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-1 AWS B5.2:2001
An American National Standard

American Welding Society

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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Key Words-Inspection, qualification, training, AWS 85.2: 2001
weld, Welding Inspector Specialists, An American National Standard
Welding Inspector Assistants
Approved by
American National Standards Institute
May 11,2001

Specification for
the Qualification of
Welding Inspector Specialists
and Welding Inspector Assistants

Prepared by
AWS B5 Committee on Qualification

Under the Direction of

AWS Technical Activities Committee

Approved by
AWS Board of Directors

This specification defines the requirements and program for an employer (company) to qualify Welding Inspector
Specialists and Welding Inspector Assistants to contract or industry-specific inspector standards. The qualification program
is developed and controlled by an employer. The qualification requires documentation of experience, training, and satis-
factory completion of an examination. The examination tests knowledgeof welding processes, welding procedures,
welder qualification, destructive testing, nondestructive testing, terms, definitions, symbols, reports, records, safety, and
responsibility as specifically applied by the contract or industry standards applicable to the employer.

AmericanWelding Society
550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Statement on Use of AWS American National Standards
All standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the American
. Welding Society are voluntary consensus standardsthat have been developedi n accordance with the rules of the American
National Standards Institute. WhenAWS standards are either incorporated in, or made part of, documents that are
included in federal or state laws and regulations, or the regulations of other governmental bodies, their provisions carry
the full legal authority of the statute. In such cases, any changes in those AWS standards must be approved by the
governmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can become a part of those laws and regulations. In all
cases, these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other document that invokes the AWS standards.
Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirements of an AWS standard must be by
agreement between the contracting parties.
International Standard Book Number: 0-87171-645-3
American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126
O 2001 by American Welding Society. All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
AWSAmerican National Standardsare developed through a consensusstandardsdevelopmentprocess that brings
together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieveconsensus. While AWS administers the process
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This standard may be superseded by the issuance of new editions. Users should ensure that they have the latest edition.
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Finally, AWS does not monitor, police, or enforce compliancewith this standard, nor does it have the power to do so.
Official interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may be obtained by sending a request, in writ-
ing, to the Managing Director Technical Services, American Welding Society,550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126
(see Annex D). With regard to technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinions on AWS standards may
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individuals do not speak on behalf of AWS, nordo these oral opinions constitute official or unofficial opinions or interpre-
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS B5 Committee on Qualification. It must be reviewed every
five years and if not revised, it must be either reapproved or withdrawn. Comments (recommendations, additions, or dele-
tions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard are required and should be addressed to AWS
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author of the comments will be informed of the Committee’s response to the comments. Guests are invited to attend all
meetings of the AWSB5 Committee on Qualification to express theircommentsverbally. Procedures for appeal of
an adverse decision concerning all such comments are provided in the Rules of Operation of the Technical Activities
Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami,
FL 33126.
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AWS B5 Committee on Qualification
R. D. Messer; Chair ExxonMobil Chemical Americas
J. E Harris, Ist Vice Chair Ashland Specialty ChemicalCo.
S. A. Tennant, 2nd Vice Chair Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
J. L. Gayler, Secretary American Welding Society
W E Behnke Visteon
*N.S. Brown Canadian Pacific Railway Co.
*H. B. Cary Consultant
K. W Coryell Consultant
*S. L. Cotham Quality Engineering & Inspections, Inc.
R R. Evans PC1 Energy Services
*H. W Coser Stupp Brothers Bridge and Iron Co.
J. A. Grantham Welding &Joining Management Group
R A. Grimm Modern Welding Co.
W H. Kennedy Canadian Welding Bureau
K Kuruvilla Havens Steel Co.
B. W Phillips Bureau Veritas North America
R. Poe Thermal Arc Stoody
J. R. Reid Sithe New England
B. D. Schlueter Precision Calibration ¿?L Testing
*G. C. Shubert United Technologies-Pratt & Whitney
R. C. Stevens Stevens Engineering, LLC
*O.J. Templet TNT Welding Supply Co., Inc.
Z. Turner City and County of San Francisco
*T W Wallace Metro Water District of Southern California

BSB Subcommittee on Qualificationof Welding InspectorSpecialist

J. R. Reid, Chair Sithe New England
J. L. Gayler, Secretary American Welding Society
*R R. Evans PC1 Energy Services
*H. W Coser Stupp Bridge Co.
D. R. Lopez BP Amoco
E. M. Lorence Aircraft Welding & Mfg. Co., Inc.
*C. C. Magnuson Caltest Construction Services
R A. Michalski East Ohio Gas
S. L Raymond International Training Institute
G. C. Shubert United Technologies-Pratt & Whitney
*Z. Turner City and County of San Francisco


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
(This Foreword is not a part of AWS B5.2:2001, Specificationfor the Qualification of Welding Inspector Specialists
and Welding Inspector Assistants,but is included for information purposes only.)
The Qualification and Certification Committee of the American Welding Society was formed in 1973. In 1996, the
Qualification and Certification Committees became two separate entities. TheB5 Committee on Qualification was formed
as a Technical Committee and under the direction of the Technical Activities Committee (TAC), and the Certification
Committee remained as a Standing Committee.The B5 Committee on Qualification creates qualification standardsupon
which a central certification agency or employer may base a certification program.
This is the first issue of AWS B5.2:2001, Specifcation for the Qualification of Welding Inspector Specialists and
Welding Inspector Assistants. This document supersedes, in part, QC2-93, Recommended Practice for the Training,
Qualification, and Certification of Welding Inspector Specialistand Welding InspectorAssistant.
This specificationfor the qualification of welding inspector specialists and welding inspector assistantswas developed
to provide a qualification basis which defines minimum requirements for a welding inspector specialist to demonstrate
competence through a combination of education, experience,and examination.
The purpose of welding inspection is todetermine that a welded product meets the requirements of a code, other standard,
or contract. These documents usually contain reference to a code, or other standard, and detailed drawings that outline
general and specific requirementsfor the work. The welding inspector specialist and welding inspector assistantmust be
thoroughly familiar with the welding processes used, welding procedures, welder qualifications, materialsand limitations
of weld testing.
The person performing inspections must be able to read drawings, keep records, make reports and make responsible
judgments. For weld inspection to be effective, it must be performed in a manner that is consistent with the specification
requirements and the technical and ethical principles. Theemployer must accept the burden of responsibility of training,
testing and qualifying employees in accordance with an established written practice.
Comments and suggestions for the improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the Secretary,
AWS B5 Committee on Qualification, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.
Official interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may be obtained by sending a request,in
writing, to the Managing Director, Technical Services Division, American Welding Society (see Annex D). A formal
reply will be issued after it has been reviewed by the appropriate personnel following established procedures.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Table of Contents
Page No .
Personnel .................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................................... v
1 . Scope ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Reference Documents ........................................................................................................................................... 1
3 . Levels of Qualification.......................................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Welding Inspector Specialist ......................................................................................................................... 1
3.2 WeldingInspectorAssistant ......................................................................................................................... 1
4. Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
5 . Functions ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
6. Education and Experience ..................................................................................................................................... 2
7 . Written Practice ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
8. Physical Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 2
9. Training ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
10. Examination Requirements................................................................................................................................... 3
10.1 Proficiency Examination............................................................................................................................... 3
10.2 Welding Inspector Specialist Examination ................................................................................................... 3
10.3 Welding Inspector Assistant Examination .................................................................................................... 3
11 . Certification ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
12. Company Responsibilities..................................................................................................................................... 3
Annexes4Vonmandato1-y Information
Annex A 4 o d y of Knowledge ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Annex B S a m p l e Outline for Recommended Practice ................................................................................................ 7
Annex C-Visual Acuiry Record ................................................................................................................................... 9
Annex D-Cuidelines forPreparation of Technical Inquiriesfor AWS Technical Committees ................................. 11

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
AWS B5.2:2001

Specification forthe Qualification of

Welding Inspector Specialists and
Welding Inspector Assistants

1. Scope 3.1 Welding Inspector Specialist. A Welding Inspector

Specialist is an individual who has been qualified by the
1.1 This specification establishes the minimum require- employer as meeting the requirements of the employer’s
mentsfor the qualification of the Welding Inspector welding inspectorqualification program.
Specialist and Welding InspectorAssistant. The employer
is responsible for the testing, examination and qualification 3.2 Welding Inspector Assistant. A Welding Inspector
of these inspectors. Assistant is an individual who has been qualified by the
employer as meeting the requirements of the employer’s
1.2 This specification is to aid employers in identifying program to assist the Welding Inspector Specialistin per-
thebasicfactors in qualifying personnel performing forming the defined duties.
The Welding Inspector Assistant
welding inspection for a specificcompany or project. shall perform inspection duties under the supervision of a
1.3 In developing the written practice (see Section 7), the Welding Inspector Specialist.
employershould review the detailedrecommendations
presented herein and incorporate them into the practice.
1.4 The Welding Inspector Specialist will not be subject
to examination and certification by the American Weld- 4. Definitions
ing Society (AWS). They are not acceptable candidates Unless otherwise defined below, the terms included in
for reciprocity as anAWS Certified Welding Inspector
this specification are as defined in AWS A3.0, Standard
(CWI) or Certified Associate Welding Inspector (CAWI)
Welding Terms andDefinitions.
in accordance with AWS QC1, Standard for AWS Certifi-
cation of Welding Inspectors. certification. Theact of determining,verifying, and
attesting in writing to the qualification of personnel or
organizations in accordance with specified requirements.
2. Reference Documents certifying agency. Theemployer of the person being
(1) AWS A3.0,Standard Welding Terms and Definitions’
(2) AWS QCl, Standard for AWS Certification of certifying official. The employeeof the company who is
Welding Inspectors’ designated to certify inspectors and revoke certification.
employer. The corporate, private, or public entity which
employs personnel for wages, salary, fees, or other
3. Levels of Qualification considerations.
There are two levels of welding inspector qualifica- owner. The person or entities for whom/which weldments
tion defined in this document. These are Weldinglnspector are produced to comply with a code, other standardor
Specialist and Welding Inspector Assistant. contract.
qualification. Process of demonstratingwhether an
1. Availablefrom the AmericanWeldingSociety, 550 N.W. entity or individual is capable of fulfilling specified
LcJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. requirements.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~

AWS 65.2:2001

specification. Document stating requirements. Post high school education is defined as any of the
training. An organized program developed to impart the ( I ) Associate or higher degree in engineering, engi-
knowledge and skills necessary for qualification.
neering technology, physics, or sciences.
written practice. A document to specify methods, (2) Engineeringltechnical school courses successfully
requirements, examination,records, certifying official, completed in acurriculum that can be appliedto (1)
etc., for acompany’swelding inspection personnel above.
certification program. (3) Trade/vocational school courses in a curriculum
related to welding.
6.1.3 The candidate shall submit written documenta-
5. Functions tion that he/she meets the requirements of 6.1.1 and 6.1.2
or the alternatives listed in
In establishing a program, the employer shall state in
the written practice the specific functions to be carried 6.2 The following are minimum requirements for each
out by the inspectors. The items in Annex A shall be in- candidate forWelding Inspector Assistant:
corporated as applicable into the written practice. The
6.2.1 Thecandidateshall hold a high school or an
company methods for accomplishing each duty shall be
approved general equivalency diploma.
defined. The specific functions of the Welding Inspector
Specialist and the Welding Inspector Assistant shall be As an alternative to therequirements in
defined in the written practice. 6.2.1, the employer may accept additional years of expe-
rience in lieu of the education requirements.
6.2.2 Thecandidate shall have at least six month’s
6. Education and Experience experience in an occupational function that has a direct
6.1 The following are minimum requirements for each relationship to weldments fabricated to a code or other
candidate for Welding Inspector Specialist. standard (see 6.1.2).

6.1.1 The candidate shallbe a high school graduate or

hold an approved general equivalency diploma. 7. Written Practice As an alternative to the requirements in 7.1 The employer shall establish a written practice that
6.1.1, the employer may accept additional years of expe- details the job functions for welding inspectors. The writ-
rience in lieu of the education requirements. ten practice shall also describe the education, experience,
and training required for company certification. A sample
6.1.2 Thecandidateshall haveno fewer thanfive outline for recommended practice is included as Annex B.
yearsexperience in an occupational function that has
directrelationshiptoweldments being fabricated to a 7.2 The written practice shall include topics, subjects,
specified code, other standard, or contract and shall be di- and training related to the inspection of weldments fabri-
rectly involved in one or more of the following functions: cated to a code, specification, or other standard as applied
(1) Design.Preparation of plans and drawings for by the employer.
weldment construction. 7.3 The written practice shall define the company official
(2) Production. Planningand control of welding Oper- who is authorized to certify inspectors and revoke
ations such as procedures, equipment, materials, or per- certification.
sonnel involved in weldment fabrication.
( 3 ) Construction.Performanceasa welder, fitter,
or otherfunction in the fabrication or erection of 8. Physical Requirements
weldments. 8.1 Candidates must be physically able to safely perform
(4) Inspection. Detection and measurement of weld the activities as required or specified by the employer.
discontinuities or verification of fabrication requirements. The functions tobe performed byan inspector are de-
(5)Repair. Repair of weldments. fined in the employer’s written practice. As an alternative to the requirements in 8.2 The Welding Inspector Specialist and Welding In-
6.1.2, the employer may substitute an equal number of spector Assistant shall pass an eye examination, in at least
years of post high school education for required years of one eye, with or without corrective lenses, to prove near
experience, provided the studiesare directly related to vision acuity on Jaeger J2 at 12 inches or equivalent, and
the functions defined in 6.1.2. shall take a color perception test. The eye examination

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
AWS 65.2:2001

results shall be documented on a form similarto the sam- 103.2 The recommended examination shall consist of
pie form (Visual Acuity Record) shown in Annex C. an open-book test on industry standards or contracts ap-
plicable to the employer,closed-book test onwelding
Note: Near vision acuity is considered essential to the
fundamentals (including safety), and a test on practical
proper performance of welding examination. Failure to
applications of welding inspection. SeeAnnex A for rec-
meet the above level of acuity shall be a failure to meet
ommended body of knowledge.
this standard..Color perception is desirable in some spe-
cific applications, but is not considered essential for all
examinations. It shall be the employer’s responsibility to
establish and enforce color perception requirements for 11. Certification
those WeldingInspector Specialists in hislher employ. 11.1 At the option of the employer, an outside agency
may be engaged to provide assistance in training and
qualification services. In such instances, the employer is
9. Training responsible to assure that training, qualification, and cer-
Candidates to be considered for qualificationand cer- tification are in accordance with this document.
tification shall have received sufficienttraining to be-
come thoroughly familiar with the principles of welding 11.2 The employer purchasing outside trainingand qual-
inspection applicable to the practice to be used and the ification services is responsible for assuring that the ser-
products to be inspected. Training shall include applicable vice complies with this document by conducting periodic
safetyconsiderations and the proper care and use of audits of the outside services. The employer shall main-
inspection tools and equipment when used. A recom- tain a written record of the audit(s).
mended body of knowledge is provided in Annex A. 113 Certification records shall be maintained on file by
the employer and shall contain recordsof the certifiedin-
dividual and copies of written practices as required by
10. Examination Requirements Section 7. These records shall be maintained during the
10.1 Proficiency Examination. The employer shall con- time the inspectors are certified and for three years after
duct initial examinations for new candidates and periodic the termination of the employee.Theserecordsshall
updates for previously qualified inspectors. The exami- contain as a minimum the following:
nationsshallincorporatecheckpoints or proficiency (1) Name of certified individual
demonstration to verify that the individuals possess the (2) Statement indicatingexperience and completion
ability to perform specificinspection and interpret re- of training in accordance with employer’s written practice.
sults. verification that the candidate met the minimum (3) Verification that individual met the requirements
requirements of this standard shallbe a permanent part of prescribed in Sections 8, 9, and 10, including copies of
their records. applicable: Education and Experience certificates, Visual
Acuity Records, and Test records.
10.2 Welding Inspector Specialist Examination
(4)Signature of certifying official
10.2.1 The employer shall structure a test consisting (5) Date(s) of certification
of three parts as defined below. Candidates shallmeet the
vision acuity requirement and achieve a minimum pass-
ing score, as determinedby the employer, for each of the
three parts.
12. Company Responsibilities
Code of ethics, responsibility tothe public, conflict of
10.2.2 The recommended examination shall consistof
interest, unauthorized practice, revocation of certifica-
an open-book test on industry standards or contracts ap-
tion, reinstatement, recertification, and termination shall
plicable to the employer,closed-book teston welding
be in accordance with the employer’s written practice.
fundamentals (including safety), and a teston practical
applications of welding inspection. SeeAnnex A for rec- Note: While the Welding inspector Specialist and Weld-
ommended body of knowledge. ing inspector Assistant have established credentials,
company certification alone may not legally qualify the
10.3 Welding Inspector Assistant Examination
inspector to provide inspection service to the public.
10.3.1 The employer shall structure a test consisting Building codes and regulations contract documents and
of three parts as defined below. Candidates shall meet the other project specifications may require that inspections
vision acuity requirement and achieve a minimum pass- to be performed by or under the direction of others, such
ing score, as determinedby the employer, for each of the as a third party agency, a professional engineer, or AWS
three tests. Certified Welding inspector.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
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COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
AWS B5.2:2001 I

Annex A
Body of Knowledge
(This Annex is not a part of AWS B5.2:2001, Specification for the Qualification of Welding InspectorSpeciafists and
Welding Inspector Assistants, but is included for information purposes only.)

Al. Introduction A33 Chemistry

Al.1 Capabilities A3.4 Mechanical

(1) Judges quality (1) Tensile strength
(2) Interprets specification limitations and intent (2) Hardness
(3) Communicate results and makes reports to (3) Toughness
supervisor A3.5 Testing for mechanical properties
AL2 Qualifications A3.6 Metallographic tests
( 1 ) Physical condition
(2) Vision
(3) Knowledge of welding A4. Fabrication
(4) Knowledge of drawings, specifications, codes, and
procedures A4.1 Joint preparation
(5) Knowledge of testing methods A4.2 Joint fit up
(6) Experience
(7) Education and training A43 Welding procedure specification
A1.3 Responsibilities A4.4 Welder qualification
( 1 ) General A4.5 Other fabrication documents
(2) Specific company responsibilities
(3) Personal and company safety practices
A5. Heat Treatment
A2. Welding, Cutting, and Brazing A5.1 Preheat
Processes A5.2 lnterpass temperature
A2.1 Processes used in fabricating the product being
A53 Postweld heat treatment
A2.2 Overview of each process
A2.3 Discontinuities that may be encountered with each A6. Nondestructive Examination
process A6.1 Visual inspection
(1) Application and acceptance standards
(2) Tools and their use
A3. Material Fundamentals
A6.2 Liquid penetrant testing
A3.1 Weldability (1) Procedures
A3.2 Metallurgy (2) Acceptance standards

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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AWS 85.2:2001

A 6 3 Magnetic particle testing A7.2 Written welding procedures

(1) Acceptance standards A 7 3 Welder qualification papers
(2) Procedures
AIA NDE reports
A6.4 Other testing and inspection
(1) 100%sampling A7.5 Narrative reports
(2) Random sampling
(3) Radiographic
(4) Ultrasonic
A8. References
A6.5 Specific companyprocedures
A8.1 Welding Handbooks,Volumes 1-4, AWS, 8th Edition
A8.2 Welding Inspection, AWS 1980
A7. Inspection Documentation A 8 3 249.1, SafetyinWelding, Cutting, and Allied
AI.1 Verify dimensions Processes

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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AWS 85.2:2001

Annex B .
Sample Outline for Recommended Practice
(This Annex is not a part of AWS B5.2:2001, Specificationfor the Qualificationof Welding Inspector Specialistsand
Welding Inspector Assistants,but is included for information purposes only.)

A Welding Inspector
Specialist (or assistant) employed by the Company is responsible
performing the following Functions:


Company Certification as a Welding Inspection Specialist (or assistant) is based on the
individual presenting
evidence of years of relevant experience combined with level
of Education and meeting specified Physical requirements.

Successfully completing trainingin the following:
(1 ) consisting of hour’s classroom combined with hours practical.
(see curriculum) course
(2) consisting of hour’s classroom combined with hours practical.
(see curriculum) course
(3) consisting of hour’s classroom combined with hours practical.
(see curriculum) course

a minimum passing
score on of each
theof three parts
theof Company
Welding Inspection Specialist Test.

is Responsible for Certifying Welding Inspection Specialists (or assistants) for the
Company and maintains applicable Records for each individual certified. The Records are
maintained for a minimum period and
of are available for review
upon request. Certification
shall be audited for
completeness and compliance with this standard on a basis.

performance of Certified Welding Inspector Specialists (or assistants) is monitored on basis
The a to
verify continued proficiency of the individual.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
AWS B5.2:2001

Annex C
Visual Acuity Record
(This Annex is not a part of AWS B5.2:2001, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspector Specialists and
Welding Inspector Assistants, but is included for information purposes only.)

Your Company Name

The applicant is required to pass an eye examination, with or without corrective lenses, to prove: near vision acuity on
Jaeger 32, or equivalent, at 12 inches. In addition, they shall also take a color perception test forred/green and blue/yellow

Applicants Name S.S. or ID number Date of examination

Examination: Meets Without Meets With

Eye Correction Eye Correction Does Not Meet
Near Vision
Jaeger J2 (or Equivalent) o OR o OR o
Distance of 12 inches (check only one)

Color Perception Does

Meets meet not
Red/Green Differentiation o OR o
Blue/Yellow Differentiation o OR o

I certify that the above named applicant demonstrated the vision capabilities indicated above.

Date Printed
Name of Examiner

Namc of Administrator Date

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
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COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
AWS B5.2:2001

Annex D
Guidelines for Preparation of Technical Inquiries
for AWS Technical Committees
(This Annex is not a part of AWS B5.2:2001, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspector Specialists and
Welding Inspector Assistants, but is included for information purposes only.)

D l . Introduction the edition of the standard that contains the provisions or

that the inquirer is addressing.
The AWSBoard of Directors has adopted a policy
wherebyall official interpretations of AWS standards D2.2 Purpose of the Inquiry.The purpose of the inquiry
will be handled in a formal manner. Under that policy, all must be stated i n this portion of the inquiry. The purpose
interpretations are made by the committee that is respon- can be either to obtain an interpretation of a standard re-
sible for the standard. Official communication concern- quirement, or to request the revision of a particular provi-
ing an interpretation is through the AWS staff member sion in the standard.
who works with that committee. The policy requires that D23 Content of the Inquiry. The inquiry should be
all requests for an interpretation be submitted in writing. concise, yet complete, to enable the committee to quickly
Such requests will be handled as expeditiously as possi- and fully understand the point of the inquiry. Sketches
ble but due to the complexity of the work and the proce- should be used when appropriate and all paragraphs, fig-
dures thatmust be followed, some interpretations may ures, and tables (or the Annex), which bear on the in-
require considerable time. quiry must be cited. If the point of the inquiry is to obtain
a revision of the standard, the inquiry must provide tech-
nical justification for that revision.
D2. Procedure D2.4 ProposedReply. The inquirer should,as a pro-
All inquiries must be directed to: posed reply, state an interpretation of the provision that is
the point of the inquiry, or the wording for a proposed re-
Managing Director, Technical Services vision, if that is what inquirer seeks.
American Welding Society
550 N.W. LeJeune Road
Miami, FL 33126 D3. Interpretation of Provisions of
All inquiries must contain thename, address, and af- theStandard
filiation of the inquirer, and they must provide enough in-
Interpretations of provisions of the Standard are made
formation forthe committee to fully understand the point
by therelevantAWS Technical Committee. The secre-
of concern in the inquiry. Where that point is not clearly
tary of the committee refers all inquiries to the chairman
defined, the inquiry will be returned for clarification. For
of the particular subcommittee that has jurisdiction over
efficient handling, all inquiries should be typewritten and
the portion of the standard addressed by the inquiry. The
should also be in the format used here.
subcommittee reviews the inquiry and the proposed reply
D2.1 Scope. Each inquiry must address one single provi- to determine what the response to the inquiry should be.
sion of the standard, unless the point of the inquiry in- Following the subcommittee’s development of the re-
volves two or more interrelated provisions. That provision sponse, the inquiry and the response are presented to the
must be identified in the scope of the inquiry, along with entire committee for review and approval. Upon approval

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
AWS B5.2:2001

by the committee, the interpretation will be an official in- information that such an interpretation can be obtained
terpretation of the Society,and the secretary will transmit only through a written request. The Headquarters staff
the response to the inquirer and to the Welding Journal cannot provide consulting services. The staff can, how-
for publication. ever, refer acaller toanyof thoseconsultantswhose
names are on file at AWS Headquarters.

D4. Publication of Interpretations D6. The AWS Technical Committee

All official interpretations will appear in the Welding
The activities of AWS Technical Committees in regard
to interpretations, are limited strictly to the interpretation
of provisions of standards prepared by the committee or
to consideration of revisions to existing provision$on the
D5. Telephone Inquiries basis of new data or technology. Neither the committee
nor the staff is in a position to offer interpretive or con-
Telephone inquiries to AWS Headquarters concerning sulting serviceson: (1) specific engineering problems,or
AWS standards should be limited to questions of a gen- (2) requirements of standards applied to fabrications out-
eral nature or to matters directly related to the use of the side the scope of the document or points not specifically
standard. The Board of Directors’ policy requires that all covered by the standard. In such cases, the inquirer
AWS staff members respond to a telephone request for should seek assistance from a competent engineer experi-
an official interpretation of any AWS standard with the enced in the particular field of interest.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services

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