2016 HSC French Continuers PDF

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Centre Number


EXAMINATION Student Number

French Continuers

Total marks – 80

Section I Pages 2–6

25 marks
• Attempt Questions 1–8
General Instructions • This section should take approximately 30 minutes
• Reading time – 10 minutes
Section II Pages 7–10
• Working time – 2 hours and
50 minutes 40 marks
• Write using black pen This section has two parts, Part A and Part B
• Monolingual and/or bilingual • Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section
print dictionaries may be used
• Write your Centre Number and Part A – 25 marks
Student Number at the top of • Attempt Questions 9–10
this page and page 5
Part B – 15 marks
• Attempt Question 11

Section III Page 11

15 marks
• Attempt Questions 12–13
• Allow about 1 hour for this section
Section I — Listening and Responding

25 marks
Attempt Questions 1–8
This section should take approximately 30 minutes

You will hear EIGHT texts. Each text will be read twice. There will be a pause after the first
reading in which you may make notes. However, you may make notes at any time. You will be
given adequate time after the second reading to complete your answer. Answer the questions
in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of
response. In the case of multiple-choice questions, tick the box that corresponds to the correct
response. You may proceed to Section II as soon as you have finished Question 8.

Question 1 (2 marks) Candidate’s

What are the two speakers discussing? 2




Question 2 (3 marks)

Complete the following message in ENGLISH. 3


For: Mr Laval

From: Sara Rouge


Miss Rouge rang about her interview organised for

She wanted to let you know that

Question 3 (1 mark) Candidate’s
Where is this conversation most likely to be taking place? 1

(A) In the kitchen

(B) At a restaurant
(C) In a supermarket
(D) At the school canteen

Question 4 (3 marks)

Summarise the main points made in this radio announcement. 3

• .............................................................................................................

• .............................................................................................................

Question 5 (4 marks)

To what extent is the Orchestre Chance program able to meet its goal? 4
Support your answer with reference to the text.









Section I continues on page 5


© 2016 Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW
French Continuers
Centre Number
Section I — Listening and Responding
Student Number

Question 6 (5 marks) Candidate’s

Venez me rejoindre au cirque. 5

How does the speaker try to persuade the audience to make this career



















2261 –5–
Question 7 (1 mark) Candidate’s
What is Sandrine most likely to say next? 1

(A) Toi, tu ne comprends pas .

(B) Mes parents seront si fiers.
(C) Lucie sera si heureuse pour moi.
(D) Je suis contente d’avoir été acceptée.

Question 8 (6 marks)

Compare how the speakers convey their points of view through their 6
use of language.



















You may now proceed to Section II

© 2016 Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW
French Continuers
Section II — Reading and Responding
40 marks
Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section

Part A – 25 marks
Attempt Questions 9–10

Read both texts, then answer the corresponding questions in ENGLISH in the Section II Part A
Answer Booklet.

Question 9 (12 marks)

Please turn over

2262 –7–
Question 9 (12 marks)


23/07/2016 18:37
Jean-Paul: Je suis désemparé ! J’ai remarqué un changement radical chez ma fille
de seize ans qui m’inquiète beaucoup … Elle se fâche très facilement et
elle ne mange que des cochonneries. Elle passe tout son temps dans sa
chambre et ne fait plus d’exercice. Que faire ? Qui parmi vous a eu cette
expérience ?

23/07/2016 18:45
Guy: Bienvenue au club ! Vous n’êtes plus le nombril de son monde. Le plus
tôt vous l’accepterez … Vous devez vous rendre compte que mettre de
la distance, c’est naturel. Il faut bien que les ados se trouvent avant de
pouvoir quitter le nid, non ? Et d’autre part, vous êtes toujours aimable et
en pleine forme, vous ?

23/07/2016 18:54
Jean-Paul: Charmant Guy …

23/07/2016 19:54
Lucie: Guy, franchement, vos commentaires n’aident en rien.
Jean-Paul, je compatis L. J’ai vécu la même chose avec ma mère il y a
trois ans. Sa solution était de m’interdire l’ordinateur et le portable dans la
chambre le soir. Le café était interdit et la promenade du soir obligatoire.
J’ai détesté ces mesures draconiennes. Cependant, avec du recul, je pense
que sa détermination nous a permis de dépasser cet âge ingrat et je suis
fière du résultat. Vous savez, on se calme en grandissant.

23/07/2016 20:24
Jean-Paul: Merci Lucie, c’est gentil, mais je n’ai pas la force de ta mère. Imposer des
mesures trop strictes à ma fille serait comme lui couper les ailes.

24/07/2016 15:36
Cécile: Je suis avide de psychologie et la maman de Lucie a raison. Les études
montrent que les enfants qui ne dorment pas assez et qui passent leur vie
dans leur chambre développent de forts troubles psychologiques plus tard.

24/07/2016 18:19
Jean-Paul: Cécile, vous y allez un peu fort !
Après mûre réflexion Cécile et Lucie, peut-être que certaines structures
doivent être mises en place. Cependant, je vais en discuter avec ma fille et
nous les définirons ensemble.

Question 10 (13 marks)


Awaiting copyright


Section II (continued)

Part B – 15 marks
Attempt Question 11

Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available.

Your answer will be assessed on how well you:

■ respond to the stimulus text with relevant information and ideas

■ write text appropriate to context, purpose and audience

■ structure and sequence information and ideas

■ demonstrate control of a range of language structures and vocabulary in French

Question 11 (15 marks)

Answer the following question by writing approximately 200 words in FRENCH.

You have received the following email from your friend André. Write the text of your response
to this email.

Comment ça s’est passé, ton voyage aux États-Unis ?
Je viens de recevoir cette lettre de monsieur Ledoux (tu te souviens de lui ?). Je suis
flatté, mais j’hésite à le faire parce que c’est intimidant. Les jeunes d’aujourd’hui, ils sont
comment ?
Toi tu me connais très bien. Qu’en penses-tu ? On peut se retrouver bientôt ?
Merci d’avance.

Cher André,
Cette année ça fera dix ans que vous avez passé le bac. En 2017 on espère inclure
dans le magazine de notre lycée, un article motivant écrit par un ancien élève. Le
thème choisi sera « Comment transformer un passe-temps en carrière gratifiante ».
Il me semble que c’est le chemin que vous avez suivi, n’est-ce pas ? Alors je vous
invite à écrire sur votre vie actuelle et la façon dont vous avez réussi à atteindre vos
objectifs. Je suis persuadé que vous inspirerez nos lycéens.
Bien cordialement,
Jacques Ledoux

– 10 –
Section III — Writing in French

15 marks
Attempt Questions 12–13
Allow about 1 hour for this section

Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available.

Your answers will be assessed on how well you:

■ demonstrate the relevance of information, opinions and ideas

■ write text appropriate to context, purpose and audience

■ structure and sequence information, opinions and ideas

■ demonstrate control of a range of language structures and vocabulary in French

Question 12 (5 marks)

Answer the following question by writing approximately 75 words in FRENCH.

A friend is coming from France to visit you. Write him/her a message about a trip you 5
have planned to do with him/her.

Question 13 (10 marks)

Answer ONE of the following questions. Write approximately 200 words in FRENCH.

(a) You have just found a letter you wrote to yourself when you were 13 years old. 10

Write a diary entry reflecting on the contents of the letter.


(b) You have just read an article in a magazine about how little free time people 10

Write a diary entry reflecting on this issue.

End of paper

– 11 –

– 12 –

– 13 –

– 14 –
© 2016 Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW
Centre Number


EXAMINATION Student Number

French Continuers
Section II Part A Answer Booklet

• Attempt Questions 9–10
• Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page and page 5

Section II — Reading and Responding

Part A – 25 marks
Attempt Questions 9–10

Read the texts on pages 8–9 of the question paper, then answer the corresponding questions in
ENGLISH in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of

Question 9 (12 marks)

(a) What does Jean-Paul hope to achieve by posting on this forum? 2



(b) What does Guy reveal about himself through his response to Jean-Paul? 3






(c) Why has Lucie contributed to this forum? 3


Question 9 continues on page 3

Question 9 (continued)

(d) Explain the impact that the contributions to the forum have on Jean-Paul in 4
making his decision.

End of Question 9


© 2016 Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW
French Continuers
Centre Number
Section II Part A Answer Booklet (continued)

Student Number

Question 10 (13 marks)

(a) What do we learn about the author’s family in paragraph 1? 2



(b) Describe the tradition to which the author refers. 2




(c) . . . contraire au bien de la communauté . . . 4

Explain what the author means by this.








Question 10 continues on page 6

2264 –5–
Question 10 (continued)

(d) How does the author’s use of language engage his audience? 5

















End of Question 10

© 2016 Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW

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