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Institute of Technology for Textile, Garment & Fashion Design (iOTEX)

Course Number Greg 4171

Course Title Statistical Applications in the Garment Industry
Degree Program B.SC. in garment engineering
Module 17: Quality Management
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home Study
week) Practice
2 3 0 3
Course Objectives & Students will learn to:
Competences to be  The course is designed to apply the concepts of statistics in
Acquired the field of garment industry; the students who have
undergone the course successfully will be in a position to
apply the important statistical techniques in the garment field
and eventually will measure the process variability and
control the process to have a consistent product quality.
Description/Course Course contents:
Contents  Revision of statistical concepts:
 Individual, Population and Sample;
 Descriptive and inductive statistics;
 Construction and application of frequency polygons and
 Statistical measures and their applications in garment
 Measures of central tendency: Means - Arithmetic,
weighted average, geometric, harmonic, quadratic (root
mean square); Median, Mode; Quartiles, deciles and
 Measures of dispersion: Range; Percentage mean
deviation; variance; standard deviation; co-efficient of

 Frequency Distribution and applications in garment

 Types of distributions and comparison of frequency
 Probability distributions - Normal distribution, Binomial
Distribution, Poisson distribution and their applications in the
garment industry.
 Sampling theory in garment production
 Relation between samples and population.
 Acceptance Sampling Techniques for the garment
 Random sampling errors:
 Standard errors of the various statistical measures; large
samples and small samples.
 Estimation of confidence intervals using the above
distributions and their garment applications:
 Estimate of the population mean, population standard
deviation, difference between means.
 Number of tests for a given accuracy and at a given
confidence level for mean and standard
deviation/variance – problems in garment manufacturing.
 Tests of significance:
 Single mean with large and small samples;
 Difference between two means with large and small
 Single standard deviation with large and small samples;
 Difference between standard deviation with large and
small samples - problems from garment field.
 Process control tools
Understanding of the different tools and their application in
controlling the process and quality of products using examples
from garment industry.
 Quality Control Charts: - x chart, R chart and other charts -
interpretation of control charts and their application in
garment industries; Correlation and correlation coefficient:
Ranking and rank correlation; Analysis of variance
 Histograms
 Check Sheet
 Defect concentration diagram
 Scatter diagram
 Cause and effect diagram
 Pareto chart
 Flow chart

Pre-requisites None
Semester 2nd
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Lectures, assignments, exercises and project work
Assessment/Evaluation The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
& Grading System separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Tutorial Part Weight 60%)
Mid-Term Examination: 40 % Assignment: 30 %
Final Examination: 60 % Quiz : 30 %
Total 100 % Project/Seminar: 40 %
Total 100%
Attendance Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %
Requirements attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
Literature 1. Booth, J.E., Principles of Textile Testing, Newnes Butterworths,
London, 1979
2. Saville, B.P., Physical Testing of Textiles , The Textile Institute,
3. Bona M, ‘Textile Quality: Physical methods of product and
process control’, Eurotex, Italy, 1994
4. Bona M, ‘Statistical Methods for Textile Industry’, Eurotex, Italy,
5. Leaf G, Practical Statistics for Textile Industry: Part II and I,
The Textile Institute
6. Apparel Manufacturing sewn Product Analysis, Prentice Hall.
INC, GlockE.R and Grace I.Kunz, 1990
7. Textile Fabric and Their Selection; prentice Hall; INC,
Wingate.IB, 1989
Managing Quality in Apparel Industries; Delhi: CBS Publishing,
Mehta, Pradeep; 2003

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