Geology: Time 3 Hours M.M. 75

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Class XII
Time 3 hours M.M. 75
Palaeontology, Stratigraphy, Petrology and Economic Geology.
Unit No. 1. PALAEONOTOLOGY- 18 Marks
(i) Definition and scope of Palaeontology, Branches of Palaeontology, Definition of Fossils.
(ii) Types of fossilsIndex fossils, Zone fossils, Micro fossils.
(iii) Mode of preservation of fossils, uses of fossils.
(iv) Morphological study of the following groups :-
(i) Lamellibranchia (ii) Gastropoda (iii) Brachiopoda
(v) Morphological study of the following plant fossils :
(i) Gangamopteris (ii) Glossopteris (iii) Verteburaria
Unit No. 2 STRATIGRAPHY- 18 Marks
(i) Definition and scope of stratigraphy, principles of Stratigraphy.
(ii) Correlation, its meaning and objects, Standard Geological time-scale.
(iii) Physiographic divisions of Indian Peninsula, Extrapeninsula and Indo-Gangetic plain.
(iv) Fundamental ideas regarding the following systems :-
Archean, Cuddapah, Vindhyas, Gondwana, Deccan Traps.
(v) Elementary ideas about the Geological formation of Madhya Pradesh.
Units No. 3 PETROLOGY - 20 Marks
(i) Definition and scope of Petrology. Zonal composition of earth.
(ii) Classification of Rocks :- Distinguishing characters of Igneous, Sedimentary
and Metamorphic rocks.
(iii) Basic ideas regarding the formation of Igneous,Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks.
(iv) Definition of Texture and structures. study of the following textures and structures.
(a) Hypidiomorphic (b) Pophyritic (c) Ophitic (d) Current bedding
(e) Ripple marks (f) Gneissose (g) Schistose.
(v) Megascopic characters of the following rock types :
(a) Granite (b) Gabbro (c) Basalt (d) Shale (e) Limestone (f) Gneiess (g) Schist.
Unit No. 4 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY:- 19 Marks
(i) Definition and scope of Economic Geology, Definition of ore and Gangue minerals.
(ii) Preliminary ideas regarding different ore-formation processes-Magmertic,
Hydrothermal, Mechanical.
(iii) Geographical and Geological Distribution of the following economic deposits in India :-
Coal, Petroleum, Iron, Manganese and Bauxite.
(iv) Preliminary study of the following economic deposits of Madhya Pradesh.
Coal, Iron, Manganese, Bauxite, Copper.
(v) Megascopic characters of the following ore minerals.
(a) Haemattie (b) Magnetic (c) Pyrolustic (c) Bauxite (d) Chalcopyrite (e) Galena
(f) Chromite (g) Pyrite.
Time 3 hrs. M.M. 25
(i) Drawing and labelling of the following fossils -
Lamellibranch, Gastropoda, Brachiopoda.
(ii) Drawing and labelling of the following plant fossils =
Glosopreris, Gangamopteris, Verteburaria.
Megascopic study of the following rock types:-Granite, Gabbro, Basalt, Dolomite, Sandstone,
Shale, Limestone, Conglomerate, Gneiss, Schist and Marble.
Megascopic study of the following ore-minerals-
Haemetite, Magnetite, Pyrolusite, Braunite, Chalcophysite, Galena, Chromite, Pyrite.

Time 3 hours. M.M. 100
Unit 1. Introductory description of Silvien-culture its definition, protection &
management. 5
Unit 2. Climatic conditions (Tropical conditions) as a locality factor. 5
Unit 3. Soil as a locality factor. 5
Unit 4. Inorganic food substances as a locality factor. 5
Unit 5. Tree physiology- 6
(i) Absorption & Root-pressure, (ii) Transpiration,
(iii) Light-intensity and carbon assimilation,
Unit 6. Types of forests in relation to biotic factor. 5
Unit 7. Weeding and cleaning. 6
Unit 8. Thinning in a regular crop. 4
Unit 9. Improvement felling. 4
Unit 10. Pruning. 4
Unit 11. Elementary knowledge of Forest Pathology. 6
Unit 12. Seasonal changes in forest trees. 5
Unit 13. Conservation of forest. 5
Unit 14. Utility of forests. 5
Unit 15. Minor products of forests of Madhya Pradesh. 5
Unit 16. Major products of forests of Madhya Pradesh. 5
Unit 17. Timbers of Madhya Pradesh forests. 5
Unit 18. Elementary knowledge of Animals found in the National and Reserve Forests in
India with special reference to Madhya Pradesh. 5
Unit 19. Forest Laws. 6
Unit 20. Forest Policy. 4

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