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The Influence Between Photos on Instagram with Tourist Visits Decision
in Lembang, Bandung

Jessyca Yulianty1) Ni Luh Kadek Laksmi Wulandani2)

Rahma Fibriani Dili Putri3) Ni Luh Dita Priliani4)
Master of Applied Tourism
Bali Tourism Institute


This study aims to analyze the Influence of photos on Instagram of the decision to visit
domestic tourists to the tourist attraction in Lembang Bandung, this study using quantitative
research approach. The result of the research shows that photo messages in instagram have an
influence of 17,8% to the decision of visiting tourists to the tourist attraction in Lembang,
Bandung In this case the photo in Instagram is just as a medium of attraction that bridges
between the prospective tourist with the determination of his visit. This study concludes that
the decision of visiting tourists to the tourist attraction in Lembang, Bandung through the search
for information in the media not only focus on the stimulus of advertising and information in
the media only, but the more influential value is through the experience of visits and
information from others can generate influence higher.

Keywords: Influence, photos, Instagram, Decision making


Nowadays, Indonesian tourists has a special interest in the object of tourism that has a unique
concept and popular among the society. This is related to current tourism trends where access
to the internet has become a part of everyday human needs that make tourists very easy to find
information about the existence of tourist attraction that has a unique and popular concept. And
the existence of this internet has also been utilized by almost all managers of tourism business
as a medium for the promotion of tourism products in a non-conventional way, one of them
through social media through photo uploaded to social media, so that tourists can find out how
the tourist attraction that will visited. In this study, social media used is instagram because the
concept of Instagram itself is a photo sharing application that allows users to take photos, apply
digital filters, and share them. The tourist attraction in Lembang, Bandung has a variety of
unique and popular concepts because of the photos distributed in social media instagram, which
makes many tourists visit various tourist options that are here, as well as a location close to the
capital city of Indonesia making the number of domestic tourist arrivals coming from Jakarta
and surrounding areas. Based on the above issues the photo on instagram serves as a bridges
between potential tourists with tourist attraction in Lembang, Bandung whose photos are
uploaded on social media


Social Media
Social media or known as social network is part of new media. New media is a medium that
uses internet, online-based media technology, character flexible, potentially interactive and
could function as private or public (Mondry, 2008: 13 ). In social media as well as social
network, users able to uploading and earn diverse information such as news, photos, video or
audio easily. Information could be accepted easily by other user with a very short process, fast
and reach various region. With various ease from social media, all message, information
exchange and interaction can be realized through visual, audio, and audiovisual content.

Social Media in tourism and Travel Photograph

Sigala, et al (2012), " Social media is challenging existing customer service, marketing and
promotional processes throughout the tourism sector." The definite thing is future, Internet-
oriented tourism will use customer-integrated technology wich more common that allows
companies to interact interactively with their customers (Buhalis & Law, 2008). Social media
presents new meaning for tourism organization including marketing tourism organization for
reengineering and carry out its business model and operation, such as development from new
service, marketing, networking and management knowledge. "a variety of social media
channels also enable mobile devices to instantly generate, convey, and share their travel
knowledge and experiences, including travel selfies and photographs.". (Lo, et al 2010 ).

Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Behavior according to Schiffman, Leon G. and Leslie L.Kanuk (2007) is "Consumer
behavior can be defined as the behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing,
using, evaluating, and disposing of products, services, and need ideas".

Visiting Decision
Consumer decide to purchse according to Kotler and Armstrong (2012) is a:

Image 1 Tourist Visiting Decision Making Process

(Source: Modified Kotler and Armstrong 2012)

This research is located in tourism destination Lembang, Bandung. Types of data used
are qualitative data and quantitative data. Source of data can be divided into two namely
primary data and secondary data. The sampling method used in this research is Non probability
Sampling (unknown population), sampling technique that does not give equal opportunity or
opportunity to be selected to be sample (Sugiyono, 2016: 84). So from the results of these
calculations then it is known large of sampel is 110 respondents required.
Data collection techniques include questionnaires, observations, and documentation.
Data analysis techniques used validity and reliability, descriptive data analysis, normality test,
correlation analysis, regression analysis, hypothesis test, coefficient of determination. Validity
and reliability test is the process of testing the items of question in a questionnaire , whether
the content of the items are valid and reliable . According to Sugiyono (2016: 147-148) who
stated that analysis descriptive is an analysis used to analyse data by way of describing the
data that has been collected as it is without intending to make conclusions that apply to the
public or generalization . Technique of descriptive data analysis in this research that is to know
decision process of domestic tourist to visit to tourist attraction in Lembang, Bandung.
Followed by a normality test to analyse whether the terms of the regression equation
have been met or not. Correlation analysis is used to discuss about the degree of relationship
between photo messages of tourist attraction background in Lembang, Bandung with decision
variable visiting tourists. Regression analysis is used to test the effect of independent variable
is photo message to the dependent variable of tourist visiting decision. Hypothesis test is done
partially to prove whether there is a significant influence between X is of photo message of
tourist attraction background in Lembang, Bandung with Y is the decision of visiting tourists.
Coefficient determination used for knowing so far where influence between X to Y, that is
influence of photo message of tourist attraction in Lembang , Bandung against Tourists
Visiting Decision.

The number of respondents in this study were 110 respondents, who has ever traveled to the
tourist attraction in Lembang, Bandung with a minimum age of 18 years, physically and
spiritually healthy, has the ability to communicate verbally and non-verbally well, as well as
visiting tourist destinations in Lembang, Bandung for viewing photos on instagram. The Data
can been seen in Table 1.
Table 1
Tourist Profile
No Profile Respondents Percentages (%)
Bandung 36.4
Jakarta 12.7
Tangerang 6.4
Lainnya 44.5
Total 100
18-27 85.5
28-37 14.5
Total 100
Male 46.4
Female 53.6
Total 100
Last Education
Junior High School 0.9
Senior High School 59
4 Diploma 12.7
Bachelor 23.6
Master Degree 3.4
Total 100
Monthly Income
<Rp 1.000.000 32.7
Rp 1.100.000-Rp 2.000.000 20.9
Rp 2.100.000-Rp3.000.000 11.8
Rp 3.100.000- Rp 4.000.000 7.2
Rp 4.100.000- Rp 5.000.000 9.9
> Rp 5.000.000 18.2
Total 110
Main Occupation
Student 62.7
6 Civil Servant 4.5
Employee 21.8
Businessman 7.2
Others 3.6
Total 100
Number of Visits (Last 3 Years)
First Time 22.7
2 times 15.5
3 times 11.8
>3 times 50
Total 100
Source of Information
Family/ Friends 26.4
Internet 15.5
Social Media 52.7
Others 6
Total 100
Visiting Purposes
Holiday 81.3
Meeting 5.6
Studying 8.9
Others 4.06
Total 100
Visiting Partner
Family 40
10 Friends 56.3
Others 3.7
Total 100
Gathering with friends or family 22.1
Shopping 9.4
Eating 17.6
11 Enjoying the view 21.8
Photography 25
See the animals 2.9
Others 0.8
Total 100
Visiting because seeing photos in social media
Yes 100
No 0
Total 100
Source: Research Data, 2017
Based on the table 1 above can be seen the characteristics of tourists who visited the
tourist attraction in Lembang, Bandung based on the area of origin is the most tourists coming
from Bandung as many as 36.4% of tourists, from Jakarta and by gender, domestic tourists
don’t have a very distant difference because the number of tourists with female gender with
the number of 53.6% of tourists while tourists with male gender amounted to 46.4% tourists.
The last level of education of domestic tourists who visit the tourist attraction in Lembang
Bandung dominated by tourists who have the last education is Senior High School with the
number of 59% of tourists, this is because the most tourists who visit most are still status as a
student / student and due to the visiting domestic tourists to the tourist attraction in Lembang,
Bandung is dominated by students, the monthly income of most tourists are below Rp
1.000.000 with the number of 32.7% and the tourists with income above Rp 5.000.000 is
18.2%. The main job of the tourists who visited the tourist attraction in Lembang, Bandung is
a student with the number of tourists 62.7% tourists followed by tourists with a job as a private
employee with the number of 21.% tourists.
Based on table 1 we can see also the number of domestic tourists most visited tourist attraction
in Lembang, Bandung in the last three years as many as 50% tourists have visited more than 3
times. While based on information sources as much as 52.7% domestic tourists know about
tourist attraction in Lembang, Bandung from social media, 26.4% tourists know from family
or friends domestic tourists who visit the tourist attraction in Lembang, Bandung has a different
purposes, in this study tourists the visiting domestic is dominated by tourists who choose
vacation destinations or recreation with the number 81.3%, 5.6% for meeting, 8.9% for
studying and other purposes is 4%. Based on visiting partners, amounted 56.3% tourists visit
with friends, 40% with families and each two tourists with themselves and others. Lembang
offers a variety of tourist attractions both man-made and natural, because there is lot of activity
that can be done tourists who visit Lembang, and in this study, the author found that mostly
tourist came for photography 25%, and gathering with family or friends 22.1%. This research
used purposive sampling method, the statement from all respondents have to visit tourist
attraction in Lembang, Bandung because seeing photos in social media Instagram in answer
yes by 100% respondents, because this statement is a filter for tourists so they can fill in further

The Influence Between Photos in Instagram and Tourist Visiting Decision in Lembang,

Normality Test
As a guideline when the ratio of kurtosis and skewness is between -2 to +2 then the data
distribution is normal. In this research found that the skewness ratio is -0.340 and the Kurtosis
Ratio is 1.334, since the skewness and kurtosis ratio is between -2 to +2, it is concluded that
the normal data distribution.

Correlation Test
Measurement coefficient is done by using partial correlation coefficient between
variable photo messages of tourist attraction background in Lembang, Bandung with variable
Tourist Visiting Decisions. The result found that the relationship isi 0.421. The result means
that the relationship is positive. The more interesting the background photos Tour presented
then will increasingly increase the interest of tourists to visit.

Regression Test
Table 2
Regression Test
Model Unstandardized Standardized T Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 28.28 3.264 8.665 .000
Photo messages of tourist .412 .085 .421 4.829 .000
attraction background in
Lembang , Bandung

Source: Research Data, 2017

The results below obtained through the results of partial regression, it can be obtained
α value of 28.280 and b1 value of 0.412 to obtain the regression equation, namely: Y = 28.280
+0.412X +e
The conclusion of the simple regression analysis above is that the constant of 28.280 means
that at the time of photo message background of tourist attraction in Lembang, Bandung is 0
unit then Tourist Visiting Decisions 28,280. B1 positive value of 0.412 which means that every
1 time increment in photo messages of tourist attraction background in Lembang, Bandung
affects the Increase Tourist Visitor Decision of 0.412.

Hypothesis Test
The regression coefficient test criteria are as follows:
Hα1: r = 0 means there is a significant influence between photo messages of tourist
attraction background in Lembang, Bandung with Tourist Visiting Decisions.
Hα1: r ≠ 0 means there is no significant effect antarapesan photo background of tourist
attraction in Lembang, Bandung with Tourist Visiting Decisions.
The results of t test processing are as follows:
Table 3
Hypothesis Test
Model Unstandardized Standardize T Sig. R
Coefficients d
B Std. Beta
(Constant) 28.280 3.264 8.665 .000
Photo messages of .412 .085 .421 4.829 .000
tourist attraction
background in
Lembang , Bandung

Source: Research Data, 2017

Table above obtained:
Value t arithmetic = 4.829, significance level α = 0.05
Dk (degrees of freedom) ie n-k = 110 - 2 = 108
The test is done two sides (two tail), so the value of t table is 1.65909
Based on the description above, the decision because t count 4.829 greater than t table
1.6661 then Ha1 accepted.Seen in the column of significance in the above table is smaller than
the probability value of 0.05 it can be concluded that photo messages of tourist attraction
background in Lembang, Bandung have a significant effect on Tourist Visiting Decisions.
Which means that the high value of photo messages of tourist attraction background in
Lembang, Bandung affect the Tourist Visiting Decisions.

Coefficient Of Determination
Table 4
Coefficient of Determination
Mode R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the estimate
1 .421 .178 .170 2.94633
Source: Research Data, 2017

Based on the table above, it can be seen the value of coefficient of determination
(Kd) = (R2) x 100% that is Kd = 0.4212 x 100% = 0.178 or 17.8% which means that photo
messages of tourist attraction background in Lembang, Bandung effect of 17.8% of Tourist
Visiting Decisions, and most of the other 82.2% influenced by other factors / varibels not
mentioned in this study.

Based on data analysis and discussion on chapter, it can be deduced that the results
testing hypothesis on partial, photo in Instagram have a significant influence on partial to make
tourist visiting decision tourism destination in Lembang, Bandung. After rated scale value
influence obtained scale value of 17.8% entered into the category very weak while the other
82.2% affected by variable others who do not investigated. After do testing hypothesis on
partial, photo in Instagram have a significant influence on partial of travelers tourist visiting
decision to tourism destination in Lembang, Bandung. In this case, photos on Instagram only
as a bridge between traveler candidates with determination decision visiting. Researchers
conclude that the tourist visiting decision from search information in media are not only focus
against from the stimulus of advertisement and search information in the media but searching
information through travelers experience and information from others could produce more high

In this research, the author only researching tourist visiting decision based on photos
message from Instagram and earn the results were very low. Writer hope existence research
advanced for complete research that has been done, seen from other factors can be influence
tourist visiting decision which in this research not yet be a particular object for earn more good

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