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Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Simple Melee Weapons

Bard's friend 2 gp 1d4 slashing 1 lb. light, special
Club 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. light
Dagger 2 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb. finess, light, thrown (20/60)
Datchi club 2 sp 1d8 bludgeoning 10 lb. two-handed
Handaxe 5 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lb. light, thrown (20/60)
Javelin 5 sp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. thrown (30/120)
Light hammer 2 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. light, thrown (20/60)
Mace 5 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. -
Quarterstaff 2 sp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. versatile (1d8)
Sickle 1 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. light
Spear 1 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. thrown (20/60), versatile (1d8)
Talid 1 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 1 lb. -
Widow's knife 1 gp 1d4 slashing 1 lb. light, thrown (10/30)
Wrist razor 5 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lb. finesse, light
Simple Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, light 25 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. ammunition (80/320), loading, two-handed
Dart 5 cp 1d4 piercing 1/4 lb. finesse, thrown (20/60)
Dejada 10 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 2 lb. ammunition (20/60)
Shortbow 25 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. ammunition (80/320), two-handed
Sling 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning - ammunition (30/120)
Martial Melee Weapons
Alhulak 10 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. -
Cahulaks 15 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 3 lb. double, thrown (20/60)
Carrikal 10 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lb. versatile (1d10)
Crusher 5 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 4 lb. reach, special
Dragon's paw 15 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. double, two-handed
Forearm axe 10 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lb. finesse, light
Gouge 10 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lb. two-handed
Greataxe 30 gp 1d12 slashing 7 lb. heavy, two-handed
Greatsword 50 gp 2d6 slashing 6 lb. heavy, two-handed
Gythka 15 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. double, two-handed
Impaler 5 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. -
Longsword 15 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. versatile (1d10)
Lotulis 10 gp 1d10 piercing 4 lb. two-handed
Maul 10 gp 2d6 bludgeoning 10 lb. heavy, two-handed
Morningstar 15 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lb. -
Puchik 5 gp 1d4 slashing 1 lb. finesse, light, special
Quabone 20 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. finesse
Scimitar 25 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb. finesse, light
Shortsword 10 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. finesse, light
Singing stick 5 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 1 lb. finesse, light
Spear, double-bladed 15 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lb. double, two-handed
Tortoise blade 20 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. light, special
Trident 5 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lb. thrown (20/60), versatile (1d8)
Trikal 15 gp 1d10 bludgeoning 6 lb. two-handed
Warhammer 15 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. versatile (1d10)
Weighted pike 5 gp 1d10 piercing 18 lb. heavy, reach, two-handed
Whip 2 gp 1d4 slashing 3 lb. finesse, reach
Martial Ranged Weapons
Blowgun 10 gp 1 piercing 1 lb. ammunition (25/100), loading
Chatkcha 10 gp 1d6 piercing 1 lb. thrown (20/60)
Crossbow, heavy 50 gp 1d10 piercing 18 lb. ammunition (100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed
Longbow 50 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. ammunition (150/600), heavy, two-handed
Net 1 gp - 3 lb. special, thrown (5/15)

Bard's friend: if used as off-hand, gain +1 AC

Crusher: can attack on its own for 1 round
Puchik: gain advantage on disarm option (or grapple, if DMG combat options aren't used)
Talid: substitutes unarmed strike, unbreakable
Tortoise blade: each one gives +1 AC
Double: the weapon can be used to attack a second time with a bonus action

Cost in gold pieces if the weapon is metal; Refer to my post [Non-Metal Weapons] for prices per material
The following weapons either do not have metal components or their metal components are small and easily replaceable; their cost is always 1%:
blowgun, bow (all), club, crossbow (all), crusher, datchi club, javelin, net, quarterstaff, singing stick, sling, spear, talid, whip
Rule of thumb: Obsidian/Stone 5% of given price; Bone 3%; Wood 1%
Variant Weapon Breakage: whenever you roll a natural 1 on an attack, a critical hit, or maximum damage, roll 1d10
Obsidian/Stone breaks on a roll of 1
Bone breaks on a roll of 1-2
Wood breaks on a roll of 1-3

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