Nathan Sutherland Business - Redacted

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xD. Commi: iii 02172144 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ‘AZ CORPORATION COMMISSION of FILED [Life in You], Inc. SEP 27 2007 5 ARTICLE| meno_[ 3439827 NAME The name of this corporation is [Life in You], Inc. ARTICLE Il PURPOSE This corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501 (c) (3) of the United States intemal Revenue Code, or such corresponding section of any future federal tax code. It is organized for general charitable and eleemosynary purposes pursuant to A. R. S. Section 10-451. All income shall be used exclusively for the furtherance of the specific charitable purposes of this corporation. ARTICLE Ill SPECIFIC AND GENERAL PURPOSES ‘The purposes of this corporation are: SPECIFIC PURPOSE A. To [show Christ’s unconditional love by responding to the spiritual and physical needs of the homeless, Development Disabled Individuals, Behavioral Individual, making a stable safe heaven/Group Home for children in different agencies/orphans. in the Maricopa County/Phoenix metropolitan area both directly and in collaboration with similarly oriented organizations that are tax exempt under the United States Internal Revenue Code, Section 501 (¢) (3)} GENERAL PURPOSES This corporation shail devote itself exclusively to the receiving of funds B. necessary to support its specific charitable purpose as identified in Article IN, A AZ CORPORATION COMMISSION FILEO AuG 012007 1 3€39768-7 FILE NO. This corporation will operate exclusively for such charitable purposes as will qualify it as an exempt organization under the United States Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3) as may from time to time be amended This corporation shall have and exercise all rights and powers conferred on corporations under the laws of the State of Arizona, provided, however, that this corporation is not empowered to engage in any activity which in itself is not in furtherance of its specific purpose as herein set out. No part of the net earnings. properties or assets of this corporation on dissolution or otherwise, shail inure to the benefit of any private person or individual or any member or director of this corporation, and on liquidation or dissolution, all properties and assets of this corporation remaining after the paying or providing for all debts and obligations shall be distributed and paid over to [?] as long as said corporation qualifies as a tax exempt organization under the United States Internal Revenue Code, section 501 (c) (3) as it may from time to time be amended This corporation shall not, as a substantial part of its activities, carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt, to influence legislation This corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. This corporation shall not engage in any act of self-dealing as defined in the United States Internal Revenue Code as it may from time to time be amended This corporation shall not retain any excess business holdings as defined in the United States Internal Revenue Code as it may from time to time be amended. This corporation shall not make any investments in such manner as to subject it to tax under the United States Internal Revenue Code as it may from time to time be amended. . This corporation shall not make any taxable expenditure as defined in the United States Internal Revenue Code as it may from time to time be amended. This corporation shall distribute its income for each taxable year at such time and in ‘such manner as not to become subject to the tax on undistributed income as defined by the United States Internal Revenue Code as it may from time to time be amended. ARTICLE IV PRINCIPAL OFFICE TI \cipal office for the transaction of the business of this corporation is to be located at| ast Century AVENUE Gilbert AZ 85296), ARTICLE V COMMENCEMENT The time of the commencement of this corporation shall be the day of the issuance to it of a Certificate of Incorporation by the Corporation Commission of the State of Arizona, and the life of this corporation shall be perpetual ARTICLE VI DIRECTORS A. The powers of this corporation shall be exercised, its properties controlled, and its affairs conducted by a board to be known as the Board of Directors. The number of Directors of this corporation shall not be less than three [(3)] nor more than Seven [(7)]. The number of Directors herein provided for may be changed by by-law duly adopted by the members. B. The persons who are Directors of this corporation shall constitute its only membership. If a Director resigns or is removed, his membership in this corporation ceases. The Directors of this corporation shall be elected by the Board of Directors of [Life in You]., an Arizona corporation, and shall serve terms of two (2) years, except as indicated in Sections C and D following C. The Directors named herein as the first board of Directors shall hold office on the [1" day of January 2008] to [January 2009] (as indicated below), or until their successors are elected, thereafter or until the expiration of each Director's terms as therein fixed D. We will (LIFE IN YOU) have members. The names and residences of the members. of the first Board of Directors are as follows: Terms expiring in 2009 Nathan D. Sutherland MMB East Century Avenue Gilbert AZ 85296,

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