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Brexit news LIVE: Updates as Theresa

May faces Cabinet rebellion over no deal
JAMES MORRIS | , BONNIE CHRISTIAN | 28 minutes ago | 22 comments

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Theresa May speaks in the Commons on Monday, with dozens of ministers reportedly ready to resign if they aren't allowed a free vote on blocking a no
deal Brexit ( EPA )

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Theresa May is reportedly facing an internal rebellion against her

Brexit plans on Tuesday, with up to 40 ministers said to be ready
to resign if the government blocks a free vote against a no deal EU MOST POPULAR
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Amber Rudd, the work and pensions secretary and key ally of the
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It has been reported chief whip Julian Smith will decide at the end Hunt resumes for missing
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of the week whether Tory MPs are given a free vote on striker on board
amendments to the Prime Minister's Brexit motion.
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It comes as Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn reiterated his demand daughter Consy
for no deal to be taken off the table, while also giving his strongest
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backing yet for the possibility of a second referendum. missing striker on board
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Follow live Brexit updates HERE.

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel told delegates at the World

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32 minutes ago
An SEUPB spokesman said:

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considerations between the SEUPB and the respective Government
departments as to the practical arrangements that will be required to
ensure that on-going payments will be made to projects. Hunt for missing Cardiff City
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32 minutes ago

Peter Sheridan, chief executive of Co-operation Ireland, said he did

not know how Britain would distribute its money after Brexit.
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“ I am not clear what the next bit is.

How is that managed, at the minute it is distributed through the

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SEUPB (Special European Union Programmes Body), that may
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We want to see it continuing because we have still some way to go yet

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on the peace process, whatever happens around Brexit, both the San Miguel Rich List
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34 minutes ago

A leading peace-building charity in Northern Ireland has queried

how the Government will distribute funding for certain voluntary
groups if it leaves Europe with no deal.

Cash for such bodies working to heal division is channelled

through an all-Ireland cross-border body.

The future of these following a no-deal exit is a live question.

1 hour ago

Discussing the Cooper-Boles amendment, Mr Rees-Mogg told the

audience of around 300 people a Bruges Group of Tory
Eurosceptics meeting: "We are facing a really important point in
our constitutional history because there are people who are trying
very hard to stop Brexit.

"They have 65 days ... in which to do it. They are going to do

everything that they can in that remaining time not to delay Brexit,
not to get a deal, but to keep us bound to the European Union.

"That is what the Yvette Cooper bill is about, it's what the losers'
vote is about, it is in relation to stopping us leaving."
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1 hour ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg has suggested that the Government could use

prorogation to block any backbench bills designed to thwart a no-
deal Brexit. Prorogation is the means by which a Parliamentary
session is brought to an end.

Answering questions from reporters he said: "If the House of

Commons undermines our basic constitutional conventions then
the executive is entitled to use other vestigial constitutional means
to stop it.

"By which I basically mean prorogation. And prorogation normally

lasts for three days but any law that is in the process before
prorogation falls. And I think that would be the Government's
answer, that is the Government's backstop."

Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg (AFP)

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1 hour ago

"Without ratification, there will be neither a Withdrawal

Agreement nor a transitional period, nor will there be the mutual
trust that we need in order to construct a future relationship on a
sound basis," Mr Barnier added.

He said that the EU intended to start negotiations with the UK "as

quickly as possible" following the signing of the Withdrawal
Agreement on a future partnership which would provide a "level
playing field" in the social, environmental, consumer, taxation and
state aid areas.

A key question in shaping a new relationship was "will it remain

reasonable, a level playing field, or will it become a tool for tax,
social, environmental dumping?" he said.

1 hour ago

Michel Barnier has warned that if we fail in the Brexit negotiations

"we will be stepping back - or at least the UK will be stepping back -
to a time before it was a member of the EU and the single market,
when customs duties were part of the day-to-day life of our

He said: "This no-deal scenario can't be excluded as things stand

today. It's still necessary that economic and social actors, but also
civil society, prepare for this scenario."

The Withdrawal Agreement reached in November remained "the

best possible agreement", said Mr Barnier.

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Michel Barnier, the European Chief Negotiator (EPA)

2 hours ago

Earlier this afternoon during PMQs, Tory James Gray referred to

the news that Brexit-backing businessman Sir James Dyson is to
relocate the Dyson head office from the UK to Singapore.

Speaking at PMQs, he called on Mrs May to join him "reassuring"

the people of North Wiltshire and the nation that despite the
announcement "the commitment of Dyson to Britain remains

Mrs May replied: "Dyson are clear that they will continue to have a
long-term future in the UK, they've trebled their workforce to
4,800 over the last five years.

"But, of course, what matters to companies like Dyson is having a

Government that is unapologetically pro-business which this
Government is and a Government (which) is ensuring that our
balanced economic policy sees increasing employment, exports
and foreign direct investment in UK companies at record highs."

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2 hours ago

Theresa May needs to change her red lines in Brexit negotiations to

get a deal that lawmakers will approve, a spokesman for the
opposition Labour Party said on Wednesday, adding that she was
running down the clock on talks.

"Nothing like her deal that was rejected in the House of Commons
is going to pass in parliament," he said. "There is no amount of
tweaking to it or modest changes that are going to change that
reality. It is only if the red lines change."

Theresa May during PMQs (AFP)

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2 hours ago

The European Union is offering Britain an option to continue

fishing in EU waters for the rest of the year in case of a no-deal
Brexit, if Britain grants the same rights to EU fishermen.

The EU wants to mitigate the worst impact of a possible cliff-edge

departure for Britain on March 29, and officials want to make sure
that fishermen would not have to fundamentally change their
decades-old fishing traditions overnight.

British and EU fishermen have long been fishing in each other's

waters since they are all EU waters. Britain's departure could keep
EU fishermen out and the same could happen to British boats in
the waters of the 27 member states.

The EU Commission is also proposing financial compensation for

EU fishermen if they find UK waters suddenly closed.

A trawler at Eyemouth harbour (PA)

2 hours ago
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Downing Street has said it is wrong to suggest the Prime Minister is
approaching talks with lawmakers on her Brexit deal with a closed
mind, saying she is prepared to listen to Jeremy Corbyn and other
party leaders.

Number 10's official spokesman said it is the government's

objective to have an independent trade policy after Britain leaves
the EU and that is not compatible with being in a customers union.


3 hours ago

As PMQs comes to an end, a German government spokeswoman

has said Chancellor Angela Merkel will hold talks with the EU's
Michel Barnier in Berlin on Thursday, adding that a postponement
of Brexit could be discussed only if Britain wanted to delay its exit
from the bloc.

"We need to know what Britain wants and how it sees the way
ahead and that is the case in particular for the question of a delay,"
the spokeswoman told a regular government news conference.

"We will deal with that question only if Britain wants a delay."

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel (EPA)

3 hours ago

MP Ann Clwyd said: "Even though Brexit is turning out to be very

different from what voters were promised by the leave campaign,
are you now effectively saying to voters in opposing a People’s Vote
that they had their say three years ago and must just put up and
shut up?"

Mrs May responded: "What we are saying is this House

overwhelmingly voted to have the referendum in 2016 and for
people to be given the choice.

"I think when people voted to leave the EU there will have been a
variety of reasons why people voted that way. For many they
wanted an end to free movement, that’s what we will be delivering.
For many it was about sovereignty, that’s why ending the
jurisdiction of the European Court is important, an independent
trade policy is part of that.

"That is what the government is delivering, we’re delivering on the

vote that took place and ensuring we do it in a way which protects
jobs and gives people certainty for the future."

3 hours ago

MP Peter Bone asked Theresa May: "Prime Minister your

government is stuffed full of Remainer ministers who do not want
to leave the EU. Would you replace them with colleagues from
these benches who actually believe in upholding the decision of
the British people?
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"I've heard some job applications in my time but that was quite an
interesting one," Mrs May responded.

"My position and the position of this Government is very clear - it

is our duty to deliver on the vote of the British people to leave the
EU, of course I'm always happy to consider job applications from
my honorable friend but the basis of his application was not
correct - the government is committed to taking the United
Kingdom out of the EU."

MP Peter Bone


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3 hours ago

Mrs May has told the Commons: "Extending article 50 I don't

believe resolves any issues, because at some point members of this
House have to decide whether they want to have a no-deal
situation, agree a deal or have no Brexit."

Prime Minister Theresa May speaks during Prime Minister's

Questions (PA)

3 hours ago

Asked about ruling out a second referendum, Mrs May said: "I have
set out on a number of occasions my concern about returning to
the British people in a second referendum.

"I think people gave that clear message - we asked them to make a
choice, they made the choice, and we should deliver on it."

3 hours ago

Mr Corbyn said: "The international trade secretary promised 40

trade agreements the second after Brexit, this morning he couldn't
name a single one.

"Why is the PM prepared to sell people's jobs and living standards

down the river rather than negotiate a customs union which would
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be part of a sensible deal for the future?"

The Prime Minister replied: "The deal that we negotiated did

protect jobs and it was rejected by this House. there are some
specific issues that members have raised and we work on those.

"What we want to ensure is that we get a deal that does protect

jobs. We will be protecting jobs in the UK with a good trade
relationship with the EU and enhancing and increasing jobs in the

"By the way I see the right honorable gentleman hasn't referred to
the employment figures this week where we see employment up in
this country as a result of this government."

Theresa May in the Commons (PA)

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3 hours ago

Mrs May added: "He won't meet me to talk about Brexit - in this
case he's neither present nor involved."

Labour's Jeremy Corbyn replied: "I did reach out to the PM last
September when I offered to discuss our deals with her. It appears
that while the door to her office may well be open the minds inside
it are completely closed."

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

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3 hours ago

Speaking in the Commons, leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn

said: "Will the Prime Minister listen to her own cabinet members
and take no deal off the table?"

Mrs May replied: "What I, the cabinet and the whole government is
doing is working to ensure that we leave the EU with a deal. And
that is the way to avoid no deal and to leave the EU with a deal.

"What I have been wanting to do is sit down and talk about how we
can secure support in this house for a deal."

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