Fabian's Life: CÓD.: GEA-FR - 042 Versión: 01 Fecha PÁG. 1 de 1

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CÓD.: GEA- FR -042 VERSIÓN: 01 FECHA PÁG. 1 de 1


DE: Juan David 5 Primero
Ingles Domínguez

From the next text, choose the correct answer

Fabian’s life

My name is Fabian. I was living in Colombia, but now, I am living in Orlando, Florida. I loved to
live in Colombia because my family and friends are living there. I had come to The United States
because my father had gotten a new job. We had lived in two different places, two amazing cities,
Seattle and Atlanta. Now, we are living near the coast. The landscapes are wonderful and the people
is amazing, too. I had had very good friends wherever I go, but I really miss my friends in
Colombia. I had missed my family too much and I continue missing them.
I want to meet them soon.

1. Where was Fabian living before?

a. Florida.
b. The coast.
c. Colombia.

2. Why had Fabian gone to the United States?

a. Because his mother was sick.
b. Because his father had gotten a new job.
c. Because his family is in Colombia.

3. Which cities had he lived in the United States?

a. California and Chicago
b. Seattle and New York
c. Atlanta and Seattle

4. How are the landscapes and the people?

a. Tall and intelligent.
b. Beautiful and strong.
c. Wonderful and amazing.

Unscramble the next sentences

Past progressive (Continuous)
5. Was / Mexico / traveling to / my father.

Simple past (negative sentence)

6. Yell / didn't / you / your mother.
Past perfect (question)
7. Milena / had / studied / for the exam / ?

Complete the next sentences correctly using past perfect

8. My father had __________ (drive) the car too fast.

9. My mother had _________ (love) me too much.
10. The dog had _________ (eat) its lunch.

Written part

Complete the paragraph using the next words.

I had gone to Colombia because ____________________________________________________.

Landscapes / people / the / and / the / were / too kind.

Answer the next questions

Had you eaten insects before?


What were you playing on vacations?


Where did you go on vacations?


Students should ask a question correctly


Listen to the track 1 (worked in class) from the Student’s book and answer:

A) Where had he bought his horses?

B) Where was he coming from?
C) When did he start riding horses?
D) What did he want?
E) Where was he ridding horses?

Free content (other question or comment from the student about the listening).

The way the speaking exam will be evaluated is up to 5 divided in three questions. First question values
only one point, meanwhile second and third, will be evaluated by two (2) points each one.

In the listening exam, each question is evaluated up to 1 point. The answers should be specific and not
only yes or no.

In the free way or optional, the comments could replace one question or the last only.

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