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English colonization (joint stock companies)

French economy in New World
Role of Catholic Church in Spanish colonies
Colonial Massachusetts & Virginia treatment of Native Americans
Puritans and education
Puritans and gender equality
Roger Williams
headright system
Jamestown and tobacco
Founders of Thirteen Colonies

Reason for religious toleration in colonies

Reasons why colonial disunity continued before and during French-Indian War
Colonial resistance to British policies after 1763
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Townshend Act
British reaction to Boston Tea Party
Olive Branch Petition
British advantages during Revolutionary War

Problems with Articles of Confederation

Shay’s Rebellion
Comparing New Jersey and Virginia Plans
Reason why Anti-Federalists opposed Constitution
Positions of Federalist Party
Whiskey Rebellion
Hamilton’s economic programs
Jay’s Treaty
Washington’s Farewell Address (1796)
Louisiana Purchase and decision made by Thomas Jefferson
Democratic-Republican support for war against Great Britain
Monroe Doctrine
Reasons for development of industry in New England
Positions of Andrew Jackson/components of Jacksonian Democracy
Tariff of 1828
Worcester v. Georgia
Second Great Awakening

Reasons for tax-supported public schools in North

Reform movement that facilitated female involvement
“cult of domesticity”
William Lloyd Garrison
Congressional gag rule
Election of 1844 (candidates, issues)
Webster-Ashburton Treaty/Oregon Treaty/Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Gadsen Purchase
Ostend Manifesto
Manifest Destiny
Revolution in Texas
Reasons for war against Mexico/objection made by Abraham Lincoln

Reasons supporting slavery

Wilmot Proviso
Missouri Compromise
Compromise of 1850
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Crittenden Compromise
Dred Scott decision
1858 Lincoln-Douglas Senate debates (positions taken by both candidates)
Advantages and disadvantages of Confederacy during Civil War
Rich-poor controversy regarding conscription
Emancipation Proclamation
Wade-Davis Bill/veto by Lincoln
Congressional responses to “southern recalcitrance”
Measures taken by Congress to assist former slaves
Johnson impeachment
Factors for end of Reconstruction

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