China Projects Delay in Pakistan

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I, Mr. Adnan Saleh a Master’s degree candidate at Jiangxi University of Finance and
Economics (JUFE), School of International Trade and Economics (SITE) and I am conducting an
academic research as well as my final dissertation entitled “Cultural difference in International
project management, A case study on China projects delay in Pakistan”. Wherein this questionnaire
has merely been constructed in the purpose of research, all the data and information of respondents
are adopted for the ad hoc thesis and will be strictly confidential. Lastly, I would like to express my
profound gratitude and sincere thanks to all respondents to sacrifice the invaluable time in response
of this application form, without your collaboration this research would not be attained and
accomplished outright. Your cooperative and kind consideration would be highly appreciated (Please
devote about 15 minutes of your time for filling out the application form).

Part 1: Respondents’ general information

1. Gender: ห Male ห Female

2. Age: ห Lower 30 years ห 31-35 years ห 36-40 years ห More than 40 years

3. Designation: …Project Coordinator…………………………………………

4. Marital Status: ห Single ห Married

5. Nationality: ห Chinese ห Pakistan

6. Have you ever worked in international Project before? ห Yes ห No

7. If yes in previous question, how many years:

ห Less than 5 years ห 6-10 years ห 11-15 years ห more than 15 years

Part 2: The culture differences between China and Pakistan

In this section, author has constructed the cultural different factors for Chinese projects in
Pakistan based on Hofstede’s Culture Dimensions , wherein author developed Likert scale into five
scales to measure from 1 to 5 such as: 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = Moderate Agree, 4
= Agree and 5 = Strongly agree (please pore over before ticking the appropriate answer)

Agreement Level
1 2 3 4 5
Power Distance Factors
Manager should make most decision without consulting subordinates
It is frequently necessary for a manager to use authority & power when
dealing with subordinates
Manager should seldom ask for opinions of employees
Employees should not disagree with management
Managers should not delegate important task to employees
If High power distance in field, miscommunication occurred
While using interpreter/Intermediate there will be gap in command
In High power distance Risk will be high in filed
Lower staff feels hesitancy while talking to superiors
In low power distance, staff can directly communicate freely with superiors
You can only listen to other people when you are in interaction
Caring of staff members will give motivation
In high power distance if Problem occurred will take time to solve
In making changes on site, decision time increase due to approval
In High power distance unequally job distribution
In low power distance equally distributed
In low power distance u can measure the completion of daily task easily
In high power distance dignity means a lot to superiors
In low power distance timely completion of work means a lot to superiors
Individualism / Collectivism Factors
Group welfare is more important than individual rewards
Group success is more important than individual success
Being accepted by the members of your workgroup is very important
Employees should pursue their goals after considering the welfare of the
In a project always think about him / her (I am)
In a project always think as a team / as a group leader
Work individually for own success
Work for company reputation, society in long term relation
While working as a team, concerned with own work
While working as a team besides work, concerned with friendship & relation
Always treat project members as a team, family
If a member of team is wrong, avoid loose face in front of all
In sensitive situation decision should be as group leader rather individually

Masculinity vs. Femininity Factors

Meetings are usually run more effectively when they are chaired by a man
It is more important for men to have a professional career than it is women
to have a professional career
Men usually solve problems with logical analysis; women usually solve
problems with intuition
Solving organizational problems usually requires an active, forcible
approach which is typical for men
It is preferable to have a man in a high level position rather than a woman
A male always consider Success is important in every field while a female
always consider Relationship is important
A male always wants to achieve more goals even work on weekend
A male always put his best effort in the project while a female wants quality
of life
A male always be the Best employee of the project
Male willing to work overtime to earn more money rather than female
Uncertainty Avoidance Factors
It is important to have a job requirements and instructions spelled out in
detail so that employees always know what they are expected to do
Managers except workers to closely follow instructions and procedures
Rules and regularities are important because they inform workers what the
organization except of them
Standard operating procedures are helpful to employees on the job
Future planning & sustainability is important
Accepting risk, go with the flow as the results are coming what will
happened in future
There should be well defined rolls & functions to the employees to avoid
Employees follow the old rules, which were early applied
Employees are not allowed for new invention other than the task assigned
It is very important to understand the cultures and norms to avoid uncertainty
Manager should value the situation before making decision
Long Term Orientation Factors
Ordering relationships by status and observing this order is important in the
Thrift(Angry) is important in the workplace
Manager’s Persistence is important in the workplace
Having a sense of shame is important in the workplace
Ordering relationship by status
Personal patience, steadiness and stability
Protecting your face
Respect for tradition
Reciprocation of greetings, favours and gifts
In a project, focus on stability is important
Orientation towards past and present
Unequal relationship existing between people ensure the stability of society
In a project is important to build system, policies and procedures
Immediate gain
Save money for the future
Project Delay
Client Related Factors:
Finance and payments of completed work
Owner interference
Slow decision making
Unrealistic contract duration imposed by owners
Contractor Related Factors:
Site management
Improper planning
Inadequate contractor experience
Mistakes during construction
Improper construction methods and delays by subcontractor
Consultant Related Factors:
Contract management
Preparation and approval of drawings
Quality assurance/control
Long waiting time for approval of tests and inspection
Material factor include quality and shortage
Labour & Equipment Factors:
Labour supply
Labour productivity
Equipment availability and failure
Contractual relationships factors:
Major disputes and negotiation during construction
Inappropriate organizational structure linking all parties involved in the
Lack of communication between these parties
External Factors:
Weather conditions
Changes in regulations
Problems with neighbours and Site conditions

Part 3: Your point of view on project delay in Pakistan.






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