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Health promotion related to HIV / AIDS

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a collection of symptoms

and infections or so-called syndrome is caused by damage to the human immune system
because of HIV, while HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a virus that can
weaken the immune system in humans. If a person is exposed to the virus will be
susceptible to this kind of opportunistic infections or susceptible to tumors. For until now,
the HIV-AIDS disease can not be cured, and found a cure, even if there was only halt or slow
the progression of the virus alone.

London - Two scientists who discovered HIV scientists share Nobel medicine by
linking HPV to cancer of the uterus. As both scientists each Barre Sinoussi and Luc
Montagnier. Both are rated credited with their research in discovering the virus that causes
AIDS. The Nobel Committee said the discovery of two French citizens were vital in helping
scientists understand the biology of the virus that threatens the world. More than 25 million
people died of HIV / AIDS since 1981 and recorded worldwide 33 million people are infected
with HIV.

HIV AIDS symptoms do not always appear when infected with AIDS. Some people
suffer from flu-like illness within a few days to weeks after exposure to the virus. They
complained of fever, headache, fatigue and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. Symptoms of
HIV AIDS could be one or more of these usually disappear by themselves within a few

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