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January 22, 2019

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi

House of Representatives
1236 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Charles Schumer

United States Senate
322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Via electronic delivery

Dear Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer,

With the federal government shutdown—now the longest in our nation’s history—approaching a
full month, we write to urge you to work with President Trump and Congressional Republicans
to secure our Southern border and end this unnecessary standoff.

Minnesotans are hurting from the impacts of the shutdown; federal workers are missing
paychecks, and the interruption of numerous funding streams threaten the operation of federally-
funded services and programs.

Thankfully, Minnesota has taken steps to mitigate the impact of the shutdown, but the longer the
shutdown drags on, the more painful the consequences will become.

You can end this shutdown tomorrow by putting forward a good-faith proposal to adequately
fund a border wall and security measures on our Southern border. It should be a bipartisan
priority to put an end to the flow of illegal drugs, human trafficking, and unlawful entry of
individuals into our country—we urge you to reach an agreement with the President and
Republicans in Congress to end the shutdown and improve the safety and security of the nation.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Rep. Kurt Daudt Rep. Eric Lucero
House Republican Leader

Rep. Anne Neu Rep. Dan Fabian

Re. Josh Heintzeman Rep. Chris Swedzinski

Rep. Tony Albright Rep. Sandy Layman

Rep. Jim Nash Rep. Paul Torkelson

Rep. Linda Runbeck Rep. Dale Lueck

Rep. Lisa Demuth Rep. Shane Mekeland

Rep. Brian Daniels Rep. Peggy Bennett

Rep. Brian Johnson Rep. Jason Rarick

Rep. Duane Quam Rep. Kristin Robbins

Rep. Sondra Erickson Rep. Mary Franson

Rep. Bob Gunther Rep. Paul Anderson

Rep. Jeff Backer Rep. Greg Davids

Rep. Bob Dettmer Rep. Matt Grossell

Rep. Barb Haley Rep. Deb Kiel

Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen Rep. Dean Urdahl

Rep. John Poston Rep. Tama Theis

Rep. Joe McDonald Rep. Steve Green

Rep. Bud Nornes Rep. John Petersburg

Rep. Peggy Scott Rep. Bob Vogel

Rep. Duane Quam Rep. Dave Baker

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