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“…of all the context in which boasting is inappropriate it is never more so than in the realm of spiritual
experience because any experience of God is His gift to us. It’s not an earned experience, it’s not a is a gift. So would we then go out and boast on the basis of this? Would we use this as a
platform to elevate ourselves and do down someone who may be struggling in the early days, who may
be faltering, who may have come limping into this institution, who may be tottering between faith and
its demise…? “

“When I engage in spiritual pride I can guarantee you these two things; that I have lost sight of the cross
of the Lord Jesus and I have lost sight of my dependence upon Him.”

You see there is nothing good even our experiences of God that the devil doesn’t try to turn to evil.

“…the spirit of the servant of Christ must always be a spirit that longs to hear the voice of Christ. Jesus
says in John chapter 10,’ My sheep listen to my voice I know them and they follow me.’--- The one of the
distinguishing features of what it means to be Christ’ is that we listen to His voice. We listen for it and
we listen to it and we love to.”

“We don’t want to become a church of activists unless our activity emerges from time spent in the
company of Christ.”

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