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The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate your ability to develop a comprehensive

implementation proposal for an information system that uses a systems approach. The proposal

should be targeted at a potential ‘sponsor’ organisation that will need to be convinced of the

appropriateness and effectiveness of the proposed new system. Choose an information system

(e.g., ERP systems, CRM systems, SCM Systems, Management Information Systems, Decision

Support Systems, Executive Information Systems, Enterprise Portals, Data Warehouse & Data

Mining Applications, Enterprise Collaboration Systems, Knowledge Management Systems, and

so on, that you have studied in this unit .Alternatively, you may wish to combine features of

several systems .Please note for the purpose of this assignment, mobile apps or other e-business

and digital enterprise applications should not be used as the chosen information system). Your

assignment should describe the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) discussed

in Topic 4 of the subject. The proposed system must address an identifiable problem/ opportunity

that exists in the sponsor organisation and relate to particular aspects of the organisation’s overall

strategic directions. It is important that you select the features of your system carefully and

justify your selection. Do not just use (be critical of the use of) the standard features of a

commercially available software package. For the purposes of this assignment, try to keep the

system that you are proposing to a manageable size.

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