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Chemosphere 112 (2014) 18–25

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Environmental effects and fate of the insecticide bifenthrin

in a salt-marsh mesocosm
Paul L. Pennington a,⇑, Heather Harper-Laux b, Yelena Sapozhnikova c,1, Michael H. Fulton a
NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research, Charleston, SC, United States
College of Charleston, Graduate Program in Marine Biology, Grice Marine Laboratory, Charleston, SC, United States
JHT Incorporated, Contractor to NOAA, Charleston, SC, United States

h i g h l i g h t s

 We examined the lethal and sublethal effects of bifenthrin on shrimp and fish.
 Bifenthrin was toxic to shrimp at environmentally relevant levels.
 Bifenthrin had no effect on oxidative stress assays in shrimp or fish.
 Bifenthrin was rapidly eliminated from the water column.
 Bifenthrin readily partitioned to sediments.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Bifenthrin is a widely used synthetic pyrethroid insecticide that is often applied to crops, turf, and
Received 25 November 2013 residential structures for the control of insects. Like other insecticides, bifenthrin has the potential to con-
Received in revised form 25 February 2014 taminate bodies of water that are adjacent to the application site via spray drift and runoff during storm
Accepted 8 March 2014
events. The objective of this study was to examine the lethal and sublethal effects of bifenthrin on grass
shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, and sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus in a 28 d mesocosm exper-
Handling Editor: S. Jobling iment under estuarine conditions. Endpoints included mortality and growth and the oxidative stress
biomarkers of lipid peroxidation, glutathione, and catalase.
Keywords: In the mesocosm experiment, 24 h and 96 h caged shrimp LC50s were 0.061 and 0.051 lg L1, respec-
Mesocosm tively. The uncaged grass shrimp 28 d LC50 was 0.062 lg L1. Fifty percent mortality was not reached in
Bifenthrin the uncaged sheepshead minnow. Bifenthrin did not have a significant effect on the growth of the shrimp,
Grass shrimp but there was an increasing impact on fish growth. However, it is uncertain as to whether this pattern is a
Sheepshead minnows direct effect of the chemical or if it is due to increased food availability resulting from mortality in prey
Estuarine species. The oxidative stress assays were largely inconclusive. Bifenthrin was eliminated rapidly from the
water column and readily partitioned to sediments. The LC50s for adult and larval P. pugio were below
published Estimated Environmental Concentration (EEC) values and were within the range of bifenthrin
concentrations that have been measured in rivers, channels, and creeks.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction (Briggs, 1992) and is applied to crops, turf, and around the home
to control pests. Pyrethroids, like bifenthrin, are nervous system
Bifenthrin ((2-methyl-1,1-biphenyl-3-yl)-methyl-3-(2-chloro- toxicants and act primarily upon sodium channels in nerve cell
3,3,3-trifluoro-1-propenyl)-2,2-dimethylcycloprpanecarboxylate) membranes (Narahashi, 2002). It acts by slowing down the activa-
is a widely used pyrethroid that is the active ingredient in the tion and inactivation of the sodium channel gates causing them to
products TalstarÒ, BrigadeÒ, OnyxÒ, CaptureÒ, and Ortho Home be open for longer periods of time (Narahashi, 2002).
DefenseÒ. Bifenthrin is used as an insecticide and acaricide In general, pyrethroids are highly nonpolar, have low water sol-
ubility, low volatility, high octanol–water partition coefficients and
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 843 762 8620; fax: +1 843 762 8700. a high affinity for soil or sediment particles. Bifenthrin has a
E-mail address: (P.L. Pennington). molecular weight of 422.9 g mol1 (Laskowski, 2002) and its water
Current address: USDA Agricultural Research Service, Eastern Regional Research solubility at 25 °C is 0.1 mg L1 (Fecko, 1999). A low vapor pressure
Center, Wyndmoor, PA, United States.
0045-6535/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
P.L. Pennington et al. / Chemosphere 112 (2014) 18–25 19

(1.8E7 mmHg) and low Henry’s Constant (7.20E3 atm m3 - Harper et al. (2008) indicating that the potential exists for impacts
mol1) suggest that bifenthrin is not easily volatilized into the to aquatic invertebrates at these EEC values.
atmosphere and the high octanol–water partition coefficient The objective of this study was to further evaluate the fate and
(1.0E+6) suggests that bifenthrin tends to partition into lipids toxicity of bifenthrin within the framework of an estuarine simula-
(Oros and Werner, 2005). tion using a modular estuarine mesocosm (Lauth et al., 1996;
Bifenthrin is used both in agriculture and in urban areas for pest Pennington et al., 2004). Given that bifenthrin estuarine inverte-
control. Agriculturally, bifenthrin is used mainly for corn and cot- brate toxicity values are lower than EEC values and that toxicity
ton (Thelin and Gianessi, 2000) and has been a major contributor in the presence of sediment is decreased, a more realistic exposure
to improve cotton yields over the last two to three decades scenario was devised. While using structural and functional com-
(Solomon et al., 2001). In the US, between 1992 and 1995, a total ponents of an estuarine system in a mesocosm setting, applications
of 115 080 lb of the chemical were applied nationally to about of bifenthrin were applied to mesocosms weekly.
1 700 000 acres, with about 70 000 lb applied to cotton (Thelin
and Gianessi, 2000). In 2009, the agricultural use of bifenthrin 2. Materials and methods
was estimated at 844 000 lb of chemical nationally (Thelin and
Stone, 2013). The trend in bifenthrin use has recently moved more 2.1. Animal acquisition and holding
toward urban applications. In Central Valley California, 13 879 lb of
bifenthrin were used in urban applications in 2003, with 13 801 lb Juvenile sheepshead minnows (1–2 cm TL), Cyprinodon
used for structural pest control and 78 lb used for pest control in variegatus, were purchased from Aquatic Biosystems in Fort Col-
landscaping (Oros and Werner, 2005). In 2005, it was reported that lins, Colorado. The fish were held in the mesocosm building in a
45 000 lb of bifenthrin were applied in urban settings and 20 000 lb 340-L tank with 170 L of 20 ppt seawater at ambient temperature
were used for agriculture in California (Moran, 2005). and photoperiod. The fish were held for 28 d prior to testing to
There does seem to be a seasonal trend in applications with peak allow them to acclimate and were fed daily with Tetramin Fish
periods of agricultural application being in the spring and summer FlakesÒ during the holding period.
months. For example, in California the majority of bifenthrin is Adult grass shrimp, P. pugio, were collected by dip net from
sprayed on cotton during the month of August and on alfalfa during Leadenwah Creek on Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina
the month of July (Weston et al., 2004). In the North Atlantic region, (32°38.8500 N, 080°13.3010 W). Only non-ovigerous shrimp were
bifenthrin is applied between March and August, with the majority used. They were held in the mesocosm building in a 340-L holding
being applied in May (Pait et al., 1992). This may increase the effects tank with 170 L of 20 ppt seawater at ambient temperature and
of bifenthrin on aquatic organisms because data from previous photoperiod. The shrimp were held for 14 d prior to testing and
studies suggest that pyrethroid concentrations in aquatic habitats were fed daily with Tetramin Fish FlakesÒ.
tend to be greater shortly after their use rather than after heavy
rains (Weston et al., 2004) and these peak application times often 2.2. Mesocosm setup
coincide with the spawning periods of aquatic organisms.
Bifenthrin has been detected in various aquatic settings includ- The mesocosm design was similar to that of Lauth et al. (1996)
ing agricultural drains, creeks, rivers, open wells, nursery runoff, with modifications following Pennington et al. (2004, 2007).
channels, and even golf course ponds (Kelley and Starner, 2004; Briefly, the system consists of an upper tank containing the salt
LeBlanc et al., 2004; Hunt et al., 2006; Smith Jr. et al., 2006). Surface marsh materials (sediment, flora, and fauna) and a lower tank (or
water concentrations of bifenthrin ranged from 0.005 to sump) that serves as a tidal seawater reservoir. The mesocosm
3.79 lg L1 with the highest concentration measured in the Hines tanks were established in a greenhouse under ambient tempera-
Channel in California (Siepmann and Holm, 2000). Bottom and sus- ture and light. Approximately 294 L of 20 ppt seawater were added
pended sediment concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 437 ng g1 to each tank. Sediment was collected from Leadenwah Creek
(LeBlanc et al., 2004; Smalling et al., 2005; Weston et al., 2005) (32°38.8480 N, 080°13.2830 W), sieved with a 3-mm sieve, and
with the highest concentration measured in bottom sediment from homogenized. It was then dispensed into sediment trays. Four sed-
a tributary of Kaseberg Creek in California (Weston et al., 2005). iment trays were placed into each tank and elevated 5.08 cm to
Bifenthrin can potentially enter surface waters through a variety allow for drainage. There was approximately 49 kg of sediment
of mechanisms depending on the product type used. These include per tank. The sediment to water ratio in the mesocosms was
spray drift, particle transport or via storm water runoff. approximately 165 g of sediment for every liter of water. This
It has been determined that bifenthrin is very highly toxic to was nearly the same ratio employed by Harper et al. (2008) in lab-
fish and aquatic invertebrates (Briggs, 1992) and therefore it is a oratory scale assays with sediment (170 g L1). A semidiurnal tidal
restricted use pesticide (USEPA, 2003). For example, the 96 h cycle was set for each tank. The mesocosm tanks were setup one
LC50s (estimated concentration in which 50% of the test organisms month prior to dosing.
die after a 96 h exposure) for rainbow trout, bluegill sunfish, The mesocosms were dosed 4 times: on days 0, 7, 14, and 21 of
sheepshead minnow, and mysids are 0.15, 0.35, 17.8, and the 28 d exposure period. This weekly dosing matched a possible
0.00397 lg L1, respectively. application pattern for the bifenthrin containing product Brigade
Harper et al. (2008) indicated that there is an information gap 2ECÒ (FMC Corporation, Philadelphia, PA) which, for many crops
for the effects of bifenthrin in estuaries and that risks need to be such as brassicas, cucurbits, lettuce, spinach, cilantro, coriander,
evaluated. That study demonstrated that bifenthrin is one of the beans, peas, okra, and turnip greens, can be applied weekly.
most toxic pesticides to the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, with Depending on the maximum allowable amounts of bifenthrin
96 h LC50s for adult and larval shrimp at 0.020 lg L1 and active ingredient per acre, these crops can receive anywhere from
0.013 lg L1, respectively. Bifenthrin was found to be significantly 2 to 5 weekly applications during the growing season. Bifenthrin
less toxic (> than an order of magnitude) to grass shrimp when (97.2% cis-isomer and 2.5% trans-isomer) was purchased from
sediment was present. ChemService (West Chester, PA, USA) and was dissolved into
The Estimated Environmental Concentration (EEC) for bifenth- 100% acetone.
rin in surface water is 0.1 lg L1 for acute exposure and There was a control and three treatments (0.002, 0.02,
0.032 lg L1 for chronic exposures (USEPA, 2000). Both of these 0.2 lg L1) with three replicates each. These concentrations were
values are greater than median toxicity values determined by chosen because they bracketed the LC50 values determined by
20 P.L. Pennington et al. / Chemosphere 112 (2014) 18–25

Harper et al. (2008). The lower two doses were below the afore- samples were determined from the standard curve after account-
mentioned EEC values and the high dose was above both the acute ing for any dilutions and were measured in nmol g1 of tissue.
and chronic EEC values. Acetone was used as the carrier and it was
normalized at 0.01% for each dose. The controls and treatments 2.5. Glutathione assay
were randomly assigned to tanks in the greenhouse to compensate
for sunlight and temperature variations. The bifenthrin and ace- The glutathione assay followed the procedure in Ringwood et al.
tone were added to the water in the saltwater reservoir or sump. (2003). Tissue was homogenized in 5% sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) at
The seawater was then circulated between the upper tank and ten times the tissue weight. The homogenate was transferred to
the sump to allow for mixing. microcentrifuge tubes and centrifuged at 13 000g for 5 min at
One week before dosing, 50 uncaged shrimp and 25 uncaged fish 4 °C. Standards were prepared by making serial dilutions of gluta-
were randomly added to each tank. Prior to adding the organisms, a thione (GSH) with 5% SSA. In another set of microcentrifuge tubes,
subset of ten shrimp and ten fish were measured for length and wet 25 lL of each standard, blank (5% SSA), and sample supernatant
weight. The length measurement for the shrimp was from the end was added to 700 lL of 0.238 mg mL1 NADPH buffer, 100 lL of
of the tail to the tip of the rostrum and length for the fish was total 10 mM 5,50 -dithiobis(2-Nitrobenzoic acid), and 175 lL of deion-
length. Immediately after each of the four dosing and mixing ized water. The tubes were vortexed and 900 lL of the mixture
events, previously unexposed shrimp were randomly placed into was transferred to cuvettes. Next, 15 lL of 50 U mL1 glutathione
cages with ten shrimp per cage. Cages were constructed of clear, reductase (GSSG) was added to each cuvette. The cuvettes were
rectangular acrylic glass (25 cm  5.3 cm  5.3 cm) covered with shaken and quickly placed into the spectrophotometer. Absorbance
2 mm nylon screen). Each cage contained 10 compartments holding was read at 405 nm every 15 s for at least 90 s. GSH concentrations
one shrimp each. The cages were then placed into the sumps with were determined from the standard curve after accounting for any
one cage per tank, monitored daily and removed after 96 h. The pur- dilutions and were measured in nmol g1 of tissue.
pose of this was to quantify the toxicity of each successive dose in
an incipient fashion. Water quality parameters were taken daily 2.6. Catalase assay
both by a YSI 556 MPS (YSI Inc. Yellow Springs, OH, USA) discrete
handheld sampler and four (one per treatment) YSI6920 multi- The catalase assay utilized a kit from Cell Technology
parameter sondes (YSI Inc. Yellow Springs, OH, USA). Temperature, (Fluoro:Catalase Kit™) with a few modifications. Tissue was
pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity were measured. homogenized in TRIS buffer at ten times the tissue weight for
Deionized water was added daily in order to maintain salinity shrimp and 100 times for fish. The samples were diluted 1:100
(20 ppt). for shrimp and 1:500 for fish with 1 rxn buffer. Standards were
prepared by making serial dilutions of catalase with 1 rxn buffer.
2.3. Mesocosm endpoints Next, 50 lL of each standard, blank (1 rxn buffer), and samples
were added to a 96 well plate in triplicate along with 50 lL of
Ninety-six hours after dosing, the shrimp cages were removed 40 lM hydrogen peroxide.
from each tank and mortality was assessed. Living shrimp from The plate was then incubated in the dark for 60 min. A mixture
the first dose were frozen at 20 °C and used for the oxidative was prepared, including 9.3 mL of 1 rxn buffer, 100 lL of horse-
stress assays. After the second dose (day 7), ten unexposed shrimp radish peroxidase, 100 lL of the detection reagent (ADHP), and
were placed into each cage and the cages were deployed back into 500 lL of 40 U mL1 superoxide dismutase. After the incubation
the sumps. Weekly during the 28 d exposure, the cages were period, 100 lL of the mixture was added to each well and the sam-
removed, mortality was assessed, and the cages were deployed ples were incubated an additional 15 min. The plate was then
again. placed into the microplate reader (FLx 800 microplate fluorescence
At the end of the 28 d experiment, mortality was assessed on all reader) and absorbance was read at an excitation/emission of 560/
uncaged organisms. Length and wet weight were also measured. 590. Catalase activity was determined from the standard curve and
Five surviving fish from each tank were dissected and their livers was measured in mmol of H2O2 consumed1 min1 mg of protein.
were removed. The five livers were pooled into one sample from Protein concentrations were determined following Lowry et al.
each tank in order to obtain enough tissue for analysis. They were (1951). In a microcentrifuge tube, 50 lL of the homogenate was
frozen at 70 °C and later used for the lipid peroxidation assay. Ten added to 950 lL of deionized water. The standards were prepared
surviving shrimp from each tank were frozen whole and were used by adding the appropriate amount of protein standard, deionized
for the oxidative stress assays. water, and 50 lL of TRIS buffer. Next, 1.0 mL of Lowry reagent solu-
tion was added to all standards, blanks, and samples. The tubes
2.4. Lipid peroxidation assay were vortexed and allowed to sit for 20 min. Afterwards, 500 lL
of Folin and Ciocalteu’s Phenol reagent was added to all tubes.
The lipid peroxidation assay followed the procedure in The tubes were vortexed again and allowed to sit for 30 min. The
Ringwood et al. (2003). Tissue was homogenized in 50 mM potas- solutions were then transferred to cuvettes and absorbance was
sium phosphate buffer (K2PO4) at four times the tissue weight. The read at 500 nm. Protein concentrations were determined from
homogenate was transferred to microcentrifuge tubes and centri- the standard curve and measured in milligrams of protein.
fuged at 13 000g for 5 min at 4 °C. Standards were prepared by
making serial dilutions of malondialdehyde tetraethylacetal 2.7. Analytical chemistry
(MDA) with K2PO4 buffer. In another set of microcentrifuge tubes,
100 lL of each standard, blank (K2PO4), and sample supernatant Water and sediment samples were collected to examine the
was added to 1400 lL of 0.375% thiobarbituric acid and 14 lL of transport and fate of bifenthrin. In the mesocosm experiment, each
2% butylated hydroxytoluene. replicate of a given concentration was sampled prior to the initial
The samples were then heated in a 100 °C water bath for 15 min dose, at 1 h after initial dose, 24 h after initial dose and before and
and were centrifuged at 13 000g for 5 min at room temperature. after each subsequent dose. While not ideal, but necessary due to
The supernatant was then transferred to cuvettes and placed into unavoidable laboratory constraints, water and sediment samples
a spectrophotometer (Ultraspec 4300 Pro Spectrophotometer) were pooled across replicates to make composite samples for each
and absorbance was read at 532 nm. MDA concentrations in the treatment at each time point.
P.L. Pennington et al. / Chemosphere 112 (2014) 18–25 21

Separatory funnel liquid/liquid extraction was employed for The growth parameters were analyzed using one-way ANOVA
water samples, where 0.9 L was extracted with 100 mL of ethyl with Dunnett’s test to compare length and wet weight in the treat-
acetate two times for 1 min and then passed through anhydrous ments to the controls. Percent coefficient of variation (% CV) was
sodium sulfate. The extracts were reduced in volume using an also calculated to show within treatment variation. The results
automated evaporation system (TurboVap II) to 0.5 mL. To verify from the oxidative stress assays were also analyzed using one-
bifenthrin stock solution concentration, the stock solution under- way ANOVA with Dunnett’s test. Log transformations were used
went serial dilution, and internal standard was added prior to for a few of the data sets. Alpha (a) for all statistical tests was
quantification using the gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. set to 0.05 a priori.
Each batch of samples contained 1 reagent blank, 1 matrix spike,
and 1 matrix spike duplicate samples. 3. Results
For sediment samples, 15 g of sediment was placed into an
Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) 33 mL cell with 20 g of anhy- 3.1. Caged shrimp mortality
drous sodium sulfate and 20 g of activated copper granules. After
adding the internal standard, the samples were extracted with After 24 h, there was 100% mortality of caged P. pugio in the
hexane:ethyl acetate (1:1, v:v) at 120 °C and 2000 psi. The result- highest treatment (0.2 lg L1) for all weekly doses except for dose
ing extracts were filtered through anhydrous sodium sulfate, evap- four, which had 90% mortality (Supplemental Fig. 1). The 24 h LC50
orated to 0.5 mL at 40 °C and 15 psi with TurboVap II, solvent ranged from 0.054 to 0.078 lg L1 with the highest LC50 being from
exchanged to hexane, and evaporated again tp 0.5 mL. dose four (Table 1). At each dose, the NOEC, LOEC, and TC were
The extracts were cleaned using Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) 0.02, 0.2, and 0.063 lg L1, respectively. The results at the 96 h
cartridges (20 mL) containing Florisil (5 g), conditioned with time point showed similar results. The LC50 ranged from 0.054 to
10 mL of ethyl acetate, and followed by 20 mL of hexane. After 0.059 lg L1 and the NOEC, LOEC, and TC were the same as the
the extract was passed through the SPE cartridge, they were eluted 24 h time point (Table 1, Supplemental Fig. 2).
with 15 mL of hexane:ethyl acetate (1:1, v:v) with flow rate of
2 mL min1. The extract was evaporated to 0.5 mL, solvent
3.2. Uncaged shrimp and fish mortality
exchange with hexane, and evaporated again until 0.5 mL, and
transferred to an autosampler vial for GC analysis.
As with the caged shrimp, there was 100% mortality in the
Quantification of bifenthrin was based on internal standard cal-
uncaged P. pugio at the highest mesocosm treatment (Supplemen-
culations using permethrin-phenoxy-13C6. The internal standard
tal Fig. 3). The 28 d LC50 was determined to be 0.062 lg L1 and the
was added to each sample prior to extraction and d-HCH was added
NOEC, LOEC, and TC was 0.02, 0.2, and 0.063 lg L1, respectively.
as a recovery compound before instrument analysis to enable the
Bifenthrin had a significant effect on the mortality of the uncaged
calculation of internal standard recoveries. Analysis was performed
shrimp (p < 0.0001). The uncaged C. variegatus results showed that
on a capillary gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (Agilent
there was only slight mortality in the control and the lowest treat-
6890N/5973) using electron impact ionization operating in selec-
ment of 0.002 lg L1. The NOEC, LOEC, and TC were not able to be
tive ion monitoring (SIM) mode. RH-5MS (Restek Corporation) cap-
determined and the LC50 was greater than the highest treatment
illary column (30 m  0.25 mm  0.25 lm) was used. The method
(0.2 lg L1). Bifenthrin did not have a significant effect on the mor-
detection limit (MDL) was calculated to be 0.4 ng L1 for water
tality of the uncaged sheepshead minnows in the mesocosm study
samples and 0.3 ng g1 for sediment samples. Bifenthrin recoveries
(p = 0.5296).
were 112 ± 2% for water samples and 102 ± 7% for sediments.

2.8. Data analysis 3.3. Growth

The LC50 values and confidence intervals were calculated by the The lengths of adult P. pugio ranged from 2.0 to 3.8 cm and were
Probit procedure [PROC Probit – SAS Institute Cary, NC, USA and consistent within treatments (8.99–12.80% CV). There was no over-
Newman (1995)] using either a normal, logistic, or a Wiebull distri- all effect of bifenthrin on length (p = 0.5673) and there were no sig-
bution. Nominal concentrations were used in the analysis rather nificant differences between treatments (Supplemental Fig. 4). The
than measured concentrations due to the limited amount of bif- wet weights of the shrimp ranged from 0.056 to 0.289 g and were
enthrin residue sampling that occurred. If the data did not fit any not as consistent within treatments as the lengths (21.05–39.29%
of the probit models (p < 0.05), then the Trimmed Spearman–Karber CV). As with the lengths, there was no effect of bifenthrin on
approach was used (Hamilton et al., 1977; Newman, 1995). To look weight (p = 0.9862) and there was no significant difference
for significant differences between treatments, Analysis of between treatments (Supplemental Fig. 4).
Variance (ANOVA) was used. For this, normality and homogeneity The lengths of juvenile C. variegatus ranged from 1.6 to 3.5 cm
of variances were checked by looking at the Shapiro–Wilk test and and were fairly consistent within treatments (9.27–16.94% CV).
the Levene’s test respectively in addition to graphical examination There was an overall effect of bifenthrin on length (p = 0.0419)
of residual plots. If the assumptions were met, then the one-way and there was a slight increasing trend with increasing concentra-
ANOVA with Dunnett’s test for multiple comparisons was used tion (Supplemental Fig. 5). The wet weights ranged from 0.042 to
(Zar 1999, PROC GLM, SAS). If these assumptions were not met, 0.847 g and they were not as consistent within treatments
then a transformation was done. If the transformation did not (33.17–65.81% CV). Bifenthrin did have an effect on weight
improve the data, then the Kruskal–Wallace with Dunnett’s test (p = 0.028) and there was an increasing trend with increasing con-
was used. The no observable effects concentration (NOEC) was centration (Supplemental Fig. 5).
the highest concentration in which there was no significant effect,
the lowest observable effects concentration (LOEC) was the lowest 3.4. Lipid peroxidation assay
concentration in which there was a significant effect, and the
threshold concentrations (the estimated concentration above The caged P. pugio (96 h, 1 dose) and the uncaged P. pugio (28 d,
which an effect would be expected to occur) were determined by 4 doses) from the mesocosm showed that the controls had slightly
taking the geometric mean on the NOEC and LOEC (DeLorenzo higher malondialdehyde (MDA) levels than the treatments
et al., 2006). (Supplemental Fig. 6). There was no significant effect for either
22 P.L. Pennington et al. / Chemosphere 112 (2014) 18–25

Table 1
Toxicity of bifenthrin to caged grass shrimp.

Test Week Hours of exposure (h) LC50 (lg L1) 95% CI (lg L1)
Initial dose (dose 1) Week 1 24 0.054 0.044–0.067
96 0.054 0.044–0.067
Redose (dose 2) Week 2 24 0.059 0.050–0.068
96 0.059 0.050–0.068
Redose (dose 3) Week 3 24 0.063 NA
96 0.059 0.050–0.068
Redose (dose 4) Week 4 24 0.078 0.051–0.113
96 0.056 0.039–0.085

the caged and uncaged shrimp (p = 0.7947 and p = 0.2139, respec- the nominal dose) for TRTs B and C followed a single-ordered expo-
tively). In the uncaged C. variegatus, there were elevated MDA lev- nential elimination model during the first seven days (Fig. 1).
els in the 0.002 lg L1 treatments but then it dropped back down Bifenthrin steadily accumulated in sediments (Table 3)
to levels similar to the controls (Supplemental Fig. 7) and there throughout the 28 d (Fig. 2).
was not a statistically significant effect (p = 0.2375).
3.8. Mesocosm water quality parameters
3.5. Glutathione assay
The water quality parameters for the mesocosm experiment are
In the caged and uncaged shrimp there were slightly higher summarized in Supplemental Fig. 9 and overall there were no dif-
GSH levels in the higher concentrations but once again they were ferences between treatments. Conductivity ranged from 26.00 to
not significant (Supplemental Fig. 6). The overall p-values for the 35.35 mS cm1 and remained fairly constant throughout the 28 d
caged and uncaged shrimp were 0.2466 and 0.4981, respectively. with a slight decline at dose 4 (10/25). Salinity ranged from
20.14 to 22.00 ppt and pH ranged from 7.80 to 8.54. Temperature
3.6. Catalase assay also remained fairly constant except for a decrease at dose 4, in
which it dropped to 13.42 °C. The maximum temperature mea-
In the caged shrimp, there was a slight increasing catalase activ- sured was 26.9 °C. Dissolved oxygen ranged from 4.61 to
ity trend with increasing bifenthrin concentrations (Supplemental 13.53 mg L1, with the lowest levels measured early in the morn-
Fig. 6), but it was not statistically significant (p = 0.6265). Catalase ing (0800).
activity in the uncaged shrimp was higher in the controls than in
the treatments with an overall p-value of 0.2788. 4. Discussion

3.7. Analytical chemistry The caged shrimp in the mesocosm exposure showed similar
responses throughout the doses, except for dose four. The 24 h
The nominal stock concentration was 14.6 lg L1 and the actual LC50 for dose four was slightly higher (Table 1). This was initially
measured concentration was 15.4 lg L1 (105.35% of nominal). believed to be a result of the drop in water temperature down to
Bifenthrin concentrations in the mesocosm are shown in Table 2. 13 °C at the time of dose four (Supplemental Fig. 9). Although pyre-
Bifenthrin was not detected in the control mesocosms and treat- throids usually have a negative temperature coefficient (Narahashi,
ments ranged from 98.60% to 159.30% of the nominal 1 h after each 1972, 1989, 1992), it is possible that temperature sensitivity can
dose. There was a slight additive effect between the four doses and vary between species.
although the concentrations increased slightly they were still fairly When the 24 h LC50 for the mesocosm-caged shrimp (expressed
similar to the nominal (Supplemental Fig. 8). as a composite value from all four doses) was compared to the 24 h
Bifenthrin was quickly eliminated from the water column LC50s for laboratory exposed shrimp (Supplemental Table 1) from
(Table 2). Seven days after each dose water column bifenthrin con- Harper et al. (2008), significant differences were found (Supple-
centrations were less than the limit of detection in the lowest dose mental Table 2). Using the LC50 Ratio test by Wheeler et al.
(TRT A). TRT B and TRT C 7 d concentrations averaged 8.1% (±0.97) (2006), the caged shrimp (0.061 lg L1) were significantly less sen-
and 10.9% (±1.8) of the 1 h measured concentrations, respectively. sitive at 24 h (p < 0.0001) than the laboratory exposed shrimp from
Water column bifenthrin concentrations (expressed as a percent of the aqueous assay (0.038 lg L1). These results were expected

Table 2
Measured bifenthrin concentrations (lg L1) from water column samples.

Test Week Duration (post dose) Control 0 lg L1 TRT A 0.002 lg L1 TRT B 0.02 lg L1 TRT C 0.2 lg L1
Initial dose (dose 1) Week 1 1h <LOD 0.00284 0.0198 0.204
24 h <LOD 0.00208 0.00862 0.0810
7d <LOD <LOD 0.00158 0.0189
Redose (dose 2) Week 2 1h <LOD 0.00274 0.0237 0.245
7d <LOD <LOD 0.00262 0.023
Redose (dose 3) Week 3 1h <LOD 0.00289 0.0252 0.255
7d <LOD <LOD 0.00409 0.0133
Redose (dose 4) Week 4 1h <LOD 0.00311 0.0319 0.273
7d <LOD <LOD 0.00271 0.0239

LOD = limit of detection.

P.L. Pennington et al. / Chemosphere 112 (2014) 18–25 23

Fig. 1. Water column bifenthrin concentrations (expressed as a percent of the Fig. 2. Sediment bifenthrin concentration accumulation plots at 24 h and 7 d after
nominal dose) for TRTs B and C followed a single-ordered exponential elimination each dose for TRT C. The 7 d sampling events occurred just prior to next dose. Each
curve during the first seven days. data point represents a composite sample across the three replicates from each

because the bifenthrin most likely partitioned to the sediment par- growth in C. variegatus exposed to bifenthrin. Hormesis is a
ticles in the mesocosm units, therefore reducing availability for dose–response relationship in which there is a stimulatory
uptake or exposure. The caged shrimp (0.061 lg L1) were signifi- response at low levels of potentially toxic agents (Stebbing,
cantly more sensitive at 24 h (p < 0.0001) than the laboratory 1982; Calabrese and Baldwin, 2001).
exposed shrimp from the sediment assay (0.339 lg L1) of Harper Similar results were found in a study done with the pyrethroid
et al. (2008). This result was not expected. Although there was an esfenvalerate on larval crimson-spotted rainbow fish (Barry et al.,
equal ratio of sediment to water (170 g L1) in both the sediment 1995). They observed larger larvae in treatments with significant
assay and the mesocosm tanks, the mesocosm tanks also had rooted mortality than those in the controls. They were also unable to
vegetation as well as other organisms. It was expected that the sed- determine if this was a direct effect or if it was due to density-
iment, plants, and animals in the mesocosm tanks would have dependent interactions. In another study (Wirth et al., 2004)
reduced the availability of bifenthrin to caged shrimp thereby which utilized the same mesocosm design as the present study,
resulting in a higher LC50 for these shrimp but this was not the case. C. variegatus exhibited a trend of increased fish production with
The cages may have caused additional stress to the shrimp by increased fipronil concentration after 64 d. As in the study by
restricting mobility making them more susceptible to the toxin. Barry et al. (1995) and Wirth et al. (2004) was not able to determine
Another plausible reason for the lower LC50 for the caged if the observed effect was a result of direct contaminant exposure.
shrimp is that because the mesocosm is a more dynamic system Like the results of Harper et al. (2008), the oxidative stress
and there may have been mixing issues resulting in areas of higher assays (lipid peroxidation, glutathione, and catalase) indicated that
bifenthrin concentrations. The caged shrimp were deployed into there was no evidence of an oxidative stress response as a result of
the sumps, where the dosing occurred. Therefore, it is possible that sublethal bifenthrin expose for P. pugio. The sheepshead minnow,
the shrimp were exposed to higher than nominal concentrations C. variegatus, also failed to show a significant response in lipid per-
for a short period of time. oxidation as a result of bifenthrin exposure at the concentrations
In P. pugio, there were no significant differences in either length tested.
or wet weight. In the C. variegatus, there was an increasing trend in While our study had limited bifenthrin residue sampling, it does
length and wet weight with increasing concentrations with the appear that bifenthrin in the water column follows, at least, a single
highest concentration being significantly greater than the control exponential elimination model (Fig. 1). A greater frequency of sam-
(p = 0.031). It was unclear as to whether this was a direct or indi- pling might have revealed a higher ordered elimination model from
rect effect of the chemical on growth. It is possible that there the water column, but the basic result would be the same; that the
was an increase in food availability due to the bifenthrin mediated residence time of bifenthrin in the water column is very short. It is
increased mortality in amphipods, polychaetes, shrimp, and other clear from Fig. 1 that the nominal concentration was reduced below
aquatic organisms that resided in the mesocosm tanks. It is also 50% well before the 24 h time point. Given the amount of sediment,
possible that hormesis may be one of the causes of the increased the other sites of potential of partitioning (biota), and bifenthrin’s

Table 3
Sediment bifenthrin concentrations for TRT C (0.2 lg L1 nominal dose).

Test Week Duration (post dose) TRT C ng g1 wet weight TRT C ng g1 dry weight
Initial dose (dose 1) Week 1 1h 0.09 0.12a
7d 0.14a 0.24a
Redose (dose 2) Week 2 1h 0.31 0.52
7d 0.32 0.54
Redose (dose 3) Week 3 1h 0.68 1.15
7d 0.57 0.98
Redose (dose 4) Week 4 1h 0.86 1.55
7d 0.58 0.99
These values are less than the reported MDL (0.3 ng g1).
24 P.L. Pennington et al. / Chemosphere 112 (2014) 18–25

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Acknowledgements The Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of the Replicated
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Ringwood, A., Hoguet, J., Keppler, C., Gielazyn, M., Ward, B., Rourk, A., 2003. Cellular
We would like to thank Jennifer Hoguet with her assistance in Biomarkers (Lysosomal Destabilization, Glutathione and Lipid Peroxidation) in
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