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Rashid Ganiyu
This book in dedicated to my father; Sikiru Ganiyu, mother; Afusat Ganiyu, my beautiful
sisters of the Ganiyu family. Who have been with me and supported me over the years.
You have been a loyal and understanding family. Without you all nothing would have
been possible, and with your support, there have been no limits.
Copyright © 2018 Rashid Ganiyu, All right reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical
means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission from the
publisher. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts ina
published review.
CHAPTER 1: Mobile Phone Security .............................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Mobile phone Security level: ..................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2: Spying on a Phone ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Spying on a phone: .................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 How to Spy on Phone: ............................................................................................................... 6
2.3 List of Spying Tools:................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Truth Spy: .................................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 How Truth Spy Works:............................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 3: Attack from the Internet ........................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Attack from the internet: ............................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Social Engineering: .................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Social Hacking: ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Types of Social Hacking:......................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 4: Creating a firewall ................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Creating a Firewall for Cyber: ................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Learn the benefits of picking the right Firewall: ................................................................... 11
4.2.a Functionality and Usability: ................................................................................................. 11
4.2.b VPN Confirmation:................................................................................................................ 12
4.2.c Warranty and Technical support: ....................................................................................... 12
4.2.d The integrity of Hardware: ................................................................................................... 12
4.2.e Monitoring and Reporting: ................................................................................................... 13
4.2.f Content Filtering: ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.a Antivirus: ................................................................................................................................ 13
4.3.b How does antivirus work? ................................................................................................... 14
4.4.a Rooting or jail breaking a phone: ....................................................................................... 14
4.4.b Adverse effect of rooting device:........................................................................................ 14
4.4.c How do I unroot my device? ............................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER 5: Keeping the phone safe .......................................................................................................... 16
5.1 How to detect tracking software on your phone .................................................................. 16
5.2 How to prevent tracking software from getting on your phone in the first place ............. 16

5.3.a Cyber Security of Mobile: .................................................................................................... 17
5.3.b Why is mobile security important? ..................................................................................... 17
5.3.c Risk of mobile threat ............................................................................................................ 18
5.3.e What best security app should I use? ............................................................................... 18
CHAPTER 6: How to block spy app from one's phone ................................................................................ 19
6.1 How to remove tracking software once you’ve detected it on your phone ...................... 19
6.2 Block someone from calling or texting you:.......................................................................... 20
6.3 How do you block a number on various operating systems .............................................. 20
6.4 How do you block an incoming call? ..................................................................................... 22
6.5 How do you block unwanted text messages?...................................................................... 22
6.6 Conclusion on best practices for mobile security ................................................................ 22

CHAPTER 1: Mobile Phone Security

1.1 Introduction

As mobile devices become commonplace in most organizations,

cybercriminals are exploiting poorly secured Smartphone, mobile apps, and
unauthorized wireless networks to gain access to sensitive data.
Employees may unwittingly download malware-laden mobile apps from
unauthorized app stores, opening up new attacks vectors.
The world’s technology is on the rise and mobile phone is not an exemption
in the business world. Enterprise has gone to an age where confidential
information is transferred from the use of computer system which makes it
an object of concern.
We have entered a time when the conveniences of widespread connectivity
including the cloud, have put us at more risk than ever getting hacked.
When data does fall into wrong hands, the consequences can be
devastating. High rise in data breaches and ransom ware attacks have
organizations and individuals on red alert for the best ways to safeguard
their data and networks, both now and for the future.
Mobile phone security
Mobile phone security is a technology that protects different pieces of the
mobile ecosystem from threats. Analysts have several names and
categories for mobile security.
Mobile devices allow users to access information resources wherever they
are, whenever they need, presenting both opportunities and challenges.
The constant Internet access available via a mobile device's cellular and
Wi-Fi connections has the potential to make business practices more
efficient and effective, but it can be challenging to ensure the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information that a mobile
device accesses, stores, and processes. As mobile technologies mature,
users increasingly want to use both organizations issued and personally
owned mobile devices to access enterprise services, data, and other
resources to perform work-related activities. While the security risks posed
by today's mobile devices, organizations are under pressure to accept
them due to several factors, including anticipated cost savings, increased
productivity and users' demand for more convenience.
Mobile security components are:
 Application
 Operating system
 Firmware
 Hardware

1.2 Mobile phone Security level:

Mobile security is the protection of Smartphone, tablets, and other portable

computing devices, and the networks they connect to, from threats and
vulnerabilities associated with wireless computing. Mobile security is also
known as wireless security.

1. Device loss was the top concern. If an employee leaves a Smartphone in

a taxi cab or at a restaurant, for example, sensitive data, such as customer
information or corporate intellectual property, can be put at risk.

2. Application security was the second-ranking concern. Mobile apps

request to too many privileges, which allows them to access various data
sources on the device, many mobile apps -- especially free ones -- are built
with ties to advertising networks, which makes contacts, browsing history
and location data extremely valuable to application developers. Malicious
or Trojan-infected applications is another concern, that are designed to look
like they perform normally, but secretly upload sensitive data to a remote

3. Device data leakage is also another mobile security issue. Data loss and
theft to malicious applications and mobile malware are great sources of
data leakage. Increases corporate data on mobile devices increases the
attention of cybercriminals who can target both the devices and back-end
systems they tap into with mobile malware. Sensitive business applications
on those devices will pose a threat to such confidential files.

4. Malware attacks are on the rise as SMS Trojans, designed to charge

device owners premium text messages. Android devices are the most
exposed to this threat, but other platforms can attract financially motivated
cybercriminals if they adopt Near Field Communications and other mobile
payment technologies.

5. Device theft is a common problem for owners of highly coveted

Smartphone such as the iPhone or high-end Android devices. Corporate
data, such as account credentials and access to email, falling into the
hands of a tech-savvy thief put the organization at a great threat.

CHAPTER 2: Spying on a Phone

2.1 Spying on a phone:

The Spy Phone app is the new eagle-eye technology Smartphone

software. This mobile application records the incoming and outgoing phone
calls, and surroundings. It tracks the geolocations, the browser activity and
messages, including the deleted ones from applications like Whatsapp,
Instagram, Facebook, Skype and Twitter.

2.2 How to Spy on Phone:

Phone Sector is a powerful utility app that allows you to spy on a cell phone
or any mobile device without having the device in your possession. The
app works by remotely accessing data from the target phone (the phone
you are monitoring) and displaying that data on your mobile phone, tablet
or computer. PhoneSpector claims that it will collect texts, calls, GPS,
Facebook, Twitter and more from virtually any phone.

We decided to put this sneaky little app to the test so, with the consent of
our co-worker, Tara, we remotely connected to her phone here in the office.
You will be shocked at what we discovered!

The program was a bit invasive as to any level of tracking you can think of.
Phone Sector gathered text messages, calls, GPS tracking information,
social media messages and pictures and just about everything else that
transpired on the phone. With a feature called “Stealth Camera” we were
able to secretly take a picture using the telephones camera and have that
picture sent to the phone that we were spying from. Think of it this way;
Tana, our consenting co-worker has her phone in her hands and I am
monitoring her phone from mine. I send a command to Tana’s phone telling
it to take a picture. The program snaps a picture on her phone, and then
automatically sends that picture to me. That picture is on my cell phone.

With the “listen to surroundings” feature I was able to activate the
microphone on Tana’s phone, allowing me to hear everything that was
going on around her phone. I listened to a conversation while using the
feature and it appear as if I were standing there myself. There are many
who will say that this is overstepping the bounds of ethical cell phone
monitoring and you might be among those who agrees to that, however this
type of application is capable of intrusive surveillance and it is available to
the average consumer for less than 65$.

2.3 List of Spying Tools:

• SEMrush.
• Adbeat.
• What Runs Where.
• Mix Rank
• Ontolo
• Adgooroo
• Moat.
• Keyword Spy.
• Espionage
• Kompyte
• SimilarWeb
• Alexa
• Ahrefs
• SpyFu
• The Search Monitor
• Majestic SEO

2.4 Truth Spy:

The Truth Spy takes record of things such as SMS messages and call
information along with periodic GPS locations when a GPS signal is

There’s no need to worry about being near the device to view the activity
after installation because activities are viewable using ANY web browser,
even a Mac or phone web browser.

2.5 How Truth Spy Works:

This new technology might sound complicated but the process is actually
quite easy using our online frequently asked question (FAQ) and other
documentation. Below you will find a miniature version of how the entire
process works. Remember, the truth Spy works on many platforms
including Android and iPhone.

A. Customer agrees to the terms and installs the truth spy onto the
phone they own and have proper consent to monitor. The customer
configures program.
B. Employee or child performs SMS messages, URL browsing, and call
activities. The Truth Spy logs the activities and inserts the logs to the
customer’s the truth spy account.
C. Customer logs into their online account from anywhere in the world
with a web browser where they can view all logged activities in near real

CHAPTER 3: Attack from the Internet

3.1 Attack from the internet:

Targeted cyber - attacks. It may include: spear-phishing, sending emails to

targeted individuals that could contain an attachment with malicious
software or a link that downloads malicious software. Deployment of a
botnet to deliver a DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. Common
attacks from the internet are as following:
 Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
 Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack.
 Phishing and spear phishing attacks.
 Drive-by attack.
 Password attack.
 SQL injection attack.
 Cross-site scripting (XSS) attack.
 Eavesdropping attack.
 Spam
 Ransom ware

3.2 Social Engineering:

Social engineering is the art of manipulating or tricking people so they give

up confidential information. The types of information they want you to share
can vary, but when individuals are targeted the criminals are usually trying
to trick you into giving them your passwords or bank information, or access
to your computer by tricking you to secretly install malicious software–that
will give them access to your passwords and bank information as well as
giving them control over your computer.
Criminals use social engineering tactics because it is usually easier to
exploit your natural inclination to trust that it is to discover ways to hack
your software. For example, it is much easier to fool someone into giving
their password to you than it is for you to try hacking their password (unless
the password is really weak).

Security is all about knowing what, who and when to trust. It is important to
know when you trust that the website you are using is legitimate or is safe
to provide your information. The same is true when and when not to take a
person at their word and when the person you are communicating with is
whom they say they are.
Ask any security professional and they will explain to you that the weakest
link in the security chain is the human who accepts a person or scenario at
face value. It doesn’t matter how sophisticated the security you have with
you be it many locks and deadbolts are on your doors and windows, or if
have guard dogs, alarm systems, floodlights, fences with barbed wire, and
armed security personnel; if you trust the person at the gate who says he is
the pizza delivery guy and you let him in without first checking to see if he
is legitimate you are fully exposed to whatever risk he represents.

3.3 Social Hacking:

They are the social engineers, hackers who look for one weakness to
exploit in each and every organization: human psychology. Using various
medium, including phone calls and social media, these attackers trick
people into offering them access to sensitive information.

3.4 Types of Social Hacking:

 Key logger
 Denial of Service
 Waterhole attacks
 Fake WAP
 Eavesdropping (Passive Attacks)
 Phishing
 Virus,
 Trojan
 Click jacking Attacks

CHAPTER 4: Creating a firewall

4.1 Creating a Firewall for Cyber:

A Firewall is a software program or built-in hardware device with a specific

purpose to defend your home or business against electronic threats by
screening viruses, hackers and worms looking to infiltrate your computer
through the internet. Serving as a gatekeeper between your company's
servers and the outside world – firewalls keep external threats out while
alerting you to more elusive problems by diverting outgoing data.

Having an effective business class firewall is important but having a good

balance of an anti-malware program and antivirus suite can save your
business from spending time and money dealing with virus infections or
hacker attacks.

4.2 Learn the benefits of picking the right Firewall:

There are a variety of business class firewalls to choose from. Some

network security devices include a broad range of features and services at
a high cost, while others have basic services for a lower cost. When you’re
running a business, you have to weigh the cost of Security. Spending a few
more dollars can be the difference between getting a breach and not
getting a breach. Be sure to select a trusted and well-recognized platform.
Whichever brand you select, confirm that the ICSA (Institute of Chartered
Secretaries and Administrators) certified firewall is used in the industry
standard for packet inspection.

4.2.a Functionality and Usability:

Many firewall models deliver strong security and offer GUI-friendly

administration. Some of the benefits of having a GUI interface are it helps
prevent installation mistakes, it makes it easier to diagnose and correct

failures and make it’s easier to train staff and implement changes,
upgrades, and replacement.

So, when selecting a hardware-based firewall, consider the benefits of

functionality and usage. The simpler a platform is to administer, the simpler
it will be to locate professionals capable of installing, maintaining, and
troubleshooting the platform.

4.2.b VPN Confirmation:

A good firewall isn’t just to keep hackers and unauthorized traffic out of the
network. A good firewall will also establish and monitor secure channels,
enabling remote connectivity. When you purchase a hardware-based
firewall make sure it supports both SSL- and IPSec- protected VPN
connections from similar devices (for point-to-point or site-to-site VPNs), as
well as secure connections from traveling employees. This is critical when
protecting a critical personal client and business data. Creating a Virtual
Private Network connection is one of the single most critical things a
business owner can do to create a secure remote connection. Don't skimp
on this feature.

4.2.c Warranty and Technical support:

Hardware fails. Ensure 24×7 technical support is out there and implement
technical support contracts with the firewall's manufacturer. Get a 24/7
warranty, if your business class device fails you're not going to be able to
pick it up at a local store so either has a spare on hand or get a good
warranty. Having a down firewall for a day or two can lead to complete
failure inclusive of email, internet, and remote connectivity.

4.2.d The integrity of Hardware:

The Integrity of your hardware is critical. Having a dated firewall in today's

fast-paced ever-changing business environment can lead to slowness,
Internet issues, and major security concerns. The older a firewall gets the
more vulnerable it gets. Make sure you keep all your hardware current,
under warranty update your subscriptions annually and only purchase
business class hardware.

4.2.e Monitoring and Reporting:

Firewalls manage critical network tasks. Continually throughout just one

business day, a single router can block thousands of intrusion attempts,
detect consolidated attacks, and log failing or failed network connections.
But this information is useful to network administrators only if it's available
in a readily accessible format. Look for firewalls that not only monitor
important events, but that also logs these data incompatible formats. Most
firewalls only log information for 30 days so make sure you extend the
logging to 180 or 360 days. 30 days of logging just isn't enough today so
make sure your firewall's log can go back at least 180 days but it's
recommended that you go back 360 days of logging. A good firewall should
generate alerts via email, too, at least for critical events.

4.2.f Content Filtering:

Some firewall manufacturers offer Web filtering subscriptions. The gain is

that all the network services associated with a business, from gateway
security services to content filtering, can be consolidated on a single
device. Content filtering is the use of a program to screen and exclude from
access to Web pages or e-mail that is deemed inappropriate. This type of
filtering can help prevent Malware from penetrating your infrastructure
when your staff is surfing the Internet. Content filtering has come a long
way in the past 5 years and can prove a useful tool against hacking and
potential Virus and Malware attacks. Look at this add-on module strongly
when deciding a firewall.

4.3.a Antivirus:

Anti-virus software is a program or set of programs that are designed to

stop, search for, detect, and remove software viruses, and other malicious
software like worms, Trojans, adware, and more. Scan specific files or
directories for any malware or well-known malicious content.

4.3.b How does antivirus work?

A virus becomes active when a document infected with the virus is opened
using the program it is designed to attack. An infected document spread by
opening the document on another computer, when the document is opened
on a new computer which has not been infected before, it will infect the
new computer and, the global settings used by that copy of the application
will be infected as well. A boot sector virus infects diskettes and hard disks.

4.4.a Rooting or jail breaking a phone:

Rooting(android) is the process of allowing users of Smartphone, tablets

and other devices running the Android mobile operating system to attain
privileged control (known as root access) over various Android subsystems.
Jail breaking (IOS) is also giving root access to IOS mobile operating
devices with permission to download and install additional applications,
extension, and themes that are unavailable through the official Apple App

4.4.b Adverse effect of rooting device:

It is not advisable to attempt to ‘jailbreak’, ‘crack’ or ‘root’ your Smartphone

or tablet. This is a process people use to eliminate restrictions placed on
their device’s operating system by the phone manufacturer. There are two
principal demerits to rooting an android phone which are:
Firstly, rooting immediately voids your phone's warranty. After they are
rooted, the phone looses warranty and therefore cannot be serviced under
Secondly, Rooting involves the risk of "bricking" your phone. A bricked
phone is a phone that will not turn on in any way, shape or form, and
there's nothing you can do to fix it. It is no better than carrying around a
brick in your pocket.

4.4.c How do I unroot my device?

 Launch the SuperSU app

 Tap the "Settings" tab
 Scroll down to the "Cleanup" section

 Tap "Full Unroot"
 Read the permission prompt and then tap "Continue"
 Reboot your device once SuperSU closes
 Use Unroot app if this method fails.

CHAPTER 5: Keeping the phone safe

5.1 How to detect tracking software on your phone

There is no straight way to detect if there is tracking software on your

phone. The best way to detect spyware, malware is to download security
software and run regular scans on your cell phone.

Other common pointers of tracking software are listed below. This list is
inexhaustible, so you may be infected with tracking software even if you
don’t experience any of these symptoms.

 Your cell-phone interface will change automatically by itself or the

color and brightness combination will not work properly.
 You regularly hear odd or unusual background noises and/or clicks
when using the phone.
 Your phone has trouble maintaining battery life or the battery always
stays warm even when in idle mode.
 The phone occasionally lights up when you aren’t making a phone
call or using any other function.
 Your phone indicates that there is free space available on it, yet you
are unable to access it.
 The application that tells you which programs are currently running
keeps showing a suspicious program running in the background.
 You seem to have trouble shutting your phone off, or it stays lit up
after you have powered down.
 Your phone becomes slower while surfing the internet or other
 You see different system files in the file manager of the phone which
cannot be manually removed.

5.2 How to prevent tracking software from getting on your phone in

the first place

Tracking software can be so dangerous which indicate that your phone is

vulnerable and data can be easily retrieved from it, to prevent that you are
to inculcate the following activities in your normal habit.

 Hand your phone to trusted people and do not give it to someone you
don’t know.
 Download programs only from safe, trusted sources and reputable
 Always password protects your cell phone login screen.
 Always require a password before downloading an application.
 Download the latest anti-malware software, always keep it updated
and scan your phone daily.
 Keep your Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connection in a secure mode and
never accept or access Bluetooth connections that you are unfamiliar
 Read the Terms & Conditions, Legal Disclaimers and Privacy Policy
of all the apps that you install on your phone. We understand that the
majority of people do not spend time reading these policies but a
quick read today will save you a significant amount of time tomorrow.
When reading one of these policies, look for language that indicates
that the app provider is authorized to track your information.
 Always be alert about the unusual behavior of the mobile phone such
as slower performance, lower brightness, auto restarts, etc.
 Do not grant access to your confidential information to any third party
application or website. If you don't have to give out your name,
address, phone number, email, or other personally identifiable
information, don't give it out.
 Do not install a pirated version of any applications. These are
sometimes merged with malware.

5.3.a Cyber Security of Mobile:

Mobile security is the protection of Smartphone, tablets, laptops and

other portable computing devices, and the networks they connect to, from
threats and vulnerabilities associated with wireless computing. Mobile
security is also known as wireless security.

5.3.b Why is mobile security important?

The importance of mobile security; Mobile devices are a part of our life. As
the use of phones keeps growing, security risks also keeps increasing
too. Mobile security can be compromised due to design flaws,

vulnerabilities, and protocol failures in any mobile applications, viruses,
spyware, malware, and other threats.

5.3.c Risk of mobile threat

Mobile threat is an occurrence we can do away with this recent time and in
the future as a result of emerging technology, the following are the alighted
risk if a robust system of mobile device management is not put in place in
an organization which is:
1) Loss of sensitive corporate and customer data
2) Installing malware-infected or unauthorized app
3) Unrestricted and unfiltered access to undesirable website content
4) Malicious activity from employees or compromised devices.
5) mobile malware
6) social engineers
7) stolen data due to loss, theft, or disposal of unauthorized access

5.3.e What best security app should I use?

They are the best security app for Android.

 Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus. Kaspersky is a remarkable security
application and one of the best antivirus apps for Android
 Webroot Mobile Security
 Avast Mobile Security
 Bit defender Antivirus Free
 Norton Security & Antivirus
 Sophos Mobile Security
 Security Master
 McAfee Mobile Security & Lock.
 DFNDR Security

CHAPTER 6: How to block spy app from one's phone

6.1 How to remove tracking software once you’ve detected it on

your phone

The ways to remove tracking threats on your phone range from easy
activity to extreme measures like formatting your phone. Some steps you
can take are listed below. You should consider the remedy that is most
applicable to your device, depending on your level of concern and your
phone’s vulnerability.

 Install Firmware/Software Updates when available: Keep your

phone up to date. This includes both the firmware updates and
software updates. Although this won’t necessarily help you remove a
tracking app if it has already been installed, it will close possible
vulnerabilities with each security update that you install.

 Look for unfamiliar programs that are installed: Look through all
your applications and installations for anything unfamiliar. There may
be quite a few strangely named programs running that are perfectly
normal. But if you see a program or application that you did not
install, then you should do your research into what it is because that
could be the center of your troubles.

 Install anti-malware software and scan your phone: Install an anti-

malware app to protect your phone. It will scan your phone for any
possible threats, isolate those threats, and then delete the threats so
the device does not get infected. Ensure to keep your anti-malware
apps up to date. Life hacker lists a few.

 Delete Programs: If you are able to find an unfamiliar program or if

you are able to locate the exact program that you believe is
threatening your privacy, simply delete that program. You should
also delete any backup copies of such program. Once the tracking
program has been removed, the device is good.

Factory Reset: If you are having trouble locating the exact program and
application which contains the tracking software then you might be left with
only one option – factory reset. While this method is the best way to
eliminate unwanted programs or apps, there are a couple caveats.

6.2 Block someone from calling or texting you:

 To block someone who has been added to your phone's Contacts, go

to Settings > Phone > Call Blocking and Identification > Block
 In instances where you want to a block a number that isn't stored as
a contact in your phone, go to the Phone app > Recents.

6.3 How do you block a number on various operating systems

Note: If you block someone from sending you texts, Face Time, or
voice calls, they will be automatically blocked from doing all three

To block a number that called you, go into the Phone app, select
Recently. Find the number and click i in the circle next to it. You'll
get a screen with information about the call and actions to take,
scroll down to place where you get Block This Caller.

If you're blocking someone’s number in your Contacts lists, go to

Settings > Phone > Call Blocking & Identification > Block Contact.
That will bring up your contact list, and you can scroll through and
select those numbers you want to block. You can also get there via
Settings > Messages > Blocked > Add New, to add it to the list of
block number.

If a number texting you is not on your Contacts list, higher version

of IOS, IOS 10 requires you to add it to your Contacts list before
blocking it. Then follow the steps above. If you have an older
version of iOS, tap I in the circle at the upper right of the screen,
select Block This Caller > Block Contact.

If you think they'll sneak a peek at you with Face Time and then go
to that app, find the last Face Time conversation you had with them,
and click the I in the circle next to it. You'll get a screen with
information about the actions to take; scroll down to Block This
Caller. If it's someone in your Contacts, go to Settings > Face Time
> Blocked > Add New, and select the name or names to block.

In related news: If you think you've been blocked, signs include

being sent directly to voicemail for calls, never seeing the
"Delivered" message appear under your I Message, and having
your text turn green (as opposed to blue). These things can also
happen if the person you're trying to contact does not have a
connection, so don't get nervous right away.

for Nougat or Marshmallow, open Dialer, go to your recent calls
list, find the number you want to block and select Block/Report
Spam. (If you do not want to report the number as spam, you can
uncheck the box.) Then tap Block.

For Lollipop, go to the Phone app and select Call Settings > Call
Rejection > Auto Reject List. Search for or type in the number or
select it and you're done.

If you use Messenger for messages, tap the name or number that
sent you the message on the messenger in your message’s list and
select Block/Report Spam. (If you do not want to report the number
as spam, you can uncheck the box). For Contacts, go into
Messenger, select Menu > Blocked Contacts > Add a Number and
key in the number you want to block.

To block calls and messages go to Settings and then tap the
Call+SMS Filter, accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy if you
have not already, then switch Block Calls to On. Now go to the
Phone app then hold down the number you want to block, and hit
Block Number, then OK.

Most HTC Phones

To block calls, open the Phone app, select Call History, and tap the
number, then select Block Caller or Block Contact.
Most LG Phones
To block calls, open the Phone app, select Menu > Settings > Call
Reject > Reject Calls From and enter a numbers to be blocked.

Most Samsung Phones

To block calls for numbers that have called you, go to the Phone
app and tap the phone Log. Select a number and then tap More >
Block settings. There you will be able to select Message Block and
Call Block. If the number is in your contacts, open the Phone app,
select More > Settings > Call Blocking and add the number or
numbers you want to block.

6.4 How do you block an incoming call?

From the call log, you can block incoming calls from specific numbers.
Select the number you want to block, and then hit more or the 3-dot menu
icon in the upper-right corner and choose to Add to reject list. This will
disable incoming calls from specific numbers.

6.5 How do you block unwanted text messages?

They are the five steps:

 Go to the Messages app.
 Tap on the message from the spammer.
 Choose details on the top right-hand corner.
 There will be a phone icon and a letter "I" icon across from the
 Scroll down to the bottom of the page and then tap on “Block this
Caller” to block message from a particular contact.

6.6 Conclusion on best practices for mobile security

1) Install applications from trusted sources only such as Google Play

and iTunes.
2) Conscious and careful of how to grant permission requests to newly
installed apps.
3) 8 digit PIN is preferably for both corporate-owned and personal

4) Using a mobile security app to protect against malicious apps, web
threats, and to deploy a measure against lost devices protection.
5) Set your Smartphone to lock after a short idle time, and set it to
require authentification for unlocking.
6) Make use of Mobile Device Management (MDM) or Enterprise Mobile
Management (EMM).

About the Author

Rashid Ganiyu is an Ethical hacker with over three years experience. Found loop holes
in the mobile phones and bring to the readers a way out to the various cyber
vulnerability, and our mobile phones are exposed to.

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