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Quantitative Reasoning Process Step 1: Understand the Prob

You need to eat lunch every day at work. Should you bring a sack lunch or purchase a
sandwich from the cafteria? This activity gives you the opporutnity to walk through each
step of the Quantitative Reasoning Process in order to answer this question.

Start by answering the questions on the right to complete Step 1 of the Quantitative
Reasoning Process. Then click on each tab at the bottom of this Excel file to complete the
other steps of the Quantitative Reasoning Process.
derstand the Problem

nch or purchase a Buy or Bring? Which way will cost less?

to walk through each
question. What do you think? Why?
Reasons for buying Reasons for bringing
the Quantitative
el file to complete the For me is bring, because there are fo
me two reasons:
1.- Is more cheap to buy all the thing fo
sandwich and make it ourselves.
2.- I can prepare it with the ingredien
that I want, there are no limits for
3.- I can control how clean it is.
4.- I can use reusable wrappers.
way will cost less?
hink? Why?
Reasons for bringing
For me is bring, because there are for
me two reasons:
Is more cheap to buy all the thing for a
sandwich and make it ourselves.
- I can prepare it with the ingredients
that I want, there are no limits for
3.- I can control how clean it is.
4.- I can use reusable wrappers.
Quantitative Reasoning Process Step 2: Identify Variables & A
entify Variables & Assumptions

Using words a child can understand, explain what a

I can see some variables Low price, Quality, Quantity, the ti
the Sandwich, Use reusable wrappers.

Again, using words a child can understand, explain

assumption is and how they are used in solving ma
First, I assume that I will save money if I bring my own food,
ingredients more cheaply and with quantity.
Second, I assume that I never will have problems if I bring m
time in waiting for this, and if the restaurant is close.

What are the key variables for solving this

Buy and save money in all the ingredients that I need for ma
sandwich and spend the enogh time for clean and prepared

What are the key assumptions for solving th

I will save money and time when I bring my own sandwich, b
when I prepared myself.
derstand, explain what a key variable is.
rice, Quality, Quantity, the time that I spent buying

can understand, explain what a key

y are used in solving math problems.
oney if I bring my own food, because I will buy the
with quantity.
will have problems if I bring my sandwich, with lost
he restaurant is close.

variables for solving this problem?

ngredients that I need for make all the week my
time for clean and prepared it.

ssumptions for solving this problem?

n I bring my own sandwich, because is more cheap
Quantitative Reasoning Process Step 3: Apply Quantitative To
ply Quantitative Tools

In this step use Excel to mathematically compare the cost of bri

sandwich for lunch versus buying a sandwich for lunch. Set up
so that you can compare costs on an apples-to-apples (one-to

Questions about how to do basic calculations w

Click below!

Cost to Buy
Item $ Amount
1 Sandwich 3.69
Tax 18%

Total 4.35
matically compare the cost of bringing a
ng a sandwich for lunch. Set up the problem
on an apples-to-apples (one-to-one) basis.

o do basic calculations with Excel?

Click below!

Cost to Bring
Item $ Amount
loaf of bread 0.25
Tomatoes 0.34375
head of letuce 0.1875
Luch meat 0.6875
Mayo/mustard 0.0875
cheese 0.1875
Plastic bags 0.0533333333
Tax 0
Total 1.80
Quantitative Reasoning Process Step 4: Make Informe

Buy or Bring? Which way will cost less?

Bring, is much better is cost less
ep 4: Make Informed Decisions

will cost less?

is cost less.
Quantitative Reasoning Process Step 5: Evaluate

What are some assumptions you had to make that could end up
being wrong?
I didn't make any wrong assumptions, I tryind to think that bring a sandwich is much better.

Would you buy or bring a sandwich?

I bring my own sandwich
ep 5: Evaluate Your Reasoning

at could end up
h is much better.

Please save this file and upload it to the W02
Quantitative Reasoning Assignment Submission
folder in I-learn.

Then complete the W02 Quantitative Reasoning

Assignment Quiz in I-Learn.

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