Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights & Third Generation Rights

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ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, AND national origin, income, or social



International Covenant on Economic,  The Right to Heath

Social and Cultural Rights is the primary
source of economic, social, and cultural  The right of everyone to the
rights. State parties have the legal enjoyment of the highest
obligation to respect, protect, and fulfill attainable standard of
these rights, to wit: physical and mental health.
 Steps to be taken to achieve
the full realization of this right
 Right To Social Security shall include those necessary
Several key human rights principles are o The provision for the
fundamental to guaranteeing the right to reduction of the stillbirth-
social security: rate and of the infant
mortality and for the
 Comprehensiveness: Social healthy development of a
security implicitly covers all the risks child;
o The improvement of all
involved in the loss of means of
aspects of environmental
subsistence for reasons beyond a
and industrial hygiene;
person’s control.
o The prevention, treatment
and control of epidemic,
 Flexibility: The retirement age endemic occupational and
should be flexible, depending on other diseases.
the occupations performed and o The creation of condition
the working ability of elderly which would assure to all
persons, with due regard to medical service and
demographic, economic, and medical attention in the
social factors. event of sickness.

 Non-discrimination: Social
security must be provided without  right of everyone to
discrimination (in intent or effect) education
based on health status, race,  that education shall be
ethnicity, age, sex, sexuality, directed to the full development
disability, language, religion, of the human personality
 education shall enable all THIRD GENERATION RIGHTS
persons to participate
effectively in a free The term "third-generation human rights"
society, promote remains largely unofficial, just as the
understanding, tolerance also-used moniker of "green" rights, and
and friendship among all thus houses an extremely broad
nations and all racial. spectrum of rights, including:
 primary education shall be
compulsory and available  Group and collective rights
free to all  Right to self-determination
 secondary education shall  Right to economic and social
be made generally development
available and accessible to  Right to a healthy environment
all  Right to natural resources
 higher education shall be  Right to communicate and
made equally accessible communication rights
to all  Right to participation in cultural
 fundamental education heritage
shall be encouraged or  Rights to intergenerational equity and
intensified as far as sustainability
possible for those persons
who have not received or
Historical background
completed the whole
period of their primary In 1979, KarelVasak presented a brief
education; but systematic theory of what he called
 the development of a "the third generation of human
system of schools at all rights.“Vasak argued that several new
levels shall be actively human rights, such as the rights to
development, to a healthy environment,
 an adequate fellowship
and to peace, were already beginning to
system shall be
emerge in international law. He
suggested that these three generations
 material conditions of
of human rights corresponded
teaching staff shall be
continuously improved. respectively to the three ideals
 respect for the liberty of proclaimed in the French revolution:
parents and, when liberty, equality and fraternity.
applicable, legal guardians Accordingly, these new human rights
to choose for their children should be thought of as solidarity rights.
schools Third-generation or ‘solidarity’ rights are
the most recently recognised category of
human rights.
3. Expressing the will and the
aspirations of all peoples to
New Human Rights (Solidarity Rights) eradicate war from the life of
mankind and, above all, to avert a
A. The right to development
world-wide nuclear catastrophe.
For the millions of people around
4. Convinced that life without war
the world who live in abject
serves as the primary international
poverty, the United Nations
prerequisite for the material well-
Declaration on the Right to
being, development and progress
Development offers hope. Indeed,
of countries and for the full
the aspiration to make the right to
implementation of the rights and
development a reality for all is the
fundamental human freedoms
foundation for the quest to achieve
proclaimed by the United Nations.
the Millennium Development
5. Aware that in the nuclear age the
Goals (MDGs), the internationally
establishment of a lasting peace on
agreed global development goals.
Earth represents the primary
condition for the preservation of
Millennium Development Goals
human civilization and the survival
of mankind.
6. Recognizing that the maintenance
1. Reduce poverty, hunger and
of a peaceful life for peoples is the
sacred duty of each State.
2. Promote gender equality,
education, environmental
sustainability and global
partnerships C. The Right to a Healthy
The right to a healthy enviornment
was recognised in Stockholm
B. The Right to Peace
Conference in 1972 in an inter-
Declaration on the Right of Peoples national environmental law
to Peace was approved by General document. The conference
Assembly Resolution 39/11 of 12 adopted what is known as the
November 1984 with the following Stockholm Declaration, consisting
details: of three non-binding instruments:

1. Reaffirming that the principal aim of 1. A resolution on institutional

the United Nations is the and financial arrangements;
maintenance of international peace 2. Declaration containing 26
and security. principles;
2. Bearing in mind the fundamental 3. An action plan containing 109
Principles of International Law set recommendations.
forth in the Charter of the United
In June 1992, the UN Conference The improvement of all aspects of
on Environment and Development environmental and industrial hygiene.”
(UNCED) was held in Rio de Ja-
neiro, Brazil. The purpose of the
conference was to elaborate
strategies and measures to halt UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN
and reverse the effects of RIGHTS
environmental degradation and to Article 25
strengthen national and (1) Everyone has the right to a standard
international efforts to promote of living adequate for the health and
sustainable and environmentally well-being of himself and of his
family, including food, clothing,
sound development in all housing and medical care and
countries. In the international necessary social services, and the
context, the Rio Declaration with right to security in the event of
its Plan of Action ("Agenda 21”) unemployment, sickness, disability,
widowhood, old age or other lack of
contains measures to be taken for livelihood in circumstances beyond
implementation of the Rio his control.
principles and the other major (2) Motherhood and childhood are
treaties produced in Rio. entitled to special care and
assistance. All children, whether born
The measures are; in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the
same social protection.
a. provision of financial resources INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON
b. transfer of environmentally sound RIGHTS
technologies; Article 11
c. support for capacity-building; 1. The States Parties to the present
d. education and awareness; Covenant recognize the right of
e. development of enforceable everyone to an adequate standard of
international legal instruments; living for himself and his family,
f. environmental impact including adequate food, clothing and
housing, and to the continuous
assessments; and improvement of living conditions. The
g. information and tools for meas- States Parties will take appropriate
uring progress steps to ensure the realization of this
right, recognizing to this effect the
The environment is mentioned essential importance of international
directly in the ICESCR in article 12(2) co-operation based on free consent.
on the right to health: 2. The States Parties to the present
Covenant, recognizing the
“ (a)The steps to be taken by the States fundamental right of everyone to be
Parties to the present Covenant to free from hunger, shall take,
achieve the full realization of this right individually and through international
co-operation, the measures,
shall include those necessary for . . . (b)
including specific programmes, which
are needed:
The right to an adequate standard of
a. To improve methods of living is also enshrined in the Convention on
production, conservation and the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
distribution of food by making against Women, which aimed to create
full use of technical and conditions under which women and mothers
scientific knowledge, by would be economically secure and
disseminating knowledge of independent. The Convention requires
the principles of nutrition and states to end discrimination against women
by developing or reforming in relation to employment and other
agrarian systems in such a economic activities. The right to an adequate
way as to achieve the most standard of living is reiterated in
efficient development and the Convention on the Rights of the
utilization of natural Child with Article 27 recognizing ever child's
resources; right to a standard of living adequate for the
child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral and
b. Taking into account the social development. The parents of the child
problems of both food- have primary responsibility to secure this
importing and food-exporting right within their abilities, while the state must
countries, to ensure an take appropriate steps to assist parents and
equitable distribution of world others responsible for children. States must
food supplies in relation to if necessary provide material assistance,
need. particularly in relation to nutrition, clothing
and housing.

The right to an adequate standard of

living is recognized as a human The UDHR establishes that the right to
right in international human rights an adequate standard of living requires as a
instruments and is understood to establish a minimum the enjoyment of subsistence
minimum entitlement to food, clothing and rights that is adequate food and nutrition,
housing at an adequate level. clothing, housing and care when required.
It also recognizes that the right to an
adequate standard of living will require
The right to an adequate standard of different measures depending on the
living is enshrined in Article 25 of situation of a person. It specifies that persons
the Universal Declaration of Human who are unable to secure the enjoyment of
Rights (UDHR) and Article 11 of conditions necessary for an adequate
the International Covenant on Economic, standard of living have a right to care.
Social and Cultural Rights. The most
significant inspiration for the inclusion of the
right to an adequate standard of living in the Article 11 also recognizes the right of
UDHR was the Four Freedoms speech by everyone to an adequate standard of living.
US President Franklin Roosevelt, which This includes, but is not limited to, the right to
declared amongst others the "freedom from adequate food, clothing, housing, and "the
want". Fulfillment of the right to an adequate continuous improvement of living
standard of living depends on a number of conditions". It also creates an obligation on
other economic, social and cultural rights, parties to work together to eliminate world
including the right to property, the right to hunger.
work, the right to education and the right to
(1) Right to adequate food, also
social security.
referred to as the right to food, is
interpreted as requiring "the
availability of food in a quantity and
Article 11 of the ICESCR establishes two
quality sufficient to satisfy the dietary
human rights, the right to be free from
needs of individuals, free from
hunger, known as the right to food, and the
adverse substances, and acceptable
right to an adequate standard of living,
within a given culture". This must be
specifically in relation to subsistence rights
accessible to all, implying an
to clothing, housing and food. The ICESCR
obligation to provide special
requires as a minimum that the subsistence
programmes for the vulnerable. This
rights are protected by the state. The right to
must also ensure an equitable
food and the right to housing have
distribution of world food supplies in
subsequently been defined as independent
relation to need, taking into account
rights in other human rights
the problems of food-importing and
instruments. The ICESC makes it clear that
food-exporting countries. The right to
states must take appropriate steps to ensure
adequate food also implies a right to
the realization of the right to an adequate
standard of living, by for example requiring
(2) Right to adequate housing, also the state to take the necessary measures to
referred to as the right to housing, is ensure that hunger does not occur.
"the right to live somewhere in
security, peace and dignity". It
requires "adequate privacy, Relationship with other Rights
adequate space, adequate security, Overall the right to an adequate
adequate lighting and ventilation, standard of living is understood as a social
adequate basic infrastructure and right, which requires respect for a number of
adequate location with regard to work other economic, social and cultural rights,
and basic facilities – all at a including the right to education as
reasonable cost". Parties must enshrined in Article 26 of the Universal
ensure security of tenure and that Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and
access is free of discrimination, and Articles 13 and 14 of the International
progressively work to eliminate Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
homelessness. Forced evictions, Rights (ICESCR), the right to property,
defined as "the permanent or which is enshrined in Article 17 of the UDHR,
temporary removal against their will the right to work as enshrined in Article 23
of individuals, families and/or of the UDHR and Article 6 of the ICESCR,
communities from the homes and/or and the right to social security as
land which they occupy, without the enshrined in Article 22 of the UDHR and
provision of, and access to, Article 25 of the ICESCR. When the right to
appropriate forms of legal or other property, the right to work and the right to
protection", are a prima facie violation social security, three core economic rights,
of the Covenant. are implemented in combination, it is
(3) Right to adequate clothing, also assumed that an adequate standard of living
referred to as the right to clothing, can normally be secured.
has not been authoritatively defined
and has received little in the way of
academic commentary or
international discussion. What is
considered "adequate" has only been
discussed in specific contexts, such
as refugees, the disabled, the elderly,
or workers.

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