
3. Counter survey or Grid level survey before excavation for undulated plot.
4. Measure and confirm Plot dimensions as per drawings overall dimension,
angel Diagonals & set back from boundaries.
5. Shift Temporary Bench mark to plot at suitable locations (3 places) and
make it Noticeable from any point, (preferably Plinth Top level)
6. Take levels of entire Plot at required grids / intervals jointly with clients &
sub-Contractor and take their signatures on contour map / plan.
7. Demarcate and line out exact excavation Area / Pits, Trench, etc. on ground
Reconfirm with Client, Engineer In-charge.
8. At each stage of excavation, levels are to be recorded jointly as per strata
Classification likes soil, murum, soft & hard rock, sludge, mud, boulders,
9. Remove all loose materials and excess water if any. Level the surface by
compacting or filling undulations with metal or lean concrete
10.All excavated materials shall be stacked at the designated areas as directed
by Engineer In-Charge
11.Inform Structural Consultant / Architect and get strata approved. In case
doubt at strata go for Plate load test / Geotechnical engineer opinion.
12.Check excavated size at bottom of pit / trench and mark P.C.C. size as per
drawing and formation level shall be noted & recorded prior to the start of
further activity.
➢ Construction Sequence (Flow chart): -

Reference line and reference

point marking & Fix
Building block
Prepare dewatering plan if required

Check all dimensions,

diagonal, sidemargins Shift temporary bench mark to at 3
places makes it noticeable from
plinth top level

Construct corner
point pillars &
Demarcate and line out exact
mark face of each
excavation Area / Pits, Trench
Reconfirm with Client, Engineer In-

Level the surface by compacting or

Mark all column center on
filling undulations with metal or lean
railings as per drawings

Physically check all Inform Structural Consultant /

dimensions & Railings Architect and get strata approved.
are properly anchored Check excavated size at bottom of pit

➢ / trench & pile caps

➢ Control measure (QHSE)
✓ All procedures described in this document will be strictly followed.
Prepare ITP, Test plan & tests shall be conducted in the laboratory as
well as in the field as & when required to determine whether the
procedure employed satisfies the requirements of the specifications
and relevant standards
✓ Excavation plan and excavation work checklist must be available at
the work site.
✓ Excavation site must be cordoned with safety warning tapes and / or
hard barricades painted with red & white whichever is applicable
including provision of sufficient lightings & blinker lights during
✓ Install adequate safety signs such as excavation in-progress, keep out
– deep excavation, etc.
✓ Assign experienced and trained personnel / workers

▪ Safety:
Environment: -
1. Before the start of site cleaning, sprinkle water to reduce dust and prevent air
2. Use mask, safety shoes for site cleaning and line out.
3. Excavated earth should be stacked properly and sprinkle light water on
4. Maintain record of excavated and reused earth.

Health and Safety: -

5. Use helmet and safety shoes for excavation.
6. Barricade all the excavation areas.
7. Excavate the entire pit in angle of repose and shore all the area if excavation
is in Loose soil, and below 2m depth.

Excavation (Safe Slope)

8. Keep excavated material at least 1 M. away from pit.

9. Before digging check underground utilities like, water, gas, electricity etc.
10.While excavation by machine, keep visual controls, movement of
unauthorized Persons should not be allowed
11.Ensure snake bite kit is available & used whenever required
➢ Resources: -
Machinery/ Tools
1. Excavators
2. Dumpers,
3. Dozers
4. Graders
5. Pickaxe
6. Baskets

1. Shovel
2. Pickax
3. Pneumatic hammer

Manpower: -
1. Supervising Engineer
2. Supervisor / Foremen
3. Operator
4. Driver
5. Skilled Workers
6. Surveyor
7. Unskilled Workers

➢ Records: -
1. Inspection records, generated by this procedure are, to be managed in
accordance with the project Quality Plan.
2. Records of monitoring, analysis and improvement Shall be maintained
on site throughout the contract period following which they shall be
passed to the Corporate Quality Department. Such records shall be
maintained for a period of five years, after which they may be

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