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School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NOR 88C, England

Received 20 January 1973

Revised version received 3 March 1973

Analyses for Ti, Zr, Y, Nb and Sr in over 200 basaltic rocks from different tectonic settings have been used to con-
struct diagrams in which these settings can usually be identified. Basalts erupted within plates (ocean island and con-
tinental basalts) can be identified using a Ti-Zr-Y diagram, ocean-floor basalts, and low-potassium tholeiites and
calc-alkali basalts from island arcs can be identified using a Ti-Zr diagram (for altered samples) and a Ti-Zr-Sr dia-
gram (for fresh samples). Y/Nb is suggested as a parameter for indicating whether a basalt is of tholeiitic or alkalic
nature. Analyses of dykes and pillow lavas from the Troodos Massif of Cyprus are plotted on these diagrams and ap-
pear to the tholeiitic ocean-floor rocks.

1. Introduction show up the distinctions between the different magma

types and this can be done using either discriminant
In recent years interest has been shown in geochemi- functions [1] or selected elements as axes. The latter
cal methods for identifying the original tectonic situa- method only is used here since most of the informa-
tion o f basic volcanic rocks from the past, particularly tion can be presented in this way without needing to
in those cases where this cannot be unambiguously de- use the more complicated discriminant method.
duced from the geology. The principle behind the most The data are presented visually using two sets of
successful of these methods is the comparison of trace diagrams. The first set uses the less mobile elements,
element concentrations in the unknown rock with Ti, Zr and Y, and is comparable to that published pre-
their concentrations in present day volcanic rocks of viously [ 1]. The second set uses the additional element,
known tectonic settings. This technique was applied Sr, which gives a better discrimination but which is
by us both visually and statistically to classify lavas only strictly valid for fresh and slightly altered rocks.
from some ophiolite complexes as probable ocean- In addition a diagram based on Y and Nb is presented
floor rocks on the basis of their Ti, Zr and Y contents which indicates whether the rocks in question are o f
[1]. The same principle has also been used for identifi- alkalic or tholeiitic nature and which can be used with
cation of probable ocean crust in the Archaean of altered samples.
Western Australia [2], in the Palaeozoic o f Great The structure of the paper is as follows:
Britain [3] and in the Mesozoic of the Alps [4]. Rocks (1) Classification o f present-day volcanic rocks into
of other tectonic affinities have also been recognised, a number of magma types according to their geotec-
including spilites of ocean island or continental char- tonic position.
acter in the Variscan geosyncline of NW Germany [5] (2) Selection o f a representative set o f samples from
and shoshonites o f Permian age in SW England [6]. each magma type for analyses.
This paper presents further work in this direction, (3) Selection of suitable elements which will dis-
particularly in characterising the magma types of differ- criminate between the samples from each magma type
ent tectonic affinities for which a large number of new and which will retain their discriminating power in
analyses have been collected. This characterisation is metamorphosed and altered rocks.
made by plotting the analyses on diagrams which best (4) Presentation o f diagrams which illustrate the
J.A. Pearce, J.R. Cann, Tectonic setting o f basic volcanic rocks 291

discrimination of the tectonically defined magma 2.1. Ocean-floor basalts

(5) Discrimination between allkalic and tholeiitic Analysis of volcanic rocks from the ocean-floor has
samples. revealed them to be an extremely homogeneous rock
(6) An example of the use of the method. type [7]. Basalts predominate and although differen-
tiated rocks in the series basalt-andesite-rhyolite do
occur [8, 9], they are very rare. The rocks are gener-
2. Classification of magma types ally tholeiitic, but with transitional and alkalic vari-
eties occurring in some areas, such as the Mid-Atlantic
Perhaps the most meaningful classification of vol- Ridge at 45°N [10]. Present-day observations are how-
canic rocks from a geological point of view is one ever restricted to areas with spreading rates between
which is based on the tectonic environment associated 1 cm/yr and 10 cm/yr and it seems possible that rela-
with their eruption. The scheme suggested is set out in tive proportions of the rock types may be different in
fig. 1. the cases of very fast and very slow spreading.
The first subdivision is made by considering the Karig has shown [11] that spreading plate margins
major tectonic regimes related to plate motions. Four occur not only in large ocean basins, but also in the
major groups may be defined in this way: small ocean basins behind island arcs. These basins are
(2.1) Ocean floor basalts (diverging plate margins). of considerable importance as proposed origins of
(2.2) Volcanic arc basalts (converging plate margins~ ophiolite complexes [12]. However evidence so far avail-
(2.3) Ocean island basalts (within plate-oceanic able for the small ocean basin behind the Marianas arc
crust). [13] and substantiated by the three analyses in this
(2.4) Continental basalts (within plate-continental paper, suggest little chemical difference between these
crust). basalts and those from large ocean basins. Present
These four types can be readily recognised at the knowledge therefore indicates that ocean floor basalts
present day and recent volcanic rocks allotted to one represent a single magma type of narrow compositional
or other of these categories. These are now considered range.
plate margin within plate

/ \ / \
COnverging oceanic continantal
crust Crust

/ \ t ,I
ocean ocean continental
volcanic arc ridge island rift

/ \
large small
ocean ocean
basin basin

\ /

\ / \ /\ / \
low- K alkali shosh- tholeiitic . alkalic tholeiltic~alkalic t holeiitic m a l k a l i c
tholeiite basalt onite
Fig. 1. Proposed classificationscheme for basic volcanic rocks based on tectonic setting.
292 J.A. Pearce, J.R. Cann, Tectonic setting o f basic volcanic rocks

2.2. Volcanic arc basalts group although their relation to fracture zones [21]
or to hot spots [22] may prove to be useful criteria
It has been suggested that the products ofvolcani- for subdivision.
city in volcanic arcs vary both with the stage of evolu-
tion of the arc [14] and with the vertical distance of 2.4. Continental basalts
the eruption above the BenioffZone [15, 16]. This
leads to a complex chemical variation which has been This magma type is very restricted at the present
simplified as regards nomenclature by empirical divi- day, the most important example volumetrically being
sion into three rock series: the low potassium tholeiite the African Rift Valley. It is however likely that this
series, the calc-alkali series and the shoshonitic series does not reflect its importance in the past. An impor-
[ 17], and it is this classification which has been tant rock type missing at the present day is that of
adopted in fig. 1. Present ideas consider the series to the flood basalts which have occurred in vast thick-
be gradational from the low potassium tholeiites nesses in the past [23] and may precede the breaking
through calc-alkali rocks to shoshonites both in time up of a continent and development of a spreading
(in which the tholeiites are typical of the earliest erup- plate margin on the lines suggested by Cox for Gond-
tions) and in space (in which the tholeiites occur wanaland [24]. These rocks have been extensively used
closest to the trench). in our selection of samples, however, with analyses
The chemical properties of volcanic arc rocks have from the Deccan traps, the Karroo basalts and Afar in
been summarised by Jakes and White [17] and can be Ethiopia, though their tectonic affmites cannot be
seen to be much more variable than ocean-floor rocks. known with as much certainty as those of modem ba-
The proportion of fractionated rocks is much greater, salts.
particularly in the case of the calc-alkali series where In practice it proved impossible to distinguish chem-
andesites are the most abundant rock type. ically between ocean island and continental basalts on
The samples used in this paper to represent volca- the basis of present data and so these are treated as one
nic arc basalts were subdivided using major elements group, the 'within-plate basalts', for the purpose of
as advocated by Jakes and Gill [18]. In this way rocks clarity in the final discrimination.
from the Izu, Tonga, Marianas and South Sandwich The distinction between tholeiitic and alkalic rocks
arcs, where K20 is low with respect to SiO 2 and Na20, is important pretrologically, but does not appear to
are classified as low potassium tholeiites, and rocks be correlated with tectonic setting, in the sense in
from the Lesser Antilles and the Java arc which are which is is used here. For instance oceanic within-
higher in K20 are classified as calc-alkali basalts. plate basalts may be either tholeiitic or alkalic. This
Shoshonites are of relatively minor importance volu- distinction is therefore considered in a later section.
metrically and have been omitted from the diagrams
owing to lack of data.
3. Selection of samples
2.3. Ocean island basalts
Ideally the rocks chosen for analysis from each
The basalts from ocean islands vary chemically group should be representative of the chemical varia-
from the tholeiitic lavas of islands such as Hawaii, tion within that group - i.e. should be selected ran-
Iceland and the Galapagos through the more common domly and in statistically sufficient quantity. It was
intermediate alkalic varieties of which the lavas of not possible to completely satisfy these requirements
Tristan da Cunha and Gough Is. are typical examples, here although this may be possible in the long term
to ultra alkaline types such as those of Trinidad and by systematic sampling of present-day ocean-ridges,
the Canary Islands [19]. Products of fractionation are volcanic arc volcanoes etc. Instead the procedure
quite common, and study of the relative proportions adopted was to analyse readily available samples and
of rock types reveals a bimodal distribution with ba- to include suitable analyses from the literature with
salts at one peak and trachytes and phonolites at the the hope that the resulting data was representative of
other [20]. The basalts are treated here as a single present-day volcanicity. The criteria used to decide
J.A. Pearce, J.R. C.ann, Tectonic setting o f basic volcanic rocks 293

Summary of the Ti, Zr, Y, Nb and Sr analyses used in this paper for characterising the different magma types. The average contents
in ppm for each sample area are given, together with references for published data and acknowledgements for donated samples
No. of
Magma type Location Ti Zr Y Nb Sr Ref. Ackn.
Ocean ridge
Ocean floor Alula-Fartak trench, Gulf of Aden 24 8300 77 27 t.5 123 [1]
basalts Carlsberg Ridge 5~°N 7 10150 117 35 4.0 140 [25]
Palmer Ridge 8 6500 70 24 7.0 121 [25]
Gulf of Aden - median valley 7 6150 64 22 6.5 119 [25]
Mid Atlantic Ridge 45°N 7 8050 93 23 15 188 [25]
Mid Atlantic Ridge 24 ° and 30°N 12 8850 129 45 - 108 [3]
Juan de Fuca Ridge 4 11950 122 47 5.0 125 A
Marianas small ocean basin 3 8100 101 25 6.0 197 B
Ocean floor basalt - mean 72 8350 92 30 5.0 131
Volcanic arc
Low-K Izu arc (Oshima) 14 6700 44 21 1.0 184 [1] C
tholeiites Tonga arc (Falcon Is.) 7 4550 33 17 1.5 179 C
Marianas arc (Guam) 8 3900 52 16 2.5 218 A
Fiji (Viti Levu) 5 4900 68 22 - 344 [ 14]
South Sandwich Is. 12 4850 44 18 2.0 127 D
Low-K tholeiite - mean 46 5150 52 19 1.5 207
Calc-alkali Java arc 53 5300 107 24 3.5 384 E
basalts Lesser Antilles (St. Lucia) 5 5850 90 23 3.0 239 F
Japan 2 5750 64 15 2.0 420 C
Calc-alkalibasalt - mean 60 5400 106 23 2.5 375
Shoshonites Fiji (Viti Levu) 9 3700 52 16 - 1193 [14]
Ocean island
Ocean island Jebel atTair (Red Sea) 3 11800 137 28 11 240 [26]
basalt Hawaii 20 14850 164 25 14 338 [1]
Galapagos 7 17800 251 39 24 329 [27]
Reunion 15 19850 178 28 - 522 [28]
Zubair (Red Sea) 11 15350 250 33 35 373 [26]
Hanish Zukur (Red Sea) 10 19350 297 33 46 578 [26]
Madeira 3 16350 251 27 64 776
Flores, Azores 9 19150 262 28 90 889
Ocean island basalts - mean 78 16250 215 29 32 438
Continental Deccan traps 9 11850 132 28 10 187
basalt Tuli Syncline, Rhodesia 12 16800 328 - 27 683 [29]
Paka, Gregory Rift 3 15550 132 31 24 495 [30]
Afar, Ethiopia 11 15900 177 29 21 431
Continentalbasalts - mean 35 15150 215 29 20 460

Acknowledgements for samples: A: Smithsonian Institution (Dr. Banks and Dr. Melson); B: Carnegie Institution (Dr. Hart and
Dr. Karig);C: Dept. of Mineralogy and Petrology, Carnbddge University (Dr. Agrell); D: British Antarctic Survey, Birmingham
University (Dr. Adie and Dr. Baker); E: Technische Hogeschool, Delft (Dr. van Hilten and Dr. Marius) and Geological Institute,
Amsterdam; F: Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy, Oxford University; G: Imperial Ministry of Mines, Ethiopia (C. Garland).
294 £A. Pearce, £R. Cann, Tectonic setting of basic volcanic rocks

which of these samples were suitable for the purpose tions particularly in the early stages of fractionation
of discriminating between the magma types were as [31]. Of these two elements Cr is much more stable
follows: during secondary alteration. Bloxam and Lewis have
(1) It had to be possible to classify the sample on used Cr in investigating the nature of some pillow
a priori grounds, usually on the basis of its location. lavas of unknown affinities [3]. Ba shows perhaps the
(2) Samples had to be fresh, although a small num- greatest variation being lower in ocean-floor than in
ber of altered ocean-floor samples were used in dia- volcanic arc basalts. It does however have many disad-
grams not involving Sr. vantages being particularly mobile during weathering
(3) Analyses taken from the literature were only and metamorphism [32] - much more so than Sr -
included when the method of analysis was comparable and would therefore have to be used with great care.
with, or better than, that used for our own analyses. Nevertheless if the magnitude of these effects can be
(4) Compositional limits of 20% > CaO + MgO>12% shown to be small compared with its variation between
were used to select essentially basaltic rocks from the the groups, it may still be important in characterisation
analyses available. problems.
A list of the analyses used in this paper is given in In addition other elements may prove important
table 1. when taken together. For example the rare earth pat-
tern has been used by Herrmann and Wedepohl [5]
for studying altered spilites in Gemaany and seems to
4. Selection of elements be resistant to alteration in the same way as Y, which
behaves chemically as a heavy rare earth.
For an element, or combination of elements, to be
geologically useful in characterising the different mag-
ma types, they must ideally: 5. Discrimination of magma types
(1) Have a much greater variation in concentration
between samples of different magma types than be- Visual discrimination between the four magma
tween samples of the same magma type. types defined earlier (low potassium tholeiites, calc-
(2) Be insensitive to secondary processes such as alkali basalts, ocean-floor basalts and "within-plate"
weathering and metamorphism. basalts) is shown using three diagrams.
(3) Be easy to measure with good reproducability (1) T i - Z r fig. 2.
of results. (2) Ti(X 1 0 - 2 ) - Z r - Y ( X 3) fig. 3.
This paper considers the five elements Ti, Zr, Y, Nb, (3) Ti(X 10 -2) - Z r - Sr(X 0.5) fig. 4.
Sr. The methods used for our own analyses have been The scaling factors used in the triangular diagrams
described elsewhere [1, 25]. Of these elements Ti, Zr, serve to bring the points into the centre of the trian-
Y and Nb have been suggested as being insensitive to gles without altering their relative position.
processes of alteration [25]. Sr is generally fairly The method of discrimination used depends on
stable in uncarbonated rocks below greenschist facies, whether it is intended to identify fresh or slightly
but can be noticeably affected by some types of green- altered samples, for which fig. 4 can be used, or
schist facies metamorphism. It is however a useful ele- whether the samples are either altered or metamor-
ment for studying fresh or slightly altered rocks be- phosed, at or above greenschist facies. In the latter
cause of its large variation between the groups. case fig. 4 should not be used unless Sr can be shown
The usefulness of other elements in distinguishing to have been immobile, by absence of calcium deple-
between the magma types was investigated by using tion or calcium carbonate introduction.
published analyses and comparing within-group and For "fresh" samples figs. 3 and 4 should be used.
between-group variations. The most successful in this The first step is to plot the analyses on fig. 3. On this
respect were Cr, Ni and Ba. Cr and Ni are generally diagram the field of "within-plate" basalts (ocean is-
lower in volcanic arc basalts than in ocean-floor basalts. land + continental basalts) can be seen to be distinc-
They are however very sensitive to olivine and pyro- tive, over 95% of such rocks giving analyses which plot
xene fractionation which can lead to large local varia- within field D. The other magma types are best sepa-
J.A. Pearce, J.R. Cantg Tectonic setting o f basic volcanic rocks 295


/Doo 8o ~ o e / ,,
ooo, /
ppm O0 0 ~i7

/-,B- oM'l ~ _z ~'" , , _ I

5'o Zr ppm 16o I.~O 260

Fig. 2. Discrimination diagram using Ti and Zr. Ocean-floor basalts (OFB) plot in fields D and B, low-potassium tholeiites (LKT)
in fields A and B, and calc-alkali basalts (CAB) in fields C and B.

Ti/lO0 T~ 1 1 0 0

o OFB / ~ o OFB
/ \ • LKT

Zr Y,3 Zr $r/2
Fig. 3. Discrimination diagram using Ti, Zr and Y. "Within-
plate" basalts (WPB) i.e. ocean island or continental basalts -
plot in field D, ocean-floor basalts (OFB) in field B, low-potas- Fig. 4. Discrimination diagram using Ti, Zr and Sr. Ocean-floor
sium tholeiites (LKT) in fields A and B, calc-alkali basalts basalts (OFB) plot in field C, low-potassium tholeiites (LKT)
(CAB) in fields C and B. in field A, and calc-alkalibasalts (CAB) in field B.
296 J.A. Pearce, J.R. Cann, Tectonic setting o f basic volcanic rocks

rated using fig. 4. This shows the ocean-floor basalts proportion of olivine phenocrysts which reduce the
to be well separated in field C with low potassium absolute amounts of Ti, Zr, Y, Nb and Sr. In this case,
tholeiites in field A and calc-alkali basalts in field B. which can be recognised in altered rocks by abnormal-
For altered samples figs. 2 and 3 should be used, ly high MgO, Cr or Ni, fig. 2 should not be used al-
"within-plate" basalts being first identified as before though figs. 3 and 4, which effectively consider rela-
using fig. 3. Separating the remaining magma types is tive proportions of the elements, are still applicable.
best carried out using fig. 2. This distinction is not as It can be seen from the diagrams that only rarely
good as that possible for "fresh" samples but identifi- can a single unknown sample be identified with com-
cation can be made in most cases. plete confidence as there is nearly always a finite prob-
Fig. 2 is divided into four fields, A, B, C and D. ability of mis-classification. This can be overcome by
Ocean-floor basalts plot within fields D and B, low using a representative suite of samples from the un-
potassium tholeiites within fields A and B, and calc- known rock series in question to identify the most
alkali basalts within fields C and B. The fields A, C probable ma~'na type. Another reason for using a
and D are therefore distinctive with each group en- large sample set is that in many cases the rock series
croaching on field B. In the instance of the great ma- may be polygenetic - i.e. contain more than one mag-
jority of analyses plotting within field B further evi- ma type. Common examples of this exist when ocean-
dence should be sought. floor and ocean island volcanics have been emplaced
The diagrams assume that cumulate crystals are together, or when a volcanic arc series including mag-
only present in small amounts. However in the early ma types from low-potassium tholeiites to shoshonites
stages of volcanicity the basalts may contain a large is sampled.


Island Ar c -LKT &CAB- )

Alula -Fartak Trench .OF-

Carlsberg Ridge -OF- >

Gulf of Aden .OF-

Palmer Ridge -OF.

Deccan Traps "C"

Jebel at Tair -OI-

45' N .OF-

Hawaiian 'Tholeiites'-OI-

Paka - C - - -

Galapagos - OI.

A f a r • C-

Zubair -OZ.

Marion & Prince Edward Is..OI-

Hanish Z u k u r - O I .

Madeira - OI-

Flores .OI

, , i i i f i

01 ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' 10


Fig. 5. Determination of petrologic character. Rock types as in table 2 except Marion and Prince Edward Islands [37]. Y/Nb for al-
kalic basalts is less than 1 for "within-plate" basalts and less than 2 for ocean-floor basalts. Y/Nb for tholeiitic rocks is greater than
2 for "within-plate" basalts and greater than 3 for ocean-floor basalts.
J.A. Pearce, J.R. Cann, Tectonic setting o f basic volcanic rocks 297

6. Alkali and tholeiitic basalt I collection of 10+ I

random samples ]
Although it is not certain whether this distinction
is important tectonically, it is useful petrologically and I
will therefore be included here. Traditionally alkalic I na!ysis for Ti + ]
Zr, Y. Nb, Sr
rocks have been defined as those where olivine is not
in reaction relationship [33], where (Na~O+I~O)/SiO 2
is high, or where olivine features in the normative com-
plot Y / N b on fig 5]
measure of
position [34]. character
It was noticed that of the rocks listed in table 1,
those which would be classified as alkalic by traditio-
plot Ti, Zr & Y on [
nal methods had a greater concentration of Nb respect fig 3
to Zr or Y than did those which would be classified as I
tholeiitic. This relationship, in which Y/Nb decreases continental or
with increasing alkalic character, is displayed in fig. 5. yes -- Ocean island
Alkalic ocean island and continental basalts are ap- !
parently characterised by a Y/Nb ratio of less than one, no
and ocean-floor alkalic basalts by a Y/Nb ratio of less
than two.
Of course it must be emphasised that use of this
method for classification cannot replace the original
method, but may be some indication of petrological ye~ no
type when the rock is substantially altered. / \

7. Assignment of unknowns Fig.6, Flow diagram illustrating the proposed method of

characterisingbasic volcanic rocks.
It is now possible to present the proposed method
of assignment in terms of a flow diagram (fig. 6).
The lower pillow lavas and dykes from the Troodos
Massif of Cyprus [35, 36] were taken as an example
of an unknown volcanic suite. They were selected for TRO
this purpose because the Troodos Complex is a well-
described ophiolite sequence and because geological
and geophysical results have established its ocean-floor
character on a priori grounds. The analyses are plotted
on figs. 7, 8 and 9.
Following fig. 6: ppm
(i) The ratio of Y to Nb is high (> 8), indicating
that the rocks are of tholeiitic character.
(ii) The points plot within field B of the T i - Z r - Y
diagram (fig. 8). Ocean island, continental and talc-
alkali basalts earl therefore be eliminated as possibili-
5b 16o i,+o 26o
(iii) The rocks range from fresh to upper green- Zr PDm
schist facies metamorphism and are sometimes
weathered. The samples are therefore now plotted on Fig. 7. Troodos (TRO) samples plotted on the Ti-Zr discrim-
the T i - Z r diagram (fig. 7). The points plot within ination diagram.
298 J.A. Pearce, J.R. Cann, Tectonic setting of basic rolcanic rocks

by unusually high Rb and K) which indicates that addi-
tion of Sr is also possible.
The results are therefore consistent with an ocean-
floor origin for the Troodos Massif. Several further ex-
amples have also been examined but these will be pre-
sented elsewhere.

8. Conclusions

We have attempted to show that the elements Ti,

Zr, Y, Nb and Sr may be of use in characterising basic
volcanic rocks from different tectonic settings. The
method would seem to be fairly effective in deter-
mining the tectonic setting of unknown volcanic rocks
Zr Y.3
from the past providing a number of points are borne
in mind. The first of these is the possibility of the con-
Fig. 8. Troodos (TRO) samples plotted on the T i - Z r - Y dis- tent of the elements in the rock being affected by proc.
cdrnination diagram. esses such as weathering and metamorphism. The care
needed for use of Sr has already been stressed and fea-
fields B and D and are therefore most like ocean.floor tures such as albitisation and calcium-depletion in
basalts. greenschist facies metamorphism, and the presence of
(iv) If the analyses are plotted on the T i - Z r - S r wildly fluctuating Sr values from otherwise chemically
diagram they cluster mostly in the ocean-floor field. similar rocks should be looked for as examples of
However two observations illustrate the dangers of cases where Sr should not be used. Ti, Zr, Y and Nb
using Sr for very altered samples: some analyses have are generally stable particularly in zeolite and green-
very low Sr (and very low CaO) due to intense albiti- schist facies metamorphism [25]. Results from other
sation, and some have high Sr (mostly accompanied metamorphic facies have also been obtained which
are consistent with the stability of these elements.
However great care must be taken in studying rocks
containing bands of rutile or sphene since this might
indicate Ti mobility.
Another instance when the analyses should be
treated with caution is in the case of picritic rocks
where the presence of large numbers of olivine mega-
crysts has the effect of diluting the absolute amounts
of trace elements in the rock. In fresh samples the
olivine can be recognised in thin section; otherwise
abnormally high values of MgO, Ni or Cr are indica-
tive of these rocks.
It is still uncertain whether the diagrams are valid
for very old rocks since very little is known at present
about magma genesis in the Precambrian. However it
does seem likely that many of the variables controlling
Zr Sr/2 present-day magma genesis have changed with time.
For example the Precambrian mantle would on average
Fig. 9. Troodos (TRO) samples plotted on the T i - Z r - S r dis- have undergone less melting episodes and therefore
crimination diagram. might have been richer in incompatible elements;
J.A. Pearce, J.R. Cann, Tectonic setting o f basic volcanic rocks 299

higher heatflow in the Precambrian could have re- [2] J.A. Hallbetg and D.A.C. Williams, Archaean mafic and
suited in partial melting at a shallower level than at ultramafic rock associations in the Eastern Goldfields
the present day and involving different liquidus region, Western Australia, Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 15
(1972) 191.
phases; other critical factors such as partitioning o f
[3] T.W. Bloxam~and A.D. Lewis, Ti, Zr and Cr in some
trace elements and degree o f partial melting are so British pillow lavas and their petrogenetic affinities,
far unknown for the Precambrian and could have Nature Phys. Sci. 237 (1972) 134.
been significantly different. In addition major tec- [4] M.J. Bickle and E. Nisbet, The oceanic affinities of some
tonic influences on magma composition such mantle alpine marie rocks based on their Ti-Zr-Y contents,
J. Geol. Soc. 128 (1972) 267.
recycling processes, rates of plate movement and even
[ 5] A.F. Herrmann and K.H. Wedepohl, Untersuchungen
the nature o f the tectonic regimes themselves are un- an spilitischen Gesteinen der variskischen Geosynkline
known for the Precambrian. in Nordwestdeutschland, Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 29
In view of these queries regarding Precambrian vol- (1970) 255.
canism it is perhaps surprising that the trace element [6] M.E. Cosgrove, The geochemistry of the potassium-rich
results from two Archaean greenstone belts, one in permian volcanic rocks of Devonshire, England, Contr.
Mineral. Petrol. 36 (1972) 155.
western Australia studied by Hallberg and Williams [7] J.R. Cann, Major element variations in ocean-floor ha-
[2], and one in Manitoba studied by ourselves, plot salts, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (London) A268 (1971) 495.
precisely within the fields of ocean-floor basalts and [8] F. Aumento, Diorites from the Mid-Atlantic ridge at
low-potassium tholeiites respectively, res-alts which 45°N, Science 165 (1969) 1112.
are consistent with field observations. The question of [9] G. Thompson, F. Shido and A. Mtyashiro, Trace element
distributions in fractionated oceanic basalts, Chem. GeoL
Archaean volcanism is therefore a very open one and 9 (1972) 89.
the diagrams in this paper should be used with extreme [10] I.D. Muir and C.E. Tilley, Basalts from the northern part
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