Tutorial - 1

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Tutorial -1

Teknologi Produksi Energi

The energy input into a hair drier is 1000 watts
of electricity. The output is 3400 BTU per hour
of heat. Determine the efficiency of the hair
The energy input into a 40-watt light bulb is 40
watts. The output is 950 lumens
Determine the efficiency of the light bulb. (Note:
One lumen is equivalent to 0.001496 watts.)
Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is an explosive. When it
explodes, it releases energy, which (for convenience)
is measured in units of mass of TNT. How many
joules of energy are released by the explosion of 1
kg of TNT?
1. What does the electrical energy cost monthly to
run daily of:
a. Five 150 W light bulbs for 10 hours
b. Three 250 W TVs for 5 hours
c. A 350 W hair drier for 5 minutes
d. A 25 W CD player for 40 minutes
e. A 2.5 kW oven for 3 hours
f. Two 300 W refrigerators for 24 hours
Assume that electric rate is 8.96 cents per kWh
2. A standard flashlight battery can deliver about
2 W-hour of energy before it runs down.
a. If a battery costs US$0.80, what is the cost of
operating a 100 W lamp for 8.0 h using
b. What is the cost to operate the lamp if
energy is provided at the rate of US$0.06 per
3. A 70 watt security light burns, on average, 10
hours a day. A new bulb costs $5, and the
lifetime is about 1460 hours. If electricity costs is
$0.10 per kW-hour, what is the yearly price of
“security”, per light?
(Assumption : 1 year = 365 days)
4. The turbines in a hydroelectric power plant
are fed by water falling from a 50-m height.
Assuming 91% efficiency for conversion of
potential to electrical energy, and 8% loss of the
resulting power in transmission, what is the
mass flow rate of water required to power a 200
watt light bulb?
5. A power cycle receives energy by heat transfer from the
combustion of fuel and develops power at a net rate of 150
MW. The thermal efficiency of the cycle is 40%.
a. Determine the net rate at which the cycle receives energy
by heat transfer, in MW.
b. For 8000 hours of operation annually, determine the net
work output, in kWh per year.
c. Evaluating the net work output at $0.08 per kWh,
determine the value of net work, in $ per year.
A power cycle has a thermal efficiency of 40% and
generates electricity at a rate of 100 MW. The
electricity is valued at $ 0.08 per kWh. Based on the
cost of fuel, the cost to supply Qin is $4.50 per GJ. For
8000 hours of operation annually, determine, in $,
a. The value of electricity generated per year
b. The annual fuel cost
c. Does the difference between (a) and (b) represent
Direncanakan suatu pembangkit listrik dalam waktu setahun
dapat menghasilkan energi listrik sebesar 1 TWh (terra watt
hour). Spesifikasi pembangkit diketahui memiliki efisiensi (ɳ)
33%. Pilihan bahan bakar yang akan digunakan pada
pembangkit ini adalah minyak bumi, gas bumi, dan batubara.
Masing-masing memiliki satuan harga sebagai berikut:
• minyak bumi : $ 95/barrel
• gas bumi : $ 8/MMBTU
• batubara : $ 90/ton
Dengan target harga jual listrik adalah Rp 800/KWh,
berikanlah analisis bagaimana sebaiknya mengoperasikan
pembangkit ini.
Catatan :
• Nilai konversi minyak bumi : 1700 KWh/barrel
• Nilai konversi gas : 1kWh= 3412 BTU
• Heat rate batubara = 5000 KCal/kg; 1 BTU=0.252 KCal
Energy costs vary greatly with energy source : coal @ $25/ton,
gasoline @ a pump price of $2/gal, and electricity @ $0.1/kWh.
Conventional practice is to put these on a common basis by
expressing them in $/GJ. For this purpose, assume gross heating value
of 29 MJ/kg for coal and 37 GJ/m3 for gasoline.
a. Rank order the three energy sources with respect to energy cost in
b. Explain the large disparity in the numerical results of Part (a).
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the three energy

Note :
1 gallon = 0.003785412 m3
I have a personal desktop computer (PC) in my office that has a
power usage of 150 Watts. To support my job, my computer
needs to be turned on for 8 hours per day and 5 days a week.
a. With the electricity cost of Rp 1,000.- / kWh, how much does
it cost (in Rp) to operate my PC for a year? To simplify your
calculation, assume that a year consists of 50 weeks.
b. In the whole campus, we have 99 other PCs that are similar
to mine. The campus electricity is supplied from a coal-fired
power plant which has thermal-to-electricity efficiency of
30%. How much coal (in ton) is needed to supply the energy
to operate all the PCs in the whole campus for a year?

Note: Assume that the energy released as heat when coal

undergoes a complete combustion is 30 MJ/kg.
Average adult generally needs 2,000 Calories per day. The Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
recommends that carbohydrates make up 55% of your total daily
calories. According to the statistics of the World Bank, the average
annual rice yield in Indonesia for the period of 2010-2014 is 5 tons
per hectare land. Rice contains 130 Calories per 100 grams.
a. Assuming that all carbohydrates come from rice, which is
almost true in typical Indonesian diet, about how many adults
can be feed by rice harvested from a hectare of Indonesian rice
b. Located just on the equator, it is fair to assume that Indonesia
receives maximum solar energy flux of 323 Watt/m2 (Source:
NASA Surface Radiation Budget Project). Calculate the
efficiency (η) of this agricultural process (i.e., efficiency in
converting radiant energy into edible calories)!
Hint : 𝜂 =
Natural gas (assume pure methane) is delivered to a city via
pipeline at a volumetric rate of 150 million standard cubic
meter per day. If the selling price of the gas is $5 per GJ of
Higher Heating Value (HHV), what is the expected revenue in
dollars per day? Standard conditions are 15.56C and 1 atm
1 𝑎𝑡𝑚 = 101325 𝑃𝑎
Note :
The HHV is the negative of the heat combustion with water as
liquid product

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