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How to Write a Paragraph 3-Day Lesson Plan: “Hamburger Writing” – DAY 2

Teacher: Raina Haas

Grade Level: 2

Content Area: ELA - Writing

I. Content and Standards: This lesson addresses the following Common Core State Standards for
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• CC.1.4.2.E: Choose words and phrases for effect. 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and
• CC.1.4.2.H: Identify the topic and state an opinion.
• CC.1.4.2.J: Create an organizational structure that includes reasons and
includes a concluding statement.
• CC.1.4.2.L: Demonstrate a grade- appropriate command of the conventions of
standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
• CC.1.5.2.E: Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and
situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.
II. Prerequisites: Having completed Day 1 of the lesson, students should be able to explain how a
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paragraph is like a hamburger and identify the five main components of a paragraph. Additionally,
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students should be familiar with the notion of developing a main idea and supporting details for a 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and
piece of writing, and should possess the ability to construct complete sentences and be able to 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
spell sight words accurately.
III. Instructional Objective: Through the understanding of the “hamburger model,” students will be
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able to independently complete graphic organizers containing all elements of a well-written
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paragraph to work towards the goal of creating focused and descriptive paragraphs of their own. 1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes
IV. Instructional Procedures:
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i. Before:
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• The second day of the lesson will begin with a review of the different 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction
components of a hamburger and how they relate to a paragraph. Students will
be called on at random to answer these questions and recap what was learned
on the first day. The students will then learn the goals of the second day: use
the “Hamburger Writing” graphic organizer to develop a paragraph of your
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ii. During:
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• Students will be shown the “Hamburger Writing” graphic organizer again and 1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes
will be given additional instructions on how to complete all of the sections. As a
side note, students will be briefed on the importance of an attention-grabbing
topic sentence and thought-provoking concluding sentence (“would you rather
eat a plain, stale bun or a fresh bun with sesame seeds and butter?”).
• Students will have three minutes to brainstorm potential main ideas that they
would like to write about with students in their desk cluster.
• Once time is up, each student will receive their own graphic organizer and will
use the rest of the class time to fill in all sections of the organizer.
iii. After:
• Any student with time remaining can peer-edit and share their organizers with
students at their desk cluster, then color in their hamburger with colored pencil.
• To wrap-up Day 2 of the lesson, students will be asked what they found to be
the hardest and easiest part of completing the organizers on their own.
V. Materials and Equipment:
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i. “Hamburger Writing” Graphic Organizer: for students to map out their
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paragraph, and ensure all elements of a well-written paragraph are met. 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
ii. Colored pencils: to decorate their graphic organizers if time permits.
VI. Assessment/Evaluation: Formative assessment will be used as the teacher walks around as the
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students work on their graphic organizers. Specifically, the teacher can analyze the depth of
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details provided and student ability to focus on a specific main idea from topic to concluding 1f: Designing Student Assessments
sentence as they complete the organizer. Interval checks for understanding also will take place
during recaps at the start of Day 2.
VII. Differentiation and Individualized Activities: This lesson can be tailored to meet specific
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student needs with regard to writing ability. Students who are having trouble grasping the main
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idea and supporting details concept could be given an alternative graphic organizer with two 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
detail sections to provide fewer details or even just one detail for extreme cases. Students in
need of a challenge could be given organizers with space for incorporating additional details,
elongated sentences to “stretch” their writing, or attempt to provide alternative topic and
concluding sentences to practice different writing styles.
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VIII. Technology: No technology will be needed for Day 2 of the lesson.
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IX. Self-Assessment: The lesson can be considered successful if the students are able to 1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction
independently complete their graphic organizers. Student enthusiasm and participation in the
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lesson will also be an indictor of how engaging, interactive, and clear the lesson was for the Comment [10]:
students. By asking the students at the end of the lesson what they found easy and hard about 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

the activity will help me adjust my instruction in the future. Using these factors, future lessons can
be adjusted in terms of amount of time spent on teaching the various components of a paragraph
(such as creating topic sentences or developing details).
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1f: Designing Student Assessments

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