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Rajasthan Patrika
Summary of Activities and Content for Young Readers

Rajasthan Patrika is the eight largest newspaper in India with a total

readership of 83.84 Lakh readers across the country. About 36 Lakh
readers of Rajasthan Patrika are below 24 years (as per latest NRS
2005), it has identified youth as the most prospective target market. It
also acknowledges the fact that youth is that section of the society,
which uses information and knowledge to its maximum effect. To cater
to this very section we came up with Patrika In Education (PIE), which
exclusively organizes programs, which cater to the information needs
of the youth and promote young readership. Rajasthan Patrika also
organizes customized events, which address the various issues
concerning the youth and promote the need for information among
them. A part of its content is also dedicated to developing its young

The following are the Summary of Activities and Content for by

Rajasthan Patrika especially for developing its Young Readers:

1. Metro 141: Rajasthan Patrika's latest add on, Metro 141 is a

colorful pullout for Jaipur City. The pullout caters to the
information needs of the city's youth. With entertainment fused
with information being the objective of the newspaper, it comes
with inputs like crosswords, interviews, quizzes, and cartoon
strips and city's local news. Metro 141 has surged ahead on any
competition that it seldom had. Within the first month of its
launch the newspaper is a hit with the city's youth and is set to
be scaled higher to the major cities of the whole state.

2. Career Page: Rajasthan Patrika has regular career input. With

employment being the primary requirement for the youth and
career opportunities breaking all barriers it become imperative to
have a regular interaction with the young readers. Career page
includes career-counseling columns, interviews, features on new
career options, and education facilities in India and abroad,

Zonal office : e-5, jhalana institutional area, jaipur, phone : 2705435 (4 lines) fax : 91-141-2706615

student help columns etc. With professional career counselors

creating invaluable inputs for the page and extensive research
that goes into skimming the various fields, the information
carried in the career page is not just useful but also career
defining sometimes.

3. Summer School, 2005: Patrika In Education's flagship,

Summer School is a unique concept, which brings together the
concepts of Vocational, Recreational and Educational training
under one roof. The program this year has been running in five
branches of Rajasthan with short-term courses ranging from
fields like designing and management to yoga and mediation.
The Summer School, 2005 has had an overwhelming
participation of 10,000 participants from all age groups and
varying sections of the society, in the five cities of Rajasthan.

4. Career Seminars: Rajasthan Patrika organizes several career

and educational seminars in several cities of Rajasthan. These
provide not just an insight to the students about their future;
they act as their mentors for good career planning. The career
seminars amounting to more than 250 in a year in all branches
of Rajasthan Patrika..

5. International Festival of Performing Arts: Perhaps the only

effort of this kind nationally done at school level, the fair brings
together the cultures of various countries. Schools students from
around the world interact, share their skills and perform on the
national stage to help comprehend their national identities to
their international counterparts. Dramatics, dance etc. being the
main attractions the program enhances and develops not just a
sense of competition but also a transnational camaraderie.

6. Media Vehicle in University Events: Paniharin, Ghoomer and

Kasturi etc. are names that ring a bell in all the students of the
University of Rajasthan and the masses of Rajasthan. The
programs are the biggest events in the yearly calendar of the

Zonal office : e-5, jhalana institutional area, jaipur, phone : 2705435 (4 lines) fax : 91-141-2706615

University, which take form of both the cultural fests and gala
celebrations of various art forms. They have become the
personification of fun and laughter and travel to the masses
exclusively through Rajasthan Patrika. During the past several
years Rajasthan Patrika has been the exclusive media partner
and news source for the events.

7. Career and Education Fair: Career and education fair was a

fusion of the two concepts to take the awareness regarding the
same to the masses, particularly youth. The program had
several camps like:
• Library Membership Camp
• Memory Enhancement Technique Workshops
• Career Problems-solving and Guidance Workshop
• Job Placements Camp
While all the others program were a part of the fair itself, all the
facilities in the program were provided free of cost to the participants.
Information regarding the education system of twenty different nations
across all the continents was provided in the fair.

8. National Book Fair: A record holder, the national book fair is

one of the largest events in the nation. Endorsed by the
internationally renowned author Mr. Shiv Khera, the book fairs
attracted as many as two million participants. One of the most
important ingredients of the National Book Fair is the fact that it
is balance of fun and learning. While it provides books to its
participants form areas ranging form Science and Technology to
Philosophy, it also has entertaining performances by national
celebrities in evenings to add a little flavor to the event.

9. Ek Muththi Anaj Yojna: The program means "A Handful of

Grain" when translated to English. The drive was launched to
cater to the famine struck districts of Rajasthan. Schools all
over the state were suggested to ask the students to bring just
one handful of Grain to help the cause, which led to the
collection of tens of thousands of kilos of food grain, which was

Zonal office : e-5, jhalana institutional area, jaipur, phone : 2705435 (4 lines) fax : 91-141-2706615

distributed among the famine struck people. Rajasthan Patrika

coordinated the event throughout Rajasthan.

10. Health Fair: The national Health Fair is also a common

feature of Rajasthan Patrika's yearly calendar. A Limca Book of
Records entrant the fair attracts crowds from all over the nation.
With features like medical checkup facilities, counseling etc. the
program offers a great variety of services to its visitors. The
exclusive features for the youth in the program are:
• Free counseling for teenage health problems
• Free medical checkup for youngsters
• Medical help-line for youngsters

11. Learning License Camps: Rajasthan Patrika not only

introduced but also continues to be the major organizer of such
camps. The License Camps in itself epitomizes comfort and swift
service delivered to hand. Thousands of youngsters benefit from
our hassle-free and swift services at the License Camps
organized in several major cities of Rajasthan.

All the above programs are the part of the youth drive, an initiative by
Patrika, which aims to enhance the understanding and participation of
youth in the building the society and to promote the realization for the
need of knowledge. The ultimate objective being to bring the
youngsters closer to Rajasthan Patrika as a News and Information
source. The programs contribute a major portion to the Public
Relations for Rajasthan Patrika as a Newspaper.

Zonal office : e-5, jhalana institutional area, jaipur, phone : 2705435 (4 lines) fax : 91-141-2706615

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