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 Methodology   Deployment  -­‐  It  is  not  always  achievable,  but  the  aim  should  be  
for  each  Sprint  to  be  deployable.  At  minimum  you  can  take  it  
through  to  UAT  so  that  the  business  teams  can  start  tesIng  that  
new  feature  (it  saves  Ime  later  and  familiarises  them  with  it)      

Deploy! Deploy! Deploy!

Backlog! Backlog!
Grooming! Grooming!

Sprint 5 - Active ! Sprint 6 – Preparation !

Development team currently working Business Analyst supporting the Sprint 5 build
through the Sprint 5 tickets! and preparing tickets for Sprint 6.!

Test team work on each ticket as it becomes

Team Velocity: ! available, system/regression testing in last 2
45 Story Points! days of Sprint!

•  Show & Tell! •  Show & Tell! •  Show & Tell!

•  Retrospective! •  Retrospective! •  Retrospective!
•  Sprint planning! Team Commitment! •  Sprint planning! Team Commitment! •  Sprint planning!

Team  Commitment  –  Once  the  Sprint  is  formed  and  esImated,  a  team  representaIve  
sends  a  commitment  email  to  all.  This  binds  the  team  to  deliver  what  they  have  agreed.  
Show  &  Tell  –  Each  developer  demonstrates  their  deliverable  to  the   If  a  Icket  is  falling  behind  then  pair  programming  is  undertaken  to  bring  it  in  on-­‐Ime.    
rest  of  the  team.  The  BA  and  ideally  the  product  owner  review  and  
ensure  it  is  correct.  
Retrospec4ve  –  Discussion  of  good  and  bad  points  from  the  Sprint.   Key Rules!
Outcome  minuted  and  acted  upon.  Every  Sprint.  
•  Sprints last 2 or 3 weeks (try to avoid long Sprints)!
  •  S&T/Retrospective/Planning meeting is never moved – Re-occurs in Outlook. It is not optional! !
Sprint  Planning  –  The  Ickets  from  the  backlog  grooming  session  are   •  No tickets interrupt the Sprint they wait for the next one, otherwise you break the team commitment!
reviewed  and  story  pointed  by  the  team  (planning  poker).  Sprint   •  Use same methodology across all teams, it allows easier porting of resource with less training time!
finalised  based  upon  esImates  versus  team  velocity  from  last  Sprint   •  Business stakeholders have to buy-in to the process, they are part of the team – No exceptions!!
(taking  into  account  team  member  holidays,  etc).     •  The team have to estimate the tickets themselves, PM cannot interfere – they are committing !
Mark  Coltman  –  UMPG  2014   Global1  IT ! 1!
Ticket  PrioriIsaIon  &  PreparaIon  

Product  Backlog  –  List  of  all  Ickets  and   Backlog  Grooming  –  Usually  occurs  aSer  the  
current  Sprint  Planning  is  done,  in  order  to    
features  asked  for  by  the  business  teams.   Sprint  Planning  –  The  Ickets  from  the  backlog  
OSen  requirements  are  of  varying  merit   prepare  Ickets  for  the  next  Sprint.  Ideally  with  
grooming  session  are  reviewed  and  story  
and  detail,  oSen  at  an  Epic  level.  I  want   the  Product  Owner  or  Business  Stakeholders,  
pointed  by  the  team  (planning  poker).  Sprint  
the  system  to  do  this….   as  they  can  advise  on  their  priority  and  buy-­‐in  
to  what  is  being  developed  for  that  Sprint.     finalised  based  upon  esImates  versus  team  
velocity  from  last  Sprint  (taking  into  account  
team  member  holidays,  etc).    
Product Backlog (Epics) !

•  Jira-1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! Backlog Grooming !
•  Jira-3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! Sprint Planning !
•  Jira-4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-14 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
Prioritise! Refine! Team
•  Jira-11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-15 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-19 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-12 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-19 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-20 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-13 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! •  Jira-20 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-14 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-15 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-16 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-17 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
•  Jira-18 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
Refine  Requirement  –  Once  the  Ickets  are  agreed,  the  
•  Jira-19 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
business  analyst  works  to  create  user  stories  to  give  the  
•  Jira-20 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! developers  enough  detail  to  code  from.  SomeImes  soluIon  
and  wireframes,  although  this  can  be  leS  to  the  developers  
going  into  the  Sprint.  Developers  are  kept  in  the  loop  so  that  
the  Ickets  are  not  a  surprise  to  them  at  Sprint  planning.  

Global2  IT ! 2!
Mark  Coltman  –  UMPG  2014  

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