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Rail Staff Travel

Travel in Europe using FIP facilities

How to make the most of your benefits

Rail Staff Travel is part of the Rail Delivery Group

Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................6

Use of this guide ...................................................................................................................................................6

FIP International Reduced Rate Card .......................................................................................................................7

FIP fares for children ............................................................................................................................................7

Changes to FIP membership during the validity of a card....................................................................................7

Booking tickets before you leave Britain. .............................................................................................................8

FIP Coupons ..............................................................................................................................................................8

Transit Points of FIP carrier ................................................................................................................................... 10

Virtual Border Transit Points ............................................................................................................................. 10

Passenger Station Transit Points ....................................................................................................................... 11

Loss or theft of FIP Travel documents ................................................................................................................... 11

FIP Travel Irregularities .......................................................................................................................................... 12

General Tips ........................................................................................................................................................... 12

Problems using FIP facilities .................................................................................................................................. 13

International journeys to and from Great Britain ................................................................................................. 14

Eurostar International – EIL (*GF) ..................................................................................................................... 14

Stena Line Limited - SLL ..................................................................................................................................... 15

Stena Line BV Hoek van Holland - Harwich - StL ............................................................................................... 16

Austria – ÖBB (*GF), GySEV and BSB/VSU............................................................................................................. 17

ÖBB FIP facilities ................................................................................................................................................ 17

Discounted ticket purchase at Vending Machines in Austria ............................................................................ 19

GySEV FIP facilities............................................................................................................................................. 19

BSB/VSU FIP facilities......................................................................................................................................... 20

Non-FIP companies ............................................................................................................................................ 20

Belgium – SNCB/NMBS (*GF) ................................................................................................................................ 21

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Bosnia- Herzegovina – ŽFBH, ŽRS .......................................................................................................................... 22

ŽRS FIP facilities ................................................................................................................................................. 22

ŽFBH FIP facilities............................................................................................................................................... 22

Bulgaria – BDZ........................................................................................................................................................ 24

Croatia – HŽ (*GF).................................................................................................................................................. 25

Czech Republic – ČD (*GF) ..................................................................................................................................... 27

Supplements on Commercial Services .............................................................................................................. 28

ČD Commercial Services from 1 January 2019 .................................................................................................. 28

Refunds on supplements ................................................................................................................................... 30

Other Operators ................................................................................................................................................ 30

Denmark – DSB ...................................................................................................................................................... 31

Finland – VR ........................................................................................................................................................... 32

France – SNCF (*GF) .............................................................................................................................................. 33

Travel in Paris .................................................................................................................................................... 34

Germany – DB AG (*GF) and BSB/VSU .................................................................................................................. 36

DB AG FIP facilities............................................................................................................................................. 36

Other operators ................................................................................................................................................. 39

Greece – TrainOSE, Attica...................................................................................................................................... 41

TrainOSE FIP facilities ........................................................................................................................................ 41

Attica FIP facilities ............................................................................................................................................. 41

Hungary – MÁV (*GF), GySEV ................................................................................................................................ 44

MÁV FIP facilities ............................................................................................................................................... 44

GySEV FIP facilities............................................................................................................................................. 46

Ireland – CIE ........................................................................................................................................................... 47

Italy – FS (*GF) ....................................................................................................................................................... 48

How to book seat reservations on FS trains if using FIP coupons ..................................................................... 49

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Kosovo ................................................................................................................................................................... 53

Lake Constance Ferries .......................................................................................................................................... 54

BSB/VSU FIP facilities......................................................................................................................................... 54

Liechtenstein ......................................................................................................................................................... 56

Luxembourg – CFL ................................................................................................................................................. 57

Macedonia – MŽ-T (CFARYM)................................................................................................................................ 58

Montenegro – ŽPCG .............................................................................................................................................. 59

Netherlands – NS (*GF) ......................................................................................................................................... 60

Northern Ireland – NIR .......................................................................................................................................... 62

Norway – NSB ........................................................................................................................................................ 63

Poland – PKP (*GF), KD, KS, KW ............................................................................................................................ 64

PKP FIP facilities ................................................................................................................................................. 64

KD FIP facilities .................................................................................................................................................. 65

KS FIP facilities ................................................................................................................................................... 68

Other Operators in Poland ................................................................................................................................ 70

Portugal – CP (*GF) ................................................................................................................................................ 71

Romania – CFR ....................................................................................................................................................... 72

Serbia – SV ............................................................................................................................................................. 73

Slovakia – ŽSR ........................................................................................................................................................ 75

Other Operators ................................................................................................................................................ 76

Slovenia – SŽ .......................................................................................................................................................... 77

Spain – RENFE (*GF) .............................................................................................................................................. 78

Switzerland – BLS, SBB (*GF), SP and BSB/VSU ..................................................................................................... 79

Discounted ticket purchase at Vending Machines in Switzerland .................................................................... 79

BLS AG FIP facilities............................................................................................................................................ 79

SBB FIP facilities ................................................................................................................................................. 81

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SP rail and bus FIP facilities ............................................................................................................................... 83

SP shipping FIP facilities..................................................................................................................................... 88

Global fares and International railway companies................................................................................................ 90

Global fares........................................................................................................................................................ 90

THI Factory - Thalys ........................................................................................................................................... 92

Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................. 94

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Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

FIP - Facilités de circulation Internationales du Personnel des chemins de fer: (English: International Travel
Facilities for Railway Staff) is an organisation comprising a group of European rail and shipping carriers who
agree a mutual exchange of staff travel facilities. This FIP group is part of the UIC and is managed under the FIP
Scheme Rules. (UIC = Union Internationale des Chemins de fer. English: International Union of Railways).

Rail Staff Travel is a voluntary member of the FIP organisation identified as ATOC/GBPR (Association of Train
Operating Companies / Great Britain Passenger Railway).

Under FIP Scheme Rules, employees of franchised and concessionary National Rail Train Operating Companies
are eligible to benefit from FIP facilities. The FIP facilities are additional to other domestic staff travel
concessions granted to GB rail employees and their dependants. They are provided subject to the goodwill of
Rail Staff Travel Limited and the reciprocal third parties concerned and may be amended or withdrawn at any
time. No person, safeguarded or non-safeguarded, has any contractual right or entitlement to FIP facilities.

The facilities you may be eligible for depends on your employer and employment status. If you are eligible for
Standard Class National Rail staff travel facilities, then these will be issued as Second Class FIP facilities.

FIP facilities are provided for leisure use only. It is forbidden to use FIP facilities for journeys undertaken for
lucrative purposes (i.e. residential, business or duty) or for journeys serving the interests of a third party.

The two principal FIP facilities are:

• FIP International Reduced Rate Card for unlimited purchase of discounted tickets
• FIP Coupons for limited free travel

Within the scheme, different levels of exchange are allowed between carriers, and the facilities available to
National Rail staff depends on the level of exchange agreed with each of the rail and shipping carriers.

In general, although there are exceptions, FIP facilities are only available on major carriers, and not local
carriers (usually suburban and urban railways) operated by other organisations or local government authorities.

FIP facilities are only available on services of carriers which are members of FIP. New franchises or concessions
for services may be awarded which are not communicated to Rail Staff Travel for inclusion in this guide before
the change is implemented.

Use of this guide

This is a guide on how to make the most of your FIP travel benefits on the services of each of the rail and
shipping carriers who participate in the FIP scheme. It is taken from the latest FIP rules (2019) but there may be
changes which have not been notified to RST. This guide provides no legal guarantees of the availability and
usage of FIP facilities that you hold.

The facilities on each carrier and for different categories of employee is not included in this guide but is
provided in the Where Can I Go guides published on the Rail Staff Travel website

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FIP International Reduced Rate Card

The International Reduced Rate Card (FIP Card) provides eligibility to obtain a discount off the full public fare
on the domestic services of all FIP members except your own. The discount may be reduced, or may not apply,
on cross-border journeys operated by a carrier, as this may be affected by cross-border bi-lateral agreements.

Just like in Britain, FIP carriers have a range of fares with different conditions which are usually cheaper than
the full public fare (i.e. off-peak, advance etc). Some may be cheaper than the full public fare with FIP discount.

FIP Cards are personal issue, must be signed and are not transferable. When buying a discounted ticket and
when presenting that ticket for inspection, the card holder must present the FIP card and their passport as
supporting photographic ID. The name on the passport must match that on the FIP card.

FIP Cards are issued by RST with a printed period of validity of two calendar years but one additional month is
added either side, i.e. from 1 December of the year preceding the dates printed, to 31 January of the year
following the dates printed. (E.g. a card for 2019-2020 is valid from 01/12/2018 to 31/01/2021.)

You can buy FIP discounted rail tickets from ticket agents in Britain before travelling abroad, or at railway
station ticket offices in the local country. Many carriers do not permit the purchase of FIP discounted rail
tickets on-board trains. The guide should highlight where this is not permitted.

A few countries permit the purchase of FIP discounted rail tickets at ticket vending machines. The guide
highlights where Rail Staff Travel have been informed that this is permitted.

The use of discounted tickets is subject to the local conditions of carriage in force on the carrier concerned.
There may be requirements to validate tickets before use or restrictions on freedoms such as break of journey.
Where this information is in the FIP rules, it has been included in this guide.

FIP fares for children

For domestic journeys the entries for each carrier show ages at which children holding FIP facilities may benefit
from a reduction on the FIP adult fare.

For international journeys the situation is complex. Children up to the age of 4 may travel free of charge unless
the journey requires a mandatory reservation. Children up to the age of 12 are eligible for a 50% reduction on
the adult fare. Where the journey is on an International train and entirely within specific country, a few
countries have higher limits up to the age of 16 which apply. International Rail can advise for specific journeys.

Changes to FIP membership during the validity of a card

During the validity of a card, changes to FIP membership may result in the loss of a carrier within the scheme,
which will then make the FIP card invalid for purchasing discounted tickets with the specific carrier concerned.
Normally Rail Staff Travel will have a reasonable notice period of the loss of a carrier and publicise this on its
website. However, RSTL is not liable for any changes to the scheme membership which result in inability to
purchase discounted tickets.

Similarly, if a carrier joins as an FIP member during the validity of a card, then the discounts should be available
from the date of joining the scheme, even if the new carrier is not listed on the FIP card. The RSTL guides and
website should contain information of new carriers when this happens.

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Booking tickets before you leave Britain.

You can buy FIP discounted tickets before you leave Britain. Bookings are handled for RST by International Rail
Ltd. To avoid mistakes, fill in the form at with your journey details.
International Rail can prepare the quote and contact you with pricing. You then call to pay on +44 (0)333 003
0423 (Calls from UK landlines cost £0.10p per minute. Call charges from mobiles and international numbers
may vary).

You can email International Rail on for simple single or return journey using your FIP
travel facilities. You’ll need your FIP card number when you call them to pay and a valid credit or debit card.

Staff travel availability is limited on some European trains. If your requested journey is not available at FIP
reduced rates due to lack of availability, you need to amend either the time or date, or pay the full public fare if
you can’t be flexible.

Most carriers offer a 50% discount off the full public fare. SNCF, SNCB, CIE and NIR offer a 75% discount off the
full public fare for active staff and their dependants. The 75% discount on SNCF can only be obtained at SNCF
station ticket offices in France.

Occasionally a public travel card or promotion is cheaper than an FIP discount. Just ask International Rail when
you’re making an enquiry or booking.

FIP Coupons
FIP coupons provide eligibility to obtain a limited amount of free travel. Your passport provides the supporting
ID document and needs to be presented alongside your FIP coupons when travelling. The name on your
coupons must match that in the passport.

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You can apply for coupons on the RST website using form xx09
• If you complete the on-line form, this must be done no later than 2 weeks prior to travel.
• If you submit the form by post and e-mail this must be done no later than 3 weeks before travel.

FIP coupons cannot be issued earlier than 2 weeks prior to travel and are then valid for 3 months. Validity
dates are printed on each coupon.

The coupon tickets show your title and full name. Each coupon contains four numbered boxes which when
dated by you are valid for up to 48 hours, 1 from 00:01 that day and up to midnight of the following day 2 for
free travel 3 on the services of the carrier concerned in the class of travel shown on the coupon (1. Cl is First
Class, 2. Cl. is Second Class).

The boxes must be dated in numerical order and completed before boarding the train.

Enter the date of travel in the format dd/mm/yy. The date must be completed with leading zeros for any
number which is less than 10 – i.e. 01/05/19 for 1 May 2019.

The Global Fares and Specific Countries section of this guide should help you to identify whether supplements
are payable or reservations required on services on which you intend to travel. International Rail can also help
with advice and make reservations.4

Depending on your journey and the countries that you will be travelling to, from and through, you may find
that you can only use your FIP card to obtain privilege rate tickets rather than using free coupons. If you e-mail
your proposed itinerary to International Rail at, they can advise you of any restrictions
or quirks about the services you wish to use.

The maximum age at which children are carried free of charge varies in Europe from country to country. The
lowest is 4 years, so we will always issue FIP documents for a child aged 4 or over.

If on-train staff are unaware of the 48-hour availability of a date box, the multilingual guide on the reverse of the cover
letter enclosed with your coupon tickets may be of help.
Unless that day is after the end of validity date.
Subject to any supplements or mandatory reservation requirements imposed by the carrier.
Not all carriers allow independent retailers to make reservations where tickets are not being bought at the same time.

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Even if you plan a journey with FIP coupons, it’s a good idea to have your FIP card with you. It enables you to
purchase FIP discounted tickets for shorter journeys and save your coupons for longer ones. And you have an
alternative to paying the full public fare if you lose your coupon tickets.

International Free Coupons are issued as a batch for the journey requested. If a coupon has been part-used on a
railway adjoining or bordering the UK, it may not be used again for any further journeys on this railway after the
return journey has been made to the UK. Adjoining railways are those which are linked to ATOC/GBPR by
another FIP member, including ferries and Eurostar. The adjoining railways are SNCF, SNCB, NS, NIR, CIE
(France, Belgium, Holland, N. Ireland, Republic of Ireland) but not Denmark or Norway.

Transit Points of FIP carrier

Each FIP carrier is required to define the boundary of its services with other service providers using Transit
Points. The Transit Points for each FIP carrier are listed in the relevant section of this document. 5

A Transit Point is a fare location which may or may not be a passenger station of the same name.

This example is taken from the entry for ÖBB showing Transit Points with DB AG.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which ÖBB coupons are valid

DB AG Kufstein
Lindau Hbf
Mittenwald (Gr)
Passau Hbf
Salzburg Hbf
Simbach an Inn

Virtual Border Transit Points

Where a Transit point location has a suffix such as (Gr), (fr), (mp) or (ms), then this is a Virtual Border Transit
Point and is a location which is not a passenger station.

An example of a location with a suffix is

the transit point of Mittenwald (Gr). This
is a location on the geographical border
0.7km north of Schamitz railway station in
Austria and 5km south of Mittenwald
railway station in the village in Germany.

If you are travelling north from Austria to

Germany on this route and are using
coupons on ÖBB but need to buy FIP
discounted tickets for DB AG, your ÖBB

Please note that a few FIP members have not provided Transit Point information.

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coupon is valid to cover the 0.7km from Schamitz station to Mittenwald (Gr). The Origin of your DB AG ticket
must be Mittenwald (Gr) and not the first DB AG station in Germany which is Mittenwald.

Please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points for the suffix meanings.

Passenger Station Transit Points

Where the Transit Point location has no suffix

then coupons are valid for travel to/from that
station, even if the station is in a neighbouring

As an example of a location with no suffix,

there is a Transit Point for ÖBB with DB AG at
Lindau Hbf. This indicates that ÖBB coupons
may be used on the Vorarlberg Railway north
east as far as Lindau Hbf in Germany.

The illustration opposite shows (bottom to

top) the railway from Bregenz in Austria to
Lindau Hbf in Germany crossing the border at
the 5.941 km point.

Loss or theft of FIP Travel documents

Neither RST nor any other FIP carrier is liable for any refund of fares paid after loss or theft of FIP cards or


Any theft of FIP Travel cards or coupons must be reported immediately to

• the police in the country in which the theft took place and a certificate obtained from the police to
confirm the report was submitted. A copy of this certificate must then be sent to RST
• RST in the form of a notification giving the circumstances of the theft


Any loss of FIP Travel cards or coupons must be reported immediately to RST in the form of a notification giving
the circumstances of the loss and steps undertaken to recover the cards or coupons.

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FIP Travel Irregularities

FIP travel facilities are provided for leisure use only. It is your responsibility to ensure you only use them for the
purposes that they are intended. Where a Travel Irregularity is detected, then the facilities holder will be
subject to Travel Irregularity proceedings by both the local carrier and Rail Staff Travel.

Examples of Travel Irregularities include:

• non-leisure travel, i.e. travelling for residential, business or duty purposes, or for journeys serving the
interests of a third party
• travelling with FIP Coupons or discounted tickets bought with an FIP International Reduced Rate Card
and unable to support their use with a passport
• attempting to buy a discounted ticket with the FIP International Reduced Rate Card and unable to
support its use with a passport
• modifying a date box on an FIP coupon
• travelling after the expiry date of an FIP coupon
• travelling on restricted services
• travelling in a class of accommodation not covered by the FIP facilities
• travelling on mandatory reservation or supplement services without having reservations or
• transfer of FIP facilities to non-eligible persons
• using FIP facilities when not eligible
• travelling in breach of the Conditions of Travel in force on the carrier

This list of examples is not comprehensive.

Travel Irregularities reported to RST by any FIP member will be dealt with following the same procedure in
force for the Staff Travel Card and TOC Privilege Card schemes.

When an FIP Travel Irregularity warrants temporary or permanent withdrawal of travel facilities, RST will apply
this to domestic travel facilities as well as international travel facilities allocated to the employee and/or

Neither RST nor any FIP carrier is liable for any refund of fares paid after seizure of FIP cards or coupons during
a Travel Irregularity investigation.

General Tips
These tips for travel within Europe apply to both free and discounted travel. International Rail can help with
specific queries. Some general points that apply across Europe:

• Travel agents generally cannot issue tickets or sell reservations on presentation of an FIP Card.

• Often, supplements are payable, and reservations required, on long-distance journeys. These are
usually booked in advance. Carriers may not permit payment of supplements on-board trains.

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• FIP discounted tickets issued for travel on one carrier are subject to the local Conditions of Carriage
imposed by that carrier.

• Business Class is usually not available to holders of any FIP facilities.

• Unlike in Great Britain, it is usually possible to hold 2nd class FIP facilities and upgrade to 1st class on
payment of the difference between the public 2nd class and 1st class fares. Any charge due for
transferring to a higher class of travel must generally be paid before departure.

• Some carriers do not permit break of journey on FIP discounted tickets. Other carriers permit break of
journey on FIP discounted tickets but require you to get your tickets stamped at the station at which
you break your journey. There may be a time limit within which you must get your tickets stamped.

• FIP facilities are often not available on Airport express services, buses, suburban services, rapid transit
services, underground services, mountain railways, funicular railways, cable cars, boats and ferries,
unless stated.

• Many carriers require tickets to be validated using at station stamping equipment (known in France as
compositeurs and Italy as obliteratrici) before travel.

Problems using FIP facilities

If you encounter difficulty with FIP facilities, buying or using discounted tickets, or experience problems using
free FIP coupons, Rail Staff Travel can only raise this with the carrier concerned if we can pass on full details.

As a minimum please provide:

• the main passenger name and number of FIP passengers travelling (adults and children)
• the location of the incident (station or train service)
• the name of the employee of the FIP company (if possible)
• the date and time of the incident
• which aspect of the FIP facilities was not accepted

Issues should be submitted in writing (by e-mail) to Rail Staff Travel using the contact details on the Rail Staff
Travel website.

Rail Staff Travel can make no guarantees about getting satisfactory responses from FIP member carriers. The
arrangements with FIP are based on a mutual exchange of facilities managed through goodwill, rather than a
formal contractual agreement.

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International journeys to and from Great Britain

For FIP purposes there are three entities relevant for International journeys to and from Great Britain and also
between Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
• EIL – Eurostar Limited
• SLL – Stena Line Limited
• StL – Stena Line BV Hoek van Holland - Harwich

The following table defines the boundaries for ATOC/GBPR with neighbouring FIP carriers.

Neighbouring carrier Transit Points

EIL St Pancras International
Ebbsfleet International
Ashford International
SLL Cairnryan
Fishguard Harbour
StL Harwich P.Q.

Eurostar International – EIL (*GF)

Eurostar International operate passenger services from London St Pancras, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford
International through the Channel Tunnel to destinations France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 11 years old are eligible for a child fare. Persons aged 11
up to 26 pay a youth fare. Persons aged 26 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by EIL defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the EIL railway network.

Routes Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Carriers Neighbouring

Transport Carriers
London – Lille London ATOC
Ebbsfleet ATOC
Ashford ATOC
London – Bruxelles London ATOC
Ebbsfleet ATOC
Ashford ATOC
Bruxelles SNCB, THI
London – Amsterdam London ATOC
Bruxelles SNCB, THI
Rotterdam NS, THI
Amsterdam NS, THI

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Routes Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Carriers Neighbouring

Transport Carriers
London - Paris London ATOC
Ebbsfleet ATOC
Ashford ATOC
Calais SNCF
London – Disneyland Paris (Marne La Vallée) London ATOC
Ebbsfleet ATOC
Ashford ATOC
Disneyland Paris SNCF
London – Avignon - Marseille London ATOC
Ashford ATOC
Avignon SNCF
Marseille SNCF
London – Bourg-St. Maurice London ATOC
Ashford ATOC
Moûtiers SNCF
Aime La Plagne SNCF
Bourg-St. Maurice SNCF

Eurostar FIP fares are priced globally to include unavoidable supplements such as the tunnel charge.6 There is
no FIP reduction in Eurostar Business class. To travel in Business class, the full public fare must be paid.

There are no FIP coupons available for free travel on Eurostar services. Standard Premier class on Eurostar is
available only to holders of 1st class FIP travel facilities.

Stena Line Limited - SLL

Stena Line operate passenger and vehicle ferry services across the Irish Sea.

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 16 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 16 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by SLL defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the SLL network.

Routes Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Carriers Neighbouring

Transport Carriers
Holyhead–Dublin Bay Holyhead ATOC
Dublin Bay CIE

On presentation of the Staff Travel Card at a Eurostar ticket office, GB Safeguarded Staff may purchase discounted fares
(subject to quota and availability) which are cheaper than FIP discounted fares. There is no facility for Non-Safeguarded
Staff to purchase Safeguarded fares using the TOC Privilege Card. Non-Safeguarded Staff should use an FIP Card.

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Routes Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Carriers Neighbouring

Transport Carriers
Fishguard–Rosslare Fishguard ATOC
Rosslare CIE
Cairnryan–Belfast Cairnryan ATOC
Belfast NIR
Liverpool–Belfast Liverpool ATOC
Belfast NIR

FIP coupons are not available for SLL services. FIP discounted tickets must be bought in advance of travel. FIP
discounted tickets cannot be bought on-board ships.

Port fees must be paid.

There is no 1st class accommodation.

No FIP discount is given for the carriage of cars, bicycles and caravans.7

Stena Line BV Hoek van Holland - Harwich - StL

Stena Line BV Hoek van Holland – Harwich operate passenger and vehicle ferry services between Harwick and
the Hook of Holland in the Netherlands.

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 14 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 14 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by SLL defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the SLL network.

Routes Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Carriers Neighbouring

Transport Carriers
Hoek van Holland–Harwich P.Q. Harwich P.Q. ATOC
Hoek van Holland NS 8

FIP coupons are not available for StL services. FIP discounted tickets must be bought in advance of travel. FIP
discounted tickets cannot be bought on-board ships. For overnight journeys, the reservation of a cabin is

Port fees must be paid.

There is no 1st class accommodation.

TOC Privilege Cards and Staff Travel Cards issued by RSTL can be used to obtain a non-FIP discount for vehicles.
By bus 25 km to Schiedam Centrum (and metro service by 2019). This bus/metro link does not accept FIP facilities.

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Austria – ÖBB (*GF), GySEV and BSB/VSU

For FIP purposes there are three entities relevant for Austria:
• ÖBB – Österreichische Bundesbahnen (Austrian Federal Railways)
• GySEV – Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút (Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Railway) known as Raaberbahn,
operating services in South East Austria and Western Hungary
• BSB/VSU - Bodensee-Schiffsbetriebe/Vereinigten Schifffahrtsunternehmen für den Bodensee und
Rhein (Lake Constance shipping services)

ÖBB FIP facilities

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 15 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 15 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by ÖBB defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the ÖBB railway network.
For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which ÖBB coupons are valid

CD Břeclav (Gr)
Gmünd (Gr)
Summerau (Gr)
Retz (Gr)
DB AG 9 Kufstein
Lindau Hbf
Mittenwald (Gr)
Passau Hbf
Salzburg Hbf
Simbach an Inn
FS Brennero/Brenner
San Candido/Innichen
Tarvisio Boscoverde
GySEV Ebenfurth (Hungarian: Ebenfurt)
Neusiedl an See (Hungarian: Nezsider)
Sopron (German: Ödenburg)
Szentgotthárd (Gr) (German: St. Gotthard)
Wulkaprodersorf (Hungarian: Vulkapordány, Vulka-Pordány)
MÁV Hegyeshalom (Gr)
SBB, (including BLS and SP) Buchs SG 10
St. Margrethen

For traffic going from one part of Austria to another and crossing through Germany (Salzburg Hbf - Kufstein via
Rosenheim) ÖBB coupons are valid as long as ÖBB corridor trains or corridor coaches are used.
ÖBB coupons are valid on services in Lichtenstein. See the entry for Lichtenstein for more details.

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Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which ÖBB coupons are valid

SŽ Bleiburg (Gr)
Jesenice (Gr)
Spielfeld (Gr)
ŽSR Kittsee (Gr)
Marchegg (Gr)
BSB (including VLB, SBS, URh) Bregenz

FIP ÖBB coupons are valid on most of the country’s rail network, including S-Bahn services.

For travel on long-distance trains designated ‘IC’, ‘ICE’, ‘EC’ and ‘RJ’ a supplement of €15 (1st class) or €10 (2nd
class) must be made. Tickets to cover this are valid for the same period as a box (i.e. maximum 48 hours) and
are available both at ÖBB ticket offices and from conductors on the trains concerned. The supplement does not
include reservations. These must be made and paid for separately.

On Railjet (RJ) services on ÖBB sections of route:

• holders of 2nd class FIP facilities may use Economy Class subject to payment of the supplement above.
• holders of 1st class FIP facilities may use First Class subject to payment of the supplement above. This
does not apply to holders of coupons endorsed with No Supplement Necessary.
• Premium/Business class in railjet services may not be used by holders of any FIP travel facilities.

Business compartments are provided on some services other than Railjet; these may be used by holders of 1st
class FIP discounted tickets by payment of the business surcharge, but NOT by holders of FIP coupons (even by
paying the business class surcharge).

Special ‘global’ fares apply for journeys in the International Allegro 11 trains between Austria and Italy via
Tarvisio. If using coupons, then the following rules apply:
• For international journeys where FIP coupons are held for both Austria and Italy, a supplement must be
paid in both 1st and 2nd class before the start of the journey for each person aged 6 and over. The
supplement includes the seat reservation but is also payable when couchettes or sleeper berths are
being used.
• For international journeys where an FIP coupon for either Austria or Italy is being used, but a coupon is
not held for both countries, then where the train is subject to compulsory reservation a supplement
must be paid in both 1st and 2nd class before the start of the journey for each person aged 6 or over. No
supplement is payable if the train is not subject to compulsory reservation. For the portion of the
journey where no coupon is held, an FIP discounted fare is available.

If using FIP free coupons on DB-ÖBB Eurocity services operated jointly by DB, ÖBB and FS via the trans-Alpine
Brenner Railway (München – Innsbruck – Bolzano – Verona):
• a DB, ÖBB or FS coupon is required for travel in the country concerned
• for journeys which cross the Italian border, or entirely within Italy the supplement is payable even if
the coupon is endorsed No Supplement Necessary
• for journeys between Austria and Germany, or entirely within Austria or Germany, no supplement is

The trains may no longer carry the Allegro name/branding, but the rules still apply.

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• holders of a 1st class coupon not endorsed by a stamp stating No Supplement Necessary and travelling
1st class within Austria must purchase a seat reservation ticket or travel authority ticket

FIP coupons are NOT valid on bus services operated by ÖBB unless these are clearly shown as rail replacement

On the ÖBB coach service between Klagenfurt/Villach and Udine/Venezia special FIP fares apply. FIP coupons
may also be used but a surcharge is imposed. In both cases a seat reservation is mandatory and included with
the FIP fare or coupon surcharge.

Break of journey is not permitted on journeys of up to and including 100km for passengers holding FIP
discounted tickets. For journeys of 101km or longer, break of journey is valid without formality.

Wien (Vienna) Airport

FIP facilities are not valid on the CAT (City Airport Train) service between Wien Airport and Wien Mitte. FIP
facilities are valid on ÖBB Railjet trains but the Railjet supplement must be paid if using FIP coupons. ÖBB also
operate local trains as S-Bahn line S7 which can be used without payment of a supplement if using FIP coupons.


FIP facility holders are entitled to use motorail services. The public cost of transporting the vehicle must be paid
for. There is no FIP discount available on special fares on motorail services.

Tunnel shuttles

FIP free coupon holders may use the tunnel car shuttle (Autoschleuse or Tauernschleuse) through the Tauern
tunnel (Böckstein-Mallnitz-Obervellach) if the tunnel shuttle permits the vehicle and the vehicle is registered in
the name of one of the passengers holding FIP free coupon facilities. The FIP free coupon holders are
transported free of charge. The vehicle and passengers without FIP free coupons are charged at the full public
rate. No reduction is offered for the FIP International Reduced Rate Card.

Discounted ticket purchase at Vending Machines in Austria

When buying FIP discounted tickets for ÖBB services, a service charge is levied on on-train payments. If buying
from a ticket machine, selecting the button marked Fahrkarte Inland mit Zielwahl (inland destination), followed
by the ‘Ermäßigung (reduction) and ändern (change) buttons should be used with the code SB50/at/FIP.

GySEV FIP facilities

(The entry for Hungary has more detail on GySEV services. The conditions listed here are specific to Austria.)

In Austria, children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 15 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on
the adult fare. Persons aged 15 and older pay the adult fare. (Note that the child ages are different for GySEV
services operated in Hungary. See the GySEV entry in Hungary.)

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Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

BSB/VSU FIP facilities

See separate entry for Lake Constance Ferries.

Non-FIP companies

FIP travel facilities are NOT valid on these services in Austria:

• Achenseebahn • Salzburger Lokalbahn
• Graz–Köflacher Bahn • Steiermärkische Landesbahnen
• Montafonerbahn • WESTbahn
• NÖVOG (with one exception – see below) • Wiener Lokalbahn (Badner Bahn)
• Pinzgauer Lokalbahn • Zillertalbahn

On NÖVOG services on the Schneeberg Railway between Puchberg am Schneeberg and Hochschneeberg, a
reduction is offered on presentation of the FIP International Reduced Rate Card.

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Belgium – SNCB/NMBS (*GF)

For FIP purposes there are three entities relevant for Belgium:
• SNCB - Société nationale des chemins de fer belges (National Railway Company of Belgium)
• EIL – Eurostar International (see separate entry)
• THI – THI Factory operating Thalys services (see separate entry under Global Fares)

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by SNCB defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the SNCB railway
network. For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which SNCB coupons are valid

CFL Athus
Gouvy (fr)
Sterpenich (fr)
DB AG Aachen Süd (Gr)
EIL Bruxelles (fr)
NS 12 Roosendaal (fr)
Visé (fr)
SNCF Blandain (fr)
Givet (fr)
Jeumont (fr)
Quévy (fr)
Tourcoing (fr)
THI Antwerpen

FIP coupons and FIP discounted tickets are valid without restrictions on SNCB services.

A supplement is payable by holders of FIP coupons when travelling on SNCB services from Brussels Airport. This
supplement is included in FIP discounted tickets.

FIP discounted tickets may only be purchased on-board services where the customer joins a train at a station
with no ticket office and approaches the train conductor of their own accord.

‘Global’ fares (coupons not valid) apply for travel on Thalys international services in France, Germany and the
Netherlands. See the separate section on THI Factory – Thalys.

The Transit Point for the new high-speed line HSL 4 and HSL-Zuid has not yet been included in the FIP rules.

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Bosnia- Herzegovina – ŽFBH, ŽRS

For FIP purposes there are two entities relevant for Bosnia-Herzegovina:
• ŽRS - Željeznice Republike Srpske (Republika Srpska Railways)
• ŽFBH - Željeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (Railways of the Federation of Bosnia and

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Travel advice in 2018 highlights unexploded landmines remaining a real
danger. Whilst roads and operational railway lines have been cleared, abandoned railway lines may not have
been cleared and should not be explored.

ŽRS FIP facilities

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by ŽRS defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the ŽRS railway network.
For the meanings of (Gr) or (mp) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Carriers Neighbouring

Transport Carriers
Brčko (Gr) (Croatia) – Brčko (mp) Brčko (Gr) (Croatia) HŽ
Brčko (mp) ŽFBH
Slavonski Šamac (Gr) (Croatia) – Doboj – Maglaj (mp) Slavonski Šamac (Gr) (Croatia) HŽ
Maglaj (mp) ŽFBH
Doboj – Petrovo (mp) Petrovo Novo (mp) ŽFBH
Volinja (Gr) (Croatia) – Novi Grad-Doboj Volinja (Gr) (Croatia) HŽ
Novi Grad – Blatna (mp) Blatna (mp) ŽFBH

Free travel using FIP coupons is available on ŽRS rail services.

FIP facilities are not available on ŽRS motorail or bus services.

ŽFBH FIP facilities

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by ŽFBH defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the ŽFBH railway
network. For the meanings of (Gr) or (mp) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Carriers Neighbouring

Transport Carriers
Metković (Gr) (Croatia) – Sarajevo - Maglaj (mp) Metković (Gr) (Croatia) HŽ

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Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Carriers Neighbouring

Transport Carriers
Maglaj (mp) ŽRS
Brčko (Gr) (Croatia) – Bosanska Poljana – (Tuzla) – Brčko (Gr) (Croatia) HŽ
Bosansko Petrovo Selo / Petrovo Novo (mp)
Bosansko Petrovo Selo/Petrovo Novo (mp) ŽRS
Brčko (Gr) (Croatia) – Tuzla – Banovići Brčko (Gr) (Croatia) HŽ
Martin Brod (Gr) (Croatia) – Bihać – Blatna (mp) Martin Brod (Gr) (Croatia) HŽ
Blatna (mp) ŽRS

Free travel is not available on ŽFBH services.

FIP discounted tickets (for travel within Bosnia-Herzegovina only) are available, including on ŽFBH rail
replacement bus services.

FIP discounted tickets may only be purchased on-board ŽFBH trains if arriving into Bosnia-Herzegovina and
continuing a journey in the same train which crossed the frontier, or when starting a journey at a station where
the ticket office is unstaffed.

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Bulgaria – BDZ
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant to Bulgaria:
• BDZ - Български държавни железници or Balgarski darzhavni zheleznitsi (Bulgarian State Railways)

Children up to 5 years old travel free. Children up to 10 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 10 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by BDZ defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the BDZ railway network.
For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which BDZ coupons are valid

CFR Ruse (fr) (also as Rousse or Russe) (Bulgarian: Русе)
TrainOSE Kulata (fr) (Bulgarian: Кулата)
Svilengrad (fr) (Bulgarian: Свиленград)
SV Dimitrovgrad (fr) 13 (Bulgarian: Цариброд, Tsaribrod)
TCDD 14 Kapikule (fr)

On mandatory reservation services, reservations must be obtained prior to departure.

FIP discounted ticket purchase on-board trains is only permitted when the journey starts at an unmanned
station. If you travel beyond the ticket destination and purchase a ticket to cover the additional distance, a
supplement is payable.

Break of journey is permitted twice during the period of validity of a ticket. At the station at which each break
is made, the ticket must be endorsed by station staff within one hour of arrival.

Not to be confused with Dimitrovgrad in Haskovo Province, Bulgaria
There are no FIP facilities available on TCDD.

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Croatia – HŽ (*GF)
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant to Croatia:
• HŽ - Hrvatske željeznice (Croatian Railways)

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by HŽ defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the HŽ railway network. For
the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which HŽ coupons are valid

MÁV Koprivnica (Gr)
Kotoriba (Gr) (Hungarian: Kotor)
Magyarbóly (Gr)
SV Erdut (Gr) (Serbian: Ердут)
Šid (Gr) (Serbian: Шид)
SŽ Buzet (Gr)
Čakovec (Gr)
Dobova (Gr)
Kumrovec (Gr)
Metlika (Gr)
Mursko Središće (Gr)
Rogatec (Gr)
Šapjane (Gr)
ŽFBH Brčko (Gr)
Martin Brod (Gr)
Metkovic (Gr)
ŽRS Brčko (Gr)
Slavonski Šamac (Gr)
Volinja (Gr)

Supplements are payable for travel on EC and “high comfort” services. Reservations are mandatory on IC and
ICN trains for which a reservation fee is payable.

FIP discounted tickets may only be purchased on-board trains if arriving into Croatia and continuing a journey
in the same train which crossed the frontier, or when starting a journey at a station where the ticket office is

Break of journey is permitted within the period of validity of the ticket, and with the following conditions:
• At staffed stations it must be confirmed by station staff on leaving the station where the break of
journey starts
• At stations which are temporarily not staffed when break of journey occurs, confirmation can be
provided at the next major station, or at the same station on the next working day, as appropriate
• At stations which are permanently unstaffed, confirmation of break of journey is to be made by on-
train staff.

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Luggage may not weight more than 30kg. If the luggage cannot be stowed over or under a seat, a fee will be

FIP facilities are not valid on HŽ bus services unless they are providing rail replacement services.

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Czech Republic – ČD (*GF)

For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant to the Czech Republic:
• ČD - České dráhy (Czech Railways)

From 2018 onwards, the Czech government has been changing the commercial arrangements for the provision
of passenger train services. The information provided by ČD to FIP does not enable us to confirm which services
are provided by ČD as a result of ČD winning a public tendering process.

Anyone using FIP facilities in the Czech Republic should check before boarding any service that FIP coupons or
FIP discounted tickets are valid.

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 15 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 15 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by ČD defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the ČD railway network. For
the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which ČD coupons are valid

DB AG Bayerisch Eisenstein (Czech: Bavorská Železná ruda)
Cheb (Gr) (German: Eger)
Furth Im Wald (Gr)
Hrádek nad Nisou (Gr) (German: Grottau)
Potůčky (Gr) (German: Breitenbach)
Schöna (Gr)
Vejprty (Gr) (German: Weipert)
Vojtanov (Gr) (German: Voitersreuth)
ÖBB Břeclav (Gr)
Gmünd (Gr)
Summerau (Gr)
Retz (Gr)
PKP Bohumin (Gr)
Cesky Tesin (Gr)
Głuchołlazy (Gr) (Czech: Hlucholazy)
Lichkov (Gr) (or Plhy City)
Zebrzydowice (Gr), Silesian Voivodeship
ŽSR Čadca (Gr)
Hodonín (Gr)
Horní Lideč (Gr)
Kúty (Gr)
Myjava (Gr)
Nemšová (Gr)
Skalica na Slovensku (Gr)

FIP discounted tickets can only be purchased on board trains when travelling from stations where the ticket
office is closed.

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Seat reservations are needed by holders of FIP discounted tickets for travel on SC services.

FIP facilities are not available:

• in Business Class on RailJet services (not to be confused with RegioJet, an independent operator)
• on cable car services operated by ČD
• on special and historic trains
• on ČD trains where the service is provided as a result of ČD winning a public tendering process 15

FIP discounted facilities are available on the following bus services. You must buy a ticket (reservations
compulsory) at least 15 minutes before boarding the bus from ČD ticket offices, ticket machines, or from the
ČD eShop. FIP free facilities are not available. The services are:
• the express bus service between Václav Havel Airport Prague and Praha hlavní nádraží (abbreviated
Praha hl. n.) (Prague main station)
• the bus service between Hranice na Moravĕ and Frýdek-Místek via Nový Jičin and Příbor

FIP travel documents are valid for through journeys that leave and re-enter the Czech Republic on routes 083
and 098 (Děčín - Rumburk via Dolni Žleb and Dolní Poustevna and return).

Break of journey is not permitted on domestic services where the ticket is for a distance of up to 100km. Break
of journey is permitted on domestic services where the ticket is for a distance of 101km or greater.

Travellers with FIP documents may not break their journeys when their train is passing through German
territory, nor is leaving or joining these trains in Germany permitted.

Supplements on Commercial Services

A supplement is payable on trains classified as “commercial” i.e. outside the Public Service Obligation
requirement, and:
• is payable when travelling with an FIP leisure coupon (but not an FIP duty coupon or using tickets
purchase with an FIP International Reduced Rate Card)
• costs 125 CKZ. It may be paid in Euros if required at the prevailing exchange rate (around €5 as of
December 2018). A receipt will show the number of the travel document (coupon) to which it relates.
• is valid from 00.01hrs on the 1st day to midnight the following day i.e. 48 hours. It can be purchased up
to 60 days in advance from UNIPOK 2G ticket counters, ČD ticket offices, the ČD eShop or on-train
where the conductor has the appropriate equipment.
• is issued to each traveller. It will show the number of the FIP coupon to which it relates and is non-

ČD Commercial Services from 1 January 2019

In the Notes column, the following symbols (from ČD printed timetables) appear:
• ⚒ = Working days (usually from Monday to Friday)
• † = Sundays and State Holidays
• ① = Mon, ② = Tues, ③ = Wed, ④ = Thur, ⑤ = Fri, ⑥ = Sat, ⑦ = Sun

ČD have not not provided any details on which services this exception applies to. FIP facilities holders should check
before boarding whether FIP facilities are accepted on any service they intend to use.

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Train Name Departs from Dep Arrives in Arr Notes

Ex 112 Varsovia Ostrava hl.n. 18:15 Praha hl.n. 21:39
Ex 113 Varsovia Praha hl.n. 6:24 Ostrava hl.n. 9:48
EC 114 Cracovia Ostrava hl.n. 14:15 Praha hl.n. 17:39
EC 115 Cracovia Praha hl.n. 10:24 Ostrava hl.n. 13:48
EC 116 Varsovia Ostrava hl.n. 10:15 Praha hl.n. 13:39
EC 117 Varsovia Praha hl.n. 14:24 Ostrava hl.n. 17:50
EC 140 Ostravan Ostrava hl.n. 16:15 Praha hl.n. 19:39
EC 141 Ostravan Praha hl.n. 8:24 Ostrava hl.n. 11:48
Ex 142 Ostravan Ostrava hl.n. 12:15 Praha hl.n. 15:39
Ex 143 Ostravan Praha hl.n. 12:24 Ostrava hl.n. 15:48
EC 144 Ostravan Ostrava hl.n. 8:15 Praha hl.n. 11:39
EC 145 Ostravan Praha hl.n. 16:24 Ostrava hl.n. 19:50
SC 240 Pendolino Mosty u 18:24 Praha hl.n. 22:19 Does not run 24, 25, 31 Dec
SC 241 Pendolino Praha hl.n. 7:09 Mosty u 11:04 Does not run 24, 25, 31 Dec
SC 242 Pendolino Mosty u 10:23 Praha hl.n. 14:19 Runs ⑥ and 19 Apr, 1, 8 May, 5 Jul
Košičan Does not run 20 Apr, 6 Jul
SC 243 Pendolino Praha hl.n. 15:41 Mosty u 19:39 Bohumín os.n. – Košice:
Košičan Runs ⑤ and 18, 30 Apr, 7 May, 4 Jul
Does not run 19 Apr, 5 Jul
R 402 Wydmy Bohumín 7:51 Bohumín 7:55 Runs 20/21 Jun–1/2 Sep
R 403 Wydmy Bohumín 20:12 Bohumín 20:16 Runs 19/20 Jun–31 Aug/1 Sep
EN 406 Chopin Bohumín 3:18 Petrovice u 3:34
EN 407 Chopin Petrovice u 1:13 Bohumín 1:29
EN 442 Slovakia Mosty u 2:03 Praha hl.n. 7:31
EN 443 Slovakia Praha hl.n. 22:15 Mosty u 4:00
EN 444 Bohemia Mosty u 0:39 Praha hl.n. 6:16 Runs 19/20–22/23, 26/27–29/30 Dec, 1/2–7/8 Jan,
15/16–28/29 Apr, 30/31 May–15/16 Sep, 24/25 Oct–
4/5 Nov
EN 445 Bohemia Praha hl.n. 23:47 Mosty u 5:06 Runs 20/21–23/24, 27/28–30/31 Dec, 2/3–8/9 Jan,
16/17–29/30 Apr, 31 May/1 Jun–16/17 Sep, 25/26
Oct–5/6 Nov
nj 456 nightjet Břeclav 23:02 Bohumín 2:19
nj 457 nightjet Bohumín 1:36 Břeclav 5:53
SC 500 Pendolino Ostrava hl.n. 17:15 Praha hl.n. 20:19
IC 501 Opavan Praha hl.n. 22:41 Opava východ 1:59 Runs ⑦ and ① and 24/25– 26/27 Dec, 1/2 Jan,
19/20–22/23 Apr, 1/2, 8/9 May, 5/6 Jul, 28/29 Oct
IC 502 Opavan Opava východ 16:00 Praha hl.n. 19:19 Runs †
Does not run 23–25, 30 Dec, 19– 21 Apr, 1, 8 May, 5,
6 Jul, 28 Sep, 27 Oct
SC 504 Pendolino Ostrava hl.n. 15:15 Praha hl.n. 18:19
SC 505 Pendolino Praha hl.n. 9:41 Ostrava hl.n. 12:44
SC 506 Pendolino Ostrava hl.n. 13:15 Praha hl.n. 16:19
SC 507 Pendolino Praha hl.n. 11:41 Ostrava hl.n. 14:44
IC 508 Opavan Opava východ 9:00 Praha hl.n. 12:19 Runs ⑥ and 19 Apr, 1, 8 May, 5 Jul
Does not run 20 Apr, 6 Jul
SC 509 Pendolino Praha hl.n. 13:41 Ostrava hl.n. 16:44
SC 510 Pendolino Bohumín 9:07 Praha hl.n. 12:19 Runs ⚒, † and 20 Apr
Does not run 19 Apr, 1, 8 May, 5 Jul, 28 Sep
IC 511 Opavan Praha hl.n. 14:41 Opava východ 17:59 Runs ⚒
SC 512 Pendolino Bohumín 7:07 Praha hl.n. 10:19

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Train Name Departs from Dep Arrives in Arr Notes

IC 513 Opavan Praha hl.n. 16:41 Opava východ 19:59 Does not run 24, 31 Dec
IC 514 Opavan Opava východ 6:00 Praha hl.n. 9:19 Does not run 25 Dec, 1 Jan
SC 515 Pendolino Praha hl.n. 17:41 Bohumín 20:52
SC 516 Pendolino Bohumín 5:07 Praha hl.n. 8:19
SC 517 Pendolino Praha hl.n. 19:41 Bohumín 22:52
IC 518 Opavan Opava východ 4:00 Praha hl.n. 7:19 Runs ⚒ and 23–25, 30 Dec, 20, 21 Apr, 6 Jul, 27
Ex 544 Ostravan Ostrava hl.n. 6:04 Praha hl.n. 9:39
Ex 545 Ostravan Praha hl.n. 18:24 Ostrava hl.n. 21:54
Ex 547 Ostravan Praha hl.n. 23:47 Bohumín 3:09 Runs 9/10 – 19/20, 26/27 Dec, 1/2 Jan, 9/10 Jan –
15/16 Apr, 30 Apr/1 May – 30/31 May, 17 /18 Sep –
24/25 Oct, 6/7 Nov – 14/15 Dec.
R 640 Hukvaldy Bohumín 20:00 Praha hl.n. 23:44 Bohumín – Olomouc hl.n.:
Runs ⚒ and †
Does not run 23–25, 31 Dec, 19–21 Apr, 5, 6 Jul, 28
Sep, 27 Oct
Olomouc hl.n. – Praha hl.n.:
Runs on †
Does not run 23–25, 30 Dec, 19–21 Apr, 5, 6 Jul, 28
Sep, 27 Oct.
R 641 Hukvaldy Praha hl.n. 4:24 Bohumín 8:06 Praha hl.n. – Olomouc hl.n.:
Runs ① and 27 Dec, 2 Jan, 23 Apr, 2, 9 May, 29
Does not run 24, 31 Dec, 22 Apr, 28 Oct
Olomouc hl.n. – Bohumín:
Runs on ⚒, 6 and 19 Apr, 1, 8 May, 5 Jul
Does not run 20 Apr, 6 Jul
SC1500 Pendolino Ostrava hl.n. 19:19 Praha hl.n. 22:22 Runs 20, 21 Dec, 1, 2 Jan, 17, 18, 22 Apr, 28 Jun, 4,
7 Jul, 25, 28 Oct, 1, 3 Nov.
SC1501 Pendolino Praha hl.n. 15:35 Ostrava hl.n. 18:44 Runs 20, 21 Dec, 1, 2 Jan, 17, 18, 22 Apr, 28 Jun, 4,
7 Jul, 25, 28 Oct, 1, 3 Nov.
Ex 1530 Dny NATO Mošnov, 15:58 Olomouc hl.n. 17:03 Runs 21, 22 Sep
Ex 1531 Dny NATO Olomouc hl.n. 8:00 Mošnov, Ostr. Airport 9:10 Runs 21, 22 Sep
rj 1532 Dny NATO Mošnov, 16:52 Praha hl.n. 20:16 Runs 21, 22 Sep
rj 1533 Dny NATO Praha hl.n. 6:10 Mošnov, Ostr. Airport 9:31 Runs 21, 22 Sep
R 1534 Dny NATO Mošnov, 17:28 Brno-Královo Pole 19:43 Runs 21, 22 Sep
R 1535 Dny NATO Brno-Královo Pole 7:55 Mošnov, Ostr. Airport 10:21 Runs 21, 22 Sep

Refunds on supplements

Refunds can be made up to 23.59hrs on the day prior to the first day of validity (no deduction applicable) or
within 15 minutes of purchase (no deduction applicable). If an unused supplement is returned by 08.00hrs on
the first day of validity, an admin charge of 100 CZK is applied. In any other cases, no refund is possible.

Other Operators

ČD FIP facilities are not available on other operators including Desná Railway (Arriva Morava), GW Train Regio,
Leo Express, and RegioJet services. This is not a comprehensive list.

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Denmark – DSB
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant to Denmark:
• DSB - Danske Statsbaner (Danish State Railways)

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 15 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 15 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by DSB defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the DSB railway network.
For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which DSB coupons are valid

DB AG Flensburg (Gr)
Puttgarden [via Rødby Faerge]
Tønder (German: Tondern)
Warnemünde [via Gedser]
SJ (Sweden) 16 Helsingborg (formerly Hälsingborg) (via Helsingør)
Kastrup (Gr)

FIP coupons and FIP discounted tickets are valid without restrictions on DSB rail services with the following
• FIP documentation is not accepted on DSBFirst and Øtåg trains operating between København and
Malmö (Sweden) via the Øresund link.
• Reduced rate tickets cannot be bought for travel wholly within the Greater København, and Aarhus-
Grenå areas. (FIP coupons are valid without restriction in these areas).

Break of journey is permitted but tickets must be endorsed by train control staff.

DSB ferries which operate in conjunction with a through rail journey may be used by holders of FIP coupons
and tickets bought with the International Reduced Rate Card.

FIP facilities are not valid on DBS bus services.

FIP coupons and FIP discounted tickets are only valid on Scandlines ships in connection with a rail journey.

There are other operators in Denmark, including Arriva, Lokaltog, Midtjyske Jernbaner, Nordjyske Jernbaner
and SJ (Swedish Railways). FIP travel facilities are not valid on these services.

There are no FIP facilities available on SJ.

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Finland – VR
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant to Finland:
• VR – VR Group - Suomen Valtion Rautatiet (Finnish State Railways)

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 16 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 16 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by VR defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the VR railway network. For
the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which VR coupons are valid

RZD (Russian State Railways) 17 Vainikkala (Gr)

On Pendolino and IC trains, if you have a FIP coupon you can either reserve a seat (global price “FIP leisure”) or
travel free, without a seat reservation. If you are travelling using the FIP card you must buy an Integrated
Reservation Ticket (IRT) with the FIP reduction (global price ticket with the relevant discount).

FIP discounted tickets may not be purchased on-board trains. A Penalty Fare is charged in addition to the fare if
a passenger is inspected and found without a valid ticket.

Break of journey is not permitted except where changing onto connecting services.

There are no FIP facilities available on RZD.

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France – SNCF (*GF)

For FIP purposes there are three entities relevant to France:
• SNCF - Société nationale des chemins de fer français (National Railway Company of France)
• EIL – Eurostar International (see separate entry)
• THI – THI Factory operating Thalys services (see separate entry under Global Fares)

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by SNCF defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the SNCF railway
network. For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which SNCF coupons are valid

CFL Bettembourg (fr)
Rodange (fr)
DB AG Apach (fr)
Forbach (fr)
Hanweiler (Gr)
Kehl (Gr)
EIL Paris
FS Limone-Confine
Modane (fr)
Piene (fr)
Ventimiglia (fr)
RENFE Canfranc (fr)
Hendaye (fr)
Port-Bou (fr)
La Tour-de-Carol-Enveitg
SBB-CFF (including BLS and SP) Basel SBB
Genève [via Bellegarde]
Genève-Eaux-Vives [via Annemasse]
Le Châtelard-Frontière (fr)
SNCB Blandain (fr)
Givet (fr)
Jeumont (fr)
Quévy (fr)
Tourcoing (fr)
THI Paris

Seat reservations are compulsory and supplements payable on TGV and Intercité/TEOZ services. Reservations
are also compulsory on night trains.

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FIP travel facilities are not valid on

• rail services in Corsica
• coach services provided by SNCF
• Thello sleeper services from Paris to Venezia

‘Global’ fares (coupons not valid) apply for travel on Thalys international services in France, Germany and the
Netherlands. See the separate section on THI Factory – Thalys.

Global fares also apply to Lyria services, and services between Belgium and the South of France.

FIP discounted tickets may be purchased on-board trains but a 20% service charge is payable in addition to the
ticket. This service charge is not imposed if arriving on international trains from outside France.

Holders of FIP discounted tickets for domestic journeys must validate the ticket before starting any outward or
return journey, and also before departure after a break of journey, using the orange-coloured endorsing
machines (compositeurs) provided for passengers at stations.

Upgrading from 2nd class to 1st class is available at station and on-board without any additional charge.

FIP facilities are valid on TER (Trains Express Régionaux) trains operated by SNCF.

FIP facilities are valid on bus services operated by SNCF, however local authorities are responsible for fares and
conditions of use. Information should be obtained at ticket offices concerning validity of tickets bought with
the FIP international Reduced Rate Card.

Travel in Paris

Île-de-France Mobilités (ÎDF Mobilités), formerly STIF (Syndicat des Transports d'Île-de-France), is the authority
that controls and coordinates different transport companies operating in the Paris-area including RATP (Régie
Autonome des Transports Parisiens) and SNCF.

RATP operates Paris Métro (Métro de Paris), tram and bus services and part of the RER (Réseau Express
Régional) network. SNCF operates the rest of the RER network.

The SNCF, RER and RATP services in the Paris suburban area accept FIP travel facilities on the following
stretches of line operated by SNCF:
• RER Line A – SNCF from Nanterre Préfecture to Poissy or Cergy-le-Haut
• RER Line B – SNCF from Gare du Nord to Aéroport Charles de Gaulle or Mitry-Claye.
• RER Line C – SNCF in its entirety.
• RER Line D – SNCF in its entirety except between Gare du Nord and Chatelet les Halles.
• RER Line E – SNCF in its entirety.

If you have an SNCF FIP coupon tickets and wish to use these routes, you will need a Contremarque de Passage
from the SNCF ticket office to get you through the automatic gates.

When travelling on other RER/RATP lines, you must purchase a full fare ticket.

On journeys between stations such as Gare du Nord and Chatelet les Halles, a full fare RER or Metro ticket is

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Figure 1 – RER lines in central Paris

Line A in Red, Line B in Blue, Line C in Yellow, Line D in Green and Line E in Purple

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Germany – DB AG (*GF) and BSB/VSU

For FIP purposes there are three entities relevant for Germany:
• DB AG – Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railways)
• BSB/VSU - Bodensee-Schiffsbetriebe/Vereinigten Schifffahrtsunternehmen für den Bodensee und
Rhein (See entry for Lake Constance)
• THI – THI Factory operating Thalys services (see separate entry under Global Fares)

DB AG FIP facilities

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 14 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 14 and older pay the adult fare.

The table supplied by DB AG defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the DB AG railway network. For
the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which DB AG coupons are valid

CD Bayerisch Eisenstein (Czech: Bavorská Železná ruda)
Cheb (Gr) (German: Eger)
Furth I. Wald (Gr)
Hrádek nad Nisou (Gr) (German: Grottau)
Potůčky (Gr) (German: Breitenbach)
Schöna (Gr)
Vejprty (Gr) (German: Weipert)
Vojtanov (Gr) (German: Voitersreuth)
CFL Igel (Gr)
DSB Flensburg (Gr)
Gedser (via Warnemunde)
Rødby Faerge (via Puttgarden)
NS Bentheim (Gr)
Emmerich (Gr)
Herzogenrath (Gr) (Dutch: ’s-Hertogenrade)
Venlo (Gr)
Weener (Gr)
ÖBB Kufstein
Lindau Hbf
Mittenwald (Gr)
Passau Hbf
Salzburg Hbf
Simbach am Inn

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Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which DB AG coupons are valid

PKP Forst (Gr) (Lausitz, Brandenburg)
Frankfurt/Oder (Gr)
Grambow (Gr), (Uecker-Randow) 18
Gubin (Gr) (German: Guben)
Kostrzyn nad Odrą (Gr) 19 (German: Küstrin)
Tantow (Gr)
Zgorzelec (Gr) (German: Görlitz)
SBB (including BLS and SP) Basel Bad Bf
SJ Lübeck-Travemünde ( > Trelleborg)
Trelleborg (via Saßnitz Hafen)
SNCB Aachen Süd (Gr)
SNCF Apach (fr)
Forbach (fr)
Hanweiler (Gr)
Kehl (Gr)
THI Aachen
Düsseldorf Airport
VSU (BSB, VLB, SBS, URh) Friedrichshafen

Most long-distance services within Germany are provided by DB AG. If you hold a DB AG coupon or buy a ticket
with the International Reduced Rate Card no supplement is necessary for travel on ICE, EC and IC trains.

Some services are subject to restriction. Where a train is listed on specific days, then the ban on using FIP
facilities applies on the days listed, whether or not it is a public holiday. Use of a restricted train will be treated
as a Travel Irregularity and the passenger will be deemed to be holding no ticket for the recovery of fare
revenue and application of penalty. For the current list of restricted trains see the separate DB AG Restrictions
document on the RST website .

For journeys on High Speed Services (HGV) between Germany and France, special conditions of use apply.

Not to be confused with Grambow, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Not to be confused with Kostrzyn, Masovian Voivodeship or Kostrzyn, Wielkopolska Voivodeship

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• For journeys entirely within Germany, FIP free and reduced rate facilities may be used without seat
• For cross border journeys, a global price ticket and seat reservation endorsed ‘FIP Leisure’ is required.
FIP coupons are not valid. Children aged 6 – 14 must also have a ticket with inclusive seat reservation.
No child reduction on the FIP discounted fare is available. For security reasons, luggage must be
labelled with labels downloaded from
• Cycles are not carried

On Railjet services
• holders of 2nd class FIP facilities may use Economy Class
• holders of 1st class FIP facilities may use 1st class or Economy Class
• under no circumstances can Business Class be used by holders of any FIP travel facilities, even if the
Business Class supplement is paid.

If using FIP free coupons on DB-ÖBB Eurocity services operated jointly by DB, ÖBB and FS via the trans-Alpine
Brenner Railway (München – Innsbruck – Bolzano – Verona):
• a DB, ÖBB or FS coupon is required for travel in the country concerned
• for journeys which cross the Italian border, or entirely within Italy the supplement is payable even if
the coupon is endorsed No Supplement Necessary
• for journeys between Austria and Germany, or entirely within Austria or Germany, no supplement is
• holders of a 1st class coupon not endorsed by a stamp stating No Supplement Necessary and travelling
1st class within Austria must purchase a seat reservation ticket or travel authority ticket

FIP discounted tickets will only be issued on train if any of the following circumstances arise:
• The passenger boards at a station where the ticket office is unstaffed
• The passenger arrives on a train crossing the border into Germany
• The passenger does not have time (train delay or inadequate connecting time between two trains) to
buy a ticket at the interchange station to continue the journey.

FIP coupons and FIP discounted tickets are not valid on the services of other operators on local and regional
services. However, Länder one-day tickets are good value and generally give unlimited travel in each of the
German regions (Länder) on local and regional trains as well as buses and trams. Other group tickets are also
available which may be more cost effective than FIP discounted tickets.20

Note that in many areas of Germany a combined fares structure is in operation (look for Verkehrsverbund). In
many of these areas it is not possible to buy FIP reduced rate tickets for travel in these areas nor are FIP
coupons valid if your journey is entirely within the area concerned.

The Schönes-Wochenende Ticket gives 27 hours (00:00 hrs on day 1 until 03.00 hrs on day 2) of unlimited travel for up
to five people travelling together in Second Class on local trains (S-Bahn, RB, RE and IRE) starting on a Saturday or Sunday.
It includes almost all private operators (except tourist and preserved railways). The ticket is valid on many tram, U-Bahn
and bus services, but not all. A notable exception is the RMV area (Frankfurt-am-Main and Wiesbaden).
The Quer-durchs-Land Ticket is valid on weekdays on local trains after 09.00 on a weekday until 03.00 the following day. It
is not valid on local city transport (trams, buses and U-Bahn services).
Ticket available online or from ticket vending machines. There is a small surcharge when bought at a ticket office. The
number of people travelling must be specified when booking.
These public tickets are outside of FIP arrangements. Rail Staff Travel is unable to assist with queries.

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• FIP discounted tickets are valid without restriction on the Harlesiel to Wengerooge ferry services.
• FIP coupons and FIP discounted tickets are only valid on Scandlines ships in connection with a rail

DB-AG IC Coach services

• FIP reduced rate tickets are available but must be purchased in advance from staffed booking offices.
They cannot be bought from ticket vending machines or on-board coaches.
• FIP coupons may be used but reservations must be paid for in advance from manned booking offices.
FIP coupons must be held for the carrier concerned when the IC Coach service is on a foreign section of
route outside of Germany.
• For journeys within Germany, DB family travel rules apply and accompanied children aged 6 to 14
travel free. Reservations are required for all children, including those under 6 years old.
• For jounreys on a foreign section of route outside of Germany, Children aged 6 to 14 must have a ticket
and all children must have a reservation.

DB-AG bus services

• FIP facilities are accepted only where the bus is providing a temporary rail replacement service arising
from operational occurrences such as accidents.

Other operators

‘Global’ fares apply for travel on Thalys international services in France, Germany and the Netherlands. See the
separate section on THI Factory – Thalys.

FIP facilities are not available on other operators in Germany. As of 09.12.2018 this list of non-FIP operators

Abbreviation Operator
Abellio Abellio Deutschland
AG agilis Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH&Co KG
AKN Altona-Kaltenkirchen-Neumünster Eisenbahn AG (AKN Eisenbahn AG)
ALX Alex (Länderbahn)
AVG, S, E Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft mbH
BLB Berchtesgadener Land Bahn GmbH
BOB Bayerische Oberlandbahn GmbH
BOB Bodensee-Oberschwaben-Bahn GmbH&Co KG
BRB Bayerische Regiobahn GmbH
BSB Breisgau S-Bahn GmbH
CAN cantus Verkehrsgesellschaft GmbH
CB, CBC City-Bahn Chemnitz GmbH
DAB Westerwaldbahn des Kreises Altenkirchen GmbH (Daadetalbahn)
DLB Die Länderbahn GmbH
EB Erfurter Bahn GmbH
ENO enno (Metronom)
ERB eurobahn (Keolis Deutschland GmbH&Co KG)
erixx erixx GmbH
EVB Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser GmbH
FEG Freiberger Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH

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Abbreviation Operator
GA Go Ahead
FLIX Flixtrain
HANS Hanseatische Eisenbahn GmbH
HEX Harz-Elbe-Express (Transdev Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH)
HLB Hessische Landesbahn GmbH
HSB Harzer Schmalspurbahn
HZL Hohenzolleische Landesbahn GmbH
ME metronom Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH
M Meridian
Molli Mecklenburgische Bäderbahn Molli GmbH
MRB Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn (Transdev Regio Ost GmbH)
NBE Nordbahn Eisenbahngesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG
NEB Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn
NEG Norddeutsche Eisenbahngesellchaft Niebüll GmbH
NEX National Express Rail GmbH
NWB NordWestBahn GmbH
ODEG Ostdeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH
OPB Oberpfalzbahn (Länderbahn)
OSB Ortenau S-Bahn GmbH
PEG Prignitzer Eisenbahn GmbH
Press Rügensche Bäderbahn (Rasender Roland)
RBE Rheinisch-Bergische Eisenbahn (Transdev Rheinland GmbH)
RBG Regentalbahn Bahnbetriebs-GmbH
RNV Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH
Rtb Ruhrtalbahn GmbH
SBB SBB Deutschland GmbH
SBS Städtebahn Sachsen GmbH
STB Süd Thüringen Bahn GmbH
STR 66 SWB Bonn Verkehrs GmbH
SWE Südwestdeutsche Verkehrs-AG
(Regionalbahn Ortenau, Regionalbahnen Ortenau Zell, Verkehrsbetriebe Breisgau-Kaiserstuhl, Verkerhsbetrieb
TL, TLX Trilex (Länderbahn)
TR trans regio Deutsche Regionalbahn GmbH (MittelrheinBahn)
VBG Vogtlandbahn GmbH (Länderbahn)
VEN Rhenus Veniro GmbH&Co KG
vlexx vlexx GmbH (Länderbahn)
WBA Waldbahn (Länderbahn)
WEG Württembergische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft GmbH
(Nebenbahn Korntal-Weissach, Nebenbahn Nürtingen-Neuffen, Schönbuchbahn, Wieslaufbahn)
WFB WestfalenBahn GmbH

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Greece – TrainOSE, Attica

For FIP purposes there are two entities relevant for Greece
• TrainOSE – ΤραινΟΣΕ (Hellenic Passenger Railways) (OSE - Organismos Sidirodromon Ellados, or ΟΣΕ -
Οργανισμός Σιδηροδρόμων Ελλάδος)
• Attica – Superfast Ferries and Blue Star Ferries

TrainOSE FIP facilities

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The table supplied by TrainOSE defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the TrainOSE railway network.
For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which TrainOSE coupons are valid

BDZ Kulata (fr) (Bulgarian: Кулата, Greek: Κούλατα)
Svilengrad (fr) (Bulgarian: Свиленград)
MZ-T Gevgelija (fr) (Macedonian: Гевгелија)
TCDD 21 Pythion (Greek: Πύθιο), (also known as Pythio)
Attica Patras [>Ancona, >Bari]

Supplements are payable by holders of FIP coupons and FIP discounted tickets for travel on IC services. The full
supplement is payable by children between the ages of 4 and 12.

FIP facilities are not valid on

• the IC Hermes Express service 22
• bus services

FIP free and discounted travel facilities are valid on TrainOSE suburban services without restriction.

FIP discounted tickets may only be purchased on-board trains if arriving into Greece and continuing a journey
in the same train which crossed the frontier, or when starting a journey at a station where the ticket office is

Attica FIP facilities

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The table supplied by Attica defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the Attica ferry routes.

There are no FIP facilities available on TCDD.
The Hermes Express may no longer exist but is still included in the FIP documentation. It was the principal express from
Athens to Thessaloniki.

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Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring Neighbouring Transport Carriers

FIP Carriers
Ancona-Patras Ancona FS
Patras TrainOSE
Ancona-Igoumenitsa Ancona FS
Bari-Patras Bari FS
Patras TrainOSE
Bari-Igoumenitsa Bari FS

FIP discounted travel only is available on Attica Ferries routes between Italy and Greece (Superfast Ferries/Blue
Star Ferries) and on ferry routes in the Aegean (Blue Star Ferries). Only active staff are entitled to discounts on
Aegean routes and no reductions are granted in July and August. Use Attica Ferries Bari Form 90030 or Attica
Ferries Ancona form 90031.

As registration at the port office is mandatory, tickets may not be purchased on-board.

On international routes there is no distinction in the facilities available to holders of 1st class and 2nd class FIP
travel facilities. Cabins are available at 50% reduction by booking at the Purser’s office.

On internal (domestic) ferry journeys on Blue Star Ferries, holders of 1st class reduced rate tickets are entitled
to reclining chairs. Holders of 2nd class reduced rate tickets are entitled to deck facilities. Cabins are available at
25% reduction by booking at the Purser’s office.

On all services, no reduction is granted for the conveyance of vehicles.

There are no FIP facilities on any other Attica subsidiary company including Africa Morocco Link and Hellenic

Attica agents in the UK recognizing FIP facilities:

The Travel Gateway Viamare LTD

2morrow Court, Appleford Road, Suite 3, 447 Kenton Rd.,
Sutton Courtenay, Oxon OX14 4FH Harrow, Middlesex HA3 OXY
tel.: +44 8445 765503, tel.: +44 (0)208 206 3420
fax: + 44 1235 845108, fax: +44 (0)208 206 1332

And in Greece:

Main Call Centre/Help Desk Gelasakis Shipping & Travel Centre Superfast Ferries
Ancona route: + 30 210 8919700, (1), 11, Dimokratias Ave.,
e-mail: 26-28 Akti Kondyli, 18545 Piraeus GR - 71306 Heraklion, Crete
Bari route: +30 210 8919130, tel.: +30 210 42 22 440 tel.: +30 2810 308 000, fax: +30 210 41 76 973 fax: +30 2810 308 009,

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TH. Filopoulos & K. Parthenopoulos G. Telonis – Ferry Centre

(Ancona route), (Bari route),
12, Othonos Amalias str., 12, Othonos Amalias str.,
GR-262 23 Patras, GR - 262 23 Patras,
tel.: +30 2610 622 500, tel.: + 30 2610 634 000,
fax: +30 2610 623 574, fax: + 30 2610 634 090,

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Hungary – MÁV (*GF), GySEV

See also footnote 23

For FIP purposes there are two entities relevant for Hungary:
• MÁV – Magyar Államvasutak (Hungarian State Railways)
• GySEV – Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút (Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Railway) operating services in Western
Hungary and also in South East Austria (known as Raaberbahn)

MÁV FIP facilities

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 14 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 14 and older pay the adult fare.

The table supplied by MÁV defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the MÁV railway network. For the
meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which MÁV coupons are valid

CFR Biharkeresztes (fr)
Curtici (Gr) (Hungarian: Kürtös)
Nyirábrány (Gr)
Salonta (Gr) (Hungarian: Nagyszalonta, Szalonta)
GySEV Györ (German: Raab)
HŽ Koprivnica (Gr)
Kotoriba (Gr)
Magyarbóly (Gr)
ÖBB Hegyeshalom (Gr)
Szentgotthárd (Gr) (German: St. Gotthard)
SV Röszke (Gr)
Subotica (Gr)
SŽ Hodos (Gr)
UZ (Ukraine) 24 Záhony (Gr)
ŽSR Bánréve (Gr)

Citizens of the EU, Norway and Switzerland aged over 65 are eligible to Standard Class free travel on domestic services
(not cross border journeys) on MÁV and GYSEV. Only the fare is free. Supplements or mandatory reservation fees must be
paid. To travel in 1st class, the difference between the 1st and the 2nd class fare can be paid. Proof of age and nationality
is provided by your passport. At manned stations a free registration ticket showing your destination is obtained from the
station ticket office. Online booking is at using the ‘Reduction’ drop-down menu and selecting ‘Person
over 65’ under ‘Free’. If the UK completes its withdrawal from the EU in March 2019, the availability of this non-FIP benefit
to UK passport holders is uncertain. RST and MÁV are unable to provide any further information.
There are no FIP facilities available on UZ

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Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which MÁV coupons are valid

Čaňa (Gr) (Hungarian: Hernádcsány)
Fil’akovo (Gr) (Hungarian: Fülek)
Komárom (Gr)
Rajka (Gr)
Sátoralújhely (Gr)
Szob (Gr)

FIP facilities on MÁV domestic services are subject to supplements and reservation charges. Details of train
categories (Fast, Express, IC, EN and RJ) are shown in the MÁV-START timetable.
• Fast train supplements (for Fast trains). These are not payable.
• Seat reservation charge (for Express trains). These are payable.
• Supplement and seat reservation charge (for IC, EN and RJ trains). The reservation element only is
payable. The supplement is not required.
• TELEVONAT surcharge (for trains with special fare conditions). The seat reservation includes the
surcharge. The supplement is payable.

On trains 1204/1025 and 1580/15801 the full supplement applies.

On cross-border journeys in compulsory supplement international trains, holders may occupy empty seats
without paying for a reservation or pay the seat reservation charge to secure a seat. In addition:
• where coupons are endorsed “no supplement necessary” the supplement fee is not payable
• where coupons are not endorsed, holders must pay the supplement

FIP facilities are not available on MÁV bus services unless they are providing rail replacement services.

FIP discounted tickets purchased on-board a MÁV train will incur an additional charge.

If upgrading from 2nd class to 1st class on-board a train, an additional surcharge will be imposed. This surcharge
is not payable if upgrading at a station.

Break of Journey is permitted without formality.

Railway tickets used to be issued for specified distances, rather than to specific destinations, which gave a
certain flexibility. Now most stations and ticket inspectors issue tickets to specific destinations. However, minor
stations may still issue distance tickets. The ticket office will base a distance ticket on the destination you

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Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

GySEV FIP facilities

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 14

years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult fare.
Persons aged 14 and older pay the adult fare. (Note the
ages for children are different on GySEV services operated
in Austria – see the Austrian section.)

FIP discounted tickets may not be purchased on-board.

In the event of a break of journey, tickets must be

endorsed at the station where the break is made.

FIP facilities are not valid on GySEV bus services.

The following table supplied by GySEV defines the

boundaries of FIP availability across the GySEV railway
network. For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please
see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

GySEV network
GySEV main line in dark red
GySEV Subsidiary lines in light red

Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Carriers Neighbouring Transport Carriers
Györ – Sopron – Ebenfurth Györ MÁV
Sopron ÖBB [> Wiener Neustadt]
ÖBB [> Deutschkreutz]
Wulkaprodersorf ÖBB
Ebenfurth ÖBB
Sopron – Szombathely Sopron ÖBB [> Wiener Neustadt]
ÖBB [> Deutschkreutz]
Szombathely – Szentgotthárd Szentgotthárd (Gr) ÖBB
Szombathely - Zalaszentiván Zalaszentiván MÁV
Szombathely – Csorna – Hegyeshalom Porpác MÁV
Szombathely – Csorna – Hegyeshalom Hegyeshalom MȦV [> Györ}
MȦV [>Hegyeshalom]
Hegyeshalom – Rajka Hegyeshalom MȦV [> Györ}
MȦV [>Hegyeshalom]
Rajka (Gr) ŽSR
Fertöszentmiklós – Pamhagen – Neusiedl am See Neusiedl am See ÖBB

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Ireland – CIE
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant to the Republic of Ireland
• CIE - Córas lompair Éireann (Irish Transport System) 25

Children up to 5 years old travel free. Children up to 16 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 16 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by CIE defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the CIE railway network.

Line Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Neighbouring

Carrier Transport Carrier
Dublin – Dundalk – Belfast Dundalk NIR

If you have FIP coupons you must not use Citygold class (Peak hour services between Dublin and Cork.

CIE distinguishes between Standard Class (FIP equivalent is 2nd class) and Superstandard (FIP equivalent is 1st
class). Holders of 2nd class FIP facilities may travel in Superstandard on payment of the Superstandard
supplement. In some large stations this can be paid before departure, in other cases it has to be paid on the

The holder of 1st class FIP coupons only has to pay the Superstandard supplement if a seat reservation is

FIP reduced rate tickets must be endorsed at the station where a break of journey is made.

FIP facilities are valid on DART suburban services in the Greater Dublin Area.

FIP facilities are not valid on

• the Dublin light rail network (LUAS)
• buses

25Passenger train services on which CIE FIP facilities are valid are provided by Iarnród Éireann (Irish Rail), a subsidiary of Córas lompair
Éireann. In addition to FIP facilities, safeguarded staff with a Staff Travel Card may buy reduced rate tickets. Non-safeguarded holders of
TOC Privilege Cards cannot use this to buy reduced rate tickets but can use an FIP card to buy reduced rate tickets.

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Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

Italy – FS (*GF)
For FIP purposes there is on entity relevant to Italy:
• FS - Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (Italian State Railways) 26

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by FS defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the FS railway network. For
the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which FS coupons are valid

ÖBB Brennero/Brenner
San Candido/Innichen
Tarvisio Boscoverde
SBB (including BLS and SP) Chiasso
Domodossola [ > Locarno]
Iselle transito [ > Brig]
Pino transito
Porto Ceresio [ > Lugano]
SNCF Limone-Confine
Modane (fr)
Piene (fr)
Ventimiglia (fr)
SŽ Nova Gorica (fr)
Villa-Opicina (fr)
Attica Ancona [>Igoumenitsa, >Patras]
Bari [>Igoumenitsa, >Patras]

Reservations are compulsory for travel on long-distance services (i.e. those designated Frecciabianca,
Frecciarossa, Frecciargento, EC, EN, IC, ICN) and supplements, which are included in the Global Fare, are
payable. (Reservations and supplements can be booked online – see below). Breaks of journey are not
permitted on these services.

If supplements or boarding fees are not purchased before the start of journey an additional on-train fee is
levied except in cases where there are no booking offices or ticket machines at the departure station.

On Frecciarossa services FIP facilities are NOT valid in Business and Executive class.

FIP coupons may be used for free travel without restriction or supplement on services designated R or RV.

Tickets must be validated using at station stamping equipment (obliteratrici) before travel.

FIP coupons and FIP discounted tickets are only valid to cross the Straits of Messina when the journey is on the
train using the train-ferry.

Passenger services on which FS FIP facilities are valid are provided by TrenItalia, a subsidiary of FS.

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Global fares are payable for travel on the night services between Italy and Austria via Tarvisio.

FIP facilities are not valid on:

• Leonardo Express services to/from Aeroporto Internazionale di Roma–Fiumicino Leonardo da Vinci
• Trinacria Express services to/from Aeroporto Falcone Borsellino (Palermo)
• services provided by other operators in Italy (includeing open-access operator Nuovo Trasporto
Viaggiatori and commuter railways round Naples: Circumflegrea, Circumvesuviana, Cumana, and
• local services in the Bolzano/Bozen area or in the Milano area on R and RE services operated by
Trenord (even if the trains have FS markings)
• Thello sleeper services from Paris to Venezia
• Bus services operated by TrenItalia (unless providing a temporary rail replacement service)

If using FIP free coupons on DB-ÖBB Eurocity services operated jointly by DB, ÖBB and FS via the trans-Alpine
Brenner Railway (München – Innsbruck – Bolzano – Verona - Venezia):
• a DB, ÖBB or FS coupon is required for travel in the country concerned
• for journeys which cross the Italian border, or entirely within Italy the supplement is payable even if
the coupon is endorsed No Supplement Necessary
• for journeys between or entirely within Austria and Germany, no supplement is payable
• holders of a 1st class coupon not endorsed by a stamp stating No Supplement Necessary and travelling
1st class within Austria must purchase a seat reservation ticket or travel authority ticket

How to book seat reservations on FS trains if using FIP coupons

Holders of FIP free coupons for FS can book seat reservations and pay for supplements for Le Frecce
(Frecciarossa, Frecciargento and Frecciabianca) and IC services on the TrenItalia website. 27

(Source RST Ref: 90-081-008/D7539INC)

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Go to and switch language to 'ENG' using the flags in the top right-hand corner of the page.

Select 'From' and 'To' stations, departure date and time, and search.

A list of services will be displayed. Open your choice by selecting the small red + symbol on the bottom right-
hand side (example below).

This will bring up a list of fares for the selected service (example below)

Ignore the fares offered and instead click: View other offers >

This brings up a new page called 'Trip' (see example below).

In the Service drop-down menu select class of travel (see pricing table below).

In the Offer drop-down menu select Diritto Ammissione.

The text in the box reads Offer for holders of CLC 28 (not belonging to FS) and other similar travel
documents. On board of the train, the CLC (or similar travel document) and the holder identification
document must be produced together with the access right document.

CLC = Carta di Libera Circolazione. FIP coupons fall into the CLC category.

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Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

There is also a warning at the bottom of the page: Access right document for CLC holders (no FS staff).
The CLC and an ID document of the holder must be presented on board, in the absence of which the
person is considered to be without a ticket.

This confirms that at ticket inspection you must present an FIP coupon, dated correctly and supported
by a Passport with the same name as printed on the FIP coupon, otherwise you will be treated as
having no ticket, and subject to pay the full public fare and any penalties which apply.

In the box titled "Data for access to discounts/offers" enter the number of your FIP Coupon or pass.

Select the " Choose Seat" tick box and select "Continue".

This takes you to a new page (example below) with the seating plan where you can then choose a

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After that you pay and the reservation can be printed, or sent to your smartphone.

Brand Class for FIP holder Tariff Price (as of January 2019)
Frecciarossa Premium or Standard Diritto di Ammissione € 25,00 (reservation and supplement)
Frecciargento 1st or 2nd class Diritto di Ammissione € 25,00 (reservation and supplement)
Frecciabianca 1st or 2nd class Diritto di Ammissione € 20,00 (reservation and supplement)
IC + IC Night 1st or 2nd class Free (without reservation). € 3,00 (reservation)
(seat places) For reservation select
Diritto di Ammissione
Regional 1st or 2nd class Free access

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Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute
between the Republic of Kosovo and the
Republic of Serbia. The Republic of Kosovo
unilaterally declared independence on 17
February 2008, but the Republic of Serbia
continues to claim it as part of its own
sovereign territory.

Serbian Railways (Srbija Voz) has in the past

operated services on the routes now
controlled by Trainkos a (Albanian: Operimet
me Trena të Hekurudhave të Kosovës sh.a).
Due to the ongoing political situation, Rail
Staff Travel is unable to verify whether Srbija
Voz (SV) FIP facilities are still available within

In the FIP rules, Srbija Voz (SV) still claim an

FIP border with Macedonian Railways (MŽ-T)
at Elez Han (formerly Ðjeneral Jankovic -
Serbian: Ђенерал Јанковић, Albanian: Han i
Elezit), which is in the Republic of Kosovo.
However, this appears to be an historic
statement which may not be updated until the
Republic of Serbia formally accepts the
independence of the Republic of Kosovo.

Trainkos is not a member of FIP.

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Travel

advice in 2018 highlights unexploded Figure 2 – Rail routes in Serbia and Kosovo. Image source:
landmines remaining a real danger. Whilst Maximilian Dörrbecker, Wikicommons
roads and operational railway lines have been
cleared, abandoned railway lines may not
have been cleared and should not be

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Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

Lake Constance Ferries

Lake Constance (German: Bodensee) is situated in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

BSB/VSU FIP facilities

Coupons are issued under the VSU label and provide free passenger travel on all timetabled shipping services
on Lake Constance on the following companies:
• BSB (Bodensee-Schiffsbetriebe GmbH)
• VLB (Vorarlberg Lines Walter Klaus Bodenseeschifffahrt GmbH & Co)
• SBS (Schweizerische SBS Schifffahrt AG)
• URh (Schweizerische Schifffahrtsgesellschaft Untersee und Rhein)

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 16 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 16 and older pay the adult fare.

The table supplied by BSB defines the boundaries of FIP across the services operated under the VSU label.

Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Carriers Neighbouring Transport Carriers
Konstanz – Meersburg – Friedrichshafen – Konstanz DB AG, SP (THURBO)
Lindau – Bregenz Friedrichshafen DB AG
Lindau DB AG
Bregenz ÖBB
Konstanz – Meersburg – Überlingen Konstanz DB AG, SP (THURBO)
Überlingen DB AG
Kreuzlingen Hafen – Konstanz – Reichenau – Kreuzlingen Hafen SP (THURBO)
Stein am Rhein – Schaffhausen Konstanz DB AG, SP (THURBO)
Stein am Rhein SBB, SP (THURBO)
Schaffhausen DB AG, SP (THURBO), SBB
Kreuzlingen Hafen – Konstanz – Reichenau – Kreuzlingen Hafen SP (THURBO)
Radolfzell Konstanz DB AG, SP (THURBO)
Radolfzell DB AG
Friedrichshafen – Romanshorn 29 Friedrichshafen DB AG
Romanshorn SBB, SP (SOB, THURBO)
Lindau – Rorschach Hafen – Arbon – Lindau DB AG
Langenargen - Friedrichshafen Rorschach SBB, SP (RHB)
Arbon SBB
Langenargen DB AG
Friedrichshafen DB AG

There is no reduction for vehicles between Friedrichshafen and Romanshorn

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Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Carriers Neighbouring Transport Carriers
Rorschach Hafen – Horn Arbon – Romanshorn – Rorschach SBB, SP (RHB)
Kreuzlingen Hafen – Mainau Island Horn SBB
Arbon SBB
Romanshorn SBB, SP (SOB, THURBO)
Kreuzlingen Hafen SP (THURBO)

There is no 1st class accommodation on VSU shipping services.

Tickets may be purchased at ticket offices on land and on board ships.

The full standard public fare for bicycles is payable.

Break of journey is permitted without formality.

A reduction may be available to FIP facilities holders on certain excursions.

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The passenger rail service in Liechtenstein is operated by Austrian railway company ÖBB. ÖBB FIP facilities are
valid on ÖBB services in Liechtenstein.

The following table supplied by ÖBB defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the ÖBB railway network
relevant to Liechtenstein.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which ÖBB coupons are valid

SBB Buchs SG

Please see the entry for Austria – ÖBB for using FIP facilities on their services.

FIP coupons from SBB, BLS and SP are not valid on rail services in Liechtenstein.

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Luxembourg – CFL
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant to Luxembourg:
• CFL - Société nationale des chemins de fer luxembourgeois (National Railway Company of

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by CFL defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the CFL railway network.
For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which CFL coupons are valid

DB AG Igel (Gr)
SNCB Athus
Gouvy (fr)
Sterpenich (fr)
SNCF Bettembourg (fr)
Rodange (fr)

FIP facilities are not valid on CFL bus services unless they are providing a rail replacement service. FIP
discounted tickets cannot be purchased on-board a rail replacement bus service. They must be purchased at a
railway station before departure.

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Macedonia – MŽ-T (CFARYM)

For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant to Macedonia:
• MŽ-T Makedonski Železnici Transport (Macedonian Passenger Railways)

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

Figure 3 – Rail routes in Macedonia. Image source: Maximillian Dörrbecker, Wikicommons.

The following table supplied by MŽ-T defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the MŽ-T railway
network. For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which MŽ-T coupons are valid

TrainOSE Gevgelija (fr) (Macedonian: Гевгелија)
SV 30 Ðjeneral Jankovic (Gr) (now Elez Han - Serbian: Ђенерал Јанковић, Albanian: Han i Elezit) 31
Tabanovci (Gr) (Macedonian: Табановце; Albanian: Tabanoc)

FIP discounted tickets cannot be purchased on-board trains.

FIP facilities are not available on bus services, or for the transport of vehicles on motorail trains.

The transit point of Elez Han may no longer be valid, given the political situation between the Republic of Kosovo and
the Republic of Serbia. Please see the Serbia and Kosovo entries for more details. However, it is the northern limit of MŽ-T
FIP facilities on the Skopje to Pristina line.
In 2012, the Kosovo Assembly approved the renaming of the town to Елез Хан for publications in Serbian and Elez Han
for publications in English

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Montenegro – ŽPCG
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant to Montenegro:
• ŽPCG - Жељезнички превоз Црне Горе or Željeznički prevoz Crne Gore (Railway Transport of

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 14 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 14 and older pay the adult fare.

Figure 4 – Rail routes in Montenegro. Image source: Arbalete, Wikicommons

The following table supplied by ŽPCG defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the ŽPCG railway
network. For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which ŽPCG coupons are valid

SV Bijelo Polje (Gr) (Montenegrin Cyrillic: Бијело Поље)

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Netherlands – NS (*GF)
For FIP purposes there are three entities relevant to the Netherlands:
• NS - Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Netherlands Railways)
• EIL – Eurostar International (see separate entry)
• THI – THI Factory operating Thalys services (see separate entry under Global Fares)

The ages for child fares are as follows:

• All children up to 4 years old travel free
• For FIP card holders, children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the FIP adult fare.
FIP holders aged 12 and older pay the FIP adult fare
• For non-FIP holders, children up to 10 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the public adult
fare. Persons aged 10 and older pay the public adult fare

The following table supplied by NS defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the NS railway network. For
the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which NS coupons are valid

DB AG Bentheim (Gr)
Emmerich (Gr)
Herzagenrath (Gr)
Venlo (Gr)
Weener (Gr)
SNCB 32 Roosendaal (fr)
THI Amsterdam

NS FIP facilities are not valid on

• the “Hoekse Lijn” from Hoek van Holland to Schiedam Centrum, on either the bus or metro system
• services provided by other operators (including Arriva, Syntus, Connexxion)
• Thalys international services to Belgium and France

A supplement is payable on international EC and IC trains. Supplements can be paid on-board train.

In International express trains (designated ‘D’ in the Netherlands timetable), holders of FIP reduced rate tickets
must pay a supplement which may be settled on the train. (No supplement is payable if using FIP coupons).

Supplements are also payable on reduced rate tickets for travel between Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and
Rotterdam only. No supplement is payable for travel between the Airport and Rotterdam if you are using FIP
free coupons.

FIP discounted tickets can be bought on train only on departure from stations and halts with unmanned
booking offices, or when arriving from another country on a journey terminating in the Netherlands.

The Transit Point for the new high-speed line HSL 4 and HSL-Zuid has not yet been included in the FIP rules.

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NS gate pass barcode coupons for FIP coupon holders

FIP coupon holders are issued with a gate pass barcode coupon for opening barriers at NS stations.
• The barcode coupon is valid only in combination with an FIP country coupon for NS, it is not a travel
pass. It only enables the holder to pass through gates at NS stations.
• It is valid for use for 3 months from the date of first use (first presentation at a gate activates the
• Within the 3-month period, the barcode coupon is valid for 4 x 24 hours.
• Instructions for use can be found on the barcode coupon.

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Northern Ireland – NIR

For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant to Northern Ireland
• NIR – Northern Ireland Railways

Children up to 5 years old travel free. Children up to 16 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 16 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by NIR defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the NIR railway network.

Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring FIP Neighbouring

Carriers Transport Carrier
Belfast – Dundalk – Dublin Dundalk CIE

The FIP International Reduced Rate card can be used to buy reduced rate tickets. 33

Through booking of FIP discounted tickets from NIR stations to GBPR stations via the sea crossing from Belfast
to Liverpool is not possible.

33In addition to FIP facilities, safeguarded staff with a Staff Travel Card may buy non-FIP reduced rate tickets. The TOC Privilege Card is
not valid for the purchase of reduced rate tickets.

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Norway – NSB
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant to Norway
• NSB - Norges Statsbaner (Norwegian State Railways)

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 16 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 16 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by NSB defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the NSB railway network.
For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Lines Transit Points up to which the Neighbouring

coupons of NSB are valid Transport Carrier
(Oslo) – Halden – Kornsjø – (Gothenburg) Halden (Kornsjø (Gr)) SJ 34
(Oslo) – Kongsvinger – Charlottenberg – (Stockholm) Konigsvinger (Charlottenberg (Gr)) SJ (see footnote)
Trondheim – Storlien – (Östersund) Storlien (Gr) SJ (see footnote)

FIP facilities are not valid om

• Flåmsbana between Myrdal and Flåm
• Flytoget Airport Express services to Oslo Airport. You may use other NSB services that serve the airport
• bus services operated by NSB
• passenger train services on the Ofoten Line between Narvik and Bjørnfjell

Carriages in Oslo suburban trains may be reserved for season ticket holders between 04:00 and 20:00 Mondays
to Fridays. These are indicated by prominent yellow signs on the carriage doors.

On some trains accommodation is provided as Kontorklasse (Business) and Økonomiklasse (Economy). On

other trains only Økonomiklasse is provided.

FIP discounted tickets cannot be purchased on-board trains.

No FIP facilities are available on SJ

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Poland – PKP (*GF), KD, KS, KW

For FIP purposes there are four entities relevant for Poland:
• PKP - Polskie Koleje Państwowe (Polish State Railways)
• KD - Koleje Dolnośląskie (Lower Silesian Railways)
• KŚ - Koleje Śląskie (Silesian Railways)
• KW - Koleje Wielkopolskie (Greater Poland Railways)

PKP FIP facilities

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by PKP defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the PKP railway network.
Please note that PKP do not denote boundaries with the other independent FIP members within Poland. For
the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which PKP coupons are valid

BC (Belarus) 35 Brest (Gr) (Belarusian: Брэст)
Bruzgi (Gr) (or Bruzhi)
Czeremcha (Gr) (Podlaskie Voivodeship)
ČD Bohumin (Gr)
Cesky Tesin (Gr)
Głuchołlazy (Gr) (Czech: Hlucholazy)
Lichkov (Gr) (or Plhy City)
Zebrzydowice (Gr), (Silesian Voivodeship)
DB AG Forst (Gr)
Frankfurt/Oder (Gr)
Grambow (Gr)
Kostrzyn (Gr)
Tantow (Gr)
Zgorzelec (Gr)
LG (Lithuania) 36 Mockava (Gr)
RZD (Russia) 37 Braniewo (Gr)
UZ (Ukraine) 38 Jagodin (Gr) (Yahodyn, Yagodyn or Ягодин)
Medyka (Gr)
Starzhava (Gr) (Starzawa)
ŽSR Lupkow (Gr)
Plaveč (Gr) (Stará Ľubovňa District)
Skalité (Gr)

No FIP facilities are available on BC
No FIP facilities are available on LG
No FIP facilities are available on RZD
No FIP facilities are available on UZ

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PKP FIP Facilities are only available on services provided by:

• PKP InterCity • PKP Szybka Kolej Miejska w Trojmiescie
• Przewozy Regionalne (Regional Transport) (Fast Urban Railway Tricity)
trading as POLREGIO • Warszawska Kolej Dojazdowa. (Warsaw
• Koleje Mazowieckie-KM, (Masovian Commuter Railway)
Railways) • Some KD routes – see the later KD entry

PKP Intercity operate new EIP trains (Express Intercity Premium) on the following routes:
• Warszawa – Gdynia/Gdańsk/Sopot • Warszawa – Katowice
• Warszawa – Kraków • Gdynia/Gdańsk/Sopot – Kraków
• Warszawa – Wrocław • Gdynia/Gdańsk/Sopot – Katowice

Use of PKP Intercity EIP trains by FIP facilities holders is subject to the following:
• Seat reservations are compulsory. A charge is made if reservations are made outside Poland using the
EPA reservation system of the carrier concerned. No reservation charge is made if reservations are
made at PKP ticket offices.
• A supplement of 43 PLN (approx 10 Euro) is payable for travel on EIP trains. Passengers already holding
a reservation may pay the supplement on the train; passengers who have not made a reservation must
pay the supplement at PKP ticket offices at the same time as making a reservation. A receipt will be

Passengers using PKP Intercity EIP trains without having made a reservation or who refuse to pay the
supplement will be expected to pay an additional charge of 650 PLN (155 Euro), as well as the journey fare.

Reservations are also compulsory on certain EC, IC and Ex trains.

On the services provided by Przewozy Regionalne passengers must board by the door at the front of the train
(direction of travel) and buy tickets from the on-train staff. Upgrades to 1st class are permitted on-board
providing the passenger informs the on-board staff of their intention immediately.

FIP facilities are not valid on cable and rack railways operated by PKP.

Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie (Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport)

Between Warszawa and Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie, PKP coupons are not valid on line S2 and S3 services
operated by SKM (Szybka Kolej Miejska English: Fast City Rail)39 but are accepted on services operated by KM
(Koleje Mazowieckie).

KD FIP facilities

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by KD defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the KD railway network. For
the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Not to be confused with the PKP operator PKP Szybka Kolej Miejska w Trojmiescie (Fast Urban Railway Tricity).

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Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring Neighbouring

FIP Carriers Transport Carriers
Forst (Gr) – Żary – Žagań – Legnica ¹) Forst (Gr) DB AG
Żary PKP
Legnica PKP
Legnica – Lubin Górniczy Legnica PKP
Zgorzelec (Gr) – Zgorzelec – Węgliniec – Legnica – Wrocław ¹) Zgorzelec PKP
Węgliniec PKP
Wrocƚaw PKP
Zgorzelec (Gr) – Zgorzelec – Lubań Śląski – Jelenia Góra ¹) Zgorzelec PKP
Jelenia Góra PKP
Węgliniec – Lubań Śląski Węgliniec PKP
Lubań Śląski PKP
Jakuszyce (Gr) – Szklarska Jakuszyce (Gr) ČD
Poręba Górna – Jelenia Góra – Sędzisław – Wałbrzych – Wrocław Szklarska Poręba Górna PKP
Jelenia Góra PKP
Sędzisław PKP
Wrocław PKP
Wałbrzych – Mieroszów (Gr) Wałbrzych PKP
Boguszów-Gorce Wschód PKP
Sędzisław – Lubawka (Gr) Sędzisław PKP
Legnica – Jaworzyna Śląska – Kamieniec Ząbkowicki Legnica PKP
Jaworzyna Śląska PKP
Kamieniec Ząbkowicki PKP
Wałbrzych – Kłodzko Wałbrzych PKP
Kłodzko PKP
Wrocław – Kamieniec Ząbkowicki – Kłodzko – Międzylesie – Lichkov Wrocław PKP
(Gr) ¹) Kłodzko PKP
Międzylesie PKP
Lichkov (Gr) ČD
Kłodzko – Kudowa-Zdrój ¹) Kłodzko PKP
Kudowa-Zdrój¹) PKP
Wrocław – Jelcz-Laskowice ¹) Wrocław PKP
Jelcz-Laskowice PKP
Wrocław – Rawicz ¹) Wrocław PKP
Rawicz¹) PKP
Wrocław – Trzebnica Wrocław PKP
Wrocław – Krotoszyn ¹) Wrocław PKP
Oleśnica PKP
Grabowno Wielkie PKP
Krotoszyn KW

¹) Both KD and PKP coupons may be used on the following lines:

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• Forst (Gr) – Žary – Žagań • Wrocław – Kamieniec Ząbkowicki – Kłodzko
• Zgorzelec (GR) – Węgliniec – Legnica – – Międzylesie
Wrocław • Kłodzko – Kudowa-Zdrój
• Węgliniec – Lubań Śląski – Jelenia Góra • Wrocław – Rawicz
• Szklarska Poręba Górna – Jelenia Góra – • Wrocław – Oleśnica – Grabowno Wielkie
Sędzisław – Wałbrzych – Wrocław

KD coupons are also valid on services between Zgorzelec and Görlitz in Germany.

Figure 5 - Map of KD services in 2018

FIP discounted tickets purchased on-board KD services must be made in cash (PLN). Payment in Euros, or by
other means is not allowed.

Reservations are not available on KD services.

There is no 1st class accommodation on KD services.

Trains from Wroclaw to Berlin which are operated in conjunction with DB AG are marked in the timetable with
Train not available for local journeys; special KD/DB tickets ‘Special fare Wroclaw – Berlin’ apply. FIP discounted
tickets are not valid. Global Fares apply to these trains. FIP free coupons are valid.

FIP facilities are valid on bus services operated by KD.

FIP facilities are not valid on services marked in the timetable as ‘KD Specjal’.
Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

KS FIP facilities

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Persons aged up to 26 are elegible for a 20% reduction on the adult fare.
Persons 26 and older pay the adult fare.

Figure 6 - Map of KS services in 2018

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The following table supplied by KS defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the KS railway network. On
entries highlighted in Red, PKP facilities are also valid. For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the
Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring Neighbouring

FIP Carriers Transport Carriers
Gliwice – Katowice – Częstochowa Gliwice PKP
Katowice PKP
Zawiercie PKP
Częstochowa PKP
Częstochowa – Lubliniec Częstochowa PKP
Lubliniec PKP
Tychy – Tychy Lodowisko Tychy PKP
Katowice – Tychy – Pszczyna – Czechowice Dziedzice – Bielsko Biała – Katowice PKP
Zwardoń Czechowice Dziedzice PKP
Bielsko Biała PKP
Żywiec PKP
Zwardoń ŽSR
Żywiec – Sucha Beskidzka – Zakopane Sucha Beskidzka PKP
Zakopane PKP
Czechowice Dziedzice – Zebrzydowice Czechowice Dziedzice PKP
Zebrzydowice – Cieszyn (Gr) Zebrzydowice PKP
Cieszyn / Český Těšín (Gr) ČD
Pszczyna – Wisła Głębce Pszczyna PKP
Katowice – Rybnik – Chałupki (Gr) Katowice PKP
Rybnik – Racibórz Rybnik PKP
Nędza PKP
Racibórz PKP
Chałupki / Bohumin (Gr) ČD
Gliwice – Rybnik – Wisła Głębce Gliwice PKP
Rybnik PKP
Racibórz – Chałupki (Gr) Racibórz PKP
Chałupki / Bohumin (Gr) ČD
Lubliniec – Katowice Lubliniec PKP
Katowice – Oświęcim Tarnowskie Góry PKP
Katowice PKP
Mysłowice PKP
Oświęcim PKP

Reservations are not available on KS services.

FIP discounted tickets may be purchased on the train but only for cash in PLN. Euros are not accepted.

There is no 1st class accommodation on KS services.

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Break of journey is permitted without formality.

FIP facilities are not valid on

• KS bus services unless they are providing rail replacement services.
• Special trains as provided by KS from time to time.

KW FIP facilities

No information has been provided about the ages at which child fares apply on KW services.

Figure 7 - Map of KW services in 2018

Other Operators in Poland

PKP, KD, KS, and KW FIP facilities are not available on other operators including RegioJet services.

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Portugal – CP (*GF)
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant for Portugal:
• CP - Comboios de Portugal (Railways of Portugal) 40

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by CP defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the CP railway network. For
the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which CP coupons are valid

RENFE Badajoz (fr)
Barca de Alva (fr)
Fuentes de Oñoro (fr)
Valença (fr)
Valencia de Alcántara (fr)
V. Real de Sto António Guardiana [> Ayamonte]

You must have a reservation for travel on IC and AP (Alfa Pendular) trains, and on international trains (Sud
Express and Lusitania HotelTrain). On AP trains, coupons (irrespective of class) are valid in tourist class only.

Reservations are not required on trains designated ‘R’ in the timetable.

Global fares apply on the international services between Lisboa, Madrid and Hendaye.

FIP facilities are valid on CP suburban services (with exceptions listed below).

FIP facilities are not valid on

• Fertagus trains (commuter railway in Lisboa)
• the underground services in Lisboa, Porto and Mirandela
• ferries between Lisboa and Barreiro.

FIP discounted tickets may not be purchased on-board trains, except where the passenger boards a train at a
station without a ticket office.

Passengers holding an FIP discounted ticket obtained in Portugal may not break their journey. Break of journey
(with reservation if appropriate) is permitted for tickets bought outside Portugal.

CP offer those over 65 a 50% discount on full public fares for journeys within Portugal. Age is proved by presentation of
a valid passport. This may be useful for groups where some have FIP facilities and others do not. This is outside of FIP
arrangements and Rail Staff Travel is unable to assist with queries on this facility.

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Romania – CFR
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant for Romania:
• CFR - Căile Ferate Române (Romanian Railways)

Children up to 5 years old travel free. Children up to 10 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 10 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by CFR defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the CFR railway network.
For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which CFR coupons are valid

BDZ Ruse (Gr) (also as Rousse or Russe) (Bulgarian: Русе)
CFM (Moldova) 41 Iasi (also Jassy or Iassy) (Nicolina station)
Ungheni (Gr)
MÁV Biharkeresztes (fr)
Curtici (Gr) (Hungarian: Kürtös)
Nyirábrány (Gr)
Salonta (Gr) (Hungarian: Nagyszalonta, Szalonta)
SV Jimbolia (fr) (Serbian: Žombolj)
Vršac (fr) (Serbian: Вршац)
UZ (Ukraine) 42 Vicsani (Gr)

FIP discounted tickets may not be purchased on-board trains.

For mandatory reservation services, reservations must be obtained prior to departure.

Break of journey is permitted only once per ticket and for a maximum period of 24 hours from the time of
arrival at the station where the break of journey is being made. The ticket must be endorsed within one hour of

No FIP facilities are available on CFM
No FIP facilities are available on UZ

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Serbia – SV
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant for Serbia
• SV - Србија Воз or Srbija Voz (Serbian Railways)

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

Figure 8 – Rail routes in Serbia and Kosovo. Image source: Maximilian Dörrbecker, Wikicommons

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Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia. The
Republic of Kosovo unilaterally declared independence on 17 February 2008, but Serbia continues to claim it as
part of its own sovereign territory.

Serbian Railways has in the past operated services on the routes now controlled by Trainkos in Kosovo. The
following table supplied by SV defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the SV railway network.
Rail Staff Travel is unable to verify whether Srbija Voz (SV) FIP facilities are still available within Kosovo. For the
meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which SV coupons are valid

BDZ Dimitrovgrad (fr)
CFR Jimbolia (fr)
Vršac (fr)
HŽ Erdut (Gr) (Serbian: Ердут)
Šid (Gr) (Serbian: Шид)
MÁV Röszke (Gr)
Subotica (Gr)
MZ-T 43 Ðjeneral Jankovic (fr) (now Han Elat. Serbian: Ђенерал Јанковић, Albanian: Han i Elezit)
Tabanovci (fr) (Serbian: Табановце; Albanian: Tabanoc)
ŽPCG Bijelo Polje (Gr)

FIP coupon holders must pay a supplement when using global fare trains.

Holders of the International Reduced Rate Card pay 50% of the global fare when using the trains concerned.

FIP facilities are not available on buses operated by SV unless they are providing a temporary rail replacement

FIP facilities holders should check locally before attempting to use facilities on the lines into Kosovo south of Kuršumlija
(Serbian: Куршумлија) and Raška (Serbian: Рашка).

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Slovakia – ŽSR
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant for Slovakia
• ŽSR - Železnice Slovenskej republiky (Railways of the Slovak Republic) 44

Figure 9 - ŽSR railway network. Image Source ENG-N1 Wikicommons

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 15 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 15 and older pay the adult fare. See also Zero Fare transport services. 45

The following table supplied by ŽSR defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the ŽSR railway network.
For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which ŽSR coupons are valid

ČD Čadca (Gr)
Hodonin (Gr)
Horní Lideč (Gr)
Kúty (Gr)
Myjava (Gr)
Nemšová (Gr)
Skalica na Slovensku (Gr)
GySEV Rajka (Gr) (German: Ragendorf)

Passenger train services on which ŽSK FIP facilities are valid are operated by a ŽSSK (Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko).
ŽSSK is no longer a monopoly passenger operator in Slovakia.
Some categories of passenger are entitled to Zero Fare transport services. This is outside of FIP arrangements and Rail
Staff Travel is unable to assist with queries on this facility. Details can be found at:
UK passport holders should check with ŽSR directly on which aspects of this facility continue to be available when the
United Kingdom exits the European Union.

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Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which ŽSR coupons are valid

MÁV Bánréve (Gr)
Čaňa (Gr) (Hungarian: Hernádcsány)
Fil’akovo (Gr) (Hungarian: Fülek)
Komárom (Gr)
Sátoralújhely (Gr)
Szob (gr)
ÖBB Kittsee (Gr)
Marchegg (Gr)
PKP Lupkow (Gr)
Plaveč (Gr) (Stará Ľubovňa District)
Skalité (Gr)
UZ (Ukraine) 46 Čierna nad Tisou (Gr) (Hungarian: Tiszacsernyő)

On mandatory reservation trains, seat reservations must be purchased in advance of boarding.

No supplements are payable by holders of FIP coupons or FIP discounted tickets on EC and IC trains.

ZSSK (ŽSR) FIP facilities are valid on

• the Austrian section of the route between Košice and Wien (and vice versa) and in the through ZSSK
sleeping cars.
• the narrow-gauge services in the Tatra region (Tatranská elektrická železnica)
• rack railways operated by ŽSR/ZSSK (i.e. Štrbské Pleso–Štrba).

FIP facilities are not valid on

• ŽSR/ZSSK bus services, except where they are providing a rail replacement service.
• cable cars

FIP discounted tickets may only be purchased when starting a journey at a station where the ticket office is

Break of journey is only permitted on journeys which are 101 km or more. Break of journey is not permitted on
journeys which are 100 km or less.

Other Operators

ŽSR FIP facilities are not available on RegioJet services.

No FIP facilities are available on UZ

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Slovenia – SŽ
For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant for Slovenia:
• SŽ - Slovenske Železnice (Slovenian Railways)

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by SŽ defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the SŽ railway network. For
the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which SŽ coupons are valid

FS Nova Gorica (fr)
Villa-Opicina (fr) (Slovene: Opčine, Triestine: Opcina),
HŽ Buzet (Gr)
Čakovec (Gr)
Dobova (Gr)
Kumrovec (Gr)
Metlika (Gr)
Mursko Središće (Gr)
Rogatec (Gr)
Šapjane (Gr)
MÁV Hodoš (Gr) (also Hodos or Őrihodos)
ÖBB Bleiburg (Gr) (Slovene: Pliberk)
Jesenice (Gr) (German: Assling)
Spielfeld (Gr) (Slovene: Špilje)

Supplements are payable for travel by EC and IC trains if you have bought a FIP discounted ticket. This full
supplement applies also to children from 6 to 12 years of age.

For travel by ICS trains reservations are compulsory. FIP coupons may be used on ICS trains, but a reservation
and supplement must be obtained, either at the ticket office, or on the train.

Break of journey is permitted without formality within the validity of the ticket.

FIP discounted tickets may only be purchased on-board trains in three cases:
• when arriving into Slovenia and continuing a journey in the same train which crossed the frontier
• when starting a journey at a station where the ticket office is unstaffed.
• when holding a 1st class International Reduced Rate Card and a 2nd class reduced rate ticket purchased
prior to departure, and wanting to upgrade to a 1st class ticket

FIP facilities are not valid on

• motorail services
• SŽ bus services

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Spain – RENFE (*GF)

For FIP purposes there is one entity relevant for Spain:
• RENFE - Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Españoles (National Network of Spanish Railways)

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by RENFE defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the RENFE railway
network. For the meanings of (Gr) or (fr) suffixes, please see the Glossary entry for Transit Points.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which RENFE coupons are valid

CP Ayamonte [ > V. Real de Sto Antonio Guadiana]
Badajoz (fr)
Barca de Alva (fr)
Fuentes de Onoro (fr)
Valença (fr)
Valencia de Alcántara (Fr)
SNCF Canfranc (fr)
Hendaye (fr)
Port-Bou (fr)
La Tour-de-Carol-Enveitg

Supplements are payable by holders of FIP coupons for travel on IC, Talgo, Trainhotel and Euromed trains.
Passengers booking the Luxury Class or Shower Car must pay the full sleeping car supplement.

On high-speed AVE services holders of FIP coupons and FIP discounted tickets are entitled to travel in ‘Tourist’
class at 50% discount on the normal tariff, and for travel in ‘Preferential’ class the discount is 60%.

Reservations are mandatory on long-distance trains. Trains may be fully booked days in advance and standing
is not permitted. Access to platforms may be prevented if you do not hold a reservation. 47

FIP travel facilities are valid on suburban services provided by RENFE, but not on Metro services.

FIP facilities are not valid on:

• services provided by EuskoTren or FEVE
• RENFE bus services
• RENFE Metro services

FIP discounted tickets may only be purchased on-board when starting a journey at a station where the ticket
office is unstaffed, or where the journey continues beyond the destination shown on the ticket, and the ticket
inspector is informed.

Break of journey is not permitted.

RENFE have confirmed that reservations are not available online. They can only be booked at station ticket offices.

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Switzerland – BLS, SBB (*GF), SP and BSB/VSU

For FIP purposes there are four entities relevant for Switzerland:
• BLS - BLS AG provides services mainly in Bern and the surrounding area
• SBB – Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (formally SBB CFF FFS Schweizerische Bundesbahnen, Chemins
de fer fédéraux suisses, Ferrovie federali svizzere) Swiss Federal Railway providing services across the
• SP – Schweizer Privatbahnen (Swiss Private Railways) – this group covers many smaller operators
• BSB/VSU - Bodensee-Schiffsbetriebe/Vereinigten Schifffahrtsunternehmen für den Bodensee und
Rhein (See separate entry for Lake Constance)

In general, you may use free coupons and buy single, return and round-trip tickets tickets with the
International Reduced Rate Card for travel without restriction on rail services throughout Switzerland (for
exceptions see below).

In some locations, tickets need to be stamped in platform ticket validation equipment before boarding a train.

Discounted ticket purchase at Vending Machines in Switzerland

Self Service purchase is available at Ticket Vending Machines. Use the Half Fare option to obtain the 50%
reduction. (The machines include English as a language option.)

In some urban areas a request for a ticket from one specific station to another will result in a ticket to or from a
Zonal destination. This ticket may cover forms of transport (trams etc) which are not covered by the FIP
scheme, as it can be used by people holding a Swiss Half Fare Card (a non-FIP discount scheme). If you are
using the FIP International Reduced Rate Card to justify the 50% discount on the ticket, you can only use the
ticket on the services of the companies within the FIP scheme.

BLS AG FIP facilities

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 16 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 16 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by BLS AG defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the BLS AG railway

Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring Neighbouring Transport Carriers

FIP Carriers
Bern – Neuchâtel Bern SBB, SP (RBS)
Neuchâtel SBB, SP (TRN)
Bern – Schwarzenburg Bern SBB, SP (RBS)
Bern – Münsingen/Belp – Thun – Spiez – Lötschberg – Brig Bern SBB, SP (RBS)
Thun, Brig SBB
Spiez – Interlaken Ost Interlaken Ost SBB, SP (ZB, JB)
Spiez – Zweisimmen Zweisimmen SP (MOB)

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Lines Transit Points with Neighbouring Neighbouring Transport Carriers

FIP Carriers
Moutier – Lengnau Moutier, Lengnau SBB
Soloturn – Moutier Soloturn SBB, SP (ASM, BSG, RBS)
Moutier SBB
Soloturn – Burghof – Konolfingen - Thun Soloturn SBB, SP (ASM, BSG, RBS)
Burgdorf, Konolfingen, Thun SBB
Burgdorf – Ramsei – Langnau Burgdorf, Langnau SBB
Langenthal – Huttwil – Wolhusen Langenthal SBB, SP (ASM)
Wolhusen SBB

FIP facilities are valid on all rail and bus services provided by BLS (including Busland AG) and on all timetabled
BLS boat services on Lake Thun (German: Thunersee) and Lake Brienz (German: Brienzersee).

FIP discounted tickets may not be purchased on-board trains. A penalty fare will be levied if passengers do not
have a valid ticket.

BLS FIP coupons and BLS FIP discounted tickets are not valid for travel on:
• funicular railways
• cable cars
• car transport services through the Simplon tunnel (Brig <> Iselle di Trasquera)
• car transport services through the Lötschberg tunnel (Kandersteg <> Goppenstein).

BLS FIP facilities are valid on the routes in the table below.

Dual availability of BLS AG and SBB FIP coupons on BLS routes

BLS routes are highlighted in red where SBB coupons are also valid.

Bern – Münsingen/Belp – Thun – Spiez Spiez – Visp – Brig – Domodossola

Spiez – Kandersteg – Brig – Domodossola
Spiez – Interlaken Ost
Spiez – Zweisimmen
Bern – Flamatt Flamatt – Fribourg
Flamatt – Laupen
Bern – Langnau – Wolhusen – Luzern
Bern – Schwarzenburg
Bern – Lyss Lyss – Biel/Bienne
Lyss – Kerzers – Murten – Payerne
Lyss - Büren an der Aare
Bern – Burgdorf Burgdorf – Langenthal Langenthal - Huttwil – Wolhusen
Burgdorf – Solothurn – Moutier Moutier - Lengnau
Burgdorf – Konolfingen - Thun
Burgdorf – Ramsei - Langnau/ Huttwil
Bern – Kerzers – Neuchâtel

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SBB FIP facilities

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 16 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 16 and older pay the adult fare.

The following table supplied by SBB defines the boundaries of both SBB and SP FIP availability across the
network in Switzerland.

Neighbouring Transit points up to which the coupons of the carrier mentioned are valid SBB SP
DB AG Basel Bad Bf, Waldshut X
Konstanz X
Schaffhausen X X
FS 48 Chiasso, Iselle transito [ > Domodossola], Locarno [ > Domodossola], Lugano [ > X
Porto Ceresio], Pino transito
Domodossola X X
Tirano X
ÖBB Buchs (SG), St Margrethen X
SNCF Basel SBB, Genève [ > Bellegarde] X X
Genève-Eaux-Vives [ > Annemasse], Le Châtelard-Frontière X
VSU/BSB Arbon, Horn X
Konstanz, Kreuzlingen Hafen X
Romanshorn, Rorschach Hafen, Schaffhausen, Stein am Rhein X X

Holders of FIP free coupons and FIP discounted tickets travelling on EC trains between Switzerland and Italy or
on cross-border TGV services must pay the full supplement. Seat reservations are mandatory on EC trains
(requiring the payment of a supplement) and on all TGV trains.

FIP discounted tickets may not be purchased on-board trains. A penalty fare will be levied if passengers do not
have a valid ticket.

FIP facilities are not valid on bus services operated by SBB unless they are providing a temporary rail
replacement service.

Map showing the SBB routes on which FIP facilities are accepted.

Only SP coupons are valid on the line between Domodossola and Locarno as it is operated by Società Subalpina di
Imprese Ferroviarie.

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Figure 10 - FIP facilities map for SBB. Image source: SBB

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SP rail and bus FIP facilities

Children up to 6 years old travel free. Children up to 16 years old are eligible for a 50% reduction on the adult
fare. Persons aged 16 and older pay the adult fare.

The SP rail and bus operators are:

ID Company Notes
AB Appenzeller Bahnen Also a bus operator
ASM Aare Seeland mobil Also a bus operator
BDWM BDWM Transport, Bremgarten Also a bus operator
BLT Baselland Transport Also a bus operator
CJ Chemins de fer du Jura Also a bus operator
FART Ferrovie Autolinee Regionali Ticinesi For travel on Treno Panoramico Vigezzo Vision reservations are
Also a bus operator
FB Forchbahn Line S18 of the Zürich S-Bahn.
FW Frauenfeld–Wild-Bahn
JB Jungfraubahn Comprises BGF, BLM, BOB, HB, JB, WAB. Some operators do not accept
FIP Coupons. See each entry in the table below.

MBC Transports de la région Morges-Bière- Also a bus operator

MGB Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn Services from Disentis/Mustér to Zermatt, and Andermatt to
FIP free coupons are not available on the Zermatt to Gornergrat
section. Reduced rate tickets may be purchased.
For travel on Glacier Express trains (operated jointly by MGB and
RhB) reservations are compulsory.
No FIP facility is available on vehicle transport through the Furka
Tunnel. The full public vehicle fare must be paid.
MIB Meiringen-Innertkirchen Bahn
MOB Chemin du fer Montreux-Oberland Services from Montreux to Gstaad and Zweisimmen.
Bernois Supplements are payable for the GoldenPass Panoramic.
MVR Transports Montreux–Vevey–Riviera
NStCM Nyon-St Cergue-Morez (Nyon-La Cure)
OeBB Oensingen-Balsthal
RA RegionAlps, Martigny Services between St-Gingolph and Brig, and between Martigny and
Le Châble / Orsières
RBS Regionalverkehr Bern-Solothurn Also a bus operator. Services between Bern, Solothurn and Worb.
RhB Rhätische Bahn Also a bus operator.

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ID Company Notes
Supplements are payable for the Bernina Express.
For travel on Glacier Express trains (operated jointly by MGB and
RhB) reservations are compulsory.
No FIP facility is available on vehicle transport through the Albula
and Vereina Tunnels. The full public vehicle fare must be paid.
SOB Schweizerische Südostbahn
SSIF Società Subalpina di Imprese Ferroviarie Domodossola to Locarno
STB Sensetalbahn Also a bus operator
SZU Sihltal Zürich Uetliberg Bahn
THURBO Regionalbahn THURBO, Kreuzlingen
TMR Transports de Martigny et Régions Also a bus operator
TPC Transports publics du Chablais Also a bus operator. Formed as a merger of Aigle-Leysin (AL); Aigle-
Ollon-Monthey-Champéry (AOMC); Aigle-Sépey-Diablerets (ASD)
and Bex-Villars-Bretaye (BVB)
TPF Transports publics fribourgeois Also a bus operator. Formerly Chemins de fer Fribourgeois Gruyère-
TRAVYS Transports Vallée-de-Joux - Yverdon-les- Also a bus operator
Bains - Sainte-Croix
TRN Transports régionaux neuchâtelois Also a bus operator
WB Waldenburgerbahn
WSB Wynental- und Suhrentalbahn
ZB Zentralbahn Luzern to lnterlaken Ost via Brünig Pass, and Luzern to Stans and

The following table supplied by SP defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the SP railway and bus
network in Switzerland.

Carrier Lines Transit Points with Adjoining Carriers

other FIP carriers
AB Gossau SG-Appenzell-Wasserauen Gossau SG SBBF
Herisau SP (SOB)
St.Gallen-Gais-Appenzell St.Gallen SBBF, SP (SOB)
Gais-Altstätten Stadt
St. Gallen-Trogen St. Gallen SBBF, SP (SOB)
Rorschach-Heiden Rorschach SBBF
Rorschach Hafen SBB, BSB/VLB/SBS/URh
Rheineck-Walzenhausen Rheineck SBB
ASM Biel/Bienne-Täuffelen-Ins Biel/Bienne SBBF, SP (BSG)
Langenthal-St.Urban Ziegelei Langenthal SBB, BLS

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Carrier Lines Transit Points with Adjoining Carriers

other FIP carriers
Langenthal-Niederbipp-Oensingen Niederbipp SBB
Solothurn-Niederbipp-Oensingen Solothurn SBB, BLS, SP (BSG, RBS)
Niederbipp SBB
Oensingen SBB, SP (OeBB)
Ligerz – Tessenberg (funicular) Ligerz SBB, SP (BSG)
Bus: all routes
AVA Wohlen–Bremgarten–Dietikon Wohlen SBB
Dietikon SBB
Schöftland–Aarau–Menziken-Burg Aarau SBB
Suhr SBB
Bus: all routes Oberentfelden SBB
BGF Grindelwald–First 49 Grindelwald SP (BOB, WAB)
BLM Lauterbrunnen–Grütschalp Lauterbrunnen SP (BOB, WAB)
BLT Dornach-Arlesheim-Basel-Rodersdorf Dornach-Arlesheim, SBB
Basel SBB
Liestal - Waldenburg Liestal SBB
Bus: all routes
BOB Interlaken Ost–Grindelwald/Lauterbrunnen Interlaken SBB, SP (ZB), BLS
Wilderswil–Schynige Platte 50
CJ Glovelier-La Chaux-de-Fonds Glovelier SBB
La Chaux-de-Fonds SBB, SP (TRN)
Tavannes-Le Noirmont Tavannes SBB
Porrentruy-Bonfol Porrentruy SBB
FART Locarno-Camedo [>Domodossola] Locarno SBB
Camedo transito SP (SSIF)
Bus: all routes
FB Zürich Stadelhofen-Esslingen Zürich Stadelhofen SBB, SP (ZSG)
FW Frauenfeld-Wil Frauenfeld SBB
GCB Zermatt–Gornergrat 51 Zermatt SP (MGB)
HB Interlaken – Harder Kulm 52 Interlaken SP (WAB)
JB Kleine Scheidegg – Jungfraujoch 53 Interlaken Ost SBB, BLS, SP (ZB)

FIP coupons not accepted. FIP discounted tickets are available.
FIP coupons not accepted. FIP discounted tickets are available.
FIP coupons not accepted. FIP discounted tickets are available.
FIP coupons not accepted. FIP discounted tickets are available.
FIP coupons not accepted. FIP discounted tickets are available.

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Carrier Lines Transit Points with Adjoining Carriers

other FIP carriers
MBC Bière – Apples – Morges Morges SBB, SP (CGN)
Apples – L’Isletou – Mont-la-Ville SBB, SP (CGN)
Bus: all routes
MIB Meiringen - Innertkirchen Meiringen SP (ZB)
MGB Brig–Zermatt Visp/Brig SBB, BLS
Brig–Disentis Disentis/Göschenen SP (RhB)/SBB
Bus: all routes
MOB Montreux – Les Avants-Montbovon-Gstaad-Zweisimmen- Montreux SBB, SP (CGN)
Lenk im Simmental Montbovon SP (TPF)
Zweisimmen BLS
MVR Vevey-Blonay - Les Pléiades Vevey SBB, SP (CGN)
Vevey-Chardonne - Mt-Pelèrin Vevey SBB, SP (CGN)
Montreux/Territet - Glion-Rochers-de-Naye Montreux, Territet SBB, SP (CGN)
Les Avants-Sonloup (Funicular) Les Avants SP (MOB)
NStCM Nyon-St-Cergue - La Cure Nyon SBB, SP (CGN)
OeBB Oensingen - Balsthal Oensingen SBB, SP (ASM)
RA RegionAlps, Brig – St. Gingolph 54 Brig SBB, BLS
Martigny SP (TMR)
St. Gingolph SP (CGN)
Martigny – Sembrancher - Orsières Martigny
Sembrancher - Le Sable
RBS Bern-Worblaufen - Solothurn Bern SBB, BLS
Solothurn SBB, BS, SP (ASM, BSG)
Worblaufen - Unterzollikofen
Worblaufen - Worb Dorf
Bus: all routes
RhB Chur - Disentis/Mustér Chur SBB
Chur – Arosa Chur SBB
Chur – Thusis – Filisur – Bever - St.Moritz Chur SBB
Chur – Landquart – Davos - Filisur Chur, Landquart SBB
Chur – Landquart – Vereina – Scuol - Tarasp Chur, Landquart SBB
St.Moritz – Bever – Scuol - Tarasp
St.Moritz – Pontresina – Poschiavo - Tirano

Local trains only

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Carrier Lines Transit Points with Adjoining Carriers

other FIP carriers
Bus Bernina Express Tirano - Lugano Lugano SBB
SOB Romanshorn - St. Gallen – Wattwil – Nesslau - Neu St Romanshorn SBB, SP (THURBO),
Johann St. Gallen St. Fiden, BSB/VLB/SBS/URh
Lichtensteig, Wattwil SBB
St. Gallen SBB, SP (AB)
Herisau SP (AB)
Rapperswil - Pfäffikon SZ - Biberbrugg - Arth-Goldau Rapperswil, Pfäffikon SZ SBB, SP (ZSG)
Arth-Goldau SBB
Wädenswil-Biberbrugg-Einsiedeln Wädenswil SBB, SP (ZSG)
SSIF Domodossola-Camedo [> Locarno] Domodossola FS
Camedo transito SP (FART)
STB Flamatt-Laupen Flamatt SBB
Bus: Laupen-Gümmenen Gümmenen BLS
SZU Zürich HB-Uetliberg Zürich HB SBB, SP (ZSG)
Zürich HB-Adliswil-Sihlwald Zürich HB SBB, SP (ZSG)
THURBO Konstanz-Kreuzlingen-Weinfelden-Wil Konstanz DB AG, BSB/VLB/SBS/URh
Weinfelden SBB
Wil SBB, SP (FW)
Schaffhausen-Kreuzlingen-Romanshorn Schaffhausen SBB, BSB/VLB/SBS/URh
Etzwilen SBB
Stein am Rhein SBB, BSB/VLB/SBS/URh
Kreuzlingen Hafen BSB/VLB/SBS/URh
Romanshorn SBB, SP (SOB), BSB/VLB/SBS/URh
TMR Martigny-Le Châtelard-Frontière Martigny SBB, SP (RA)
Le Châtelard-Frontière SNCF
Bus: all routes (except: Salvan-La Creusaz-Van-d'en-Haut
and Finhaut-Lac d'Emosson)
TPC Aigle-Leysin Aigle SBB
Aigle-Ollon-Monthey-Champéry Aigle, Monthey SBB
Aigle-Sépey-Diablerets Aigle SBB
Bex–Villars-sur-Ollon–Col-de-Bretaye Bex SBB
Bus: all routes
TPF Fribourg/Freiburg-Murten-Ins Fribourg/Freiburg SBB
Murten SBB, SP (LNM)
Romont-Bulle Romont SBB
Palézieux-Bulle-Montbovon Palézieux SBB
Montbovon SP (MOB)

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Carrier Lines Transit Points with Adjoining Carriers

other FIP carriers
Fribourg/Freiburg-Neuveville-St-Pierre Fribourg/Freiburg SBB
Bus: all routes
TRAVYS Le Day - Le Pont - Le Brassus Le Pont SBB
Yverdon-les-Bains - Ste-Croix Yverdon-les-Bains SBB, SP (LNM)
Orbe-Chavornay Chavornay SBB
TRN La Chaux-de-Fonds - Les Ponts-de-Martel La Chaux-de-Fonds SBB, SP (CJ)
Le Locle - Les Brenets Le Locle SBB
Travers-Fleurier-Buttes Travers SBB
Neuchâtel, Pl. Pury Littorail–Boudry Littorail Neuchâtel SBB-CFF, BLS
Bus: all routes
WAB Grindelwald-Kleine Scheidegg Grindelwald SP (BOB)
Kleine Scheidegg SP (WAB, JB)
Lauterbrunnen-Wengen-Kleine Scheidegg Lauterbrunnen SP (BOB)
Kleine Scheidegg SP (WAB, JB)
WSB Aarau-Menziken-Burg Aarau, Suhr SBB
Aarau-Schöftland Aarau SBB
Oberentfelden SBB
ZB Luzern-Meiringen-Interlaken Ost Luzern SBB, BLS
Meiringen SP (MIB)
Interlaken Ost SBB, BLS, JB
Luzern-Stans-Engelberg Luzern SBB, BLS

FIP discounted tickets are available on Single, Return and Circular journey tickets.

FIP discounted tickets must be purchased in advance of travel and cannot be purchased on-board trains.

FIP discounted tickets are valid without restriction on the rack-rail and funicular services operated by SP
railways, and most bus services provided by SP operators. However, no reduction is usually granted on cable
car services.

SP shipping FIP facilities

You may use boat services (car ferries excepted) provided by SP operators on
• Lake Geneva (French: Lac Leman, German: Genfersee)
• Lake Lucerne (French: lac des Quatre-Cantons, German: Vierwaldstättersee)
• Lake Zürich (German: Zürichsee)

The SP Boat operators are:

• BSG - Bielersee-Schifffahrts-Gesellschaft

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• CGN - Compagnie générale de navigation (Lac Léman (Lake Geneva))

• LNM - Société navigation sur les Lacs du Neuchâtel et Morat
• SGV - Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersee
• ZSG - Zürichsee Schifffahrtsgesellschaft

The following table supplied by SP defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the SP shipping services in

Carrier Lines Transit Points with Adjoining Carriers

other FIP carriers
BSG Lac de Bienne/Bielersee including: Biel/Bienne SBB, SP (ASM)
Biel/Bienne-Solothurn (L'Aar/Aarefahrt) und La Neuveville SBB
Biel/Bienne-Murten (3 Lakes Tour)
Solothurn SBB, BLS, SP (ASM, RBS)
CGN Lake Geneva Genève SBB, SNCF
Nyon SBB, SP (NStCM)
Morges SBB, SP (MBC)
Lausanne SBB, SP
Vevey SBB, SP (MVR)
Montreux, Territet SBB, SP (MOB)
Villeneuve SBB
St-Gingolph (Suisse) SP (RA)
Evian-les-Bains, SNCF
LNM Lakes Neuchâtel and Morat including: Neuchâtel SBB, BLS, SP (TRN)
Neuchâtel-Murten und Estavayer SBB
Neuchâtel-Biel/Bienne (BSG)
Yverdon SBB, SP (TRAVYS)
Murten/Morat SBB, SP (TPF)
SGV Lake Lucerne (excluding car ferry Beckenried-Gersau) Luzern, Küssnacht am SBB
Rigi, Brunnen, Flüelen

Stansstad, Hergiswil SP (ZB)

Alpnachstad SBB (ZB)
ZSG Lake Zürich Zürich HB SBB, SP (SZU)
Including: Zürich Stadelhofen SBB, SP (FB)
Navigation on the Limmat
Zürich Enge, Thalwil, SBB
Excluding: Meilen
Car Ferry Horgen-Meilen
Wädenswil, Pfäffikon SBB, SP (SOB)
SZ, Rapperswil
Lachen, Schmerikon SBB

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Global fares and International railway companies

Global fares

‘Global’ or ‘special’ fares include the price of the journey, tunnel charges, seat reservation fee or
sleeper/couchette charge and in some cases food and drink (and may therefore at first glance appear higher).

They generally apply to cross-border (i.e. international) services and are difficult to include in a country-by-
country guide. Countries included in this table are marked with (*GF).

Name Operator Routes Conditions

ALLEO DB/SNCF Frankfurt – Saarbrücken – Passengers must hold an FIP card or SNCF/SNCB/DB permit.
Paris FIP cardholders must purchase a permit to travel plus seat
München – Stuttgart – Paris reservation (€30 1st class, €15 2nd class).
Frankfurt – Strasbourg - Fully exchangeable/refundable before departure, not thereafter.
NightJet OBB Various overnight services All OBB NightJet services operate as globally priced fares.
Cancellation: Up to 15 days prior to departure = free of charge. 14-
1 days prior to departure = 50% (min €15 per ticket). Day of
departure = no refund.

NightJet OBB Motorail services from Vehicles transported at the published fare.
Düsseldorf – Innsbruck Cancellation: Up to 15 days prior to departure = free of charge.
Hamburg – Wien 14-1 days prior to departure = 50% (min €15 per ticket). Day of
Domestic routes in Austria departure = no refund.

ELIPSOS RENFE/SNCF Barcelona – Paris Subject to availability.

Barcelona – Toulouse All classes of service may be used, irrespective of class of travel on
Barcelona – Lyon FIP card, but upgrades must be paid for.
Madrid – Barcelona – Cancellation: Up to departure = 10%. Thereafter = no refund.
Marseille (day trains)
Eurostar EIL London – Bruxelles Subject to availability.
London – Paris Standard or Standard Premier may be used, irrespective of class of
London – Marne la Vallée travel on FIP card.
London – Avignon (seasonal) Cancellation/exchange: up to departure, no refund thereafter.
London – Bourg St Maurice Travel not permitted on trains dep 17.30hrs-19.00hrs on Fridays.
London – Amsterdam

EURONIGHT OBB Wien – Köln Free coupons covering entire route but plus supplement; or global
ERIDANUS Wien - Hamburg FIP fare covering ticket price and reservation
HANS ALBERS For deluxe (ensuite) sleeper compartments, 1st class FIP card
Cancellation (supplement and/or global fare): Up to 1 day prior to
departure = 10%, min €5. On day of departure = 50%, min €5. No
refund thereafter

EURONIGHT MAV Budapest – Berlin Free coupons covering entire route but plus supplement; or global
METROPOL Budapest - München FIP fare covering ticket price and reservation
KALMAN IMRE Cancellation (supplement and/or global fare): Up to 1 day prior to
departure = 10%, min €5/€15. On day of departure = 50%, min
€5/€15. No refund thereafter

LISINSKI HZ Zagreb - München Global fare covering ticket price and reservation
Cancellation (supplement and/or global fare): Up to 1 day prior to
departure = 10%, min €5/€15. On day of departure = 50%, min
€5/€15. No refund thereafter

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Name Operator Routes Conditions

ITALY: TRENITALIA Domestic route in Italy Tickets bought in the UK:
Frecciarossa FIP card and coupon holders FIP global fare applies (50% discount on basic cost, + service
Frecciargento charge) – subject to availability.
Frecciabianca Cancellation; Up to departure = -20%; no refund thereafter; no
IC refund on seat reservation fees.
(for seats, Tickets bought in Italy:
couchettes, 2 x FIP global fares available, depending on whether travel is by FIP
sleepers) card or FIP coupon and whether work-related, in which case admin
fees are payable as follows:
Generally €25; €25 on Frecciabianca; no admin fee in IC / ICN /
Espresso; when work-related can travel in Premium or Standard
free except for admin fee – subject to availability
Cancellation: Up to departure = -20%; no refund thereafter; no
refund on seat reservation fees

THELLO NIGHT TRENITALIA Paris – Venezia No FIP fares available

LUSITANIA CP/RENFE Lisboa – Madrid FIP fares apply – subject to availability.

All classes of service may be used irrespective of class of travel of
the FIP card.
Cancellation: Up to departure = 10%. No refund thereafter.

LYRIA SNCF/SBB Paris – Basel – Zürich Passengers must be FIP cardholders and also in possession of an
Paris – Geneva - Lausanne FIP Duty Coupon.
Travel permitted in class of travel as indicated on the FIP card.
Cancellation: Fully exchangeable and refundable up to departure –
non-exchangeable and non-refundable thereafter.

OBB OBB Graz – Klagenfurt – Villach – Coupons covering the entire route + supplement or Global fare
IC Bus Udine - Venezia covering ticket price and reservation.
Cancellation (supplement and/or global fare): Up to 2 days prior to
departure = 10%, min €3.50. No refund thereafter.

EN 234/235 OBB/FS Wien – Roma/Milano Coupons covering the entire route + supplement or Global fare
EN 236/237 Wien – Venezia covering ticket price and reservation.
Supplement: 7-1 days prior to departure = 10%, min €5
Global fare: 7-1 days prior to departure = 10%, min €15. Day of
departure and up to 1 month thereafter = 50%, min €15

Super City CD Praha - Ostrava Free coupons + supplement cover entire route.
Compulsory reservations.
Cancellation: No refunds.

SUD EXPRESSO CP/RENFE Lisboa - Hendaye FIP fares apply – subject to availability
All classes of service may be used irrespective of class of travel of
the FIP card
Cancellation: Up to departure = 10%. No refund thereafter

SNCF SNCF Domestic routes in France Free coupons covering the entire route, or global fare.
Intercités Jour (day/night) Compulsory reservation.
Intercités Nuit Domestic routes in France Travel permitted in class of travel as indicated on the FIP card.
TGV Cancellation: Fully refundable/exchangeable before departure.
After departure = 50%.

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Name Operator Routes Conditions

TGV France- SNCF Paris - Barcelona FIP fares apply – subject to availability.
Spain Travel permitted in class of travel as indicated on the FIP card.
Cancellation: Exchangeable/refundable up to departure = 10%. No
refund/exchange thereafter.

TGV France- SNCF Paris - Luxembourg FIP fares apply – subject to availability.
Luxembourg Travel permitted in class of travel as indicated on the FIP card.
Cancellation: Exchangeable/refundable up to departure, not

TGV Provence SNCF Bruxelles – South of France FIP fares apply – subject to availability.
Bruxelles – Lille Travel permitted in class of travel as indicated on the FIP card.
Cancellation: Exchangeable/refundable up to departure, not

TGV SNCF Genève - Marseille FIP fares apply – subject to availability.

Mediterranée Travel permitted in class of travel as indicated on the FIP card
Cancellation: Exchangeable/refundable up to departure, not

SPAIN: RENFE Domestic routes in Spain FIP fares apply – subject to availability.
AVE Trains in Spain are globally priced.
ALTARIA Some local services are open access and tickets for these can only
ALVIA be purchased locally.
EUROMED All classes of service may be used irrespective of class of travel of
TALGO the FIP card but upgrade fees must be paid.
Cancellation: Up to departure = 10%. No refund thereafter

THALYS THI Factory Paris – Amsterdam/Köln FIP fares apply – subject to availability
High-speed service Travel permitted in class of travel as indicated on the FIP card
Cancellation: Up to departure = full refund. No refund thereafter

THI Factory - Thalys

THI Factory is the FIP member responsible for the operation of Thalys high-speed services between the
Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France.

Children up to 4 years old travel free. Children up to 12 years old are eligible for a reduction on the adult global
fare. Persons aged 12 and older pay the adult global fare.

The following table supplied by THI defines the boundaries of FIP availability across the THI railway network.

Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which THI facilities are valid

DB AG Aachen
Düsseldorf Airport
NS Amsterdam

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Neighbouring carrier Transit points up to which THI facilities are valid

SNCB Antwerpen
SNCF Paris

The classes of service on Thalys are Comfort 1 and Comfort 2. FIP first class facilities are valid in Comfort 1, and
FIP second class facilities are valid in Comfort 2.

There are no FIP coupons available for free travel on Thalys services.

The FIP International Reduced Rate Card may be used to purchase tickets. FIP discounted tickets cannot be
purchased on-board. Where no tickets are held, a supplement of €25 is levied on the on-board purchase of full
fare tickets.

If you have an FIP discounted ticket, and travel in the same class on a different train to the one you are booked
on, you will have to pay the difference between the discounted ticket you hold, and the full fare for the same

If you have an FIP discounted ticket for travel in Comfort 2 class and wish to upgrade to Comfort 1 class on the
same train, you have to pay the difference between the discounted ticket you hold, and the full fare for the
Comfort 1 class.

If you have an FIP discounted ticket for travel in Comfort 2 class and wish to upgrade to Comfort 1 class on a
different train, you have to pay the difference between the discounted ticket you hold, and the full fare for the
Comfort 1 class plus a supplement of €25.

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Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

This is a glossary of terms used in this document, including transport carrier abbreviations.

Term Meaning Notes

<> Between i.e. Kandersteg <> Goppenstein means between Kandersteg
and Goppenstein.
> In the direction of i.e. > Domodossola means in the direction of Domodossola
AB Appenzeller Bahnen A rail and bus operator under SP
ASm Aare Seeland mobil A rail and bus operator under SP
ATOC/GBPR Association of Train Operating Companies / The name given to the British membership of FIP through Rail
Great Britain Passenger Railway Staff Travel.
BDWM BDWM Transport, Bremgarten A rail and bus operator under SP
BDZ Български държавни железници (Balgarski Bulgarian State Railways
darzhavni zheleznitsi)
BLS AG A Swiss railway company created by the merger of BLS
Lötschbergbahn and Regionalverkehr Mittelland AG.
BLT Baselland Transport A rail and bus operator under SP
BSB Bodensee-Schiffsbetriebe GmbH A shipping company on Lake Constance. BSB manages the
VSU FIP arrangements.
BSG Bielersee-Schifffahrts-Gesellschaft A shipping operator under SP
ČD České dráhy Czech Railways
CFL Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourg National Railways
CFR Căile Ferate Române Romanian National Railways
CGN Compagnie générale de navigation (Lac Léman A shipping operator under SP
CIÉ Córas Iompair Éireann Irish Transport System incorporating Iarnród Éireann (Irish Rail)
CJ Chemins de fer du Jura A rail and bus operator under SP
CLC Carta di Libera Circolazione Italian for Free Rail Pass (FIP Coupons fall into this category)
Compositeur French name for ticket validation equipment. Usually based on platforms. Tickets must be inserted to
(Italian version Obliteratrici) validate them before travel.
CP Comboios de Portugal Portuguese Railways
DB AG Deutsche Bahn German Railways
DSB Danske Statsbaner Danish State Railways
EIL Eurostar International Limited
FART Ferrovie Autolinee Regionali Ticinesi A rail and bus operator under SP
FB Forchbahn A rail operator under SP
FIP Facilités de circulation Internationales du International Travel Facilities for Railway Staff. Rail Staff Travel
Personnel des chemins de fer is a member of this group within the UIC.
FIP Card A card enabling discounted tickets to be bought. Can only be used in conjunction with a valid passport.
Also known as the International Reduced Rate
FIP Coupon A coupon enabling free travel for a specified Can only be used in conjunction with a valid passport.
duration of time
FS Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Italian State Railways. Passenger services are mostly provided
by subsidiary company Trenitalia
FW Frauenfeld–Wild-Bahn A rail operator under SP
Grenztarifpunkt German for Border Tariff Point. See Transit Point
GySEV Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút A joint enterprise between Hungary and Austria. Known in
Austria as Raaberbahn.
Hbf Hauptbahnhof German: Main Railway Station
hl.n. hlavní nádraží Czech: Main Station
HŽ Hrvatske željeznice Croatian Railways
ÎDF Mobilités Île-de-France Mobilités Formerly STIF. The organisation that controls transport
companies in the Paris-area including RATP and SNCF.

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Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

Term Meaning Notes

KD Koleje Dolnośląskie Lower Silesian Railways. Poland
JB Jungfraubahn A rail operator under SP
KS Koleje Śląskie Silesian Railways, Poland
KW Koleje Wielkopolskie Greater Poland Railways
LNM Société navigation sur les Lacs du Neuchâtel et A shipping operator under SP
MÁV Magyar Államvasutak Hungarian State Railways
MBC Transports de la région Morges-Bière-Cossonay A rail and bus operator under SP
MGB Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn A rail operator under SP
MIB Meiringen-Innertkirchen Bahn A rail operator under SP
MOB Montreux-Oberland Bernois A rail operator under SP
MVR Montreuz-Vevey-Riviera A rail operator under SP
MZ-T Makedonski Železnici Transport Macedonian Passenger Railways
NIR Northern Ireland Railways
NS Nederlandse Spoorwegen Netherlands Railways
NSB Norges Statsbaner AS Norwegian State Railways
NStCM Nyon-St Cergue-Morez (Nyon-La Cure) A rail operator under SP
ÖBB Österreichische Bundesbahnen Austrian Federal Railways
Obliteratrici Italian name for ticket validation equipment Usually based on platforms. Tickets must be inserted to
(French version Compositeur) validate them before travel.
OeBB Oensingen-Balsthal A rail operator under SP
OSE Οργανισμός Σιδηροδρόμων Ελλάδος or Hellenic Railways Organisation based in Greece
Organismos Sidirodromon Ellados
PKP Polskie Koleje Państwowe Polish State Railways
Points de French for Transit Point See Transit Point
RA RegionAlps, Martigny A rail operator under SP
RailJet Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) and Czech Railways (ČD)
joint venture in high speed train services
RATP Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens Public transport operator in Paris
RegioJet Private Czech provider of passenger rail. Not part of FIP.
RBS Regionalverkehr Bern-Solothurn A rail and bus operator under SP
RDG Rail Delivery Group The management organisation under which RST operates in
Great Britain
RENFE Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Españoles Spanish State Railways
RER Réseau Express Régional Suburban commuter/rapid transit operator serving Paris
RhB Rhätische Bahn A rail and bus operator under SP
RJ Railjet High-speed train ÖBB and ČD with international services to
Germany, Hungary, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Italy.
RST Rail Staff Travel The organisation providing staff travel facilities in Great Britain.
Part of the Rail Delivery Group.
SBB-CFF-FFS Schweizerische Bundesbahnen, Chemins de fer Swiss Federal Railways. Often shortened to SBB-CFF, or just
fédéraux suisses, Ferrovie federali svizzere SBB.
SBS Schweizerische SBS Schifffahrt AG A shipping company on Lake Constance. Part of the BSB/VSU
SGV Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersee A shipping operator under SP
SKM Szybka Kolej Miejska Fast City Rail. Rail operator providing services in Warsaw
SNCB/NMBS Société nationale des chemins de fer Belgian National Railways (usually abbreviated to just SNCB)
belges/Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische
SNCF Société nationale des chemins de fer français French National Railways
SOB Schweizerische Südostbahn A rail operator under SP
SP Swiss Private An FIP grouping for minor railway companies in Switzerland
SSIF Società Subalpina di Imprese Ferroviarie A rail operator under SP

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Rail Staff Travel. How to make the most of your FIP travel benefits in Europe

Term Meaning Notes

STB Sensetalban A rail and bus operator under SP
STIF Syndicat des Transports d'Île-de-France Predecessor of ÎDF Mobilités
SV Србија Воз (Srbija Voz) National Passenger Railways of Serbia
SZU Sihltal Zürich Uetliberg Bahn A rail operator under SP
THI THI Factory Operator of Thalys international rail services from Amsterdam
and Dortmund through Brussels to Paris
THURBO Regionalbahn THURBO, Kreuzlingen A rail operator under SP
TMR Transports de Martigny et Régions A rail and bus operator under SP
TPC Transports publics du Chablais A rail and bus operator under SP
TPF Transports publics fribourgeois A rail and bus operator under SP
TrainOSE The passenger train service provider in Greece
Transit Point A fare location which defines the fare boundary Location suffix (Gr), (fr), (mp), or (ms) has the following
of the carrier. meanings:
(German: Grenztarifpunkt or Übergangspunkte) Gr = Grenze (German for border)
(French: Points de transition) fr = frontière (French for border)
mp = mjesto prijelaza (Croatian for Place of transition)
MS/ms = Mitte See (German for Middle of the Lake)
TRAVYS Transports Vallée de Joux-Yverdon-Ste. Croix A rail and bus operator under SP
TRN Transports régionaux neuchâtelois A rail and bus operator under SP
UIC Union Internationale des Chemins de fer International Union of Railways. The international rail transport
industry body
URh Schweizerische Schifffahrtsgesellschaft A shipping company on Lake Constance. Part of the BSB/VSU
Untersee und Rhein grouping
VLB Vorarlberg Lines Walter Klaus A shipping company on Lake Constance. Part of the BSB/VSU
Bodenseeschifffahrt GmbH & Co grouping
VR Suomen Valtion Rautatiet Finnish State Railways
VSU Vereinigten Schifffahrtsunternehmen für den FIP label for Lake Constance Shipping services. Managed by
Bodensee und Rhein BSB. Comprises BSB, VLB, SBS, URh
WB Waldenburgerbahn A rail operator under SP
WSB Wynental- und Suhrentalbahn A rail operator under SP
ZB Zentralbahn (Luzern-lnterlaken Ost/Engelberg) A rail operator under SP
ŽFBH Željeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine Railway company of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
ŽPCG Жељезнички превоз Црне Горе Railway transport of Montenegro
(Željeznički prevoz Crne Gore)
ŽRS Жељезнице Републике Српске (Željeznice Republika Srpska Railways, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Republike Srpske)
ZSG Zürichsee Schifffahrtsgesellschaft A shipping operator under SP
ŽSR Železnice Slovenskej republiky Railways of the Slovak Republic
ZSSK Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko Slovakian Railway Company

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