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tion tion

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Vol. 2 Issue 4
The Truth
A Weekly Bulletin
ci al E

Thu. Jan. 25th 2007


C all to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and
have disputations with them in the best manner; surely your Lord best
knows those who go astray from His path, and He knows best those who
follow the right way.
Holy Qur’an (16:125)

Word of Wisdom “No one who keeps his mind focused entirely
upon himself can grow large, strong and beauti-
ful in character.”
Prophet Muhammed (P)

O son of Adam, when you see that your Lord, the Glorified, be-
stows His Favors on you while you disobey Him, you should fear Him
(take warning that His Wrath may not turn those very blessings into
Imam Ali (AS)
Article Inner Struggle, The Greater Jihad
Muslims for centuries have engaged themselves
and the world in pursuit of inner Jihad (Inner Struggle). This has been
their way of getting closer to their Creator, achieving inner peace and
getting closer to God’s creations. Unless we are at peace with ourselves,
we can not have peace with the Creator and vice versa.
The word Jihad is from the Arabic root word JAHADA which basi-
cally means striving or struggle. The question is striving for what or a
struggle for what? The struggle is of two types, one is inner and one is
outer. Both have the same purpose which is to change the status quo
- a status which is not in line with God’s will or not in line with nature as
such, a status which causes unrest and disturbance. Thus, if there is an
evil temptation for wrong doing and we struggle very hard to overcome
that temptation, it is striving in the cause of God and is considered one
of the best forms of Jihad.
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On the day of Ashurah, when Imam Husayn (as) saw the
gathering of the enemies against him which was like a torrent,
he raised both his hands towards the sky and prayed, “O’ my
Lord ! You are my haven in every mishap, my hope in every pre-
dicament, my refuge and defender in every ordeal. [...]
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 The Truth, Thursday, January 25th, 2007. Vol. 2 Issue 4
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Thus if there is a tyrant ruler who is oppressing people and one stands
up to that tyrant and says a word of truth against his rule it is also one
form of Jihad.
The selfish desires are the enemy and conquering the selfish
desires is overpowering the enemy and one of the best forms
of Jihad. Unfortunately, the West describes Jihad as a holy war which
is a wrong translation. If one translates holy war back to Arabic, the
translation would be “Al-Harb Al-Muqaddasa” or sacred war. Thus, holy
war is not Jihad as such.
In fact, the word holy war came from the crusade when this call
was made to the crusaders by then the Pope Urbana to unite them
to fight against “infidels” who were occupying the birth place of Jesus
(peace be upon him). Yet, it is true that one form of Jihad, that is
the external form, can be described
as taking up arms in defense of Islam
and Muslims when they are attacked by
external forces. Basically, Jihad should
be declared by the infallible leader of
the Muslim society. However, according
to some views, the just, senior-most
religious authority and scholar can
declare it also.
Coming back to the inner Jihad, which
is the Jihad and the most important
part of Jihad, that there are two forces within us operating all the time
in opposite directions. One is inviting us to do good and the other
inviting us to do evil. These opposing forces are trying to take over
our hearts and our minds which have control over our actions to go in
their direction. The inner Jihad is overcoming the forces of evil by the
forces of good and the triumph of one over the other. Because, if the
forces of evil, which insight us to do wrong doings are not overpowered
the man will be destroyed internally and will be tempted to destroy his
surroundings externally. God in His ultimate wisdom is with the forces
of good and therefore He associates Jihad with listening to Him. In
translation, [the] Qur’an says, “Those who believe, who strive in the
cause of God with their wealth and their persons, are the ones who
are successful.” So, the winner is not the human being who overcomes
the wrong temptations but the winner is God in this inner Jihad. If we
do not submit to the will of God then we are submitting to the will of
the devil and the winner is the hunter who overtakes our souls at that
moment of wrong doing.
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Thus, harmony is the creation of a peaceful bliss within our souls so
that we achieve a state of peace to make us worthy of entrance into
Heaven. As [the] Holy Qur’an says: “O, soul at peace, return to
thy Lord well pleased and well pleasing. Return as His servant,
return to His Heaven.” When we are successful in inner Jihad and
have subdued the devil or the forces within us inviting us to do wrong,
then we are not only at peace and a level of surrender and allow God to
carry on our tasks and fulfill His mission. Even those folks who rely only
on external Jihad as a mission from God without having achieved inner
Jihad first must ask themselves if they are at peace. There is no promise
of peace for those who take the lives of the innocent thinking that they
are doing a holy war which is not holy. In this regard, Muslims have a
great role to play in removing misconceptions about Jihad as it prevails
in the media about self defense only which is the smaller jihad, however
Muslims should give the meaning of both and put more emphasis on the
greater jihad which is the peaceful inner struggle.
Ashura Basic Information on Ashura and
Imam Hussain (AS)
What is Ashura ?
In the month of Muharram 61 AH (approx. 20 October 680 AD), an
event took place in Iraq at a place known as Karbala on the bank of the
river Euphrates. It seemed in those days insignificant from the historical
point of view. A large army which had been mobilized by the Umayyad
regime besieged a group of persons numbering less than a hundred and
put them under pressure to pay allegiance to the Caliph of the time and
submit to his authority. The small group resisted and a severe battle
took place in which they were all killed.
It appeared at that time that like hundreds of similar events, this
battle would be recorded in history and forgotten in time. However,
the events that occurred on the 10th day of Muharram in Karbala were
to become a beacon and an inspiration for future generations. In this
article, we shall examine briefly the principal adversaries.
Who is Hussain ?
The leader of the small band of men who were martyred in Karbala
was none other than Husayn (A), son of Ali bin Abi Talib (A) and grandson
of the Holy Prophet (S). Who was Husayn? He was the son of Fatima (A)
for whom the Holy Prophet (S) said, “Husayn is from me and I am from
Husayn. May God love whoever loves Husayn.” [1]
With the passing away of his brother Hasan (A) in 50 AH, Husayn
(A) became the leader of the household of the Holy Prophet (S). He
respected the agreement of peace signed by Hasan (A) and [...]
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[...] Muawiya, and, despite the urging of his followers, he did not
undertake any activity that threatened the political status quo. Rather he
continued with the responsibility of looking after the religious needs of
the people and was recognised for his knowledge, piety and generosity.
An example of the depth of his perception can be seen in his beautiful
du’a on the day of Arafat, wherein he begins by explaining the qualities
of Allah, saying:
“ (Oh Allah) How could an argument be given about Your Existence
by a being whose total and complete existence is in need of you? When
did you ever disappear so that you might need an evidence and logic to
lead (the people) towards You? And when did You ever become away
and distant so that your signs and effects made the people get in touch
with you? Blind be the eye which does not see You (whereas) You are
observing him. What did the one who missed You find? And what does
the one who finds You lack? Certainly, the one who got pleased and
inclined toward other than You, came to nothingness (failed).”
On the other hand, we have Yazid, whose father (Muawiya) and
grandfather (Abu Sufyan - the arch-enemy of the Prophet) had always
tried to sabotage the mission of the Holy Prophet, and who showed his
true colour by stating in a poem, “Bani Hashim had staged a play to obtain
kingdom, there was neither any news from God nor any revelation.” [2]
Mas’udi writes that Yazid was a pleasure-seeking person, given to
wine drinking and playing with pets. It is no wonder
that Husayn’s response to Yazid’s governor, when
asked to pay allegiance to Yazid was, “We are the
household of the prophethood, the source of
messengership, the descending-place
of the angels, through us Allah had
began (showering His favours) and
with us He has perfected (His
favours), whereas Yazid is a sinful
person, a drunkard, the killer of
innocent people and one who
openly indulges in sinful acts.
A person like me can never
pledge allegiance to a
person like him ...” [3]
The revolution of
Husayn (A) was an
Islamic movement
spearheaded by [...]
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[...] one of the great leaders of Islam. The principles and laws of
Islam demanded that Husayn (A) act to warn the Ummah of the evil
situation which it was in, and to stand in the way of the deviating ruler.
As Husayn (A) himself remarked when he left Madina for the last time,
“I am not rising (against Yazid) as an insolent or an arrogant person,
or a mischief-monger or tyrant. I have risen (against Yazid) as I seek to
reform the Ummah of my grandfather. I wish to bid the good and forbid
the evil.” [4]
Hussain (A) was killed on the battlefield as he did Sajdah. His head
was removed from his body on the plains of Karbala, mounted on a spear,
and paraded through villages and towns as it was taken to Damascus
and presented at the feet of Yazid.
Why remember Ashura ?
Why is Husayn (A) regarded as the “leader of the martyrs”? It is
because he was not just the victim of an ambitious ruler. There is no
doubt that the tragedy of Karbala, when ascribed to the killers, is a
criminal and terrible act. However when ascribed to Husayn (A) himself,
it represents a conscious confrontation and a courageous resistance for
a sacred cause. The whole nation had failed to stand up to Yazid. They
had succumbed to his will, and deviation and regression towards the
pre-Islamic ways were increasing.
Passiveness by Husayn (A) in this situation would have meant the
end of Islam as we know it. Thus Husayn (A) took upon himself the
responsibility of the whole nation. The greatest tragedy was that one
who stood up for the noblest of causes, the defence of Islam, was cut
down in so cruel a manner.
It is for this reason that the sacrifice of Husayn (A) is commemorated
annually throughout the Muslim world. Our sorrow never abates as we
relive the tragedy. As Allama Iqbal says in his Baqiyat (in Urdu):
Ronay wala hoon Shaheed-e-Karbala key gham men main,
Kya durey maqsad na dengey Saqiye Kausar mujhey
I am one who weeps at the plight of the Martyr of Karbala
Won’t the reward be given to me by the Keeper of Kauser (Imam Ali
The commemoration of Ashura on the 10th of Muharram every year
serves to remind us of the sacrifices of the family of the Prophet (S). It
also makes us aware of the people, then and now, who tried to destroy
Islam and the family of the Prophet (S) and all that they stood for - as
well as those who watched, listened and did nothing.
[1] Ibn Majah: Sunan, Hadith 144.
[2] Ibn Jarir: Tarikhu’l Umam wa’l Muluk, vol.13, p.2174.
[3] Sayyid ibn Ta’us: Maqtalu’l Husayn, pp.10-11
[4] Al-Khatid al-Khuwarazmi: Maqtalu’l Husayn ,vol.1, p.88.
 The Truth, Thursday, January 25th, 2007. Vol. 2 Issue 4
Cont’d From P.1
[...]How many a distress that weakens the heart, makes the
enemy rejoice at the misfortune. When I entrusted it to You
out of preference over others, You did not let me down and had
driven away and eliminated all these distressing things. You
are the Giver of every boon and the ultimate source of every
wish to be granted.”
Convinced about the enemy’s determination to to fight him, Imam
Abu Abdillah (as) asked for his horse and mounted it; then addressing
the enemies in a high voice, he began his sermon:
“O’ people! Listen to my speech and do not get restless until I preach
you as I see it my duty towards you and until I explain why I came
to you. If you accept my reasoning, believe in my speech and are fair
to yourselves and me, then you will be happier and you will have no
reason to attack me. Otherwise, resolve upon your affair and (gather)
your associates, let not your affair be in darkness to you, then have it
executed against me and do not reflect (any further). Allah is my Helper
and He is the Guardian of the righteous.”
It is reported that when the womenfolk in the tents heard Imam
Husayn (as) say this, they raised their voices screaming and crying. He
sent his brother Abbas and his son Ali Akber to the women to calm them
down and remarked, “Alas! They will be crying a lot”
“O’people! Allah created this world and made it an abode of destruction
and transience, taking its inhabitants from one phase to another. It
deceives the conceited and seduces the wretched. Let not this world
deceive you for it is capable of dashing the hopes of those who put
their trust in it and let down those who are greedy for its riches. I can
see that you agreed on an affair capable of bringing the wrath of Allah
upon you, causing Him to turn His face away from you, spread amongst
you His revenge. Glory be to our Lord, and woe to you. You pledged
allegiance (to Allah) and believed in the Messenger Muhammad (saw),
then ganged up against his progeny intent on killing them. Satan has
taken hold over you, precipitating you to forget the remembrance of the
Almighty. May evil befall you and may your aspiration come to nothing.
From Allah we come and unto Him we return. Those are the people who
disbelieved after they had believed; so away with the unjust people.
O’people! Track my lineage. Relate to me and consider who I
am. Then look back and remonstrate with yourselves. Consider
whether it is right for you to kill me andencroach upon my
integrity. Am I not the son of your Prophet’s daughter and the
son of his vicegerant and cousin, the first of the believers in Allah
and His Messenger? Was not Hamza, the master of martyrs, the
uncle of my father? Was not the winged Ja’ffar my uncle? [...]
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[...] Have you not heard of the tradition of the Prophet (saw)
concerning myself and my brother, “These are the two leaders of
the youth of the inhabitants of paradise.” Whether you believe
in what I say –and it is the truth, for I swear by the Almighty
I have never told a lie since I learnt that Allah hated people
who told them – or you regard me as a liar, and choose not to
believe in my statement, there are amongst you who, if you
asked them, would tell you! Ask Jabir bin Abdullah al-Ansari,
Aba Sa’ed al-Khudri, Sahl bin Sa’ad al-Sa’idi, Zayd bin Arqam
and Anas bin Malik to tell you that they heard these words from
the Messenger of Allah (saw) in favour of me and my brother.
Is there not (sufficient) deterrent in this to prevent you from
shedding my blood?”
At this point, Shimr bin Dhiljoshan interrupted saying, “If I understand
what you are saying then I only worship God very shakily on the edge.”
Habeeb ibn Mudhahir responded, “I do think that you worship God very
shakily on several edges and I testify that you are right. You do not
understand what he (Husayn) is saying for God has impressed ignorance
upon your heart.” Imam Husayn (as) then continued:
“You are in doubt that I am the son of the daughter of your
Prophet? By God there is no son of the Prophet other than me
amongst you and amongst the people from East to West. Shame
on you, are you seeking retribution from me for one of your
dead I have killed, or for property of yours I expropriated, or for
a wound I have inflicted?”
When no one responded, Imam (as) then called out the
names of few people preent amongst the enemies “O’ Shabath
bin Rab’I, Hajjar bin Abjar, Qays bin al-Ash’ath, Yazeed bin al-
Harith, didn’t you write (to me) that: The fruit has ripened; the
dates are ready for picking; come to an army which has been
gathered for you??”
“We don’t know what you are talking about” said Qays bin al-Ash’ath.
Submit to the authority of your kinsmen (the Umayyad). They have
never treated you with anything but what you liked.”

Imam (as) responded by saying:

By God, I will never give you my hand like a man who has been
humiliated; nor will I flee
like a slave. O’ servants of God, I take refuge in my Lord and your
Lord from your stoning. I take refuge in my Lord and your Lord from
every haughty man who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning.
Mulla Mujaheedali Sheriff
 The Truth, Thursday, January 25th, 2007. Vol. 2 Issue 4
1. The Holy Prophet (P) said: Surely there exist in the heart of the believ-
ers, with the respect to the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (AS) a heat,
that never sub sight.
2. Imam Ali ibn Al-Husayn (AS) used to say: Every believer, whose eyes
shed tears upon the killing of Husayn ibn Ali (AS) and his companions,
such that the tears roll down his cheek, Allah shall accommodate him
in the elevated room of paradise.
3. Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (AS) said: O Zurara! The sky has cried for forty
days over the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (AS).
4. Imam Al-Sadiq (AS) said: Allah has appointed to the grave of Imam
Husayn (AS) four thousand anguished and grief/stricken angels, who
cry over him and shall continue to do so up to the Day of Judgment.
5. Imam Ali Al-Ridha (AS) said: The one for whom the day of Ashura is a
day of tragedy, grief, and weeping, Allah the Mighty, the glorious, shall
make the Day of Judgment, a day of joy and happiness for him.
6. Imam Ali Al-Ridha (AS) said: Those who cry should cry over the likes
of Imam Husayn (AS) for surely, weeping over him does away with
one’s great sin.
7. Imam Ali Al-Ridha (AS) said: One who refrains from seeking his world-
ly desires on the day of Ashura, Allah shall grant him his desires of this
world and the hereafter.
Prepared by: Ali Al-Talibi

Poetry There Is No Life Without Hussain

From birth to death, I shall insist,

That I love you, I shall persist,
You are my guide, you are the light,
You show me the path, which is right Upon the highest, ranks you are,
I’m not afraid, I am not shy, You are the brightest, brightest star,
To shout your name, until I die, Within your ranks, I wish I stood,
For what I know, is that you are, But now my life, for you I put.
The greatest man, the brightest star. Upon my heart, your name has set,
Your name I shall, never forget,
No matter how much, they hit,
With your lovers, I want to sit.
Sayed Ali Al-Mousawi Al-Khalkhali

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