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Penguins are birds that Penguins have a lighter color on

cannot fly, but they the

swim belly and a darker color on their
very well and spend back,
most which helps camouflage them when
of their lives in the they
sea. are in the water
Some species spend Penguins have more feathers
as than most
much as 75% of their other birds - about 70 feathers
lives every 5
in the water. square cm. They produce oil from a
However, they gland
lay their eggs and near the tail, and they use this to
raise their chicks on land. coat
There are 17 species of penguins. their feathers to keep them
The Emperor Penguin is the tallest of waterproof.
all penguin species, reaching as tall as When traveling on ice, Antarctic
120 cm (47 in) in height. Little Blue penguins often "toboggan" on their
Penguins are the smallest type of bellies.
penguin, averaging around 33 cm (13 They use their flippers and feet to
in) in height. King Penguins are the slide
second largest penguin specie. their bodies forward along the ice.
Most penguins live in the Southern Some penguins have crests on
Hemisphere. Many live at the South their
Pole on Antarctica.  Large penguin heads as well as red bills and eyes.
populations can be found in countries Penguins eat a range of fish, krill,
such as New Zealand, Australia, Chile, shrimp, and squid. Penguins can
Argentina, South Africa the Galapagos drink sea
Islands. No penguins live at the North water.
Pole. They are quite defenseless Penguins live about twenty years
birds, so they usually live in remote in wild.
All penguins have a big head and a
short, thick neck. Penguins are shaped
a torpedo with a short, wedge-shaped
tail. Their wings have developed into
flippers. They dive deep into the water
and 'fly' underwater at a great speed Penguins are birds.
of about 15 They live in water.
miles per hour. Penguin legs are short2 There are 20 species1of penguins.
a. 1
strong. They have webbed feet Emperor Penguin is the tallest of all
visible claws. the penguins.
c. Penguins
Foot walk Penguins live at the North Pole. 3
3 with short steps or
hops, sometimes using their bills or They can “fly” underwater at a speed
d. Flipper
tails to assist themselves on steep of 15 m/h.
e. Tail Penguins can walk.
climbs. 5
f. Head They4 eat fish, krill, shrimp and squid.
g. Beak 7 They live about 15 years. 6

1. Penguins are birds. T

2. They live in water. F
3. There are 20 species of penguins. F
4. Emperor Penguin is the tallest of all the penguins. T
5. Penguins live at the North Pole. F
6. They can “fly” underwater at a speed of 15 m/h. T
7. Penguins can walk. T
8. They eat fish, krill, shrimp and squid. T
9. They live about 15 years. F

Name the parts of the body:

1. – f
2. – g
3. – a
4. – b
5. – d
6. – e
7. – c

What’s this?
1. – a head
2. – a beak
3. – an eye
4. – a neck
5. – a belly
6. – a back

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