Lesson Plan 2a

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SCHOOL: Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 5 Giurgiu

Teacher: Neculaie Maria- Magdalena
Grade: II A
Date: April 26th, 2018
Textbook: Fairyland 2B
Unit 7: Introductory
Topic: “The weather”
Time: 50’
Aims/ Objectives:
- to be able to talk about the weather
- to be able to practice the weather items
- to be able to speak about seasons
- to be able to use all the items learned
Skills: speaking, listening, reading
Materials: blackboard, textbook, CD, flashcards, handouts
Types of interaction: teacher-whole class, teacher-student, student-student
Structures: What’s the weather like?
It’s snowing.
It’s sunny.
It’s hot.
It’s raining.
It’s cold.
Vocabulary: snowing, raininig, cold, summer, hot.
Class management: whole class, individual work, pair-work.
Activity one: Warm-up
Teacher’s activity: The teacher greets the pupils and checks the attendance. She
shows the pupils different cards with numbers in order to revise the knowledge
acquired in the previous lesson. She asks the pupils to name the correct colour and
number of different pictures representing numbers. She then asks the rest of the
class for verification.
Pupils activity: name the number item
Interaction: Teacher- whole class.
Timimg: 5’

Activity two: Presentation and practice

Teacher’s activity: The teacher pins up The weather posters on the board. She
points up the weather conditions: It’s hot. It’s cold. It’s sunny. It’s raining. It’s
snowing. one at a time and presents them, writing them down on the whiteboard.
She points to the weather conditions in random order and then she asks the pupils
to open their books on page 26. She writes the number 26 on the board and hold up
the book. She says the instructions twice. She plays the recorder twice.
Students activity: the pupils look at the poster, repeat after the teacher, try to
repeat alone, listen to the CD, try to sing, point and repeat.
Interaction: Teacher-whole class, Teacher; pupils.
Timimg: 15’
Activity three: Listen and point
Teacher’s activity: The teacher says the instructions twice. She points to the first
picture and asks the pupils: “What’s the weather like today”? She repeats with the
rest of the pictures, explains the activity to the pupils and plays the recording.
Pupils activity: the pupils repeat after the teacher, they listen to the song and point
to the weather conditions mentioned. The teacher asks a pupil to come in front of
the classroom and while listening to the song , he/she has to show the rest of the
colleagues the sequences of the weather conditions.
Interaction: Teacher- pupils, pupils- teacher
Timing : 10’
Activity four: Look and match
Teacher’s activity: The teacher tells the pupils to do the exercise two, page 26,
and repeats the instructions twice. She asks the pupils to read and copy the
sentences in their notebooks, then to match them with the pictures. She invites
individual pupils to point to the pictures, say what the weather is like as well as the
number of the picture: It’s snowing. Number 1. It’s sunny. Number 2. It’s hot.
Number 3. It’s snowing. Number4. It’s cold. Number 5.
Students activity: matching the sentences according to what they see in the
Interaction: Teacher – pupils, pupils - teacher
Timing: 5’

Activity five: Draw it!

Teacher’s activity: The teacher gives the pupils worksheets with sentences about
weather conditions. She asks the pupils, in pairs to read the sentences in each box
and draw pictures of the weather to match each sentence.
Students’ activity: the pupils carry out the task given by the teacher in pairs, then
report it to the whole class.
Interaction: pupils – pupils, teacher- pupils
Timing: 10’
Homework: Exercise three on page 35. Circle the odd one.

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