Student Handbook.2014.Web 0

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Appalachian Food Services is pleased that you have chosen to join our TABLE OF CONTENTS
team We hope you Zill Ûnd your employment Zith us both personally
and Ûnancially reZardinJ Our Food Services units employ more than
00 students per semester maNinJ us the larJest student employer on General Information 3
campus Our primary Joal is to serve the students faculty and staff
of Appalachian State University in the best Zay possible We Zant to Compensation 5
provide Tuality service to our customers WorNinJ Zith Appalachian Food
Services is more than just merely clocNinJ in ZorNinJ and clocNinJ out
You are part of a team collectively ZorNinJ toZard a Joal of e[cellence Personal Appearance &
Dress Code
Because we are part of the University system, we understand that as a
student your Ûrst priority is your education Upon acceptinJ employment
with Appalachian Food Services you must realize your employment is Uniforms 9
Appalachian Food Services requires you work a minimum of nine hours
per week We also encouraJe you to accept as many hours as your
schedule will allow E[cellent time manaJement skills are essential for Attendance &
success in the classroom and workforce Substitutes

This handbook is intended to orientate you with the philosophy, rules

and reJulations of Appalachian Food Services PLEASE 5EAD THIS
Disciplinary Procedures 13
BOOKLET CA5EFULLY You are responsible for knowinJ its contents
Employee Health Policy 15
AJain, Appalachian Food Services thanks you for choosinJ us as your
employer If you have any questions concerninJ the contents of the
Student Handbook, do not hesitate to contact the Student Coordinator’s Directory 16
OfÛce 5oess DininJ Hall or your student manaJer They will be happy
to assist you
COORDINATOR’S All Food Services units employ an assistant director, supervisor and student
OFFICE manaJer They are the best source of information and communication concerninJ
job related matters
The Student Coordinator’s
OfÛce is located in the 5oess HIRING REQUIREMENTS
DininJ Hall, on the 5iver Street Students must brinJ their ASU ID, one US Jovernment issued ID social security
side card, birth certiÛcate or passport and a copy of their class schedule when applyinJ
for work in Appalachian Food Services
The ofÛce coordinates
s All hirinJ procedures Each semester all students employed in Food Services must serve a 30day
s DroppinJ or addinJ work probationary period The fulltime manaJement, student manaJement or other
hours assiJned trainers will issue instructions for your assiJned job At any time durinJ the
s Work schedules includinJ probationary period, a student employee may be terminated at the sole discretion
ALL chanJes of Appalachian Food Services This type of termination is not necessarily a result
of poor discipline and is not subject to Jrievance under the Student Employment
Files on all temporary student Grievance Procedure This applies to only the unit in which you are terminated
employees are maintained If you are employed in multiple units and in Jood standinJ you may continue to
in this ofÛce The student work in those units
coordinators are available to
assist you with any difÛculties RESIGNATIONS
concerninJ job responsibilities The Student Coordinators’ ofÛce must be notiÛed with a reason and effective date
Please feel free to contact this of resiJnation Employees must resiJn in person PHONE & EMAIL 5ESIGNATIONS
ofÛce at 2 262615 A5E NOT ACCEPTABLE A twoweek notice, beJinninJ on the effective date
of resiJnation, is required to ensure an acceptable reference E[ceptions to this
3 policy include class schedule chanJes and medical leaves Failure to work a notice
will result in permanent nohire for all Food Services units
The Ûrst step in resolvinJ a complaint is to discuss the issue with your
student manaJer or supervisor If you feel that your Jrievance has not been
resolved effectively in your unit, the Student Coordinator’s ofÛce alonJ with
manaJement will make every effort to assist you in solvinJ your Jrievance
All further appeals or Jrievances may be discussed with the Appalachian
Food Services assistant director for your unit The assistant director has the
Ûnal authority in resolvinJ the Jrievance
*Students are encouraged to inform their student manager, management or
the student coordinator if a problem exists in their unit.


Each semester students must reapply for a position in Food Services
You must complete an application and a Student Temporary Employment
Authorization form This Employment Authorization form is an approval that
enables you to be paid for each unit in which you are employed

Student employees may reclaim hours with the Student Coordinators’ ofÛce
durinJ prereJistration The process works as follows

1 Come by the ofÛce on the desiJnated date s to reclaim your hours

worked the previous semester
2 Schedule an additional appointment to claim new hours
3 Be prompt for your appointment and brinJ a copy of your class schedule
with you

The dates and time for this process will be posted at the time clock in
DU5ING P5E5EGIST5ATION A two week notice is required if
you drop reclaimed hours E[ceptions include conÜict with Ûnal
class schedule and medical leave 
Students are paid bimonthly Payroll checks are issued on the 15th
Please be sure to brinJ your student ID to and the last workinJ weekday of the month If the 15th falls on a
work everyday It is the only way to clock in weekend, checks are issued the precedinJ Friday
and out Time clocks are available in each
unit To clock in correctly s You will receive a check for hours worked from the 1st throuJh
the 15th of the month on the last workinJ day of that month
s Press F1 s You will receive a check for hours worked from the 16th throuJh
s Swipe your student ID card the last day of the month on the 15th of the followinJ month
s Swipe your unit budJet code card
white  All employees are compensated at minimum waJe 725 for their
s Press enter Ûrst semester Service raises are issued per semester accordinJ to
a set of criteria detailed on the followinJ paJe
To clock out, swipe only your ID If upon
receivinJ your check you feel that your DIRECT DEPOSIT
hours are inaccurate please contact or As part of the university’s commitment to sustainability, all Food
come by the Student Coordinator’s ofÛce Services employees are required to enroll in the Automatic Payroll
in the 5oess DininJ Hall Check Deposit System You will receive a form for this service when
you are hired Fill out this form, attach a voided check or Ûll in
Students are not permitted to clock in your routinJ and account numbers and turn it in to the Student
or out for other coworkers Immediate Coordinator’s ofÛce promptly This form can take up to three weeks
termination of both employees will result if to process, so turninJ it in as soon as possible will ensure that
this policy is not observed A supervisor or your direct deposit service will beJin promptly Until this form is
the assistant director will handle corrections processed, all pay checks will be deposited in the employee’s ASU
andor mistakes reJardinJ clockinJ in PO Bo[

Every month, there will be time sheets posted at the time clock, indicatinJ your name and the hours that you
have worked for that period You are required to siJn these sheets If the sheet is not at the time clock, a student
manaJer will brinJ it around for you to siJn

Appalachian Food Services offers a ten cents per hour raise each consecutive semester that an employee works
for us The criteria for a raise is as follows

s Student must work a minimum of twelve consecutive weeks per semester up to but not includinJ 5eadinJ Day
s Student must work a minimum of nine hours per week
s Student must not have any written warninJs

Employees are e[pected to arrive to work fully dressed in uniform, and remain in uniform until their shift has ended
Listed below is a set of Juidelines for all Appalachian Food Services employees to follow

t All employees are required to keep their hair in an acceptable restraint hair net or approved hat  Hair nets can
be worn more than once Please take care of them
t Employees are e[pected to have a clean shave Beards and mustaches are permitted, however, they must be
neatly trimmed with a 1th inch ma[imum lenJth, otherwise beard restraints will be required
t Employees are e[pected to arrive to work with clean, neatly combed hair, a clean body and clean ÛnJernails
Nail polish is not permited Employees must not, in any way, violate health code requirements
t Gloves must be worn at all times when servinJ or preparinJ food Please chanJe Jloves reJularly

Employees are e[pected to wear clean and presentable clothinJ Each unit has its own criteria for clothinJ
requirements that will be described to you durinJ the hirinJ process It is also detailed later in this handbook The
student manaJer, supervisor or assistant director reserves the riJht to determine clothinJ appropriateness

In certain units, students are permitted to wear clean street clothes provided they are without tears, patches or frays
ie -eans with holes are not permitted  ClothinJ with inappropriate sloJans or Jraphics are not permitted

t Sandals, opentoed, openheeled and hiJhheeled shoes are NOT permitted

t Cutoffs, tank tops and sleeveless shirts are NOT permitted
t The lenJth of shorts and skirts should strike no more than si[ inches above the top of the knee NO E;CEPTIONS
t Comfortable and sturdy shoes are recommended

Students who are issued uniforms aprons, vests, ties, hats, etc are e[pected to keep them neat and laundered
NOTE Not all units issue these items  Any issued items must be returned to Appalachian Food Services once
7 employment has ended
EARRINGS: DanJlinJ earrinJs are not permitted Hoop
earrinJs are allowed as lonJ as they are not more than
1 inch in diameter Small post earrinJs are permissible,
but must be tasteful with nothinJ hanJinJ below them
*Students are NOT permitted to wear any other form
of piercing while on the time clock (i.e. nose, eyebrows,
lips, etc.).

RINGS: WeddinJ rinJ or bandenJaJement set is

allowed One rinJ is permitted

NECKLACES: One necklace or chain with a small charm

or stone is acceptable, provided the lenJth is no more
than 2 inches below the neckline

BRACELETS: Not permitted

WATCHES: Not permitted

The followinJ steps are taken with reJard to disciplinary
procedures relatinJ to appearance and dress code

t 1st Offense Oral warninJ inappropriate dress

employee will be asked to chanJe 
t 2nd Offense Written warninJ forfeit raise 
t 3rd Offense Dismissal and placed on
Temporary NoHire for that unit
The Appalachian Food Services’ caterinJ team is e[pected to wear clean UNIFORM
and presentable clothinJ The student manaJer, supervisor or assistant
director reserves the riJht to determine clothinJ appropriateness McAlister’s Deli has developed the
followinJ uniform Juidelines
Men Women t Employees may wear tan khaki
t Black dress pants no t Black dress pants or skirt pants, shorts, or skirts must be no
corduroyjeans  skirt must cover knee and no more than si[ inches above the top
t Pressed white, lonJsleeved corduroyjeans  of the knee 
dress shirt t Pressed white, lonJsleeved t NO CUTOFFS O5 DENIM
t Black socks and shoes blouse t Must wear a belt
t Black bow tie provided  t Black shoes and hose t Must tuck in shirt
t Black vest provided  t Black tie provided  t Must wear closed toe and closed
t Black vest provided  heel shoes
Men Women *Hats and shirts will be issued based
on the number of shifts worked. As
t Tennis shoes and socks t Tennis shoes and socks in all units, uniform materials that
t Black dress pants no shorts  t Black dress pantsskirts are issued must be returned to avoid
t Collared shirt t Collared shirt any inconvenience to the student’s

Courtesy is a vital function of the food service industry Students should remember that not only are they employees,
they are also representatives of Appalachian Food Services

Our customers are the reason we have a job and they deserve our full attention and respect The supervisor and
or student manaJer is available to assist you with any problems that miJht occur Please avoid handlinJ a difÛcult
situation that is beyond your control

NeJative comments and criticisms while servinJ customers are unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action All
employees should report any problems or concerns with the food immediately to hisher supervisor Constructive
comments and suJJestions are encouraJed


t 5espect fellow workers Cooperate as a friendly team player with coworkers and supervisors
t 5eportinJ to work under the inÜuence of any alcohol or illicit druJs is Jrounds for immediate dismissal and
placement on the Permanent NoHire list Prescription druJs are permitted as lonJ as side effects do not
hinder employee performance
t The removal of food or drinks from the units durinJ work shifts is not permitted and may be considered theft
and result in dismissal and placement on the Permanent NoHire list
t DesiJnated break areas have been assiJned for employee use SmokinJ, eatinJ, drinkinJ, chewinJ Jum, or
the use of tobacco and tobacco related products are not allowed while on duty in food production areas or
behind the servinJ lines Coffee, tea, water and fountain drinks are allowed in break areas only D5INK CUPS
t Avoid e[cessive handlinJ of food and nonfood items The use of servinJ utensils or plastic Jloves when
handlinJ food is required at all times
t Employees required to work four  consecutive hours are eliJible for a 15minute ontheclock
break Employees scheduled to work si[ 6 consecutive hours are required to take a 30minute off
theclock break Employees scheduled to work eiJht hours must take two 2 30minute offtheclock 10
breaks The supervisor will approve andor assiJn all breaks
t Students should arrive for work and clockin at the scheduled time A supervisor approval is required for
students who clockin before or after scheduled time Employees must successfully complete all assiJned
tasks and check with the supervisor at the end of the assiJned shift
t Keep panned foods covered and nonfood items clean
t 5espect equipment, property and facilities at all times Maintain hiJh efÛciency standards Slow periods
should allow time for assistinJ other employees, and straiJhteninJorJanizinJ surroundinJ areas
t qIf you have time to lean, you have time to cleanr Employees should appear attentive to all customers Please
do not sit, lean or stand on equipment, tables, etc
t Employees are not permitted to carry toothpicks, tobacco or matchsticks in their mouths Do not carry pencils
in hair or behind ears
t Employee’s voice tone should remain pleasant Courtesy to customers is a must at all times Give service with
a smile and alert the unit supervisor for uncontrollable customers
t 5adios of any kind includinJ iPods are not allowed E[ceptions include areas desiJnated by the unit supervisor
t No cell phone usaJe while at work DisreJardinJ this rule will result in an immediate writeup
t Employees should strive to do their very best and are encouraJed to have an active interest in Appalachian
Food Services

Unsatisfactory attendance, reportinJ late, and leavinJ early without permission are Jrounds for disciplinary action
andor immediate dismissal Employees must notify the unit supervisor or student manaJer in advance if heshe
cannot report to work ManaJement requires at least twelve hours notice for absences andor substitutes Failure
to provide twelve hours notice will result in a written warninJ

Employees are e[pected to replace missed hours with an approved substitute includinJ illness  F5IENDS AND
5OOMMATES SHOULD NOT CALL FO5 EMPLOYEE’S ABSENCE The unit’s student manaJer will provide an
approved substitute list for all units IT IS THE EMPLOYEE’S 5ESPONSIBILITY TO FIND A SUBSTITUTE Students
acceptinJ sub positions are bound by the rules concerninJ qno showsr Employees must notify manaJement in
advance for absence approval


t 1st offense Written warninJforfeit raise
t 2nd offense Dismissal and placed on Temporary No Hire


t 1st offense Oral warninJ
t 2nd offense Written warninJforfeit raise
t 3rd offense Dismissal and placed on Temporary No Hire 


If classes are cancelled because of inclement weather, student employees are not required to work Units tend
to be e[tremely busy on these days If you are on campus or can safely travel, it is stronJly encouraJed that you
call in and ask if your unit needs help This is a Jreat way to earn e[tra hours and help your unit We ask that no
employee take unnecessary risks to show up for work

All Appalachian Food Services’ employees are subject to disciplinary procedures Disciplinary procedures are to
encouraJe employees to strive for correction and prevent more serious measures

Steps for disciplinary procedures are as follows

t Oral WarninJ record will be made for student’s Ûle 

t Written WarninJ forfeit raise 
t Dismissal

*Student coordinators and management will determine the severity of the offense to determine what action is
warranted. If you have any concerns regarding policies or their application to your case, please speak to your
student manager or the Student Coordinator’s ofÛce.


t Insubordination t Poor job performance
t EatinJ or chewinJ Jum, e[cept durinJ break t 9iolation of attendance policies listed earlier 
t Lack of proper attire t Any other infraction of Appalachian Food Services’
t E[cessive conversation with employees or customers policies listed under personal conduct 
t Unauthorized breaks t E[cessive failure to clock in or out correctly
t 9iolation of safety or sanitation rules t Call out of work without a substitute
t Tardiness

*Based on the severity of the violation, management will determine how many warnings are given.

t Second offenses for oral warninJs
Any employee droppinJ shifts t A 3rd oral warninJ of any kind will result in a written warninJ andor dismissal
in e[cess of one per semester t No callno show
for reasons other than a class t Drop Policy infractions
conÜict will receive a written t Use of cell phone or other electronic devices while on the clock e[cept
warninJ and lose their service durinJ breaks 
raise for the followinJ semester
t Infraction of attendance policies stated above
Any employee droppinJ shifts t An accumulation of infractions reJardinJ policies
within the last two weeks 1 t Theft of ANY KIND immediate dismissal 
days of classes will receive a t StrikinJ an employee, supervisor or customer will result in immediate
written warninJ and lose their dismissal
service raise for the followinJ t Under the inÜuence of illicit druJs or alcohol will result in immediate dismissal
semester t Insubordination failure to comply with reasonable request 
t Profanity aimed at any Food Services supervisor, employee or customer
Students are able to drop t Failure to work a twoweek notice
shifts that conÜict with class
schedulinJ, without penalty, NO-HIRE POLICIES
if proof of schedulinJ is Students who fail to observe Appalachian Food Services’ policies reJardinJ
presented Drops due to class attendance, resiJnations, disciplinary actions, etc will be placed on
conÜicts do not count towards TEMPO5A5Y NOHI5E for one calendar year in the unit from which they
the one allotted drop received the infraction

Students dismissed for more serious offenses will be placed on the

PE5MANENT NOHI5E list for all units of Appalachian Food Services The
Student Coordinator’s ofÛce and manaJement will determine the severity of
the offense and placement on the Temporary NoHire or Permanent NoHire

Upon hirinJ, a student employee is required to siJn an Employee
Health Policy AJreement EHPA form as per the North Carolina Health
Department This form lays out the procedure for reportinJ symptoms
of illness, e[posure to illness and diaJnosed illnesses to a supervisor
manaJer This ensures a healthy and safe work environment and prevents
the spread of illness EHPA forms will be Ûled with each employee’s
Food Services Unit


If an employee has any of the symptoms or illnesses listed on the EHPA
Form, he she may be e[cluded or restricted from work

* If an employee is excluded from work, he/she is not allowed to come

to work.
** If an employee is restricted from work, he/she is allowed to come to
work but duties may be limited.

If you are e[cluded from work for havinJ diarrhea andor vomitinJ, you
will not be able to return to work until more than 2 hours have passed
since the last symptoms of diarrhea andor vomitinJ have subsided

Upon siJninJ the form, employees aJree to do the followinJ

15 s 5eport e[posure to any of the speciÛed symptoms andor illnesses

s Comply with work restrictionse[clusions
Student Coordinator’s OfÛce 828 262615 CUSTOMER SERVICE
Fa[ 828 2626976
AppCard OfÛce Trivette 828 262611 Appalachian Food Services
believes that customer service
Food Services Administration Trivette Hall 828 2623061
is a number one priority All
Payroll State Farm 5oad 828 262622 employees should strive to
Bake ShopCentral 9eJetable Prep 828 2626137 ensure the best possible
5oess DininJ Hall customer service Employees
Cascades Cafà Student Union 828 262227 should treat all customers’
CaterinJ 5oess DininJ Hall 828 2628162 requests with respect and
-uice Bar Student 5ecreation Center 828 262871
McAlister’s Deli Student Union 828 2622213 A customer is someone like
McAlister’s Select Trivette Hall 828 2627980 you with feelinJs and personal
Park Place Trivette Hall 828 262610 needs All customers deserve to
5iver St Cafà 5oess DininJ Hall 828 2622012 be treated with respect, courtesy
t Healthy Select and warmth Customers are
t Noodle Works essential to our business and
t Sushi with Gusto PAY OU5 WAGES Customer
t wrAPPS service is the most important
Sanford Commons 5oess DininJ Hall 828 2623069 aspect of our business, and the
t ChickÛlA quality of our service depends
t A Sub Shop on YOU!
The Markets Trivette Hall 828 262293
Bookstore 828 262811
Panhellenic 828 2627928
The Pizzeria 5oess DininJ Hall 828 2622101

Appalachian State University is committed to equality of educational opportunity and does not discriminate aJainst
applicants, students or employees on the basis of race, color, national oriJin, reliJion, Jender, aJe, disability or
se[ual orientation Appalachian also actively promotes diversity amonJ students and employees

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