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Performance Assessment Task

Grade: Seven Subject: Math Topic: Statistics and Probability

LEARNER OUTCOMES CRITERIA : concise action statements

beginning with strong verbs that identify the
learning to be achieved, based on Alberta
Number Outcome (copy directly from the
Programs of Study
program of studies)

Solve problems involving percents I can solve problems with percents to find a
from 1% to 100%. [C, CN, PS, R, possible solution
Understand the problem in regard to percent
• Understands percentages
• Knows what needs to be done to
solve the problem
• Can tell if a part of the problem is
Choose a strategy to solve it
• Use a design process to figure it out
• Think of a similar problem that you
have worked on
• Try different ways until it works
Demonstrate how you reached a solution
using percents
• Break down the process into steps
• Justify reasoning for proposed

1. Justify reasoning for proposed

Compare and order positive I can compare numbers, written as fractions,

fractions, positive decimals (to decimals and whole numbers
thousandths) and whole numbers by
using Identify relationships between fractions,
● Benchmarks decimals and whole numbers
● place value • Recognize factors that relate a
● equivalent fractions and/or fraction to a whole number
decimals. [CN, R, V] • Recognize factors that relate a
fraction to a decimal
• Recognize factors that relate a
decimal to a whole number
Recognizes similarities and differences
between different fractions
• Notice that fractions with the same
value can be written differently
• Recognize how one fraction is
different from another
Recognize similarities and differences
between different fractions, decimals and
whole numbers
• Understand that a fraction can have
the same value as a decimal
• Understand that a fraction can have
the same value as a whole number
• Recognize how a whole number can
be different from a fraction
• Recognize how a whole number can
be different from a decimal

Criteria: Identifies similarities and

difference between fractions, decimals and
whole numbers.

I can order fractions, decimals and whole


Understand the value of fractions, decimals

and whole numbers in relation to other
• Recognize the difference in value
between different fractions
• Recognize the difference in the
value of whole numbers and
• Recognize the difference in the
value of fractions and decimals
Categorize and group numbers
• Recognize the different groups that
numbers fit into
• Group larger numbers
• Group smaller numbers
• Recognize numbers that fall in the
Place numbers in relation to other numbers
• Place numbers beside numbers that
are closest to them in value
• Make sure numbers are placed from
largest to smallest (or smallest to
• Ensure each number is placed in its
correct order
* this verb in the outcome is not
addressed in this performance task, so we
will not use it in the criteria

Express probabilities as ratios, I can express probabilities in the form of a

fractions and percents. [C, CN, R, ratio, fraction and percent
T, V]
Demonstrate an understanding of
• Shows knowledge attained about
Communicates information on probabilities
as ratios, fractions and percents
• Conveys knowledge of probabilities
Represent ideas of probabilities
• Accurately represents knowledge of
• Shows probabilities as fractions,
ratios and percents.

Criteria: Communicates knowledge and

understanding of probabilities
Student Rubric

Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Insufficient/

Level Blank*


Identify Skillfully Logically Simplistically Vaguely No score is

relationships outlines outlines outlines outlines awarded
between connections connections connections connections because there
and and variations and variations and variations is insufficient
variations between between between evidence of
decimals, between different different different student
percents and different fractions, fractions, fractions, performance
whole numbers fractions, decimals and decimals and decimals and based on the
decimals and whole numbers whole numbers whole numbers requirements
whole of the
numbers assessment
Justify Proposes an Proposes a Proposes a Proposes a
reasoning for innovative logical simplistic vague solution
proposed solution solution solution supported with
supported supported with supported with weak facts and
solution to the
with convincing appropriate reasons.
problem compelling facts and facts and
facts and reasons. reasons.

Communicates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates

knowledge and an an an an
understanding of understandin understanding understanding understanding
g of of probability of probability of probability
probability through a through a through a
through a convincing & simplistic & weak &
compelling thoughtful reasonable unconvincing
& insightful explanation. explanation. explanation.

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