'G$ .GL $P,,Ffitffiffi: 'Ffipl .Ffiph Xffi .Ji# (:F LR#J

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fr{E coliPAtrIES ACf, 1956

prihte C.Epuy Ltetted
!y Star.r


Tte nabe oft!. coDliny ts i aLAsqoRE MARTNB FrrnroRfs PRM?E


IL Tte R.gist6red OIE.e ot tLe CoEluy

rjU te .ituted i! dtc state ofODrSIlA.
III. ThG obj.ctr tor which tt. Coepany
t .stlblt tred au I

r.,r.. r&.r., ua.^ I
ta Ararxor. M,ni. E:ro( P,. lld

M.otitrlOn cr.r
tA*.t.a.. g4
6r the @h objecB de i
to the attainhent
Th. objects inodenEr d dci]rarv
+:fu ""=*ih":#r;

fl iiif
- ***;;+*"',*"$Hn'$tri;'Iif 'r.;r'f;

,,96*p**1;*r" --$*,m

" F*W,'""*tr:"rI* *:HS:#J#re

cons@d itds

Ii' Ahtir. &.- l{.ll. Pn. I'd

2 I'rn)t-,A'n r
,/ M,Muing
8. 10 undertake payment of reni d the ,eifom ces 6f all covdots, onditions
ed agreenerits contalned in dd iesfled by ev 1ed€ that mav be Srsted o.
assLgned to or be othNise acqui!€d by the mpdy.

9, 'ro &aw, make, a@ept, €ndorse, disount, exe.ute, issue, ne8oliate, asskB dd
othwise deal in chaques, dJafts, t'llls ol €xchege, promissory notes, hundles,
deb€ntuEs, bonds, bills ol ladin& rail@y re.eipis, vddts ed ell other
negotiable d Eusferable instrum€nts.

lO 1o bF.om. membtr of by meh.ution. assoc,atro' or.ompdv \ffrling on or

which @y carry on resedch dd oti€. scientific work or inve.tiAation in
com.ction with business of compdy or oth€r trades or industries alli.d
the.evith or mcnbrt thft to ed !o @quire shd€s in oy such institutions,
6seiations or compdy md cont ibute towards th€ capital or tunds ther€oi
t l. subject to s€ctio! 58/\ ol compMies Aci of 1956 ad Rules f.m€d there under
md Dir€.tions issued by Resetu Bar* of India from iime to iime, to r€ceive
money m lod ed to bodow or reise or strure the parmmt of tuonev i:om av
Bdk, Finmcial lnstitution or y oth€r lndividuel, Fim or Compov in su.h
m@d s the Compuy shall think fit ed in pdti@ls by dorigage d bv the
issu. ol deb€ntures or debenture 6tock, Prpetual o. othe ise, chdged ulon
aI or ey or the compmys proPdty (boih p.esmt dd tutur€) includins its
uncarbd aapii..1; od to purchde, t€d€em dd pay olI oy 6uch seunti€s ud
Su st* the pdfommce by tie Compdy or sy other persds or Comp@y,
a6 the case may be, prcvided that th€ Compdy shall noi ca!ry on the business
of Bmkiflg as defh€d by the Beking Pegulation Aci 1949.

othwise dislos. of av
12. To l€nd, mortgage, pledge, hr?oth€cate, chege, sell or
property, vhether movable or imovable ol the Compey, eithd absoluiely or
conditionally od in su.h ddnd md uPon such tms dd conditioft in arl
respects as nay be rhousht li! ed to a.cept paym€nt ol satGfaction lor the
s@e in.ash or otheflise, But the Codpay shal not.airy on the busin€s. of
BanLing as d€fEed by the Bakjng Regulaiion Act 1949r

13. To open d acmunt or accouf,is with oy individuat, im or comPmv or with

y bok or banls ad to pay into dd to withdraw moneys from such account

14. To odage ldd, bundirgs dd other prop€rry both movable &d immovatle
wn€ther telonsinB to comldy or n6t dd to collect retrts jncome dd to supply
t@mts dd oeupiers, att4ddts, seflets, waiting rooms, reading rooms sd
.ih 6 ..n ve. i€n.es.

15, To design develop, engine{, iiPort, dport, buy, s€[ dd othetrise deal in,
license, gat oy nglts, fabricate, hir€ out, lease, technical loow_hov, plmt,
machinery dd equipment.

16. To om, vork, dect, insta.ll, maintain, equip, repor, altd, add to or otlemise
hmdle o. deal in mehinery, plets, factories, bulldii€s, laborato.ies, agines
dd appdatus required lor the pu.poses of comp ys P.oducts ad also entd
inio foreisn olaboratron.
,{ rL.i.! rl.a AFrt Pn. kl. ,
f.r rlrd.r.
xni.. trrdl.trt.td.
qo-)oi o-'"5 Hai/A.tu^>'l
/ t.!-rcir. on..r..
r" ro pav "hae u rhe pro,,, oI $e corpm,r."::lT:,fi'&"":,:1ft:"::"..
il:Y].i,fl'11:'":triJ&TtT,l;fl"lli -:o**' *" "o*'(oopmv'
rq r.enrerinLo.orLa.rs, aclemcnBed ddgmPnr\sth sr[m
'" ;:;lli;ffi;, ;;" "' pe'|<m o! ns ror rhe ou' bv sch olhe
pe-son or rqI on behari or *' "omoov'
lii ii".i i^.'""iJ,"u"';rcompov:s'omed'
Per "ons
or $e o6iec s lor snr h u'e
mrb'c m'liue" io- elfu p'riod or das'd
''a rn huv DurLhase, sel, provide'
l;":i;;;;"1;";'*h in ex'heae orproperrv din rFU olevnshrs'
insurd Lnd o'
)n Tn.rak d! d'prr.adon rnd ocqedr Fund shking fmd'
.i''a.*o#.i:i, - rcaimiue prrmre <hr! o'sv o$er purposes

-.*".ever .onauo" to r"e mr{eJ oILhe tdpdv

prcpenv dd
,, r^ r.f,,'€ dd the no'e or M) pd ^ 'Fc bl(hess'
'' ,:;"111;""'J;; ;:;;;;
dv busjness rlu'n
o, mmpo) ldvns on propenv the
sur*or' o ne
possess or
:#;;i i; ";;;
puQose ot this cmpdy'

22. ro esrabLi.h md .uppo't or tr-usts uo

rss..'3Lons institutlons tunds
*"conv -.-
or irs Fredeesos h busnas
ili""ii',Jii* ij. * "'o**s or lhe 'onpdv
su'h PdsorL do
;;";; i.;;i** ", .;.;"d-" ' md su bsmbe d sueer ee
Ii,.i.)"".i! -J *t* p,v-rn. rowd ds insurMle
*J.Li i". f;,"ur." or ;me*rmt obj'ds or ior mv exhjbrlion or ror v

pub[;, sen*a1 or usetul obj€ct'

13. ro m,.r h,o m) M aem'n'. ** *,
obiects orsv of theE sd b obtain Irom
ev s!! ro
wtur re LU' 'pov msv tnink n oesirabl_
-;hr. conee":ons &dou't
delc:se dd cmprv urh dv su'h dsee,dB
:.'"T:::';;;" .;
rights, Pnvibe€s dd concessions'

24 roo'e.n'opsrtn6hipo
of inkrest joint vatur€ redprd ';:t:',l$::ij;
ror ev unFn
a' einer nembers o! the comp*' or
;,"-;; ;.;."; m pqsJ's w'ro
; ;.1 J;;.;;*ri***"n ;, ."-par's caJoln-s.on' ensasins n 9' 'b*' i" 'l'ry:
capabre or bcng olculr'd 50 rs decuv or
;i;;';,";;;; -
inn,F:.nv to benett th,s conPeY'

2s ro seu.'"ase. s.air irmf::e-*jlT.:s",:1i"I.""*T.?lilT,i"i..Tt"f;

p-"i:' .11*::
drspose or tnF LnddEkinsb x:a;;;;.,-, ..*
o' -a ;
i.i "r''"i:a ;.m or seanu"s or dv otiftconp@v'
l,f;i,i,l 'res
'nteGst in tle
26.T0 @alqamate, enter into dv pertnershiP
c'arryine on sY busiless
b""neJ or d] o$d 'omP Y Petun or tm
tii il.rt&. &#ir tuqspn rlr
I.r I'Lrk. ll,iE Irt.n tn Uan
(-1/ o^se.")-. s-.,6 N"2in"'fu-bh
included in the man dbjects of the Comp y or to eni€r itto @y ddgeEdt
ror shdi,s pladts or d co-opqatron o. for mutu.l assistdce with v such
p€rson, f]m, or comPuy or to acquire business 6f lhe Comp y or codected
therNilh or vhich may seem to the Compdy capable of heing .onvoimdv
cuned on in conn.ction vith the above or cal@Iated dire.dy or irdirtcdv to
enhdce the value o. render more profitable to dy ol the comPdv s piopertv
ddto give od aeepr by way oi @nsiddation lo! dv ofthc acts o. things
afo.esaid or prcpeties acquiied by shdes, debature sto& or seffiti€s that
day be agreed upon; dd to hold md retain d seU, mortgag€ dd deal vith
ey shues, debentures, debentue stock or securities to b€ rceiv€d subjed to
the provisions of th€ Compdies Act, 1956.

2?. To proEote or co promote dy Compsy or Compeies induding subsidiarv

Cmpoies lor the puQose of acquiring aI or sy of the pmperiy, nglt ild
liabiliti€s ot this Compdy or ld ey oth€. Pu+ose which may se@ directlv d
indirectly caLulatcd to bme6t this compdy dd to promote whollv owed

2a. To .eler to or agree to r€ld dy c1ai6s, d€@dsidisputes of ey other

questions by or against the comp4y or i, which the compav is intcrested or
concemed dd wheth€r between the compmy sd a Dembd or memhets o. his
o. their r.presentatives or betwen the Comp@y dd thiid pdty, to dbibation
in India or at dy place outside lndla, dd to obsene @d pdfom ed do all
acts, d€eds, matters 8d things to clrry out or endo.se the awards.

29. To remunerate dy person d Compsy for seflices rmdered or to be r€nd€r€d

in placing oi asslsting to ptae or gudmteeins the ,lacing ol shd.s in the
Compays capit l or oy debentures, delmture_stock or other secu.ities ol
rhe compuy, o. about the fomaiiotr or the lromtion of the comPay, oi the
acquisition ol propert, by tie Compdy, d the conduct of its business.

30, To sel, improve, odage, develop, exchdee, lease, mongaee, dispos. ol or tum
io account or othe.vise deal *ith aI d sy p{t olthe p.opoty, ad nght ol ihe
comldy fo. the time being.
31. Sublects to the provisions of the Compsies Act, 1956rdd Compei* (Courr)
RJles 19o9, .o diskibur. My oI Ue P'ope, or lhe @mpoy in spr;P mong
membo3 i the e\mt oi windin8 up of &e @mps)

32. To insu.e the whole or sy pdt of the prcp€ny of tlE clDpdy, eith€r tully or
pariialy, to protect od indmify th€ compsy iom liability or loss in resp.cl
either tully d partially dd also to ilsure dd Prctect dd ind€ruify @v part or
ponion ih*or erlher on aJtuJ prn1..plc d oth€ff,e

33. To erter into ddE€Eent for tecldi.al .olaboration od/or other fom ol
agrement including capitat pdticipaiion with foreign or lidid maufactur€r ol
ptuducts which th€ compdy is mpowred to mduf&tw d of dy products
mufactured or pioposed io be mmufactutd or proces6ed by the @mpev
ed io pay ror such tecluical aseistsne or .olahorations, royalties or other leeo
in cash or by arloirnent of equity or oiner capital of the comp y credited as Paid
up 6 issue ot detrmtur€ or d.bmture stock.

rr .br'd. t({a i{xa Ad. !ta.

9""" €-.)." o-l H"innTa'''td

esLg e do ex.true nlo rhe 'orditrors' P{sper ls
tu"nes ' "'"rs od u-denakircs
dd;d€rsllv ord, assets propert' 4hrs'

,s.,o eerab!.h dpp.., T.:.:::.Y..r,

b,Mcheq o,
n Drtid.a in clauon to lhe rve'henr o
morr" _l'e sale oI P'oparv edthe
:1ri1,." i.ji"irp, .r --ev: dd ro a Iddas aaen r ar env rm co,odv m')
ili "ioi.i,;i ;"-"' ""ro room'' sJ- d-Pors;r-herF d rndra or
1- . mems o' malong \non I ".bu"irc'qnI fie CorpMJ * tuv
innrhe pret;;l;1':::li1f,:
Tn adoo.
" "."J-.w-J*i -ia ;therelo
"u! bv rd\1ushc
,nv ;DrolemenE "*a'; bv b)r pur(
". Ho hLr:;s. bv pubLcsuo- oI oooks ro ododical' sd
'ndlEs br s'dths
pri;s. aw{ds dd donatrons subjed to raw

r,. ro unden".ke !3n dl the

Pomdf ed "p"i::'id"il.'lTJisiTry-J:i $:
nabonal e'onof,v
--.monon d 6o*t} oI B

'o,l:lii"".li-J"ia.. - u"the
rhe olbri! or sy s".Lo1o(
pubh!.*" ds
o\r 4._o_, _'.i..,,r
--lia. *a, 'o p--o " n,l9,d *y.*'".Y'ii.;:';J-..
md 6 **
*a d"pr,r,.
.n. -,t1,..;4v *cton o( the pubhc
l-xiliii. 6"i"i^.,v,r,d* unddal'' rit Md lhe D''e'toB fuv withoJr Prejudic-
f,I J""ii, .i .r,. '".;c'ing' cm ou! P'omde dd spdsor
1"""'"'.ir-t*r; DLbucatio-n o; sv books r'er'ture rFwsPaper) or ror
l/;-:";; i.";;..:ior;''nmrs.ulelr',''-."j"ff:1":P;:i: ::.*tr:
.iaL "'iu'a". ejuns schor *:jD '"-:."\:;;f;-;;";-;" ;.;
+,'nents or other or pdsons b enar
i,ili- "ia *i;*. pursuns ;' r"s"&''res o' ro- esbbrrshins 'onduong'
ili ii"",i'i, l-i'.*,"; rso. trun. havins dv ^-c or re ro''said obje'B
hv sir'ineddations o.oJrcNie r MJ ohe'
mu sd rbe 'odDsv mav ar
io i.pr@cn'. mr .":
DUmoses- tdsfer without (onsiderabon or"ar s!'tr?:Jf:**"J:5i:i:
;g fie Direcrors mY uink nt'
Ja. ro pd.'Da e r
6r q?c":l ''9"1 P"":til 'f-';:;f ""lffT*": i';
cnv;dmt. Def6*, M E'S" speor froiec6
(o_ope'a'rve 5uoeues md' on eepfm('ot
Pravare Sedor UndrrakinSs Md
ii']"?" ;;;*"" ;-s"moLs ror e'uu o'ne s*e'
-.il '
(q nE oth€r objects de i

spll. bu]' deal' impdr' "xTon' uadc srore'

drsrbuF o' suop\
all twes o(plasEc dd lron & Ste€lMatends
ndu(kure' floifr {re' striNlNP' daines'
-) r. .-m
on busness oI l.]Jfln&
o'rood s'ains' **'*$*'"?1.:H'.TJ:Y:
;...""".* "i;,i;*
.ou.to'us"" '-ners presene's o

1 A,;i'o{ lmsd. !:!! si !

fd ahrrr. xrxr. t{.r rn. ut.
Sy-"."^",.. "l Ml
/ M.trralilg Dn.cr., ^'f.rLrbi^4
poullrv Foducts lruLts vegetables'
other agndrtu.ar, dairy, hortr.ulhrre &
d olher fre+ & PFrsdble produ'ts dd 8rowtrs
herbs, medicines, fioweh

@ons ' wading'
fie "' rrviLies lo' buvi4 ' v.ljg'
li*?' & 9** sler'Fs :11i'I#tritr5'".1*11X:
rroctire". rep otes+c +makins Md / orrdur Bw.,Ji
distnbutorshLp, C& F agencv, &echEe a@g a "l
li.;i .;J.;r'r
L"i,l'"lc. ii;";r."; r.oa dd / o drcad' in cou*i:'"'#"S*:11'fl
m he @s'"h-r"*,
dd / o: rrisn or sd izuon ad/.r r" ."i.,lv a."a"a
,"a i o. o. tt. t*,' or"}"-tt, sd / or on m c
uond sraLonn & r"sr 6otra
:;; .l.;"**;r G.o'ery'
;"; 'onle
rv. The liab iry of rhe Mdbds is Linited'

lO Oo'O0 000/ lRupe'a

Sh e C-p'ral oI rhe 'dpM! 's RsLqunv
v ft€ Aurhorised shee or Rs r0/-
TJ i;;.-;;; L;;; ,.'; roo,oo ooo ron'.c'ore"r .

., .".*r,a"i"a 'n a!' otd eo{e

.,"ri,',"riJ wrh 'he resd'uons o' the compdv
;;;; ,;.i.";" p,.*",..- ro' or*einft,"cd in rot' ' r rhis oehdrl rhe shes
m-a] be drvidrd inlo *uqr 'rdsF<
;;; i";;, *.;r.* -s"sr qu-Iu_d o- ocru r"d or pr\dege" or.' ondrLone
sh dv Dre(e'.nbal, speoal
li'";#l i',;a,*. .l. pros'ons oI r-F compuieq A\ r ' Is56
Lr a.nd. A|!i. &r.ft l{, ud

Gv" rl^aa.,"".b^ 2,!,


;;;"{.iiri::;*!]:j:4#[r.ri*+t;''t#rf n:,r:ilfi ,,",,"J"*{}d}j

aa;rure NamE
Addresses oetd plon, and
No or Equ ry sh;EEEfi; srsnarure Nr;;:Aad=r6s;

16y,r^nn^tr+^t on'" I
3h -, naon'-"a a*"1 .T

c E:E+q
;5 l
1... "r'Ar,o4 "/ s!,.4.r1 T
i:a^:i j
(ttn ott, s,,aa,nr op,q 1
sla r/ !^arrapn ,at/1
Ju olro
l..i! i
I ii'.t
-5:r :
aE/ <.3 -
- i c
lq J

I Ca .ot
- -- - - o

ty:g't .t.t".E,r...?t1_Lt &!ior ,a.i.t t{.n, ,{.

-"Y'".\-","" *,( ^
l.ldaL!-">- )",,t

/ t.*fi.to,.-_ A.Gbr

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