Introduction To Classical Mechanics PDF

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Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. 0. Softcover. Book Condition:

New. First edition. CLASSICAL MECHANICS is a lucid introduction
to Vectors, Classical Mechanics and Special Theory of Relativity. It
give the student a firm grounding for advanced courses on
Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear Physics, Electrodynamics, etc. Apart
from covering basic topic like vector Algebra and Analysis,
Mechanics of Single adn Systems of Particles, adn Motin of Rigid
Body, it comprehensively discusses Langrangian Formulation,
Hamilton`s Equations, Collisions of Particles and Theroy of small...

Read PDF Introduction to Clas s ical Mechanics

Authored by P.S. Puranik,R.G. Takwale

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Filesize: 6.61 MB

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