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& Battle Hymn Errata

Author: Lutz Pietschker
Last revised: 9 March 2004
PDF version by: Chris Dilworth

Ambush! and Battle Hymn Errata Listing

* Ambush!
* Move Out!
* Purple Heart
* Silver Star
* Battle Hymn
* Leatherneck

The errata listed here are taken from an official errata page, from the errata published in the module rulebooks,
and from a lively correspondence between Victory Games and myself back in 1989/1990. I sorted them by
game/module rather than chronologically. It is quite possible that some of the errata listed here do not appear in
your copy of the game, since VG has issued several editions of Ambush! over the years, with corrections and
clarifications worked in. Sources of errata are given as:

[1stErr]: Early Ambush! errata, published in Move Out! and Purple Heart rulebooks and made obsolete by later
edtitions of Ambush!
[Err87]: Errata sheet, published by VG in March 1987
[PH]: Errata / options from Purple Heart rulebook
[LN]: Errata from Leatherneck rulebook
[priv]: Q&A out of letters between VG and myself

My personal remarks are marked (ed.).

Ambush! Errata
Rules for initiative in order to place your AR markers on the
correct Turns. [1stErr]
4 (Clarification) There are no ammunition types that (Correction) Under Panic on the same page and
are compatible/interchangeable with each other, you column, Germans may also Panic as a result of
must buy ammo specifically for each weapon type. combat (13.1). [1stErr]
[priv] (Clarification) Panic caused by a red number on the
action table is unconditional. It applies even if there
5.3 (Correction) Ignore the statement that captured is no real "reason" for panic, e.g. the soldier is far out
Germans may only be moved during operations. of sight of any enemy. [priv]
6.5 (Clarification) Even an attempted attack (fire,
5.4 Sightings (Clarification) A sighting reference on grenade, assault) makes all US soldiers in the target
a Mission Card, such as s3 or s8, indicates that the hex aware. A scattered grenade SC makes both the
sighting may occur. Do not mark the sighting off on soldiers in the original target hex and those in the
your Squad Record until it does occur. A sighting scatter hex aware. [priv]
occurs only when you read a paragraph preceded by
a Sighting Reference (such as paragraph 19 or 21). 6.6 (Clarification) If German activation occurs during
[1stErr] the action of a US soldier (typically movement) that
soldier may end his action before any German takes
6 Action Rounds (Clarification) Paragraph Checks an action. [priv]
that call for Event Checks during Rounds are
ignored, but an Event marker is still placed in the 6.7 (Clarification) The movement of the Move/Snap
hex. This clarification also applies to 6.11 (Condition Fire action can be before the fire, after or, if at least 4
Changes During Rounds) and 7.3 (Movement During MP were available, before and after (1 MP each).
Rounds). [Err87] [priv] A soldier can never move and throw a grenade
in the same Turn. [Err87] Grenade accuracy is not
6.1, 3. Action Phase (Clarification) The right hand influenced by soldier stance, but throwing range is.
column under Exception should read: "The [priv]
paragraph that activates the Germans and initiates
Rounds may state that one side or the other has the 6.8 (Clarification) Remark: Usually the paragraphs
advantage in the first Round." Advantage is thus pre- are to be taken literally; if a paragraph instructs a
determined by the paragraph, although you still roll soldier to "crouch and fire..." he will crouch, even if
Page 1
that makes fire impossible because has no longer non-adjacent vehicles is the same as for foot
has an LOS to an enemy. Also, If a tank is not soldiers. [priv]
instructed to turn at the end of a move it will not do
so even if it would be "logical" (e.g. to present better 9 (Clarification) Though "fire into hex containing
armor to the enemy) to do so. On the other hand, if friendly soldiers" is prohibited, a soldier may fire into
instructed to fire it will do as much as it can even if his own hex (even if it contains other friendly soldiers
actual fire is impossible (jammed gun or so), for than himself). [priv]
example it will turn into a firing position if necessary.
(ed.) 9.1 (Clarification) When snap firing a personal
Some paragraphs state that a German soldier shall weapon twice, remember to roll for jam and ammo
move and "...if active enemy in sight, lie prone". If not use once for each fire. [Err87]
specifically told to lie prone "at the end of
movement", he lies prone at end of movement or in 9.2 (Clarification) Vehicles in a hex count towards the
the hex in which he gets LOS to a US soldier, multiple target modifier for automatic fire even it may
whichever comes first. [priv] be immune to damage from this fire. For example,
A direction on a soldier card "On first turn, use..." SMG fire into a hex containing 2 soldiers and a tank
applies to his first turn after activation only. [priv] gets a +3 modifier. [priv]
Self-preservation applies even if soldiers are in
adjacent hexes but without LOS to each other. [priv] 9.4 Clearing a Jammed Weapon (Clarification) A
A procedure to handle behaviour of transported German with a jammed weapon will use his second
soldiers under self-preservation conditions: weapon, if he has one; otherwise, he will attempt to
* Always stay on board a vehicle that is not unjam his weapon. When a German Action
immobilized. Paragraph requires him to fire, he attempts to unjam
* Driver of still-mobile vehicle never fires, but if his weapon instead. If a German becomes
possible tries to run enemies over. weaponless due to breakage or ammo depletion, he
* Passengers fire, if any part of passenger's self- will attempt to acquire a weapon from another
preservation instructions instructs them to fire. [priv] German or inactive US soldier in his hex, using the
Pick Up/Exchange Equipment action (5.3, 6.7). Use
7.4 (Clarification) You do not earn VPs for activated this action instead of the action indicated on his card
soldiers twice if not specifically instructed. A German as soon as he is in a hex with a suitable weapon.
who left the map and re-enters does not give [1stErr]
activation VPs again. [priv]
9.5 (Clarification) A German soldier out of ammo will,
8.2 Buildings (Clarification) A soldier outside a when ordered to fire, try to perform the first possible
building looking in through a non-adjacent doorway of the following actions instead: fire secondary
cannot see a target lying prone inside the building. weapon, exchange ammo with other German in
He can, however, see that target's hex. A soldier same hex, take the first other action from his list that
outside a building who is adjacent to the doorway does not require him to fire, lie prone. He will never
can see a prone target in the building. A soldier leave his movement path to get to a possible "ammo
inside a building, regardless of stance, can see all source". [priv]
hexes in the field of view of a doorway. [Err87]
Embankments (Clarification) When LOS crosses an 9.6 Optional Rule [PH] Some of the maps contain
embankment hexside and one of the sighting hexes quite a few buildings. The German soldiers and
is on a lower level than the embankment hexside, the vehicles, however, have no provision for firing at
LOS is blocked, unless the other sighting hex is targets lying prone in building hexes, because they
adjacent to the embankment hexside on the same are not in sight, and therefore not valid targets, even
level as the embankment. For example, a soldier in though German weapons are quite capable of
hex O11 on Map C could not see a target in hex T8 penetrating buildings. The following optional German
since the embankment on the Q10/R9 hexside action is highly suggested because it allows the
blocks the LOS even from the level 4 hilltop. German soldiers to fire at these hidden targets,
However, the target could be seen in hex U8 since Letting them do so is much more realistic, and evens
U8 is on the same level as the embankment. Note things up a bit. If a German soldier has fired at a
that in neither case does the embankment on the visible target in a wooden building hex, receives a
O11/P10 hexside block LOS, since hex O11 is subsequent order to fire again, but has no target
adjacent to and on the same level as this because the US soldier has since fallen prone, the
embankment. [PH] German may now fire at the wall in an attempt to
(Clarifications) For buildings, as for all other terrain achieve a penetration result. Conduct the following
features, the hex sides are relevant for LOS, not the procedure for the German:
artwork. [priv] 1. If the paragraph gives no other options for the
LOS from vehicles is not influenced by open/ German (i.e., move, surrender, throw a grenade,
buttoned up status. Soldiers in a building may be etc.), the German conducts a PC Check: If
seen from an adjacent vehicle if in a doorway hex successful, the German will fire at the wall; if fails,
(any stance), but only from a large vehicle if the German will do nothing.
crouching behind a window. A prone soldier behind a
window can not be seen from a vehicle. LOS from
Page 2
2. If the German is allowed to fire at the wall, he will Satchel charges (but not grenades) may be "placed"
crouch and conduct the procedure outlined in 13.5 of instead of thrown which secures a hit (but leaves the
the Ambush! rules. chance of a dud, and possible gives the enemy a
NOTE: A German tank will conduct the same chance to dismantle the charge). Use the procedure
procedure outlined above, but will fire its main gun at for bridge demolition described in "Silver Star"
a stone wall, its coaxial or bow MG at a wooden wall. mission 17: the SC must be prepared as usual, it
takes one action to place them. After placing the SC,
10.1 Grenade/Satchel Charge Combat Procedure you must give number of turns (1 to 4, the delay
(Clarifications) The -3 modifier for Target Not In Sight time). In the specified turn (1= the turn following the
is applied only when the target hex itself is not in placement turn, 2= the turn after that, etc.) the
sight. It is possible for a soldier to see the target hex, charge will go off at the very beginning of the turn,
but not the target itself. In these cases, the -3 before anything else happens. A placed SC does the
modifier is not applied (unless otherwise specified). same damage as a thrown SC. [priv]
For example, two crouching adjacent soldiers are
separated by a window hexside. Per Ambush! LOS 11.1 Assault (Clarification) A soldier assaulting a
rules, they cannot see each other, but they can see target in a wheeled vehicle must first enter the
each other's hex. Thus, any grenade or satchel vehicle (1 MP). You cannot assault a target in a tank,
charge combat between the two would not use the -3 Jadgpanther, or E-Boat. [PH]
modifier for target hex not in sight. /[Err87]/
Grenade and SC may be thrown into a vehicle in the 11.1 (Clarification) Though it seems funny, soldier
thrower's hex, but this is the only case where it is stance in fact does not influence assault combat at
allowed to throw a grenade/SC into the same hex. all. [priv]
The "same hex" column on the hit chart should be
marked accordingly. (Remark: a location upstairs or 11.2 Capture (Change) A captured German may be
downstairs of a thrower is not regarded as the "same moved in Rounds, but the Movement Allowances of
hex" here.) [priv] the German and his guard are reduced to 2. The
Determine Target Damage (Clarification) If a soldier German has a free stance change unless already
is prone in a hex where a grenade explodes, he is wounded. The German is still inactive, and his
considered Panicked instead of Wounded if the Actions are determined by those of his guarding
damage result is located on the Wnd/Prone column. soldier. [1stErr]
For example, on the Grenade Outside Row, a die (Clarification) If a captured German subsequently
result of 5 or 6 is treated as a wound if the soldier is escapes, put him in Self Preservation for the rest of
standing or crouching, and as panic if he is prone. the Mission; if he begins a turn not in sight of US
[1stErr] soldier, remove him from the map. [PH]
A US soldier guarding a captured enemy soldier can
10.2 Grenade Strike PC Check (Addition) Tanks perform all Actions normally during Rounds, with the
and soldiers inside vehicles may not make this PC exception of firing a crew weapon. As before, his
Check. [1stErr] MPA is reduced to 2. In order to provide more
realism, the rule in Section 9 (Fire Combat) regarding
10.3. Grenade/Satchel Charge Scatter (Addition) soldiers firing into a hexwith active or captured
When throwing a grenade or satchel charge through friendly soldiers should be modified as follows: Iif the
an adjacent aperture into a building, it is always friendly soldier is still active, the rule still applies. If
assumed that the grenade or satchel charge goes the friendly soldier is captured, then you cannot fire
into the building (although not necessarily into the at the enemy soldier who is guarding the prisoner,
target hex). If a grenade or satchel charge roll fails, it but you can fire at all other soldiers in the hex. A
is very possible that a scatter die roll on Diagram A prisoner's guard can be changed only when the
or B will scatter the weapon through a wall hexside guarding soldier has a Turn and wishes to relinquish
without an aperture. In such cases, the scatter control of that prisoner.This change costs nothing.
procedure should be slightly modified so that the Should automatic weapons fire or a grenade or
grenade or satchel charge will bounce off the wall, satchel charge be fired into the hex, both the
back into the closest hex in the direction of the prisoner and his guard take damage normally.
throwing soldier. Grenades can never scatter through [Err87]
a window or back into the thrower's hex, but they can There is no limit to the number of enemies a soldier
scatter through a doorway. Should any problems may guard. [priv]
arise in the interpretation of these clarifications, apply
common sense to resolve the situation. [Err87] 11.4 (Clarification) The -1 modifier for "captured
(Clarification) Ignore the asterisks in Scatter Diagram weapons use" applies if this weapon is the only
B (if the throw originated in these hexes, Diagram A weapon available to the soldier. [priv]
applies). [priv]
13.3 (Clarification) Only inactive soldiers may be
10.4 (Clarifications) Even if not mentioned here, dragged, not unaware or wounded ones. [priv]
satchel charges must be prepared before throwing.
Prepared SC (and bazookas and similar weapons, 13.6 Aimed Automatic Weapon Damage
but not MGs) may be carried around prepared (Clarification) All aimed Automatic Weapon fire - not
without losing prepared status. [priv] just personal weapons - has the chance of doing
Page 3
additional damage. Thus, aimed machinegun fire 17.11 Grenades and Satchel Charges (Addition)
may also hit more than one soldier in a hex. [1stErr] When an attempt to throw a grenade or satchel
charge into a tank or car fails, the scatter procedure
15 (Clarification) Victory points gained or lost by is modified as follows: If the throwing soldier is in the
additional forces on the player's side count towards same hex as the vehicle, use Diagram C or D below.
the player's VP total if not instructed otherwise. [priv] (It is assumed that a soldier will never attack a
vehicle from the front, so no scatter chance is
16.3 (Clarification) If you try to improve IN rating, fail, provided to the rear of the vehicle.) If the throwing
but the soldier's PC is already 9, the CP are lost. soldier is in a hex adjacent to the vehicle, use
[priv] Diagram A or B (as appropriate). However, a roll of
6-9 will scatter the grenade into the vehicle's hex, not
16.4 (Clarification) In a campaign, the squad points into the vehicle itself. In cases where the throwing
of your squad do not change. You may also keep the soldier is in neither the same nor an adjacent hex,
weapons points constant, or you may re-roll them for use Diagram A or B, as usual. Should the above
each mission, but not a mixture of both. [priv] procedure scatter a grenade or satchel charge into a
building through a wall with no aperture, follow the
17.3, 17.4 Vehicle Movement (Correction) You may guideline provided in the additions to Rule 10.3 (i.e.,
not intentionally drive a vehicle into a crater hex; the grenade or satchel charge will bounce off the wall
however, a movement reference might force a into a different hex). Note that a grenade can never
vehicle to enter one. If so, the vehicle enters the hex scatter back into the inside of a vehicle or into the
at a cost of 3 MPs, and makes an immediate thrower's hex. [Err87]
Accident Check. Craters have no effect on fire
combat against vehicles. [PH] Scatter Diagrams C + D
Scatter diagram C (vehicle faces hexside):
17.6 Fire Combat Against Vehicles (Addition) die roll 0 : grenade/ satchel charge lands in hex rear-
Although a closed tank is considered an active target left of vehicle
for a German soldier, a soldier will not fire at a closed die roll 1 : grenade/ satchel charge lands in hex front-
tank if only armed with a weapon (such as a pistol or left of vehicle
bolt rifle) that has no chance of achieving the die roll 2,3 : grenade/ satchel charge lands in hex in
penetration necessary to do damage to the vehicle. front of vehicle
The German will ignore those parts of a paragraph die roll 4 : grenade/ satchel charge lands in hex front-
instructing him to do so. [PH] right of vehicle
die roll 5 : grenade/ satchel charge lands in hex rear-
17.6 (Clarifications) If a vehicle is hit by an explosive right of vehicle
ammo weapon (bazooka, tank main gun etc.) die roll 6-9 : grenade/ satchel charge lands in vehicle
soldiers in the same hex, but outside the vehicle do hex, outside vehicle (see below)
not take damage. [priv]
There is no "bazooka inside row" on the chart; use Scatter diagram D (vehicle faces hexspine):
the "grenade inside row". [priv] (obsolete)
If a tank is "Open", a number of crew members will
be visible and can be hit. The number of exposed Remark (ed.): The original diagrams remain
crew members remains the same, even if some are somewhat mysterious in the errata sheet since they
hit and the crew size is reduced, as long as there are are not complete, e.g. they reference an asterisk that
enough crew members active to fill the gaps. [priv] is not found in the diagrams. VG later confirmed that,
When a car/ truck/ halftrack is disabled, the driver in fact, Diagram D is obsolete because a vehicle
and passengers are immediately placed prone in the must always face a hexside. Also, the original
vehicle hex, outside the vehicle, and lose all rounds diagram legend suggested that on a die roll of 6-9 a
for that turn. [priv] scattered grenade would still land inside the vehicle.
A clarification confirmed that this is not the case;
17.7 Cars (Clarification) Soldiers in cars cannot rather, it scatters into the target hex, outside the
engage in bazooka, satchel charge, grenade, or crew vehicle, where the usual grenade/SC procedure is
weapon (except mounted machinegun) combat used (PC check etc.). It can damage all soldiers in
unless specifically noted. [Err87] that hex, including the thrower. However, I suggest
that the thrower himself need not conduct a PC
17.8 (Clarification) A German tank will fire his main check to react to the grenade since he must be
gun at the building wall when instructed to fire at a aware of it: if he has an action left, he may
soldier in the building (getting the +4 modifier). It will immediately remove the grenade (if not, he may at
fire only its MG’s at a soldier visible behind a stone least fall prone immediately). [Err87], [priv]
wall, and its main gun at the wall when the soldier
there is "known" to it but invisible (prone). [priv] 17.12 Running Over Soldiers (Addition) If a US
If a vehicle is instructed to Move Fast but in fact only vehicle attempts (and fails) to run over a German
spends the Slow MP because it ends its movement soldier and wants to try again in the same turn, the
(due to obstacles, because it arrived at the vehicle must exit the hex, turn around sharply (1
destination, whatever), it also spends only the Crew MP), and conduct an Accident Check in the hex
Points for Move Slow. [priv] where it performed the sharp turn. If successful, the
Page 4
vehicle can return to the hex containing the German Player Aid Screen
soldier and once more attempt to run him over. [PH]
Assault Table A result of "-" indicates no effect.
17.13 Tanks (Clarification) A Panzer or Sherman [1stErr]
can fire its cannon and coaxial machinegun at a
target into the same hex as the vehicle. They cannot Weapon Type Chart Automatic Rifle Medium Range
fire their bow machineguns, however. A Jagdpanther should be "10-16" instead of "10-13." Grenade
cannot fire either of its weapons (cannon or bow Outside Medium Range should be "3-4" instead of
machinegun) at a target into the same hex. (Per "2-4". Wnd/Prone result column indicates that, if this
17.12, Vehicle Facing, if both attacker and target result is rolled, a prone soldier is panicked, rather
occupy the same hex, the attacker has his choice of than wounded; a standing or crouching soldier is
which side to attack.) [Err87] wounded. [1stErr]

Missions Fire Combat Modifiers Chart (Clarification)

"Interior: Through Aperture Adjacent to Firer or No
Mission 1 According to VG, the hex from which all of Aperture." is superfluous; combat through a wall with
the road can be overlooked is "the hill top". Still, I no aperture is handled by the procedure in 13.5,
believe there is no single hex from which the Penetration. [Err87]
complete road can be overlooked, and usually try to
man both S-13 and T-12. [priv] Hit Chart The +2 modifier for firing at a bunker wall
replaces the +4 modifier for firing at a building or
Mission 3: Your Squad (Addition) Buy all new stone wall. [priv]
equipment, and receive a free radio. [1stErr]
Grenade Hit Chart The "same hex" column should
Mission 4: Activation on Landing (Change) All US be marked "only allowed if throwing into vehicle". The
soldiers are automatically aware when they land; assault column should be marked "n/a" because
ignore awareness references. [1stErr] there is no provision for assault combat using
You may buy grenades for your soldiers, and carry grenades or SC. [priv]
them as personal equipment. [priv]
When landing on a building, but escaping on die roll Accident Table Results [PH]
of 0-3, normal drift is resumed. Disabled (Addition) When a car becomes disabled,
It is not possible to remove another soldier's all surviving occupants lose any remaining turns that
parachute, and a panicked soldier can not remove Round and are automatically( and immediately, ed.)
his own. As a play balance on this very hard mission considered to be outside the vehicle, crouching in
you may play that all your soldiers are aware and cover.
cannot panic until they have removed their Crash (Correction) If a German vehicle fails an
parachutes (they may not take any other action Accident Check and receives a Crash result on the
before parachute removal is completed). [priv] Accident Table, the crash procedure should be
Victory conditions "The mission ends in one of 3 somewhat modified. Consult the Movement
ways...": the third way is that all US soldiers are References on the Mission Card to determine the
killed. [priv] hexes the vehicle will move through, instead of
moving the vehicle 2 hexes in a straight line. While
Mission 5: Set Up (Correction) Second sentence this may occasionally result in a somewhat
should read, "Your soldiers can enter the map on the unreasonable crash around a corner, it will keep any
south or west edge between hexes A-12 and L-19, surviving Germans on track, and allow them to move
inclusive." [1stErr] on foot.
Victory (Correction) Further testing indicates that the
US requires 15 Victory Points to win, not 22. [1stErr] Soldier Cards

Mission 6: Special Rules (Correction) The prone German Cards (Correction)

crew of a bunker cannot be seen through a doorway German 4 Die column 0-3 should be labeled 0-2.
(even if the door has been breached) unless the [Err87]
sighting soldier is in a hex adjacent to the door (per German 18 Die column 2-5 should be labeled 2-6.
LOS rules, 8.2, Buildings). [Err87] [Err87]
A satchel charge set off inside a bunker destroys the German 25 Condition Column 3 should be labeled
bunker for victory point purposes but does not "2-3" instead. [1stErr]
reduce it to rubble. [priv] German 36 IN should be 1, and MPA should be 3.
Mission 8: Set Up (Addition) The Activation Levels German 66 Weapons should be Pistol (Luger) and
for this Mission are as follow: c1 (0-1); c2 (0-4); c3 two grenades. In Notes, the reference to German 20
(0-5); c4 (0-6); c5 (0-7). [1stErr] should be to German 65. [1stErr]
If the roadblock removal Event Check results in
activation of Germans the roadblock is not removed US Cards (Correction)
and Rounds begin. [priv] US01 and US08 In notes, the reference to Mission 2
should be to Mission 3. [Err87]
Page 5
Mission Cards * If 3 or more active targets are in sight, button up.
If already buttoned up, see 910.
(Correction) * If I or 2 active targets are in sight, see 903.
Mission 2 (all Conditions) Movement references from * If no active targets are in sight, open. If already
hex G-4 should be H-4, H-5, I-6, J-6, K-7. [Err87] opened, see 903.
Mission 4 (Conditions 3, 4, 6) Movement references
from V-15 should be U-15, T-14. [Err87] 913 [1stErr]
Mission 5, Condition 3 S-13 should read "619" 1. If an active US soldier occupies hex T-8, see
instead of "None." S-14 should read "479" instead of 802.
"None." [1stErr] 2. If 3 or more German soldiers have been killed,
Mission 5, Condition 4 S-13 should read "619" incapacitated, or captured, crawl into hex N-5. Go to
instead of "None." S-14 should read "479" instead of Condition 4.
"None." [1stErr] 3. See 802.

Paragraphs 1000 The stone bridge can be destroyed in two

ways: with a bazooka; or with satchel charges. To
(Correction) destroy it with a bazooka, you must achieve Heavy
penetration against it. The fire modifier is +4 when
025 Place Event marker. Conduct PC Check (-1). If firing at the bridge; ignore other terrain in the hex. To
successful, see 007. [1stErr] destroy the bridge with satchel charges, two charges
must be set off in the bridge hex simultaneously. A
178 (s1) Battalion HQ reports that a German soldier, or soldiers, must place two prepared charges
offensive is under way; abandon positions! Delay in the bridge hex. It takes one turn to set each
enemy at discretion. You receive 2 VPs per active charge (setting is automatic in Operations). You may
US soldier exited between hexes A-13 and A-19 then detonate them at your discretion.
(inclusive). VPs are not lost for incapacitated soldiers The wooden bridge may be destroyed in three ways:
exited through these hexes. You receive VPs for with a satchel charge; with a bazooka; or with fuel.
destroying the bridges (2 VPs for the wooden bridge; The satchel charge procedure is the same as for the
4 VPs for the stone bridge; 4 additional VPs for stone bridge, except only one charge is required.
destroying both bridges). See paragraph 1000 for The bazooka procedure is exactly the same as for
bridge destruction procedure. The mission ends the stone bridge. To burn the bridge, a soldier may
when no active US soldiers are on the map. Note this get a fuel can from the dump in hex L-10. Each can
paragraph number on your Squad Record for future requires one Port Box. The soldier must then move
reference. [1stErr] across the bridge (automatically splashing his fuel on
it). Once crossed, he or another soldier adjacent to
259 Every US soldier within sight of J-1 must the bridge may start the fire by spending one turn
conduct a PC Check (-1). If any succeed, see 264. If (automatic if in Operations). The fire burns for the
all fail, continue making checks for the following duration of the mission. [1stErr]
hexes, in order: K-2, K-3, L-3. When one succeeds, (Clarification) "Setting off the charges" is an action
see 264. If all fail, see 269. [1stErr] for which the soldier must be adjacent to a bridge
hex. One action sets off all charges on that bridge.
907 [priv] [Err87]

Move Out! Errata

Rules Mission Cards

Additional Weapons (Addition) Both the (Correction) [Err87]

Panzerbüchse and Panzerfaust have an 05 dud Mission 9 (Condition 6) P-14 movement reference
chance. [Err87] should be O-14.
Mission 10 (Conditions 2-4) N-10 movement
Missions reference should be O-11. 0-11 movement reference
should be O-10.
Mission 10 (Clarification) If the "Paragraph-1000- Mission 12 (Conditions 3, 5) G-14 movement
Option" is used (full German force attacks the reference should be F-14.
village), US soldiers enter the village. Alternatively,
you may play the scenario with the US setting up in Paragraphs
the village before the start. [priv]
458 (Correction) The reference to GE 6 should be to
Soldier Cards GE 41. [Err87]

US Cards (Correction) 803 (Correction) [Err87]

US01/J and K MPA should be labeled DS. [Err87] * If no active target is in sight due to darkness, but
an active target is within 6 hexes, stand and toss a
Page 6
grenade. Use the -3 modifier for Target Not in Sight. US soldier. If two or more Germans are still eligible,
Fall prone after toss if free stance change available. give a Turn to the soldier with the highest Weapon
* If active target is in sight and grenade is Skill. If all eligible Germans have two Turns, see 801.
available, stand and toss grenade. Fall prone after * If no other active Germans are within 2 hexes,
toss if free stance change is available. conduct 801.
* If active target is in sight and no grenade is
available, conduct 801. 874 (Correction) Daybreak! Visibility increases to 10
* Otherwise, crouch. hexes. If in Operations, daybreak occurs
immediately. If in Rounds, daybreak occurs at the
835 (Addition) [Err87] start of the next Round, in place of the Random
* If an active German is within 2 hexes, give a Event Check. When daybreak occurs, go to
Turn to the German with the fewest Turns. If two or Condition 4 and see 941, if Sighting 9 has not
more eligible Germans have the same number of occurred. [Err87]
Turns, give a Turn to the German closest to an active

Purple Heart Errata

Rules 577
* If all bridges are destroyed, see 587.
Additional Weapon (Addition) The Panzerfaust has * Otherwise, see 639.
an 05 dud chance. [Err87]
Missions * If vehicle is moving, enter hex M-18.
* Otherwise, enter hex 0-18.
Mission 17 An engine or railway car that falls into
the river disappears completely. [priv] 662 (s6) Your soldier sees two German E-Boats
preparing to escape. Activate German 67 in hex G-
Soldier Cards 15 and German 68 in hex F-15. Go to Condition 3 if
in Condition 2.
German Cards (Correction) * If any US soldier in this hex has one Action to
German 64 IN should be 1; MPA should be 3. [Err87] spend, that soldier fires off a burst from his weapon,
points it at the head of the closest captain, and yells
Mission Cards Halt! The boat in hex G- 15 surrenders immediately.
Your soldier locks the surrendered Germans in a
(Corrections) [Err87] handy closet and sinks the E-Boat by opening its
Mission 13 (Condition 4) T-17 reference should be T- seacocks. Gain 5 VP. The boat in hex F-15 escapes.
18. Commence Rounds. US advantage. See 654 for the
Mission 17 (Condition 4) In the RE column, all attributes of the boats.
references to 634 should be 639. * If no US soldier has a Turn to spend, see 643
(Correction) [Err87] * If 3 or more active targets are in sight, button up.
If already buttoned up, 910.
346 Conduct PC Check * If 1 or 2 active targets are in sight, see 903.
* If successful, see 356. * If no active targets are in sight, open. If already
* If fails, see 367. opened, see 903.

Silver Star Errata

Rules The *"tick,tick"-counters *should read "End of Round"
(not "End of Turn"). [priv]
(Correction) Map designations G and H have been
exchanged throughout the module. [priv] Map (Correction) The red numbers of the action
round track are missing. They should be the same as
Movement on "sloping cliffs" is only possible in for Ambush. [priv]
crouching stance, but nevertheless costs 2 MP (in (Clarification) None of the cliff hexsides is an
contrast to "all" MP for other crouching movement). embankment, even if some look as if they were. [priv]

Page 7
Missions (Correction) German soldier card 37 should read R
instead of Q. [priv]
Mission 19 (Clarification) Divers may enter the cove
by hex E2, F2 or G2. (They must not necessarily Mission 21 (Correction) Condition 1, Paragraph 582:
pass all 3 of those hexes, as Paragraph 787 seems If US tank is activated in Y4 you get no movement
to indicate, though they may if they wish to.) [priv] reference for it. Solution suggested by VG: look for
Soldiers on a barge or guard boat are not considered movement references in a 2-hex-radius and act
"inside a vehicle" for combat purposes. [priv] accordingly, or use other entry point. [priv]

Mission 20 (Clarification) US01 and US02 come with Mission 23 (Problem) Paragraph reference for A8 is
the equipment printed on their cards, they get this for missing (only movement reference to O-11 is given).
free. US01 has both a pistol and an SMG. [priv] No solution could be given by VG. [priv]

Battle Hymn Errata

Rules 15.3 Palm Tree Tops (Clarification) When a
Japanese soldier in a palm tree top is instructed to
8 Line of Sight (Correction) In LOS Diagram 1, the drop a grenade, do not roll as if he is throwing the
LOS between A and B is not blocked. At the same grenade, but roll only on the Grenade Tree-Top
elevation, you can see through two palm tree hexes Scatter Diagram to determine the hex the grenade
into a third, whether or not the third hex is palm tree. lands in. Also, it costs the Japanese 1 MP to
In LOS Diagram 2, B should be in hex N-14 and the descend the tree, meaning the -3 modifier for charge
explanation should read: "If M-13/N-13 and M-14/M- assaults applies to assaults from tree-tops. [Err87]
13 were embankment hexsides, the LOS would be
blocked. If only M-13/N-13 was an embankment 15.4 Huts (Clarifications) When a hut is hit by small
hexside, the LOS would not be blocked, since the arms fire you must still determine if the soldiers in the
LOS exactly bisects the hexes, only one of which is hut are hit. Roll 1 die: A prone soldier is hit on a
blocking terrain." LOS Diagrams 3 and 4 should be result of 0, a crouching soldier on 0 or 1, and a
reversed. In LOS Diagram 4, the LOS between B standing soldier on 0, 1 or 2. If a soldier is hit roll for
and C is blocked. The hexes are at different damage normally. A soldier prone in a hut can be
elevations, and the palm trees are adjacent to C at seen through a doorway only if the sighting soldier is
the same elevation. [Err87] in the same hex as the hut. Huts never block LOS.
9.9 Flamethrowers (Clarification) Flamethrowers
cannot be fired into the same hex as the firing Missions
soldier. [Err87] A Flamethrower must be prepared
before use, remains prepared as long as the soldier Mission 3 Special Rules: Road Construction
does not move, but cannot be transported in (Clarification) The bulldozer begins with its blade in
prepared state. It can never be fired into the firer's the "up" position. [Err87]
own hex. [priv]
If fired at a vehicle, the passengers also take Mission 4 Surf (Addition) The all-water hexes are at
damage even if the vehicle is only disabled (not high tide and can be entered only in rubber rafts.
destroyed). Exploding vehicles do not cause damage [Err87]
in adjacent hexes. [priv] (Addition) If you are lucky you can end up with 9
persons and 2 rafts for 4 soldiers each. In this case,
12 Banzai Charges (Clarification) Remember to you may transport 5 persons in one raft if all those
record the activation hex for each banzai charge so persons empty their port boxes. [priv]
you know where to return the charge should it be
broken. [Err87] Mission 5 (Clarifications) A crashed plane cannot be
12.1 (Clarification) A broken Banzai charge is cleared away in this mission. [priv]
removed immediately if out of LOS of US soldiers or Only crater hexes on the runway count against VPs.
upon reaching its starting hex, whichever comes first. [priv]
[priv] (Correction) JA15 is worth 2 VP when broken (not 1).
15.1 Caves (Clarification) The diagram on page 27
depicts the field of view for a cave. The LOS is not Mission 6 (Clarification) The Doctor/Captain may not
limited to the three hexes shown, but extends only give orders, he has all the usual commander
outward in those directions. [Err87] capabilities (giving turns etc.). [priv]

15.2 Foxholes (Clarification) Foxholes cannot be Mission 7: Your Squad (Addition) Your squad also
dug in river, stream, ford, surf, lagoon, cliff, or receives a radio for free. [Err87]
boulder hexes. [Err87] Set Up (Correction) There are only two Conditions.
Ignore activation levels for Conditions 3 and 4.
Page 8
Player Aid Screen and Map Mission 2 (Condition 6) N-2 movement reference
should be N-1 instead of being blank, X-11 should
Map (Correction) The red numbers of the action read 479 instead of s0 479.
round track are missing. They should be the same as Mission 3 (Condition 4) RE numbers 3, 6, and 5
for Ambush. [priv] should be s6 327 instead of 327; RE numbers 9, 10,
and 11 should be s1 312 instead of 312; RE
Weapon Type Chart (Corrections) Automatic Rifle, numbers 4, 7, and 8 should be s3 315 instead of
Medium Range, should be 10-16 instead of 10-13; 315.
Long Range should be 17+ instead of 14+. Note 3 Mission 4 (Condition 3) P-16 movement reference
should read: "Prone soldiers are hit on a roll of 0; should be Q-16 instead of Q-15.
crouching soldiers are hit on a roll of 0 or 1; standing Mission 4 (Condition 5) T-13 movement reference
soldiers are hit on a roll of 0, 1, or 2." [Err87] should be 482 instead of 196.
Mission 4 (Condition 6) G-3 movement reference
Fire Combat Modifiers Chart (Corrections) should be 251 instead of 196.
Modifiers for soldiers in rubble hexes are the same Mission 6 (Condition 2) V-11 movement reference
as for boulder and crater hexes. The line for Deep should be V-12 instead of being blank, V-12
Lagoon/Surf applies only to soldiers on rafts. Deep movement reference should be U-13 instead of being
Lagoon/Surf hexes can never be entered by soldiers blank, H-17 movement reference should be G-17
not in rafts or by vehicles (except amphibious instead of being blank.
tractors and submarines). [Err87] Mission 6 (Condition 3) V-12 movement reference
should be U-13 instead of being blank.
Assault Chart (Clarification) US soldiers may never Mission 6 (Condition 4) U-13 movement reference
use sabres. [priv] should be T-13 instead of being blank, T-13
movement reference should be S-14 instead of being
Movement Point Cost Chart (Corrections) Note 7 blank.
also applies to shallow Lagoon/Surf hexes. Palm tree Mission 8 (Condition 2) P-14 should be s4 974
hexes can be entered by small vehicles, but only at instead of s9 974, RE 2 should be 284 instead of
slow speed. [Err87] s84.
(Clarification) Entering a hut does not cost extra MP Mission 8 (Condition 4) A-9 movement reference
beyond those for entering the hut hex. A vehicle may should be A-10 instead of A-9.
never enter a hut hex. [priv]
Soldier Cards
Japanese Cards (Correction) [Err87]
All Japanese cards specifying rifles as weapons are 004 (Addition)
considered to have bolt rifles, unless noted otherwise * If no active US soldier is in the hex, see 869
on their cards.
JA14 note should read: "Begins in Special Reaction 007, 034, 986, 994 (Clarification) If both of the first
B if not in a foxhole when activated. On first Turn, if two options apply, go to condition 4.
not in foxhole, conduct 801."
JA64 In Condition 1, a die roll of 0-3 should be 995 014 (Correction) Sighting should be s3 instead of s4.
instead of 876.
JA70 should also have a light machinegun. 026, 118, 177, 224 (Addition) Go to condition 2.
JA88 In Condition 1, a die roll of 4-6 should be 995
instead of 876; note should read: "On first Turn, 032 (Correction) Fourth option should read: "If
conduct 995. Mortar cannot be snap fired." rounds are available and no targets are in sight, see
US Cards (Clarification) [Err87]
US02 the mounted medium machinegun comes with 213 (Correction) If in Condition 3, see 270.
3 clips.
214, 232 (Clarification) If the hit chart yields a result
Mission Cards of "assistant", consider it a passenger (determined at
(Corrections) [Err87]
Mission 1 (Condition 2) I-11, K-11, M-11, and O-11 229, 308 (Correction) Should be s7 instead of s4. In
should read 713 instead of 714; I-8 movement 229, it is JA40 who is supposed to make the PC
reference should be 903 instead of being blank. Check, not JA30.
Mission 2 (Condition 4) X-7, Y-7, W-8, and V-8
should read s7 136 instead of s4 136. 242 (Correction) Activate JA21 in the first hex seen
Mission 2 (Condition 5) G-5 movement reference on the list (not in hex G-14).
should be G-6 instead of being blank, N-2 movement
reference should be O-2 instead of being blank. 251 (New Paragraph)
* If JA35 or JA37, see 482.
* Otherwise, see 196.
Page 9
259 (Correction) Option 3 (last line) should read: "If 556 (Correction) If in Condition 4, see 587.
Q-13 is destroyed, remain in P-13 and put Special
Reaction A into effect." 587 (New Paragraph)
* If soldier moving, enter hex Q-8.
262 (Correction) Delete " hex W-2." * If vehicle moving and there is at least one active
US soldier east of this hex, enter hex Q-8.
314, 319 (Correction) The camouflaged road runs * Otherwise, enter hex Q-10.
through hexes E-19, F-19, G-19, H-19, and I-19.
592 (Addition) The bunker hit chart is as follows:
329 (Clarification) Go to the specified Condition Bunker Hit Chart
immediately only if you are in Operations. If both of FRONT FACING
the first two options apply, go to Condition 4. Die Part Hit Armor
0-7 Wall H
342 (Clarifications) The sub has a deck crew of 6 8 Aperture M
(not 8). It costs 2 Crew Points to conduct aimed fire 9 Crew (x)
with a machinegun, and 1 Crew Point to conduct DOOR FACING
snap fire. The machineguns have 360 degree arcs of Die Part Hit Armor
fire. If the sub is damaged, it will not pull out to sea 0-4 Wall H
immediately. Instead, flip the sub counter to its 5-7 Door L
damaged side and the sub loses any Turns it has 8-9 Crew (x)
remaining in the current Round. (x) = If bazooka fire, treat as an aperture hit if front
facing is fired upon, as a door hit if door facing is
353, 390, 398, 418, 479 (Clarification) s0 in this case fired upon. The prone crew of a bunker cannot be
is JA13. seen through the doorway (even if the doorway has
been breached) unless the sighting soldier is in a hex
365 (Clarification) s3 in this case is JA10. adjacent to the door. (Per LOS rules, 8.2, Buildings).

376 (Correction) If fails, see 459 (not 457). 646 (Correction) The last line should read "avoided"
(not violated).
406 (Clarification) s4 in this case is JA11.
719 (Correction) Scatter diagram should be B, not A.
419 (Addition) The plane has two speeds: taxi and [priv]
flight. Unless specifically stated by a paragraph, the
plane is assumed to taxi (on the ground) and uses its 736 (Correction) Second option should read: "If US
taxi speed (see Vehicle Summaries). Once a plane soldiers in sight at a distance greater than four hexes
takes off, it has an unlimited Movement Point from M-6 and US soldiers are north or west of this
Allowance and is moved hex by hex until it exits the hex, crouch and conduct best fire at closest target.
map. When on the ground, soldiers can conduct fire Fall prone after fire, if free stance change is available
combat against the plane using the Summary to and an active target is in sight."
determine damage. When in flight, soldiers may not
fire at a plane unless specifically instructed to do so 750 (Addition) If no active target is in the same hex,
by a paragraph. see 724.

433 (Clarification) The native uses card US03. 869 (Addition) If US soldier is in the same hex,
assault to kill.
444 (Clarification) s5 in this case is JA12.
923 (Correction) Put Special Reaction P into effect
486 (Correction) JA13 is supposed to be activated (not Q).
(not JA12).
973 (Clarification) The first hex the plane taxis into is
538 (Correction) See 557 (not 551) if you wish to O-5.
commence Rounds.

Leatherneck Errata
Rules corrections and paste them on to the Mission Cards
before starting play. [LN]
Due to a production error, the Mission Card for
Mission 11, Condition 2 is wrong. Use the
replacement card included for Condition 2. It has the
identity code of 3002207-K, which is printed at the
center right edge. Also, in the center of the book are
three corrections to other Mission Cards; cut out the
Page 10

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