Analysis of Website Evaluation Survey Data: Faculty of Management University of Lodz

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The object of this study is analysis of results the evaluation questionnaire of

Management Faculty University of Lodz website.

Just like secondary schools, universities naturally found themselves in a

situation where they must compete among themselves about candidates (this is
particularly important bearing in mind the prospect of reducing the number of high
school graduates due to demographic low).

Currently, websites of universities are increasingly their visiting card, they

presented their capabilities and importance and are a source of information for users.
A significant percentage of ‘customers' websites are young people for whom using
the Internet is something absolutely natural.

Having a website both by the university and by individuals belonging to it has

become a standard. Colleges are aware that such sites are nowadays their business
cards and evidence of modernity.

Users of universities websites are not only the staff and students of the
institution, but also the candidates. Each of these groups is looking for something
different on university sites, it has different information needs. Therefore, the
important issue is to properly identify content that should be found in these pages.
Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz is currently one of the 12 faculties
educating students.

Evaluation survey was based on 52 questions divided into 6 thematic segments:

 Useful Information for Students and Parents – referring to school management
and school life,
 Qualitative Assessment of the Site Presentation – referring to school website
usability (easy access to information) and update frequency,
 Feasibility of the Website – graphic theme and ways of providing information,
 The Esthetics of the Site – aesthetic issues,
 Domain name,
 Security.

Every question was assigned with values from 1 to 5. In the overall assessment
website of the school has gained 242 points.

Part I. Useful Information for Students and Parents

Assessment of the usefulness of information for students and parents gave the
university 62 points on 95 possible. The weakness of the website is information on the
number of students in each class, teachers work schedule, results achieved by
students in direct competition, the issue of the functioning of the secretariat and
provide information about administrative issues. No such information, however, does
not affect significantly the image of the department. Important information for
students are communicated effectively and on an ongoing basis, the page is a source
of useful information useful for both the person attending classes and the

Part II. Qualitative Assessment of the Site Presentation

Qualitative assessment of website content has brought 51 points on 60
possible. There was no development of the newsletter - written articles sent as a
message posted on the site, do not take the form of a newsletter. In addition, the
quality of information contained on the website, transparency, functionality, their
validity were assessed at the highest level. Our was evaluated in this respect a high

Part III. Feasibility of the Website

In terms of how to do website and manner of presenting the score was 62
points on 75 possible. Unearned issue turned out to be communication, giving
feedback via the forum and the question of whether also to provide information to the
last minute through the site. For the most part, however, the issues considered when
assessing the performance have gained maximum points.

Part IV. The Estetics of the Site

The assessment of the aesthetics of the web is based on four criteria, making it
possible to obtain in this part of the survey 20 points. Evaluated website scored
maximum points. Considered the occasion of this evaluation aspects did not show
any deficiencies, the page does not raise objections.

Part V. Domain name

As in the previous assessment area, in this case also the website gained
maximum points. It doesn’t raise objections, all the issues dealt with were rated

Part VI. Security

Website of the university is not dangerous to its users. Safety was assessed on
31 points from 35 possible. The weakness is the lack of distribution of content
displayed on the site for reasons of age of its users. However it doesn’t seem
necessary in the case of a party university, students are a similar age group of
recipients, hence the criterion seems to be inappropriately chosen in this case.

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