Construction Tech

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5.4 R.C.C.


5.4.1 Introduction:
 Concrete is a product obtained artificially by hardening the mixture of cement,
sand, coarse aggregate and water in predetermined proportion.
 Concrete is very good in compression and weak in tension.
 Thus, combination of steel and concrete provides ideal as these two materials
are used to take up stresses and are suitable for such combination which is
called Reinforced Cement Concrete.
 So, R.C.C. contains of two parts
1) Reinforcement
2) Concreting
5.4.2 Procedure

a) Reinforcement:
 At site, TMT bars (Fe415) are used as reinforcement.
 In TMT bars carbon levels are restricted much lower than the specification,
which result in excellent ductility, high bend ability and superior weld ability.
 After doing P.C.C than centre line for column is marked on P.C.C with the
help of centre line drawing and it is marked with mortar
 Than footing reinforcement (Jali) is laid on P.C.C as per Bar Bending
 Than column reinforcement is laid on marked point on P.C.C and it’s checked
vertically through plumb
Basic Construction Technique

 Centre line for column should also coincinde with centre line of footing
And it is checked by measuring diagonal distance from column in all four
 Than support for column is placed with the help of Bars
 Cover of 50 mm is being provided.
b) Concreting
 All plain concrete shall be preferably mixed in a drum type power driven
machine mixer with required mix of M 25.
 The mixing of each batch in the concrete mixer shall continue for not less than
two minutes after the materials and water are in the mixer.
 Than concreting is done with the help of chute. Here concreting is done
through chute to avoid seggregation
 Concreting for R.C.C is done upto the required depth as per the design.
Basic Construction Technique

5.4.3 Checking/ Verification for R.C.C Work:

A) Pre-Construction:
1) Size of footing as per drawing
2) Check the dimension and diagonals of formwork box of
3) Level marking up to which concreting is to be done
4) Check supports of formwork
5) Check reinforcement and minimum cover.
6) Footing should be cleaned thoroughly and cement slurry is
poured before concreting

B) During Construction:
1) Check the quantity of material
2) Check the proportion and mixing of material
3) To check that concreting is done through chute so that there is
no segregation
4) Check for the required concrete level marking
5) Mixing method
6) Check that compaction is done at regular interval with the
help of needle vibrator
C) Post Construction:
1) De-shuttering of footing after 24 hours
2) Curing to be done with sprinkling

Tools Equipments
1) Theodolite 1) Batch Mixer
2) Line string 2) Needle Vibrator
3) Plumb bob 3) Excavator
4) Hammer 4) Tractor
5) Measuring tape 30 m
6) Buckets
7) Spade
8) Pickaxe
9) Trowel
10) Chalk
11) Punja
12) Thapi (Wooden float)
13) Rammer
Basic Construction Technique

This is the most important activity as far as frame construction is concerned because
cement which is the vital material is widely used in this & thus it should be carried out
carefully. On our site it was done by pipeline in slab and beam and manually for column and
footing. Concreting involves following stages.

Batching & Mixing Transporting

•It can be either volumetric or weigh batching •Carrying concrete from the place of mixing
but at site mostly weigh batching is carried to the place of delivery is known as the
out. transporting of concrete.
•Weigh batcher was used at our site. The •From the RMC plant concrete is transported
process is described in earlier chapter. through miller with the help of hydraulic
•Similarly mixing is done in pan mixer at pump.
RMC plant & in tilting mixer for concrete •In case of concrete mixer it is transported
mixer. manually through buckets.

Compacting Placing
•Various types of mechanical vibrators based •Concrete is placed only after the surface is
on site conditions & amount of concreting thoroughly cleaned and oiled.
are used. •The source of concrete is placed at sufficient
•At our site needle vibrator is used with height to avoid segregation and
40mm diameter of needle. simultaneously rough levelling is also carried
•Compaction is carried out simultaneously out.
along with placing by dipping the needle in •Sometimes chutes are also used for placing.
the paste for short time period at a point.

Finishing Curing
•With respect to some fixed reference point •Various types of curing methods such as
which can be either adjacent surface or some pounding, sprinkling, wetting, steam curing
rods with markings placed there, etc are adopted.
Approximate levelling is done. •At our site pounding, sprinkling and wetting
•Floating or towelling is adopted for are used as they are simple & easy.
finishing until the surface seems to be fairly
smooth & levelled.
Basic Construction Technique

Concreting for Column Concreting for Slab and Beam

• First marking f or starter of the • First shuttering level is checked .

column. • Then the dowel is coming out of
• Then formwork is provided and the column are checked for the lap
then checks its verticality using length.
plumb bob, dori and tape. • Covers for beam sides and slab
• Then Reinforcement and covers are checked.
are provided and start concreting • Then concreting is done for beam
work. and s lab.
• First concreting is done for 100mm so • Concreting start s from one corner
that the cement slurry doesn't and carried out towards the other
comes out form bottom. corner continuously.
• Remaining height of concreting is • Iron rods are used to check depth
done after 1hr. of slab.
• Concrete is compacted by using • Finishing is done with help of
needle vibrator. wooden muster.
• The formwork can be removed • Curing should be done up to 21
after 24 hours. days after concreting.
• Curing should be done up to 14
days after concreting.
Basic Construction Technique

The following points should be kept in mind while working & supervision.

Precautions Purpose

Mixing time in no case should be less than 2 To achieve homogenous & consistent mix.
Discharge height for concrete mixer shouldn’t To avoid segregation.
be more than 70 cms.

Joints in pipeline should be checked. To avoid leakage of concrete.

Pipeline should be thoroughly cleaned with To impart lubrication to the upcoming
water & then with cement slurry. concrete.

Concrete should be placed as nearly as To save manpower & time.

Time between mixing & placing shouldn’t To avoid setting of concrete.
exceed 30min.

Concrete shouldn’t be heaped at one place. To avoid displacement of formwork.

Vibrators should be continuously operated To formation of holes inside concrete.

while they are being withdrawn.

Vibrators should be inserted vertically. To avoid flow of concrete into mould.

Old work should be flushed with cement To have proper bond between old & new
slurry prior to concreting. work.
Curing must be constantly done for at least 7 To avoid shrinkage cracks & loss of moisture.


This is also one of the important activities as steel, which contributes significantly to the
economy of the project is most widely used. Also it imparts tensile strength to the
structure in which concrete is lacking. Thus it also important from safety point of view. The
procedure adopted for reinforcement in beam, column, slab and other structures is almost
same. For the construction of any floor first of all the columns are cast and thereafter
beam and slabs are cast. The procedure is as under.

 The reinforcement for shear walls is provided in same manner as that for
 The reinforcement for staircase is similar to that of slab.
Basic Construction Technique

Column Beam Slab

Reinforcement Reinforcement Reinforcement
•Cutting & bending of •According to structural •According to structural
rebar is carried out Drawing cutting & Drawing cutting &
according to structural Bending is carried out. bending is carried out.
•Then bottom bars are laid •Main reinforcement is
•For providing longitudinal First according to design. constructed first and then
reinforcement, rebar’s are These bars rest on covers distribution steel is laid
tied to dowels by binding & stirrups provided for which will be running
wires providing sufficient shear reinforcement. perpendicular to for mer.
lap length. These are
continued to the next •Then top bars are •Rebar’s are provided with
floor with dowels if provided which are tied to alternate bent up sand this
required. the stirrups. will be provided cover
through specially
•Similarly the transverse • The whole skeleton is designed steel chairs
reinforcement is provided Supported by chairs &
by using lateral ties. Other support s and is
Placed to its location only
After completion.

The following points should be kept in mind while working & supervision.

Precautions Purpose

Proper cover should be provided. To protect steel from getting corroded.

Sufficient lap length should be provided. Two bars can ac t as continuo us & resist
Bars should be properly tie d with binding To avoid displacement of rebar’s.
Sufficient development should be provided. To anchorage beam & column junction.
D dowels should be properly left out. To provide enough lap length
Stirrup joints must be provided in alternate To perform well during shearing action.
Basic Construction Technique

This activity forms the skeletal framework for any structure. This skeleton will help to
support the concrete when it is in plastic state. Thus it will help to hold the structure till it
gains its strength and also works as a mould to define its shape. This will also finalize the
alignment as well as level hence it requires special consideration. The procedure is as

Column & Shear wall Beam & Slab Staircase

•First of all starter is •On the casted column beam •Here also the bottom forms
Provided by marking its bottom is marked & the are laid first with props
Centre & its edges. T hen valve plates supported by supporting it.
concreting is done. Starter the props are laid
May or may not be horizontally between two •Then the side forms are
Provided but it is preferable columns. The level is then erected according to the
So that formwork gets checked with level pipe. alignment of stair.
•T hen the side forms are •Now the markings are
•Then formwork is erected erected according to the made on side forms for
over it. For columns 'C' dimensions and on that placing the riser
Shaped formwork is slab forms are laid in with planks. This can be done
Prepared first, erected & continuity. Simultaneously with the help of spirit level
Then closed in case of pr ops along with wedges & or level pipe.
plywood or conventional ledgers are provided.
Steel forms. Otherwise i t is
Erected as straight forwarded •Then after the risers are
•T he ledgers a re spaced at fixed but only after rebar’s
as in case of wall. regular intervals of 3", 6", are laid.
9" depending on
•Ties are then provided to dimensions. They are
Keep distance among generally laid orthogonal to •The treads are left open for
sheets. the main reinforcement. concreting and finishing
but they are casted by
matching the top & bottom
•Now the alignment is •Sometimes 'Camber' is also of the successive risers.
checked with plumb b ob provided de pending on
and the props used to dimensions to avoid
support the formwork are deflection while
adjusted. concreting.

•Finally on getting desired

plumb, props are fixed

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