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There is many online business at the internet. People have many choices to buy and inquire through the internet. Many
types of things are there in online business such as, households, attire, and many more.
Now a day's people are so busy that they have no time to go to shopping malls, to inquire and buy the things they want.
Everyone likes to do online shopping and communication. That's why importance of online shopping and communication is
increasing with the passage of time and one cannot deny this fact.
Online shopping is the process consumers go through to purchase products or services over the Internet. An online shop,
e-shop, e-store, internet shop or online store causes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar
retailer or in a shopping mall. And it helps the business owners to advertise and manage their business.
So, now the proponents was conducted a study for Innova Optics and Dental Specialist. The said business entity is an
optical and dental clinic located at 2nd Floor Susano Complex, Quirino Hi-Way, Novaliches, Quezon City. The Innova Optics and
Dental Specialist offered Consultation, Extraction, Restoration, Prophylaxis, RCT, Denture, Dental X-Ray. This clinic does not have
any computer based system for its business even though they have an existing computer system.
The clinic is in charge of keeping track of the records of each and everyone customers. These records are important for
different purposes and sales recording that the clinic is being used. The system that the clinic is being used is the manual based
process for all the services it gives to its customers. They manually handle files and information they get. For instances, in getting
the customer records, they issue a application form to the resident requesting for their services. The business experienced hard and
long procedure in accessing the records they have when it is needed and the redundancy of the records. Also, the company finds it
difficult to attract clients due to lack of advertisement.
The proponents proposed an E-Books and Online Sales System that will help the business as well as the owner,
employees and customers of the clinic. This system is a complete inexpensive system for management of sales, purchases,
payments, selling and customer records. This system will help the user in creating sales orders, service/s rendered, customer
profiles and sales reports for monitoring the business. The system provides an interaction between company and the
members/guests of the system. The Innova Optics and Dental Specialist can sell their products online with the help of the propose
system. The system provides security in all records of the company and no one can easily access the sales record unless the person
is permitted to do so. And the researchers add a hardware device LED Sensor Interface that will be triggered and will post a product
status when it is already sold by the customers. The developers of the new system can refine its design by breaking the system
down into smaller tasks and then estimating the time spent to complete it. The focus of this study is the use of many tools with a
collaborative mindset of the developers to systematically improve business through the implementation of a new information

Background of the Study
Today, the Internet presents a convenient and widely accessible vehicle for allowing patients to view their medical
records. It has the potential to be an important tool for improving patient-physician communication and for making care more
patient-centered. Indeed, the Internet is already having a profound effect on the way that patients and clinicians interact. Patients
are accessing medical information from a variety of Internet sources, enabling them to have greater input into decision making
about their health care. This in turn is causing a dramatic shift in the traditional physician patient relationship; many patients are no
longer relying exclusively on the physician for information about their health or medical condition. Giving patients access to their
medical records has been proposed as a method for improving medical care by better educating patients and more fully engaging
them in medical decision-making. Such access holds promise for educating patients about their medical conditions; improving
adherence to medical and lifestyle changes; increasing trust in the physician; better preparing the patient for the office visit; 2
enhancing the patient’s sense of mastery over his or her condition; providing reassurance about allowing patients to correct errors
in the medical record.
Having disorganized patient record system, the company suffers lost of sales and patients records. Hence, the company is
less competitive than its competitors and unable to attract more clients. Also having hard time in accessing the records and
information of a specific person for it is not sorted out accordingly, the safety of all the files they store and how they will maintain
and update the records.
The main problem concerning the given company is that they do not have a centralized and accurate system for storing
records they have, these are very important to them. How they will have a file maintenance system and will lessen the burden of
works they usually do in getting, keeping and updating the files.
Innova Optics and Dental Specialists (Innova), an optical and dental clinic located at 2 nd Floor Susano Complex, Quirino
Hi-Way, Novaliches, Quezon City is one of those entities having to dealt with concerns with the patients record system as well as
how it can improve its marketing strategy.
It started on December 11, 2004 with one (1) staff dentist and a medical secretary. It is owned by Dr. Rhona M.
Subagan, a Doctor of Dental Medicine who graduated from National University (NU). The Clinic has a partnership with Optical Clinic
owned by Dr. Armila David-Cablay and has a branch located at Sampaloc, Manila. The Innova Optics and Dental Specialists offer
Consultation, Extraction, Restoration, Prophylaxis, RCT, Denture and X-Ray. It strives to meet the needs of its customers for total
value by offering a good service.
Based on the interview conducted with Dr. Subagan, she said that the clinic has no patient records system. Also, the
company finds it difficult to attract clients due to lack of advertisement. They presented to the researchers the unorganized files of
the business that affect the quality of their service. And the problem affects the business further development.
The business used the traditional manual system because of they do not have enough knowledge in computer-based
system. As the result, the business experienced hard and long procedure in accessing the records they have when it is needed and
the redundancy of the records. Also, they find it difficult to attract clients due to lack of advertisement.
Due to the seen problem it causes redundancy of works, extra time consumed that leads to the delay of business process,
and contributes to more pending tasks. In addition to this, the previous system is somewhat short of advertisement to promote the
clinic to a wider range.
The above mentioned concern motivated the proponents to conduct a study and develop a new system that will enhance
the process of the company. Through the proposed system, Innova will be able to compete with the rival competitors by using a
computer-based system. It could be able to advertise their business through the net-based system, and to sell their products online.
Also, they could be able to manage and organize their records such as the customers’ profile, and other related information and
avoid the filing up of voluminous forms. Through this, the company could be able to secure their records and to provide a good
interaction between them and their customers.
The proposed system “E-Books and Online Sales System” is capable of advertising the company’s products and services,
reservations and selling of their products online. The E-Books and Online Sales System is a complete inexpensive system for
management of sales, purchases, payments and customer records. This system will help the users in creating sales orders, services
rendered and customer profiles. It also includes LED sensor interface connected to the computer server and will be triggered when 5
the products has been purchased online.
The E-Books and Online Sales System is a net-based system with an online store that helps company to manage their
business operations efficiently and could be more accessible nationwide. It is also a website that advertises the products, services
and gives information about a certain company. Nowadays, Advertisement plays an important role to market the company’s services
and products.
The developers of the new system can refine its design by breaking the system down into smaller tasks and then
estimating the time spent to complete it. The focus of this study is the use of many tools with a collaborative mindset of the
developers to systematically improve business through the implementation of a new information system.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective:
The general objective of the study is to develop an E-books and Online Sales System for Innova Optics and Dental
Specific Objectives:
The study has the following specific objectives:
1. To develop a patients’ medical record system
2. To design a website for the advertisement of the company,
an online sales system of their products.
3. To evaluate its performance in terms of:
a. Manageability
b. Security
c. User friendliness
d. Reliability
e. Accessibility

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 6

The study is focused on a net-based system with a sensor type interface for the sales and advertisement of Innova Optics
and Dental Specialist owners, employees and customers. The website of Innova consist of E-books, which includes the business
profiles, a brief history, organizational structure, contact information and its products and services offered. The proposed system
can connect the customers and owners of the business through online communication. With this system, the user can create their
account, including their personal information, so that the clients can connect or communicate with the business owners and has a
Log-in trail report. The system also features an online store, for reservation and purchasing of their products such as eyeglasses 7
and contact lenses. In terms of payment, the customers can pay or order through online via credit card. It can generate reports of
the sales and save data on the system’s database. The system will be benefiting the business owners and customer or clients
through a more efficient and effective business transaction. Also, it helps the owners to save and organize records by the use of the
system’s database. The development of the proposed system is within the school year 2010-2011 to provide a solution based on the
seen problem of the company. In developing the proposed system, the researchers used different languages and applications
composed of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Flash 8, Php and a little JavaScript scripting
codes using Dreamweaver Cs3 software, phpMyadmin, MySQL for database, Cpanel for the online hosting and LED for the hardware

The researchers limited this study for Innova Optics and Dental Specialists only. The proposed system is not capable of any wireless
connection such as Bluetooth and infrared and does not deal with the other process of the company. Only trained personnel can do
the maintenance of the proposed system and hardware. The delivery process of the products is within the country only.

Significance of the Study

The researchers conducted this study to develop a new system for Innova Optics and Dental Specialist that will really fit
to their business and to provide a solution to the seen problem of the said company and to systematically improve business through
the implementation of a new information system.
1. Company

The company will be able to compete with the other competitors using computer-based system. It could be able to
advertise their business through the net-based system, and to sell their products online. Also, they could be able to manage and
organize their records such as the customers’ profile, and other related information and avoid the filling up of voluminous forms.
Through this, the company could be able to secure their records and to provide a good connection between them and their
2. Clients
The customers will be able to access easily the services of the company at anytime through the use of the online
sales system and to lessen the time consumption without the need of personal transaction.
3. Proponents
The proponents will be able to broaden the proponent’s knowledge about system analysis, cycle and development and
to expose themselves in their field through Principles and Concepts from books, journals and online resources. Techniques gained
through experiences and Tools learned from the institution.
4. Future researchers
The future researchers will be able to read and use this research paper as a reference for their own and other related
studies and to improve this for further development due to the rapid advancement of technology.

Review of Related Literature and Studies
The review of related literature and studies includes articles, and recent studies that are related to E-Books and Online
Sales System. They were used to equip the researchers of ideas in developing their proposal.
E-Books and Online Sales System
1. E-books
An e-book, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary of English, is an electronic version of a printed book which can be read on
a personal computer or hand-held device designed specifically for this purpose (Noorhidawat and Gibb, 2009).
“A small, portable device onto which the contents of a book in electronic format can be downloaded and read… contents
are in an electronic format” (Houghton Mifflin, 2009).
It is described that an e-book can be seen digitally in a computer or any electronic devices that includes a wide collection
of words, articles or any reading materials. The computer technology has brought some revolutionary changes in the lifestyles of
human beings over past few decades. These sophisticated technologies led to the virtualization of many things around us. Starting
from the Email, this trend never looked back and even it resulted in virtual books which are generally known as EBooks (Filion,
Advantages of E-books
This also gives new opportunities to people engaged in ecommerce. Instead of having to mail cumbersome documents
about their services to customers, they might be able to offer them in digital form. I know this is already done via email and on
websites, but they could become more mobile and they wouldn't have to be printed out if they could be accessed on an e-book
(Lockard , 2009).
E-books present a number of key advantages both to the makers and purchasers of contents as well as the condensed
assembly cycles, allocation controls that authorize broader passage of more timely material, and new methods of presenting content
on a meticulous subject (Huang, 2008).
An entrepreneur can write informative or promotional content for alluring the potential web visitors towards the company
website. This enables you to promote the products and services online and build favorable company reputation (Ritz, 2010).
One of the things standing in the way of e-book adoption may simply be the ingrained habits of people raised on paper-
based materials. As this generation passes, e-book adoption will likely grow (Nantel, 2007).
All of these advantages mean that e-books can help with bottlenecks in the supply chain, those times when a lecturer
recommends a particular textbook but the library only has a handful of short-loan copies (Harris, 2009).
“E-books are delivered almost instantaneously and is searchable” (Sasson, 2010).

2. Online Sales System

Online shopping is defined as a computer activity/exchange performed by a consumer via a computer-based interface,
where the consumer's computer is connected to, and can interact with, a retailer's digital storefront through a network, the
popularity of this medium of exchange has allowed the existence of a free market with intense competition (Changchit, 2005).

Advantages of Online Sales System

So as we can see the advantages of automated systems when starting online businesses are immense because it not only
saves the individual time but also means that they are not missing out on any aspect of an Internet business and are not
overwhelmed with too much at the start. It is effectively like having your own sales assistant working for you but not having to
worry about paying them each month. Automated systems have become extremely powerful and all the successful Internet
marketers are now using them and it is certainly easy to see why (Iwaniszewski, 2010).
Online shopping widened the target audience to men and women of the middle class. At first, the main users of online
shopping were young men with a high level of income and a university education. This profile is changing. Sociocultural pressure
has made men generally more independent in their purchase decisions, while women place greater value on personal contact and
social relations (Bigne, 2005).
"The low cost of entry has attracted hundreds of companies, large and small, to the level playing field of
cyberspace”(Dowling, 1996).
The first advantage that this online ordering system provides is that the customers can order at any point of the day…
Next advantage is the ease of use… Third advantage for the restaurant owners is that they don’t have to set up their own servers
and then keep maintaining them (Cornell, 2009).
The recent development of software agent web sites has offered the online customer a great shopping environment. They
provide online customers a great variety of products and comparative prices on a product from each of the Internet stores linked to
the agent web site (Wang and Huarng, 2002).
“Disruptive advertising is necessary to keep the web sites they like to visit free” (Safran, 2001).
Significance of Website and Online System
“We find that matching an ad to website content and increasing an ad’s obtrusiveness independently increase purchase
intent” (Goldfarb and Tucker, 2010).
The implementation of the development of the website had given to the development of the UK-Based IBO’s alternatives
which can enhance in managing their businesses. There is a rapid attraction in the number of the customers in trying for the new
service online while the promotions had encouraged the repetition of the new site through the demonstration of the new benefits
(Butod, 2010).
“Anticipated that e-commerce market would grow from $228 billion in 2007 to $288 billion in 2009” (Forrester, 2006).
“29% of consumers indicated that they are extremely or very likely to research products online before purchasing them in
a store….53% of respondents said an in-store return option would increase their likelihood to purchase online.” (Miller, 2010).
“People strongly prefer to do their own research online versus speaking to a knowledgeable sales associate in-store”
(Schulte, 2010).
Online shopping is on a growth path and has become a determining factor in the growth of the entire retail sector,
according to a recent study. Net-based sales accounted for almost half of the growth in retail spending in 2005, the study revealed
(Demarzio, 2006).
“Online shopping has been a growing phenomenon in all four corners of the world, in particular amongst countries
possessing highly developed infrastructure available for marketing activities through the internet” (Delafrooz, 2010).
The emergence and ubiquity of the Internet has proven itself of having huge potential as an advertising medium. Online
advertising has been the fastest growing part inside the whole advertising industry (Gilbert and Lin, 2007).
The results indicate that highly innovative travelers are mainly influenced by their positive attitudes when they embrace
online shopping; while less innovative travelers rely on both attitude and the referral's opinions to reduce uncertainty inherent in
online transaction (Young Lee, 2006).
“Creation of effective interactions between websites and consumers is one of the main concerns of every e-commerce
company as a means of ensuring success of the online business” (Khatibi, 2009).
Based on the readings presented, the researchers concluded that applying web-based system will innovate the
environment, performance and quality of a business into a more efficient and effective output. So the related literature and studies
of this study summarizes that turning business into online is the better way to grow faster and to have a wider audience.
A major advantage in using web-based system is speed. They can process information much more quickly than humans
and so this means that there is an increase in productivity which means more can get done, therefore the researchers were able to
develop an E-books and Online Sales System for Innova Optics and Dental Specialists as an improvement for their company.

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