Bill Gates and The World

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Bill Gates and the World’s Elite DO NOT

VACCINATE their own children… and for

good reason
Tuesday, January 22, 2019 by: S.D. Wells
Tags: badhealth, bill gates, bill gates children, bill gates vaccines, Dangerous Medicine, depopulation, double
standard, eugenics, flu shot toxic, Gates Foundation, gmo vaccines, hypocrisy, mercury in vaccines, toxic
ingredients, vaccine toxins, vaccines, vaccines infertility

(Natural News) The absolute worst medical decision a parent of a newborn child can
make is to allow doctors and nurses to severely compromise the immune system of
their infant by injecting him or her with known neurotoxins, foreign proteins, and
carcinogens like mercury, formaldehyde, monkey kidney cells, pig viruses, and
genetically modified cells from human abortions. That’s why billionaire Bill Gates, the
infamous and insidious population control freak and Microsoft mogul, refused to
vaccinate his own children when they were growing up, even while he promotes toxic
jabs all over the world, especially in third world countries.

It’s true. Gates’ former private doctor from Seattle back in the 1990s said, “I don’t know
if he had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to
vaccinate them as children.” We know this because the quote was taken from Gates’
doctor during a side note conversation at a medical symposium, which caused a small
uproar among the attending physicians, who blasphemed Gates’ doctor for breaking
rank with doctor-patient confidentiality (even though it’s a “gray area” because he was
speaking to other doctors privately). Still, it was too late – the cat got out of the bag, and
now the world knows the ultimate hypocrisy of the elite who radically and religiously
push vaccines as the “holy grail” of medicine, all while they keep the same poisons out
of their own children’s blood and muscle tissue, knowing good and well the high risk of
side effects and adverse events far outweighs any possible benefits.

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Bill Gates’ three children, Jennifer, Phoebe, and Rory,

NEVER got vaccines and are now healthy young
Born between 1996 and 2002, the Gates children never got mercury and formaldehyde
shot into their muscle tissue as a form of “immunity,” even though their father is the
most dogmatic campaigner and shill for the vaccine industry. Wait, you thought he just
made his fortune off computer software? Think again. There’s huge profit in chemical
medicine and population control schemes, and insidious Bill rides that cash cow every

According to TruthWiki, “Gates is widely criticized for being anti-competitive and for
being a pro-vaccine zealot. He engages in many ‘philanthropic endeavors,’ such as
donating large amounts of money to various scientific research programs through the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates has even gone so far as to fund technologies
that are designed for mass sterilization in order to address what he refers to as the
world’s population problem.”

Herd theory has always been a big hoax, and the world’s elite know it. Most vaccinated
children are the actual risk to each other, because they often shed the viruses they were
just injected with during the first few weeks after their toxic jabs. According to one study,
the richest families in California (that are often white) do NOT vaccinate their children.

In fact, more than 16,000 kindergarten-aged children in California do not get any
vaccines because their white, elitist parents opt them out using religious, personal
belief, and doctor-authored exemptions. Get it? The elite know there’s something
inherently wrong with immunizations, but they just don’t talk about it, and the MSM news
certainly never covers it.

The richest Americans don’t want to risk their children

getting autism from experimental vaccines, including
Polio, Malaria, MMR, and the CDC’s “highly
recommended” annual flu shot
According to Bill Gates’ former doctor, who was quoted behind closed doors at a
medical seminar, Gates said his children didn’t need vaccines, but isn’t the whole world
educated otherwise? Doesn’t the CDC inform us all that babies are born with weak,
compromised immune systems and must have 50 vaccines before age 7, or they’ll most
likely die from infectious diseases? Isn’t that the narrative?

Here’s more on Bill Gates’ opinion on vaccines, as shared by his own physician from
the seminar: “They were beautiful kids, truly wise and lively, and he stated they would
be fine as they were; they didn’t need any shots.”

Now, Bill Gates and his corrupt Foundation push experimental, untested malaria
vaccineson innocent Africans in Kenya, Ghana, and Malawi. Critics are screaming that
it’s all part of a depopulation scheme, and some vaccines, including the tetanus jab,
have been found to contain chemicals that sterilize young girls – chemicals that have
nothing at all to do with vaccine functionality.

Bill Gates’ “mission” to protect third world populations from disease via mass
vaccination is contrary to his own personal actions with his own children, and
auspiciously crosses lines with his deep financial collaboration with health agencies and
vaccine manufacturers.

Tune in to for more updates on how there is a plague of corruption

surrounding vaccine safety, and exactly why the world’s elite know better than to have
their children jabbed with experimental, untested, deadly neurotoxins and genetically
modified bacteria strains.

Sources for this article include:

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