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Nama : Feren Sekar D.

Kelas : XII AK 6

No Abs : 12

Good morning my teacher, and also good morning for all my friends. Let me
introduce my self. My name is Feren Sekar Damayanti, you can call me Feren.
I am from grade XII Ak 6, and my student number is 12. Today I want to
explain “how to make toast”.

Before we make the toast, we have to prepare the ingredients and the tools. That
we need for make a toast
 The ingredients is :
1. Bread
2. Margarine, and then
3. Jam or meses
 Then, the tools that we need is :
1. Teflon
2. Spoon
3. Stove
4. Plate

And if the ingredients and the tools is ready, we can move to the steps to make
1. First smear the bread with the margarin and then,
2. Second turn on the stove and put the teflon on it, and wait until the teflon
is ready,
3. after that put the bread on the teflon that already hot.
4. Then turn the bread over and wait until it smell nice.
5. And then, take a plate and put the bread on it, and smear a jam or give a
meses on the bread, and you can stack it with another bread.
6. The toast is already to be served.
Ok I think that enough for me to explain about how to make a toast. Thank you
for your attention, and I am sorry if there are any mistakes.

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