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History of Land Reform

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. To discuss the meaning of land reform.

2. To know the history of land reform.
3. To identify how different countries acquire their land reform

Activity 1

Direction: This is to determine your understanding about land reform and how it was
started. Put a asterisk mark (*) if the word or phrase is familiar to you already, “x” mark if
it is not. Write your answers on the space provided.
___ 1. Right to self-organization
___ 2. Right to engage in concerted activities like strike, picketing, and boycott
___ 3. Right to minimum wage
___ 4. Right to work for not more than 8 hours
___ 5. Right to claim damages for death or injuries sustained while at work
___ 6. Right to compensation for personal injuries, death or illness
___ 7. Agricultural tenancy act of 1954 (RA no.1199)
___ 8. Land reform act of 1955 (RA no.1400)
___ 9. Land resettlement as a solution
___ 10. The agricultural land reform code of 1963 (RA no.3844)
___ 11. Amendment to the agricultural land reform code (R.A. 6389)
___ 12. Agrarian reform special fund act (RA 6369)
___ 13. Land reform law
___ 14. Emancipation Act of 1861
___ 15. Enclosure movement
Direction: Write “TRUE” if the statement is true and “FALSE” if the statement is false.
Write your answers in the space provided.

____________ 1. Land reform is a purposive change in the way in which industrialized

land is held or owned.

____________ 2. Reforms may be proclaimed by a government, by interested groups,

or by revolution.

____________ 3. The recorded history of reform begins with the Greeks and Romans
of the 5TH and 3RD centuries BCE.

____________ 4. Land in ancient Athens was held in perpetuity by the tribe or clan, with
individual holdings periodically reallocated according to family size and soil fertility.

____________ 5. The Roman reform by Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus came between
133 and 122 BCE

____________ 6. The lax agraria specified minimum and maximum individual

landholdings, with an allowance for male children of the family.

____________ 7. The measures and approaches varied from place to place and period
to period.

____________ 8. After the 1848 revolutions did Thailand, Italy, and Spain free the
peasants and redistribute the land.

____________ 9. The Emancipation Act of 1861 abolished serfdom and distributed

allotment land among the peasants.

____________ 10. The Soviet Revolution overthrew the tsarist regime and introduced
the concepts of public ownership and collectivization.

What is Land Reform?

Land reform refer to transfer of ownership from the
more powerful to the less powerful, such as from a
relatively small number of wealthy (or noble) owners with
extensive land holdings.

Land reform indicates that reform programs have become

more comprehensive and encompasses much more than the
reform of land tenure or land distribution. Reform movements
have recurred throughout history, as have the crises they are
intended to deal with, because reform has rarely dealt with
the roots of the crises. Reform has served as a problem-
solving mechanism and therefore has only been extensive
enough to cope with the immediate crisis.

Activity 2: MATCH ME!

Instruction: The following statements are land reform
objectives. Identify the Land Reform objectives whether they
belong to Operational, Political, Economic and Social. Write
your answers in column B.
Column A Column B
1. To promote optimum scale operation of the farm.
2. 2. To convert the status of share tenants into lessee.
3. To create democracy, an ideology of both non- communist and
communist reformers.
4. To promote optimum scale operation of the farm.
5. To abolish feudal forms so that the power of the landlord who is
in control of the land will be totally overthrown.
6. To accelerate economic development especially agricultural
7. To open up public lands for settlement projects and for small
scale farming operations.
8. To create democracy, an ideology of both non- communist and
communist reformers.
9. To conduct a continuing education and training program.

Activity 3:

Develop your own definition of Land Reform. Consider all the meanings you have
taken from the different sources and from authoritative sources.

What is Land Reform?

My Key Learning Points


Now, let’s consider the thought of your classmates. Ask their opinions and
learning’s about land reform. Write your answers on the space provided.

What is Land Reform?

My classmate learning points

Activity 4:
List down some of the
Land integrated programs being measured in
the Land Reform. Write your answers inside the cloud.
Activity 6:
In your understanding why is Land Reform important?
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Give the meaning of CARP
2. Know the Political, Social and Economic Objectives of CARP
3. Appreciate the importance of CARP to the lives of the farmers.

Activity 1:

Who among you here whose father or relative is a farmer? Is the land they are farming
belongs to them? (If none, interview classmate or schoolmate whose family member is
a farmer.)


Ask Me Now!

Make a short interview with a farmer you know in your place and answer the ff.

1. Why did you choose farming as your occupation?

2. Is farming an easy job for earning money?

3. What is the significance of farming in your lives?

4. Does farming help you to uplift your status in life?

Signature over printed name of the farmer

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