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Michele Bozzano,1 Riina Jalonen,1 Evert Thomas,1 David Boshier,1,2

Leonardo Gallo,1,3 Stephen Cavers,4 Sándor Bordács,5 Paul Smith6 and
Judy Loo1
Bioversity International, Italy
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Unidad de Genética Ecológica y Mejoramiento Forestal, INTA Bariloche, Argentina
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Natural Environment Research Council, United
Central Agricultural Office, Department of Forest and Biomass Reproductive
Material, Hungary
Seed Conservation Department, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom


Rome, 2014

Recommended citation:
Bozzano, M., Jalonen, R., Thomas, E., Boshier, D., Gallo, L., Cavers, S., Bordács, S., Smith, P. & Loo, J., eds.
2014. Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using native tree species. State of the World’s
Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic Study. Rome, FAO and Bioversity International.

Photo credits:
p. 47 A. Borovics
p. 69 Leonardo Gallo, Paula Marchelli
pp. 139-140 Nik Muhamad Majid and team members
p. 154 Mauro E. González
p. 158 Philip Ashmole
p. 162 Dannyel de Sá, Cassiano C. Marmet, Luciana Akemi Deluci
p. 163 Luciano Langmantel Eichholz (top photos), Osvaldo Luis de Sousa, Elin Rømo Grande
p. 170 Wilmer Toirac Arguelle
p. 171 Orlidia Hechavarria Kindelan
p. 197 Lewis Environmental Services Inc.
pp. 217-218, 220 Luis Gonzalo Moscoso Higuita
pp. 231-232 Fulvio Ducci
p. 234 Sándor Bordács, István Bach
p. 238 Jesús Vargas-Hernández
p. 239 Alfonso Aguirre

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ISBN 978-92-5-108469-4 (print)

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One of the major and growing environmental challenges of the 21st century will be the
rehabilitation and restoration of forests and degraded lands. Notwithstanding the large-
scale restoration projects initiated in Africa and Asia as of the 1970s, the current level
of interest in forest and landscape restoration is more recent. With the adoption of the
strategic plan of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity for 2011-2020, a
strong new impetus has been given not only to halt degradation, but to reverse it. The
plan states that, by 2020, 15 percent of all degraded lands should be restored. This target
is consistent with the Bonn Challenge, which calls for restoring 150 million hectares of
degraded land by 2020.
Forests play a crucial part in resilient landscapes at multiple scales. Restoring forest
ecosystems is therefore a key strategy not only for tackling climate change, biodiversity
loss and desertification, but can also yield products and services that support local people’s
Restoration is not only about planting trees. Its success requires careful planning, as
painfully demonstrated by numerous past restoration projects that have not attained
expected goals. Restoration practices must be based on scientific knowledge, particularly so
in these times of progressive climate change. The trees we plant today and other associated
measures for restoration and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems must be able to
survive abiotic and biotic pressures, including social ones, in order to be self-sustaining
and generate the products and services vital to supporting the world’s population and
environment for the years to come.
Biodiversity International coordinated this thematic study as an input to FAO’s landmark
report on The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources. The report was requested by the
Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, which guided its preparation,
and agreed, in response to its findings, on strategic priorities which the FAO Conference
adopted in June 2013 as the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use
and Development of Forest Genetic Resources.
The publication of this study is an important step in the implementation of the Global
Plan of Action. It provides fundamental information for the achievement of knowledge-
based ecosystem restoration using native tree species. It draws attention to the importance
of embedding genetic considerations in restoration activities, an aspect which is often
overlooked both by restoration scientists and practitioners, but is nonetheless crucial to
rebuilding resilient landscapes and ecosystems. We trust that it will contribute to informing
future restoration efforts and help to ensure their success.

Eduardo Rojas-Briales Stephan Weise

Assistant Director-General, Forestry Department Deputy Director General – Research
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Bioversity International


We would like to express our gratitude to the scientists who contributed to the writing
of the scientific overviews presented in Part 2 of this thematic study. We would also like
to thank all of the practitioners who shared the experiences collected in Part 3, and who
completed the survey, which allowed us to undertake the analysis (Part 4) and to derive the
conclusions and recommendations (Part 5) of this study
The text was edited by Paul J.H. Neate, who was very helpful in standardizing and
­simplifying the language. Gérard Prosper carried out the layout. We are grateful for their
professional work.
This thematic study was prepared thanks to funding from the CGIAR Research Program
on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry.



Part 1 Overview 1

Chapter 1 Introduction 3
Evert Thomas, Riina Jalonen, Leonardo Gallo, David Boshier and Judy Loo
1.1. Objectives and organization of the study 8

Insight 1 
Examples illustrating the importance of genetic considerations
in ecosystem restoration 13
David Boshier, Evert Thomas, Riina Jalonen, Leonardo Gallo and Judy Loo

Insight 2 
The Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative:
building resilient landscapes in African drylands 15
Nora Berrahmouni, François Tapsoba and Charles Jacques Berte

Insight 3 Invasive species and the inappropriate use of exotics 19

Philip Ivey

Part 2 Theoretical and practical issues in ecosystem restoration 23

Chapter 2 Seed provenance for restoration and management: conserving

evolutionary potential and utility 27
Linda Broadhurst and David Boshier
2.1. Local versus non-local seed 28
2.2. Basic concepts and theory 28
2.3. Historical perspective of local adaptation 29
2.4. The scale of local adaptation in trees: how local should
a seed source be? 29
2.5. Are non-local seed sources ever appropriate? 30
2.6. Local seed sources may not produce restoration-quality seed 31
2.7. Adaptation and climate change 32
2.8. Benefits of using larger but more distant seed sources 33
2.9. Conclusions 33

Chapter 3 Continuity of local genetic diversity as an alternative

to importing foreign provenances 39
Kristine Vander Mijnsbrugge
3.1. Why should autochthonous diversity be protected? 39
3.2. Inventory of autochthonous woody plants 40
3.3. Producing autochthonous planting stock 40
3.4. Seed orchards 41

3.5. Promotion of use 43
3.6. Discussion 45

Insight 4 
Historical genetic contamination in pedunculate oak 
(Quercus robur L.) may favour adaptation 47
Sandor Bordacs

Insight 5 
The development of forest tree seed zones in
the Pacific Northwest of the United States 49
Brad St Clair

Chapter 4 Fragmentation, landscape functionalities and connectivity 53

Tonya Lander and David Boshier
4.1. Genetic problems related to fragmentation 53
4.2. Management of fragmented landscapes 55
4.3. The use of native species in ensuring functionality in fragmented
4.4. Conclusions: policy and practice 59

Chapter 5 Gene flow in the restoration of forest ecosystems 67

Leonardo Gallo and Paula Marchelli
5.1. Genetic effects at different scales 68
5.2. Considerations in restoration and management 68

Chapter 6 The role of hybridization in the restoration of forest

Leonardo Gallo
6.1. The impact of restoration 75
6.2. Promoting hybridization 76
6.3. Avoiding hybridization 76
6.4. Seed sources and seed-zone transfer 76

Chapter 7 Collection of propagation material in the absence of genetic

Gösta Eriksson
7.1. Evolutionary factors 79
7.2. Methods for sampling diversity 80
7.3. Genetic variation 80
7.4. Avoidance of genetic drift 83
7.5. Conclusion 84

Chapter 8 Evaluation of different tree propagation methods in ecological

restoration in the neotropics 85
R.A. Zahawi and K.D. Holl
8.1. Establishing tree seedlings from seed in nurseries 85
8.2. Establishment by vegetative propagation 88
8.3. Direct seeding 90
8.4. Choosing an appropriate restoration strategy 91

Chapter 9 Seed availability for restoration 97
David J. Merritt and Kingsley W. Dixon
9.1. Landscape-scale restoration requires large quantities of seed 97
9.2. Seeding rates necessary to delivery restoration outcomes 98
9.3. Constraints to seed supply for landscape-scale restoration 99
9.4. Approaches to improving seed availability for restoration 100
9.5. Conclusion 102

Insight 6 Seed availability: a case study 105

Paul P. Smith

Insight 7 The role of seed banks in habitat restoration 106

Paul P. Smith

Chapter 10 Traditional ecological knowledge, traditional resource

management and silviculture in ecocultural restoration of
temperate forests 109
Dennis Martinez

Chapter 11 Designing landscape mosaics involving plantations of native

timber trees 121
David Lamb
11.1. How much reforestation? 121
11.2. What kind of reforestation? 122
11.3. Where to undertake reforestation? 122
11.4. How to plan and implement restoration on a landscape scale? 123
11.5. Will forest landscape restoration succeed in conserving
all biodiversity? 124
11.6. Conclusion 124

Insight 8 Identifying and agreeing on reforestation options

among stakeholders in Doi Suthep-Pui National Park,
northern Thailand 126
David Lamb

Part 3 Methods 129

Chapter 12 Ecological restoration approaches 133

12.1. Miyawaki method 133
Akira Miyawaki
12.1.1. Tropical rainforest rehabilitation project in Malaysia using the
Miyawaki Method 137
Nik Muhamad Majid
12.1.2. Adapting the Miyawaki method in Mediterranean forest
reforestation practices 140
Bartolomeo Schirone and Federico Vessella

12.2. Framework species method 144
Riina Jalonen and Stephen Elliott
12.3. Assisted natural regeneration 148
Evert Thomas
12.3.1. Assisted natural regeneration in China 149
Jiang Sannai
12.4. Post-fire passive restoration of Andean Araucaria–Nothofagus
Mauro E. González
12.5. Carrifran Wildwood: using palaeoecological knowledge
for restoration of original vegetation 157
Philip Ashmole
12.6. The Xingu Seed Network and mechanized direct seeding 161
Eduardo Malta Campos Filho, Rodrigo G. P. Junqueira, Osvaldo L. de Sousa,
Luciano L. Eichholz, Cassiano C. Marmet, José Nicola M. N. da Costa, Bruna
D. Ferreira, Heber Q. Alves and André J. A. Villas-Bôas

Chapter 13 Approaches including production objectives 165

13.1. Analogue forestry as an approach for restoration and ecosystem
Carlos Navarro and Orlidia Hechavarria Kindelan
13.1.1. Restoring forest for food and vanilla production under
Erythrina and Gliricidia trees in Costa Rica using the analogue
forestry method 168
Carlos Navarro
13.1.2. Restoration of ecosystems on saline soils in Eastern Cuba using the
analogue forestry method 169
Orlidia Hechavarria Kindelan
13.2. Post-establishment enrichment of restoration plots with timber
and non-timber species 173
David Lamb
13.3. Enrichment planting using native species (Dipterocarpaceae)
with local farmers in rubber smallholdings in Sumatra, Indonesia 178
Hesti L. Tata, Ratna Akiefnawati and Meine van Noordwijk
13.4. “Rainforestation”: a paradigm shift in forest restoration 184
Paciencia P. Milan
13.5. The permanent polycyclic plantations: narrowing the gap
between tree farming and forest 188
Enrico Buresti Lattes, Paolo Mori and Serena Ravagni

Chapter 14 Habitat-specific approaches 195
14.1. Mangrove forest restoration and the preservation of mangrove
Roy R. Lewis III
14.2. Forest restoration in degraded tropical peat swamp forests 200
Laura L.B. Graham and Susan E. Page
14.3. Support to food security, poverty alleviation and soil-degradation
control in the Sahelian countries through land restoration and
David Odee and Meshack Muga
14.4. The use of native species in restoring arid land and biodiversity
in China 207
Lu Qi and Wang Huoran
14.5. Using native shrubs to convert desert to grassland in the northeast
of the Tibetan Plateau 212
Yang Hongxiao and Lu Qi
14.6. Reforestation of highly degraded sites in Colombia 214
Luis Gonzalo Moscoso Higuita

Chapter 15 Species restoration approaches 225

15.1. Species restoration through dynamic ex situ conservation:
Abies nebrodensis as a model 225
Fulvio Ducci
15.2. Restoration and afforestation with Populus nigra in Hungary 233
Sándor Bordács and István Bach
15.3. Restoration of threatened Pinus radiata on Mexico’s Guadalupe
J. Jesús Vargas-Hernández, Deborah L. Rogers and Valerie Hipkins
15.4. A genetic assessment of ecological restoration success in
Banksia attenuata240
Alison Ritchie

Part 4 Analysis 243

Chapter 16 Analysis of genetic considerations in restoration methods 245

Riina Jalonen, Evert Thomas, Stephen Cavers, Michele Bozzano, David Boshier,
Sándor Bordács, Leonardo Gallo, Paul Smith and Judy Loo
16.1. Appropriate sources of forest reproductive material 245
16.1.1. Needs for research, policy and action 249
16.2. Species selection and availability 249
16.2.1. Needs for research, policy and action 252
16.3. Choice of restoration and propagation methods 253
16.3.1. Needs for research, policy and action 255

16.4. Restoring species associations 255
16.4.1. Needs for research, policy and action 257
16.5. Integrating restoration initiatives in human landscape mosaics 258
16.5.1. Needs for research, policy and action 259
16.6. Climate change 260
16.6.1. Needs for research, policy and action 263
16.7. Measuring success 264
16.7.1. Needs for research, policy and action 267

Part 5 Conclusions and recommendations 275

Chapter 17 Conclusions 277

Evert Thomas, Riina Jalonen, Judy Loo, Stephen Cavers, Leonardo Gallo, David
Boshier, Paul Smith, Sándor Bordács and Michele Bozzano
17.1. Recommendations arising from the thematic study 280
17.1.1. Recommendations for research 280
17.1.2. Recommendations for restoration practice 280
17.1.3. Recommendations for policy 281

Part 1
Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 1

Evert Thomas,1 Riina Jalonen,1 Leonardo Gallo,1,2 David Boshier1,3 and Judy Loo1

Bioversity International, Italy


Unidad de Genética Ecológica y Mejoramiento Forestal, INTA Bariloche, Argentina
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

FAO (2010) estimates that 13 million hectares of fects, is widely recognized in international agree-
natural forests are lost each year worldwide. This ments, including the United Nations Framework
has been accompanied by an increase in the area Convention on Climate Change, the Convention
reforested and of forested ecosystems restored. on Biological Diversity, the United Nations
Between 2000 and 2010, almost 5 million hectares Convention to Combat Desertification, the Aichi
of trees were planted annually, an area equiva- Biodiversity Targets1 and the European Union
lent to that of Costa Rica (FAO, 2010). It is esti- Biodiversity Targets for 2020.2 In particular, resto-
mated that 76 percent of this area was planted ration and reforestation hold vast potential not
mainly for productive purposes and 24 percent only for mitigating the impacts of climate change,
for protective purposes, although planted forests through sequestration of atmospheric carbon di-
in both categories may serve multiple purposes oxide in plant biomass (Canadell and Rapauch,
(FAO, 2006). Presumably, many trees were also 2008; Alexander et al., 2011a), but also for halt-
planted in other types of landscape and pro- ing biodiversity loss and countering the encroach-
duction systems that were not included in these ment of the arid frontier (see Insight 2).
statistics, such as farmland, and for which little In spite of serious concerns that restoration may
information is available on a global scale. The become a new excuse for continued agribusiness
area of planted forests is expected to continue to exploitation and expanded industrial plantations
increase, reaching 300 million hectares by 2020 of exotic tree species that are not likely to en-
(FAO, 2010). Examples of large-scale reforesta- hance biodiversity and ecosystem services or ben-
tion and forest restoration initiatives are listed in efit local communities (Alexander et  al., 2011a),
Table 1.1. the growing global interest in reforestation and
The global interest in planting trees holds restoration is accompanied by an increasing in-
significant promise for restoring degraded eco- terest in using native plant material (Rogers and
systems, mitigating effects of environmental Montalvo, 2004; Aronson et al., 2011; Montagini
changes, conserving biodiversity, and yielding and Finney, 2011; Newton and Tejedor, 2011;
products and services that support local people’s Lamb, 2012). However, an important concern in
livelihoods. Globally, it is estimated that 2 billion the shift to native species is the selection of ap-
hectares of land could benefit from restoration; propriate genetic planting stocks for use in resto-
this is an area larger than South America (WRI, ration activities (Rogers and Montalvo, 2004).
2011; Laestadius et al., 2012). The ability of for-
est ecosystem restoration to mitigate the impacts
of numerous environmental problems, and to

slow and eventually reverse their negative ef-


The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 1

Table 1.1.
Examples of large-scale tree planting and forest landscape restoration initiatives (as of March 2012)

Initiative Scale Country or region Leading or coordinating

(year of initiation) institution
Green Belt Movement (1977) 45 million trees planted Originating in Kenya, now a Established by Professor Wangari
worldwide movement Maathai

Green Wall of China (1978) Planned to be 4500 km long and cover China, bordering the Gobi Government of China
35 million ha, of which it is estimated desert
that two-thirds have been achieved
so far

Great Green Wall Planned to be a tree belt 15 km wide Sahel across Africa, with African Union
(2005) and 7775 km long, with an area of 11.7 11 countries, from Senegal
million ha to Djibouti, participating

Billion Tree Campaign (2006) 12 billion trees planted Global United Nations Environment
Programme, Plant for the Planet

The Atlantic Forest Restoration Aims to restore 15 million ha of Brazilian Atlantic Forest Joint effort of non-governmental
Pact (2009) degraded lands in the Brazilian Atlantic biome organizations, the private sector,
Forest biome by 2050, and to sustainably government and research
manage the remaining forest fragments institutions

The Green Mission Plans to afforest or restore 5 million ha India Ministry of Environment and
(2010) of degraded and cleared forests, and Forests
improve the quality of another 5 million
ha over the next 10 years

Aichi Nagoya Target 15 Restoration of at least 15% of degraded Global Parties to the Convention on
(2010) ecosystems by 2020, as part of the Biological Diversity
target to enhance ecosystem resilience
and the contribution of biodiversity to
carbon stocks through conservation and

Rwanda’s Forest Landscape Plans to restore forest nationwide “from Rwanda The Government of Rwanda
Restoration Initiative (2011) border to border” in collaboration with the
International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the
Secretariat of the United Nations
Forum on Forests and the private

The Bonn Challenge (2011) Targets to restore 150 million ha of Global Announced at the Bonn Challenge
deforested and degraded lands Ministerial Roundtable in
September 2011; supported
and promoted by IUCN, World
Resources Institute and the Global
Partnership on Forest Landscape
Restoration, among others

In this thematic study we discuss the use of cies in restoration activities provides real environ-
native species and genetic considerations in a mental and livelihood benefits, but also involves
­selection of current approaches to ecosystem res- clear risks, mainly related to the selection of the
toration, and identify the most important bottle- appropriate genetic source for the target plant
necks that currently restrict the generalized use species.
of native species, and which may put at risk the First and foremost, increasing the use of na-
long-term success of restoration efforts. Our main tive species in restoration activities contributes
message is that increasing the use of native spe- to conservation of the species themselves and

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

their genetic diversity. Second, if planting ma- It is not always easy to establish with certainty
terial represents not only a native species but whether a species is native to a particular area
originates from seed sources local to the plant- or has been introduced by humans, possibly long
ing site, it will have evolved together with oth- ago (e.g. Vendramin et al., 2008). Some exotic tree
er native flora and fauna of the area. It should species – most notably Eucalyptus and Pinus spp. –
therefore be well adapted to cope with the local have been deliberately introduced to various parts
environment and should support native biodiver- of the world for their perceived greater utility or
sity and ecosystem resilience to a greater extent production capacity, and because know­ ledge
than would introduced (exotic) planting material about their propagation is generally greater than
(Tang et al., 2007). Third, native species may be that about native alternatives. The global spread
less likely either to become invasive or to suc- of homogeneous planted forests, centred on eu-
cumb to introduced or native pests than exotic calypts, pines and poplars, was largely driven by
species (Ramanagouda et al., 2010; Hulme, 2012). industry that had developed in areas where these
Finally, native species may correspond better to species occurred naturally and had tailored its pro-
the preferences of local people, and chances are duction lines to the wood properties of these spe-
also higher that local people hold ethnobotani- cies. In addition, the distribution of species (and
cal and ethno-ecological knowledge of native provenances) by humans is often an outcome of
species, which may facilitate their successful use unplanned events (Finkeldey, 2005).
in restoration projects (Shono, Cadaweng and It is clear that in the short term it will not be
Durst, 2007; Chazdon, 2008; Douterlungne et al., possible to replace the predominant use of exotics
2010). In turn, promoting native species that pro- with use of native species for restoration and re-
duce non-timber forest products can contribute forestation. Currently, most of the planted forests
to the conservation of related traditional knowl- in the tropics still comprise exotic tree species se-
edge as well as the cultures that maintain it. lected mainly for their production functions. The
Use of exotic species in reforestation and forest proportion of exotic species in afforestation or re-
restoration can result in negative impacts for con- forestation initiatives between 2003 and 2007 was
servation and the environment (Richardson, 1998; reported to be 82 percent in western and central
Pimentel, Zuniga and Morrison, 2005; Stinson Africa, 99 percent in eastern and southern Africa,
et al., 2006; Tang et al., 2007; see also Insight 3: 28 percent in East Asia, 94 percent in South and
Invasive species and the inappropriate use of ex- Southeast Asia and 98 percent in South America
otics). However, it must be recognized that the (calculated from FAO, 2010: 92). While there are
exotic versus native species debate is not free of probably hundreds of native species with growth
controversy. There may be situations in which the performance and wood quality at least compara-
benefits generated by exotics largely outweigh ble to that of the commonly used plantation spe-
the disadvantages, not only in socioeconomic cies, lack of knowledge about the biology, propa-
terms but also in ecological terms (D’Antonio and gation and management of such native species
Meyerson, 2002; Alexander et al., 2011a). In addi- is currently among the main constraints for their
tion, it would be unrealistic to think that exotics wider use (Newton, 2011; Lamb, 2012), along with
can be completely eliminated from the environ- the difficulties of trying to alter industrial systems
ments in which they have been introduced and tailored to particular production species. The time
in some cases have become naturalized. Better seems ripe now for large-scale investments to
understanding of local people’s preferences can overcome these limitations.
help promote the use of those exotics already Despite the expected benefits of using na-
introduced, with clear benefits for restoration tive species, increasing the scale of restoration
projects. However, species with known invasive activities will be associated with elevated risks
potential should be avoided. of failure if some basic guidelines are not fol-

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 1

lowed. For example, only two out of 98 publicly Genetic diversity has generally been found
funded reforestation projects in Brazil were con- to be positively related not only with the fit-
sidered successful during an evaluation in 2000 ness of individual plant populations (Reed and
(Wuethrich, 2007). Reforestation and restoration Frankham, 2003; Rogers and Montalvo, 2004), but
efforts may fail for a variety of reasons, from also with the stability and resilience of ecosystems
wrong species for wrong sites to inappropriate (Gregorius, 1996; Elmqvist et al., 2003; Müller-
silvicultural approaches and techniques (Rogers Starck, Ziehe and Schubert, 2005; Thompson et
and Montalvo, 2004; Le et al., 2012). In general, al., 2010; Sgro, Lowe and Hoffmann, 2011). Tree
little information is available about the global communities need particularly adaptive genetic
success of tree-planting efforts, especially in areas variation to succeed over time on the restored site;
where ecosystems may be severely degraded or such variation promotes survival and good growth
initial growing conditions are particularly harsh. while at the same time enhancing resilience and
People are often hesitant to share information on resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses such as en-
failures in spite of the help it could provide to im- vironmental variations (Pautasso, 2009; Dawson
proving current practices, and global efforts to re- et al., 2011; Schueler et  al., 2012) or pests and
cord reforestation and forest restoration activities pathogens (Schweitzer et  al., 2005; Cardinale et
started only recently (FAO, 2010). However, the al., 2012). In the long term, adaptive genetic diver-
annual average area reported for afforestation sity will promote successful reproduction, reduce
and reforestation activities globally in 2003–07 the risk of inbreeding and genetic impoverishment
was more than twice the annual average increase that can result from genetic drift, and increase a
in the area of planted forests over the ten-year population’s ability to adapt to future site condi-
period 2000–2010 (FAO, 2010). Low success rates tions.
in establishment and survival of seedlings can be Currently little is known about the genetic
assumed to contribute to the difference. diversity of most native species, particularly the
Although the reasons for frequent failures in thousands of tropical tree species that could play
reforestation and restoration activities are not of- an important role in restoring degraded tropical
ten known, it is probable that many failures are ecosystems and their functions. Where guidelines
related to poor matching of planting material to exist, for example on the collection of germplasm,
the target site, or too narrow a genetic base for they appear to be largely unknown or overlooked
the planting stock (Rogers and Montalvo, 2004). by restoration practitioners. Moreover, ­ despite
Indeed, to attain a functional and resilient eco- the high expectations for restored forests to miti-
system, it is crucial that the genetically adapted gate climate change, ensuring the capability of
planting material used for establishing a plant tree populations to adapt to changing environ-
community represents a certain minimum level of ment as a precondition for their mitigation func-
intraspecific diversity to ensure that its progeny tion has received hardly any attention. The fact
will in turn be viable and able to produce viable that the negative effects of genetic homogeneity
offspring. Aside from the initial quality and ge- are not necessarily immediately evident but accu-
netic diversity of germplasm, and its suitability for mulate over time means that resulting problems
the planting site, the extent of gene flow across are difficult to perceive (Rogers and Montalvo,
landscapes over subsequent generations is also of 2004) and address. Furthermore, by the time the
central importance for the successful long-term effects are obvious they may already have af-
restoration of ecosystems and tree populations. fected large areas. For example, low genetic di-
This ensemble of genetic qualities is necessary versity in planting material, stemming from col-
not only to provide the desired forest functions, lecting seed from single isolated trees, can lead to
products and services, but also to enable restored increased ­homozygosity, particularly in the next
populations to reproduce and survive on the site. generation, and may result in the expression of

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Box 1.1.
Key concepts in ecosystem restoration

A degraded ecosystem “exhibits loss of biodiversity classified as forest, for instance after a fire, storm or
and a simplification or disruption in ecosystem following clearfelling” (FAO, 2010).
structure, function and composition caused by Afforestation is “the act of establishing forests
activities or disturbances that are too frequent or through planting and/or deliberate seeding on land
severe to allow for natural regeneration or recovery” that is not classified as forest” (FAO, 2010).
(Alexander et al., 2011b). Planted forests are forests “composed of
Ecological restoration is “the process of assisting trees established through planting and/or through
the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, deliberate seeding of native or introduced species”
damaged, or destroyed” (SER, 2004). Alexander et al. (FAO, 2010).
(2011b) define ecological restoration as “an intentional Resilience is “the ability of an ecosystem to
activity that initiates or facilitates the recovery of recover from, or to resist stresses (e.g. drought, flood,
ecosystems by re-establishing a beneficial trajectory fire or disease)” (Walker and Salt, 2006).
of maturation that persists over time. The science A native species (also indigenous species) is a
and practice of ecological restoration is focused species which is part of the original flora of an area
largely on reinstating autogenic ecological processes (IBPGR, now Bioversity International).
by which species populations can self-organize into An exotic species (also alien or introduced
functional and resilient communities that adapt to species) is “a species which is not native to the region
changing conditions while at the same time delivering in which it occurs” (FAO, 2002).
vital ecosystem services. In addition to reinstating Naturalized species are “intentionally or
ecosystem function, ecological restoration also fosters unintentionally introduced species that have
the re-establishment of a healthy relationship between adapted to and reproduce successfully in their new
humans and their natural surroundings by reinforcing environments” (FAO, 2002).
the inextricable link between nature and culture and A provenance refers to “the original geographic
emphasizing the important benefits that ecosystems source of seed, pollen or propagules” (FAO, 2002).
provide to human communities.”
Forest restoration aims to “restore the forest to References
its state before degradation (same function, structure
Alexander, S., Aronson, J., Clewell, A., Keenleyside, K.,
and composition)” (ITTO, 2002). Higgs, E., Martinez, D., Murcia, C. & Nelson, C. 2011b.
Forest landscape restoration is “a planned Re-establishing an ecologically healthy relationship
process that aims to regain ecological integrity and between nature and culture: the mission and vision of
the Society for Ecological Restoration. In Secretariat of
enhance human wellbeing in deforested or degraded
the Convention on Biological Diversity. Contribution
forest landscapes” (WWF and IUCN, 2001). of ecosystem restoration to the objectives of the CBD
Rehabilitation is “a process to re-establish the and a healthy planet for all people. Abstracts of posters
productivity of some, but not necessarily all, of the presented at the 15th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body
plant and animal species thought to be originally on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, 7–11 November 2011,
present at a site. For ecological or economic reasons
Montreal, Canada. Technical Series No. 62, pp. 11–14.
the new forest might also include species not Montreal, Canada, SCBD.
originally present at the site. The protective function FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
and many of the ecological services of the original Nations). 2002. Glossary on forest genetic resources
(English version). Forest Genetic Resources Working
forest may be re-established” (Gilmour, San and Xiong
Papers, Working Paper FGR/39E. Rome.
Tsechalicha, 2000). FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Reforestation is “the re-establishment of forest Nations). 2010. Global forest resources assessment. Main
through planting and/or deliberate seeding on land report. FAO Forestry Paper 163. Rome.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 1

Box 1.1. (continued)

Key concepts in ecosystem restoration (continued)

Gilmour, D.A., San, N.V. & Xiong Tsechalicha. 2000. Washington, DC (available at:
Rehabilitation of degraded forest ecosystems in Cambodia, resources/resources-detail-view/ser-international-primer-
Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam: an overview. Pathumthani, on-ecological-restoration).
Thailand, IUCN, The World Conservation Union, Asia Walker, B. & Salt, D. 2006. Resilience thinking: sustaining
Regional Office. ecosystems and people in a changing world. Washington,
ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organization). 2002. DC, Island Press.
ITTO guidelines for the restoration, management and WWF & IUCN. 2000. Forests reborn. A workshop on forest
rehabilitation of degraded and secondary tropical forests. ITTO restoration. WWF/IUCN International Workshop on Forest
Policy Development Series No. 13. Yokohama, Japan, ITTO. Restoration: 3–5 July 2000, Segovia, Spain (available
SER (Society for Ecological Restoration). 2004. SER at:
international primer on ecological restoration. SER, Accessed 21 January 2013.

deleterious ­ recessive alleles, which in turn de- changes) (Buizer, Kurz and Ruthrof, 2012), or the
creases individual fitness (i.e. inbreeding depres- objective of a restoration activity may simply be
sion) (White, Adams and Neale, 2007). Inbreeding less ambitious with respect to the plant commu-
can have impacts at any stage of development, for nity it aims to establish (Lamb, 2012). In spite of
example through reduced embryo viability, seed- these shortcomings, we have chosen to use “eco-
ling survival, tree vigour or seed production (see system restoration” throughout this study for the
Insight 1: Examples illustrating the importance of sake of uniformity.
genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration). While the systems and approaches discussed in
Restoration, rehabilitation and reforesta- this study cover a range of objectives and species
tion are all terms commonly used to refer to re-­ assemblages, sometimes including exotic species,
establishing forest vegetation on deforested are- they all emphasize the use of indigenous tree spe-
as. In this study we use the term “ecosystem resto- cies and diversity for their intrinsic relationships
ration.” This largely coincides with “ecological res- with indigenous flora and fauna and local know­
toration,” defined as “the process of assisting the ledge and cultures.
recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded,
damaged, or destroyed” (SER, 2004), but also aims
to accommodate rehabilitation and reforesta- 1.1. 
Objectives and organization
tion activities that do not necessarily comply with of the study
some more conservative definitions of restora-
tion (Lamb, 2012). These and other terms related The objective of this thematic study is to review
to ecosystem restoration are defined in Box  1.1. and analyse current practices in ecosystem resto-
We acknowledge that restoration is not the most ration, with a particular focus on the use of native
appropriate term for characterizing some of the tree species and genetic considerations related to
activities described in this and the following chap- the selection of appropriate planting material.
ters because it suggests the aim of re-establishing Based on this analysis we put forward a number
a pre-existing ecosystem. In some cases it is almost of practical recommendations, including genetic
impossible to define a previous state to which an considerations in ecosystem restoration, that are
ecosystem can be restored (Hilderbrand, Watts and intended to help practitioners to avoid genetic
Randle, 2005). It may also be impossible to return problems and enhance both the short- and long-
ecosystems to historical states because of radical term success of future restoration activities. Our
changes that have already taken place (e.g. severe target audience includes researchers, restoration
aridification, soil degradation or ­ socioeconomic practitioners and policy-makers.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Box 1.2. the Bioversity website.3 The fourth part presents

It’s not just about restoring plants an analysis of the use of genetic considerations in
current restoration methods, as well a number of
While the emphasis here has been on sourcing seed action and research recommendations, building
for restoration, it is important to recognise that on the previous chapters of theoretical and gen-
many species have intimate associations with a eral considerations, presentation of the methods
range of organisms and that these too may require and approaches, and the responses to the survey.
restoration. The “If you build it, they will come” The fifth and final part summarizes the main con-
paradigm does not always apply and ill-considered clusions of this thematic study.
placement of restoration projects can lead to poor
utilization by the very organisms they are expected
to attract to recreate interactions and processes at References
the population and community level. In addition,
there can be considerable benefits for simultaneously
restoring plants and associated organisms. For Alexander, S., Nelson, C.R., Aronson, J., Lamb, D.,
example, the survival and growth of acacias is Cliquet, A., Erwin, K.L., Finlayson, C.M., de
significantly improved if seed is simultaneously Groot, R.S., Harris, J.A., Higgs, E.S., Hobbs, R.J.,
planted with nitrogen-fixing bacterial symbionts, with Robin Lewis, R.R., Martinez, D. & Murcia, C.
excess nitrogen benefiting other co-planted species, 2011a. Opportunities and challenges for eco-
resulting in a better and more rapid restoration logical restoration within REDD+. Restor. Ecol., 19:
outcome (Thrall et al., 2005). 683–689.

Reference Alexander, S., Aronson, J., Clewell, A., Keenleyside,

Thrall, P.H., Millsom, D.A., Jeavons, A.C., Waayers, M., K., Higgs, E., Martinez, D., Murcia, C. & Nelson,
Harvey, G.R., Bagnall, D.J. & Brockwell, J. 2005. Seed C. 2011b. Re-establishing an ecologically healthy
inoculation with effective root-nodule bacteria enhances relationship between nature and culture: the mission
revegetation success. J. Appl. Ecol., 42: 740–751. and vision of the Society for Ecological Restoration.
In Secretariat of the Convention on Biological
Diversity. Contribution of ecosystem restoration
to the objectives of the CBD and a healthy planet
for all people. Abstracts of posters presented at
This report is organized in five main parts,
the 15th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on
i­ncluding this introduction. In the second part,
Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice of the
­experienced scientists briefly present theoretical
Convention on Biological Diversity, 7–11 November
and practical issues relevant to ecosystem resto-
2011, Montreal, Canada. Technical Series No. 62,
ration, with particular emphasis on genetic as-
pp. 11–14. Montreal, Canada, SCBD.
pects. This more theoretical series of contributions
serves as a basis for the analysis of the restora- Aronson, J., Brancalion, P.H.S., Durigan, G.,
tion ­methods and approaches and underpins the Rodrigues, R.R., Engel, V.L., Tabarelli, M.,
recommendations. The third part is an overview Torezan, J.M.D., Gandolfi, S., de Melo, A.C.G.,
of various methods and approaches that are cur- Kageyama, P.Y., Marques, M.C.M., Nave, A.G.,
rently used in ecosystem restoration and are based Martins, S.V., Gandara, F.B., Reis, A., Barbosa,
– at least partially – on the use of native species. L.M. & Scarano, F.R. 2011. What role should gov-
The authors contributing to the presentation of ernment regulation play in ecological restoration?
these methods and approaches were requested to Ongoing debate in São Paulo State, Brazil. Restor.
reply to a set of questions aimed at facilitating an Ecol., 19: 690–695.
analysis of the methods they used and their genet- 3
ic implications; the questionnaire is ­available on upload/SoW_FGR_RestorationSurvey.pdf.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 1

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edge to the restoration of degraded tropical rain
Laestadius, L., Maginnis, S., Minnemeyer, S.,
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Mapping opportunities for forest landscape restora-
Elmqvist, T., Folke, C., Nyström, M., Peterson, G., tion. Unasylva, 62: 47–48.
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The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 1

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(available at:
Washington, DC, Island Press.
flr_segovia.pdf). Accessed 21 January 2013

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Insight 1

Examples illustrating the importance

of genetic considerations in
ecosystem restoration
David Boshier,1,3 Evert Thomas,1 Riina Jalonen,1 Leonardo Gallo1,2 and Judy Loo1

Bioversity International, Italy


Unidad de Genética Ecológica y Mejoramiento Forestal, INTA Bariloche, Argentina
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Poor genetic matching of planting material to Selfing (self-pollination) can considerably

the target site may result in reduced viability affect survival and size of offspring
of restoration projects In a study in which offspring of Pseudotsuga
The widespread and severe dieback in three pon- menziesii selfed and outcrossed crosses were
derosa pine plantations planted south of Pagosa compared 33 years after establishment of seed-
Springs, Colorado, United States, in the late lings, the average survival of selfed offspring was
1960s to mid-1970s has been related to the use only 39 percent that of the outcrossed individuals.
of inappropriate genetic seed source. A pathogen Moreover, the average diameter at breast height
(Cenangium ferruginosum) has been identified (DBH) of the surviving selfed trees was 59 percent
in the plantations, but observations are consist- that of the surviving outcrossed siblings (White,
ent with this being a secondary impact and not Adams and Neale, 2007).
the primary cause of failure (Worral, 2000; Rogers
and Montalvo, 2004). Low levels of genetic diversity can
compromise successful mating between plant
Use of provenance trials to guide genetic individuals
matching Attempts to restore the endangered daisy Ruti-
The natural range of black walnut (Juglans dosis leptorrhynchoides were constrained by the
­nigra L.) extends from the eastern United States limi­ted reproductive potential of small popu-
west to Kansas, South Dakota and eastern Texas. lations (fewer than 200 plants) where the low
A subset of 15 to 25 sources from 66 sampled number of self-incompatibility alleles prevented
provenances was planted in each of seven geo- successful mating between many of the remnant
graphically disparate common-garden field trials. plants (Young et al., 2000). Among trees, several
After 22 years, survival was much higher for local Prunus species are known to have self-incompat-
trees (71 percent) than for the other provenances ibility alleles, so the same considerations could
(zero survival at some sites) (Bresnan et al., 1994; apply.
Rogers and Montalvo, 2004). This allowed the
­authors to make informed decisions about where
best to use what germplasm.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 1

Negative consequences of low genetic References

diversity of the source material usually
accumulate in the subsequent generations
Bresnan, D.R., Rink, G., Diesel, K.E. & Geyer, W.A.
Acacia mangium was first introduced to Sabah
1994. Black walnut provenance performance in
(Malaysia) from Australia in 1967 in two small
seven 22-year-old plantations. Silvae Genet., 43:
stands of 34 and approximately 300 trees of the
“maternal half-sib family.” This material formed
the basis for more than 15 000 hectares of planta- Hai, P.H., Harwood, C., Kha, L.D., Pinyopusarerk, K. &
tions. A simple nursery trial comparing seedlings Thinh, H. 2008. Genetic gain from breeding Acacia
from the first to third generation showed a re- auriculiformis in Vietnam. J. Trop. Forest Sci., 20:
duced height growth in seedlings harvested from 313–327.
the second and third generation, as compared Rogers, D.L. & Montalvo, A.M. 2004. Genetically
with the first generation (20.7 cm and 18.1 cm, appropriate choices for plant materials to main-
compared with 32.5 cm) (Sim, 1984). tain biological diversity. Report to the USDA Forest
Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Lakewood, CO,
Selection for favourable characteristics USA. University of California (available at: http://
can considerably improve the quality of
individuals where specific objectives have pdf). Accessed 21 January 2013.
been set for the planted forests
Sim, B.L. 1984. The genetic base of Acacia mangium
Tree improvement programmes have been suc-
Willd. in Sabah. In R.D. Barnes, & G.L. Gibson, eds.
cessful in dramatically increasing growth and
Provenance and genetic improvement strategies in
quality in commercially valuable and widely
tropical forest trees, pp. 597-603. Mutare, Zimbabwe,
planted species. For example, a study compared
April, 1984. Oxford, UK, Commonwealth Forestry
the performance of Acacia auriculiformis trees
Institute; Harare, Zimbabwe, Forest Research Centre.
grown from seedlots obtained from: (1) a seed-
ling seed orchard (SSO), (2) a seed production Young, A., Miller, C., Gregory, E. & Langston, A.
area (SPA), (3) a natural-provenance site (NPS) 2000. Sporophytic self-incompatibility in diploid
and (4) a commercial seedlot from the same and tetraploid races of Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides
provenance (CS) from Viet Nam. Four-year old
­ (Asteraceae). Aust. J. Bot., 48: 667–672.
trees grown from the SSO and SPA seedlots scored
White, T.W., Adams, W.T. & Neale, D.B. 2007. Forest
significantly higher than trees from the NPS for
genetics. Wallingford, UK, CABI Publishing.
a number of traits including height, DBH, conical
stem volume, stem straightness and axis persis- Worrall, J. 2000. Dieback of ponderosa pine in planta-
tence. In contrast, trees grown from commercial tions established ca. 1970. Internal Forest Service
seedlots scored consistently lower for these traits Report. Gunnison, CO, USA, USDA Forest Service,
(Hai et al., 2008). Inbreeding may have contri­ Gunnison Service Center.
buted to the poor growth and quality of trees
originating from the commercial seedlots.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Insight 2

The Great Green Wall for the Sahara

and the Sahel Initiative: building
resilient landscapes in African drylands
Nora Berrahmouni, François Tapsoba and Charles Jacques Berte

Forest Assessment, Management and Conservation Division, Forestry Department,

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy

Desertification,4 land degradation and drought, involves: (i) the development and validation of
combined with climate change, have a strong a harmonized regional strategy for effective im-
negative impact on the food security and liveli- plementation and resource mobilization of the
hoods of local communities in Africa’s drylands, GGWSSI; (ii) the preparation of detailed imple-
home to some of the world’s poorest populations. mentation plans and project portfolios in the 13
The Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the countries, identifying priorities and intervention
Sahel Initiative (GGWSSI) was launched by African areas and at least three cross-border projects;
heads of state and government “to improve the (iii) the development of a partnership and re-
resilience of human and natural systems in the source mobilization platform and a learn­ing and
Sahel–Saharan zone to Climate Change through networking platform for enhancing knowledge
a sound ecosystems’ management, sustainable sharing, technology transfer and promotion
development of land resources, protection of ru- of best practices across GGWSSI countries and
ral heritage and improvement of the living con- among partners; (iv) the preparation of a capaci-
ditions and livelihoods of populations living in ty-building strategy and programme; and (v) the
these areas.” This African Union initiative, based preparation of a communication strategy and ac-
on a proposal of former President of Nigeria, H.E. tion plan for engaging key target audiences and
Olusegun Obasanjo, involves over 20 countries stakeholders in supporting implementation of
bordering the Sahara. the GGWSSI.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the Among the priority interventions identified
United Nations (FAO), the European Union and with­in the GGWSSI action plans developed to date
the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD are support- is the restoration of forest landscapes and de-
ing the African Union Commission and 13 partner graded lands in the GGWSSI priority intervention
countries (Algeria, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, areas. Achieving this will depend on developing
Egypt, Ethiopia, the Gambia, Mauritania, Mali, the capacity of the partners in the following areas:
Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and the Sudan) in their • use of native species adapted to the local
efforts to implement the GGWSSI. This support environmental, socioeconomic and cultural
• selection, production and use of a wide
  Desertification refers to land degradation in arid, semi-arid and
subhumid areas resulting from factors such as human pressure on range of site-adapted planting material
fragile ecosystems, deforestation and climate change. (genotypes) from native tree, shrub and

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 1

Box I2-1.
Acacia operation project – Support to food security, poverty alleviation and soil
degradation control in the gums and resins producer countries

This project, developed and implemented between The project published a working paper, “Guidelines
2003 and 2010, was funded by Italian Cooperation. on sustainable forest management in drylands in sub-
It aimed at strengthening the capacity of six pilot Saharan Africa,” in both English and French.
countries (Burkina Faso, Chad, Kenya, Niger, Senegal A regional meeting held in Addis Ababa,
and the Sudan) to address food security and Ethiopia, on 3–4 March 2009 identified the need
desertification problems through the improvement for a strategy to develop the outcomes of the pilot
and restoration of the acacia-based agrosilvipastoral project into a programme large enough to address
systems, and at sustainably developing the resins the magnitude of food insecurity, poverty, land
and gums sectors. The project benefited local degradation and desertification in the region, and
communities engaged in harvesting and processing to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The future
gums and resins. The project tested a microcatchment programme must first focus on improving livelihoods
water-harvesting system (the Vallerani system)1 and through broadening the sources of income for local
restored a total of 13 240 hectares. Local people populations, while restoring degraded lands and
were empowered though an intensive programme of increasing the productivity of agriculture, range and
capacity building on the use and application of the forest systems. These are cross-sectoral activities and
Vallerani system, nursery establishment and plant the programme must adopt an integrated approach.
production, agricultural production, and harvesting The programme will have to be of sufficient scale to
and processing of gums and resins. Native tree be seen as a major actor in regional initiatives, such
species, including Acacia senegal, Acacia seyal, Acacia as the GGWSSI. Such a programme would contribute
nilotica, Acacia mellifera, Bauhinia rufescens and to combating desertification, to the success of the
Ziziphus mauritiana, were established by planting GGWSSI and, above all, to improving the well-being
seedlings and by direct sowing. Herbaceous plants, of the whole population in the region.
such as Cassia tora, Andropogon gayanus and
Source: For further information, see
Cymbopogon sp., were established by direct sowing. aridzone/62998/en/.
The project also focused on strengthening the
Network for Natural Gums and Resins in Africa, which
involves 15 member countries, through resource
assessment, training programmes and information ValleranisSystem.htm.

grass species, including production sufficient and sharing of benefits from afforestation
quantities of seeds and seedlings of and restoration;
adequate quality; • promotion of sustainable management of
• application of the principles of forest forests and rangelands to assist and enhance
landscape restoration planning to natural regeneration;
restore ecological integrity and enhance • promotion of multipurpose agrosilvipastoral
human well-being in the degraded forest systems and economically valuable native
landscapes and lands; plant species to improve rural livelihoods;
• promoting effective stakeholder • combined use of traditional knowledge
participation and governance to ensure and innovative forestation and restoration
effective planning, design, implementation techniques, with particular focus on soil and

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

water conservation and management; • considering restoration along the whole

• promoting awareness of the contribution market chain value, from the seed to the
of forestation and drylands restoration final product.
to climate change adaptation and To support the effective planning and implemen-
mitigation within the framework of carbon tation of restoration work in the priority GGWSSI
market schemes (e.g. Clean Development areas, FAO launched a process for developing
Mechanism, Reduced Emissions from guidelines on dryland restoration based on a
Deforestation and Forest Degradation compilation of lessons learned from past and
(REDD) and REDD+) and adaptation schemes; current forestation and restoration projects and
• sustainable financing and investments programmes. As a first step, the Turkish Ministry
(e.g. through payments for environmental of Forestry and Water Affairs, FAO, the Turkish
services) and related policy issues; International Cooperation and Coordination
• monitoring and evaluation of the Agency (TIKA) and the German Agency for In-
performance of restoration initiatives, ternational Cooperation (GIZ) convened an in-
and the assessment of their long- ternational workshop in Konya, Turkey, in May
term sustainability and economic and 2012. This workshop, entitled “Building forest
environmental impacts; landscapes resilient to global changes in drylands

Box I2-2.
Support to the rehabilitation and extension of the Nouakchott green belt,

This project was implemented between 2000 and mobile strip dunes in accumulation zones. Deflation
2007 by FAO and the Ministry of Environment zones were planted with Leptadenia pyrotechnica,
and Sustainable Development of Mauritania, with Aristida pungens and Panicum turgidum, while
financing from the Walloon Region of Belgium. The other slow-growing woody species, such as Acacia
project objective was to foster conservation and raddiana and A. senegal, were planted in more stable
development of agrosilvipastoral systems around intermediate zones. Local grassy species were sown
Nouakchott, while at the same time combating using broadcast seed, while Colocynthus vulgaris, a
encroachment of sand on the green belt around cucurbit, was sown in pouches. Establishment rate
the city. The project engaged the local community depended on rainfall. Plantings on coastal dunes
and national authorities in planning and delivering concentrated on halophytic species, including Nitraria
activities and in selecting appropriate local plant and retusa, Tamarix aphylla and T. senegalensis.
tree species. A total of 400 000 plants were grown in The techniques used and the lessons learned are
nurseries and used to fix 857 hectares of threatened presented in detail in an FAO forestry paper published
land (inland and costal dunes). in 2010, which is available in English, French and
The project employed both mechanical and Arabic. The best practices identified are now being
biological fixation methods. Partners and beneficiaries replicated in other regions of Mauritania and will
were trained on field techniques and management be promoted for adaptation and implementation in
of tree nurseries through a participatory approach Mauritania and other countries of the GGWSSI.
involving the local community and the support and
Source: FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
supervision of technical experts from the project. Nations). 2010. Fighting sand encroachment: lessons from
The project gave priority to the production and Mauritania, by C.J. Berte, with the collaboration of M. Ould
use of indigenous woody and grassy species. For Mohamed & M. Ould Saleck. FAO Forestry Paper 158. Rome.
example, Aristida pungens was planted on very

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 1

– Analysis, evaluation and documentation of les- A number of successful forestation and forest
sons learned from afforestation and forest resto- restoration projects exist in the GGWSSI countries
ration,” aimed at: and these can be quickly upscaled to support the
• gathering lessons learned from past and effective implementation of the initiative. These
ongoing forest restoration efforts in the include the two projects implemented by FAO
countries involved in the GGWSSI; and its partners: the Acacia operation project –
• identifying key elements determining Support to food security, poverty alleviation and
the success or failure of forest restoration soil degradation control in the gums and resins
projects and; producer countries (Box I2-1), implemented in six
• discussing the comprehensive Forest sub-Saharan African countries; and the Support
Restoration Monitoring Tool, recently to the rehabilitation and extension of the
developed by FAO to guide planning, Nouakchott green belt, funded by the Walloon
implementation and evaluation of field region (Belgium), and implemented in Mauritania
projects and programmes. (Box I2-2).
For more information on the Great Green Wall
for the Sahara and Sahel Initiative, please visit

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Insight 3

Invasive species and

the inappropriate use of exotics
Philip Ivey

South African National Biodiversity Institute and Working for Water Programme

Sometimes the choice of plant used in restoration both introduced in the 1830s into South
can have unexpected and dramatic consequences Africa from Australia to stabilize dunes and
both at the site of restoration and beyond. This protect roads from sand storms (Carruthers
Insight highlights some examples in which plants et al., 2011) but they became invasive
introduced from elsewhere in the world to help species in the Western Cape of South Africa.
restore disturbed environments resulted in inva- Successful implementation of biological
sion and great environmental damage. control measures to reduce seed production
Exotic or non-native trees, shrubs, creepers, of these species will reduce the long-term
succulents and grasses have all been used to reha- threats they pose.
bilitate sites after human or natural perturbation • Ailanthus altissima (Tree of Heaven), native
has removed indigenous vegetation cover. Many to China and northern Viet Nam, has
introductions of exotic plants happened late in been used for a wide variety of purposes,
the nineteenth century or early in the twentieth including erosion control, afforestation,
century, when understanding of the likely impacts shelterbelts and to line promenades
of these species was limited and not considered. in Europe and elsewhere in the world.
• Pueraria montana (kudzu), indigenous Consequently, the species has established
to China, eastern India and Japan, was and become invasive in suitable, lower-
introduced in the United States of America altitude environments across all of Europe.
as a forage and ornamental plant, but was For a comprehensive review, see Kowerik
also extensively used in soil stabilization and and Säumel (2007).
erosion control.5 It is estimated that about • Carpobrotus edulis is known by the
120 000 hectares had been planted with descriptive local common name of
kudzu by 1946, and the species has since “highway iceplant” in California. The
spread beyond the planted range. By 2004 common name refers to the species’
it was reported to be present and invasive extensive use as a landscape plant to secure
in 22 states of the southeastern United disturbed environments along roads.
States, where it causes extensive damage Since its introduction it has spread into
by smothering indigenous vegetation. It is natural environments where it threatens
not surprising that this species has a local natural vegetation in several different
common name of “vine that ate the South.” environments, from dune systems to
• Acacia cyclops and Acacia saligna were scrublands. Carpobrotus edulis is also a
significant problem in Mediterranean
5 countries, particularly Portugal.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 1

It is important that we learn from the mistakes One of the key indicators used to assess wheth-
of the past and if possible do not repeat them. er a species is likely to be invasive in a particular
There are several international protocols in place environment is whether it has been invasive else-
to encourage better practices to reduce the likeli- where in the world. There are numerous reference
hood of invasions. Article 8(h) of the Convention lists of invasive and weedy plant species, including
on Biological Diversity (CBD) calls on parties to Randall (2002), the Invasive species compendium8
“prevent the introduction of, control or eradi- and the DAISIE (Delivering Alien Invasive Species
cate those alien species which threaten ecosys- Inventories for Europe) database.9
tems, habitats or species.” The Aichi Biodiversity In order to achieve the targets set by the CBD
Targets6 agreed under the CBD similarly address and to reduce the likelihood of new invasive
invasive species: “By 2020, invasive alien species species being used by the horticultural industry
and pathways are identified and prioritized, pri- for landscape rehabilitation, it is important that
ority species are controlled or eradicated and governments­control imports of new plant spe-
measures are in place to manage pathways to cies. Horticultural interests also should regulate
prevent their introduction and establishment” their own businesses by adhering to the volun-
(Aichi Target 9). tary protocols to control invasive species. With
The International Standards for Phytosanitary adequate control and self-regulation, the errors
Measures, prepared by the Secretariat of the of the past need not be repeated by environmen-
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) tal managers of today. With better knowledge of
deals with “environmental risks,” including “in- the risks posed by certain species, the goodwill of
vasive plants.” The IPPC encourages each of its all stakeholders and much hard work, there is no
regions to set regional standards. In response reason why further potentially invasive species
to this, the European and Mediterranean Plant should be introduced for the purposes of environ-
Protection Organization (EPPO) has set standards mental rehabilitation.
to provide support to members dealing with both
quarantine pests and more recently invasive alien
species, and members are encouraged to manage
these through national phytosanitary regulations.
Hulme (2007) estimates that 80 percent of in-
vasive alien plants in Europe were voluntarily in-
troduced for ornamental purposes. In an effort
to curb the influx of new invasive plant species
to Europe, the EPPO, in collaboration with the
Council of Europe, developed a Code of con-
duct on horticulture and invasive alien plants
(Heywood and Brunel, 2011) aimed at the horti-
cultural industry. To an extent the European code
of conduct has been based around the St Louis
Declaration of 2002,7 which calls on horticultural-
ists and the nursery industry to ensure that unin-
tended harm (risk of invasion) is kept to a mini-
mum when new plant species are considered for
6 8
7 9

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species


Carruthers, J., Robin, L., Hattingh, J.P., Kull, C.A.,

Rangan, H. & van Wilgen, B.W. 2011. A native at
home and abroad: the history, politics, ethics and
aesthetics of acacias. Divers. Distrib., 17: 810–821.

Heywood, V. & Brunel, S. 2011. Code of conduct on

horticulture and invasive alien plants. Convention
on the Conservation of European Wildlife and
Natural Habitats (Bern Convention). Nature and
environment, no. 162. Strasbourg, France, Council
of Europe Publishing (available at: http://www.coe.
Publication_Code_en.pdf). Accessed 22 January

Hulme, P.E. 2007. Biological invasions in Europe: drivers,

pressures, states, impacts and responses. In R.E.
Hester & R.M. Harrison, eds. Biodiversity under
threat, pp. 55-79. Issues in Environmental Science
and Technology 25. Cambridge, UK, Royal Society of

Kowarik, I. & Säumel, I. 2007. Biological flora of

Central Europe: Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle.
Perspect. Plant Ecol. Evol. Syst., 8: 207–237.

Randal, R.P. 2002. A global compendium of weeds.

Meredith, Victoria, Australia, R.G. and F.J.

Part 2
Theoretical and
practical issues
in ecosystem
Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Part 2 presents issues that should be considered collecting and transferring propagation material
in all restoration efforts, irrespective of the local in such cases, although those remain little studied
context and the specific methods used. Building in practice (Chapter 7).
on theoretical understanding of genetic pro- The introduction to the theoretical concepts
cesses, the authors discuss how selection, ge- is followed by presentation of examples of their
netic drift and gene flow can affect outcomes practical application and constraints faced in res-
of restoration efforts. Local forest remnants are toration efforts. Various types of propagation
widely considered to be ideal sources of propa- materials are discussed and guidance is provid-
gation material because they are assumed to be ed on choosing suitable types for local contexts
well adapted to local conditions as a result of mil- (Chapter 8). Considering the current proliferation
lennia of natural selection. However, it is often of restoration efforts and the simultaneous deg-
overlooked that the remnant forests may be too radation of natural tree populations of many spe-
small to sustain viable populations, and may suf- cies, little attention is usually given to the sustain-
fer from genetic drift that results in random loss able sourcing of massive amounts of propagation
of diversity (Chapter 2, Insight 4: Historical ge- material (see Chapter 8 and Insight 6: Seed avail-
netic contamination in pedunculate oak (Quercus ability: a case study). Seed banks are effective and
robur L.) may favour adaptation and Chapter 4). often-overlooked sources of material for those
Gene flow through pollen and seed dispersal can species that can easily be stored as seed (Insight 7:
counteract negative implications of small popu- The role of seed banks in habitat restoration).
lations (Chapter 5). Transferring genetic material Traditional ecological knowledge held by local
over longer distances may, however, threaten and indigenous communities can be a valuable
indigenous genetic diversity and result in a loss source of information on suitable tree propa­
of local adaptations (Chapter 6 and Chapter 3). gation and management practices, not least be-
However, such long distance transfers may be cause it has played an important role in shaping
beneficial in certain circumstances (see Insight 4: tree diversity for hundreds or thousands of years
Historical genetic contamination in pedunculate in many areas (­ Chapter 10). Finally, restoration ef-
oak (Quercus robur L.) may favour adaptation). In forts should not be planned in isolation but must
most cases, little is known about the extent and carefully consider the local landscape context,
distribution of genetic diversity of tree species recognizing and appreciating the needs and pri-
used in restoration. Rules of thumb may exist for orities of the various interest groups (Chapter 11).

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 2

Seed provenance for restoration

and management: conserving
evolutionary potential and utility
Linda Broadhurst1 and David Boshier2,3

CSIRO Plant Industry, Australia


Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Bioversity International, Italy

Diverse biological, cultural, environmental and consequences for the immediate success and for
socioeconomic conditions across the world de- the long-term viability of plantings.
mand diverse approaches to forest or habitat Many tree species are outbreeding and gener-
restoration and sustainable farming. Trees are a ally carry a heavy genetic load of deleterious reces-
vital component of many farming systems, while sive alleles. This means that inbreeding, in particu-
a range of agroforestry systems have the poten- lar selfing, can have negative impacts, including
tial to conserve native species as well as to diver- reduced seed set and survival resulting in poorer
sify and improve the production and income of regeneration, progeny with slower growth rates
resource-poor farmers. Although native species and lower productivity, limited environmental tol-
are usually favoured in tree planting for for- erance and increased susceptibility to pests or dis-
est or habitat restoration or by local people on eases. Consequently, the use of genetically diverse
farms, often only a limited range of management germplasm is vital if plantings are to be productive,
options and tree species (often exotics) are pro- viable and resilient. Intraspecific genetic diversity
moted. may, however, be limited by several factors relat-
Tree planting depends on a ready supply of ed to the sourcing of seed. For example, farmers,
germplasm (seeds or vegetative material) of the nursery managers and commercial collectors may
chosen species, which in turn requires consid- collect seed from only a few trees as this requires
eration of what is the best or most appropriate less effort than collecting from many trees; how-
source of seed. Inevitably the choice of seed source ever, this captures only a small amount of the vari-
should be influenced by the objective of planting ability present. In addition, variability in fertility
(e.g. for restoration or production, future adapt- between trees can contribute to a rapid accumula-
ability or past adaptation) and the risks associated tion of relatedness and inbreeding in subsequent
with particular seed sources (e.g. loss of adapta- generations. Genetic issues can also be of particular
tion, outbreeding depression, loss of diversity, ge- concern for nursery material, where inbred mate-
netic bottlenecks or contamination of native gene rial may survive benign nursery conditions but be
pools). Choice of seed source, both in terms of its genetically compromised for survival and growth
location and its composition, can have important when planted out in the wider environment.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Local versus non-local seed s­ uperiority of local seed requires complex experi-
ments and long-term monitoring that go beyond
Many guidelines for sourcing seed to restore early effects on germination and growth, and
plant populations and communities advocate the that are beyond the scope of most restoration
use of local seed under the premise that this will projects. Consequently, there is often little empir-
be better adapted to local conditions and deliver ical evidence for deciding how local a seed source
superior outcomes through improved survival should be. Should seed come from the same
and growth (Broadhurst et al., 2008 and refer- wood, the same watershed, the same county or
ences therein). Apart from the possibility of non- the same country? Is geographical or ecologi-
local seed being maladapted to local conditions, cal distance more important (e.g. Montalvo and
using seed collected close to a restoration site Ellstrand, 2000)? With limited information about
is also predicted to prevent negative outcomes, the extent and scale of adaptive variation in na-
such as intraspecific hybridization (potentially) tive trees, discussion about suitable seed sources
resulting in outbreeding depression, superior in- often emphasizes “local” in a very narrow sense
troduced genotypes becoming invasive and im- or within political boundaries, rather than being
pacts on associated organisms such as bud burst based on sound evidence of the scale over which
occurring prior to herbivore emergence, and to adaptation occurs.
help maintain a range of biotic interactions with The requirement to use locally collected seed
pollinators and pathogens (Linhart and Grant, has been given such precedence that restoration
1996; Jones, Hayes and Sackville Hamilton, 2001; projects have occasionally been abandoned be-
Cunningham et al., 2005; Vander Mijnsbrugge, cause of a lack of appropriate local seed sources
Bischoff and Smith, 2010). Although the impor- (Wilkinson, 2001). Use of native species in both
tance of local provenance in habitat conserva- restoration and on farms has also been limited by
tion and restoration remains contentious (e.g. a lack of basic information on seed storage and
Sackville Hamilton, 2001; Wilkinson, 2001), the germination and establishment methods; a reflec-
concept is easy to understand and the message tion of the historical emphasis on plantation for-
is therefore attractive and easy to “sell” (see, for estry with a limited range of exotic species.
example, Hence the Gen-
eral guidelines for the sustainable management
of forests in Europe (MCPFE, 1993) state that 2.2. 
Basic concepts and theory
“native species and local provenances should be
preferred where appropriate.” Forest certifica- It is worth considering some basic concepts to ap-
tion and timber labelling standards also require preciate to what extent and at what scale local
action to conserve genetic diversity and to use lo- adaptation may apply. The forces of natural se-
cal provenances (e.g. PEFC, 2010; UKWAS, 2007). lection may vary in space, resulting in genotype
Grants for tree planting often require the use of × environment interactions for fitness. In the ab-
local material, although this may depend on the sence of other forces and constraints, such diver-
purpose of planting (e.g. Forestry Commission, gent selection should cause each local population
2003). to evolve traits that provide an advantage under
Despite such requirements to source seed lo- its local environmental conditions (i.e. its habitat),
cally, many guidelines provide little direction regardless of the consequences of these traits for
as to how this should be evaluated (Broadhurst fitness in other habitats. What should result, in
et al., 2008), with practitioners often interpret- the absence of other forces and constraints, is
ing guidelines in a spatial context at a range of a pattern in which genotypes of a population
scales (e.g. as small as a particular farm or wood would have on average a higher relative fitness
to as large as a country). To fully evaluate the in their local habitat than genotypes from other

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

habitats. This pattern and process leading to it is were less winter hardy than indigenous Swed-
local adaptation (Williams, 1966). ish yews. In his classical research, Turesson (1922)
However, local adaptation may be hindered by studied populations of several herbaceous species
gene flow, confounded by genetic drift, opposed in transplant common garden experiments, dem-
by natural selection as a result of temporal envi- onstrating the widespread occurrence of intraspe-
ronmental variability and constrained by a lack of cific, habitat-related genetic variation and intro-
genetic variation or by the genetic architecture of ducing the term “genecology.” Clausen, Keck and
underlying traits. Thus, although divergent natu- Hiesey (1940) extended study of the expression of
ral selection is the driving force, these other forc- population adaptation to environmental differ-
es, in particular gene flow, are integral aspects of ences by using climatically different sites over a
the process of local adaptation. Owing to such range of altitudes. Subsequent research has shown
forces, local adaptation is not a necessary out- that such genetically related adaptive variation is
come of evolution under spatially divergent se- widespread in herbaceous species with low levels
lection (Kawecki and Ebert, 2004). Environmental of gene flow under strong selection pressures (see
heterogeneity also favours the evolution of adap- summary in Briggs and Walters, 1997). There are
tive phenotypic plasticity. Where there are no many key differences between herbaceous plants
costs of and constraints on plasticity, a genotype and trees, where long life cycles, wide distribu-
that produces a locally optimal phenotype in each tions and extensive gene flow (pollen and seed
habitat would become fixed in all populations. dispersal) would tend to suggest more extensive
Adaptive phenotypic plasticity would lead to scales and patterns of adaptation, with differ-
adaptive phenotypic differentiation, but without ences most likely to occur at the geographic and
underlying genetic differentiation. Lack of plas- altitudinal extremes of species ranges.
ticity is thus a prerequisite for local adaptation.
In summary, factors predicted to promote local
adaptation include: low gene flow (i.e. restricted 2.4. 
The scale of local adaptation
pollen or seed dispersal, or strong habitat fidel- in trees: how local should a
ity), strong selection against genotypes optimally seed source be?
adapted to other habitats but moderate selection
against intermediate genotypes (most likely un- Evidence for strong local adaptation effects, es-
der moderate differences between habitats with pecially in trees, remains mixed and such adap-
respect to traits under selection), little temporal tation is very difficult to predict (Ennos, Worrell
variation in the forces of selection, small differ- and Malcolm, 1998; Montalvo and Ellstrand, 2000;
ences between habitats in size and quality (e.g. Joshi et al., 2001; Hufford and Mazer, 2003; Bis-
the amount of resources) and costs of or con- choff et al., 2006; Leimu and Fischer, 2008). Prov-
straints on adaptive plasticity. enance and progeny field trials have shown that
while genotype × environment interaction occurs
in many tree species, this may not be expressed
Historical perspective of local as a home-site advantage (i.e. provenance perfor-
adaptation mance is unstable across sites, but not as a result
of greater fitness of local seed source). Geograph-
The extent to which observed morphological and ical proximity may be a poor indicator of adaptive
growth differences in plants are under genetic fitness (e.g. Betula spp.; Blackburn and Brown,
control and related to the environment in which 1988) and also stability, with some provenances
a population occurs, has formed fertile ground for that show stable performance across sites origi-
research. Linnaeus reported as early as 1759 that nating from sites adjacent to unstable performers
yew trees brought to Scandinavia from France (e.g. Kleinschmit et al., 1996).

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

The northern hemisphere forestry literature Currently there are too few studies from too
suggests that latitudinal or altitudinal gradi- few regions of the world to allow for predictions
ents, or both, can be important for detecting the regarding the scale and importance of local ad-
scale of local adaptation, but that other factors aptation for the myriad of life-history traits and
such as habitat, rainfall and topographical dif- evolutionary histories of tree species that re-
ferences can also be significant (Ennos, Worrell quire restoration. For example, Leimu and Fischer
and Malcolm, 1998). There is evidence for adap- (2008) used only 32 species in their local adapta-
tive variation over reasonably short distances in a tion meta-analysis, none of which were tree spe-
number of conifer tree species in western North cies. There is also a need for reciprocal transplant
America, owing to features such as aspect and al- experiments (RTEs), which test the fitness of
titude (e.g. Adams and Campbell, 1981; Sorensen, “home” and “away” genotypes within the sites
1994). This is particularly marked in areas with from which the genotypes originate (Primack and
oceanic climates, where environmental gradients Kang, 1989) and can mimic natural regeneration
are much steeper than in more continental sites. by establishing seedlings in a forest at close spac-
Field, greenhouse and laboratory studies on co- ings to encourage early competition and with
nifer species in the northwestern United States minimal intervention (e.g. little or no weeding).
show that a significant proportion (typically 25– Germplasm selected and tested in forestry trials
45 percent) of the genetic variation within popu- or plantations for growth, form and other com-
lations is accounted for by climatic (e.g. rainfall mercial criteria may be less suited to the more
and temperature) or location (e.g. latitude, alti- competitive environment of semi-natural forests
tude, slope aspect, distance from ocean) variables and restoration.
that reflect environmental factors specific to each The scale over which species show adaptation
location. There are often differences between to their environment depends on the degree of
provenances from warmer and colder climates, habitat heterogeneity, in particular the specific
the former showing adaptation to the longer habitat characteristics that affect a species, and
growing season in lower latitudes but suffering the interaction with gene flow. Dispersal levels
from early or late frosts when moved too far into may be a useful high-level predictor of the im-
higher latitudes. The degree of risk in transplant- portance of local adaptation, under the premise
ing across a species’ distribution is correlated that species with long-range gene flow are less
more with environmental changes than with likely to generate strong local adaptation, where-
the geographical distance moved (Adams and as restricted gene flow is more likely to generate
Campbell, 1981; see Insight 5). This suggests that genotypes adapted to their local environment.
habitat matching may be a more useful means of Extensive gene flow in widely distributed tree
determining where seed should be sourced than species suggests that local adaptation over a small
would be an arbitrary distance from the site to be geographic scale is unlikely unless selection forces
restored. Provenance trials of a number of tropi- are very strong.
cal tree species show that most morphological ge-
netic variation occurs within rather than between
provenances. In most of the species studied, rank- 2.5. 
Are non-local seed sources
ing reversals (adaptation) or significant geno- ever appropriate?
type × environment interactions only occur with
large environmental site differences (e.g. dry vs In highly modified or degraded landscapes, us-
wet zones, alkaline vs acidic soils). Unfortunately, ing non-local seed may be entirely appropriate
almost nothing is currently known about local or indeed the only option for restoration. Miti-
adaptation in temperate southern hemisphere gating the negative physical effects associated
­species. with vegetation removal, such as loss of topsoil,

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

altered hydrological flows or increased nutrient the quantity and quality of seed available. The re-
loads, may require specific germplasm that is able moval of trees and populations from landscapes
to cope with these conditions. For example, sa- directly reduces genetic diversity, most of which
line scalds in southern Australia that developed is irreplaceable since genetic mutations accumu-
following the removal of deep-rooted perennials late slowly over long evolutionary periods (i.e.
are not generally amenable to restoration using tens of thousands to millions of generations).
local species, let alone local seed. In these cases, Diversity is further eroded in small populations
planting saline-tolerant varieties of other species by drift resulting from random sampling within
may be the only option to prevent further degra- populations, as well as inbreeding as a result of
dation of valuable agricultural land. The loss of trees in remnant populations often being more
diversity at genes of major effect may also require highly related than those in larger populations
sourcing of seed from non-local populations. For (Barrett and Kohn, 1991; Ellstrand and Elam,
example, small populations of self-incompatible 1993). Reduced fitness and productivity are com-
plants can be mate-limited if diversity in the in- monly documented effects associated with ge-
compatibility locus is low, requiring seed from netic erosion and inbreeding, both of which can
beyond the local area to introduce new mating have an impact on a population’s ability to persist
types. However, impacts on local species and in stressful situations or changing environments
communities that may arise from using non-local (Frankham, Ballou and Briscoe, 2002; Hughes et
seed need to be considered carefully, preferably al., 2008). Other negative outcomes include poor
prior to restoration and using an appropriate risk reproductive success, smaller, poor-quality plants
management framework (Byrne, Stone and Mil- and increased susceptibility to pests and patho-
lar, 2011). This should also include analysis of the gens (Lienert, 2004 and references therein). Over
risk of not undertaking restoration and allowing time, this exposes small populations to decline
landscape degradation and biodiversity loss to through recruitment failure (Figure 2.1) and lim-
continue. its their utility as appropriate seed sources for
restoration. Limited seed supply and poor-quality
seed are two major impediments to the successful
Local seed sources may not planting of native species and restoration of na-
produce restoration-quality tive vegetation, especially at the landscape level.
seed Worldwide analyses of fragmentation impacts
on plant reproduction indicate that some spe-
Habitat fragmentation remains a major threat cies are shifting towards selfing (Aguilar et al.,
to biodiversity worldwide through the loss of 2006; Aguilar et al., 2008; Eckert et al., 2010), but
populations and consequent altered biotic and how this translates to seed production depends
abiotic processes (Bakker and Berendse, 1999; largely on reproductive strategy. For example,
Eriksson and Ehrlen, 2001; Hobbs and Yates, ­species that cannot self or mate with close rela-
2003; Lienert, 2004). Unfortunately, some re- tives (self-incompatible) will not produce seed
gions of the world have now reached a tipping unless pollinated by distantly- or non-related
point, such that whole biomes may be in danger trees and small, self-incompatible populations
of collapse (Hoekstra et al., 2005). The most im- are often characterized by reduced seed produc-
mediate consequence of fragmentation for use tion, severely limiting quantities available for
of native species in restoration and farm systems restoration. In contrast, species that can self and
is limitations to seed supply following the loss of mate with close relatives (self-compatible) con-
individuals and populations. But several nega- tinue to produce seed but this is often less fit, be-
tive genetic and demographic effects associated ing smaller, slower to germinate and with poorer
with fragmentation can also have an impact on survival (Buza, Young and Thrall, 2000; Young

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Figure 2.1. et al., 2000; Mathiasen, Rovere and Premoli,

Simplified representation of how low genetic 2007). Restoration using this seed is therefore
diversity and inbreeding can impact on plant likely to produce poorer results than expected
population persistence and seed production in and over the long term is less likely to develop
small populations of plants into a self-sustaining population. A requirement
that only local seed be used for restoration can
drive practitioners to use seed from small, inbred
populations that are unlikely to produce posi-
tive long-term restoration outcomes, but rather
create more small, inbred populations, with lim-
ited long-term persistence. One consideration is
that populations restored with a narrow genetic
base may be limited in their ability to respond
to the rapid predicted shifts in climatic variables
(Helenurm, 1998).

Adaptation and climate

There are theoretical reasons that underlie ob-

served patterns of adaptive variation; these also
suggest that many tree species over large areas
may fail to show local adaptation at a very narrow
scale. The prevalence of extensive gene flow may
counteract selection, while the temporal varia-
tion in selective forces that trees experience (e.g.
yearly variation in temperature, frosts or rainfall)
is likely to have a stabilizing effect rather than the
directional selection that would lead to highly lo-
calized adaptation. Given the long life of trees,
the environment is also likely to have altered over
the lifespan of a tree or only a few generations,
such that a particular site no longer experiences
the same conditions under which the trees origi-
nally evolved. These factors explain the relative
lack of adaptation over short distances in many
tree species. Temporal variation in environment
is particularly important for trees, not only with
respect to past adaptation but also in the context
of predicted climate change (e.g. Broadmeadow,
Ray and Samuel, 2005), and thus undue emphasis
on local seed sources may also cause problems.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Benefits of using larger but maritime France that matches future climate pre-
more distant seed sources dictions (Broadmeadow et al., 2005) and of similar
phylogeographic origins will face such problems,
Using large populations as primary seed sources nor lead to outbreeding depression problems on
for restoration not only ensures that seed quality introgression with British material.
will be higher but also that larger quantities are
available. In many cases a population of 100–200
plants would be large enough to provide good- 2.9. 
quality seed, but more than 400 plants may be
needed for some species. A good restoration out- Any genetic conservation policy for native trees
come is also more likely if the habitat of the site to should aim at conserving the evolutionary po-
be restored is matched as closely as possible with tential of their populations, rather than at pre-
that of the nearest large population. Seed from serving a particular genetic structure and status.
these large populations could be augmented The extent and scale of local adaptation in many
with that collected from small populations closer tree populations, and thus its practical impor-
to the restoration site to capture any useful ge- tance to restoration efforts, remain in doubt.
netic diversity they may contain (Broadhurst et While there is a need for more field trials, both
al., 2008). To capture as much genetic diversity as of the traditional provenance or progeny and
possible from large populations, as many plants RTE types, to provide more information on the
as practically possible should be sampled broadly scale of adaptation, planting of native trees con-
across the site, collecting from a range of cohorts, tinues apace and demand for seed from certified
from various sides of plant canopies without dis- sources increases. There is good evidence to sug-
rupting biotic associations that also rely on this gest that emphasis on a very restricted view of
seed. Breed et al. (2012) reviewed such strate- what is “local” will not lead to better-adapted
gies for sourcing restoration seed (Box 2.1) and tree populations and is more likely to lead to use
summarized their suitability for mitigating cli- of stock of limited genetic diversity than would a
mate change and habitat fragmentation impacts broader approach.
(Table­  2.1). It has been argued that, given the lack of ex-
The mixing of introduced and native germplasm tensive trials investigating adaptive variation
raises the issue of outbreeding depression; the in native tree populations, the precautionary
potential problem of reduced vigour as adapted principle should be adopted in sourcing germ-
gene complexes are broken up or the proportion plasm for planting trees (e.g. Flora Locale, 1999;
of locally adapted alleles is reduced. As with local UKWAS, 2007). This is expressed as the use of lo-
adaptation, evidence for outbreeding depression cal seed, although the subsequent view of what
comes from herbaceous species that show highly constitutes the local population varies from a
localized adaptation (see Hufford and Mazer, particular forest to large seed zones. However,
2003) and there is little evidence for its occur- given current evidence for trees, i.e. clear dan-
rence in trees at distances of less than hundreds gers from inbreeding and loss of genetic diver-
of kilometres (e.g. Hardner et al., 1998, Boshier sity, with extensive gene flow and adaptation at
and Billingham, 2000). For example large-scale a broad scale, it seems more logical to apply the
importation of cheap seed from Eastern Europe precautionary principle in terms of ensuring the
has shown problems of maladaptation in Britain. use of genetically diverse material with the ca-
But it seems unlikely that use of material from pacity to adapt to current and future conditions.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Box 2.1.
Summary of alternative strategies for sourcing seed for restoration

Strict local provenancing: collecting seeds Admixture provenancing (Breed et al., 2012):
from plants that are located physically very close collecting seed only from large populations, focusing
to the revegetation site (e.g. Natural England, on capturing a wide selection of genotypes from a
United Kingdom: 5 miles; Western Australian Forest diversity of environments with no spatial bias towards
Management Plan 2004–2014: 15 km). the revegetation site. These seeds are then admixed
Relaxed local provenancing: collecting seeds for sowing or planting, generating a population
with a bias towards certain ecological criteria, and with a mixture of genotypes from a wide array of
avoiding small population fragments (e.g. Australian provenances.
FloraBank: soil type, altitude and climate).
Predictive provenancing (Sgrò, Lowe and
Breed, M.F., Stead, M.G., Ottewell, K.M., Gardner,
Hoffmann, 2011): use of naturally occurring
M.G. & Lowe, A.J. 2012. Which provenance and where?
genotypes experimentally determined to be adapted Seed sourcing strategies for revegetation in a changing
to projected conditions. This technique requires environment. Conserv. Genet., November 2012. doi:
data on local adaptation of target species (e.g. by 10.1007/s10592-012-0425-z.
reciprocal transplant experiments), as well as climate Broadhurst, L.M., Lowe, A., Coates, D.J., Cunningham,
S.A., McDonald, M., Vesk, P.A. & Yates, C. 2008. Seed
projections for these species at a revegetation site supply for broadscale restoration: maximising evolutionary
(e.g. by bioclimatic modelling). potential. Evol. Appl., 1: 587–597.
Composite provenancing (Broadhurst et al., Sgrò, CM, Lowe, A.J. & Hoffmann, A.A. 2011. Building
2008): collecting a mixture of seed that attempts evolutionary resilience for conserving biodiversity under
climate change. Evol. Appl., 4: 326–337.
to mimic natural gene-flow dynamics. For example,
recommended proportions of seed collected from Source: Breed, M.F., Stead, M.G., Ottewell, K.M., Gardner, M.G.
local, intermediate and distant distance-classes could & Lowe, A.J. 2012. Which provenance and where? Seed sourcing
be determined by estimating the pollen dispersal strategies for revegetation in a changing environment. Conserv.
kernel for target species. Genet., November 2012. doi: 10.1007/s10592-012-0425-z.

Table 2.1.
Suitability of provenancing techniques under climate change with habitat fragmentation
Provenancing Adaptive Genetic rescue Low genetic Suitable Economically Likely
technique potential benefits load with high efficient population
benefits uncertainty success
Strict local x*

Relaxed local x*

Predictive x x x†

Composite x x x x

Admixture x x x x x
* May experience high failure rates, negating the economic benefit.

Benefit rests on successfully matching genotype fitness with future conditions.

Source: Breed et al. (2012).

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Current threats to the maintenance of genetic References

diversity come principally from poor practice in
seed collection; undue emphasis on restricting
Adams, T. & Campbell, R.K. 1981. Genetic adaptation and
the area of collection or poor instruction of col-
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lectors can limit the number of trees and hence
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workshop held November 17–19, 1981, Medford,
lishment of trees with restricted genetic diversity
Oregon, pp. 78–85. Corvallis, OR, USA, Forest Research
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ture (Bacles, Lowe and Ennos, 2004). In contrast, Aguilar, R., Quesada, M., Ashworth, L., Herrerias-Diego,
some of the locally sourced material planted as Y. & Lobo J. 2008. Genetic consequences of habitat
part of the Carrifran wildwood restoration pro- fragmentation in plant populations: susceptible signals
ject was shown to be low in genetic diversity in plant traits and methodological approaches. Mol.
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lection practices, which impose limitations on the
Bacles, C.F.E, Lowe, A.J. & Ennos, R.A. 2004. Genetic ef-
future potential of the population.
fects of chronic habitat fragmentation on tree species:
It is disturbing to contemplate that some of
the case of Sorbus aucuparia remnants in a deforested
the poorest seed sources exist in the very regions
Scottish landscape. Mol. Ecol., 13: 574–583.
where restoration is most needed and that con-
tinued requirements for using local seed simply Bakker, J.P. & Berendse F. 1999. Constraints in the restora-
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Barrett, S.C.H. & Kohn, J.R. 1991. Genetic and evolution-
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tinuous populations into much smaller and more
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and quantity of seed (e.g. Lowe et al., 2005). The
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tion contains all of the diversity that is left that C.S., Mortimer, S.R., Dolezal, J., Lanta, V., Edwards,
is extremely valuable, and (ii) it is important that A.R., Brook, A.J., Macel, M., Leps, J., Steinger, T. &
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The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

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Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 3

Continuity of local genetic diversity

as an alternative to importing
foreign provenances
Kristine Vander Mijnsbrugge1,2

Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Belgium
Agency for Nature and Forest, Belgium

A population of trees or shrubs is autochthonous seeds for the production of planting stock (e.g.
if it has regenerated naturally since its arrival af- Belgium: Vander Mijnsbrugge, Cox and Van
ter the last glaciation; any human intervention in Slycken, 2005; Germany: Kleinschmit, Leinemann
breeding should have occurred with strictly local and Hosius, 2008; Denmark: Kjaer et al., 2009).
material only. For long-lived species such as trees, Here we describe in detail the programme on the
autochthony assumes a continuous presence at a production of autochthonous planting stock in
given site since post-glacial immigration (Klein- Flanders, Belgium.
schmit, Kownatzki and Gegorius, 2004). This im-
plies a continuity of local genetic diversity after
thousands of years of natural selection. Trees and 3.1. 
Why should autochthonous
shrubs that belong to native species but are im- diversity be protected?
ported from other climatic zones or geographic
regions are not autochthonous. There is a high demand for “native” planting
After many years of neglect, the use of na- stock in Flanders, Belgium, and to a broader ex-
tive species in afforestation and landscape pro- tent in many Western European countries. The
grammes is gaining importance all over the use of native planting material is promoted by
world, based on the basic underlying ecological a wide range of public organizations. However,
principle that native species and genotypes will planting stock of native material in commercial
be well adapted to local conditions and will have nurseries is largely not autochthonous. Seeds of
co-evolved with other components of local forest native species are often imported, originating
ecosystems. This has led to massive plantations from foreign provenances, often in Eastern Eu-
of indigenous tree and shrub species in Western ropean countries. This is especially true for shrub
Europe, not only in forestry but also for native species. For trees, in the European Union, Coun-
woodland restoration and other landscape plant- cil Directive 1999/105/EC of 22 December 1999
ings, such as thickets, wooded banks and hedge- (Council of the European Union, 2000) regulates
rows. A major challenge is to ensure that plant- the marketing and transport of forest reproduc-
ing material used represents the genetic variation tive material through an obligatory certification
and diversity within native species. Several initia- system indicating the origin of the material (al-
tives have been developed in various European though control in practice is not perfect). How-
countries to promote the use of locally sourced ever, certification is not obligatory for shrubs, and

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

shrub germplasm is commonly imported from the remnant autochthonous populations still pre-
Eastern and Southern Europe where cheaper sent. A survey was conducted to locate remaining
seed is available. Nursery managers often do not autochthonous populations in Flanders, Belgium,
know or are not interested in the exact origin of from 1997 to 2008. The evaluation of autoch-
the seed they obtain. Tree seed may also be im- thony in the field was conducted following the
ported when seed is not available from officially methodology presented by Maes (1993). In short,
approved sources or supplies are too limited to areas of woody vegetation that are indicated as
meet requirements. forest on historical maps are identified. Informa-
Introduction of non-local material can tion on flora, soil conditions and geomorphology
have numerous negative consequences. Non- further refine the selection of potentially rel-
autochthonous planting stock may be poorly evant sites. In the field, the woody vegetation is
adapted to local growing conditions, which can evaluated according to a set of criteria. The tree
lead to negative consequences such as lower or shrub must be a wild variety and old. No evi-
fitness (e.g. McKay et al., 2005; Krauss and He, dence must be seen of plantation (e.g. trees in
2006; Edmands, 2007; Laikre et al., 2010; Vander lines). The site must be located within the natural
Mijnsbrugge, Bischoff and Smith, 2010). Problems geographic range of the species, and the growth
may only become evident many years after seem- conditions correspond to the ecological require-
ingly successful establishment. Intraspecific hy- ments of the species. The tree or shrub must be
bridization of local and introduced genotypes present on similar sites in the surrounding area. A
may result in outbreeding depression, i.e. re- variety of plants in the tree, shrub or herb layer is
duced fitness in subsequent generations, loss indicative of undisturbed woodland and ancient
of genetic diversity and loss of adaptation, and forests. If hedges or wooded banks have been
less adapted characteristics can introgress into planted with locally sourced material the plants
the autochthonous populations. The introduc- can be considered autochthonous.
tion of non-local material may also have negative The findings show that autochthonous woody
effects on associated plant and animal species. plants have become seriously endangered in
Imported hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) has Flanders, with only about 6 percent of the cur-
been shown to flower several weeks earlier than rent forest cover holding autochthonous woody
native hawthorn, potentially threatening the in- plants. Several causes for this loss of autoch-
sects and birds whose reproductive cycles are syn- thonous material are evident. Only 11 percent
chronized with this event (Hubert and Cottrell, of Flanders is now forested and what there is is
2007). In addition, purity of the species can be highly fragmented as a result of centuries of in-
problematic in commercial planting stock. A ge- tensive forest use. Small fields have been replaced
netic study on commercially available hawthorn by large, open expanses of farmland, with the
in Flanders, grown from seeds imported from consequent disappearance of wooded banks, old
Hungary, showed that it comprised a mixture of hedges and small forests on farmland.
C. monogyna and C. monogyna × C. rhipidophylla The inventory data (in Flemish) are accessible
(Debeer, 2006). on the internet (

Inventory of autochthonous 3.3. 
Producing autochthonous
woody plants planting stock

A simple way to ensure the continuity of local ge- The Agency for Nature and Forest (ANB), under
netic diversity is the production of autochthonous the Flemish Forest Administration, has been col-
planting stock. For this an overview is needed of lecting seed from inventoried sites since 1998 to

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

produce autochthonous planting stock. Seed is is grown in private nurseries under a sales con-
collected from natural populations present on tract. The seeds and derived planting stock are
inventoried sites (so-called in situ collecting) fol- not certified, and the work of the nursery is not
lowing general guidelines for appropriate col- controlled by any official agency, necessitating a
lection methods. Sites adjacent to plantations of relationship of trust between the client and the
the same species are omitted because of the risk nursery. Again, this autochthonous planting stock
of cross-pollination from unknown provenances. is used in the Regional Landscapes’ own projects,
Seed is collected from at least 30 seed-bearing mainly landscape plantings such as hedgerows,
plants per species within each region of prove- wooded banks, on farms, etc., and can also be
nance. Region of provenance, a term commonly sold to local people.
used in forestry, is an area within which move- Since 2004 seeds can be collected on invento-
ment of plant material will not negatively affect ried sites that are officially approved as a seed
the fitness of the populations in the long run. source, primarily under the category “source
In Flanders, the surveyed sites are mostly frag- identified” (as defined by the Council Directive
mented, small and are not managed for seed on the marketing of forest reproductive mate-
production. Therefore, several sites must be vis- rial). At least 30 seed-bearing trees or shrubs of
ited to find 30 seed-bearing trees or shrubs for the same species must be present on such sites,
every species. This implies a time-consuming and with a good score for autochthony. There must
costly effort. The Flemish legislation (Anony- be no non-autochthonous plantations in the vi-
mous, 2003a), which follows Council Directive cinity. Autochthonous stands showing traits of sil-
1999/105/EC, allows mixing seed lots within a re- vicultural value are approved under the category
gion of provenance. This practice guarantees a “selected.” Five stands of Alnus glutinosa have
good genetic variability in the derived planting been given this designation. Private nurseries can
stock. A genetic study on sloe (Prunus spinosa) in collect seeds from these officially approved seed
Flanders showed that old autochthonous hedges sources and obtain a certificate from an independ-
dominated by sloe may show low within-popula- ent governmental control agency that proves the
tion genetic diversity. In this case, mixing of seed origin of the seeds. The landowner of the col-
lots from different autochthonous locations is lection site can charge those wanting to collect
specifically advised (Vander Mijnsbrugge et al., seeds, although in general private nurseries are
in press. not willing to pay large sums. Major problems
Until now, the planting stock has been grown faced by certified in situ collections are the reluc-
in two government nurseries located in Koekelare tance of landowners to agree to the designation
and in Brasschaat. However, the decision has been of a woody population on their property as an
taken to close them, mainly for financial reasons. official seed source, the laborious process of ap-
Future planting stock will be grown increasingly proval of the sites, the small number of sites that
in private nurseries under contract. The autoch- meet the requirements for approval, and lack of
thonous planting stock is used only in forests management for high seed production. A major
owned by or managed by ANB. As seed collection, advantage of the system is that certified planting
growth and planting are all performed within the stock becomes available to a broader public.
forest administrative boundaries, no certification
or control system is involved.
Since 1998 seeds have been collected also by 3.4. 
Seed orchards
public organizations called Regional Landscapes
(“Regionale Landschappen”) that are working to Seed orchards hold many advantages over in situ
protect and enhance the local authenticity of ru- collecting. They produce large amounts of seed
ral landscapes (Table 3.1). Here, all planting stock and at the same time preserve the gene pool of

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Table 3.1.
Seeds and berries collected between 2006 and 2010 by Regional Landscapes (public organizations)
from autochthonous populations in Flanders

Species Fresh weight (kg)*

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Acer campestre 70.5 60.0 70.5 66.3 56.7

Alnus glutinosa 35.5 64.3 41.4 28.0 61.2

Carpinus betulus 116.3 159.3 11.5 141.4 88.0

Cornus sanguineum 26.0 39.8 26.0 11.3 6.4

Corylus avellana 10.2 229.3 26.5 56.7 71.9

Crataegus laevigata 4.7 11.6 4.0 2.8 0.9

Crataegus monogyna 111.8 44.1 59.8 107.6 103.8

Crataegus spp. 397.1 465.1 398.9 458.5 309.6

Euonymus europaeus 10.1 11.2 28.6 24.6 21.7

Fraxinus excelsior 105.3 2.5 62.4 5.6 226.4

Ilex aquifolium 18.1 5.0 5.5 6.0 5.9

Malus sylvestris – 1.8 – – 0.3

Mespilus germanica 1.5 42.8 5.1 2.5 9.4

Prunus padus 2.4 0.1 0.7 7.0 6.0

Prunus spinosa 218.3 121.1 24.8 113.7 107.9

Quercus robur 608.0 422.0 33.3 390.4 460.9

Rhamnus cathartica 1.0 5.4 4.4 – –

Rhamnus frangula 13.7 20.4 34.0 51.9 56.0

Rosa arvensis 0.3 1.0 1.8 1.0 1.1

Rosa canina 26.2 16.5 35.7 11.3 19.3

Rosa corymbifera – – 7.8 – –

Rosa spp. 1.0 1.4 – 5.0 5.4

Sambucus nigra – – – 5.0 2.5

Sorbus aucuparia 109.5 67.0 39.1 135.4 66.9

Tilia cordata – – – 1.5 –

Viburnum opulus 110.1 110.3 61.6 48.2 72.5

Total 1997.5 1901.9 983.1 1681.4 1760.7

* Uncleaned fresh weight.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

the autochthonous populations from which the tion of exchange of genetic information is missed.
plants in the orchard originate. A programme The disadvantage is that vegetative propagation
initiated by the Research Institute for Nature is difficult and expensive, particularly for recalci-
and Forest and ANB for the creation of autoch- trant genera such as Quercus. Experienced green-
thonous seed orchards started in Flanders in house technicians are indispensable. Labour- and
1999. Seed orchards have been established for all cost-intensive in vitro techniques are not used.
woody species that are regularly or occasionally For trees with economic importance, the orchard
planted. Basic material for these is collected at clones can serve as parent material for breeding
the inventoried sites. The objective is to repre- in future. Every seed orchard contains a minimum
sent the genetic diversity of the autochthonous of 50 genotypes per species, collected from at
populations present in a region of provenance. least five different sites, and up to four ramets
There are four main regions of provenance in per genotype. An ideal seed orchard contains 200
Flanders, with an average area of 3000 km2. Thus, plants. In addition, the aim is to duplicate each
theoretically, there should be four seed orchards seed orchard at another location within the re-
for every woody species for which planting stock gion of provenance.
is desirable, one for each region of provenance. Once established, the autochthonous seed
In practice, the number of orchards established orchards are officially approved as seed sources
differs for various reasons, such as the natural (category “source identified”) and the seeds from
distribution pattern. For example, the nutri- them can be certified. The first plantations date
ent poor soils in the north of Flanders (regions from 2003 and planting is ongoing. The major-
of provenance “Kempen” [KEM] and “Vlaamse ity of orchards are situated on land owned and
Zandstreek” [VZA]) are characterized by a spec- managed by ANB, while some have been estab-
trum of species that differs from that found on lished on municipal land and land owned by
the more nutrient-rich soils in the south (regions nature conservation organizations. By October
of provenance “Brabants District Oost” [BDO] 2011 a total of 14  339 plants had been planted
and “Brabants District West” [BDW]). Thus, for in 90  seed orchards at 25 different locations in
example, seed orchards for Eonymus europaeus, Flanders (Table  3.2). Shrub species in several or-
a species found on nutrient rich soil types, have chards are fruiting and certified seeds are being
been established for only the BDO and BDW re- collected by private nurseries and a commercial
gions. Few relict populations remain for some seed merchant (there is only one in Flanders). A
rare and dispersed species such as Tilia cordata, major problem facing the nurseries is the tech-
Ulmus laevis or Malus sylvestris, and as a result nical and administrative inefficiency of a large
orchards have been created using basic material number of small regions of provenance; other
from the whole of Flanders. Similarly, orchards European countries have fewer, larger regions of
for the whole of Flanders have been established provenance. Small countries tend to define small
for seemingly abundant species but for which regions of provenance, mainly because of the ab-
autochthonous populations are rare, such as sence of a pan-European consensus on the proper
Quercus petraea or Populus tremula. way to delineate them. The geographic scale of
The most clearly authenticated autochthonous local adaptation is difficult and time consuming
trees and shrubs are propagated, mainly vegeta- to measure for long-lived perennials.
tively, from geographically scattered sites within
the region of provenance. The use of vegetatively
propagated plants ensures that they are geneti- 3.5. 
Promotion of use
cally identical to the parent tree and ensures
there is no pollution from non-autochthonous Flanders has a state-funded system for subsi-
sources. In evolutionary terms, only one genera- dizing (re)forestation that promotes the use

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Table 3.2.
Number of individuals in the autochthonous orchards in Flanders by region of provenance
(October 2011)

Species BDO BDW VZA KEM Flanders Total

Acer campestre – 198 – – – 198

Carpinus betulus – – 157 – 303 460

Cornus sanguineum – 509 – – – 509

Corylus avellana 73 299 205 225 – 802

Crataegus monogyna 572 759 629 – – 1960

Euonymus europaeus 268 362 – – – 630

Fraxinus excelsior 177 100 161 108 – 546

Juniperus communis – – – 742 – 742

Malus sylvestris – – – – 199 199

Mespilus germanica – 216 218 – – 434

Populus tremula – – – – 96 96

Prunus avium – – – – 181 181

Prunus insititia – – – – 20 20

Prunus padus 289 467 – 498 – 1254

Prunus spinosa – 363 37 – – 400

Quercus petraea – – – 194 – 194

Quercus robur – – – 117 – 117

Rhamnus frangula – 183 238 547 – 968

Rosa arvensis – 131 – – – 131

Rosa canina – 203 243 – – 446

Salix alba 76 – 126 – – 202

Sorbus aucuparia – 315 175 442 – 932

Tilia cordata – – – – 346 346

Tilia platyphyllos – – – – 142 142

Ulmus laevis – – – – 482 482

Viburnum opulus 541 540 405 462 – 1948

Total 1996 4645 2594 3335 1769 14 339

*BDO: Brabants District Oost; BDW: Brabants District West; VZA: Vlaamse Zandstreek; KEM: Kempen.

of ­ autochthonous provenances (Anonymous, the highest subsidy). An additional subsidy, with

2003b). A basic subsidy supports the use of na- a fixed financial value, is granted for the use of
tive species, the amount of subsidy depending on specific autochthonous provenances that are indi-
the choice of species (e.g. indigenous oaks receive cated on the list of endorsed provenances, which

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

lists all officially approved autochthonous seed nous stock. However, their primary purpose is to
sources and orchards. The list (in Flemish) is ac- make a profit. Inevitably, some nursery managers
cessible on the internet ( A major may be tempted to increase their profits by sell-
drawback is that subsidies are only for (re)foresta- ing non-autochthonous stock as (more expensive)
tion, not any other landscape plantations such as autochthonous stock. Although genetic studies
hedges or tree rows or wooded banks. can distinguish autochthonous from non-autoch-
thonous material, they require highly skilled staff
and are too expensive and time-consuming to use
Discussion as a general control mechanism. Thus, controls
during seed collection and growth in the nursery
The Flemish government has invested heavily are the major (general) tools at hand.
in production of autochthonous planting stock,
starting with a laborious inventory, followed by
both in situ collection of seeds and the establish-
ment of seed orchards for many native species, References
both trees and shrubs. As a rough estimate, over
recent years about 1 million autochthonous plants
Anonymous. 2003a. 3 oktober 2003 – Besluit van de
have been grown annually in both government
Vlaamse regering betreffende de procedure tot
and private nurseries. The majority of the plants
erkenning van bosbouwkundig uitgangsmateriaal
are from seed collected in situ and grown under
en het in de handel brengen van bosbouwkundig
sales contracts. However, officially approved seed
teeltmateriaal. Belgian Law Gazette, 11 November:
orchards are now starting to produce seed and
certified seed is becoming increasingly available
for all interested forest nurseries. Anonymous. 2003b. 27 juni 2003 – Besluit van de
The programme now faces two issues. The first Vlaamse regering betreffende de subsidiëring van
concerns communication. When private owners beheerders van openbare en privé-bossen. Belgian
or public organizations buy planting stock their Law Gazette, 10 September: 45431–45500.
decisions are influenced by price, and autochtho- Council of the European Union.. 2000. Council
nous stock is more expensive (albeit sometimes Directive 1999/105/EC of 22 December 1999 on the
only slightly) than non-autochthonous planting marketing of forest reproductive material. Official
stock. As a result there is a tendency to purchase Journal of the European Communities, 15 January
non-autochthonous planting stock. Targeted 2000, L11: 17–40.
communication is needed to make all stakehold-
Debeer, L. 2006. Studie van de genetische diversiteit in
ers aware of the value of autochthonous prov-
het genus Crataegus (meidoorn): interspecifieke hy-
enances, and the importance of the continuity of
bridisatie en herkomstanalyse. University of Ghent,
local genetic diversity of autochthonous popula-
Belgium. (Master’s thesis)
tions. A major challenge lies in providing a clear
explanation of the role and importance of genetic Edmands, S. 2007. Between a rock and a hard place:
diversity. People readily understand that low ge- evaluating the relative risks of inbreeding and out-
netic diversity leads to fitness problems related to breeding for conservation and management. Mol.
inbreeding, but do not realize that bringing dif- Ecol., 16: 463–475.
ferentiated populations can have negative con-
Hubert, J. & Cottrell, J. 2007. The role of forest genetic
sequences that may result in diminishing genetic
resources in helping British forests respond to
diversity and fitness.
climate change. Edinburgh, UK, Forestry Commision
The second major issue is control. Private nurser-
ies play a pivotal role in production of autochtho-

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Kjær, E.D., Hansen, L.N., Graudal, L., Olrik, D.C., Maes, N. 1993. Genetische kwaliteit inheemse bomen
Ditlevsen, B., Jensen, V. & Jensen, J.S. 2009. en struiken. Deelproject: Randvoorwaarden en
The Danish program for domestication of native knelpunten bij behoud en toepassing van inheems
woody species. In I.S. Kafé, ed. Abstracts from the genenmateriaal. IBN-rapport 20. Wageningen, The
workshop: Genetic conservation and management Netherlands, IKC-NBLF, IBN-DLO.
of sparsely distributed trees and bushes, Sorø,
McKay, J.K., Christian, C.E., Harrison, S. & Rice, K.J.
Denmark, 15–17 September 2008. Forest and
2005. “How local is local?” – a review of practical
Landscape Working Papers 36/2009. Hørsholm,
and conceptual issues in the genetics of restoration.
Denmark, Forest & Landscape Denmark.
Restor. Ecol., 13: 432–440.
Kleinschmit, J.R.G, Kownatzki, D. & Gegorius, H.R.
Vander Mijnsbrugge, K., Bischoff, A. & Smith, B.
2004. Adaptational characteristics of autochthonous
2010. A question of origin: where and how to col-
populations – consequences for provenance delinea-
lect seed for ecological restoration. Basic Appl. Ecol.,
tion. Forest Ecol. Manag., 197: 213–224.
11: 300–311.
Kleinschmit, J.R.G, Leinemann, L. & Hosius, B. 2008.
Vander Mijnsbrugge, K., Cox, K. & Van Slycken, J.
Gene conservation through seed orchards – a case
2005. Conservation approaches for autochtho-
study of Prunus spinosa L. In D. Lindgren, ed. Seed
nous woody plants in Flanders. Silvae Genet., 54:
orchards. Proceedings from a conference at Umeå,
Sweden, September 26–28, 2007, pp. 115–125
(available at: Vander Mijnsbrugge, K., Depypere, L., Chaerle, P.,
file/5432/4289/20901-umea07_pdf/). Accessed 23 Goetghebeur, P. & Breyne P. In press. Genetic and
January 2013. morphological variability among autochthonous
Prunus spinosa populations in Flanders (northern
Krauss, L.S. & He, T.H. 2006. Rapid genetic identifica-
part of Belgium): implications for seed sourcing.
tion of local provenance seed collection zones for
Plant Ecol. Evol.
ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation.
J. Nature Conserv., 14: 190–199.

Laikre, L., Schwartz, M.K., Waples, R.S. & Ryman,

N. 2010. Compromising genetic diversity in the
wild: unmonitored large-scale release of plants and
animals. Trends Ecol. Evol., 25: 520–529.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Insight 4

 Historical genetic contamination in

pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.)
may favour adaptation
Sandor Bordacs

Central Agricultural Office, Department of Forest and Biomass Reproductive Material, Hungary

The pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in growth in many stands has been reported since
Central Europe was intensively managed in the 1880s in Austria, Czech Republic, France,
the past. Basically, the oak stands have been Germany, Hungary and many other parts of
artificially reforested, using intercropping Europe (Koloszár, 1982; Sabadi, 2003).
practices. Large numbers of acorns were A survey of chloroplast DNA diversity in Europe
planted, and some of these were imported from (Petit et al., 2002) has shown that the specific
distant populations to improve the quality of haplotypes of the Balkan strain are most common
oak wood expected. in the Slavonian oak stands, and many planted
The Slavonian oak, a local provenance of pe- stands elsewhere in Europe have varying propor-
dunculate oak, is reported to have a distinct tions of these haplotypes (Gailing et al., 2007)
population, mostly located in the Slavonian Plain which are indicative of Slavonian origin. The
in Croatia, southeastern Europe (Mátyás, 1972; Slavonian oak stands have not only been acclima-
Klepac, 1981). This area was largely unaffected by
humans for almost 400 years from the fifteenth
century because of frequent wars and military ac-
tions. Forests started to be harvested in the late Figure I4-1.
nineteenth century. The stands were composed A 112-year-old Slavonian oak stand
of 200–300-year-old huge oaks (up to 40 metres
tall and yielding 40–50 m3 of wood) with excel-
lent wood quality. The largest tree on record had
a breast-height diameter of 260 cm and yielded
64 m3 of building timber and was sent to the
Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1900. As a result
of these qualities, this provenance was in high
­demand in Europe.
Historical documents show that huge num-
bers of acorns were harvested all over Slavonia
and taken to distribution centres in the former
Austrian-Hungarian Empire. These centres distrib-
uted the acorns throughout Hungary (Kolossváry,
1975) and to other European states. Excellent

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Kolossvary, Sz., ed. 1975. Az erdögazdálkodás története

tized to local conditions but also entered local oak
Magyarországon [The history of forestry in Hungary].
gene pools across Europe. For example, Slavonian
Akadémiai Kiado, Budapest.
oak genes for early and late bud burst have been
identified provenances in Germany (Gailing et al., Koloszár, J. 1982. A szlavon tölgy (Quercus robur
2007). This kind of genetic contamination might ssp. slavonica /Gay./ Maty.) termöhelyi igénye
be beneficial, especially in Central Europe where es erdömüvelési jelentösége. University of West
most plantations have been established and Hungary, Sopron, Hungary. (Ph.D. thesis)
where intensive climate warming is predicted in
Mátyás, V. 1972. A szlavon tölgy (Quercus robur
the next 50 years. “Imported” southern genes for
ssp. slavonica /Gay./ Maty.) erdészeti jelentösége
traits such as late bud burst and drought and heat
Magyarországon. Erd. Kut., 68: 63–77.
tolerance may help local oak populations adapt
to the changing climate. Petit, R.J., Csaikl, U.M., Bordács, S., Burg, K., Coart,
E., Cottrell, J., Deans, J.D., Dumolin-Lapegue,
S., Fineschi, S., Finkeldey, R., Gillies, A., Glaz, I.,
Goicoechea, P.G., Jensen, J.S., König, A.O., Lowe,
A.J., Madsen, S.F., Mátyás, G., Munro, R.C.,
Pemonge, M.H., Popescu, F., Slade, D., Tabbener,
References H., Taurchini, D., van Dam, B., Ziegenhagen, B.
& Kremer, A. 2002. Chloroplast DNA variation in
European white oaks. Phylogeography and patterns
Gailing, O., Wachter, H., Schmitt, H.-P., Curtu, A.-L. of diversity based on data from over 2600 popula-
& Finkeldey, R. 2007. Characterization of differ- tions. Forest Ecol. Manag., 156: 1–3, 5–26.
ent provenances of Slavonian pedunculate oaks
Sabadi, R. 2003: The position of Pedunculate Oak in
(Quercus robur L.) in Münsterland (Germany) with
Spačva, Europe, and the world. In D. Klepac & K.
chloroplast DNA markers: PCR-RFLPs and chloroplast
Jemric’ Čorkalo, eds. A retrospective and perspective
microsatellites. Allg. Forst Jagdztg, 178: 85–90.
of managing forests of pedunculate oak in Croatia.
Klepac, D. 1981. Les forets de chene en Slavonie. Rev. HAZU Centre for Scientific Research Vinkovci,
For. Franc., 33: 87–104. Zagreb.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Insight 5

The development of forest

tree seed zones in the Pacific
Northwest of the United States
Brad St Clair

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station,
United States

Seed zones and seed movement guidelines con- off-site sources increased as stands aged, with a
tribute to the restoration of native ecosystems particularly sharp increase in the years after an
by ensuring adapted and resilient plant popula- extreme cold-weather event.
tions. Seed zones have a long history in the Pacific These observations led in the 1940s to the es-
Northwest of the United States. Plantation for- tablishment of the first seed collection zones and
estry was initiated in the early twentieth century seed collection guidelines for Douglas-fir. A sys-
with the establishment of the Wind River Nursery tem to certify the stand origin of forest tree seed
by the United States Forest Service in 1910. The was established by the mid-1960s, and in 1966
nursery was established in southwestern Wash- seed zone maps for Washington and Oregon were
ington State to reforest and restore large areas published. These maps were widely used and
of bare land and understocked forests result- have served their purpose of ensuring adapted
ing from large forest fires and logging. Initially, planting stock for reforestation and restoration.
foresters did not pay particular attention to the In the meantime, researchers have learned much
source of forest tree seed. Seed came from eas- more about geographic patterns of genetic vari-
ily accessible locations, often lower elevation ation in adaptive traits for a variety of forest tree
forests near population centres and at logging species, primarily from short-term genecological
operations. By the 1930s, however, it was be- studies such as those by Campbell (1986) and by
coming evident that not all plantations were as Sorensen (1992). Genecological studies consider
productive as they could be, particularly those genetic variation as found in common garden
at higher elevations, when compared with adja- trials, and relate that variation to the climates or
cent naturally regenerated stands. The gradual physiography of seed sources. Consistent, sensi-
decline of trees from non-local sources was also ble correlations between genetic variation and
evident in two pioneering research studies begun seed-source environments indicate that a trait
in 1912: the Wind River Arboretum, which tested has responded to natural selection and may be of
trees from around the world for their suitability adaptive importance. Based on results from gene-
to the Pacific Northwest, and the Douglas-Fir He- cological studies, seed zones in Washington and
redity Study, which addressed questions of type Oregon were revised, primarily enlarging them in
and location of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga men- latitudinal directions, but mostly maintaining ele-
ziesii (Mirb.) Franco) parents from which to collect vation limits (Randall, 1996; Randall and Berrang,
seed. Mortality and poor growth of trees from 2002). This is because forest trees in temperate

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

and boreal regions are primarily adapted to mini- maintaining genetic diversity and structure of for-
mum winter temperatures, which are largely as- est trees at landscape scales that are likely most
sociated with elevation. Adaptation to aridity is important for adaptation.
also important in some regions, and may be par- Seed zones and seed-movement guidelines
ticularly important in the tropics. Species may also have helped to ensure productive, healthy and di-
differ in the scale and patterns of genetic varia- verse forests in the Pacific Northwest for the past
tion and adaptation, and the revised seed zones half-century and more. What have we learned?
in Oregon and Washington take these differences First, even with limited or no knowledge of
into account. Some species, such as Douglas-fir, genetic structure of a species, a reasonable as-
are tightly adapted to their environments and sumption is that native populations are at least
may be considered specialist species. Other spe- approximately adapted to their local environ-
cies, like western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ments (Savolainen, Pyhäjärvi and Knürr, 2007).
ex D. Don), are more generally adapted and may The question then becomes, how local is local?
be considered generalist species. Consequently, Start somewhere. Make assumptions about the
Douglas-fir has many seed zones with relatively climatic or other environmental variables that
narrow elevation bands of 150 m, whereas west- are most important for adaptation, and deline-
ern red cedar has fewer seed zones with elevation ate seed zones based on those assumptions. In
bands of 450 to 600 m (Figure I5-1). An additional the Pacific Northwest, initial seed zones were
benefit of seed zones is that they contribute to based on climatic variables of cold and drought,

Figure I5-1.
Seed zones for Douglas-fir and western red cedar in Oregon and Washington State, United States

for Douglas-fir western red cedar

Source: adapted from Randall (1996); Randall and Berrang (2002).

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

v­ egetation types and physiography, especially el- References

evation. Genecology studies indicated that many
of those zones were too conservative, particularly
Campbell, R.K. 1986. Mapped genetic variation of
in the north–south direction and particularly for
Douglas-fir to guide seed transfer in southwest
some species that were later determined to be
Oregon. Silvae Genet., 35: 85–96.
generalists. Revised seed zones took into account
this new knowledge, but in the meantime, origi- Randall, W.K. 1996. Forest tree seed zones for western
nal seed zones based primarily on climate served Oregon. Salem, OR, USA, Oregon Department of
their purpose. Forestry.
Second, short-term genecology studies are val-
Randall, W.K. & Berrang, P. 2002. Washington tree
uable for indicating genetic structure important seed transfer zones. Olympia, WA, USA, Washington
for adaptation and for delineating seed zones Department of Natural Resources.
and seed-movement guidelines. These may be
followed by longer-term reciprocal transplant Savolainen, O., Pyhäjärvi, T. & Knürr, T. 2007. Gene
studies or provenance tests to evaluate long- flow and local adaptation in trees. Annu. Rev. Ecol.
term adaptive responses, including estimat- Evol. Syst., 38: 595–619.
ing productivity given climates at the locations Sorensen, F.C. 1992. Genetic variation and seed transfer
of seed sources and planting sites (see Wang, guidelines for lodgepole pine in central Oregon.
O’Neill and Aitken, 2010). An important finding Research Paper PNW-RP-468. Portland, OR, USA,
from these studies is that each species must be USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
considered individually, and that the patterns Station.
and scale of adaptation are not always obvious
Wang, T., O’Neill, G.A. & Aitken, S.N. 2010.
Integrating environmental and genetic effects to
Finally, during the last few decades, scientists
predict responses of trees to climate. Ecol. Appl., 20:
and land managers have recognized that cli-
mates are changing and have begun to consider
management responses. Knowledge of genetic
variation in adaptive traits is important for un-
derstanding responses of native populations to
climate change and for evaluating management
options to adapt to climate change, including
planting populations adapted to future climates
and ensuring genetic diversity for future evolu-
tion. The primary lesson from the development of
seed zones in the Pacific Northwest is that, rather
than waiting for the genetic knowledge to accu-
mulate, it is better to act based on the best avail-
able knowledge, which may be from other species
in other regions, and then to adjust management
responses based on new knowledge from genetic

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 4

Fragmentation, landscape
functionalities and connectivity
Tonya Lander1 and David Boshier2,3

Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Bioversity International, Italy

The needs of a large and growing human popu- pared with North and South America (Wade et al.,
lation have led to very high levels of habitat de- 2003). Habitat fragmentation generally results in
struction. In more than half the world’s biomes a complex landscape mosaic of native and human-
20–50 percent of land area has been converted dominated habitat types, which may have serious
to human uses. The majority of conversion is for consequences for many species. This paper exam-
agriculture, which is expanding in 70 percent of ines the impacts of fragmentation on the genetic
countries, declining in 25 percent, and static in viability of tree populations and how habitat con-
5 percent (FAO, 2003). Although biogeographic nectivity and landscape functionality relate to the
regions differ markedly in the extent of habitat conservation and use of native tree species.
conversion to agriculture (Klein Goldewijk, 2001),
in all regions at least 25 percent of the area had
been converted to other land-uses by 1950. Tropi- 4.1. 
Genetic problems related
cal dry forests are the biome most affected, with to fragmentation
almost half replaced by agriculture (Mace et al.,
2005). Nearly 25 percent of tropical rain forest has Maintenance of genetic diversity in trees is vital
been fragmented or entirely cleared (Mace et al., for the continued fitness, resilience, adaptation
2005), while temperate broadleaf and Mediterra- and evolution of their populations (Ellstrand,
nean forests have experienced 35 percent or more 1992; Garner, Rachlow and Waits, 2005). Habitat
conversion. However, global assessments show a fragmentation can lead to loss of allelic diversity
decline in the rate of forest loss from 1990 to 2005 through increased inbreeding and reduced ef-
(Chazdon, 2008). fective population size as a result of the genetic
A major issue in land-use change is habitat frag- isolation of populations. Specifically, inbreeding
mentation, defined as the reduction in area of a may result from increased self-pollination, or
specific habitat type and division of the remain- where remaining trees are related through recent
ing habitat into smaller and spatially separated common ancestry (biparental inbreeding; Young,
habitat patches as a result of replacement by an- Boyle and Brown, 1996). Genetic isolation and in-
thropogenic land-uses, such as agriculture, human breeding can lead to reduced fitness or inbreed-
settlements or plantation forestry. The degree ing depression through: (1) lack of effective ferti-
of fragmentation also varies between regions, lization; (2) expression of deleterious alleles (Sork
with forest biomes in Africa and Europe twice as et al., 2002); and (3) general reduction in hete-
likely to be classified as “fragmented forest” com- rozygosity (Ellstrand, 1992). Inbreeding may have

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

especially dire consequences for species that were the environment becomes more extreme and less
mainly outcrossing, such as many tree species (Ell- amenable (Woodroffe and Ginsberg, 1998).
strand, 1992; Husband and Schemske, 1995; but Pollen flow is the primary mode of gene flow
see Williams and Savolainen, 1996; Young, Boyle in plants (Ellstrand, 1992; Young, Boshier and
and Brown, 1996). Boyle, 2000; Slavov, DiFazio and Strauss, 2002;
Importantly, ecological factors sometimes Bittencourt and Sebbenn, 2008) and knowing how
pose a more imminent conservation threat than this changes as a result of fragmentation is vital
genetic degradation (Caughley, 1994). For ex- to understanding fragmentation impacts on trees.
ample, global declines in pollinators, associated Generally in plant species, levels of pollen flow be-
with land-use change (Ricketts, 2001; Steffan- tween fragments appear to be affected by inter-
Dewenter, Munzenberg and Tscharntke, 2001; specific differences in longevity, generation time
Baum et al., 2004; Kremen et al., 2007) and frag- and pre-fragmentation abundance, the range of
mentation (Frankham, 1995; Eckert et al., 2010), sexual and asexual reproductive systems (Young,
may disrupt mutualistic relationships and consti- Boyle and Brown, 1996; Cascante et al., 2002; Kolb
tute a problem not only for species survival, but and Diekmann, 2005), habitat specificity (Davies,
also for continued ecosystem function and crop Margules and Lawrence, 2000), plant height (Kolb
production (Biesmeijer et al., 2006). If ecologi- and Diekmann, 2005), pollination and seed disper-
cal or demographic risks are the most pressing, sal syndromes. Studies also show that the impacts
an undue focus on the genetic consequences of of fragmentation on pollen flow are more varied,
­fragmentation can represent a missed opportuni- complex and subtle than original theoretical pre-
ty to address key ecological risks and environmen- dictions. Given this complexity, it is unsurprising
tal factors of immediate concern (Asquith, 2001). that many studies have found small or no clear ge-
Generalizations about the potential genetic ef- netic effects. Kramer et al. (2008) suggest that four
fects of fragmentation must be evaluated in the key assumptions in fragmentation studies must be
light of evolutionary history, life history and mat- re-evaluated: (1) fragment edges delimit popula-
ing systems to provide a more complete, albeit tions; (2) genetic declines manifest quickly enough
complex, understanding (Kramer et al., 2008). In to be detected; (3) species respond similarly to
this context impacts on pollinators are as impor- fragmentation; and (4) genetic declines supersede
tant to understanding genetic impacts of fragmen- ecological consequences. For tree species, for ex-
tation on trees. Studies of fauna and flora suggest ample, the assumption that pollen dispersal stops
that some species appear more vulnerable to frag- at fragment edges is contradicted by evidence
mentation than others. For example, species with that in many cases pollination between fragments
large range area requirements, primary habitat is not at all rare (e.g. Young and Merriam, 1994;
specialists (Tilman et al., 1994; Laurance et al., Nason and Hamrick, 1997; Dow and Ashley, 1998;
2001) and those with low population growth rates Streiff et al., 1999; Apsit, Hamrick and Nason, 2001;
or poor dispersal ability may be especially vulnera- White, Boshier and Powell, 2002; Latouche-Halle
ble. Similarly, species with low population density, et al., 2004; Nakanishi et al., 2004; Lander, Boshier
such as tropical trees, may be more vulnerable be- and Harris, 2010). Thus, quite ordinary pollen dis-
cause populations are already small in number and persal may be sufficient to link trees in scattered
spatially diffuse, although these species may also forest fragments into a functioning metapopula-
have adaptations that allow persistence at low tion. In this case the potential negative genetic
density, such as pollination mechanisms adapted to effects of small population size would not be real-
obligate long-distance pollination (Kramer et al., ized. This positive view must be balanced by evi-
2008). Some species of both fauna and flora are dence of altered patterns of pollen flow, whereby
also particularly vulnerable to edge effects, where connectivity is maintained but biparental inbreed-
land at the edge of the habitat patch is altered and ing increases or reduced pollen pool diversity is

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

sampled in mating. Genetic signals may also re- depending on dispersal ability, environmental
quire several generations to appear, which could factors, and extinction and colonization patterns
amount to hundreds of years in the case of long- (McCarthy et al., 2011). However, most models
lived tree species (Kramer et al., 2008). Moreover, do not take into account the influence of uncer-
even if forest fragments are not reproductively iso- tainty in extinction risk on optimal reserve design.
lated or suffering immediate losses of genetic di- Mathematically, rather than minimizing the ex-
versity, there may be quantitative pollen limitation pected extinction risk, a better objective may be
(O’Connell, Mosseler and Rajora, 2006) or seed to maximize the chance that extinction risk is ac-
dispersal limitation, which could limit recruitment ceptably small (McCarthy et al., 2011). In practice,
(Kramer et al., 2008). the creation of reserves remains limited by land
availability, resources to manage reserves, local
support and participation, continuity of political
Management of fragmented will and capacity to protect reserve areas, and
landscapes competition for other land-uses, such as food pro-
duction. This has usually resulted in a bias of pro-
tected areas to upland areas and an absence on
Protected areas lowland fertile soils. Coupled with deforestation
Worldwide, countries have designated protected and fragmentation, often superimposed on habi-
areas to conserve predominantly terrestrial native tat heterogeneity, the result is a disproportionate
ecosystems and biodiversity features (Mace et al., loss of ecosystems, species, populations and geno-
2005). Biomes differ widely in the percentage of types adapted to lowlands and fertile soils.
total area under protection. Of the lands classi- The shortcomings of conservation methods that
fied in the four highest IUCN protection catego- rely on exclusion of people from reserves are in-
ries, flooded grasslands, tundra, temperate conif- creasingly recognized. Problems stem from land-
erous forests, mangroves and boreal forests have tenure conflicts, displacement of local people and/
the highest percentage area under protection. or their activities and development needs, the
This may be because these biomes are among the costs of reserve management and protection, and
least useful for competing land-uses such as ag- opportunity costs for countries where reserves are
riculture. Temperate grasslands, Mediterranean located (Wells and Brandon, 1992; Brockington
forests and tropical coniferous forests are the and Schmidt-Soltau, 2004). To mitigate these prob-
least protected biomes. Many protected areas lems some initiatives have experimented with al-
exist within landscapes that are fragmented to lowing human activities inside reserves or inside
a greater or lesser degree, and may not be large buffer areas around reserves. Other initiatives
enough to be viable in the long-term. As such, have taken the view that if local people benefit
despite their protected status they are subject to from the reserve they will be motivated to protect
the same biological issues that face any remnant it and so have actively encouraged local people
fragment of a native ecosystem. to use reserves; this has been called conservation
A continuing debate relating to reserve design through use (CTU). However, after 15 years there
is whether it is biologically more effective to set is limited evidence that CTU initiatives achieve
aside a single large reserve area or several small species and ecosystem conservation at the same
ones (Diamond, 1975). Generally, reserve de- time as improving local livelihoods (Belcher and
sign has been based on theoretical estimates of Schreckenberg, 2007; Barrance, Schreckenberg
extinction risk and colonization rates and, most and Gordon, 2009). A multidisciplinary approach is
practically, land availability. Population dynamics needed to investigate the potential for integrat-
models suggest that the reserve design that mini- ing conservation and development and, more spe-
mizes extinction risk is species- and case-specific, cifically, which species are or could be sustainably

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

conserved in such systems, from both biological sal distances have been shown to exceed pollina-
and human management perspectives. Efforts to tor flight distances as a result of pollen carryover
maintain genetic diversity and adaptive capacity (Ellstrand, 1992; Ghazoul, Liston and Boyle, 1998).
within species are irrelevant if current manage- Such data suggest that remnant trees and small
ment drastically reduces the possibility of popula- patches of trees can be effective and important
tion persistence. in maintaining genetic connectivity across frag-
mented landscapes and in conserving genetic di-
Remnant trees versity (Lander, Boshier and Harris, 2010).
As discussed above, habitat fragmentation and
physical isolation do not always impede pollen Corridors
flow and may increase it (but see Cascante et al., As a result of the dominance of island biogeogra-
2002; Hamrick, 2004; Sork and Smouse, 2006; By- phy-based ideas that (1) habitat and non-habitat
rne et al., 2007). Despite large-scale studies, we are clearly distinguishable and (2) non-habitat
still do not know at what distance forest frag- is wholly hostile for organism travel (MacArthur
ments become genetically isolated, although new and Wilson, 1967; Ricketts, 2001; Vandermeer and
research is showing that the question is perhaps Carvajal, 2001; Jules and Shahani, 2003), manage-
increasingly irrelevant. Rather than complete iso- ment of fragmented landscapes has frequently
lation, evidence currently points to alterations of focused on the impacts of spatial isolation of in-
mating patterns with increased distance. In some dividuals or species (Sork and Waits, 2010). The
cases, single or “isolated” trees receive pollen land between habitat patches has been consid-
from a wide spatial and genetic array of pollen ered ecologically uniform and generally hostile
donors, and more individual pollen donors than ­(Ricketts, 2001; Vandermeer and Carvajal, 2001),
trees in groups (Hamrick, 2004). Single trees may with the probability of organism survival and dis-
also be less likely to receive pollen from their near- persal treated as a function of habitat fragment
est neighbours than trees in groups (Chase et al., size and linear distance between fragments (isola-
1996; White, Boshier and Powell, 2002; Dick, Etch- tion by distance; Jules and Shahani, 2003). Given
elecu and Austerlitz, 2003), although in other spe- this focus, research is frequently framed in terms
cies the reverse appears to be true (Ward et al., of how probable it is that an organism will be
2005). The extent to which such single trees exhibit able to pass through a certain area to move be-
selfing appears to depend on the presence and tween habitat patches.
strength of any self-incompatibility system within Programmes to mitigate the potential nega-
the species. Other paternity studies in fragmented tive effects of fragmentation have tended to
landscapes have shown that, while the majority of focus on increasing landscape “connectivity,”
pollen dispersal events are of the order of tens or defined as the degree to which the landscape fa-
hundreds of metres in both wind-pollinated (e.g. cilitates or impedes movement of organisms be-
Dow and Ashley, 1996; Sork et al., 2002) and insect- tween habitat patches (Adriaensen et al., 2003).
pollinated species (e.g. Kwak, Velterop and van Increasing connectivity between habitat patches
Andel, 1998; Konuma et al., 2000; Lander, Boshier is expected to increase effective population size,
and Harris, 2010), pollen can travel tens or hun- reduce inbreeding and facilitate migration, dis-
dreds of kilometres (e.g. 6–14 km in Ficus spp., Na- persal and colonization (Li et al., 2010; Hagerty
son and Hamrick, 1997; Nason, Herre and Hamrick, et al., 2011). In a landscape classified in a binary
1998; 3.2 km in Dinizia excelsa, Dick, Etchelecu and way into habitat and non-habitat, the logical ap-
Austerlitz, 2003; see also Kwak, Velterop and van proach to increasing connectivity between habi-
Andel, 1998; Chuine, Belmonte and Mignot, 2000; tat patches is to build bridges, called corridors or
Hamrick and Nason, 2000; Burczyk, Lewandowski stepping stones (Villalba et al., 1998; Adriaensen
and Chalupka, 2004). In addition, pollen disper- et al., 2003). Corridors are narrow strips of habi-

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

tat built or conserved to connect habitat patches, ance to pollinator movement, it is still based on
while stepping stones are small patches of habitat a binary landscape model where the question
scattered through the non-habitat area between is about the study species’ presence in, absence
larger patches of habitat (Levin, 1995; Nason and from or travel between native habitat patches.
Hamrick, 1997; Lowe et al., 2005). The hypothesis Some recent models of organism movement in
is that the more similar the corridor area is to na- fragmented landscapes are not concerned with
tive habitat, the more likely it is that an organism the designation of different parts of a landscape
will move through it. Although much theoretical as habitat or non-habitat, but rather focus on the
and empirical attention has been given to biolog- quantity and accessibility of resources and threats
ical corridors and stepping stones, whether they in that landscape. Thus, land outside traditionally
are effective or not is unresolved (e.g. Simberloff defined native habitat ceases to be an area to
et al., 1992; Pullinger and Johnson, 2010; Richard pass through and is investigated in its own right
and Armstrong, 2010) and may often be related for its capacity to provide habitat services as well
to a lack of clarity over identification of the target as its ability to support or inhibit movement (e.g.
species and their specific connectivity needs. Lander et al., 2011). The entire landscape in this
case may be considered a patchwork of partial
Conservation outside protected areas: habitats of varying quality (Kremen et al., 2007).
an integrated landscape approach A growing body of research suggests that this
There is a growing perception that non-habitat ar- “partial habitat” or “resource model” view may
eas outside reserves and outside remnant patches be both accurate and useful. For example, urban
of native habitat may provide non-ideal rather gardens, rough grassland and clover leys, none of
than fatal environments (Gustafson and Gardner, which are native habitat, provide vital habitat ser-
1996; Moilanen and Hanski, 1998; Arnaud, 2001; vices for bumblebees in agro-ecosystems (Goulson
Vandermeer and Carvajal, 2001; Bender, Tischen- et al., 2010). Similarly, models that incorporate
dorf and Fahrig, 2003; Coulon et al., 2004; Lander, resource availability in various land-use types,
Boshier and Harris, 2010). Numerous empirical such as floral resources for bees in both agricul-
studies have shown that the type of non-habitat tural fields and native vegetation, have high ex-
between habitat patches affects patterns of in- planatory value in predicting bee abundance and
sect and other animal dispersal and hence seed species richness (Winfree, 2010). Thus, landscape
and pollen dispersal (Ghazoul, Liston and Boyle, models that recognize the potential habitat ser-
1998; Franklin et al., 2000; Davies, Melbourne and vices that different, apparently non-habitat, land-
Margules, 2001; Ricketts, 2001; but see Bruna and uses may provide could be a useful basis for inter-
Kress, 2002; Baum et al., 2004; Darvill et al., 2006). preting empirical data and developing landscape
Thus the focus of conservation management can management strategies.
change from (1) how much land can be set aside,
(2) how to minimize the linear distance between
habitat patches or (3) how to create habitat 4.3. 
The use of native species
bridges, and turn instead to measures of separa- in ensuring functionality
tion between habitat patches that incorporate in fragmented landscapes
variation in how easily the target organism passes
through the different land-use types in the matrix Against this background, land managers are asked
(i.e. permeability; Spear et al., 2010; Doerr, Bar- to select, design, manage and link landscapes that
rett and Doerr, 2011; Hagerty et al., 2011; Lander will be effective in conserving biodiversity. Refor-
et al., 2011). estation of degraded tropical forest lands has
Although the permeability concept recognizes frequently involved the establishment of single-
the potential for variation in non-habitat resist- species plantations of fast-growing exotic species

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

(e.g. Pinus, Eucalyptus or Acacia) which generate highly deforested areas a fuller complement of
mainly financial benefits, whereas ecological res- benefits may be sought from particular systems,
toration that maximizes biodiversity may produce with their specific location in the corridor zone
few, short-term economic benefits (Lamb, Erskine also being important. Thus, in the highly defor-
and Parrotta, 2005). If, as is often the case, res- ested dry forest zone of western Honduras the
toration must be balanced with financial returns, traditional Quezungual fallow system (Kass et
plantations of native species, in monoculture or al., 1993), in which farmers manage naturally
as species mixtures, may provide more biological regenerated shrubs, fruit trees and timber trees
value than plantations of exotic species (Chazdon, among their crops, is likely to provide a variety
2008) while still providing better financial returns of genetic conservation benefits for a range of
than “pure” ecological restoration projects. The native tree species without the need for estab-
economic and biological value of plantations of lishing specific biological corridors. Other com-
native species may be increased by underplanting plex systems, such as traditional shaded coffee
the trees with shade-tolerant agricultural cash or jungle rubber, may also rate highly for genetic
crops or species that produce non-timber forest conservation benefits. In contrast, simpler agro-
products. Compared with monocultures, mixed forestry systems such as pasture trees and living
plantations can deliver higher production, protec- fences offer fewer genetic conservation benefits
tion against disease and pest damage (ecological and are unlikely to prove effective mediators
resilience) and greater security in uncertain fu- of pollen flow for species without a self-incom-
ture markets (financial resilience). patibility mechanism. The emphasis generally
In highly modified landscapes where specific should be on maintenance and improvement of
corridor development is called for, studies support economically and socially viable landscapes that
a broad vision of corridor design where a range of promote connectivity (for genes, species and
land-uses may be combined to provide a perme- ecological processes) and conservation of biodi-
able and ecologically functional landscape rather versity more generally.
than the traditional approach of building con- Importantly, assessments of the genetic con-
tinuous habitat corridors connecting intact forest. servation benefits of agro-ecosystems are more
Corridor design, management and monitoring likely to be species specific than management-
should involve assessment of different land-use system specific, and need to take into account the
types in terms of their ability, individually and farming system, density of trees and their origin
in combination, to support movement of target (natural regeneration or planted). For example,
species and provide the resources target species maintaining native timber trees over large areas
need. Assessments of corridor function will be of coffee is likely to have beneficial genetic ef-
linked to the characteristics of the target species, fects for gene flow, population numbers and con-
sustainable land-use aims of the area and vari- servation of particular populations. However, if
ability between species and ecosystems in their the same system were used in only a small area
resilience to disturbance. The balance of land-use it could lead to a reduced genetic base in seed
types may need modification to maintain or im- production through related (biparental) mating.
prove connectivity. Thus, the area or management unit should be
This approach to landscape management is measured in numbers of participating households
based on identifying land-uses that provide both or numbers of land units in which land-uses ben-
habitat services and social and economic returns; eficial to target species conservation are practised
the balance between these needs is clearly con- (Boshier, Gordon and Barrance, 2004). Given the
text dependent. For example, in an area of high speed with which land-use may change in re-
forest cover, land-uses may be assessed prin- sponse to market prices, this measure in itself may
cipally for gene flow, whereas in much more require monitoring.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Identifying the factors that leave some species will: (i) create landscapes where habitat and
genetically susceptible to human disturbance re- ecosystem services are provided alongside
quires extensive reproductive and regeneration economic outputs; (ii) increase landscape-
ecology and genetic data. The lack of informa- scale genetic connectivity between remnant
tion, resource limitations and the need for more populations; and (iii) maintain ecosystem,
immediate action in many situations necessi- species and genetic diversity.
tates pragmatic best-guess approaches to iden- • Evidence suggests that for many tree
tify which land-uses may favour gene flow for species, populations and individuals, gene
which species and which will not. The ability to flow may be high across some fragmented
extrapolate from results from model species to landscapes with little apparent forest
make more general recommendations for spe- cover. The view of forest fragmentation as
cies management groups (combining ecological producing genetic isolation may be more a
guild, spatial distribution and reproductive biol- human perception than a true reflection of
ogy) depends on the existence of basic biological actual gene flow. It is therefore important
information (e.g. incompatibility and pollination to recognize the complementary role that
mechanisms, dispersal and seedling regeneration) maintenance of trees on farms is already
that enables species to be classified (Jennings et playing to in situ conservation. Trees in
al., 2001). a whole range of agroforestry and other
Consideration of available information sug- land-use systems may play an important but
gests that the following species types are un- varied role in the long-term genetic viability
likely to show genetic conservation benefits from of many native tree species, facilitating
tree-based agro-ecosystems: outcrossing species gene flow between existing reserves,
that are self-compatible; slow-growing species conserving particular genotypes not found
that reproduce only when they are large (or, in in reserves, maintaining minimum viable
the extreme, monocarpic species, i.e. those that populations and acting as intermediaries
flower only once in their life); species with poor and alternative host habitat for pollinators
regeneration under human disturbance; species and seed dispersers (Harvey and Haber,
with highly specific pollinators or seed dispers- 1999). Underestimating the capacity of
ers susceptible to disturbance; rare species with many species to persist in large numbers
low population densities; and species with highly in these agro-ecosystems under current
clumped distributions. Inevitably, such generali- practices could lead to the misdirection
zations will be qualified by the range of factors of limited conservation resources toward
that have been shown to influence patterns of species not under threat (Boshier, Gordon
genetic variation in trees. and Barrance, 2004). Agroforestry tree
populations may represent a considerable
conservation resource, which, if taken into
Conclusions: policy and consideration, may show that species that
practice are currently assumed to be threatened by
habitat loss are thriving (Vandermeer and
• We need clear objectives in conservation Perfecto, 1997).
planning that clearly identify target species, However, although they undoubtedly con-
ecosystems and biogeographical regions. tribute to reproduction in remnant forests, the
• We need to continue to improve our benefits and effects are more complex than pre-
understanding of the ecology of target dicted and vary from species to species. Uneven
species and ecosystems so that it is possible representation and overrepresentation in pollen
to make decisions about management that pools and mating may lead to non-random mat-

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

ing, with reductions in genetic diversity in subse- 2010). Although the process of identifying
quent generations. We should not overestimate favourable land-uses has begun, this is a rich
the extent to which agro-ecosystems will benefit area of study.
the genetic conservation of forest tree species. • We need a broader view of conservation
In addition to some of the complications raised that recognizes that reserves can be only
here, it is evident that many of the tree species part of the solution to our conservation
found in agro-ecosystems are already present in concerns and embrace the possibility that
adequate numbers in existing reserves. Similarly, anthropogenic land-uses may provide
some of the species threatened by low population valuable and necessary ecosystem and
numbers are not of the type that will easily per- habitat services. In the binary view, where
sist in such systems. The greatest potential role of only native habitats, or those land-uses most
agroforestry and other agro-ecosystems will be in similar to native habitats, are recognized as
highly deforested areas where reserves are very providing ecosystem services, land managers
small or nonexistent and where the trees main- will tend to focus on distances between
tained in these systems represent an important habitat patches, degree of habitat patch
part of a particular population’s or species’ gene aggregation and corridor-type connectivity
pool. In such circumstances, the fact that many (Doerr, Barrett and Doerr, 2011). This lack
tree species that live in such disturbed vegetation of differentiation between non-habitat
can be conserved through existing practices can land-use types limits management options
free resources for the conservation of more criti- and contributes to polarization of the
cally threatened species needing more conven- conservation debate, leaving decision
tional, resource intensive approaches. makers with the unenviable task of choosing
• We need to ascertain which land-uses between economic activity or setting aside
are favourable to connectivity and land for conservation. If we move beyond
conservation and which are antagonistic. the expectation that organisms will move
In the fragmented forests of central Chile, in a directed manner between areas that
Lander et al. (2011) found that support have been designated as habitat and focus
for subsistence farms and modification of instead on the ecological requirements of
management to reduce the size of pine target species or the ecological attributes
plantation clearfells would be likely to of the land-uses in the wider landscape,
have significant positive impacts on the we may understand how best to manage a
viability of pollinator populations and the mosaic of habitats of varying quality. This
probability of pollinators moving across the type of landscape management strategy
landscape between native forest fragments. could be both more effective biologically
Goulson et al. (2010) and Winfree (2010) and less expensive than traditional
found that urban gardens, rough grassland conservation based on land set aside for
and floral resources in agricultural conservation.
fields provided vital habitat services for • The complementary benefits of different
pollinators in landscapes dominated by land-use practices for genetic conservation
agriculture. Agricultural land itself can must be further evaluated, recognized
provide habitat services, depending on and promoted. There is a need to
the diversity of crops, size of individual raise awareness among development
fields, use of agrochemicals, application professionals of the value of natural
of integrated crop- and pest-management regeneration as both a conservation and
systems and management of waterways socioeconomic resource. The emphasis on
and soils (Sustainable Agriculture Network, a limited range of species, often exotics,

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Belcher, B. & Schreckenberg, K. 2007.

by development agencies may reduce the
Commercialisation of non-timber forest products – a
potential genetic benefits of such systems,
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Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 5

Gene flow in the restoration

of forest ecosystems
Leonardo Gallo and Paula Marchelli

Unit of Ecological Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding, INTA Bariloche, Argentina

In forest trees, as in all organisms, new genetic physical dimension of a “biological population”
variants are generated by mutation. The adap- (individuals that exchange genetic informa-
tive value of the new variants is initially tested by tion and share a common evolutionary path) is
strong selection pressure during the production ­difficult to define in nature. As a result, for practi-
of sporophytes and gametophytes in the local cal purposes, such as for restoration, gene flow is
environmental conditions in which the mutations considered to include not only exchange of genes
appeared. However, the potential benefits of ge- among populations but also the local reproduc-
netic mutations can be tested under different en- tive system dynamics within them.
vironmental conditions through gene flow. We differentiate between “gene flow” and
Of the five main evolutionary forces (mutation, “effective gene flow” (see Lowe, Harris and
recombination, selection, genetic drift and gene Ashton, 2004). Effective gene flow at the pollen
flow), gene flow is the only one that can generate level is influenced by movement of the pollen
new genetic variation through the direct or indi- grain from the male flower to the female flower,
rect combination of genetic variants and occurs germination in the pistil or equivalent structure
at a landscape scale. Gene flow in sessile, long- and fertilization of the ovule to form a new zy-
lived organisms like trees depends strongly on the gote (seed). Pollen can move between flowers of
movement of gametes in the form of pollen grains the same tree, between flowers of different trees
(pollen flow) and zygotes, usually as seeds (seed within the same population and/or between flow-
dispersal). Several tree species can also propagate ers of different trees from different populations.
vegetatively through broken twigs, root suckers Effective gene flow at the seed level is influenced
or layers, distributing genetic information identi- by the movement of the seed, its germination and
cal to that of the original tree. In most species pol- establishment as a sapling. Seed can be dispersed
len, seeds and vegetative propagants are moved to different places within the same population, to
by vectors, such as wind, animals, water or human different populations and/or to newly available
beings. habitats (i.e. colonization).
Gene flow is defined as “the proportion of Pollen flow is much more extensive than seed
newly immigrant genes moving into a popula- dispersal (see, for example, Petit et al., 2005).
tion” (Endler, 1977). Movement of genes within However, it has been shown that seed dispersal
populations is termed gene movement (Devlin, can be more effective than pollen dispersal at
Roeder and Ellstrand, 1988). However, anthro- maintaining genetic connectivity in exceptional
pogenic impacts have modified the movement circumstances, as in the case of Fraxinus excelsior
of genetic variants not only among populations fragments in an ancient deforested landscape
but also, frequently, within them. Moreover, the (Bacles, Lowe and Ennos, 2006).

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Genetic effects at different 5.2. 
Considerations in restoration
scales and management

Gene flow connects populations and influences Forest restoration and management activities
colonization, and therefore constitutes one of the may have an active or passive impact on the gene
main processes to be considered when managing flow occurring in the system. Active gene flow
and/or restoring forest ecosystems. Human management (AGFM) relates to the movement
activity continuously modifies the environment of genetic material from one location to another
at various overlapping spatial and temporal by human beings. Passive gene flow management
scales. Matching the two dynamic processes of (PGFM) relates to the modification of the land-
effective gene flow and environmental change is scape and environment to facilitate the natural
essential to promote viable and adaptable forest movement and recruitment of genetic variants
ecosystems. into the population to be restored. It could in-
Gene flow integrates many different ele- clude, for example, the reintroduction of native
ments and functions of the ecosystem through animals functioning as pollen and/or seed vec-
various selection gradients. Any restoration ac- tors. Both types of interventions can and should
tivity should take into consideration the complex be used at the same time in some restoration situ-
­equilibrium that rules gene flow in the desired ations. In PGFM, human activities modify not only
species. Assessment of this equilibrium should be the landscape in which natural gene flow takes
made at the appropriate spatial and temporal place and/or new genotypic variants establish but
scales, given that effective gene flow in tree spe- also the local environmental conditions. In some
cies occurs over ranges from tens of metres to sev- cases the improvement of the receptor environ-
eral kilometres and generation intervals are long. ment could facilitate effective natural dispersion
The general increase in genetic diversity within by increasing the likelihood of establishment of
populations due to gene flow can be considered the desired genetic variants.
as an advantage for the adaptation and adapt- In some special cases, AGFM can be implemented
ability of the forest ecosystems. This is especially even across continents. In the last century, south-
true when the immigrant genes and/or genotypes ern beech species (Nothofagus spp.) originating
are better adapted to the local environmental in Chile and Argentina were used to restore some
conditions than the local genotypes. However, English landscapes because they grow better than
gene flow can introduce undesirable genes and/ native Fagaceae species (L. Gallo, personal obser-
or genotypes if the local population is already vation), while maintaining landscape functional-
well adapted and in evolutionary equilibrium ity and visual appearance (Poole, 1987). A female
with the environmental conditions. If the influx clone of Salix × rubens, a hybrid between S. fragilis
of maladapted genes is large relative to the size and S. alba, was introduced into the Patagonian
of the extant population, the local genetic ad- region of South America from Eurasia and over the
aptation can be undermined, although natural last 100 years has colonized huge areas, in some
selection would be expected to weed out poorly cases more than 100 000 km2, mainly through nat-
adapted individuals over time. However, the long- ural distribution of broken twigs by water (Budde
distance gene flow commonly found in forest tree et al., 2011). It has also hybridized and intro-
species may augment the ability of populations gressed with the native species, S. humboldtiana,
to respond to climate change through a general competing for its natural habitat and diluting its
increase in genetic variation in the population gene pool (Bozzi et al., 2011). Another remarkable
(Kremer et al., 2012). case of human influence on the distribution pat-
tern of genetic diversity in forest tree species is the
vegetative propagation and ­distribution of an elm

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

clone of Ulmus minor var. vulgaris (Ulmus procera) landscape between the fragments (particularly
by the Romans, who used it to support grape vines in insect-pollinated species). The effects of forest
in their vineyards in France, Spain and England (Gil fragmentation on the behaviour of pollinators
et al., 2004). Araucaria araucana was probably in- and animal vectors that disperse seed differ de-
troduced in some areas of northern Patagonia by pending on species and cannot be generalized. In
the Mapuche people, who used its seeds as food some cases fragmentation can reduce gene flow
(Gallo, Letourneau and Vinceti, 2004; Marchelli et distances (Powell and Powell, 1987) and in ­others
al., 2010). has been shown to increase gene flow (White,
At the landscape scale, the effect of human Boshier and Powell, 2002).
activities on gene flow is a consequence of for- In some regions of the world gene flow is af-
est ecosystem modifications mainly through frag- fected by unidirectional movement of the vec-
mentation and introduction of artificial barriers. tor during pollination or seed dispersal. In such
Both of these mainly affect vectors. cases the effect of fragmentation depends essen-
The genetic consequences of habitat fragmen- tially on the location of the fragments. This is the
tation depend on whether it affects gene flow; if case for fragmented populations of Patagonian
it restricts gene flow, fragmentation is highly del- Cypress, Austrocedrus chilensis, growing in a
eterious in the long term (Frankham et al., 2002). xeric region where less than 2 percent of the
When fragmentation occurs, movement of pollen wind blows a north–south (or south–north) dur-
and seed is determined by the distances between ing pollination and more than 75 percent blows
the fragments (particularly in wind-pollinated west–east (Figure 5.1). This dioecious species has
species) or the environmental conditions of the been shown to have pollination distances of over

Figure 5.1.
Fragment of Austrocedrus chilensis (Patagonian cypress) with about 100 hundred individuals,
separated from a neighbouring fragment by just 1200 m and occurring on an arid grassland steppe
matrix with 350 mm of mean annual precipitation. The orientation of the fragments is north–south
and therefore gene flow is severely restricted since wind persistently blows in west–east.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

1000 m in the fragmented margins of it s natural natural stands of the same species (Navascués and
distribution (Colabella, 2011). However, fragments Emmerson, 2007).
lying less than 1200 m apart on a north–south axis As stated before, effective gene flow requires
were found to be genetically isolated from each the recruitment of the transported genetic vari-
other using isozymes (Gallo and Pastorino, 2010) ants in the new environment, and habitat dis-
and microsatellite markers (Arana et al., 2010). In turbances can impede or facilitate this process.
addition to the reproductive isolation, the small For example, despite evidence of extensive pol-
effective population size of these fragments re- len flow between western continuous forests of
sulted in genetic drift that is expressed in the fixa- Araucaria araucana and fragmented eastern pop-
tion and loss not only of some neutral alleles but ulations (Gallo et al., 2004), no regeneration was
also of some adaptive and continuously varying found in several of the fragments because of the
traits. In this case the vector, namely the wind, severity of anthropogenic impacts, particularly
acts as a dynamic barrier because of its persistent the impacts of grazing livestock, animals intro-
directionality (“reproductive isolation by wind,” duced for hunting and collection of seed by hu-
Gallo and Pastorino, 2010). mans. Thus, effective gene flow was zero and the
Poverty and lack of ecosystem protection and sustainability of the whole system is threatened
management controls affect the pollen and seed although gene flow between continuous and
dispersal of many forest tree species. For exam- fragmented populations exists (Gallo et al., 2004).
ple, hunting of animals that are seed or pollen A very well known case in which human activity
vectors reduces their population size and there- affects gene flow among plant species is the crea-
fore reduces gene flow. In contrast, introduc- tion of environments that encourage the devel-
tion of novel vectors can offset other impedi- opment of interspecific hybrids (Arnold, 1997). In
ments to gene flow. For example, introduction such human-induced “hybrid habitats” the paren-
of African bees, which can fly long distances in tal species can barely survive but the interspecific
fragmented landscapes, resulted in greater pollen hybrids thrive (e.g. Campbell and Wasser, 2007).
flow between Dinizia excelsa (Fabaceae) trees in In many cases, gene flow between the parental
fragmented Amazonian rainforest than that re- species could not have been realized without the
corded in pristine forest without the African bees environmental disturbance, as has been shown in
(Dick, Etchelecu and Austerlitz, 2003). In some Prosopis chilensis and P. flexuosa (Mottuora et al.,
wind-pollinated species, fragmentation increases 2005).
the speed and free movement of wind and con- Gene flow is strongly related to the mating
sequently the dispersal distances of pollen and system and therefore to the fitness of individu-
seeds (Young et al., 1993; Bacles, Lowe and Ennos, als and populations. Many forest tree species
2006). have a very strong spatial genetic structure, even
Gene flow can also be restricted or completely in large, continuous forests. Related individuals
interrupted by artificial physical barriers (plan- tend to grow in groups because of limited dis-
tations of introduced species, buildings, wind- persal of seeds around the mother tree and/or
breaks etc.). However, in Australia significant spatial directionality of the vectors. This structure
gene flow has been reported between remnant depends mainly on two opposing forces: selection
natural populations of Eucalyptus loxophleba pressure and gene flow. The natural vectors of
and introduced plantations of the same species pollen and seeds determine how large the real-
(Sampson and Byrne, 2008). In the Canary Islands, ized mating system can be. Human activities mod-
the natural regeneration in artificial plantations ify both: the spatial structure of the remaining
of Pinus canariensis were found to have greater adult genotypes defining the distances between
genetic diversity than the planted adult trees as them and the environment in which seed has to
a result of pollen flow coming from surrounding germinate and seedlings have to establish. In spe-

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Box 5.1.
Fundamental considerations for gene-flow management in restoration activities

Effective gene flow Isolated trees

Gene flow should be evaluated on the recruited In highly fragmented landscapes efforts should be
regeneration after passive or active restoration. The made to maintain existing isolated trees and to
following considerations therefore depend on there integrate them in the local socioeconomic system,
being effective gene flow, i.e. establishment and since they act as genetic bridges (receiving pollen
evolutionary adaptation of the genetic variants. and dispersing seeds) and as ecological corridors for
pollinators between fragments and/or continuous
Genetic diversity
forests. Knowing the pollen movement distance of the
Only genetic diversity can assure current adaptedness species involved allows development of a network
and future population adaptation. Therefore, its of isolated trees that can help maintain the genetic
magnitude and distribution have to be known in both connectivity in such agricultural landscapes.
the population to be restored and the population or
trees to be used as donors of genes and/or genotypes Unidirectionality of vector movements
(propagation material). If some fragments are The relative location of the fragments restored must
subjected to genetic diversity restrictions as a result be considered, especially with wind-pollinated species.
of demo-genetic processes (bottle necks, genetic In insect-pollinated species “attractor trees” (e.g.
drift, biparental inbreeding etc.), material from other abundantly flowering trees for generalist insects) should
populations with more genetic diversity (preferentially be established at strategic locations within the agricultural
from the same seed transfer zone) should be used to landscape to guide the pollinators’ movements.
assure evolutionary stability.
Impact on animal vectors
Genetic connectivity Many animals act as vectors of pollen or seeds,
Restoration activities must ensure the movement especially in tropical and subtropical forests. When
of genetic information between trees or fragments restoration activities are implemented, illegal hunting
within a biological population (individuals that share activities should be forbidden and traditional hunting
an evolutionary path). Dispersion curves and dispersal activities of local communities should be organized
distances for pollen, seed or vegetative parts must be and controlled to ensure that the vector population is
estimated. New molecular methods are increasingly maintained at a viable level. When restoration activities
more precise, cheaper and easy to apply than are undertaken in strongly fragmented agricultural
traditional methods and facilitate this work. The effect landscapes, special consideration should be given to
of potential physical barriers established by humans managing the use of pesticides and herbicides in the
(e.g. forestry) should be considered when managing surrounding cultivated areas. The type and amount of
passive gene flow for genetic connectivity. chemicals to be used, the timing of their application and
location of buffer zones should be agreed with local
Climate-change scenarios for the restoration
communities and/or agricultural enterprises to minimize
negative impacts on pollinator-insect populations.
In the current global scenario of climate change, even
well-adapted populations should be restored using Stand genetic structure
material from populations that are better adapted Sustainable stand density should be taken into account
to expected future environmental conditions at the when restoring degraded forest populations. Effective
location being restored. In some cases active or passive population number and probable biparental inbreeding
gene flow might be promoted, in general, from drier has to be monitored when passive restoration
environments towards more humid sites. strategies are implemented.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Box 5.1. (continued)

Fundamental considerations for gene-flow management in restoration activities

Hybridization the natural gene-flow equilibrium. The potential effects

Active restoration activities can unintentionally of hybridization between remnant and introduced
introduce material from high genetically differentiated material have to be considered since outbreeding
populations into the population to be restored, altering depression may have negative effects on adaptation.

cies with very short pollination distance, manage- ana of north Patagonia. In Biolief 2011. 2nd World
ment practices can severely alter gene flow and Conference on Biological Invasions and Ecosystems
through it the mating system. For example, pollen Functioning, November 21–24, 2011, Mar del Plata,
of the southern beech (Nothofagus nervosa) ef- Argentina. Mar del Plata, Argentina, Grupo de
fectively disperses less than 35 m but an average Investigación y Educación en Temas Ambientales.
of nine pollen parents contribute to each mother Budde, K., Gallo, L., Marchelli, P., Mosner, E., Liepelt,
tree, indicating that density of the stand is cru- S., Ziegenhagen, B. & Leyer, I. 2011. Wide spread
cial for the movement of the pollen (Marchelli, invasion without sexual reproduction? A case study
Smouse and Gallo, 2012). When forest manage- on European willows in Patagonia, Argentina. Biol.
ment activities reduce stand density, a reduction Invasions, 13: 45–54.
of the genetic diversity in subsequent generations
Campbell, D.R. & Waser, N.W. 2007. Evolutionary
of the managed forest is expected, mainly due to
dynamics of an Ipomopsis hybrid zone: confronting
the increase of biparental ­inbreeding.
models with lifetime fitness data. Am. Nat., 169(3):

Colabella, F. 2011. Análisis del flujo polínico en una

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en Biotecnología)
M.J., Sebastiani, F. & Marchelli, P. 2010. High ge-
netic variation in marginal fragmented populations Devlin, B., Roeder, K. & Ellstrand, N.C. 1988.
at extreme climatic conditions of the Patagonian Fractional paternity assignment, theoretical develop-
Cypress Austrocedrus chilensis. Mol. Phylogenet. ment and comparison to other methods. Theor.
Evol., 54: 941–949. Appl. Genet. 76: 369–380.

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Oxford University Press. by native insects and African honeybees in pristine
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Bacles, C.F.E, Lowe, A.J. & Ennos, R.A. 2007. Effective
12: 753–764.
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Science, 311: 628. Endler, J.A. 1977. Geographic variation, speciation,
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Bozzi , J., Marchelli, P., Thomas, L.K., Ziegenhagen, Princeton, NJ, USA, Princeton University Press.
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Frankham, R., Ballou, J. & Briscoe, D. 2002. Marchelli, P., Baier, C., Mengel, C., Ziegenhagen,
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Koch and implications for conservation: a case study
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with organelle DNA markers. Conserv. Genet., 11(3):
mentación en la pérdida de la diversidad genética y
su estrategia de conservación. Evidencia de deriva
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chilensis). In B. Vinceti, compilador. Estudios de casos distance pollen dispersal for an outcrossed, wind-
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y utilización de los recursos genéticos forestales”.
Mottuora, M.C., Finkeldey, R., Verga, A.R. & Gailing,
Rome, Bioversity International.
O. 2005. Development and characterization of
Gallo, L., Letourneau, F. & Vinceti, B. 2004. A model- microsatellite markers for Prosopis chilensis and
ling case study: options for forest genetic resources Prosopis flexuosa and cross-species amplification.
management in Araucaria araucana ecosystems. In Mol. Ecol. Notes, 5: 487–489.
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of the endemic Canary Island pine, Pinus canariensis.
Rome, International Plant Genetic Resouces Institute.
Forest Ecol. Manag., 244: 122–128.
Gallo, L., Izquierdo, F., Sanguinetti, L.J., Pinna, A.,
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Siffredi, G., Ayesa, J., Lopez, C., Pelliza, A.,
D. & Vendramin, G,G. 2005. Comparative organi-
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zation of chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear di-
& Chauchard, L. 2004: Arauacaria araucana forest
versity in plant populations. Mol. Ecol., 14: 689–701.
genetic resources in Argentina. In B. Vinceti, W.
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from Argentina and Brazil. Rome, International Plant Science Information Publishing Centre.
Genetic resources Institute.
Powell, A.H. & Powell, G.V.N. 1987. Population dynam-
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effects of forest fragmentation on genetic variation
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in Acer saccharum Marsh. (sugar maple) popula-
Blackwell Publishing.
tions. Heredity, 71: 277–289.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 6

The role of hybridization in

the restoration of forest ecosystems
Leonardo Gallo

Ecological Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding, INTA Bariloche, Argentina

Restoration of genetic diversity implies the man- population through introgression and exogamic
agement of different levels of genetic exchange, or outbreeding depression caused by dilution of
including hybridization.10 The most common un- the local ­adaptation and hybrid breakdown (e.g.
derstanding of hybridization is mating between disruption of well co-adapted gene complexes)
related species, but consequences of intraspecific (Hufford and Mazer, 2003). Additionally, in many
hybridization must also be considered. When hybridizing systems a strong environmental influ-
successful mating occurs naturally between in- ence has been observed in the hybrids’ genera-
dividuals from two populations, or groups of tion and fitness. Ecosystem degradation alters en-
populations, that are distinguishable on the ba- vironmental conditions and consequently affects
sis of one or more heritable characters, natural some biologically important traits such as gene
hybridization takes place (Harrison, 1990). One flow, gamete production and flowering phenol-
of the main potential evolutionary outcomes of ogy that promote hybridization (e.g. Lamont et
intra- or interspecific hybridization is introgres- al., 2003; Mottuora et al., 2005). In those altered
sion, which means the movement of the genes “hybrid environments” hybrids have an adaptive
from one population or species into the other advantage over their parents (Arnold, 2006).
as a result of successive backcrosses (Anderson,
1949). But there are other potential theoreti-
cal outputs, such as increased genetic diversity 6.1. 
The impact of restoration
through the generation of new gene combina-
tions and genotypes, heterosis, hybrid speciation, Restoration activities can impose genetic con-
reinforcement of the reproductive barriers that nectivity by moving seeds and establishing plants
favour parental speciation, and stabilization of from the donor population directly into the de-
hybrid zones (Carney, Wold and Rieseberg, 2000). graded population or by favouring gene flow
Recently, hybridization has been highlighted as a between them (active or passive restoration), cre-
way to regain traits that had been lost and per- ating conditions for hybridization between popu-
haps to replace damaged alleles with functional lations or species that were not previously in con-
copies from related species (Rieseberg, 2009). tact. This can have positive or negative impacts,
An often mentioned negative consequence of depending on the situation.
hybridization is the genetic dilution of a rare During the genetic restoration process the oc-
currence of natural hybrids can be promoted or
avoided, depending on their expected fitness, the
  Hybridization in the text is taken in a wide sense and as a long
term process including F1, F2, backcrosses, etc., among different degradation level of the ecosystem and the final
populations of the same species and/or of different species. objectives of the restoration.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Promoting hybridization hybrids have reduced fitness and the system has
reached a particular equilibrium where backcross-
Under very strong selection pressures, increased es are also limited (the “evolutionary novelty”
genetic variation and/or the generation of new hybridization model described by Arnold, 1997).
genotypes through hybridization can be adap- In such situations, restoration activities should
tively advantageous. For example, a controlled include the reconstruction of the original species
introgression programme has been implemented structure of the forest.
to rescue the genetic information and the ecolog- If hybrids are well adapted, a large proportion
ical and economic benefits of American chestnut of the gametes produced by the few individuals
(Castanea dentata), which was devastated by an of the degraded population will generate hybrids
exotic pathogen, chestnut blight (Cryphonectria and through introgressive backcrosses their ge-
parasitica), at the beginning of the twentieth cen- netic information will tend to be diluted; a pro-
tury. A programme of controlled hybridization cess known as genetic assimilation. At a regional
and introgression incorporated resistance genes scale, this is the problem with the European
from the Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollisima) black poplar (Populus nigra) and the eastern cot-
into the genome of the American chestnut with tonwood (Populus deltoides), introduced from
remarkable success. Recently, candidate genes the United States. Genetic rescue activities have
for developing resistance have been identified been carried out to save the few pure individuals
through the use of advanced molecular technolo- of black poplar since the hybrid (P. × canadensis)
gies (Barakat et al., 2009). competes for river niches and introgresses its ge-
Controlled hybridization programmes may netic information into the black poplar (Smulders
become important means to confront climate et al., 2008). Such a situation can be also expected
change and counteract the negative effects of in intraspecific hybridization when restoring de-
drought. Several genetically different donor graded populations.
populations having drought tolerance could in- Landscape fragmentation can increase gene
troduce into the degraded ecosystems potentially flow, depending on the species’ pollination mecha-
genes that could confer better adaptation to fu- nisms, and with it the negative genetic exchange of
ture climatic conditions. diverging populations. The use of physical barriers
(intermediate forestations) or even removing the
contaminating trees could be possible solutions.
Avoiding hybridization

If the divergence between the hybridizing popu- 6.4. 

Seed sources and seed-zone
lations is caused by differences in local selection transfer
(local adaptation), maladapted hybrids would be
expected (Hufford and Mazer, 2003) and hybridi- When gene flow is restricted among isolated
zation should be avoided or mitigated. fragments in a heterogeneous landscape, the
Such maladaptation has been observed in the occurrence of strong local adaptation processes
natural hybridization between two Patagonian and/or genetic drift divergence has to be consid-
southern beeches, Nothofagus nervosa and N. ered. In such cases, the use of local propagation
obliqua (Gallo, Marchelli and Breitembücher, material is recommended for active restoration
1997), where selective logging in the past had programmes.
substantially reduced the population of N. ner- Gene flow and fluctuating selection pressure
vosa and altered the natural pollen competition can reduce the probability of development of
equilibrium, promoting the generation of mala- highly localized ecotypes (McKay et al., 2005),
dapted hybrids (Gallo, 2004). First-generation especially where there is extensive pollen flow

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

genetics, principles and practice, pp. 167–182.

in long-lived species (Moreno, 2012). Moreover,
Collingwood, Victoria, Australia, CSIRO Publishing,
in many ecosystems site disturbance introduces a
and Wallingford, UK, CABI Publishing.
new challenge for local adaptation and restora-
tion (O´Brien and Krauss, 2010), to which global Gallo, L. 2004. Modelo conceptual sobre la hibridación
climate change impacts should be added. Seed- natural interespecifica entre Nothofagus nervosa
zone transfer guidelines should be determined. y N. obliqua. In C. Donoso, A. Premoli, L. Gallo &
To minimize the probability of outbreeding de- R. Ipinza, eds.Variación intraespecífica en espe-
pression, and when lacking a scientifically-based cies arbóreas de los bosques templados de Chile
delineation of seed zones, seed collections should y Argentina, pp. 397–408. Editorial Universitaria,
be made near the restoration site, if populations Chile.
of sufficient size and genetic quality are available Gallo, L.A., Marchelli, P. & Breitembücher, A. 1997.
as seed sources (Hufford and Mazer, 2003), in or- Morphologycal and allozymic evidence of natu-
der to match climatic and environmental condi- ral hybridization between two southern beeches
tions (McKay et al., 2005). (Nothofagus spp.) and its relation to heterozygosity
The combination of a network of common-gar- and height growth. Forest Genet., 4(1): 13–21.
den field trials across a range of representative
site conditions with molecular genetic diversity Harrison, R.G. 1990. Hybryd zones: windows on evolu-
and gene flow analyses could help to better de- tionary process. In D. Futuyma & J. Antonovics, eds.
Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology 7: 69–128.
termine operational genetic management units
(Pastorino and Gallo, 2009) that should be taken Hufford, K.M. & Mazer, S.J. 2003. Plant ecotypes:
into account in any restoration activities. genetic differentiation in the age of ecological resto-
ration. Trends Ecol. Evol., 18: 147–155.

Lamont, B.B., He, T., Enright, N.J., Kraus, S. & Miller,

B.P. 2003. Anthropogenic disturbance promotes
hybridization between Banksia species by altering
Anderson, E. 1949. Introgressive hybridization. New their biology. J . Evol. Biol., 16: 551–557.
York, USA, John Wiley and Sons.
McKay, J.K., Christian, C.E., Harrison, S. & Rice, K.J.
Arnold, M.L. 1997. Natural hybridization and evolution. 2005. “How local is local?”– A review of practical
Oxford Series in Ecology and Evolution. Oxford, UK, and conceptual issues in the genetics of restoration.
Oxford University Press. Restor. Ecol., 13: 432–440.

Arnold, M.L. 2006. Evolution through genetic exchange. Moreno, C. 2012. Estudio del flujo génico mediado por
Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press. polen en poblaciones fragmentadas de Araucaria
araucana. Universidad Nacional del Comahue,
Barakat, A., DiLoreto, D.S., Zhang, Y., Smit, C., Baier,
Argentina. (Tesis pata optar al grado de Doctor en
K., Powell, W.A., Wheeler, N., Sederoff, R. &
Carlson, J.E. 2009. Comparison of the transcrip-
tomes of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) and Mottuora , M.C., Finkeldey, R., Verga, A.R. & Gailing,
Chenese chesnut (Castanea mossissima) in response O. 2005. Development and characterization of
to the chestnut blight infection. BMC Plant Biol., 9: microsatellite markers for Prosopis chilensis and
51. Prosopis fl exuosa and cross-species amplification.
Mol. Ecol. Notes, 5: 487–489.
Carney, S.E., Wold, D.E. & Rieseberg, L.H. 2000.
Hybridisation and forest conservation. In A. Young, O´Brien, E.K. & Krauss, S.L. 2010. Testing the home-
Boshier, D. & T. Boyle, eds. Forest conservation site-advantage in forest trees on disturbed and
undisturbed sites. Restor. Ecol., 18: 359–372.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Pastorino, M. & Gallo, L. 2009. Preliminary operational Smulders, M.J.M, Beringe, R., Volosyanchuk, R.,
genetic management units of a highly framented Vande Broeck, A., van der Schoot, J., Arens, P.
forest tree species of southern South America. Forest & Vosman, B. 2008. Natural hybridisation between
Ecol. Manag., 257: 2350–2358. Populus nigra L. and P. × canadensis Moench. Hybrid
offspring competes for niches along the Rhine
Rieseberg, L.H. 2009. Replacing genes and traits
river in the Netherlands. Tree Genet. Genomes, 4:
through hybridization. Curr. Biol., 19: 119–122.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 7

Collection of propagation material

in the absence of genetic knowledge
Gösta Eriksson

Department of Plant Biology and Forest Genetics, Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences,

Genetic variation within and among popula- Natural selection requires that there is genetic
tions has not been studied in the vast majority variation for traits contributing to fitness (Endler,
of tree species. This makes it difficult to plan ef- 1986). Changes in gene frequencies are depend-
fective germplasm collection strategies for forest ent on existing conditions; future conditions have
restoration and species conservation purposes. no influence over them. Thus, there is no goal or
This paper provides guidelines for collection predetermined direction of selection. Moreover,
of propagation material for forest restoration most fitness traits are complex. For a tree they
when knowledge of genetic variation between may consist of growth rhythm, growth rate, toler-
and within populations is lacking. Rare species ance of adverse climatic factors, tolerance of pests
that occur as scattered trees or in small cohorts or diseases, and uptake and utilization of nutri-
growing hundreds of metres apart are unsuitable ents. It is highly unlikely that natural selection
sources of propagation material for stand estab- influences these components individually; rather
lishment since they never form stands in nature. it is the whole individual that is the “target” in
Therefore, this paper refers to commonly occur- natural selection. For most traits of significance in
ring species. evolution we find a bell-shaped curve for the dis-
Forest restoration projects may also aim to con- tribution of individuals. In many cases of natural
serve the genetic diversity of the species used, but selection the individuals in the centre of the dis-
for a specific treatment of sampling for gene con- tribution are favoured (stabilizing selection) but
servation in sensu stricto, the reader is referred in some cases the individuals in one of the tails
to Eriksson (2005a). Evolutionary factors are pre- of the distribution are favoured (directional se-
sented to help understand the existing genetic lection). Selection that favours individuals in the
variation between and within populations. two tails of the distribution is known as disruptive
selection. This type of selection probably occurs
rarely within populations.
Evolutionary factors Genetic drift causes random losses of genes,
the rate of loss increasing with decreasing num-
In nature there is constant interaction among evo- ber of reproductive individuals in a population.
lutionary factors, with the result that it is hard to At a constant population of ten fruiting trees for
know or predict the genetic variation in a species ten generations genetic variation (or more cor-
(Mayr, 1988; Eriksson, 2005b). Evolutionary factors rectly “additive variance”) falls to approximately
are briefly discussed here to elucidate their role half of the original (Eriksson, 1998). A popula-
in evolution. (See Box 7.1 for definition of terms.) tion of 20 individuals would lose approximately

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

20 percent of its additive variance. The difference variation between populations. The effect of gene
in loss between populations of 500 and 1000 is flow on variation within and between p ­ opulations
only 0.5 percent per generation. This means that is evident from the definition of gene flow. Thus,
not much is gained by having thousands of fruit- gene flow reduces differences between popula-
ing trees in gene-resource populations. A popula- tions but increases the within-population vari-
tion of 50 fruiting trees has been regarded as a ation. Understanding the principles behind the
satisfactory size for a gene-resource population distribution of variation helps to determine how
and for sourcing propagation material. With such many different populations should be consid-
a population size the loss of additive variance is ered as sources of propagation material in order
just 1 percent per generation. to adequately capture the genetic variation of a
Gene flow caused by pollen and seed transfers species. It can guide species restoration efforts or
between populations can be considerable in wind- help to prepare for environmental changes with
pollinated species but less in species with limited diverse propagation ­material.
pollen and seed dispersal (Govindaraju, 1988).
Gene flow is such a strong levelling factor that
only one migrant per generation prevents differ- 7.2. 
Methods for sampling
entiation in neutral genes (genes not i­nfluencing diversity
fitness) in a randomly mating ­population.
Mutations occur at low frequencies, and there- Before materials are selected for forest restora-
fore do not exert any strong influence on evo- tion, it is useful to examine the abiotic and biotic
lution in the short term. Mutations are of great factors at the reforestation site. Abiotic factors
significance in the long term because they create such as climate, nutrient availability and photo-
genetic variation for the other evolutionary fac- periodic conditions might be easy to determine,
tors to act upon. while biotic factors such as pests and diseases
The impact of within-population and between- might be hard to identify in advance. At least
population variation of natural selection, genetic one, but usually more, of these factors is signifi-
drift and gene flow are summarized in Table 7.1. cant at a particular reforestation site. For exam-
Stabilizing natural selection within populations ple, photoperiodic conditions are of significance
leads to less overlapping of the adjacent popu- at high latitudes where this factor varies consider-
lations. This in turn means that there will be a ably. With only basic knowledge of genetic diver-
sharpening of the differences between popula- sity and biotic and abiotic factors we have to rely
tions. Since the loss of genes as a result of genetic on educated guesses to develop a sampling strat-
drift is random, different genes will be lost in dif- egy for our target species. Generally, sampling in
ferent populations, which also leads to increased the absence of genetic knowledge should take
place at localities with closest similarity with the
­reforestation sites.
Table 7.1.
The impact of natural selection, genetic drift
and gene flow on genetic variation within and 7.3. 
Genetic variation
between populations
Hamrick, Linhart and Mitton (1979) hypothesized
Variation within Variation between
populations populations that life history traits such as species distribution,
Natural selection decrease increase stage in ecosystem – pioneers versus climax spe-
cies – or wind pollination vs insect pollination
Genetic drift decrease increase
would influence genetic variation within and
Gene flow increase decrease
between species (Figure 7.1). However, in his

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 7.1. study of ­ adaptive traits in several tree species,

The expected effects of life history traits on Baliuckas (2002) reported only weak support for
genetic variation within and between populations this hypothesis. Until more research results are
obtained, Hamrick, Linhart and Mitton’s (1979)
hypothesis may still be used to guide sampling.
Sampling existing adaptations is simple if all
variation is included in every population and
not between them. Then, it suffices to sample
enough trees to avoid inbreeding. However, ab-
sence of genetic variation among populations is
not known to occur in any tree species other than
the red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.).
Because the evolutionary factors act in a com-
plex way, we have to simplify the possible effect
of their interactions on genetic diversity. The ef-
fect of genetic drift can be excluded if mating is
random, leaving the two opposing factors natu-
ral selection and gene flow. Figure 7.2 illustrates
the possible between-population differentia-
tion for various combinations of gene flow and
Source: Hamrick, Linhart and Mitton (1979) disruptive natural selection. A prerequisite for

Figure 7.2.
The possible genetic variation between populations in random-mating species, as affected by varying
strengths of disruptive natural selection and gene flow

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

­ ifferentiation between populations is that the

d prudent to exercise some caution. Gene flow does
species experiences the biotic and abiotic site not occur in this species.
conditions in its area of distribution as hetero- There are few examples of forest tree species
geneous. In the absence of disruptive selection that would experience natural selection in the ab-
there may be some differentiation of populations sence of gene flow (position 2 in Figure 7.2). The
for random reasons (position 1 in Figure 7.2). The Fraser fir (Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir.), may have
larger the variation of the site conditions the such a genetic structure. The species comprises
greater the differentiation between populations; seven populations in North Carolina, Tennessee
differentiation will be greatest in the absence of and Virginia, United States, mainly at more than
gene flow (position 2). When both gene flow and 1500 m above sea level (Pauley and Clebsch, 1990).
natural selection are strong, populations may still However, a large part of the differentiation is
differentiate (position 3). probably due to genetic drift. For such a species,
It is obvious that species covering large ar- all populations should be designated as gene re-
eas, such as Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) source populations. Bearing in mind global warm-
and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Europe ing, planting at higher elevation than the present
or Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) distribution of Fraser fir is recommended if fund-
Franco) and Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta ing for such an approach could be raised. This rec-
Douglas) in North America, face extreme varia- ommendation is also valid for other species with
tion in site conditions. It is not only the climate similar characteristics to those of the Fraser fir.
that varies in their distribution areas but also
soil conditions. Such a large variation in site
conditions causes population differentiation
(Dietrichson, 1961; Eiche, 1966; Rehfeldt, 1989;
Lindgren et al., 1994). Since these species also Box 7.1.
are wind pollinated they are examples of spe- Definition of terms
cies with high disruptive selection and large gene
flow (position 3 in Figure 7.2). These four spe- Evolution = change of genetic constitution
cies experience large differences in climate over Adaptation = the process of genetic change of a
their distribution areas. For this type of species, population, owing to natural selection, resulting in a
numerous populations should be considered as better adaptedness
sources of propagation material for reforesta- Adaptedness = the degree to which an organism is
tion. Still larger numbers of populations have to able to live and reproduce in a given environment
be included if the species grow on contrasting Adaptability = the ability to respond genetically or
edaphic conditions within a climatic zone. phenotypically to changed environmental conditions
Red pine is distributed over a large area in east- Evolutionary factors
ern North America without much population dif- Natural selection = improvement of adaptedness via
ferentiation (Mosseler, Egger and Hughes, 1992). differential transfer of genes to the next generation
Strangely, there also seems to be very limited Genetic drift = random loss of genes in small
variation within populations. This lack of varia- populations
tion has been attributed to a genetic bottleneck Gene flow = migration to a recipient population from
after the last glaciation. Red pine is an example another population with a different gene frequency
of a species with weak disruptive selection (po- Mutation = a chemical or structural change of DNA
sition 1 in Figure 7.2). Since there is one almost Random mating = each tree in a population has an
homogenous population, in theory seed could be equally large chance to take part in the fertilization
collected from anywhere in the range of the spe- as all other trees in this population
cies for planting anywhere. In reality, it would be

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Avoidance of genetic drift Figure 7.3.
The oval area represents the current distribution
Once it is decided which populations should be of a species along a climatic gradient from
used for collection of material, sampling should a warm climate at the bottom to a cooler
encompass enough trees to avoid narrowing the climate at the top. The green circles are gene
genetic variation in the stand to be established. resource subpopulations. Materials from the
Insufficient variation might lead to loss of the subpopulations should be transferred to a
whole new stand as a result of pests, diseases or cooler climate to mitigate the impact of climatic
adverse abiotic factors. Because a restored stand warming. It might be wise to establish some
is expected to be self-perpetuating, it is impor- subpopulations outside the present range of
tant to avoid inbreeding. distribution (dark green circle).
Recommendations have been formulated to
guide sampling for propagation purposes (e.g.
Dawson and Were, 1997). It is commonly sug-
gested to collect germplasm from a minimum of
30  trees. To avoid offspring of related trees oc-
curring in the sample, a minimum distance of
­50–100 m between the collected trees is suggest-
ed. Broad genetic diversity of the propagation
material will not only ensure a viable population,
but will most likely be advantageous for adapta-
tion to changing environmental conditions.
Selfing and other forms of inbreeding in cross-
fertilizing trees cause strong inbreeding depres-
sion; stronger the closer the relatedness. Thus,
selfing leads to much stronger depression than
cousin matings. In one of the oldest field trials
with a selfed forest tree, Norway spruce, the in-
breeding depression of stem volume at 60 years
of age was substantial and amounted to approxi-
mately 50 percent reduction in growth (Eriksson,
Schelander and Åkebrand, 1973). planted in ex situ plantations for seed produc-
The European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pall.) in tion (Vakkari, Rusanen and Kärkkäinen, 2009).
southern Finland is one example of a species expe- Progenies from such plantations will be exposed
riencing natural selection in the absence of gene to natural selection, frequently resulting in change
flow (position 2 in Figure 7.2). This species has high of the genetic constitution. In this way the effects
between-population variation in Finland, mainly of genetic drift will be reduced and the genetic
attributed to genetic drift (Vakkari, Rusanen and variation will be increased. The number of clones
Kärkkäinen, 2009). Between-population varia- in such plantations should preferably be 50 but an
tion mediated by genetic drift does not result absolute minimum of 20 must be met.
in high adaptedness in all small populations. To Considering predicted global warming, measures
obtain good reforestation material it might be could be taken to mitigate the effects of a rapid en-
useful to put together trees in seed orchards or vironmental change (Figure 7.3). Each subpopula-
clone archives, as suggested for conservation of tion should ideally consist of 50 trees. The illustrated
the European white elm in Finland, in which two principle may also be applied in conditions where it
to ten clones from each of 19 populations were is desirable to support migration of a species.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Conservation and management of forest genetic

resources in Europe, pp. 391–411. Zvolen, Slovakia,
Arbora Publishers.
In summary, estimates of the distribution of ge-
netic variation within and between populations Eriksson, G. 2005b. Evolution and evolutionary factors,
enable genetically solid conservation and also adaptation, adaptability. In T. Geburek & J. Turok,
promote adaptation in species restoration efforts. eds. Conservation and management of forest
Consideration of the variation between popula- genetic resources in Europe, pp. 199–211. Zvolen,
tions is especially important for species with high Slovakia, Arbora Publishers.
disruptive selection and limited gene flow (po-
Eriksson, G., Schelander, B. & Åkebrand, V. 1973.
sition 2 in Figure 7.2), followed by species with
Inbreeding depression in an old experimental planta-
high disruptive selection and large gene flow (po- tion of Picea abies. Hereditas, 73: 185–194.
sition 3 in Figure 7.2). For species with low disrup-
tive selection and limited gene flow (position 1 Govindaraju, D.R. 1988. Relationship between dispersal
in Figure 7.2), much of the genetic variation oc- ability and levels of gene flow in plants. Oikos, 52:
curs within the population and less between the 31–35.
populations, which means that restoration mate- Hamrick, J.L., Linhart, Y.B. & Mitton, J.B. 1979.
rial from a few populations would be sufficient. Relationships between life history characteristics and
electrophoretically detectable genetic variation in
plants. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst., 10: 173–200.
Lindgren, D., Ying, C.C., Elfving, B. & Lindgren, K.
1994. Site index variation with latitude and altitude
Baliuckas, V. 2002. Life history traits and broadleaved in IUFRO Pinus contorta provenance experiments in
tree genetics. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae western Canada and northern Sweden. Scand. J.
Sueciae: Silvestria 258. Uppsala, Sweden, Swedish For. Res., 9: 270–274.
University of Agricultural Sciences.
Mayr, E. 1988. Toward a new philosophy of biology.
Dawson, I. & Were, J. 1997. Collecting germplasm for Observations of an evolutionist. Cambridge, MA,
trees – some guidelines. Agroforest. Today, 9: 6–9. USA, Harvard University Press.

Dietrichson, J. 1961. Breeding for frost resistance. Silvae Mosseler, A., Egger, K.N. & Hughes, G.A. 1992. Low
Genet., 10: 172–179. levels of genetic diversity in red pine confirmed by
random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Can. J.
Eiche, V. 1966. Cold damage and plant mortality in
For. Res., 22: 1332–1337.
experimental provenance plantations with Scots pine
in northern Sweden. Studia Forestalia Suecica 36. Pauley, E.F. & Clebsch, E.C. 1990. Patterns of Abies
Umeå, Sweden, Skogshögskolan. fraseri regeneration in a Great Smoky Mountains
spruce–fir forest. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 117:
Endler, J.A. 1986. Natural selection in the wild.
Princeton, NJ, USA, Princeton University Press.
Rehfeldt, G.E. 1989. Ecological adaptations in Douglas-
Eriksson, G. 1998. Evolutionary forces influencing vari-
fir (Psuedotsuga menziesii var. glauca): a synthesis.
ation among populations of Pinus sylvestris. Silva
Forest Ecol. Manag., 28: 203–215.
Fenn., 32: 173–184.
Vakkari, P., Rusanen, M. & Kärkkäinen, K. 2009. High
Eriksson G. 2005a. Selection of target species and
genetic differentiation in marginal populations of
sampling for genetic resources in absence of
European white elm (Ulmus laevis). Silva Fen., 43(2):
genetic knowledge. In T. Geburek & J. Turok, eds.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 8

Evaluation of different tree

propagation methods in ecological
restoration in the neotropics
R.A. Zahawi1 and K.D. Holl2

Las Cruces Biological Station, Organization for Tropical Studies, Costa Rica

Environmental Studies Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, United States

Despite ongoing pressures to clear tropical for- branches that are often referred to as stakes.
ests, there is also substantial interest in their res- Direct seeding refers to the mass seeding of a spe-
toration and tropical forest cover is increasing in cies or group of species into a restoration site at
certain regions (Asner et al., 2009). The motiva- the onset of a project, or more-targeted seeding
tion for restoring tropical forests comes from an of typically mid- to late-successional species at
interest in enhancing or restoring the delivery of later stages in the recovery process.
ecosystem services (e.g. sequestering carbon, min- In this review we outline each propagation
imizing erosion, improving water quality, main- strategy and provide a summary of their relative
taining hydrological cycling and harbouring bio- advantages and disadvantages. In presenting case
diversity) and the maintenance of natural capital. studies we draw heavily upon the research that the
Most tropical forest restoration efforts focus on authors have performed in southern Costa Rica, as
reintroducing tree species to accelerate forest re- all three propagation methods have been evaluat-
covery (Holl, 2012). There are three principal meth- ed in studies at the same research sites (Figure 8.1).
ods of tree propagation used to restore former These case studies have been conducted on land
agricultural lands in the tropics: (1) planting seed- formerly used for cattle grazing or for growing
lings grown in nurseries from seed; (2) vegetative coffee for at least 18 years. Sites are in the tropical
propagation of individuals, either directly onsite or premontane rain-forest zone, range in elevation
in nurseries; and (3) direct seeding into a restora- from 1000–1500 m above sea level, and receive a
tion site. Which of these strategies to use depends mean annual rainfall of about 3500–4000 mm with
on the goals of the project, the natural rate of re- a dry season from December to March.
covery and the ecology of the system (Holl, 2012).
Germinating and establishing seedlings from
seed in nurseries is the predominant form of tree 8.1. 
Establishing tree seedlings
propagation and the most widely used method from seed in nurseries
throughout the tropics. The two other techniques
are emerging as viable potential alternatives be- Establishing tree seedlings in nurseries from seed
cause they are less labour-intensive and cheaper. is by far the most common strategy used to prop-
The establishment of trees by vegetative means agate trees for restoration. Studies have either
has typically centred on using small cuttings from focused on establishing a broad range of spe-
young branches and shoots of trees or larger cies to create a baseline forest community (e.g.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Figure 8.1.
Location of the experimental sites used to test tree-propagation methods in Costa Rica

Butterfield, 1995; Parrotta and Knowles, 2001; For example, 60–80 species are often available in
Rodrigues et al., 2009) or on using a few species nurseries in southeastern Brazil, where there are
as nurse trees to create infrastructure at a resto- extensive restoration projects in the Atlantic for-
ration site and accelerate the natural process of est region (Rodrigues et al., 2009).
forest recovery (e.g. Holl et al., 2011). Researchers Establishing seedlings in nurseries from seed
typically either work with a tree nursery to obtain can yield large numbers of individuals. Seedlings
large numbers of seedlings (Carpenter, Nichols are typically transplanted when they reach 20–40
and Sandi, 2004; Holl et al., 2011), harvest their cm in height (Carpenter, Nichols and Sandi, 2004;
own seeds from an adjacent forest and germinate Holl et al., 2011). In former pasture lands that are
and establish them in shade houses (e.g. Butter- dominated by aggressive African pasture grasses,
field, 1995, 1996; Elliott et al., 2003; Carpenter, surrounding above-ground vegetation should be
Nichols and Sandi, 2004) or transplant seedlings cleared periodically for 2–3 years to reduce com-
that have established in a natural setting (often petition and shading (Butterfield, 1995; Holl et
referred to as “wildlings”) directly into a restora- al., 2011); if this is not done (and sometimes even
tion site (Parrotta and Knowles, 2001). The diver- if it is), seedling mortality can be very high. When
sity of species in a nursery is often limited to a a full canopy cover is obtained, maintenance is
few native and exotic commercially viable species, no longer necessary as competition from pasture
although the range is increasing in some regions grasses and other ruderal vegetation is decreased
as restoration efforts become more widespread. as a result of shading.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Establishment of stands with either pure or Buena (8°44’42’’ N; 82°56’53’’ W). Each site incor-
mixed tree species has been broadly demonstrat- porates three 50 × 50 m treatment plots – two
ed to be successful in the tropics (e.g. Butterfield, active restoration plots and one passive or control
1995; Haggar, Wightman and Fisher, 1997; Lamb, restoration plot. Seedlings of four tree species
1998; Montagnini, 2001; Parrotta and Knowles, (Terminalia amazonia (J.F. Gmel.) Exell, Vochysia
2001; Calvo-Alvarado, Arias Richter, 2007; Butler, guatemalensis Donn. Sm., Erythrina poeppigiana
Montagnini and Arroyo, 2008). Survival and (Walp.) Skeels and Inga edulis Mart.) were estab-
growth of different species can vary widely, how- lished in two planting designs at each site – a
ever, and it appears that some are more able than plantation-style planting where the entire 50 × 50
others to tolerate the stressful microclimate and m area was planted, and an island planting where
nutrient conditions found in degraded tropi- trees were planted in six different-sized patches
cal landscapes (Butterfield, 1995; Parrotta and within the 50 × 50 m plot. The four species cho-
Knowles, 2001; Carpenter, Nichols and Sandi, sen are characterized by high regional survival,
2004). The successful establishment of a given spe- rapid growth and extensive canopy development
cies can be highly site-specific (Butterfield, 1996). (Nichols et al., 2001; Carpenter, Nichols and Sandi,
A number of authors have suggested that some 2004; Calvo-Alvarado, Arias and Richter, 2007).
large-seeded and shade-tolerant species are bet- Terminalia amazonia and V. guatemalensis are na-
ter introduced at later stages in succession, once tive timber species that produce valuable timber
an overstory canopy cover has developed and and favour establishment of native woody spe-
conditions are more favourable to seedling estab- cies in their understory (Cusack and Montagnini,
lishment (Parrotta and Knowles, 2001; Martínez- 2004). Erythrina poeppigiana and Inga edulis are
Garza and Howe, 2003; Cole et al., 2011). naturalized, fast-growing nitrogen-fixing species.
Lack of genetic variability among seedlings is a Both are widely used in agricultural intercropping
concern in many tropical forest restoration pro- systems to provide shade and increase soil nutri-
jects. Due to logistical constraints, most nursery ents, and have extensive branching architecture;
endeavours (commercial and non-commercial) I. edulis also produces fruit that can attract birds
have often harvested seed from fewer than ten (Pennington and Fernandes, 1998; Nichols et al.,
mother trees (Butterfield, 1995; Carpenter, Nichols 2001; Jones et al., 2004). All four species were pur-
and Sandi, 2004), and this can have strong rami- chased from a local nursery.
fications for the long-term fitness of populations All sites were cleared of above-ground vegeta-
(Carpenter et al., 1995). Once a canopy cover is es- tion with machetes prior to planting. Seedlings av-
tablished, recruitment of naturally dispersed spe- eraged 20–30 cm in height when planted. Ruderal
cies can be quite high, resulting in rapid forest re- vegetation was cleared every two to three months
covery (Jones et al., 2004; Butler, Montagnini and at all sites for 2.5 years. Establishment of planted
Arroyo, 2008), although the community composi- seedlings was highly successful (>90 percent) and
tion of species can vary widely depending upon some sites reached canopy closure within two to
the nurse species planted (Parrotta and Knowles, three years (Holl et al., 2011). However, growth
2001; Carnevale and Montagnini, 2002) and the rates were highly variable among sites and some
availability of local propagules (Holl, 2007). have yet to develop a fully closed canopy even six
years into the study. The reasons behind this dis-
Case study parity are unclear, however, but are probably re-
Holl et al. (2011) established a long-term resto- lated to prior land use. Seed dispersal and tree re-
ration study spread across 100 km2 in southern cruitment at this stage in the study (six years after
Costa Rica in 2004–2006. The 14 study sites are planting) is largely comprised of early-successional
located between the Las Cruces Biological Station species with few mid- to late-successional spe-
(8°47’7’’ N; 82°57’32’’ W) and the town of Agua cies (N = 55 species by 2010 survey; Cole, Holl and

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Zahawi, 2010; Zahawi et al., 2013). Overall, the of cuttings for tree propagation in restoration ac-
strategy of planting a few widely available and tivities has been limited to a few studies that have
hardy nurse species to accelerate natural forest focused on the methodology (e.g. Ray and Brown,
recovery has been highly successful. However, the 1995; Itoh et al., 2002; Bonfil-Sanders, Mendoza-
broad variation in both establishment and growth Hernandez and Ulloa-Nieto, 2007), but cuttings
of planted seedlings, as well as the huge variation have been widely used for enrichment planting
in seed dispersal and subsequent seedling estab- of dipterocarp forests in Indonesia (Kettle, 2010).
lishment among sites, strongly underscore the im- Most studies have reported mixed success, with
portance of broadly replicating restoration studies high failure rates of a number of species despite
across the landscape to avoid reaching erroneous the application of rooting hormones. A few stud-
conclusions based on a few sites. ies have evaluated the possibility of using cut-
tings to propagate rare or endangered species
(Danthu, Ramaroson and Rambeloarisoa, 2008;
Establishment by vegetative Ratnamhin, Elliott and Wangpakapattanawong,
propagation 2011), with some success with some species.
Itoh et al. (2002) found that rooting ability
Vegetative propagation has been an integral of 100 tropical trees in Malaysia was related to
technique for the establishment of trees in tropi- plant family and the growth characteristics of the
cal agriculture, especially in the humid tropics, species; fast-growing species that were generally
for many decades. A few commercial species of of smaller mature stature typically rooted more
trees are also propagated vegetatively, such as readily. The ability to establish is also related to
Pochote (Pachira quinata (Jacq.) W. S. Alverson; the type of cutting used; mature branches (har-
also known as Bombacopsis quinatum (Jacq.) vested further down a stem) establish more readi-
Dugand) (Hunter, 1987), beechwood (Gmelina ly than apical cuttings (Dick et al., 1998; Danthu et
arborea Roxb.) (Romero, 2004) and teak (Tectona al., 2002) and leafy cuttings appear more success-
grandis Linn. f.) (Husen and Pal, 2007). Whereas ful at rooting than leafless cuttings (Brennan and
vegetative propagation has been used extensively Mudge, 1998; Dick et al., 1998). Seasonality of
in tropical agriculture and silviculture, it has re- timing when cuttings are harvested can also influ-
ceived relatively little attention as a method for ence establishment success (Danthu, Ramaroson
tree propagation in tropical restoration thus far and Rambeloarisoa, 2008).
(but see Perino, 1979; Ray and Brown, 1995; Chap- In contrast to cuttings, stakes have been widely
man and Chapman, 1999; Granzow de la Cerda used in agricultural practice throughout south-
and Garth, 1999; Zahawi, 2005). ern Mexico and Central America, especially in the
There are two main forms of vegetative propa- humid tropics. Although the predominant use of
gation: (1) cuttings, which are typically 20–40 the technique has been to establish live fences,
cm long, taken from young branches or shoots stakes have also been used as host plants for ag-
of trees; and (2) stakes, which are typically 2–2.5 ricultural crops such as vanilla and black pepper,
m long, taken from branches that are pollarded and in some instances for erosion control (Perino,
from trees or extant live fence rows. 1979; Sauer, 1979; Budowski, 1987; Budowski and
The establishment of trees from cuttings has Russo, 1993). In addition to these functions, trees
several advantages, including ease of transport, often provide other benefits such as nitrogen fixa-
availability in considerable quantities (once a tion to improve soil quality, shade for coffee, fod-
mother tree is located, a considerable number der for cattle and firewood (Budowski and Russo,
of cuttings can be harvested), speed of planting 1997; Martínez-Betancourt, Ramírez-Molinet
(particularly if planted directly into the restora- and Rodríguez-Durán, 2000; Harvey et al., 2005).
tion site) and cost effectiveness. The application Such species are also widespread throughout

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

the ­landscape and have a proven track record 1993). Although the literature documents several
of being hardy, withstanding not only the harsh hundred species that can establish vegetatively
conditions found in pastures but also tolerating (Budowski and Russo, 1993; Martínez-Betancourt,
extensive and repeated pollarding and other ag- Ramírez-Molinet and Rodríguez-Durán, 2000;
ricultural practices. Harvey et al., 2005), farmers overwhelmingly rely
Stakes are typically planted as 2–3-m-tall on only a few species with widespread distribu-
branches ranging in diameter from 4 to 12 cm in- tion and use; however, species choice does vary
serted directly into a planting site at a depth of regionally and by country. Farmers’ species selec-
20–30 cm (Budowski and Russo, 1993; Martínez- tion is focused naturally on features that are im-
Betancourt, Ramírez-Molinet and Rodríguez- portant to them, e.g. species that are not toxic
Durán, 2000; Zahawi, 2005), although stakes to livestock, can hold barbed wire and are able
at tall as 4–4.5 m can also be established read- to withstand regular pollarding (Sauer, 1979;
ily (Zahawi, 2008). Accordingly, some degree of Budowski and Russo, 1993). In contrast, restora-
above-ground vertical stratification can be cre- tion ecologists would likely focus on species with
ated at the time of planting. Establishment suc- fruit that attract frugivores, an ability to shade
cess appears to vary widely and is dependent out pasture grasses, extensive canopy architec-
on a number of variables, including geographic ture and rapid growth rates. Accordingly, studies
location, elevation, rainfall and planting season are needed to better document the establish-
(Budowski and Russo, 1993; Alonso et al., 2001; ment needs and abilities of species of interest
Zahawi, 2005). Initial stake size (both height and to ­restoration. In addition, an evaluation of the
diameter) affects survival and growth and can also functional traits shared among species that estab-
have an impact on biomass production rates (da lish vegetatively would be particularly useful and
Costa et al., 2004; Zahawi, 2005; 2008; Zahawi and would facilitate the search for potential forest
Holl, 2009). Stakes also develop greater above- species that could be of value to restoration.
and below-ground biomass than seedlings in the
initial years after planting; below-ground archi- Case study
tecture is also distinctly different, with stakes pro- Plots were established at three field sites in Costa
ducing extensive lateral roots while lacking a cen- Rica to evaluate growth and survival of stakes
tralized taproot (Zahawi and Holl, 2009). Whereas and compare their performance with stand-
most farmers consider it important to plant stakes ard nursery-raised seedlings (Zahawi and Holl,
just after a full moon (Budowski and Russo, 1993), 2009). At each site, stakes were harvested from
the effect of moon phase has been examined em- 20–30 individual fence trees of each of ten spe-
pirically in only one study; only slight differences cies from nearby live fence rows (less than 3 km
were found in a few growth indicators but not for away from the trial site) and planted vegetatively
survival (Alonso et al., 2002). in rows at 1.5 m intervals. Species were chosen
Although stakes have long been used in agri- based on their common use as live fence rows in
cultural practice and there is often widespread the area. Stakes were approximately 2 m tall at
local knowledge of how to establish the species planting. A pointed pole was inserted into the
that are utilized in a given location, much of the ground to open a 15–20-cm-deep hole. The stake
information on species establishment, such as was then inserted in the hole and soil was lightly
timing and seasonality of planting, has not been compacted around its base. All stakes were
published or quantified experimentally (but see planted in July (wet season) and were monitored
Alonso et al., 2001; Zahawi, 2005). This informa- for three years for survival and above-ground
tion is traded among practitioners and stakehold- ­development.
ers, and has occasionally been compiled in anec- Survival differed between species, ranging from
dotal form (e.g. Sauer, 1979; Budowski and Russo, more than 90 percent to less than 30 percent;

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

survival of some species was highly site-specific. of a given species are often widely dispersed. As a
For most species, stakes with greater initial diam- result, it is not uncommon to harvest seeds from
eter had a greater probability of survival. Species fewer than five mother trees and in some cases
varied enormously in above-ground biomass de- only two or three (Doust, Erskine and Lamb, 2006;
velopment, and canopy cover ranged from less Sampaio, Holl and Scariot, 2007; Garcia-Orth and
than 2 m2 to more than 10 m2 in the third year. Martinez-Ramos, 2008; Cole et al., 2011). This can
Variability between sites was high. Not surprising- have strong effects on germination and survival,
ly, sites where survival and growth of stakes were depending upon the quality of the seed source,
high were the same sites where establishment and could result in reduced genetic diversity in
rates for planted seedlings were high (Holl et al., future generations.
2011). In comparing planting strategies between Direct seeding can be applied in two principal
the two studies, three-year-old Erythrina poeppi- ways: (1) at the onset of the recovery process of
giana stakes had greater canopy cover than sap- the site; and (2) at later stages in the recovery pro-
lings of the same age, although their height was cess, typically after a canopy cover has formed.
similar. Several species established from stakes Direct seeding at the initial stages of recovery
produced fruit in the second and third year after has been tested in several small-scale experimen-
planting. This is not surprising given that stakes tal studies, but has not been considered a viable
are pollarded from reproductive adult trees, con- restoration option at a large scale because of the
ferring an advantage over ­planting seedlings that high rate of failure and the challenge of acquiring
can take decades to produce fruit and attract and storing sufficient seed (Ray and Brown, 1995;
seed dispersers. Engel and Parrotta, 2001; Woods and Elliott, 2004;
Doust, Erskine and Lamb, 2006; Sampaio, Holl and
Scariot, 2007). In most cases some establishment
Direct seeding occurs, but the variability across species and sites
is highly unpredictable. Seeds and recently ger-
Direct seeding is by far the cheapest way of re- minated seedlings typically succumb to a host of
introducing vegetation (Lamb, Erskine and Par- setbacks, including pathogen attack, predation
rotta, 2005; Cole et al., 2011), but tree seeds can and desiccation (Augspurger, 1984; Nepstad, Uhl
be hard to acquire and the rate of success is highly and Serrao, 1990; Chapman and Chapman, 1999;
variable. Seeds are typically harvested from trees Engel and Parrotta, 2001; Cole, 2009; Gallery,
or the forest floor in nearby forests (Doust, Er- Moore and Dalling, 2010; Cole et al., 2011). Small
skine and Lamb, 2006; Sampaio, Holl and Scariot, seedlings can also be difficult to see among ruder-
2007; Cole et al., 2011), although in some cases al vegetation and may be removed during routine
they can be purchased (Engel and Parrotta, 2001). vegetation clearing. Predators typically remove
Seeds are either placed on the soil surface or bur- a larger proportion of smaller seed than larger
ied. Many tropical forest tree seeds are recalci- seed, and larger-seeded species tend to have
trant (i.e. they rapidly lose viability when dried), greater establishment success because they have
making storage impossible, and the technique of larger amounts of stored resources (Camargo,
bulking up seed in the greenhouse or field plots, Ferraz and Imakawa, 2002; Jones, Peterson and
which is commonly used for temperate tree spe- Haines, 2003; Doust, Erskine and Lamb, 2006;
cies, is not feasible for tropical forest trees. Vieira and Scariot, 2006a). In turn, burial appears
As with the afore-mentioned propagation to increase seed survival and germination com-
methods, genetic variability of seed stock is often pared with surface placement (Woods and Elliott,
low. Collecting tropical seed from a wide variety 2004; Doust, Erskine and Lamb, 2006; Garcia-Orth
of species can be difficult; many tropical forest and Martinez-Ramos, 2008). Lastly, seasonal tim-
trees do not set seed every year and individuals ing of planting can have a considerable effect on

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

long-term survival, especially in areas with a pro- ing study was replicated across four research sites
longed dry season (Ray and Brown, 1995; Vieira (Cole et al., 2011). Species were sown to an aver-
and Scariot, 2006b). age depth of 3 cm, and germination and survival
Direct seeding seems to be most effective for were monitored for two years. Germination rates
larger-seeded and later-successional species that after two years ranged from near complete fail-
are introduced as part of enrichment planting ure in one species to 26–31 percent for four spe-
after the canopy has closed (Nepstad, Uhl and cies and 94 percent in the sixth species. Overall
Serrao, 1990; Hooper, Condit Legendre, 2002; germination was similar among the three habi-
Cole et al., 2011). These species are often under- tats. However, survival was higher in plantations
represented in the initial stages of forest recovery (75 percent) than in the other two habitats (~45
because of their short-range dispersal. Studies percent). Plantations also had greater overall bio-
comparing establishment at different succes- mass production at the end of the study, which
sional stages indicate that, although germination appeared to be due to higher nitrogen availabil-
rates are similar among stages, long-term survival ity as two of the four plantation trees were ni-
is usually higher in sites that have tree canopy trogen-fixing species. Results indicate that direct
cover (Bonilla-Moheno and Holl, 2010; Cole et al., seeding of later-successional species into young,
2011). In contrast, Camargo, Ferraz and Imakawa recovering habitats with some degree of oversto-
(2002) found higher survival of large-seeded spe- rey cover can circumvent their dispersal limitation
cies in open highly degraded sites and in pastures and contribute to higher species diversity in the
than in young and mature forest in lowland areas forest.
in Brazil.
To date, we know of no large-scale tropical
forest restoration projects that introduced forest 8.4. 
Choosing an appropriate
trees through direct seeding. However, some au- restoration strategy
thors have suggested that seeding species with
relatively high germination and survival rates at A first stage in any restoration project is to clearly
the early seedling stage should be a component identify the goals. These goals and specific ob-
of a mixed restoration strategy that includes seed- jectives will necessarily need to be developed
ing, planting seedlings and allowing for natural re- along with a consideration of the resources (e.g.
generation of different species depending on their financial, labour, sources of seeds or seedlings)
life history (Cabin et al., 2002; Sampaio, Holl and available to achieve these goals and the natural
Scariot, 2007; Bonilla-Moheno and Holl, 2010). In resilience of the target ecosystem (Holl and Aide,
turn, larger-seeded, later-successional species may 2011). A goal of most tropical forest restoration
be introduced in small patches in forests with an projects will be to restore the species composi-
overstorey, as introducing such species over large tion and processes of the forest before it was dis-
areas is probably not feasible because of lack of turbed. However, given the competing needs of
seeds. providing for human livelihoods and maximizing
certain ecosystem services, there will be trade-offs
Case study concerning which goals will be prioritized, such
In our study area in southern Costa Rica, we evalu- as species diversity, carbon sequestration, erosion
ated the ability to establish from direct seeding of control, or providing wood or food products used
six mid- to late-successional tree species in three by humans.
distinct habitats: recently abandoned pasture, The degree of passive recovery of degraded
young plantation (approximately three years old) tropical lands is highly variable, depending on the
as described earlier and young secondary forest ecology of the system, land-use history and the
(approximately eight years old). The direct seed- surrounding landscape mosaic (reviewed in Holl,

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

2007). Therefore, a critical first step in a restora- more than 30 species, given the necessary knowl-
tion project is to determine which species will re- edge for propagation and resources needed, al-
sprout or colonize naturally and, therefore, may though some restoration efforts strive for diverse
not need to be introduced (Holl and Aide, 2011). plantings (e.g. 60–80 species; Rodrigues et al.,
Second, it is a wise investment of resources to 2009) that include vines and shrubs. Finally, some
conduct smaller field trials prior to planting large- species may not be commercially available so it
scale projects, as propagation methods and spe- is necessary to collect seed and then determine
cies differ in their success rates from one location whether it is more efficient to introduce each spe-
to another. For projects that span large regions, cies directly or establish them first as seedlings in
it is important to conduct pilot studies at multi- a nursery.
ple sites given the high variability in success over The issue of introducing sufficient genetic
even relatively small spatial scales (Butterfield, variability into a restoration site is of concern in
1996; Zahawi and Holl, 2009; Holl et al., 2011) as all the propagation methods discussed above.
a result of numerous factors, including land-use Forestry literature highlights the importance of
history, soil physical and chemical properties, soil using diverse genetic sources, as well as selecting
microbial communities, competition with existing for high-quality genotypes (reviewed in Carnus et
vegetation and differences in microclimates. All al., 2006; Kettle, 2010). While some restoration
these recommendations take time and money to projects harvest material from many individuals,
implement, but in the long run will help to en- it is not uncommon, with all the propagation
sure the most efficient allocation of restoration techniques described above, to harvest stock
resources and will minimize the risk of large-scale from only a few individuals, particularly when the
restoration failure. number of source trees is limited. Studies exam-
Selecting an appropriate tree introduction ining the potential implications of such narrow
method requires knowledge of the natural his- selections (e.g. Carpenter et al., 1995; Dick et al.,
tory of the species available. While this informa- 1998) present compelling results, with high vari-
tion is lacking for many species, the number of ability in the establishment and growth of indi-
studies screening germination rates (e.g. Sautu et viduals from different genetic stocks.
al., 2006), seedling survival rates (e.g. Butterfield, In many cases, the cost of different propaga-
1995) and even cuttings (Itoh et al., 2002) has in- tion methods will be an overriding considera-
creased in the past two decades. Species that have tion, given that most projects are financially con-
low seed germination rates, have complex germi- strained. For active restoration projects, direct
nation triggers or produce small numbers of seeds seeding represents the most economical route
are not well suited to direct-seeding efforts, given and can be 20 to 30 times less expensive to carry
the large losses that typically occur as a result of out than traditional nursery plantings (Engel and
predation, herbivory and pathogens in the field. Parrotta, 2001; Cole et al., 2011). Cuttings repre-
Similarly, only certain species have known vegeta- sent a similar cost-effectiveness to direct seeding
tive propagation abilities. if they are directly planted out upon harvesting;
It is also important to consider how many spe- however, this is often not the case. When estab-
cies will be introduced. Many tropical restoration lished in nurseries, cuttings represent a similar
efforts plant a small number of tree species (of- cost investment to establishing from seed; ac-
ten fewer than ten) to facilitate colonization and cordingly, this method should only be applied
establishment of a typically highly diverse native to species that have demonstrated low seed fe-
flora and fauna, although in a few studies more cundity, or species that are rare or endangered.
tree species (20–30) have been planted to repre- The cost of using stakes is intermediate between
sent a range of growth rates and dispersal guilds direct seeding and using cuttings established in
(Lamb, 2011). It is much less common to plant nurseries, with cost estimates ranging from two

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

to ten times cheaper than ­nursery stock (Zahawi References

and Holl, 2009). Growing and planting seedlings
is usually the most expensive strategy but it is also
Alonso, J., Febles, G., Ruiz, T.E. & Gutierrez, J.C. 2001.
the most commonly used and the most widely
The establishment of arboreal species as live fences
tested methodology.
with different sowing dates. Cuban J. Agr. Sci., 35:
Logistical considerations, such as challenges of
moving propagative material and the availability
of propagation facilities, also affect species selec- Alonso, J., Febles, G., Ruiz, T.E. & Gutierrez, J.C. 2002.
tion. Seeds and direct-harvested cuttings are the Effect of the moon phase on the establishment of
easiest propagules to transport. Stakes are not Gliricidia sepium as live fence. Cuban J. Agr. Sci., 36:
only cumbersome but care must be taken when 179–183.
transporting them so as not to damage the cor- Asner, G.P., Rudel, T.K., Aide, T.M., Defries, R. &
tex, which can impair their establishment ability Emerson, R. 2009. A contemporary assessment of
(Zahawi, personal observation). Accordingly, using change in humid tropical forests. Conserv. Biol., 23:
stakes is appropriate only when vegetative mate- 1386–1395.
rial is available relatively close to a restoration
site or the need to use this method outweighs the Augspurger, C.K. 1984. Seedling survival of tropical tree
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tain species. Seedlings are intermediate in terms and pathogens. Ecology, 65: 1705–1712.

of ease of transport but require shade-house Bonfil-Sanders, C., Mendoza-Hernandez, P.E. & Ulloa-
facilities to propagate, which implies additional Nieto, J.A.. 2007. Root and callus development
costs. Clearly, the relative costs and logistical con- in cuttings of seven species of the genus Bursera.
siderations of different strategies will vary across Agrociencia, 41: 103–109.
restoration projects, depending on availability of
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restore tropical mature-forest species in areas of slash-
vegetative propagules and other local conditions.
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Each of the three strategies has its own advan-
tages and disadvantages, and it is likely that in Brennan, E.B. & Mudge, K.W. 1998. Vegetative propaga-
most cases a combination of the different propa- tion of Inga feuillei from shoot cuttings and air layer-
gation methods is the best restoration approach. ing. New Forest., 15: 37–51.
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Budowski, G. 1987. Living fences in tropical America,
ing landscape and other factors specific unique to
a widespread agroforestry practice. Dortrecht, The
a given restoration area will necessarily dictate
Netherlands, Martinus Nijhoff.
the most appropriate strategy.
Budowski, G. & Russo, R. 1993. Live fence posts in Costa
Acknowledgements Rica: a compilation of the farmer’s beliefs and tech-
The authors would like to thank J.L. Reid and nologies. J. Sustain. Agr., 3: 65–87.
D. Douterlungne for helpful comments on earlier Budowski, G. & Russo, R. 1997. Nitrogen-fixing trees and
versions of this manuscript. nitrogen fixation in sustainable agriculture: research
challenges. Soil Biol. Biochem., 29: 767–770.

Butler, R., Montagnini, F. & Arroyo, P. 2008. Woody

understory plant diversity in pure and mixed native
tree plantations at La Selva Biological Station, Costa
Rica. Forest Ecol. Manag., 255: 2251–2263.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

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Ray, G.J. & Brown, B.J. 1995. Restoring Caribbean dry
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forests – evaluation of tree propagation techniques.
doned tropical pastures. Restor. Ecol., 17: 854–864.
Restor. Ecol., 3: 86–94.
Zahawi, R.A., Holl, K.D., Cole, R.J. & Reid, J.L. 2013.
Rodrigues, R.R., Lima, R.A.F., Gandolfi, S. & Nave, A.G.
Testing applied nucleation as a strategy to facilitate
2009. On the restoration of high diversity forests: 30
tropical forest recovery. J. Appl. Ecol., 50: 88–96. doi:
years of experience in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.
Biol. Conserv., 142: 1242–1251.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 9

Seed availability for restoration

David J. Merritt and Kingsley W. Dixon

Kings Park and Botanic Garden, West Perth, Australia

The role that restoration plays in species conser- gramme, the available physical and biological
vation is increasingly recognized in global forums. resources and the biological characteristics of the
For example, the recent Conference of the Par- available plant material (e.g. the seed-storage
ties to the Convention on Biological Diversity characteristics). For all three options, seeds are
(COP-10) highlighted ecological restoration as fundamental, being spread to site through their
a significant opportunity for achieving global incorporation into returned topsoil, broadcast
conservation goals (CBD, 2010a). But some of by hand, machine planted (e.g. drill seeding or
the fundamental challenges to achieving global aerial seeding) or sown in a nursery for seedling
restoration targets, such as those set out in the production. Properly handled topsoil can be very
Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011–2020 effective at restoring plant communities (Koch,
(CBD, 2010b), are in need of broader recognition. 2007; Rokich and Dixon, 2007). However, at most
Contemporary restoration programmes aim to restoration sites seed-containing topsoil is limited
restore biodiverse plant communities. In prac- or unavailable. For restoration at the landscape-
tice this means the return of tens to hundreds of scale, direct seeding is often the most viable
species in many ecosystems. Large-scale plant re- means of initiating the return of biodiverse plant
introductions (hundreds to tens of thousands of communities (Merritt and Dixon, 2011).
hectares) must be underpinned by the effective A reliable supply of seeds is critical to success-
use of seeds of wild species. This in turn requires ful restoration. What is not always recognized
sufficient biological and technical knowledge of a are the constraints surrounding the quantity of
large number of species to enable the collection, seed required to achieve restoration goals and its
storage and germination of seeds and establish- availability (Merritt and Dixon, 2011). Insufficient,
ment of seedlings. inconsistent and uncoordinated seed supply can
be a significant limiting factor in restoration pro-
grammes. Even at the local or regional scale, fac-
Landscape-scale restoration tors such as the availability of seeds, the technical
requires large quantities knowledge, training and licensing of the seed col-
of seed lectors, the cost of seeds, and the biological and
technical knowledge necessary to correctly pro-
Options for the active return of plant species to cess, store, break dormancy and deliver seeds to
degraded sites include direct seeding, planting restoration sites contribute to seed-supply short-
of seedlings and the spreading of appropriately falls. At the landscape scale, these factors can be
managed topsoil containing seeds (Koch, 2007; greatly compounded by the very large quantities
Rokich and Dixon, 2007). Each of these meth- of seeds needed for restoration.
ods can be used exclusively or in combination, Many restoration programmes are planned or
depending on the size of the restoration pro- underway across the globe, aimed at restoring

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

thousands or even tens of thousands of hectares, Basin, Mojave and Sonoran Deserts (Knutson et
often in poorly studied ecosystems with little avail- al., 2009). On a similar scale, the cost of seed
able information on seed attributes or restoration purchases for restoration of 20  000 ha of land
technology. With current restoration technologies disturbed through mining activity in the semi-
the amount of seed required for such programmes arid Pilbara grasslands of Western Australia has
can be calculated to be in the hundreds of tonnes, been estimated to exceed AUS$100 million at
far exceeding the seed-collecting capacities of current prices for wild-collected seeds (Merritt
government agencies, non-governmental organi- and Dixon, 2011).
zations (NGOs) and commercial operations, as well
as the available seed resource that can be practi-
cally and ethically collected from wild plant popu- 9.2. 
Seeding rates necessary
lations. Seed availability is thus one of the most to delivery restoration
significant challenges to large-scale restoration outcomes
programmes (Broadhurst et al., 2008; Rodrigues,
Lima et al., 2009; Gibson-Roy et al., 2010; Merritt The quantity of seed required to ensure an ac-
and Dixon, 2011; Tischew et al., 2011). ceptable level of seedling establishment can vary
There are many examples of the quantities substantially across different biomes. Ideally,
and costs of seeds required for landscape-scale seeding rates are based on known parameters
restoration. In the agricultural zone of south- and data, including seed size, viability, germina-
west Western Australia, a 14 million ha agri- tion and establishment rate (Gibson-Roy et al.,
cultural zone within a Mediterranean-climate, 2010). These parameters of seed quality are cap-
biodiversity hotspot, over 93 percent of the tured in the concept of “pure live seed” (a meas-
landscape has been cleared of native vegeta- ure of the purity, viability and germination capac-
tion over the past 60 years, resulting in numer- ity of a seed batch), an accreditation tool used for
ous sustainability and productivity problems, in- evaluating seeds produced via commercial farm-
cluding dryland salinity, soil erosion and weed ing of wild species in the United States and some
invasion (Prober and Smith, 2009). To combat parts of Europe (Jones and Young, 2005). If infor-
landscape salinization an estimated 20-70 per- mation on seed quality is not gathered prior to
cent of the landscape would need to be returned seeding, it is not possible to determine the success
to deep-rooted, woody perennial vegetation (or otherwise) of direct seeding through monitor-
(Prober and Smith, 2009). Using a conservative ing and documentation of seedling emergence to
seeding rate of just 1.5 kg/ha (Jonson, 2010), at- determine the proportion of seeds that emerge.
tempting to restore plant communities to just In restoration practice, seed-quality analysis
20 percent of this landscape would require 4200 prior to seeding, and monitoring of the results
tonnes of seeds. In tropical forests in Borneo, ­following seeding, is often not done. Commonly
restoration projects plant between 500 and there is little published information available to
2500 seedlings/ha (Kettle et al., 2011). Even at guide setting of seeding rates for local projects,
a planting density of just 500 seedlings/ha, over or criteria to evaluate success, reducing the incen-
7 billion seedlings would be required to restore tive for practitioners to strive for improvements
the estimated 14.3 million ha of degraded for- in seed-use efficiency. Many studies of direct
est (Kettle et al., 2011). In the United States, the seeding are done on a very small scale (e.g. a
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) purchased few square metres) to investigate the effects of
125 tonnes of seed of forb species in one year seed addition and/or seed treatments on seedling
for the Great Basin Restoration Initiative (Shaw emergence and establishment. These studies do
et al., 2005) and in 2007 the BLM spent US$50 not always report seeding rates on a weight/area
million on seeding grass species in the Great basis (e.g. kg/ha), but rather the addition of a de-

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

fined number of seeds into a small plot or simply The timing of seed collection is critical to a
employ an unknown number of seeds. However, successful outcome as there is often a window
some examples of seeding rates for different bi- of only a few days or weeks between when
omes are available that can be used to substanti- seeds are ready to collect and when they are
ate the amount of seed required for restoration dispersed and no longer available for collec-
(Table­  9.1). tion. It is important to consider the phenology
of seed development, particularly the timing of
seed maturation, to ensure that the collected
Constraints to seed seeds are suitably resilient to post-harvest han-
supply for landscape-scale dling. Seeds should be collected as near as pos-
restoration sible to the point of natural dispersal to ensure
that quality, desiccation tolerance (for ortho-
In most restoration projects the majority of seeds dox seeds) and longevity are maximized (Hay
are collected from wild plant populations. This and Smith, 2003). Kodym, Turner and Delpratt
presents some challenges, given that many wild (2010) demonstrated, for example, that several
populations, particularly those surrounding ag- species of Lepidosperma (Cyperaceae), which
ricultural, pastoral and urban lands, are highly contribute important understorey components
fragmented, often degraded and under stress. of temperate Australian woodland, shed vi-
The amount of seed available to collect from wild able seeds quickly but retain non-viable seeds
sources can fluctuate significantly from year to for some months. Further, in these species vi-
year because of such factors as the environmental able and non-viable seeds look similar, meaning
conditions experienced by the maternal plants, that incorrect timing of collection (i.e. too late)
pollen flow, a requirement for disturbances (e.g. could result in only non-viable seeds being col-
fire) that promote mass flowering and fruiting lected, while giving the impression that viable
of some species and species biology (Jones and seeds are available (Kodym, Turner and Delpratt,
Young, 2005). Relying solely on seeds collected 2010). The importance of collection timing has
from the wild will increasingly result in supply also been recently highlighted for tropical spe-
shortfalls as the demand for seeds increases to cies. The reproductive ecology of important
match the scale of restoration. trees species, including dipterocarps, presents

Table 9.1.
Examples of seeding rates used in restoration programmes in different biomes

Region Biome Seeding rate Source

(kg seed/ha)
Australia Mediterranean woodland 1.5 Jonson (2010)

Australia Arid grassland 5–7 Merritt and Dixon (2011)

Australia Temperate grassland 50–110 Gibson-Roy et al. (2010)

Germany Semi-natural grassland 20–100 Baasch, Kirmer and Tischew (2012);

Kirmer, Baasch and Tischew (2012)

Northwestern Europe Ex-arable grassland 10–100 Kiehl et al. (2010)

Northwestern Europe Grassland 20–40 Török et al. (2011)

United Kingdom Calcareous grassland 1–40 Stevenson, Bullock and Ward (1995)

United States Continental sagebrush 2–8 Williams et al. (2002)

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

particular challenges for large-scale seed supply 9.4. 

Approaches to improving
(Kettle, 2010). Dipterocarp seed production is seed availability for
sporadic and unpredictable, with mass flowering restoration
and fruiting events (seed masting) being a com-
mon but ­ infrequent occurrence (Kettle, 2010;
Kettle, 2011). The window for seed collection Developing appropriate seed-banking
is short, usually a few weeks, and seed-masting procedures
events are separated by years of low seed pro- Seed banking is a crucial link in the restoration
duction (Kettle, 2011). Many tropical forest spe- chain. Correct handling and storage allows ortho-
cies produce recalcitrant seeds (Sacande, 2004), dox seeds to be banked over many seasons and
including many of the species important for allows practitioners to capitalize on high-seeding
timber. Recalcitrant seeds do not survive desic- years, providing a resource for large restoration
cation and cannot be stored for more than a projects. Careful control of the storage environ-
few weeks or months (Berjak and Pammenter, ment will ensure that seed viability is maintained.
2008). Storage behaviour of recalcitrant seed Flexibility in the available storage conditions is
means that it is not possible to take advantage preferable, and seeds should be stored under con-
of seed-masting events through the collection ditions appropriate to their storage behaviour,
and storage of seeds for use in years of low pro- dormancy type and designated storage duration
duction. Recalcitrant seeds must be germinated (Merritt and Dixon, 2011). Recognizing that all
immediately and the seedlings held in a nursery seeds go through a storage phase prior to use in
for planting into restoration sites (Kettle, 2010; restoration and putting in place the intellectual
Kettle, 2011). and infrastructural capital required to curate the
A need to source local provenance seeds for seeds appropriately will ensure that the quality
restoration can also create challenges. Seed of of the seed resource is maintained. At present
local provenance is best defined as seed that is seeds for use in restoration are stored almost
genetically representative of a species growing exclusively by end users, including the commer-
within a particular climate, habitat, soil type cial seed industry, mining companies, NGOs and
and profile in the landscape. Seed provenance is community-based groups. As a result, storage
important to restoration as local genotypes are facilities holding seeds for restoration are com-
assumed to be better adapted to local environ- monly low on technology, have limited access to
mental conditions and, therefore, more likely knowledge and training in modern seed science,
to establish (Krauss and Koch, 2004; McKay et have little or no capacity for problem solving or
al., 2005; Bischoff, Steinger and Müller-Schärer, research and, in the case of the commercial seed
2010; Jonson, 2010; Mijnsbrugge, Bischoff and merchant, are profit-driven, meaning only those
Smith, 2010). Sourcing seeds of local provenance plant species that are profitable (i.e. those pro-
can be problematic, particularly in highly frag- ducing seeds that are easily accessible, robust to
mented landscapes where small, remnant patch- the storage conditions and more reliable at the
es of vegetation are separated by large areas of establishment phase) will be sought, traded and
land cleared for agriculture, infrastructure and employed in restoration. Inadequate resourcing
residential development. In these localized areas of restoration seed banks is a rapidly emerging
the demand for seeds can easily exceed the sup- bottleneck hampering landscape-scale restora-
ply and there may be some risks of detrimental tion. Restoration seed banks must be developed
effects on the viability of the source vegetation by adapting principles and technologies put in
caused by overharvesting of seeds (Broadhurst et place for seed banks conserving biodiversity and
al., 2008). food crops, with the crucial difference that the
volume of seed required to address biodiverse

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

landscape-scale restoration compels restoration lishment. Seed-enhancement treatments include

seed banks to store hundreds of tonnes of seeds priming, coating and pelleting. Much of this tech-
(Merritt and Dixon, 2011). nology is routinely applied through the agricultur-
al and horticultural biotechnology industries, but
Improving seedling establishment as yet has not been widely adopted in the native
A major limitation to the effectiveness of direct seed industry. However, priming has been demon-
seeding is the poor conversion of seeds into es- strated to increase seedling emergence of native
tablished seedlings (James, Svejcar and Rinella, grass species under field conditions (Hardegree
2011; Merritt and Dixon, 2011). Failed seedling and Van Vactor, 2000), and simple techniques of
establishment is a significant contributing factor on-farm seed priming are used for cereals and
to the huge quantities of seeds required for resto- legumes to improve crop establishment (Harris et
ration and the inability to re-establish functional al., 1999). Seed pelleting has been demonstrated
plant communities. Across a range of habitats, to increase seedling emergence of Banksia wood-
commonly less than 10 percent (and often as low land species in southwest Western Australia, as
as 3 percent) of seeds delivered to site germinate well as decreasing predation and losses through
and establish (Merritt and Dixon, 2011). In Medi- wind erosion (Turner et al., 2006). Seedling estab-
terranean southwest Australia, emergence rates lishment rates can also be improved by correctly
of 1–17 percent have been reported for a range timing seed delivery to site and employing simple
of Banksia woodland native species (Turner et al., treatments such as incorporation of seeds into the
2006; Rokich and Dixon, 2007). Similarly, in the soil (Turner et al., 2006).
arid grasslands of the United States, 7–17 per-
cent establishment of germinated seeds was re- Increasing seed supply
corded for three grasses, and modelling of seed In variously termed seed orchards, seed farming
fates across four restoration sites calculated the or seed-production areas, growing wild plant spe-
probability of a seed producing an established cies specifically to harvest their seeds for restora-
seedling to be less than 0.06 (James, Svejcar and tion is receiving increasing attention as a part of
Rinella, 2011). Low seedling establishment is also the solution to seed-supply shortfalls. Options for
reported for tropical forests. A restoration trial seed-production areas include the setting aside
using three mature forest species to seed land of wild populations of plants for dedicated seed
previously used for slash-and-burn agriculture in collection, the growing of plants in pots under
Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula found on average that nursery conditions for annual harvesting of seeds
5–41 percent of seeds germinated and emerged, (Koch, 2007; Gibson-Roy et al., 2010) or the de-
and that 3–35 percent of these seedlings estab- velopment of purpose-designed broadacre seed
lished (Bonilla-Moheno and Holl, 2010). In central farms where plants are grown using agricultural
Amazonia, seedling emergence of 12–33 percent cultivation and harvesting techniques (Shaw et
has been reported across 11 native tree species al., 2005). Some common challenges to devel-
seeded into abandoned pasture lands (Camargo, oping viable seed-production enterprises for a
Ferraz and Imakawa, 2002). Seed losses accrue not wide range of species include a limited knowl-
just through failed germination and establish- edge of seed-propagation and plant-husbandry
ment, but also through wind and water erosion requirements, and the need for rigorous seed
and predation (Holl et al., 2000; Doust, 2011). certification and quality-control procedures and
Research and technological development is to effectively manage genetic considerations,
needed to reduce the wastage of seeds during including the potential provenance variation
delivery and establishment. Seed-enhancement of source-plant material and the genetic conse-
treatments must be explored to increase seed quences of seed production (Gibson-Roy et al.,
germination performance and seedling estab- 2010; Tischew et al., 2011). Other issues relate

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

to the ­ inadvertent ­ selection processes inevita- site, is necessary. Knowledge of these key areas
bly introduced via source-plant seed collection, is complex when dealing with biodiverse plant
maternal-plant growth and survival and harvest- communities and species-specific information.
ing techniques (Mijnsbrugge, Bischoff and Smith, Seed-enhancement techniques for each species
2010). Nevertheless, programmes of research, de- must be tailored to site-specific needs for ef-
velopment and commercial supply through large- fective restoration. This includes consideration
scale, certified wild-seed production are in place of abiotic factors such as the landform stability,
for large-scale restoration programmes such as slope, aspect and the available growing medium
those under the Great Basin Restoration Initiative (soil conditions which are often heavily different
of the United States11 (Shaw et al., 2005). On a to those prior to disturbance) and hydrological
similarly large scale, the SALVERE Project,12 across aspects, including the reliability and seasonality
central Europe, includes research into the seed- of rainfall and soil-moisture retention properties.
production potential of semi-natural grasslands The unification of science-based seed knowledge
as a source of seeds for restoration. The Millen- with the infrastructure to support large-scale
nium Seed Bank’s UK Native Seed Hub Project13 seed management and the development of ef-
aims to establish seed production for lowland fective working relationships between seed sci-
meadows and semi-natural grassland across the entists, restoration practitioners, the commercial
United Kingdom in partnership with the commer- seed industry and the local community will ensure
cial and restoration sectors. At a more regional seeds are used to their full potential.
scale, the potential for NGOs and local communi-
ties to develop and manage seed production ar-
eas to increase the supply of understorey species
has been successfully demonstrated for the Grassy References
Groundcover Restoration Project across south-
eastern Australia (Gibson-Roy et al., 2010). This
Baasch, A., Kirmer, A. & Tischew, S 2012. Nine years of
project produced 92 kg of seeds of approximately
vegetation development in a postmining site: effects
200 native herbaceous species over two years for
of spontaneous and assisted site recovery. J. Appl.
the restoration of ex-agricultural land (Gibson-
Ecol., 49: 251–260.
Roy et al., 2010).
Berjak, P. & Pammenter, N. 2008. From Avicennia to
Zizania: seed recalcitrance in perspective. Ann. Bot.,
Conclusion 101(2): 213–228.

Bischoff, A., Steinger, T. & Müller-Schärer, H. 2010.

Seeds are fundamental to large-scale restoration, The importance of plant provenance and genotypic
being the only viable means of reintroducing diversity of seed material used for ecological restora-
plants at the 100–1000 km2 scale. But obtaining tion. Restor. Ecol., 18: 338–348.
seeds of wild species is a significant challenge to
landscape-scale restoration. Key areas of seed Bonilla-Moheno, M. & Holl, K.D. 2010. Direct seeding
biology and technology underpin restoration, to restore tropical mature-forest species in areas
and optimizing each step in the chain of seed us- of slash-and-burn agriculture. Restor. Ecol., 18:
age in restoration, from collection to delivery to 438–445.

Broadhurst, L.M., Lowe, A., Coates, D.J.,

11 Cunningham, S.A., McDonald, M., Vesk, P.A. &
plants.html Yates, C. 2008. Seed supply for broadscale restora-
tion: maximizing evolutionary potential. Evol. Appl.,
1: 587–597.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Camargo, J.L.C, Ferraz, I.D.K. & Imakawa, A.M. ment in arid grassland restoration. J. Appl. Ecol., 48:
2002. Rehabilitation of degraded areas of central 961–969.
Amazonia using direct sowing of forest tree seeds.
Jones, T.A. & Young, S.A. 2005. Native seeds in com-
Restor. Ecol., 10: 636–644.
merce: more frequently asked questions. Native
CBD (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Plants J., 6(3): 286–293.
Diversity), 2010a. Decision adopted by the
Jonson, J. 2010. Ecological restoration of cleared
Conference of the Parties to the Convention on
agricultural land in Gondwana Link: lifting the bar at
Biological Diversity. CBD Publication UNEP/CBD/COP/
‘Peniup’. Ecol. Manag. Restor., 11(1): 16–26.
DEC/X/17, 2010 (available at:
doc/decisions/COP-10/cop-10-dec-17-en.pdf). Kettle, C.J. 2010. Ecological considerations for using
dipterocarps for restoration of lowland rainfor-
CBD (Secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity).
est in Southeast Asia. Biodivers. Conserv., 19(4):
2010b. Global strategy on plant conservation
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egy.shtml. Kettle, C.J., Ghazoul, J., Ashton, P., Cannon, C.H.,
Chong, L., Diway, B., Faridah, E., Harrison, R.,
Doust, S.J. 2011. Seed removal and predation as factors
Hector, A., Hollingsworth, P., Koh, L.P., Khoo,
affecting seed availability of tree species in degraded
E., Kitayama, K., Kartawinata, K., Marshall, A.J.,
habitats and restoration plantings in rainforest areas
Maycock, C., Nanami, S., Paoli, G., Potts, M.D.,
of Queensland, Australia. Restor. Ecol., 19: 617–626.
Samsoedin, I., Sheil, D., Tan, S., Tomoaki, I.,
Gibson-Roy, P., Moore, G., Delpratt, J. & Gardner, J. Webb, C., Yamakura, T. & Burslem, D.F.R.P. 2011.
2010. Expanding horizons for herbaceous ecosystem Seeing the fruit for the trees in Borneo. Conserv.
restoration: the Grassy Groundcover Restoration Lett., 4: 184–191.
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Kiehl, K., Kirmer, A., Donath, T.W., Rasran, L. &
Hardegree, S.P. & Van Vactor, S.S. 2000. Germination Hölzel, N. 2010. Species introduction in restoration
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85(3): 379–390. and Northwestern Europe. Basic Appl. Ecol., 11(4):
Harris, D., Joshi, A., Khan, P., Gothkar, P. & Sodhi, P.
1999. On-farm seed priming in semi-arid agricul- Kirmer, A., Baasch, A. & Tischew, S. 2012. Sowing of
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chickpea in India using participatory methods. Exp. restoration of surface mined-land. Appl. Veg. Sci.,
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Hay, F.R. & Smith, R.D. 2003. Seed maturity: when to Knutson, K.C., Pyke, D.A., Wirth, T.A., Pilliod, D.S.,
collecte seeds from wild plants. In R.D. Smith, J.B. Brooks, M.L. & Chambers, J.C. 2009. A chron-
Dickie, S.H. Linington, H.W. Pritchard & R.J. Probert, osequence feasibility assessment of emergency
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Demographic processes limiting seedling recruit-

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Kodym, A., Turner, S. & Delpratt, J. 2010. In situ Sacande, M., Joker, D., Dulloo, M.E. & Thompsen,
seed development and in vitro regeneration of K.A., eds. 2004. Comparative storage biology of
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Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Insight 6

Seed availability: a case study

Paul P. Smith

Millennium Seed Bank, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom

A major constraint for afforestation and restora- species theoretically available and 34 percent of
tion programmes around the world is the lack of the species advertised by the seven suppliers who
availability of large numbers of high-quality seeds were successfully contacted.
of indigenous species with suitable provenance
and accompanying data. Data quality
As part of an ongoing seed-longevity study, A subset of 572 species on the TSSD were checked
Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank (MSB) recently iden- for current name status, and it was found that 48
tified a range of tree species listed on the World percent of the names on the list are no longer
Agroforestry Centre’s Tree Seed Supplier Directory valid (i.e. they are synonyms). When the correct
(TSSD) that were not present in the MSB’s collec- names were compared with the MSB’s accession
tions and which would be suitable for the study.14 list it was found that 25 percent of the collections
were already in the MSB.
Seed availability The following provenance data accompanied
Kew targeted 30 of the largest public-sector and the collections received: wild/cultivated origin (48
commercial seed suppliers on the TSSD who be- percent of collections); date of collection (88 per-
tween them should, according to the Directory, cent); country of origin (100 percent); region of
have been able to supply 1624 species meeting origin (65 percent); precise locality (14 percent).
Kew’s requirements. However, of the 30 suppli-
ers listed, seven could not be contacted and one Seed quality
was on the list twice. The remaining 22 were con- Seed-quality testing is currently taking place.
tacted, but only seven responded, representing a However, the collections were accompanied by
24 percent success rate for supplier responses. the following information on seed processing:
Once contact had been made, Kew requested drying conditions (specified for only 15 percent of
a total of 633 species listed as available from collections); date of storage (89 percent); relative
the seven suppliers. A minimum number of 2000 humidity during storage (15 percent); and tem-
seeds were requested, and minimal accompany- perature of storage (100 percent).
ing data on seed origin and storage conditions
were specified. Conclusion
Eventually, six months after the process begun, All of the above indicates the common difficulties
Kew was able to secure collections of 218 unique encountered in sourcing high-quality seed collec-
species. This represents an overall seed-supply tions in reasonable numbers and with minimal
success rate of 13 percent of the total number of provenance data, even from reputable sources.


The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Insight 7

The role of seed banks

in habitat restoration
Paul P. Smith

Millennium Seed Bank, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom

Seed banks have a major role to play in habitat species. Most seed banks routinely carry out ger-
restoration, both as a source of material and in mination testing to test for viability. However, for
solving research problems related to reintroduc- wild species there are frequently challenges asso-
ing species back into the landscape (Hardwick et ciated with dormancy mechanisms that need to
al., 2011; Smith et al., 2011). be characterized, and appropriate pretreatments
Seed banks have an important advantage over or priming methodologies developed (Probert,
nurseries in that they can store a large amount of 2000; Merritt et al., 2007).
genetic diversity in a very small space. For exam- Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank (MSB) is current-
ple, a typical 30 m3 cold room in Kew’s Millennium ly the only global repository for wild species. It
Seed Bank stores 20 000 seed collections totalling stores seeds from 141 countries, and every col-
1 billion seeds. In addition, seeds kept under cool, lection is tested for dormancy and germination.
dry conditions are more secure than seedlings in a Optimal germination protocols and information
nursery, the latter being more susceptible to pests on other traits, such as seed storage behaviour, are
and diseases, extreme weather etc. From this per- freely available through Kew’s Seed Information
spective, it makes sense to store plant diversity Database on line.15 The MSB’s Seed Information
as seed right up to the time when it is needed. Database currently contains information on more
Finally, from the restoration practitioner’s view- than 11 000 tree and shrub species.
point, direct seeding is far more cost-effective For United Kingdom restoration practitioners,
than reintroducing seedlings or saplings (see Kew has gone a step further and produced a ger-
Section 8.4). However, for successful re-seeding, mination predictor tool that takes into account
research is required to optimize germination and where and when seeds are collected, and uses
survival. this information to predict optimal germination
Seed-conservation research and expertise with protocols.16 This approach takes variation in local
direct relevance to restoration programmes in- genotypes and climate into account.
cludes seed sampling, collection, handling and Many national and regional seed banks fulfil
developing appropriate storage methods (short, similar roles locally. Seed banks with a strong
medium and long term). Seed morphology can restoration-ecology focus that provide both
also inform practitioners about natural disper- material and methodologies include Kings Park
sal mechanisms. However, perhaps the most im- (Western Australia); Plant Bank (New South
portant contribution that seed banks make is in
developing optimal germination protocols, tak- 15
ing into account the physical and physiological   See

dormancy mechanisms present in so many wild publications/uk-germination-tool-box/

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Wales, Australia); Chicago Botanic Garden’s Plant References

Conservation Science Center (United States);
China’s Gene Bank of Wild Species in Kunming;
Hardwick, K.A., Fiedler, P., Lee, L.C., Pavlik, B., Hobbs,
and Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden in South
R.J., Aronson, J., Bidartondo, M., Black, E., Coates,
Africa. In addition to these specialist institutes,
D., Daws, M.I., Dixon, K., Elliott, S., Ewing, K.,
many forestry gene banks support afforestation
Gann, G., Gibbons, D., Gratzfeld, J., Hamilton,
of native species. A recent survey of government
M., Hardman, D., Harris, J., Holmes, P.M., Jones,
tree seed centres in 12 African countries (Kew, M., Mabberley, D., Mackenzie, A., Magdalena, C.,
unpublished), found that, collectively, these insti- Marrs, R., Milliken, W., Mills, A., Lughadha, E.N.,
tutions supply 40 tonnes of seeds and 398 million Ramsay, M., Smith, P., Taylor, N., Trivedi, C., Way,
seedlings of 558 species each year. The major- M., Whaley, O. & Hopper, S.D. 2011. The role of bo-
ity of seeds and seedlings supplied are of exotic tanic gardens in the science and practice of ecological
species. However, all of the forestry institutions restoration. Conserv. Biol., 25: 265–275.
surveyed also supply indigenous tree seeds and
seedlings, albeit in smaller amounts than exotics. Koch, J.M. & Hobbs, R.J. 2007. Synthesis: Is Alcoa
In developed countries, capability related to the successfully restoring a Jarrah forest ecosystem after
bauxite mining in Western Australia? Restor. Ecol.,
propagation and use of indigenous species is far
15(Supplement S4): 137–144.
more advanced. For example, each year Poland’s
State Forests supply 650 tonnes of seeds of native Koziol, C. 2012. Collection of seeds of forest trees,
tree species from 92 different seed zones, which shrubs and herbaceous plants – a comparison of
are used to produce around 850 million seed- accepted standards. Presentation to the workshop
lings for introduction in to the landscape (Koziol, on Current technologies of forest seed treatment.
2012). 21–25 May 2012, Kostrzyca Forest Gene Bank,
In the private sector, the mining industry in par- Milkow, Poland.
ticular is at the forefront of restoration efforts.
Merritt, D.J., Turner, S.R., Clarke, S. & Dixon, K.W.
In large-scale restoration of complex habitats, a
2007. Seed dormancy and germination stimulation
combination of direct seeding and plug planting is
syndromes for Australian temperate species. Aust. J.
employed. For example, Alcoa’s Jarrah forest res-
Bot., 55(3): 336–344. doi: 10.1071/BT06106
toration programme in Western Australia (Koch
& Hobbs, 2007) and Rio Tinto’s Littoral forest res- Probert, R.J. 2000. The role of temperature in the regula-
toration programme in Madagascar (Vincelette et tion of seed dormancy and germination. In M. Fenner,
al., 2007) have established seed banks to support ed. Seeds: the ecology of regeneration in plant com-
restoration activities. munities, 2nd ed. Wallingford, UK, CABI Publishing.

Smith, P.P., Dickie, J., Linington, S., Propert, R. &

Way, M. 2011. Making the case for plant diversity.
Seed Sci. Res., 21: 1–4.

Vincelette, M., Rabenantoandro, J., Randrihasipara,

L., Randriatafika, F. & Ganzhorn, J.U. 2007.
Results from ten years of restoration experiments
in the southeastern littoral forests of Madagascar.
In J.U. Ganzhorn, S.M. Goodman & M. Vincelette,
eds. Biodiversity, ecology and conservation of littoral
ecosystems in southeastern Madagascar, Tolagnaro
(Fort Dauphin), pp. 337–354. SI/MAB Series #11.
Washington, DC, Smithsonian Institution.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 10

Traditional ecological knowledge,

traditional resource management
and silviculture in ecocultural
restoration of temperate forests
Dennis Martinez

Chair, Indigenous Peoples’ Restoration Network (IPRN) of the Society for Ecological Restoration
International (SERI), Member, Indigenous Peoples’ Biocultural Climate Change Assessment
Initiative (IPCCA) Steering Committee, Co-Director, Takelma Intertribal Project (TIP)

This chapter presents a broad-based overview of these relationships and to bolster the argument
how traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and for the importance of TEK and TRM to restoration
traditional resource management (TRM) can in- and silviculture. To this end it is necessary to first
form ecological restoration and sustainable for- describe indigenous TEK/TRM and the key, nearly
est management, based on experiences from the universal, cultural practice of prescribed burning.
temperate forests of far western North America. The extent and ecological importance of indige-
We do not generally associate forest restoration nous burning is still controversial, but it is founda-
with forest timber management; rather, we think of tional to the argument for the use of an historical
restoring degraded wild ecosystems to some sem- indigenous-managed forest model with which to
blance of their former healthy state. In this chapter guide restoration and enhance silviculture.
it is argued that silviculture, a form of agriculture, Indigenous cultural land-care practices or
can be enhanced by restoration and, reciprocally, TRM, in concert with natural processes, created
appropriate silviculture can assist in restoration and and maintained distinct cultural landscapes that
maintenance of forest. The chapter concludes with could be described as a kind of indigenous agro-
the presentation of some insights into the genetic ecology or agriculture. These systems, which in-
implications of silviculture, restoration and indig- cluded modifying vegetation by fire, were em-
enous TRM and genetic relationships that can be ployed over millennia to enhance ecosystems in
affected either negatively or positively by how we order to produce food, medicine, cordage, bas-
manage both restoration and silviculture. ketry, cages and traps, ceremonial items, clothing,
The relationships between restoration, silvicul- games, musical instruments, tools and utensils,
ture and indigenous TRM are not well understood. weapons, fishing and hunting gear and structures
While Western managers and ecologists frequent- (Anderson, 2005). The forest was (and still is for
ly express interest in local examples of TEK, e.g. many indigenous peoples) the local supermarket,
plant or animal indicators that could assist them pharmacy and hardware store. Indigenous agro-
in their research, it will be necessary here to take ecology, like Western agriculture, influences the
a more universal approach. This p ­aper adopts local availability, abundance, composition and
this broad, holistic perspective in order to clarify distribution of plants (and, in the case of agro-

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

ecology, animals). It is roughly equivalent to maintaining ­surplus biodiversity or overcapacity as

Western agriculture without the need for plough- an untapped capital reserve. This brief summary of
ing, fertilizing or irrigation, and without ecologi- the context in which TEK is rooted provides a good
cally harmful side effects such as excessive nitrifi- segue to the main focus in this paper: TRM as just
cation and dependence on fossil-fuel inputs. It is one of many possible components of TEK.
not merely a kind of “proto-agriculture” repre- This chapter focuses on cultural land-care prac-
senting a late phase in the evolution of what we tices that contributed historically to a particu-
conventionally understand as “true agriculture.” lar forest structure and composition (Society for
It had proven its worth as the most adapted kind Ecological Restoration International Science &
of management for the environments in which it Policy Working Group, 2004) and how this unique
evolved. It is questionable whether it would have forest structure maintained by indigenous peoples
had any need to evolve further. can inform the spatial arrangement of subsistence
TEK is a belief, knowledge and practice complex and commercial timber and non-timber species. For
(Berkes, 2008) passed orally from generation to example, modified historical indigenous models
generation and informed by strong cultural mem- can be applied to even plantation forestry, modify-
ories and sensitivity to change. It encompasses a ing the spatial structure, making it more diverse,
wide variety of ecological knowledge, including while sequestering carbon or providing timber and
animal behaviour and social ecology, indicator non-timber products. Special attention will be paid
species, weather prediction, fire behaviour and to forest genetics while integrating modified for-
prescribed burning, gathering, fishing and hunt- est structure with native composition, i.e. how to
ing knowledge, relationships between insects, reconnect commercial and/or subsistence forests
birds, plants and animals, agroforestry, agro- with ecosystem function and resiliency in a time of
ecology, horticulture and memories of significant rapid environmental change.
weather and other ecological events. Much of this What we conventionally call “novel,” “natu-
knowledge is encoded in indigenous languages; ral” or “pristine” landscapes are often, in part,
when a language is lost, so is valuable ecologi- degraded cultural or agro-ecological landscapes
cal knowledge. Community knowledge specialists (some indigenous peoples call these landscapes
guide and regulate resource use, while families their “garden”). Here is where the line between
and clans exercise ownership management and ecological restoration and restoration of cultural
conservation responsibilities for their particular landscapes becomes blurred, requiring a different
places, thus avoiding the tragedy of the commons. restoration term – “ecocultural” or “biocultural”
Reciprocity, sharing and restraint are informed and restoration.
maintained by a spiritual belief system with dire Ecocultural restoration is the process of recov-
consequences (shame and misfortune) for those ering as much as possible of the key ecosystem
who are greedy and disrespectful toward the ani- structure, composition, processes and function
mals and plants that they regard as relatives in a that existed prior to European contact, along with
kincentric world. Kinship is the glue that holds it traditional, time-tested, ecologically appropriate
all together. Traditional indigenous societies are and sustainable indigenous cultural practices that
conservative to their core and highly risk averse. helped shape ecosystems and cultural landscapes
To paraphrase what the International Indigenous (Keenleyside et al., 2012). This is done while si-
Commission (IIC) told the delegates at the 1992 multaneously building in resilience to future rap-
Rio Earth Summit, indigenous production meth- id climate disruptions and other environmental
ods involve increasing biodiversity by constantly changes (Box 10.1) in order to maintain ecologi-
creating new diverse habitats or niches – most cal integrity in a way that ensures the survival of
often with intentional use of fire that maintained both indigenous ecosystems and cultures, includ-
a fine-grained, patchy landscape mosaic – while ing culturally preferred species – a ­distinguishing

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

feature of ecocultural as opposed to ecological r­estoration goals, we will have to balance histori-
restoration (Martinez, 2013). It should, however, cal fidelity to the reference model with ecologi-
be noted that mostly non-cultural plant commu- cal functionality, resilience and integrity given
nities in which the cultural plants occur are also changed environmental conditions (Higgs, 2003).
valued as relatives deserving of protection, resto- But the model will assist in giving us a sense of di-
ration or both. Indigenous TEK and TRM and the rection by restoring an evolutionary trajectory that
resulting historical forest structure and composi- has been seriously derailed. This historical baseline
tion managed by indigenous peoples can inform is important for gauging environmental change
ecocultural restoration by supplying an initial and the degree of degradation. It is what we are
reference model or baseline and can provide a striving to restore – even if we are not entirely suc-
way to bridge TEK/TRM and silviculture (Egan and cessful or the work completed. Indeed, restoration
Howell, 2005). will probably always require some periodic human
Ecological/ecocultural restoration is not, as intervention, such as controlled burning.
is commonly believed, going back to some pre- Contact with Europeans and their diseases killed
industrial snapshot in time. Nor does it mean up to 90 percent of the indigenous population in
continuing with just the present degraded f­ orest many places and created the common misconcep-
(also a snapshot in time). Rather than turning the tion of historically low populations. Indigenous
clock back, we are resetting the evolutionary clock populations were relatively large before contact
and attempting to restart a trajectory bounded with Europeans17 and required prodigious amounts
by conceptually reconstructed historical ranges of material from plants that were burned the pre-
of variability in the types, intensities, extents and vious year, e.g. fire-induced epicormic and adven-
frequencies of natural disturbances or stressors, titious shrub or tree sprouts used in basketry, or
with which the forest ecosystem is genetically the burning of sometimes hundreds to thousands
and ecologically familiar (Perry, 1994). When one of hectares to rejuvenate brush species (Ceanothus
considers the length of time indigenous peoples spp., oak, plum, hazel, mountain mahogany etc.)
have been on the American continent (estimates palatable to black-tailed deer (Odocoileus he-
have been consistently rising over the past cen- mionus columbianus) and elk (Cervus canadensis)
tury from a few thousand years to 30 000 years or (Lewis, 1973; Boyd, 1999; Stewart, 2002; Blackburn
more [Dobyns, 1966; Fiedel, 2000; Mann, 2005]), and Anderson, 1993).18
indigenous stewardship surely has affected forest
genetics through selective harvesting and the use
17  Henry F. Dobyns, cited by Mann (2005), estimated the popula-
of fire that influenced cultural plant and animal tion of the Americas in 1491 at 90–112 million, compared with an
abundance, characteristics and distribution ­(~300 earlier estimate by Mooney (1928) of 1.2 million for North America.
plant species were typically utilized as well as 18  To give the reader an idea of the amount of burned plant ma-
many non-useful species affected by larger hunt- terial required, consider the following: in California, 35 000 stalks
ing fires).Therefore the term “natural” should in- of milkweed (Asclepias sp.) or Indian hemp (Apocynum cannabi-
num) were required for one deer net about 15 m long (Blackburn
clude indigenous caregivers as a keystone biotic and Anderson 1993) and 1200 sprouts of sourberry (Rhus trilobata)
component of ecosystem dynamics. We hope, in were needed for a burden basket. Twenty-five basket weavers in a
ecocultural restoration, to at least be able to cap- typical California village of about 100 people might harvest about
ture key features of disturbance regimes, struc- 250 000 shoots in a single season. Lightening could not be relied
on to start the necessary fires because it strikes at random (i.e. it
ture, composition, processes and function togeth- could not be relied on to strike where it was needed on a regular
er with longstanding cultural land-care practices basis and was relatively rare in lower elevations and coastal areas)
and important cultural species (Box 10.1). and because fire started by lightening was often different from fires
started deliberately in terms of spatial selectivity, extent, frequency,
The reconstructed reference model is only a
intensity and seasonality. Sixty percent of cultural items came from
guide, but one that is anchored in real ecocul- plant material (Anderson 2005; Chester King in Blackburn and
tural and historical time. In the process of setting Anderson 1993).

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Box 10.1.
Suitability of germplasm to site

Indigenous peoples are rarely in a position to to allow alternative species to become available from
assist migration of climate-vulnerable species adequate planning and not by default at the last hour.
because their territories are mostly relatively Ecosystem-based adaptation is critically important;
small and peoples are rooted in place, without the global warming and climate weirdness are already
opportunity to follow displaced species except to having an impact on indigenous peoples and the
higher elevations in some places. However, these vulnerable ecosystems they inhabit. The challenge
places are relatively small in extent. Some cooler is to find sufficient genetic diversity in culturally
micro-sites in mountainous regions do occur at important species. We will have to seek out adapted
lower elevations. Individuals from thermally stressed plants – isolated individuals, populations and
species, such as the endangered keystone tree species, subspecies – in addition to the cross-breeding
whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis), have become well currently being done. Forested landscapes with
established on these sites (C. Millar., 2012, personal considerable heterogeneity may provide a number of
communication). Important cultural plants will have possible micro-sites that could enhance forest refugial
to be maintained on the reservation, rancheria or capacity. A good course of action would be to collect
reserve, reinforcing the importance of historical propagules from populations in extreme micro-sites
reference models for indigenous peoples. Cultural (exposed to extremes of weather etc.) and propagate
“resistance” will be necessary to maintain cultural them in quantity in nurseries or cold frames for later
integrity through the adaptive suitability of the transplanting back to the place of their origin or to
germplasm of cultural species. The indigenous oral similar micro-sites elsewhere. Assisted regeneration
tradition suggests that indigenous people have had could also include comparisons of growth and survival
to adapt to environmental change many times before. of propagules from both extreme and non-extreme
For example, oral tradition tells us that indigenous sites in standardized greenhouse conditions to
peoples moved salmon spawn in wet moss when analyse genotype differences or separate genotypic
rivers were blocked in Pacific Northwest North from phenotypic characteristics.. Other adaptive
America (Sproat 1868; Campbell and Butler, 2010; characteristics could also be explored, e.g. trees with
Coast Salish Nuuchalnulth oral tradition). The last earlier or later flowering times than other individuals
time this happened was in 1913 at Hells Gate, when of a population, drought tolerance or disease
a massive landslide blocked the Fraser River in British resistance, or healthy conifers with particularly thick
Columbia, Canada, and the Salish people built a flue rugose bark, exceptional sap flow, good sapwood-to-
around the slide to save sockeye salmon returning heartwood ratios, or deep root systems for wildfire
to spawn. Eventually, some of these cultural species and bark beetle resistance. This is an area for much-
may be displaced, but it is a question of buying time needed genetic research.

Cultural landscapes in far western North stimulation of plant regrowth, improved wildlife
America were created and maintained by peri- habitat, increased seed germination and seedling
odic burning by indigenous peoples. This kept survival and reduction of hazardous fuels. In the
forest succession in an arrested state, producing wetter regions of the coastal Pacific northwest of
a fine-grained, patchy vegetation mosaic (Lewis, the United States and coastal western Canada,
1973; Anderson, 2005). Fire had many ecological patch burning for berries, habitat or baskets
and human benefits, including nutrient cycling, (Turner, 2010), among other reasons, had less ef-
better access to hunted animals, less groundwa- fect on forest succession. Decomposer arthropods
ter lost through evapotranspiration, pest control, and fungi cycled nutrients, while forest gaps were

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

created primarily by windfall trees and snow or and woodlands and mountain meadows. Burning
wind breakage. Stand-replacing wildfires oc- was also extensively utilized to create and main-
curred rarely and only during long droughts. This tain small to medium-sized gaps and larger mead-
was not because the dominant tree species – Sitka ows in relatively resource-poor forest types such
spruce (Picea sitchensis), western red cedar (Thuja as those dominated by coast redwood (Sequoia
plicata), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) sempervirens) and Douglas-fir, e.g. the “Bald
and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) – were Hills” of coastal northern California (Lewis, 1973;
fire-resistant (they are not) but because of the ex- Bonnicksen et al., 1997), which have now lost over
tremely moist environment. 30 percent of their former extent as a result of
Perhaps the best way to approach the extent invasion of Douglas-fir since circa 1910.
and ecological significance of burning by indig- What is the relevance of the fire-maintained
enous peoples is to think of numerous small to forest to modern restoration and silviculture?
medium-sized patch-burns occurring every one to We can begin to answer this question by con-
15 years or so and scattered across the landscape. sidering the structure of the firescape managed
The cumulative ecological effects of these fre- by indigenous peoples. If one counts old-growth
quent low to intermediate disturbances on eco- conifer stumps on west, south and east slope as-
system productivity and biodiversity were ampli- pects in much of the interior, one frequently finds
fied by the frequency of these fire events.19 These approximately 20 to 65 stumps per hectare in
numerous, regularly burned patches exponen- clumps, compared with 10 to 80 times that num-
tially multiplied ecotones, maintaining high bio- ber of trees in a mid-successional state at present
diversity and quality wildlife habitat (Anderson, (Martinez, personal observation). With less com-
2005). However, it was not necessary to burn eve- petition from younger trees killed by repeated
rywhere. Indigenous peoples were very aware of fires and with more sun, many old-growth coni-
the need for unburned wildlife cover and for pro- fers were practically almost open-grown, with full
tecting shade-adapted plants. Fuel-breaks were crowns extending close to the ground, structured
made and ridge tops were kept open to check fire like a carrot (called “grouse ladders” or “wolf
spread into neighbouring watersheds, with back- trees” by loggers).
burns employed to protect vegetation and leave Fire set by indigenous peoples, and to a much
thermal cover for deer and elk. Burns in previous lesser degree fire started by lightning strikes, was
years acted as fuel-breaks for burns in the current the main architect of forest structure and compo-
year. Some sacred places also escaped burning, as sition, favouring important fire-adapted species.
well as selected brush-fields left to senescence be- One should think of the pre-industrial forest as
fore being harvested for fuelwood (Chester King a slowly changing assemblage of multi-aged spe-
in Blackburn and Anderson, 1993). cies, including a mix of dominant mature and
Burning was highly selective. It was typically old-growth hardwoods and conifers, with fire
performed in those vegetation types that pro- recycling all seral stages of vegetation develop-
duced significant amounts of cultural plants, ment at the landscape scale (Senos et al., 2005)
were prime wildlife habitat and high in species – a kind of relatively stable “steady-state shifting
richness: riparian zones, wet and dry prairies, mosaic” (Perry, 1994). It is important not to con-
wetlands and marshes, pine and oak savannas flate post-harvest early successional vegetation,
mostly a diverse and unstable mix of (frequently
  In addition to fire, these disturbance events included a num- introduced) annuals and short-lived perennials or
ber of horticultural techniques, including pruning and coppicing, shrubs, with more stable long-lived native peren-
weeding, planting, seed sowing, tillage (women regularly dug in
nial bunchgrasses, forbs and shrubs that are pe-
numerous tracts to harvest a variety of geophytic corms called
“Indian potatoes”) and erosion control (Anderson 2005; Turner riodically renewed by intentional burning. Think
2005). of a slow turnover or shifting of early, mid- and

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

late-successional species together at one time and historical species represented (Anderson, 2005;
in one forested landscape. Senos et al., 2005). The newly created openings
What are we restoring? Our indigenous refer- of varying sizes would be repopulated (either by
ence model suggests a variable forest structure natural regeneration if propagules remain on site
with well-spaced conifer and hardwood trees or by replanting and/or reseeding/plugging; see
and tree clumps mixed with patches and irregular “Ecological anchors” in Box 10.2) with restored
colonnades and corridors of more-closely spaced bunchgrasses, forbs, and shrubs, approaching the
trees and shrubs, with all age classes of most historical species-rich understorey and meadow

Box 10.2.
Insights on diversifying a gene pool and restoring biodiversity through ecocultural
restoration forestry and ecosystem-based adaptation to climate destabilization/
global warming in temperate far western North America

Methods and strategies based on traditional meadows can be part of irregular herbaceous
ecological knowledge (TEK) and traditional corridors that could be described as “flower trails”
resource management (TRM) that guide pollinators and seed-carriers across
Kipuka strategy: Kipuka is a native Hawaiian term the landscape (Anderson, 2005). Instead of one-
used to describe a rock outcrop that lava spewing time irregular structural manipulations by timber
from volcanoes goes around instead of covering. harvesters, kipukas are meant to be periodically
Used in the context of ecocultural restoration, burned. Frequent interventions have the cumulative
it suggests repeated islands or groups of trees, effect of increasing species richness and diversity.
shrubs, ferns, forbs and grasses, i.e. the fine-grained Variable density management or variable
landscape created and maintained through judicious green retention: This is a method developed
use of fire. These patches and openings, including by forest ecologist Jerry Franklin. The objective is
meadows, range from a size that is equivalent to to “release” future old-growth and commercial
the height of surrounding trees (patches) to as trees from competition by smaller trees and brush,
large as several hectares (meadows) depending resulting in repeating sunny openings alternating
on site conditions, elevation, forest type and with repeating areas of thick shady to partly shady
restoration objectives. Objectives are not limited vegetation. (The proportion of shade to sun extent
to trees. They include species-rich understories and will depend on forest type and site moisture regime.)
meadows. While some – but by no means most – In a relatively homogenous stand, the seedlings,
timber harvesters leave irregular islands to imitate saplings and poles with the fullest crowns and the
fire effects, kipukas are more about the actual largest diameters are retained, as are deformed
restoration of firescapes, not their imitation. Fire trees, slow growing trees or trees on harsh sites.
cannot be imitated in most of its effects on soils In the first case, it is hoped that these will become
and vegetation. This is as much about restoring very large, healthy trees that will reproduce their
composition as structure. For example, spot-burns superior characteristics over time. In the latter case,
or pile-burns are often done in openings following it is hoped that at least a few of the poorer trees
thinning. These small patches will sometimes will possess genes for exceptional drought and heat
gradually fill with bunchgrasses and forbs seeded in tolerance, disease resistance etc., and that these
the ashes. These kipukas, together with the hit-and- genes will be reproduced and perhaps multiplied
miss effects on understorey herbaceous vegetation in the forest over time. (For selection criteria for
of low-intensity burning, contribute to forest floor herbaceous understorey plants, see “Ecological
heterogeneity. These species-rich openings and anchors,” below.)

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Box 10.2. (continued)

Insights on diversifying a gene pool and restoring biodiversity through ecocultural
restoration forestry and ecosystem-based adaptation to climate destabilization/
global warming in temperate far western North America

Redundancy: Just as good engineering requires or typical dense mid-successional forests) to

structural redundancy to ensure safe structures in determine which trees to thin, and those working
case a component fails, so environmental components in less dense forests with the need for increasing
– such as vegetation spatial combinations, closed– understorey genetic and compositional diversity.
open and sun–shade contrasts, wildlife guilds, Examples include sun-loving herbaceous species
prey–predators, pollinators–seed carriers, flowering that are culturally preferred, ecologically significant
plant diversity, food webs, down wood and snags or endangered species that are being shaded out
and compositional diversity – are repeated across the by trees, or culturally and ecologically valuable
landscape. If one component fails, others of a similar hardwoods still in the stand (e.g. oaks) that need
class can take up the slack. Redundancy or risk- release from overtopping conifers. Trees that are
spreading is a principal goal of VDM. shading out these species would be thinned to allow
Landscape heterogeneity: This concept is the understorey to recover.
more than just genetic, structural and compositional Conversely, trees protecting important shade-
diversity. Landscape heterogeneity means that adapted species in the understorey would be retained.
managers actually look for and map unique micro-sites This method puts as great an emphasis on ecology
that are harsher and warmer and that could serve as on merchantability in determining which trees
as possible sources for individuals, populations and to leave, i.e. removal of a conifer to release oaks
subspecies that are better adapted to global warming. or leaving a conifer as an anchor for shading even
Random sampling of a particular species is not as likely though it does not necessarily possess good or the
to pick up adapted plants as doing a stratified and best merchantable qualities.
focused field meander that may reveal populations Stepping-stone habitats for linking
better adapted to harsh or hot sites. For example, conservation reserves with forest matrices and
United States Forest Service researcher Connie Millar, providing connectivity: Conventional conservation
working in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains, has wisdom divides forested landscapes into two spheres:
noted a downward movement of some endangered reserves and the matrix surrounding the reserves that is
white bark pines, finding seedlings established sacrificed to timber. In fact, the matrix probably already
in cooler lower elevation sites. There are many of has good-quality habitat that could be linked within the
these micro-sites, especially in areas like the Coast, matrix and to nearby reserves, providing connectivity.
Cascade, Sierra Nevada or Klamath mountains that are Reserves alone generally do not possess sufficient
topographically diverse. Restorationists will have many topographic and other kinds of diversity for wildlife
opportunities in projects to find unique heterogeneity habitat and for climate refugees. Linking up to the
in micro-sites, such as tree windfall, slash piles, large matrix could amplify good habitat and connectivity,
down wood, topographic depressions, mesic or very provide cooler micro-sites that could increase
dry places, stream banks, rocky outcrops etc. (This is The refugial capacity of the forest to harbour plant
discussed in more depth in Box 10.3 in the context of and animal climate refugees and contain harsher or
building-in resilience to change.) warmer sites that could provide adapted propagules
Ecological anchors: This is a method developed for ecosystem-based climate adaptation. It may also
by Canadian forester Herb Hammond. An ecological facilitate gene flow between reserves and matrix, and
anchor is any environmental component that will between sources and refuges (Society for Ecological
assist managers working in more homogeneous Restoration International Science and Policy Working
stands (e.g. tightly and uniformly spaced plantations Group, 2004).

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

flora and providing opportunities for future non- forest products. For more detail on how to bal-
timber and cultural products (Martinez, 2008 [un- ance silviculture/non-timber and cultural prod-
published]). Forest ecologist Jerry Franklin calls ucts with ecocultural restoration, see Martinez,
this variable density management (VDM) or vari- 2008 [unpublished].
able retention management (VRM) (Lindenmayer Instead of following United States and
and Franklin, 2002). Depending on forest type, el- Canadian agency recommended bole-to-bole
evation, slope aspect and site conditions, a certain (trunk) tree spacing guidelines, crown-to-crown
number of young and mature trees with good po- spacing (measured from outer foliage [crown]
tential old-growth characteristics will be retained limits of one tree to outer foliage limits of an­
as future permanent old growth. This is in addi- other) provides for greater tree and tree group-
tion to trees with good potential for future com- ing separation. As Canadian forester Herb
mercial grade timber. Periodic management inter- Hammond notes, this makes for “better ecologi-
ventions (thinnings/harvests and prescribed fire) cal choices for leaving trees than arbitrary stand
will be performed periodically over decades so density or basal area choices,” including “habitat
that site conditions will not be changed too rap- requirements for various [animal] species and
idly during any one intervention (see “Ecological maintenance of stand level diversity” (Hammond,
Anchors” in Box 10.2). 2009). The primary problem with relying on basal
Unlike standard silviculture with trees plant- area (the total space occupied by tree boles per
ed and/or thinned to regular and even grid-like hectare) is that it is only a cumulative value and
spacing (especially in plantations), and with only tells us little about their spatial arrangement in a
one or two dominant, even-aged commercially particular place.
valuable conifer species, it should be clear by The sooner thinning occurs, the better chance
now that the forest influenced by indigenous trees have of achieving their genetic growth po-
peoples is decidedly diverse, irregular and une- tential (usually by 30 to 40 years of age). Some
ven-aged and fire-tolerant except for extreme remaining unthinned trees with sub-merchanta-
weather-driven fire events (i.e. made up of nu- ble characteristics should be retained in case they
merous small even-aged stands from previous have genes for exceptional drought and heat tol-
small fire events in an overall uneven-aged for- erance or disease resistance, or are good wildlife
ested landscape; catastrophic fire events that we trees. While promising optimum characteristics of
see today were extremely rare and always fol- commercial and potential old-growth trees are
lowed long periods of drought), with a species- important, indigenous peoples’ holistic philoso-
rich understorey, the nature of which depends phy values the whole forest more than individual
on whether trees are retained or removed. trees, i.e. not sacrificing biodiversity and wildlife
Cultural and other non-timber products mostly habitat for optimum timber production. Cultural
come from diverse forest understories (and from and commercial use must further conservation
oak and pine woodlands, savannas, prairies and and restoration for the whole forest. This is the
wetlands). This is a forest that is managed for essence of TEK: reciprocity is required when using
both relative stability and productivity (both are plant and animal “relatives.” It is also important
a function of forest diversity) and for creating genetically: we may be sacrificing forest adaptive
and maintaining a balance between forest use capacity to climate destabilization by eliminat-
and conservation/restoration. The indigenous ing too many non-commercial grade trees. For
model (TEK/TRM) shows us that careful and eco- more detail on timber harvesting rotations, see
logically informed use is a prerequisite for di- Martinez, 2008 [unpublished].
versity and productivity. Indeed, forest use must Commercial harvesting is part of the VDM thin-
further conservation and restoration as far as ning process over several decades of multiple en-
possible, while they in turn must sustain use and tries. Sustainable logging will continue but would

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

be limited to harvest rotation cycles of 120 to 160 petition from smaller trees and brush, allowed
years for the entire stand, with parts harvested the genetic potential for optimum growth to be
over shorter intervals within the stand. (Further realized. Managed burning contributed, along
north, harvest rotations for boreal forest should with lightning-ignitions, to the healthy old-
be considerably longer.) While timber volume may growth giants that were used to build our cities.
be reduced, longer rotations will ensure sustain- Prescribed fire directly assists silviculture and re-
ability over the long term, while prescribed burn- duces or eliminates the need for broadleaf her-
ing will reduce the cost of wildfire control and bicides to control competing deciduous plants.
timber losses by significantly reducing hazardous A healthy ecosystem supports healthy timber,
build up of fuel. Sufficient numbers of trees must and ongoing sustainable timber harvesting and
be retained to replace those lost through harvest- fire-based silviculture in their turn contribute
ing and natural mortality, using ratios ranging to the maintenance of restoration by repeated
from 3:1 to 5:1, depending on forest type and site harvest thinnings in perpetuity, with prescribed
conditions (Martinez, 2008 [unpublished]). burning acting as the principal architect of forest
Fire-hazard-reduction goals require the re- structure. Reconnecting timber harvesting with
moval of ladder fuels, i.e. small and intermediate ecosystems means, in part, reconnecting with in-
trees that can carry ground fires into canopies. digenous fire regimes. Reconnecting with indig-
Trees of different ages and sizes need to be seg- enous fire regimes means reconnecting with TEK
regated to break up contiguous fuels. The stand and TRM, acknowledging the environmental
structure will, for the most part, be even-aged legacy of indigenous peoples and its relevance
groupings in an overall uneven-aged forest. This today, and recognizing the environmental con-
is in fact the historical forest that resulted from ditions that influenced the genetic structure
frequent low to moderately severe fires. Each of many species over a very long time as they
discreet tree grouping dated from a different co-evolved with indigenous fire practices and
small fire event. Succession arrested by indig- other disturbances – human and otherwise. As
enous practices in interior forests favoured ear- ethnobotanist Kat Anderson writes: “Landscapes
lier successional conifer species such as pines and are not just assemblages of species; rather, they
mid-successional tree species such as Douglas-fir are expressions of human evolution and species
– valuable commercial species today. Advantages behavior. The adaptation of plants and animals
of earlier successional species for fire-hazard that exist today are responses to past sequences
reduction include lower crown bulk densities of environmental conditions” (Anderson, 2005).
(less biomass weight per cubic metre of foliage), Those past sequences were induced in large part
self-pruning that removes fire-vulnerable lower by indigenous burning practices.
branches and deeper feeder roots that can avoid Local and traditional ecological knowledge
excessive soil heating. Ground fuels were regu- based on qualitative observational approaches
larly consumed by burning by indigenous peo- and Western experimental and quantitative ap-
ples, with charred large down wood sometimes proaches are increasingly being seen as comple-
lasting a very long time. Frequent low- to mod- mentary. As climate disruption continues to af-
erate-intensity fires leave a long-lasting (3000 to fect ecosystems and cultures at multiple spatial
12  000 years) legacy of charcoal that gradually and temporal scales, observational data on sites
mixes into the top metre of soil and sequesters that are not easily manipulated experimentally
carbon as well as providing cation-exchange are becoming critically important. Even research
sites, increasing forest productivity (Deluca and sites that appear environmentally similar can be
Aplet, 2008). different enough to compromise experimental
Regular fire fertilized the forest by cycling nu- results. There is a real possibility of climate dis-
trients and when combined with reduced com- ruption exacerbating already degraded ecosys-

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

tems, causing them to cross potentially irrevers- remote technological approaches and contrib-
ible thresholds or tipping points well before we ute to a more sustainable and biodiverse silvi-
are aware of it happening (Herrick et al., 2010). culture.20
It is for these reasons that place-based indig-
enous peoples are in a privileged position to
  For example, in 1979, Western scientists using passive micro-
maintain and monitor conservation and restora-
wave technology discovered that Arctic sea-ice was losing extent
tion in their homelands, ground-truth Western and thinning, yet Inuit and Iñupiat peoples knew this in the early
science’s more generalized experimental and 1960s – approximately 15 years earlier.

Box 10.3.
Extent and nature of gene flow across fragmented agro-ecosystems

Gene flow is facilitated by variable density thereby reducing future levels of inbreeding within
management, which is based on thinning that clumps.”
recreates the clumpy nature of forest trees of variable Older trees became established and competed
sizes under traditional resource management, in environmental conditions different from their
including enough open spaces between tree offspring – more-open stand conditions for older
groupings to allow “exchange of alleles among trees and more-crowded conditions for younger
individuals and populations” (Friederici, 2003). This trees. This difference affects allele diversity so that,
box focuses on the ponderosa pine forests of the if conditions change and little gene flow occurs
southwestern United States, but the same principles of between older and younger trees, future adaptive
free gene flow also apply to many other overstocked capacity to changed conditions may be lost. Thinning
forest types in far western North America – all too heavily can lead to loss of low-frequency or rare
influenced historically by indigenous burning regimes. alleles. Thinning too lightly could prevent unimpeded
While some geneticists maintain that conifers do not gene flow between clumps. Clump spacing should be
generally have a problem with gene flow, most forests of a distance appropriate to forest type and density
in far western North America are impenetrably dense, so that gene flow is neither too hindered nor too free.
with stocking rates as high as 7000 trees/ha or more. Younger trees should be maintained along with older
This is very likely to result in different patterns of trees. Indeed, forest restoration prescriptions should
gene flow compared with the more open and clumpy specify that representatives of all age-classes and all
nature of the historical forest under indigenous native species be retained on site (unless they are
management, and before effective fire-suppression very invasive generalist native species that are already
policies began in the early twentieth century. abundant). This is an area for genetic research.
These small clumps are “genetic neighbourhoods”. How much distance is required between clumps of
Dendroecologist Joy Nystrom Mast (in Friederici, which forest type, so that gene flow can occur while
2003) explains: preventing loss of low-frequency or rare alleles? It
“A group or clump of half-siblings is often created should be noted that more than one entry will be
by a single older tree in the clump, but pollinated necessary to approach pre-industrial forest structures.
by different trees. As a result…unlimited pollen Multiple entries over decades are usually necessary
movement and hence gene flow among clumps in order to change forest environments at a rate that
helps prevent detrimental levels of inbreeding. trees and other species can adapt to appropriately in
Any highly inbred seedlings are subject to reduced the future. Therefore another question is: how much
reproductive rates, growth, and survivorship, and are should be thinned in one entry in what forest type?
usually outcompeted by outcrossed individuals… Can genetic research help here?

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

populations and the socioecological system over the

Knowledge gaps and possible fruitful genetic
last ~7,500 years. Ecol. Soc., 15(1): 17 [online] (avail-
able at:
Considering the importance of regular intentional
burning, one wonders how both burning and se-
lective harvesting of plants may have altered their DeLuca, T.H. & Aplet, G. 2008. Charcoal and carbon
genetic structure, much as plant breeders do to- storage in forests soils of the Rocky Mountain West.
day through selective cross-pollination. This was Front. Ecol. Environ., 6(1): 18–24.
not proto-agriculture; rather it was indigenous
Dobyns, H.F. 1966. Estimating aboriginal American
agro-ecology that, like Western agriculture, influ-
populations: an appraisal of techniques with a new
enced the local abundance, availability, composi-
hemispheric estimate. Curr. Anthropol., 7: 395–416.
tion, distribution and characteristics of plant (and
animal) species. The cumulative effects of fre- Egan, D. & Howell, E.A. 2005. The historical ecology
quent burning of small patches carried fire effects handbook: a restorationist’s guide to reference eco-
to much of the forest. Frequent, low-intensity systems, new edition. Washington, DC, Island Press.
burning needs to be studied in order to reveal its Fiedel, S.J. 2000. The peopling of the New World: pre-
effects on forest productivity and genotype selec- sent evidence, new theories and future directions. J.
tion of culturally favoured tree species. Archaeol. Res., 8: 39–103.

Friederici, P. 2003. Ecological restoration of southwestern

References ponderosa pine forests. Washington, DC, Island Press.

Hammond, H. 2009. Maintaining whole systems on

Earth’s crown: ecosystem-based conservation plan-
Anderson, M.K. 2005. Tending the wild: native
ning for the boreal forest. Slocan Park, BC, Canada,
American knowledge and the management of
Silva Forest Foundation.
California natural resources. Berkeley and Los
Angeles, CA, USA, University of California Press. Herrick, J., Lessard, V.C., Spaeth, K.E., Shaver, P.L.,
Dayton, R.S, Pyke, D.A., Jolley, L. & Goebel, J.J.
Berkes, F. 2008. Sacred ecology. 2nd ed. New York, USA,
2010. National ecosystem assessments supported by
scientific and local knowledge. Front. Ecol. Environ.,
Blackburn, T.C. & Anderson, M.K., eds. 1993. Before 8: 403–408.
the wilderness: environmental management by
Higgs, E. 2003. Nature by design. Cambridge, MA, USA,
native Californians. Menlo Park, CA, USA, Ballena
MIT Press.
Keenleyside, K. A., Dudley, N., Cairns, A., Hall, C.M.
Bonnicksen, T.M., Anderson, M.K., Lewis, H.T., Kay,
& Stolton, S. 2012. Ecological restoration for
C.E. & Knudson, R. 1997. Native American influ-
protected areas: principles, guiodelines and best
ences on the development of forest ecosystems. In
practices. Gland, Switzerland, IUCN.
R.C. Szaro, N.C. Johnson, W. T. Sexton & A.J. Malk,
eds. Ecological stewardship: a common reference Lewis, H. 1973. Patterns of Indian burning in California.
for ecosystem management. Vol. 2, pp. 439–470. Pomona, CA, USA, Ballena Press.
Oxford, UK, Elsevier Science.
Lindenmayer, D. & Franklin, J. 2002. Conserving forest
Boyd, R. 1999. Indians, fire, and the land in the Pacific biodiversity: a comprehensive multiscaled approach.
northwest. Corvallis, OR, USA, Oregon State Washington, DC, Island Press.
University Press.
Mann, C. 2005. 1491: New revelations of the Americas
Campbell, S.K. & Butler, V.L. 2010. Archaeological before Columbus. New York, USA, Alfred A. Knopf.
evidence for resilience of Pacific northwest salmon

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Martinez, D. 2008. Forest ecocultural restoration pre- Society for Ecological Restoration International
scription and ecological principles for the Klamath– Science & Policy Working Group. 2004.
Siskiyou ecoregion and the north coast mountains SER international primer on ecological restora-
of NW California. February 28, 2008. Portland, OR, tion. Washington, DC, Society for Ecological
USA, Ecotrust (unpublished; contact the author for Restoration International (available at http://
further information).
Martinez, D. 2013. In S. Pavlik & R. Asgeirsson,
eds. Proceedings: Sixth Annual Vine Deloria, Jr. Sproat, G.M. 1868. The Nootka: scenes and studies of
Indigenous Studies Symposium. Bellingham, WA, savage life. London, Smith, Elder and Co.
USA, Northwest Indian College.
Stewart, O. 2002. Forgotten fires, edited by H.T. Lewis
Mooney, J.M. 1928. The aboriginal population of & K.M. Anderson. Norman, OK, USA, University of
America north of Mexico. Washington, DC, Oklahoma Press.
Smithsonian Institute.
Turner, N. 2005. The Earth’s blanket: traditional teach-
Perry, D. 1994. Forest ecosystems. Baltimore, MD, USA, ings for sustainable use. Vancouver, BC, Canada,
The Johns Hopkins University Press. Douglas and McIntyre Ltd.

Senos, R., Lake, F.K., Turner, N. & Martinez, D. 2005. Turner, N. 2010. Plants of Haida Gwaii. Wenlaw, BC,
Traditional ecological knowledge and restoration Canada, Sononis Press.
practice. In D. Apostle & M. Sinclair, eds. Restoring
the Pacific northwest: the art and science of eco-
logical restoration in Cascadia, pp. 393–426. Eds.).
Washington, DC, Island Press.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 11

Designing landscape mosaics

involving plantations
of native timber trees
David Lamb

Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, University of Queensland, Australia

Reforestation is often seen as a necessary part considered: how to organize reforestation on a

of any rehabilitation process once land becomes landscape scale.
degraded. Depending on how it is done, refor-
estation can improve biodiversity conservation,
stabilize hill slopes and improve watershed pro- 11.1. 
How much reforestation?
tection. However, designing any reforestation
programme raises a variety of problems, particu- There is no simple answer to the question about
larly when several landholders are involved. This how much reforestation is needed. It depends on
is because it is rarely possible to restore forest how much natural forest remains and on the at-
cover over the entire area, raising questions such tributes of the biota that are present in the land-
as just how much reforestation should be done, scape and are vulnerable to extinction because of
what kind of reforestation should be carried out past deforestation. It will also be influenced by
and where these new forests should be estab- the land-use practices on the cleared land and
lished. In most cases these questions are resolved on the socioeconomic circumstances of the peo-
through the actions of individual landholders ple living in the area. Some private landholders
acting independently and without reference to, may be interested in reforestation on part of
or knowledge of, the planned actions of other their land but much will depend on the oppor-
landholders. Unfortunately, such an individualis- tunity costs of doing so. A strong timber market
tic approach is unlikely to result in a satisfactory or a market for ecosystem services (e.g. carbon
outcome. This is because many ecological pro- sequestration) may increase the attractiveness of
cesses, such as gene flow, operate at large land- reforestation but only if the landholders believe
scape scales and the collective effect of many ad they will benefit from it.
hoc decisions is unlikely to be as effective in re- In the case of biodiversity conservation, nu-
storing these ecological processes and function- merous studies have shown that deforestation
ing as a more strategic set of interventions that results in a loss of species proportional to the
carefully target key localities and specify the type deforested area. However, once forest cover in
of reforestation carried out at each site. A more the landscape falls below 20–30 percent, the
strategic intervention necessitates some degree spatial patterns and size of the forest fragments
of coordination across the landscape mosaic. This become more important in determining species
means that, in addition to how much, what type survival than proportion of forest cover per se
and where to reforest, a fourth question must be (Andren, 1994). Yet it is difficult to prescribe a

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

minimum threshold target of forest cover for The wildlife species most likely to benefit from
those undertaking reforestation. Different spe- such monocultural plantings are those best de-
cies have different habitat requirements; some scribed as habitat generalists. These are species
will be affected by deforestation well before the able to utilize a wide variety of habitat types and
forest area falls below 30 percent while others they are rarely among those classified as endan-
will persist even when the forest cover is lower. gered or vulnerable. A wider variety of species,
Perhaps the best that can be said is that more including some with more specialized habitat
forest cover is better than less and that a land- requirements, can colonize monocultural planta-
scape with a large area of forest will conserve tions if these are grown on longer rotations and
more species and more diversity within species are not too distant from natural forests that act as
than one with less cover. It is usually difficult to sources of colonists. In these circumstances large
predict how many species will return once a cer- numbers of tree species may eventually colonize
tain amount of restoration takes place. It is also the site (Keenan et al., 1997). Initially these plants
usually not possible to specify whether a particu- simply provide a structurally complex understorey
lar species will recolonize a particular site: much but over time the colonists can grow up and add
depends on the type of reforestation carried out structural complexity to the canopy layers. This
and the quality of the habitats created. increases the value of the plantation as a wildlife
An alternative form of reforestation is to estab-
What kind of reforestation? lish timber plantations containing several species.
These may not have as many species as would
The best type of reforestation for biodiversity con- be used in ecological restoration but, if carefully
servation is that which is structurally complex and designed, can provide goods such as timber and
involves many native plant species. Some form of non-timber forest products as well as habitats for
ecological restoration that eventually leads to the some wildlife (Lamb, 2011). Their value in con-
re-establishment of the former forest ecosystem serving biodiversity is further enhanced if any har-
(e.g. natural regeneration or multispecies plant- vesting operations are infrequent. Such plantings
ings) would obviously be ideal. However, most in- are also likely to be more effective in stabilizing
dustrial tree plantations use simple monocultures hill slopes and providing watershed protection
of exotic, fast-growing tree species because they than simple monocultures. Again, these may be
generate a rapid financial return. Many small- colonized over time by further species if managed
holders also favour these simple monocultures on long rotations and located near natural forest.
when they grow trees for commercial purposes, Different landholders are likely to have differ-
although many farmers in the tropics also practise ing views on the merits of these various forms
various forms of agroforestry that can involve a of reforestation (i.e. monocultures, multispecies
number of tree species. plantations, ecological restoration) and, because
However, it can be possible to have a much of this, many landscapes could end up having rep-
greater number of species present across a land- resentatives of all types of reforestation.
scape even when the number of species at a par-
ticular site is small. This is because site conditions
vary (necessitating the use of different species) 11.3. 
Where to undertake
and because different landholders have different reforestation?
goals or aspirations. Differences in site conditions
and goals can lead to a mosaic of tree monocul- There are several ways of addressing the ques-
tures of different species and considerable land- tion of where reforestation efforts should be
scape heterogeneity. concentrated. Farmers interested in reforestation

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

for commercial purposes may simply plant trees doing so as being too high. Of course, individual
at sites not suitable for agricultural crops. Areas farmers are not the only stakeholders involved.
close to roads or timber markets may be espe- Other stakeholders include downstream water-
cially attractive. Landholders more interested in users, wildlife conservationists, sawmillers and
reforestation for biodiversity conservation have the broader community. Some of these are likely
two choices. One is to identify those areas where to have views that are quite different to those
reforestation will help conserve small popula- of local farmers, meaning it can be very difficult
tions of species that are vulnerable to extinction. to get agreement on a reforestation programme
These might be isolated remnant patches of for- that balances the wishes of individual landholders
est where the populations of some species are with those of the broader community.
declining because their habitat areas are limited. Much land-use planning has been based on
Reforestation that enlarges these habitat areas what might be referred to as a top-down ap-
could allow the populations of such vulnerable proach. This often involves technical specialists
species to increase. A second approach is to in- working for a government agency and follow-
crease the connectivity between remnant for- ing certain prescriptions or guidelines. The ad-
est patches to allow the linkage of populations vantage of this approach is that these planners
of species that are reproductively isolated from can take a broad overview and make a judgment
each other. This might be done by creating corri- about what should be the best balance between
dors between the patches of natural forest or by competing interests in a particular area. Some
establishing small patches of forest within an ag- sophisticated computer-based tools have been
ricultural landscape that might act as “stepping developed to assist these planners, including
stones” and enable a species to move across that some that can be used to optimize conservation
landscape between areas of natural forest. This benefits (Chetkiewicz, St. Clair and Boyce, 2006;
would foster genetic interchange between the Millspaugh and Thompson, 2009; Thomson et al.,
several populations and effectively increase the 2009). But this top-down, model-driven approach
overall population size. As noted above, the type has a number of weaknesses. These include the
of reforestation undertaken at a site will influ- fact that species differ in their habitat require-
ence which species can use the newly reforested ments and a reforestation programme that
areas. But even monocultures can be useful be- suits one species may be unsuitable for another.
cause they begin the process of creating a forest Likewise, the process must make arguable as-
environment. sumptions about trade-offs between different
environmental benefits. Conservation of biodi-
versity is important but, for many stakeholders, so
How to plan and implement too is watershed protection or the maintenance
restoration on a landscape of hydrological flows. Lastly, the process focuses
scale? on where to intervene but not on how to induce
landholders to comply. It relies on compulsion
All reforestation involves trade-offs and this is es- (which is politically costly), compensation (which
pecially the case when it is being done at a land- is financially expensive) or universal cooperation
scape scale. Some landowners may be quite happy (which is improbable).
to reforest some parts of their land because the There is an alternative. Experience from many
opportunity costs of doing so are low or because places suggests some kind of consultative plan-
they are interested in the goods or ecosystems ning process that incorporates both bottom-up
services that reforestation can provide. Others and top-down approaches may be better than
may be unwilling to undertake reforestation either approach alone. It may not lead to the
because they perceive the (opportunity) costs of most efficient design but it is likely to generate

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

an outcome that is more acceptable to stake- 11.5. 

Will forest landscape
holders and hence more likely to be maintained restoration succeed in
over time (Reitbergen-McCracken, Maginnis and conserving all biodiversity?
Sarre, 2007). The main stages in such a process
are as follows. From a conservation viewpoint, a landscape mo-
First, develop a landscape-level view of the saic involving timber trees will have significant
problem. This involves gathering data about the advantages over a homogeneous agricultural
existing biophysical and socioeconomic landscape landscape. Even simple plantation monocultures
mosaics, including the distribution of species, surrounding small remnant patches of natural
land ownership patterns, the economic circum- forest will help protect these from further dis-
stances of landholders and the trends in land use. turbances and provide additional habitats for at
Document the presence of rare, endangered or least some of the species they contain. Corridors
vulnerable species, together with information on and small, scattered patches of trees, including
threats to biodiversity conservation, such as inva- monocultures, are likely to assist some species to
sive species or wildfires. move across an otherwise hostile environment.
Second, engage with the stakeholders. Identify Landscape restoration also initiates a process of
landholders and other stakeholders and obtain positive feedback in which wildlife, able to move
their views concerning future land-use practices. across the landscape, assist in dispersing the seed
Third, identify reforestation possibilities. Based of many plant species.
on the preceding stages, develop a variety of re- However, these types of landscape reforesta-
forestation scenarios that differ in the amount, tion may not be enough to ensure the survival of
type and location of reforestation activities. all species. In the case of plants, those with large
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of seeds are less likely to be able to be dispersed
each scenario to the community and to individual across landscapes either because they have no nat-
stakeholders. ural dispersal agent or because that agent is ab-
Fourth, decide on a reforestation plan. Consult sent or present only in small numbers in degraded
with stakeholders and decide on a reforestation forests. The only way such species can be reintro-
plan and timetable. This may involve using incen- duced to the landscape is to deliberately include
tives or compensation to obtain the agreement them in revegetation programmes. The animal
of landholders occupying key locations (e.g. pay- species of most concern are the habitat specialists,
ment to landholders for the ecosystem services especially those occupying upper trophic levels
that reforestation on their land provides). It may and needing large home ranges. Partially forested
also mean having to accept a suboptimal out- agricultural mosaics are unlikely to be sufficient
come for the sake of getting an agreement (an for such species and protected areas containing
ideal restoration plan may have to progress in large areas of natural forest are likely to be the
stages over a period of some years). only way such species will be conserved.
Finally, implement the plan, monitor the out-
come and practise adaptive management. The
final stage in any landscape restoration plan is 11.6. 
to monitor it over time to ensure that the plan is
actually implemented and that it generates the It is difficult to develop reforestation designs that
outcomes expected. Restoration can sometimes enhance the capacity of agricultural landscapes to
lead to unanticipated results and it may be nec- conserve biodiversity. The problem is partly con-
essary to intervene at a later date to ensure that cerned with ecological issues but is largely to do
biodiversity is indeed being conserved and that with obtaining a consensus among stakeholders
stakeholders remain supportive. about the amount, type and location of any tree-

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Keenan, R., Lamb, D., Woldring, O., Irvine, T. &

planting. Apart from full ecological restoration,
Jensen, R. 1997. Restoration of plant diversity be-
the best outcome would be extensive areas of
neath tropical tree plantations in northern Australia.
multispecies plantations involving native species
Forest Ecol. Manag. 99: 117–132.
managed on long rotations. Such plantations are
likely to provide a valuable complement to areas Lamb, D. 2011. Regreening the bare hills: tropical forest
of natural forest that form part of a protected- restoration in the Asia–Pacific region. Dordrecht, The
area network. Netherlands, Springer.

Millspaugh, J. & Thompson, F.R. 2009. Models for

planning wildlife conservation in large landscapes.
References Burlington, MA, USA, Academic Press.

Reitbergen-McCracken, J., Maginnis, S. & Sarre, A.

Andren, H. 1994. Effects of habitat fragmentation on 2007. The forest landscape restoration handbook.
birds and mammals in landscapes with different London, Earthscan.
proportions of suitable habitat – a review. Oikos, 71:
355–366. Thomson, J., Moilanen, A.J., Vesk, P.A., Bennett, A.F.
& MacNally, R. 2009. Where and when to revege-
Chetkiewicz, C., St. Clair, C.C. & Boyce, M.S. 2006. tate: a quantitative method for scheduling landscape
Corridors for conservation: integrating pattern and reconstruction. Ecol. Appl., 19: 817–828.
process. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst., 37: 317–342.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 2

Insight 8

Identifying and agreeing on

reforestation options among
stakeholders in Doi Suthep-Pui
National Park, northern Thailand
David Lamb

Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, University of Queensland, Australia

When the Doi Suthep-Pui National Park near Chi- the National Park described what he saw as the
ang Mai in northern Thailand was established in problem and how the villager’s livelihoods might
1981 it contained a large population of Hmong be met in future. A representative of the villag-
people who had been living in the area for many ers then gave their perspective on the problems
years. These people initially practised shifting they faced and on a way forward. Guided by the
cultivation but, over time, had changed to more facilitators, discussions then took place on how
sedentary forms of agriculture. The villagers have these views could be reconciled. This included
neither Thai citizenship nor legal land tenure. Be- having the participants acknowledge (i) that for-
cause of this they have had an acrimonious rela- est conservation was something that both groups
tionship with the park managers, who see them supported, (ii) that some cleared areas should
as illegal occupants destroying the conservation be reforested to protect water supplies, and (iii)
values of the park. that villagers could continue to practise agricul-
In order to resolve these differences and to ture on some of the land currently being used but
plan a reforestation programme that would that their future economic opportunities lay with
cover some of the deforested lands, members of tourism and employment outside the Park.
the University of Chiang Mai organized and fa- Having achieved this common understand-
cilitated a meeting between park managers and ing, some prospective locations for reforestation
the Hmong villagers (Elliott et al., 2012). Both within the Park were identified. This was done us-
the villagers and park managers had full knowl- ing maps derived from satellite imagery and GPS
edge of the park and of the particular areas over mapping prepared prior to the meeting. These
which there was some disagreement. Where the showed the extent of the agricultural cropland,
opinions differed was in what should be done including orchard areas and annual cropping ar-
about the disagreements. On the first day, the eas. Prospective reforestation areas were then
facilitators met with National Park staff to de- identified on a laptop brought to the meeting.
termine their view of the problems and to seek On the final day of the meeting a visit was made
ideas about a way forward. On the second day, to the field where the alternative reforestation
the facilitators met with representatives of the options were discussed. These discussions cov-
village to seek their views. On the third day, the ered the extent of reforestation, the location
two groups were brought together. The Head of of the areas to be reforested and the types of

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure I8-1.
Location of the Doi Suthep-Pui National Park in northern Thailand

r­eforestation to be undertaken at each area. A References

final reforestation plan was then negotiated. This
involved a programme of ecological restoration
Elliott, S., Blakesley, D., Maxwell, J.F., Doust, S. &
using native tree species based on techniques de-
Suwannaratana, S. 2006. How to plant a forest:
veloped for the area over a number of years by
the principles and practice of restoring tropical
Elliott et al. (2006).
forests. Chiang Mai, Thailand, Chiang Mai University.
Two factors in particular appeared to help make
the process successful. One was that the facilita- Elliott, S., Kuaraksa, C., Tunjai, P., Toktang, T.,
tors were well known to both parties and had Boonsai, K., Sangkum, S., Suwanaratanna, S. &
worked in the area for many years. Second, there Blakesley, D. 2012. Integrating scientific research
were detailed maps showing exactly what each with community needs to restore a forest landscape
group had proposed. It was important that these in northern Thailand: a case study of Ban Mae Sa
could developed in time to be taken into the field Mai. In J. Stanturf, P. Madsen & D. Lamb, eds. A
on the last day of the meeting, where they gave goal-oriented approach to forest landscape restora-
participants confidence that they under­stood the tion, pp. 149–162. Dordrecht, The Netherlands,
trade-offs being made. Springer.

Part 3
Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Many restoration approaches and methods focus- tion objectives for timber or non-timber products
ing on native species have been developed and (Chapter 13), although the distinction between
fine-tuned over the years, reflecting the diversity these two categories is not always clear and
of species and ecosystems, degradation factors, many of the methods yield systems that produce
stages and socioeconomic contexts. In Part 3, multiple benefits. Approaches used for restor-
some of the scientists who have developed these ing specific habitats and degradation conditions,
approaches or have been most active in promot- such as mangroves, dry lands and previous mine
ing them describe some of the most widely ap- sites, are presented separately, as these usually
plied and studied methods and their principles. In require specific attention on restoring not only
many cases these descriptions are complemented vegetation but also soil properties and hydrology
by case studies. The general methods are divided (Chapter 14). Finally, three approaches for restor-
into those focusing on ecological restoration ing genetic diversity of particular threatened tree
(Chapter 12) and those that also include produc- species are described (Chapter 15).

Figure 3.0.
Geographical overview of the main sites applying the methods presented in the study

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 12

Ecological restoration approaches

Miyawaki method 1. Definition of the potential natural vegetation:
The potential natural vegetation is described
Akira Miyawaki by studying relict vegetation. Field survey data
are subjected to descriptive phytosociologi-
Japanese Center for International cal analyses, leading to the identification and
Studies in Ecology, Institute for Global mapping of potential vegetation units.
Environmental Strategies, Japan 2. Intervention planning: This phase identifies the
species required and determines the amount of
planting stock needed to establish the forest.
Surrounding areas are identified where the
propagation material for the production of
planting stock can be found.
3. Execution plan: This is divided into two stages:
a) Preparation of the material and the site.
The area to be restored is prepared by
adding topsoil from surrounding native
forests, straw and, where possible,
components of the understorey vegetation
The Miyawaki method (Miyawaki, 1993, 2004) of the neighbouring woods. Before
was developed by integrating two concepts, the planting, the planting stock is acclimatized
first based on the study of potential natural veg- for one to four weeks in the surrounding
etation and the second derived from observation areas, either under the shelter of existing
of Japanese sacred forests (Chinju-no-mori) re- vegetation or under an artificial sheltering
newed for centuries by monks, who planted seed- system.
lings of many species simultaneously. b) Plant seedlings that have extensive root
The approach consists of planting seedlings systems randomly at high density (3–5 indi-
of the maximum possible number of tree spe- viduals per square metre) and mulch with
cies that characterize the potential natural veg- straw or other organic materials.
etation, from pioneer species to late-successional 4. After-planting operations: Weed and irrigate
ones. From the day they are planted the seedlings once or twice, if necessary, during the first two
change the ecology of the site, and the species years.
and individual trees undergo natural selection The result is a diversified forest that is left to
through competition, resulting in the creation of grow naturally after the first two years.
a diversified natural forest. The most innovative element of the Miyawaki
The restoration process can be divided in four method is the application of the concept of “con-
phases (Figure 12.1): temporary succession.” This assumes that the

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 12.1.
The four phases of the Miyawaki method

Source: Miyawaki (1999).

­ ative species normally associated with different

n of rapid growth, there is a natural selection of
successional stages, when planted s­ imultaneously, species (and individuals) best suited to micro-
generate an “assisted succession” (human-­ sites, and the plantation will evolve into a late-­
supported succession concept) that allows the successional stage without the need for further
development in a few decades of the relatively action, through what can be described as a new
stable late-successional stage. succession theory (Figure 12.2).
Planted simultaneously, all the species become Climate, soil and topography interact to cre-
part of a rapid succession. After the first phase ate a certain type of climax forest. Human

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 12.2.
Comparison between Miyawaki’s new succession theory and classical succession theory

Source: Miyawaki (1999).

i­ntervention alters the plant cover. At this point 2. New succession: simultaneous planting of
two alternatives can be envisaged: seedlings (2–5/ m2) of species belonging to the
1. Classical succession: let nature take its course; potential natural vegetation. This can give
wait two to ten years for the annual herb com- rise to a semi-natural environment very simi-
munity to be replaced by perennial grasses, an- lar to a young late-successional forest within
other 10 to 15 years for a community of shrubs ­40–50 years.
to develop, 15 to 50 years for the heliophilous This is explained by positive interactions among
tree species to develop and finally 200 to 300 the diverse species planted. Immediately after
years or more for the late-successional species planting the microclimate changes, becoming
to establish. more favourable for the young plants.  Rather

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Box 12.1.
The Green Tide Embankment

“On March 11, 2011, Eastern Japan suffered major breathe under the ground. Mounds built of soil and
damage from the Great East Japan Earthquake and debris have hollows and contain much air. Therefore
tsunami that followed. We conducted surveys on the trees can grow well. The forests on the mounds
disaster areas. The surveys proved that monoculture will function as a breakwater and protect lives and
forests of fast-growing intolerant exotic tree species properties of local people from future tsunamis. I
such as Pinus thunbergii (black pine) and Pinus would like to build the Green Tide Embankment,
densiflora (red pine) were almost destroyed and some 300 km long from the north to the south.
were carried landward and extended damage by “The native forest system will last for 9000 years
colliding with people, houses and cars. But forests of until the next glacial age, though there is alternation
main and companion trees from the local potential of individuals.
natural vegetation stood firmly and exerted an “Mature trees, which have grown large enough,
influence on reducing the power of the tsunami. Main can be cut selectively and utilized for furniture,
tree species of the forests are Persia thunbergii and architectural materials and other purposes. Forests
evergreen Quercus (oaks), and companion tree species coexist with local economies. After selective cutting,
are also evergreen broadleaved trees including a successor replaces the harvested tree and the forest
Camellia japonica, Neolitsea sericea and Euonymus ecosystem will be maintained.
japonicus. “Everywhere in the world, forests consisting of
“After the earthquake and tsunami, huge heaps of indigenous trees save lives and property of local
debris remained dispersed in the disaster areas. Debris people. Ecological reforestation based on the potential
is not industrial waste, but natural resources from natural vegetation is indispensable in our safe living
the earth. After removing poisonous and inorganic environments and regional economy. Let’s extend the
objects, it should be used effectively. From our results reforestation movement by planting indigenous trees
in reforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, I suggest to proactively, from tropical rainforest regions to other
the central and local governments, corporations and areas of the world.”
non-profit organizations that we should build mounds
Description of the “The Green Tide Embankment” project from
on the coastline of the disaster areas by mixing soil a keynote speech given by A. Miyawaki at the International
and debris, and plant indigenous tree species on them Symposium on Rehabilitation of Tropical Rainforest Ecosystems
to form quasi-natural forests. Roots of plants also at the Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia in October 2011.

than ­suffering from competition from neighbour- railways (Miyawaki, 1998). Since 1971, over 40
ing plants, during the first months after planting million native trees have been planted using this
the seedlings benefit from the positive effects (e.g. method. In 2012 Dr Miyawaki launched the Green
lower soil temperature during the day, windbreak Tide Embankment project, which is using the
effect or mitigation of extreme heat). Beneficial Miyawaki method to establish a green embank-
micro-site effects improve water availability and ment all along the Japanese coast damaged by the
soil stabilization. Over time, n
­ atural selection will 2011 tsunami to protect it against future events.
lead to the survival of the best-adapted individuals.
The Miyawaki method has been used in over
1700 sites around the world, on extensive areas
as well as to establish windbreaks along roads and

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

References The goals of the project include developing

techniques for the rehabilitation of degraded ar-
eas and conducting research to assess the health
Miyawaki, A. 1993. Restoration of native forests from
of rehabilitated forests.
Japan to Malaysia. In H. Lieth & M. Lohmann, eds.
Restoration of tropical forest ecosystem. Dordrecht,
Site information
The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The project comprises two sites, one in Sarawak
Miyawaki, A. 1998. Restoration of urban green environ- and the other in Selangor, Malaysia.
ments based on the theory of vegetation ecology. The project was initiated in July 1991 on
Ecol. Eng., 11: 157–165. a 47.5  ha site on the Universiti Putra Malay­
sia Bintulu  Campus, Sarawak (113°03’41.67”E;
Miyawaki, A. 1999. Creative ecology: restoration of 3°12’32.28’’N). The site previously had been badly
native forests by native trees. Plant Biotech., 16(1): degraded by shifting cultivation activities. The
15–25. rehabilitation project in Bintulu was executed
in four phases, and currently the site has sever-
Miyawaki, A. 2004. Restoration of living environment
al different-aged forests, the oldest being over
based on vegetation ecology: theory and practice.
20  years old. These forests give researchers the
Ecol. Res., 19: 83–90.
opportunity to study various ecological param-
eters at different stages of forest growth.
In 2008, following the success of the Bintulu
project, a new agreement was signed between
12.1.1. T
 ropical rainforest rehabilitation UPM and Mitsubishi Corporation to establish a
project in Malaysia using the new model forest by planting indigenous tree
Miyawaki Method species in an urban setting, using 27 ha of degrad-
Nik Muhamad Majid ed land located inside the UPM Serdang Campus
(101°43’32.27’’E; 2°59’45.16’’N). The establishment
Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest of this model planted tropical forest was initiated
Products (INTROP), Universiti Putra at a tree-planting ceremony on 26  November
Malaysia, Malaysia 2008 at UPM’s Arboretum, which lies between
the Kuala Lumpur–Seremban Highway, the Kuala
Lumpur–Putrajaya Highway and the railway be-
tween Kuala Lumpur International Airport and
the city. Formerly pastureland, this area was de-
graded by the construction of the r­ailway track
and six-lane highways.

Restoration activities
Malaysia is considered to be one of the world’s
leading mega-diverse biodiversity hotspots, with
The Joint Research Project for the Rehabilitation tropical rainforest covering an area of more than
of Tropical Rainforest Ecosystems was launched 7.6 million hectares, or about 70 percent of the
by Mitsubishi Corporation in 1991, with sup- country’s total land area. The country is richly en-
port from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and dowed with diverse flora and fauna that have the
Yokohama National University (YNU), Japan.
­ potential to be developed and utilized in various
The project adopted the Miyawaki method (see natural products and services. Forests are still the
­above). main source of income for the country. However,

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Number of species per family planted at the Bintulu and Serdang restoration sites, Malaysia

Family No. of species Family No. of species

Bintulu Serdang Bintulu Serdang
Anarcadiaceae 7 5 Lecythidaceae 1 2

Annonaceae 1 1 Leguminosae 4 6

Apocynaceae 4 1 Melastomataceae 1 –

Araucariaceae – 1 Meliaceae 1 2

Bombacaceae 3 2 Moraceae 5 5

Burseraceae 3 2 Myristicaceae 1 3

Celastraceae – 2 Myrtaceae 9 5

Combretaceae – 1 Olacaceae 1 1

Compositae 1 Oxalidaceae 1 1

Dipterocarpaceae 57 Rubiaceae – 2

Ebenaceae 2 Sapindaceae 4 6

Euphobiaceae 4 Sapotaceae 4 4

Fabaceae – Simaroubaceae 1 –

Guttiferae 5 Sterculiaceae – 3

Icacinaceae 1 Thymelaeaceae 1 2

Irvingiaceae – Tiliaceae – 2

Lauraceae 3 TOTAL 126 117

harvesting activities have caused serious degrada- As of 2011, roughly 350  000 seedlings from
tion to the forest ecosystems. 126  tree species have been planted in four dif-
A comprehensive research approach was ini- ferent areas (Table 12.1). The species planted can
tiated at the two sites to determine the extent be classified into three groups: light-demanding,
of damage as well as the effectiveness of the shade-tolerant and slow-growing species. The
reforestation and rehabilitation programmes. light-demanding species include Shorea ovata,
The area selected for planting on the Bintulu S. mecistopteryx, Artocarpus integer, Pentaspodon
site was a coastal forest that included heath and motleyi and Whiteodendron moultianum. The
lowland dipterocarp forests. Tree-canopy species shade-tolerant species include Shorea macrophyl-
were selected from the natural vegetation of a la, S. gibbosa, S. materialis, Hopea beccaariana,
similar area to ensure the suitability of the tree Cotylelobium burckii, Calophyllum ferrugenium,
species to the environment, based on assumption Parashorea parvifolia and Durio caranatus. The
that indigenous species are well adapted to local slow-growing species include Diospyros sp., Hopea
conditions. Seeds and wildings were collected in kerangasensis, Palaquium gutta and Vatica sp. In
Similajau National Park, Likau Forest Reserve, and addition, over 100 research plots have been estab-
the Experimental Forest and Arboretum at the lished in the rehabilitated area and the growth of
UPM Bintulu Campus. Planting techniques were the planted seedlings is regularly monitored.
mound planting, open-area planting and partial- A total of 19  500 seedlings, including rare
shade planting. and endemic species, have been planted on the

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

UPM Serdang Arboretum site using open-area • Public awareness: Over the past two
planting. Tree species selection (Table 12.1) was decades, at least 10 000 people have
based on vegetation studies in several forests in participated in planting ceremonies at
Peninsular Malaysia: the Bintulu project site, and another
• Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, a high 2000 people have been involved in the
conservation value forest of Dipterocarpus Serdang project over the past four years
crinitus and Hopea nervosa, representing (Figure 12.5). The events were widely
the lowland dipterocarp forest of Selangor. covered by both local and international
• Semangkok Forest Reserve, representing media, including the National Geographic
lowland dipterocarp forest with Shorea Channel.
leprosula vegetation association. • Human capital development: The project has
• Pasoh Forest Reserve, representing the been the subject of six Ph.D. dissertations,
lowland dipterocarp forest of Negeri seven M.Sc. theses and more than 20 B.Sc.
Sembilan. theses.
• Leban Condong Forest Reserve, representing • Linkages: The Acid Deposition Monitoring
the heath forest of Pahang. Network in East Asia (EANET), based in
• Rompin forest, representing the swamp Niigata, Japan, has started a research project
forest of Pahang. at the Bintulu site as one of its monitoring
• Segari Melintang Forest Reserve, stations in the Asia–Pacific region to
representing the Shorea lumutensis evaluate the effects of air pollution on
vegetation association since this species is an forest ecosystems.
endemic in this forest reserve. • Two international symposia were organized
• Mersing forest, representing the Shorea in 1991 and 2011 to discuss recent research
peltata vegetation association since this findings and current issues related to forest
species is endemic in this type of forest. rehabilitation and promote international
collaboration among scientists, academics,
Project outputs policy-makers and forest industry
Project outputs to date include the following: stakeholders.
• Forest restoration: A mixed, virgin tropical
rain forest has been recreated through Figure 12.3.
human innovation (Figures12.3 and 12.4). Bintulu site before planting (1991)
The rehabilitated forest has attracted
wildlife and many other plant species, and
has improved soil fertility, the hydrological
cycle and the microclimatic environment.
• Research: Many scientific papers have been
published or presented at national and
international conferences. This project
contributed to UPM being ranked sixth
among 95 universities in the world in the
Green Metric World University Ranking
2010 for promoting sustainability through
environmental conservation and green

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 12.4. 12.1.2. A

 dapting the Miyawaki
Bintulu site (2014) method in Mediterranean
forest reforestation practices
Bartolomeo Schirone and Federico

AgroForestry, Nature and Energy

Department (DAFNE), University of
Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy

Figure 12.5. Natural forests in north Sardinia, Italy, have been

Planting ceremony at Serdang Site (2014) degraded over centuries by human activities, such
as livestock husbandry and wood exploitation.
Since 1905, periodic attempts have been made to
reforest the region using traditional techniques,
mainly planting maritime pine (Pinus pinaster
Aiton.), Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.), At-
las cedar (Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carrière), cork
oak (Quercus suber L.), downy oak (Quercus pu-
bescens Willd.) and sweet chestnut (Castanea sa-
tiva Mill.). The trees were planted at low densities
(300–2200 plants/ha) along contour lines after
forming terraces by subsoiling, or across the slope
in pits. Low planting density has traditionally
been considered appropriate in arid and semi-
arid environments to avoid competition for water
resources between plants. However, there is little
evidence that competitive processes outweigh co-
operative processes, such as mutual shading, that
can enhance seedling survival.

Experimental design
In May 1997, two experimental forest restora-
tion plots were planted in Pattada (Province of
Sassari, North Sardinia) to test the effectiveness
of the Miyawaki method for reforestation. The

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Miyawaki method involves planting both pioneer The plots were planted with both early-­
and late-successional species to a target density, successional species and late-successional species
often up to 10 000 or more seedlings/ha, and to improve resilience of the plant community.
has been successful in reducing the time taken On Site A, 1723 seedlings were planted, belong­
to achieve complete environmental restoration ing to 22 indigenous tree and shrub species:
(see section 12.1). This is the first time that the 25  percent pioneers (e.g. Arbutus unedo, Pinus
Miyawaki method has been tested in Mediterra- pinaster, Spartium junceum and Myrtus commu-
nean Europe. nis); 10 percent mid-successionals (e.g. Celtis aus-
The trial was conducted by the University of tralis, Ligustrum vulgare and Pyrus communis);
Tuscia with logistical and monitoring support and 65 percent late-successionals (e.g. Quercus
from the Regional Forest Directorate of Sardinia suber, Quercus ilex, Acer monspessulanum, Taxus
and political support from the Municipality of baccata and Malus domestica). On Site B, 2139
Pattada. seedlings belonging to 23 autochthonous spe-
Both experimental plots were degraded and cies were planted: 17 percent pioneers (Arbutus
abandoned sites on which several reforestation unedo, Juniperus oxicedrus, Pinus pinaster and
projects had failed. A survey of the natural plant Myrtus communis); 14 percent mid-successionals
communities in neighbouring areas was conduct- (Celtis australis, Fraxinus orsnus, Phyllirea lati-
ed and the climate was characterized to evaluate folia and Thymus vulgaris); and 69 percent late-­
the possible natural vegetation for the study sites successionals (Quercus suber, Q. ilex, Ilex aquifo-
and to select appropriate species for the reforest- lium and Taxus baccata).
ation. Seeds were collected from nearby natural
forest stands and germinated in four greenhous- Results
es owned by the Regional Forest Directorate of The plots were surveyed in 1998, 1999 and 2009.
Sardinia. Seedlings were grown in plastic bags for By 2009 (i.e. 12 years after planting) early-­
one year before being planted out in the field. successional tree species were well established,
Slight modifications were made to the with stable populations, and the plots had a
Miyawaki method. For instance, no new topsoil high level of plant biodiversity. Mean mortal-
was added to the restoration sites, but soil was ity rates for all species were 61 percent in Site
tilled to improve soil water storage over the win- A (672 plants survived) and 84 percent in Site  B
ter and reduce water stress during the summer. (336  plants survived; Table 12.2). The difference
Several mulching materials were used (sawmill in mortality rate between the sites was mainly
residues, dry and green materials), and no weed- the result of poor drainage in Site B. The forest
ing was done after planting. Local climatic con- species that are most prevalent in local natural
ditions were analysed using climate diagrams de- forest (i.e. maritime pine and the oak group)
veloped by Walter and Lieth (1967) to determine survived well in both sites, thus maintaining
optimal planting time. the possibility of achieving intermediate and
Site A (40°37’32’’N, 09°11’08’’E, 760 m above late-successional vegetation stages. In addition,
sea level) covered 4500 m2. Plot preparation con- several indigenous species that had not been
sisted of clearing and tilling a series of 3.5-m-wide planted were found on the sites (e.g. Erica ar-
strips. Pot-grown tree seedlings were then plant- borea and Prunus spinosa). The survey results
ed at a density of approximately 8600 plants/ha. suggest that cooperative processes (e.g. mutual
Site B (40°36’54’’N, 09°10’04’’E, 882 m above sea shading) facilitated the establishment of some
level) covered an area of 1000 m2. In contrast species, in particular the mid- to late-successional
to site A the entire plot was cleared and tilled. ones. The high planting densities adopted in the
Planting density was approximately 21 000 seed- sites reduced, for instance, the impact of acorn
lings/ha. predators, thus encouraging oak regeneration

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

(i.e. the main ­late-successional forest species in stability of the ecosystem and reforestation suc-
Mediterranean environments) and favoured root cess (Kramer and Kozlowski, 1979).
anastomosis processes (connection of normally While the experiment consisted of only two
separated roots), which seems to influence the small field trials, comparison of the results, in

Table 12.2.
Survival of planted seedlings in two plots restored using the Miyawaki method. The seedlings were
planted in 1997 (year 1) and evaluated in 2009 (year 13). Dashes indicate the species was not planted.

Site A Site B
Species No. of seedlings Survival (%) No. of seedlings Survival (%)
Year 1 Year 13 Year 1 Year 13
Pioneer species

Arbutus unedo L. 50 41 82 11 0 0

Juniperus oxicedrus L. – – – 45 30 66.6

Myrtus communis L. 19 1 5.3 95 4 4.2

Pinus pinaster Aiton. 273 208 76.2 155 80 51.6

Rosmarinus officinalis L. 23 15 65.2 23 0 0

Salvia officinalis L. 5 0 0 4 0 0

Spartium junceum L. 74 29 39.2 21 0 0


Celtis australis L. 22 3 13.6 37 0 0

Fraxinus ornus L. 8 1 12.5 9 0 0

Ligustrum vulgare L. 126 29 23.0 13 4 30.8

Phyllirea angustifolia L. 1 1 100.0 – – –

Phyllirea latifolia L. – – – 203 0 0

Pyrus communis L. 19 10 52.6 22 10 45.4

Thymus vulgaris L. – – – 24 0 0


Acer monspessulanum L. 21 2 9.5 30 0 0

Castanea sativa Mill. 42 1 2.4 – – –

Ilex aquifolium L. 112 23 20.5 125 0 0

Laurus nobilis L. 22 3 13.6 19 0 0

Malus domestica Borkh. 21 7 33.3 19 0 00

Quercus ilex L. 300 159 53.0 394 96 24.4

Quercus pubescens Willd. 268 116 43.3 93 8 8.6

Quercus suber L. 11 7 63.6 621 96 15.4

Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz 18 4 22.2 24 8 33.3

Taxus baccata L. 251 9 3.6 126 0 0

Viburnum tinus L. 58 3 5.2 26 0 0

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

terms of species densities and choices, plant bio- when traditional methods are used, growth per-
diversity and ecosystem composition, with those formance of secondary species (measured by plant
of other reforestation practices traditionally ap- density and mean height) is severely reduced by
plied in the same ecological context indicates the highly competitive shrub species (Erica arbo-
some interesting differences in the growth perfor- rea and Arbutus unedo) that occur spontaneously
mance of the species under the Miyawaki method. and in large numbers. In contrast, trees on the
Traditional reforestation methods resulted in sim- Miyawaki plots developed more rapidly. This was
pler vegetation structures (Table 12.3). Moreover, particularly the case for early-successional species.

Table 12.3.
Height of 12-year-old trees in four plots reforested using different methods. Sites A and B were
established using the Miyawaki method, Site C was reforested using traditional pit planting
(785 plants/ha) and Site D employed contour planting on terraces (1048 plants/ha). Dashes indicate
species not planted, and zeros indicate planted species that did not survive in 2009. Data are given
for species for which at least two individuals survived on each plot.

Species Height (cm)

Site A Site B Site C Site D
Pioneer species

Arbutus unedo L. 32.7 ± 4.1 0 500.0 ± 35.8 110 ± 20.6

Cedrus atlantica Endl. – – – 162 ± 54.6

Erica arborea L. – – 115.0 ± 12.7 130 ± 18.6

Juniperus oxicedrus L. – 36.2 ± 18.5 – –

Myrtus communis L. 10.0 10.0 ± 1.4 – –

Pinus pinaster Aiton. 433.2 ± 143.6 325.5 ± 38.6 376.4 ± 73.0 425.7 ± 25.1

Rosmarinus officinalis L. 89.3 ± 33.9 0 – 80.0 ± 14.9

Spartium junceum L. 110.7 ± 62.2 0 – –


Celtis australis L. 26.7 ± 28.9 – – –

Ligustrum vulgare L. 32.8 ± 52.6 30 ± 8.16 – –

Pyrus communis L. 71.0 ± 65.1 60 ± 61.2 – –

Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz 35.0 ± 50.0 40 ± 12.9 – –


Acer monspessulanum L. 40.0 ± 14.1 0 – –

Ilex aquifolium L. 45.2 ± 30.6 0 – –

Laurus nobilis L. 30.0 ± 17.3 0 – –

Malus domestica Borkh. 100.0 ± 45.5 0 – –

Quercus ilex L. 34.2 ± 32.1 40.8 ± 36.2 69.4 ± 23.2 146.2 ± 38.1

Quercus pubescens Willd. 23.6 ± 27.5 10 ± 5.3 – –

Quercus suber L. 174.3 ± 49.6 77.5 ± 51.9 – –

Taxus baccata L. 33.3 ± 38.0 0 – –

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Conclusions 12.2. 
Framework species method
Overall, this example of restoration using the
Miyawaki method can be considered quite suc- Riina Jalonen1 and Stephen Elliott2
cessful, even if some further improvements are
required. For instance, early-successional species 1
Bioversity International, Malaysia
may have been planted in excessive numbers, 2
Forest Restoration Research Unit,
thus competing with the intermediate- and late- Chiang Mai University, Thailand
successional species. Optimal planting density will
have to be tested. An economic analysis should be
performed to compare the costs of reforestation,
including post-planting silvicultural practices, be-
tween traditional reforestation methods and the
Miyawaki method. Planting costs when using the
Miyawaki method are relatively high because of
the high planting density and the associated la-
bour requirements (even with non-specialized la-
bour). On the other hand, the Miyawaki method
requires no post-planting care such as weeding or
thinning. The framework species method can be a par-
Even if costs of the Miyawaki method were are ticularly effective approach for restoring ­ forest
higher than those of the traditional reforesta- ecosystems where fragments of intact forest
tion techniques, the quality of forest achieved in remain within about 10 km of restoration sites.
a relative short time (i.e. after 12 years), would In this method, selected indigenous tree species
make it worth considering for use in protected ar- are planted on the restoration site to promote
eas and natural parks where traditional plantings natural recruitment and succession. The planted
are not easily accepted because of their aesthetic trees shade out weeds to “recapture” the site and
and ecological impacts. In traditional plantings, re-establish forest structure. They also reinstate
trees are placed in regular and fixed schemes, ecological processes such as litter accumulation
creating an easily recognizable artificial land- and nutrient cycling. These so-called “framework
scape, especially when using exotic species. The species” are selected for their ability to provide
Miyawaki method, on the other hand, restores resources (e.g. nectar, fruit and nesting sites) at an
forest that is better integrated in the surrounding early age. These resources attract seed-dispersing
landscape because of its use of local species and a animals and thus facilitate dispersal of seeds of
randomized planting scheme that evolves mainly non-planted tree species (i.e. recruit species) into
according to the ecological and competitive pro- the site from forest remaining in the surrounding
cesses among the species. landscape. Improved site conditions (i.e. weed-
free, humus-rich forest floor) favour germination
of naturally dispersed seed and establishment of
References tree seedlings (FORRU, 2006; Figure 12.6).
Typically, 20–30 tree species are planted on
each restoration site. Good framework spe-
Kramer, P.J. & Kozlowski, T.T. 1979. Physiology of
cies grow fast at seedling stage, rapidly develop
woody plants. Orlando, FL, USA, Academic Press.
large and dense crowns that shade out weeds,
Walter, H. & Lieth, H. 1967. Klimadiagram-Weltatlas. bear fruit at young age to attract seed-dispersing
Jena, Germany, VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag. animals, and survive well in field conditions, in-
cluding after fire where relevant (FORRU, 2008).

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 12.6.
Process of site restoration using the framework species method. Note the positive feedback loops
that reinforce and facilitate ecosystem recovery.

Source: Redrawn from FORRU (2006).

Framework species should preferably include of deforested areas. Under normal circumstances
both early- and late-successional forest tree spe- they fail to ­colonize such areas because of lack of
cies to accelerate natural succession and facilitate seed dispersal (FORRU, 2006).
the recovery of a complex forest structure. Many Seeds or wildings of framework trees are usually
late-successional tree species can be planted since collected from nearby forest. Ideally, they should
they perform well in the open, sunny conditions be collected from as many parent trees as possible

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

to ensure that a wide range of genetic diversity is Forest Restoration Unit (FORRU) (Elliott et al.,
captured. However, because the purpose of the 2003). FORRU has published detailed guidelines
framework species is to quickly recapture the site, for studying and identifying framework species
phenotypically superior parent trees and propa- (FORRU, 2008; Box 12.2), and is carrying out re-
gated seedlings should be selected (Blakesley, search to identify framework species in Cambodia
Hardwick and Elliott, 2002). After propagation in and other neighbouring countries.
a nursery, seedlings are planted on the restora- Because the framework species method relies
tion site at a typical average spacing of 1.8 × 1.8 m on natural recruitment of seedlings, its applica-
(approximately 3100 trees/ha). The seedlings must bility depends on seed dispersers and dispersal
be tended for at least two years after planting by distances of native tree species in the area. In
regular weeding. Other management practices, tropical Asia, seed dispersal by mammals, large
including fertilizer application, protection from birds and bats is known to occur over distances of
wildlife and care of naturally recruiting seedlings, up to 10  km, while shorter distances from a few
are also recommended (FORRU, 2006). hundred metres to a few kilometres are probably
Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of more common (Corlett, 2009). Remnant forests
the framework species method. In a trial plot in must, therefore, be present within a few kilome-
Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, northern Thailand, tres from the restoration site. The nearer the for-
73 non-planted tree species had established eight est, the faster will be the recovery of species rich-
to nine years after planting framework tree spe- ness (FORRU, 2006). Although even scattered trees
cies (Sinhaseni, 2008). With 57 planted frame- can act as seed sources, their seed may be largely
work tree species, the total tree species on the inbred and thus of low quality for restoration
site amounted to 130, equivalent to 85 percent (Blakesley, Hardwick and Elliott, 2002; Chapter 2).
of the total tree flora expected in an intact forest Subsequent enrichment planting is recommended
in similar area under the same conditions. Most if biodiversity recovery is not evident four to five
of the tree species recorded had germinated from years after tree planting (FORRU, 2006).
seeds dispersed from nearby forest by birds (par-
ticularly bulbuls), fruit bats and civets. The spe-
cies richness of the bird community also increased References
from about 30 species before planting to 88 af-
ter six years, representing about 54 percent of
Blakesley, D., Hardwick, K. & Elliott, S. 2002. Research
bird species recorded using the same methods in
needs for restoring tropical forests in southeast
nearby intact forest (Toktang, 2005). The species
Asia for wildlife conservation: framework species
richness of mycorrhizal fungi and lichens has also
selection and seed propagation. New Forest., 24:
been reported to increase dramatically in the re-
stored plots, often exceeding that of natural for-
est (Nandakwang et al., 2008; Phongchiewboon, Corlett, R.T. 2009. Seed dispersal distances and plant
2008). migration potential in tropical east Asia. Biotropica,
Little information is available on most tropical 41: 592–598.
tree species about how they meet the preferred Elliott, S., Navakitbumrung, P., Kuarak, C., Zangkum,
characteristics of framework species. So far, lists S., Anusarnsunthorn, V. & Blakesley, D. 2003.
of good framework species have been published Selecting framework tree species for restoring
only for the wet tropics of Queensland, Australia, seasonally dry tropical forests in northern Thailand
where the method originates (Goosem and based on field performance. Forest Ecol. Manag.,
Tucker, 1995), and for the seasonally dry tropics in 184: 177–191.
northern Thailand, where the method is actively
studied and promoted by Chiang Mai University’s

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Box 12.2.
Examples of tree species for attracting seed-dispersing animals in Thailand

Relatively few common fruit-eating animals are (e.g. Erythrina subumbrans). In general, local fig
responsible for most seed dispersal between intact species (Ficus spp.) are good candidates for framework
forest and restoration sites in northern Thailand. species because of their fruiting patterns and high
These include small to medium-sized birds, especially survival even under unfavourable site conditions.
bulbuls, fruit bats (e.g. Cynopterus spp.) and certain Some tree species can provide nesting sites
medium-sized mammals, including civets, common for birds within five years after planting, further
wild pig, common barking deer and hog badger. These enhancing seed dispersal to the site. Such species in
animals are equally at home both in forest and in northern Thailand include Alseodaphne andersonii,
deforested areas. Balakata baccata, Bischofia javanica, Cinnamomum
Tree species that are most likely to attract seed- iners, Duabanga grandiflora, Erythrina subumbrans,
dispersing animals to restoration sites produce Eugenia albiflora, Ficus glaberima, F. semicordata,
small to medium-sized fruits within three years F. subincisa, Helicia nilagirica, Hovenia dulcis, Phoebe
after planting. Such species indigenous in northern lanceolata, Prunus cerasoides, Pterospermum
Thailand include Callicarpa arborea, Castanopsis grandiflorum, Quercus semiserrata, Rhus rhetsoides
tribuloides, Eugenia grata, Ficus abellii, F. hispida, and Spondias axillaris.
F. semicordata, F. subincisa, Glochidion kerrii, Heynea
Source: Forest Restoration Research Unit, 2006. How to plant
trijuga, Macaranga denticulata, Machilus kurzii, a forest: the principles and practice of restoring tropical forests.
Prunus cerasoides and Rhus rhetsoides. Some species Chiang Mai, Thailand, Biology Department, Science Faculty,
also produce flowers with large quantities of nectar Chiang Mai University.

FORRU (Forest Restoration Research Unit). 2006. Phongchiewboon, A. 2008. Recovery of lichen diversity
How to plant a forest: the principles and practice during forest restoration in northern Thailand.
of restoring tropical forests. Chiang Mai, Thailand, Graduate School, Chiang Mai University. (M.Sc.
Biology Department, Science Faculty, Chiang Mai thesis)
Sinhaseni, K. 2008. Natural establishment of tree seed-
FORRU (Forest Restoration Research Unit). 2008. lings in forest restoration trials at Ban Mae Sa Mai,
Research for restoring tropical forest ecosystems: Chiang Mai province. Graduate School, Chiang Mai
a practical guide. Chiang Mai, Thailand, Biology University, Thailand. (M.Sc. thesis) (available at http://
Department, Science Faculty, Chiang Mai University.
Goosem, S.P. & Tucker, N.I.J. 1995. Repairing the rain-
forest – theory and practice of rainforest re-estab- Toktang, T. 2005. The effects of forest restoration on
lishment in North Queensland’s wet tropics. Cairns, the species diversity and composition of a bird com-
Australia, Wet Tropics Management Authority. munity in Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Thailand,
from 2002–2003. Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Nandakwang, P., Elliott, S., Youpensuk, S., Dell, B.,
(M.Sc. thesis)
Teaumroon, N. & Lumyong, S. 2008. Arbuscular
mycorrhizal status of indigenous tree species used
to restore seasonally dry tropical forest in northern
Thailand. Res. J. Microbiol., 3(2): 51–61.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Assisted natural ANR aims at enhancing the establishment of
regeneration secondary forests by protecting and nurturing
the mother trees and their offspring already pre-
Evert Thomas sent in the area. This can be achieved by remov-
ing or reducing barriers to regeneration, such as
Bioversity International, Regional office soil degradation, competition with weedy spe-
for the Americas, Cali, Colombia cies, and recurring disturbances (e.g. fire, graz-
ing and wood harvesting) (Shono, Cadaweng and
Durst, 2007). Particular care is given to liberating
Approaches to ecological restoration of forest naturally regenerating seedlings or saplings from
ecosystems depend strongly on the initial state of competition with undergrowth by weeding a cir-
forest or land degradation, as well as the desired cular area around them and to protecting them
outcomes, time frame and financial constraints from fire and grazing (e.g. through active estab-
(Chazdon, 2008). In sites with low to intermediate lishment of fuel breaks and fences, respectively).
levels of degradation where soils are generally Where two or more seedlings or saplings are close
intact (typically degraded [Imperata] grassland or to each other, the smaller, less healthy or less de-
shrub vegetation), natural regeneration of forest sirable one is removed and, where appropriate,
species is often sufficient to trigger the conversion transplanted to empty places in the restoration
to more productive forests with relatively little site (FAC and DANIDA, 2005). In some cases, fer-
human intervention. This is what assisted natural tilizer may be applied to promote the growth of
regeneration (ANR) is all about: accelerate, rather existing seedlings or saplings.
than replace, natural successional processes by re- ANR is most applicable in areas with remain-
moving or reducing barriers to natural forest re- ing trees or patches of natural forest within a
generation (Shono, Cadaweng and Durst, 2007). wider degraded landscape, as these trees provide
The method was originally proposed by Dalmaico ­propagation material or attract dispersal agents
(1986) and since then has gained considerable (birds, bats, mammals, etc). Five hundred to 800
popularity around the world (FAO, 2003, 2012). wildings/ha is generally adequate to ensure es-
One of the attractive characteristics of ANR is its tablishment of a stable second-growth forest
cost-effectiveness compared with conventional and eventual restoration of a dense forest cover
reforestation methods, most of which have sub- (Shono, Cadaweng and Durst, 2007; FAO, 2012).
stantial costs associated with propagating, rais- Wildlife is an essential component in the restora-
ing and planting seedlings (FAO, 2003; Shono, tion approach for its role in seed dispersal, and
Cadaweng and Durst, 2007). As ANR involves less should therefore be protected (FAC and DANIDA,
site preparation and nursery establishment, costs 2005). Precisely because of ANR’s reliance on nat-
can often be as low as half to one tenth of those ural processes, it is especially effective in restoring
of conventional reforestation practice (FAC and and enhancing biological diversity and ecological
DANIDA, 2005; FAO, 2012). Furthermore, ANR is processes (FAO, 2003). ANR is not to be recom-
very compatible with traditional systems of natu- mended for ecological restoration in seriously
ral resource management, and easily understood degraded landscapes as it is likely that remain-
by field staff (FAO, 2003). However, the method ing isolated trees do not produce viable seeds
is generally labour-intensive, requiring nearly or vigorous seedlings (FAC and DANIDA, 2005).
constant maintenance of selected forest areas for Depending on the desired outcome, quantity and
five to seven years to ensure establishment of de- quality of natural regeneration (e.g. fewer than
sirable tree species (FAO, 2012). Hence, in order 500–800 naturally occurring wildlings per ha;
to obtain successful results it is crucial to involve FAO, 2012), time constraints and/or available fi-
­local communities. nancial resources, stands may need to be enriched

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

tion of forests [web page] (available at http://www.

with a variety of species, such as fast-growing,
light-demanding species that create shade in the
understorey and a habitat for late-successional Shono, K., Cadaweng, E.A. & Durst, P.B. 2007.
species, orchard trees or commercial tree species. Application of assisted natural regeneration to
Thus, it is important to choose a wide variety of restore degraded tropical forestlands. Restor. Ecol.,
native species matched to different microclimatic 15: 620–626.
conditions in the restoration area, including spe-
cies that provide fruit for birds, bats and other
animals that spread seed. Once nurse trees and For more information on assisted natural regeneration,
existing woody species start casting appropriate see:
shade the stand can be enriched with shade-
tolerant (high-value) species (FAC and DANIDA,
2005). Hence, it is clear that ANR techniques are
flexible and allow for the integration of various
objectives, such as timber production, biodiversity 12.3.1. Assisted natural regeneration
recovery and cultivation of crops, fruit trees and in China
non-timber forest products in restored forests Jiang Sannai21
(Shono, Cadaweng and Durst, 2007).


Chazdon, R.L. 2008. Beyond deforestation: restoring

forests and ecosystem services on degraded lands.
Science, 320: 1458–1460.

Dalmacio, M. 1987. Assisted natural regeneration: a

strategy for cheap, fast and effective regeneration Nearly 40 percent of China’s surface area is seri-
of denuded forest lands. Tacloban City, Philippines, ously eroded, and more than one quarter of the
Philippines Department of Environment and Natural land is covered with desert soils. Since the 1990s,
Resources, Region 8. the frequency of sand storms has increased, es-
FAC (Forestry Administration, Cambodia) & DANIDA. pecially in northern China. Assisted natural re-
2005. Guidelines for site selection and tree planting generation (ANR) has played an important role
in Cambodia. Phnom Penh, Forestry Administration in the country’s effort to counter expanding en-
(available at vironmental degradation. In China, ANR can be
site_eng.htm). divided into two main categories: special ANR
and general ANR. Special ANR is practised on
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the cutover land with measures such as soil prepa-
United Nations). 2003. Advancing assisted natural ration conducted to improve site conditions for
regeneration (ANR) in Asia and the Pacific, compiled
forest establishment. General ANR refers to more
and edited by P.C. Dugan, P.B. Durst, D.J. Ganz &
comprehensive regeneration and afforestation
P.J. McKenzie. Bangkok, FAO Regional Office for
activities accompanied by artificial sowing, tend-
Asia and the Pacific (available at
ing and other treatments. It is conducted on bar-
ren hills, wasteland, barren desert lands, ­cutover
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations). 2012. Assisted natural regenera-   Based on Sannai (2003), published with permission.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

lands, ­riverbanks with important ecological sta- This accounted for 25 percent of the total artifi-
tus, sandy regions damaged by wind and such cial forests of China in 2003.
like. The objective is to establish vegetative cover ANR has played a very important role in ex-
to protect the land. In regions where some natu- panding forest resources, controlling soil erosion,
ral sowing occurs, the area is closed to most forms retarding the process of desertification, improv-
of exploitation for a number of years (depending ing the ecological environment and improving
on local conditions). Use of the land is restricted the living conditions of farmers.
or prohibited during this period to facilitate for-
est establishment from natural seed fall. Where
natural sowing and natural regeneration are References
unlikely to occur without human assistance, the
closed areas will be sown with tree and/or grass
Sannai, J. 2003. Assisted natural regeneration in China.
seeds from the air.
In FAO. Advancing assisted natural regeneration
Closed areas are subject to both administrative
(ANR) in Asia and the Pacific, compiled and edited
and management measures. Three types of clo-
by P.C. Dugan, P.B. Durst, D.J. Ganz & P.J. McKenzie.
sure are distinguished in China:
Bangkok, Thailand, FAO Regional Office for Asia and
1. Full-closure is adopted for a period of three
the Pacific. pp. 29–31 (available at
to five years or eight to ten years (depending docrep/fao/004/ad466e/ad466e00.pdf).
on local conditions) in regions such as remote
mountains, upper reaches of rivers, water
catchments of reservoirs, sites characterized by
severe soil erosion, desert soil areas subject to
wind damage and other regions where natural
regeneration is difficult.
2. Semi-closure is practised in areas where some
target tree species are growing well and where
the percentage of forest cover is relatively
high. Under semi-closure, strict protection is
prescribed to protect the saplings and seedlings
of target tree species. However, controlled cut-
ting of fuelwood and grass may be allowed.
3. Full-closure and semi-closure are combined
in regions where farmers are very poor and
fuelwood is scarce. Full closure periods alter-
nate with semi-closure periods. There are no
fixed standards; the lengths of full or semi-
closure period vary depending on the progress
achieved in restoring vegetative cover.
Between 2001 and 2003, over 30 million hec-
tares of forest was established through the clo-
sure system. Aerial sowing of tree or grass seeds
was implemented in 931 counties of 26 provinces
(autonomous regions and municipalities directly
under the central government). Approximately
8.68 million hectares of forests were established
through aerial seeding combined with closure.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Post-fire passive restoration Fires, both naturally occurring and human-­
of Andean Araucaria– induced, have influenced the ANF over the past
Nothofagus forests several millennia (Heusser, 1994). Since ancient
times, native tribes of the Araucarian region (e.g.
Mauro E. González Pehuenche and Mapuche people) have used the
area for activities such as hunting, grazing and
Forest Ecology Laboratory, Faculty of the collection of Araucaria seeds (Aagesen, 1998;
Forest Science and Natural Resources, Tacón, 1999; Bengoa, 2000). Fire was typically
Universidad Austral de Chile and used by native tribes for hunting guanaco (Lama
Center for Climate and Resilience guanicoe; Veblen and Lorenz, 1988), and possibly
Research. to clear undergrowth vegetation to facilitate the
collection of Araucaria seeds. With the introduc-
tion of domestic livestock (by the late 1500s), fires
were also used to clear travel corridors and ma-
nipulate forage. After the arrival of Euro-Chilean
settlers to the Araucarian region (after 1882)
human-induced fires increased dramatically. Fire
was used as the main tool to clear forests for ag-
riculture and cattle grazing and also to improve
pasture quality in high-altitude ­ wood­ land val-
leys covered usually with open wood­ lands of
In 2002 large and highly intense fires caused by Araucaria–Nothofagus antarctica (G.  Forster)
lightning strikes affected vast areas of Andean Oerst. In sum, humans have had a significant
Araucaria–Nothofagus forests (ANF) within sev- impact on the historical fire regime of these eco-
eral national parks and forest reserves in south- systems (Gonzaléz, 2005; González, Veblen and
central Chile. The two worst-affected protected Sibold, 2005; Quezada, 2008).
areas were Tolhuaca National Park and Malleco
National Reserve, with over half of their combined Post-fire early secondary development as
total area burned (14 536 ha). Considering the sci- passive restoration of Araucaria–Nothofagus
entific and cultural importance of Araucaria arau- forests
cana (Molina) K. Koch, these events prompted the Although most details of post-fire Araucaria–
rapid development of plans to restore and evalu- Nothofagus forest recovery still are not com-
ate the recovery of Araucaria forests in the two pletely understood, secondary succession is rec-
areas. Here, we present a restoration effort that ognized as an important process in ecological
used a passive approach. restoration. Research on early secondary succes-
Fire has been an intrinsic ecological process sion provides basic information on key ecologi-
influencing the ANF, although its role has only cal processes and species’ responses to enhance
recently been more fully understood (Burns, forest restoration activities (i.e. methods and
1993; González, Veblen and Sibold, 2005, 2010; procedures) and ecosystem integrity. Passive res-
Quezada, 2008; Mundo, 2011). Fire regimes in the toration – the recovery of forest by natural regen-
ANF are dominated by mixed-severity fires (low- eration after fire – has been used as an initial step
severity surface fires and crown fires) that result before active restoration is implemented. Where
in a range of fire effects and responses (González, the natural forest response achieves the desired
Veblen and Sibold, 2005, 2010). Thus, fires typical- processes, functions, structure and composition,
ly result in a mosaic of vegetation burnt to vary- restoration may rely mostly on natural recovery.
ing degrees of severity (Peñaloza, 2007). The present case study is intended to illustrate

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

early post-fire ANF recovery in terms of recruit- trekking. These recreational activities, especially
ment of tree seedlings and understorey species trekking, have been negatively affected by the
under the effect of two different fire severities, 2002 fire because of the danger from fallen dead
moderate and high. trees.
After the 2002 fire, we established six perma-
Study area and sampling design nent plots of 1000 m2 to evaluate vegetation re-
This study was carried out in subalpine temperate covery in areas affected by mid- and ­high-severity
old-growth Araucaria araucana–Nothofagus pu- fire. Moderate fire severity killed 40 percent to
milio (P. et E.) Krasser forests (c. 1200 m above sea 60 percent of trees and consumed most of the
level) within the Tolhuaca National Park (38º12’S undergrowth. High fire severity killed more than
and 71º45’W; Figure 12.7). This area – especially 95 percent of trees and the undergrowth was
high-altitude open woodland intermixed with completely consumed. In each plot we meas-
grassland – was historically used for summer cat- ured the diameter at breast height (dbh) of all
tle ranching both by Native Americans (c. 1700– live and dead trees with a dbh greater than
1900) and later (1900–1960) by early settlers, 5  cm. Vegetation response was evaluated in 30
who established nearby the protected areas. At subplots of 1 m2 systematically laid out in each
lower elevations (less than 900 m above sea level) of the six plots, where we counted the number
Nothofagus forests were selectively harvested be- of saplings (less than 5 cm dbh and greater than
tween 1940 and 1960. 2  m height) and seedlings of tree species (less
During the summer the Tolhuaca National Park than 2 m height), and estimated the abundance-
is visited by many people for camping, fishing and dominance of undergrowth species using Braun-

Figure 12.7.
Location of Tolhuaca National Park in the province of Malleco, Araucanía region, Chile. Circle
indicates the study site, classified based on severity of fire.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 12.8.
Post-fire recruitment of seedlings in Araucaria–Nothofagus forests burned by fires of medium and
high severity

Blanquet cover-class values. Importance value stands) and from wind-dispersed seeds. Seedlings
for each species was determined by calculating of ­Araucaria araucana established either from
the sum of the relative frequency and relative gravity-dispersed seeds – seeds protected inside
cover. the cones of female trees (González et al., 2006)
– or resprouts from basal buds of burned juvenile
Tree seedling regeneration under different trees (Figure 12.9). Seedlings of N. pumilio were
fire severities unable to establish following high-severity fire.
Fire severity significantly influenced tree seedling This fire-sensitive species (González, Veblen and
recruitment in the ANF (Figure 12.8). Recruit- Sibold, 2005) is an important component of the
ment of Nothofagus species was greatest follow- original forest stand. Given that it is dependent
ing fire of moderate severity, which left remnant on seeds for recruitment and its seeds have only a
trees alive. Seedlings of N. dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst. limited range of dispersion, remnant trees are key
and N. pumilio originated from wind-dispersed for its successful re-establishment.
seeds. Seedlings of N. nervosa (Phil.) Krasser Bamboo (Chusquea culeou Desv.) colonized
originated from basal resprouts and also from the sites more rapidly than any other understo-
wind-dispersed seeds. By contrast, recruitment rey species (Figure 12.10). This species reached
of medium-sized pioneer and opportunistic trees importance values (IV) of 32 percent follow-
such as Embothrium coccineum J.R. et G. Forster ing high-severity fire and 62 percent following
and Lomatia hirsuta Diels ex Macbr. (Proteaceae moderate-severity fire. Moderate-severity fire
family) was greater following fire of high se- lightly burned some patches of bamboo, causing
verity. Recruitment of these species originated minor damage to the rhizome system and allow-
through resprouting of basal buds (when indi- ing a rapid response. Other understorey species
viduals were present in the former, more open reached higher IVs following high-severity fire.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 12.9.
a) Seedlings of Araucaria araucana from seeds that survived high temperature inside the cones
b) basal resprout of a relatively juvenile individual of Araucaria araucana

a) b)

Figure 12.10.
Araucaria–Nothofagus stand affected by a high severity fire. Note the dense resprouting of bamboo
culms (Chusquea culeou)

These included Muelhenbeckia hastulata (J.E. dispersed seeds, forming relatively dense patches,
Sm.) Johnst., Alstroemeria aurea R. Graham, especially in sites with a lower cover of Chusquea
Dioscorea brachybotrya Poepp., Ribes magel- culeou affected by high-severity fire. Other in-
lanicum Poir and Gaulteria phillyreifolia (Pers.) vasive weeds (e.g.  Hypochoeris radicata L. and
Sleumer. The cosmopolitan species Senecio vul- Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.) were brought to the
garis L. (Asteraceae) colonized the site via wind- sites by cattle which occasionally grazed the area.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Main conclusions resprout from its rhizome system, which covers

Fires burn forest stands with different severities, the site at high density. Second, it is important
providing various opportunities for species re- to evaluate the responses of the dominant tree
cruitment. Fire severity influences the amount of species, especially for fire-sensitive species, to the
organic material destroyed and hence the amount new (abiotic and biotic) conditions following fires
and types of biological material that remain after of different severities. Although N. dombeyi and
fire. The number of live trees and reproductive N. pumilio typically establish with high density
structures remaining below ground has an impor- after stand-replacing fires (Mera, 2009; González,
tant influence on post-fire regeneration of woody Veblen and Sibold, 2010), a very severe fire can
species. The recruitment of the obligate seeders hamper or delay the successful establishment of
Nothofagus dombeyi and N. pumilio was gener- the main canopy species. Under this scenario, ac-
ally low following high-severity fire. The almost tive restoration could be implemented by supple-
complete eradication of the adult population of mentary (enrichment) planting of tree seedlings.
both fire-sensitive species contributed to low seed Third, the post-fire environment of strong light,
availability post-fire and hence restricted oppor- bare soil and lack of groundcover competition
tunities for seedling establishment in the post-fire provides a temporary opportunity for abundant
environment. In contrast, Araucaria araucana and recruitment of weed species. Therefore, monitor-
N. nervosa, which are capable of resprouting af- ing and controlling exotic weeds and domestic
ter fire, were able to establish following both me- cattle is an important measure to favour suc-
dium- and high-severity fires. Seedlings of Arau- cessful passive restoration of the burned forests.
caria established under remnant female trees. Passive restoration together with a little active
Even though the impact of the presence of do- assistance could be an effective way to restore
mestic livestock has not been evaluated, observa- ecosystem function, integrity (community compo-
tions indicate that livestock can have an important sition and structure) and sustainability (resistance
influence on the process of forest recovery. In the to disturbance and resilience).
early stages of recovery, trampling, grazing and
browsing have significant detrimental effects on Acknowledgements
tree seedling survival and growth, especially for This research has received funding from the
the most palatable species (i.e. all Nothofagus spe- ­Seventh Framework Programme of the European
cies). Moreover, the combined effect of severe fires Union (FP7/2007- 2013) under Project No. 243888
and cattle would favour the dominance of shrub and CONICYT/FONDAP/15110009, Chile.
species (e.g. Chusquea culeou; Raffaelle et  al.,
2011). The high tree mortality and burning of the
undergrowth seem to promote weed growth and References
facilitate (or attract) the presence of cattle.
These preliminary findings indicate some gen- Aagesen, D. 1998. Indigenous resource rights and
eral considerations and recommendations to conservation of the monkey-puzzle tree (Araucaria
enhance a passive restoration approach. First, it araucana, Araucariaceae): a case study from south-
is important to recognize that fire severity influ- ern Chile. Econ. Bot., 52(2): 146–160.
ences stand composition and structure following
Bengoa, J. 2000. Historia del pueblo Mapuche: siglo XIX
the fire, which may result in different successional
y XX. Santiago, Editorial Lom.
pathways in the forest community. That could
be the case especially for severely burned stands Burns, B.R. 1993. Fire-induced dynamics of Araucaria
where Chusquea culeou, an undergrowth species, araucana–Nothofagus antarctica forest in the south-
can outcompete the relatively poor tree seedling ern Andes. J. Biogeogr., 20: 669–685.
recruitments because of its strong ­ability to ­rapidly

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

González, M.E. 2005. Fire history data as refer- Peñaloza, R. 2007. Zonificación de la severidad de
ence information in ecological restoration. incendio natural y su distribución topográfica cuan-
Dendrochronologia, 22: 149–154. titativa en el Parque Nacional Tolhuaca, IX región.
Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile. (Tesis de
González, M.E., Veblen, T.T. & Sibold, J.S. 2005. Fire
Ingeniero Forestal)
history of Araucaria–Nothofagus forests in Villarrica
National Park, Chile. J. Biogeogr., 32: 1187–1202. Quezada, J. 2008. Historia de incendios en bosques de
Araucaria araucana (Mol.) Koch. del Parque Nacional
González, M.E., Cortes, M., Izquierdo, F., Gallo,
Villarrica, a partir de anillos de crecimiento y regis-
L., Echeverría, C., Bekessy, S., & Montaldo, P.
tros orales. Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia,
2006. Coníferas chilenas: Araucaria araucana. In
Chile. (Tesis de Ingeniero Forestal)
C. Donoso, ed. Las especies arbóreas de los bosques
Templados de Chile y Argentina. Autoecología, Raffaele, E., Veblen, T.T., Blackhall, M. & Tercero-
pp. 36–53. Valdivia, Chile, Marisa Cuneo Ediciones. Bucardo, N. 2011. Synergistic influences of
introduced herbivores and fire on vegetation change
González, M.E., Veblen, T.T. & Sibold, J. 2010.
in northern Patagonia, Argentina. J. Veg. Sci., 22:
Influence of fire severity on stand development of
Araucaria araucana–Nothofagus pumilio stands in
the Andean cordillera of south-central Chile. Austral Tacón, A. 1999. Recolección de piñon y conservación de
Ecol., 35: 597–615. la Araucaria (Araucaria araucana (Mol.) K. Koch.):
un estudio de casos en la Comuna de Quinquén.
Heusser, C. 1994. Paleoindians and fire during the late
Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
Quaternary in southern South America. Rev. Chil.
(Magíster en Desarrollo Rural)
Hist. Nat., 67: 455–442.
Veblen, T.T. & Lorenz, D.C. 1988. Recent vegetation
Mera, R. 2009. Etapas de desarrollo de rodales mixtos
changes along the forest/steppe ecotone of northern
postfuego de Araucaria araucana (Mol.) Koch y
Patagonia. Ann. Assoc. Am. Geogr., 78: 93–111.
Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb) Blume, en el Parque
Nacional Villarrica. Universidad Austral de Chile,
Valdivia, Chile. (Tesis de Ingeniero Forestal)

Mundo, I.A. 2011. Historia de incendios en bosques de

Araucaria araucana (Molina) K. Koch de Argentina
a través de un análisis dendroecológico. Universidad
Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina. (Tesis

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Carrifran Wildwood: for restoration of broadleaved native woodland
using palaeoecological on this site and elsewhere in southern Scotland
knowledge for restoration (Newton, 1998; Newton and Ashmole, 1998).
of original vegetation Previously, attention of Scottish environmental-
ists had focused mainly on the Highlands and
Philip Ashmole especially on native pinewoods, where different
considerations might apply.
Borders Forest Trust, Monteviot Choice of appropriate woody species for
Nurseries, Ancrum, Jedburgh, United planting on site was of immediate concern.
Kingdom Palaeoecology can supply a record, although inev­
itably incomplete, of the taxa that have occupied
a site at various times in the past. At Carrifran a
core through the peat at 620 m in Rotten Bottom
provided palynological data extending back to
the early Holocene; this was supplemented by
data from two other sites within 5 km of Carrifran
(Tipping, 1998). This information was used as one
basis for a list of tree and shrub species considered
native to Carrifran valley (Newton and Ashmole,
Carrifran valley in the Southern Uplands of Scot- The uncertainties associated with pollen analy-
land was denuded when Borders Forest Trust sis make it desirable to supplement the palaeo-
(BFT) purchased it by public subscription in 2000 ecological record with other types of informa-
and commenced restoration of a “wildwood.” tion. For instance, existing ancient woodlands can
The vision of the Wildwood Group (a somewhat demonstrate the suitability of a region for those
devolved element within BFT) was that by remov- tree and shrub species that occur within them. In
ing negative anthropogenic factors and initiat- the Southern Uplands, however, surviving ancient
ing woodland development by planting, it might woodlands are rare, isolated, small and often lin-
be possible to restore a broadleaved forest and ear (Badenoch, 1994) and it has been argued that
moorland ecosystem similar to that which existed their use as a template for ecological restoration
in the 650 ha valley about 6000 years ago. This of a denuded site might lead to establishment of
was a time when the primary forest of Scotland a woodland that was a degenerate and species-
probably reached its greatest extent and diversity, impoverished reflection of the past (Tipping,
following immigration of all major tree types (Tip- 1998).
ping, 1994). The subsequent loss of natural forest This danger can be countered to some extent
was caused primarily by human activity. Climate by use of the national vegetation classification
and soils also changed to some extent, but the (NVC), which is based on information from a wider
large altitudinal range of the site, coupled with range of British sites (Rodwell, 1991). This makes
the great variety in aspect, slope and substrate, it possible to use existing open-ground vegeta-
led to an expectation that most of the original tion as a predictor of the appropriate composi-
species of fungi, plants and animals would still tion for native woodland to be established on the
encounter suitable conditions somewhere on the site (Rodwell and Patterson, 1994; Averis, 1998).
site, thus enabling restoration of nearly original/ Caution is required because the NVC framework
natural woodland (Peterken, 1996, 1998). is based on existing British vegetation types, but
Having secured Carrifran, the Wildwood Group most woodlands and other natural habitats have
organized a discussion meeting to provide a basis been subject to a variety of human influences

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 12.11.
Carrifran valley

over many centuries. These include selective man- future and respond to environmental change
agement for useful species and lack of protection (Ennos, 1998). To achieve this aim, planting stock
from grazing and browsing by domesticated her- should be sourced from relict ancient woods near
bivores (Smout, MacDonald and Watson, 2005). to the restoration site and with conditions match-
NVC analysis was used at Carrifran, however, to ing it as closely as possible. However, populations
decide on the most appropriate composition for in isolated and small woodland remnants may
woodland in the various parts of the site, which have low genetic variability and differ from one
differ in altitude, aspect, slope, soil and moisture. another in genetic composition because of his-
Additional insight was obtained by the use of torically low population sizes. In order to maxi-
ecological site classification (ESC) analysis devel- mize genetic diversity in the new population it
oped by the Forestry Commission, which is based is necessary to collect propagation material from
on assessment of three principal factors: climate, numerous individuals and from several different
soil moisture and soil nutrient regime (Pyatt and suitable sites.
Suárez, 1997). At Carrifran this analysis was par- Some of the natural Scottish tree populations
ticularly influential in emphasizing the role of listed by Wilson, Malcolm and Rook (2000) seem­
juniper (Juniperus communis L.) on the high pla- ed appropriate as sources of seed for Carrifran,
teau around the rim of the valley. but other batches of seed were obtained from
Choice of appropriate species is a crucial first woodland fragments that appeared ancient, even
step, but must be linked with a strategy for ob- though there was no documentary evidence of
taining appropriate seeds or cuttings to establish their status. For some species there were particu-
on site. Genetic advice was clear: the aim should lar problems. For instance, in sessile oak (Quercus
be creation of a dynamic and expanding wood- petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl.), the desired oak spe-
land resource with the capacity to evolve in the cies for Carrifran, hybridization between ­native

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

trees and planted pedunculate oak (Quercus However, a high hanging valley at Carrifran pro-
robur L.) made most local populations suspect. In vided an opportunity to attempt establishment
the early years of planting some acorns were ob- of montane scrub between 600 m and 750 m
tained from Cumbria, but doubts about the status above sea level. Some 12 500 shrubs were plant-
of the woods there led to a switch to Galloway as ed between 2007 and 2012, and although mor-
the main source. However, a few remote woods tality is significant and growth very slow, scrub
in Cumbria are probably ancient and may contain vegetation is becoming established. Emphasis
trees adapted to high altitudes, so a special effort has been on juniper, sourced from the highest
was made to collect seed from them for planting available natural populations in the area, and
in the high parts of Carrifran. on downy willow (Salix lapponum L.), which in
Aspen (Populus tremula L.) was also a problem- Britain has relict populations in only three locali-
atic species, since it is now represented in south- ties south of the Scottish Highlands, one of them
ern Scotland only by widely scattered, small and only 1 km from Carrifran.
often clonal stands. Yet it was an early colonizer Thirteen years after the start of the restoration
of Scotland and may have been a significant com- work at Carrifran, over half a million trees have
ponent of pristine native woodland on a wide been planted and about 300 ha of native wood­
variety of soil types and from sea level almost to land are well established in the lower half of the
treeline (Quelch, 2002). By collecting root cut- valley. Ground vegetation is changing rapidly
tings for propagation from about 20 different and woodland animal species are colonizing the
stands and planting the progeny in many parts newly created habitats (Ashmole and Ashmole,
of Carrifran, it was hoped that a representation 2009). In years to come, as active management of
of aspen similar to that in the natural woodland Carrifran is reduced and natural processes come
would eventually be achieved. into play, it is hoped that this catchment in the
Now that many trees are more than a decade heart of the Southern Uplands can provide an ex-
old it has become obvious that the rate of tree emplar of a functioning ecosystem similar to that
growth decreases markedly between the floor which would have been present in the absence
of the valley, at around 250 m above sea level, of destructive human intervention during the sec-
and the upper limit of the main planting at ond half of the Holocene.
­450–550 m above sea level, which may be around
the ­timberline (Ashmole, 2006). In recent years
the Wildwood Group has paid special attention to
planting above this level, in an attempt to restore References
treeline woodland and montane scrub, habitats
that have been almost entirely lost from Scotland
Adair, S. 2005. Carrifran montane scrub restoration.
(Hester, 1995; Gilbert, Horsfield and Thompson,
Report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
1997; Ashmole, 2006; Chalmers and Ashmole,
2007). Ashmole, P. 2006. The lost mountain woodland of
Field observations and data on accumulated Scotland and its restoration. Scot. For., 60(1): 9–22.
temperature and relative windiness indicated
Ashmole, M. & Ashmole, P. 2009. The Carrifran
that the land above about 750 m above sea level
Wildwood story: ecological restoration from the
would not support woodland or scrub and that
grass roots. Jedburgh, UK, Borders Forest Trust.
there would be a natural transition to montane
moss-heath, which would extend to the wind- Averis, A.B.G. 1998. A Scottish guide identifying appro-
swept summit of White Coomb (821 m), the priate new native woodland NVC types based on an
fourth highest peak in the south of Scotland open ground survey. Woodnote No. 18. Perth, UK,
(Hale, Quine and Suárez, 1998; Adair, 2005). Tayside Native Woodlands.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Badenoch, C. 1994. Woodland origins and the loss of Pyatt, D.G. & Suárez, J.C. 1997. An ecological site
native woodland in the Tweed valley. In P. Ashmole, classification for forestry in Great Britain. Forestry
ed. Restoring Borders woodland, pp. 11–26. Commission Technical Paper 20. Edinburgh, UK,
Peebles, UK, Peeblesshire Environment Concern. Foresty Commission.

Chalmers, H. & Ashmole, P. 2007. Restoring the natural Quelch, P. 2002. The ecology and history of aspen
treeline at Carrifran. Scrubbers’ Bull., 6: 5–10. woodlands. In P. Cosgrove & A. Amphlett, eds. The
biodiversity and management of aspen woodlands,
Ennos, R.A. 1998. Genetic constraints on native wood-
pp. 8–11. Grantown-on-Spey, UK, The Cairngorms
land restoration. In A.C. Newton & P. Ashmole, eds.
Local Biodiversity Action Plan 2002.
Native woodland restoration in southern Scotland:
principles and practice, pp. 27–33. Jedburgh, UK, Rodwell, J.S., ed. 1991. British plant communities.
Borders Forest Trust. Volume 1. Woodlands and scrub. Cambridge, UK,
Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, D., Horsfield, D. & Thompson, D.B.A., eds.
1997. The ecology and restoration of montane and Rodwell, J. & Patterson, G. 1994. Creating new native
subalpine scrub habitats in Scotland. Scottish Natural woodlands. Forestry Commission Bulletin 112.
Heritage Review No. 83. Edinburgh, UK, Scottish London, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
Natural Heritage.
Smout, T.C., MacDonald, A.R. & Watson, F. 2005. A
Hale, S.E., Quine, C.P. & Suárez, J.C. 1998. Climatic history of the native woodlands of Scotland, 1500–
conditions associated with treelines of Scots Pine 1920. Edinburgh, UK, Edinburgh University Press.
and Birch in Highland Scotland. Scot. For., 52(2):
Tipping, R. 1994. The form and fate of Scotland’s wood-
lands. Proc. Soc. Antiqu. Scot., 124: 1–54.
Hester, A.J. 1995. Scrub in the Scottish Uplands. Scottish
Tipping, R. 1998. The application of palaeoecology to
Natural Heritage Review No. 24. Edinburgh, UK,
native woodland restoration: Carrifran as a case-
Scottish Natural Heritage.
study. In A.C. Newton & N.P. Ashmole, eds. Native
Newton, A. 1998. Carrifran Wildwood Project: a new woodland restoration in southern Scotland: princi-
restoration initiative in southern Scotland. Restor. ples and practice, pp 9–21. Jedburgh, UK, Borders
Manage. Notes, 16(2): 212–213. Forest Trust.

Newton, A.C. & Ashmole, P., eds. 1998. Native wood- Wilson, S.McG., Malcolm, D.C. & Rook, D.A. 2000.
land restoration in southern Scotland: principles and Locations of populations of Scottish native trees.
practice. Jedburgh, UK, Borders Forest Trust. Edinburgh, UK, The Scottish Forestry Trust.

Newton, A.C. & Ashmole, P., eds. 1999. Carrifran

Wildwood Project environmental statement.
Jedburgh, UK, Borders Forest Trust.

Peterken, G. 1996. Natural woodland. Cambridge, UK,

Cambridge University Press.

Peterken, G. 1998. Woodland composition and

structure. In A.C. Newton & P. Ashmole, eds. Native
woodland restoration in southern Scotland: princi-
ples and practice, pp. 22–26. Jedburgh, UK, Borders
Forest Trust.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

The Xingu Seed Network Indians) with three principal components: (i) for-
and mechanized direct est restoration; (ii) education and c­ommunication;
seeding and (iii) regional cooperation between non-gov-
ernmental organizations (NGOs), communities
Eduardo Malta Campos Filho, Rodrigo and policy-makers.22
G. P. Junqueira, Osvaldo L. de Sousa, In 2006, ISA and its partners started education-
Luciano L. Eichholz, Cassiano C. al programmes with teachers, students, extension
Marmet, José Nicola M. N. da Costa, agents and officials, while farmers were offered
Bruna D. Ferreira, Heber Q. Alves and technical assistance, material and financial sup-
André J. A. Villas-Bôas port (mostly seeds and fences) for the restoration
of riparian zones. The objectives of the forest
Instituto Socioambiental, Xingu, Mato restoration work included protection of water
Grosso, Brazil resources, fruit production, timber production,
carbon sequestration and legal compliance with
the Forest Code, and thus addressed the needs of
a wide range of farmers.
Each restoration project has been aligned with
farmers’ knowledge and ideas to ensure it does
not require major changes from farmers’ exist-
ing practices. Indigenous peoples stated that
trees must be planted by direct seeding, so that
roots develop deeper and the trees can survive
drought. As a result, direct seeding with common
The Xingu River flows from the tropical savan- agricultural machinery has been a much better ac-
nah of central Mato Grosso north to the Ama- cepted and effective option than planting seed-
zon. With a length of nearly 2000 km, the area lings. Farmers use the machines and knowledge
it drains boasts extensive water resources, biodi- used for growing soybeans, maize or grasses or
versity and human diversity. The 24 culturally dis- for spreading fertilizers and limestone to plant
tinct indigenous peoples of Xingu have conserved native trees.
most of the native vegetation in their territories Direct seeding also proved to cost less than
along the rivers, but settlers who arrived during planting seedlings (approximately US$2000/ha,
the last 40 years have deforested much of the compared with US$5000/ha) and to be more prac-
area on the headwaters of those rivers to create tical, since seeds are easier to carry and to plant.
fields for growing soybean and pastures for cattle To plant one hectare, approximately 60 kilos of
ranching. Although prohibited by the Brazilian seeds of native trees (200  000 seeds) are mixed
Forest Code, the deforestation of 300 000 hec- with 100 000 seeds of annual and subperennial
tares of the riparian zone has jeopardized water legumes and sand, in a mixture called muvuca.
quality and regulation of water flow, as well as The legumes help to create a multilayer vegeta-
harming the health of people who, for centuries, tion, reducing niches for invasive grasses. Their
have depended on the river for water, food and root systems can contribute to soil aeration and
other services. decompaction, enhancing water absorption.
Since a meeting in 2004, Instituto Socio­ Their ability to fix nitrogen and their intense leaf
ambiental (ISA; has fall contribute to enhancing nutrient cycling and
brought together the region’s stakeholders into a soil fertility. Their flowers and fruits attract fauna
campaign called “Y Ikatu Xingu” (Save the Good
Water of Xingu, in the language of the Kamaiura

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

and can be sold. However, if they grow too dense- of between 2500 and 32 250 trees/ha have estab-
ly, they can shade out the tree seedlings, slowing lished on the reseeded areas. The oldest planted
tree growth. If this occurs, manual or chemical area is six years old and has a mean density of
weeding or thinning will be necessary. 7250 trees/ha, greater than the 1666 trees/ha
Ninety-one of the native tree species planted conventionally used when planting seedlings.
have germinated and survived droughts of up to Natural thinning seems to occur over time as a re-
six months without irrigation. Tree populations sult of ant herbivory and other mortality factors.
The campaign restored 2565 ha of riparian for-
Figure 12.12. est at 238 sites. The demand for seeds of indige-
Women in the Panará Indigenous Territory nous tree species rose dramatically and was met by
gathering seeds from the Amazon forest, the creation of the Xingu Seed Network,23 formed
Guarantã do Norte, MT, Brazil by 300 indigenous people, small landholders and
peasants. Between 2006 and 2012 the Network
produced and sold 71 tonnes of seeds of 214 in-
digenous species and earned almost US$400 000
from the environment they have preserved.


Figure 12.14.
Preparing muvuca, a mixture of seeds of native
trees, fast-growing legumes and sand for direct

Figure 12.13.
Kaiabi and Yudja people teaching techniques
for seed gathering in the forest at São José do
Xingu, MT, Brazil

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 12.15.
Mechanized direct seeding: using machines designed for spreading fertilizers (left) and sowing
soybeans (right), Mato Grosso State, Brazil

Figure 12.17.
Figure 12.16. Same area shown in Figure 12.16 after three
Restoration plot five months after being planted years, with the trees forming the new canopy,
with muvuca containing pigeon peas, jack beans, the last pigeon peas dying, and jack beans and
maize and tree seed, Canarana, MT, Brazil maize already out of the ecosystem, Canarana,
MT, Brazil

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Network annual meetings discuss ecological three times: when seeds are selected in the for-
knowledge about indigenous tree species and tech- est, during cleaning and drying and at the seed
niques for collecting and cleaning seeds and set houses. Seed technology is still a great challenge
prices for seed of each species. Seed gatherers are for many species, but a lot has been developed by
organized in local groups, and each group is repre- the Network, filling information gaps.
sented by one of its members. Groups make lists of Results and learning are disseminated through
what species they can collect each year and in what field-day demonstrations, practical courses, lec-
quantity. Based on these lists, farmers and NGOs tures, workshops, videos, television, magazines,
order what they want to buy. A microcredit fund newspapers, interchange expeditions, school ac-
allows seed-gatherers to invest in their activities. tivities and demonstration areas.
Seeds are stored in four storage facilities call­ed Focusing on restoration of riparian zones in
“seed houses,” which are equipped with air-con- a drainage basin has proved successful from a
ditioning and a dehumidifier. Each seed lot comes practical point of view because it addresses wa-
with information regarding who collected it, ter conservation and quality issues and thus can
where it was collected, type of vegetation, name get people engaged. From a wider forest conser-
of the species, number of parent trees and date vation point of view the approach also serves to
of collection. Lots are assigned a control number connect fragmented patches of forests across the
at the seed house and 100 seeds are taken out landscape and thus promotes gene flow and di-
for viability tests. Seed quality is checked at least versity at the landscape level.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 13

Approaches including
production objectives

Analogue forestry as an humans. These crops, which are considered “food
approach for restoration of the poor,” are often used as feed for domes-
and ecosystem production tic pigs. However, in times of difficulty, when the
rice harvest fails or when rice stocks are exhaust-
Carlos Navarro1 and Orlidia Hechavarria ed just before the next harvest, people use cas-
Kindelan2 sava, taro and sweet potato and other crops from
their gardens as emergency foods (Brodbeck,
Coordinating Committee, Latin Hapla and Mitlöhner, 2003). The same is true for
American Forest Genetic Resources fruit species in Costa Rica, where part of the pro-
Network duction in gardens is not collected when farm-
Agroforestry Research Institute, Cuba ers are busy tending their coffee or cocoa crops.
These fruits are, however, important in times of
crisis. These garden sites, locally called solares,
“Analogue forestry” is a restoration approach also provide medicinal plants, basic foods and
that aims to develop production- or conserva- fruits, have an ornamental value and benefit the
tion-oriented forest systems in degraded forest environment.
areas by drawing on knowledge and observa- Analogue forestry attempts to both increase
tions about local climax vegetation (Senanayake biodiversity and improve the well-being of local
and Jack, 1998). The approach is based on the communities by creating enhanced and diversi-
structure and composition of Sri Lankan and In- fied production systems, valuing people’s own
donesian forests and home gardens, which are resources and promoting respect for local values
small plots of highly productive land located near and traditions. It uses a wide range of crops and
houses in traditional rural communities (Senanay- hence reduces risks to farmers of being depend-
ake and Jack, 1998; Gamboa and Criollo, 2011). ent on a single product. The approach aims to
These gardens maintain a wide diversity of trees, recreate ecosystems based on the structure and
shrubs and herbs in a manner similar to a forest, ecological functions of the original vegetation,
and represent an important part of the tradi- facilitating the spread of many species from the
tional knowledge of farmers. original forest. It is used to accelerate restoration
Forest gardens also serve as a safety net. In in highly degraded areas, especially when there
Indonesia rice is the staple food for most people. is little natural gene flow from the surrounding
Other crops such as cassava (Manihot esculenta areas. Analogue forestry also allows use of exotic
Crantz), taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) and species that are similar in structure and function
sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) are to native species if the native species has disap-
grown in forest gardens but rarely consumed by peared due to fragmentation or habitat loss.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Analogue forestry builds on 12 guiding prin­ 12. Respond creatively: create a system where spe-
ciples cies associations and diversity of components
1. Observe and record: observation and recording help to control pests and diseases in an ecosys-
of the structure and physiognomy of the origi- tem approach.
nal forest and vegetation and the soil condi-
tions of the site to be restored. Contribution of analogue forestry to forest
2. Understand and evaluate: information on regeneration
vegetation, soils, wind directions, water flow, Under natural regeneration a forest may take 40
hedges or artificial fences, etc. is collected both to 60 years to achieve something approaching its
in the natural forest and the area to be re- original state, with a return of 60–70 percent of
stored and is analysed. the original flora and fauna. Analogue forestry
3. Know your land: gather all available informa- helps to reduce this period by accelerating ecologi-
tion and knowledge on the soil and biodiver- cal succession. It follows a natural pattern through-
sity conditions of the land. out the restoration process. Starting with pioneer
4. Identify levels of yield: determine potential species, and by promoting ecological succession,
crop yields in the target area; this should be analogue forestry modifies the structure of the
done for all possible products (e.g. cocoa, cof- forest canopy and soil quality to allow the site to
fee, vanilla, timber). support a system of climax vegetation similar to
5. Map flow and reservoir systems (existing and natural forest of the area. Pioneer species facilitate
potential): prepare maps of water flows, water restoration by helping improve soil conditions for
tanks and others components of the hydrologi- more demanding and late-successional species.
cal system. In contrast with many other restoration tech-
6. Reduce ratio of external energy in production: niques, analogue forestry does not focus on
avoid using external inputs when the necessary only woody species, because at least 90–95 per-
inputs can be sourced locally. cent of the biological diversity of forest plants in
7. Be guided by the landscape and the needs of many ecosystems is in non-arboreal components
the neighbours: look at the site as part of a (shrubs, grasses, epiphytes and lianas; RIFA, 2005).
larger unit to ensure an integrated approach The idea is to create a system in which various
to site restoration. species, products and plant combinations that can
8. Follow ecological succession: if the system is help controlling pests and diseases are considered
degraded, plant pioneer species to improve soil in an integrated manner.
conditions for other, more-demanding species. The soil at some restoration sites is not able to
9. Make use of ecological processes: when the support a climax ecosystem, and needs to be mod-
system has been damaged by erosion or over- ified. In newly formed soils (e.g. those that are
grazing by livestock, start with pioneer species the product of volcanic eruptions or sedimentary
to improve soil conditions to allow the site to soil processes such as flooding), the prevailing
support a climax ecosystem at a later stage. habitat conditions may impede the development
10. Value biodiversity: combine as many climax an ecosystem that is similar to the natural veg-
forest species as possible, although it is some- etation of the area. On such sites, the first step is
times difficult to obtain germplasm of all the to study the surrounding pioneer vegetation and
species desired. natural forests and describe their physiognomy,
11. Respect maturity: mature ecosystems are ­often structure, species composition and interactions,
more productive than early-state systems in both in terms of density and in their vertical or
terms of biomass production and ­ ecosystem horizontal spatial arrangements. The next step is
services, and are especially important for to replicate this vegetation in the new areas to
photo­synthesis and carbon and water cycles. assist natural regeneration.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Genetic diversity conservation and analogue description of the structure of the tree and non-
forestry can be combined to produce a bet- tree components of the vegetation found in the
ter environment and more resilient ecosystems. area of interest. In the formula, each stratum is
Analogue forestry can contribute to the conserva- described by a specific code, followed by a de-
tion of genetic diversity by: scription of special growth categories. In highly
• providing space for diversity conservation; diverse landscapes, the physiognomic formulas
• establishing spatial arrangements that of the vegetation are complex, as they include
encourage gene flow and increase all strata and life forms of the forest vegetation.
connectivity between patches of forests; Some of the criteria upon which such assessments
• preserving ecological relationships among are based are soil quality, biodiversity and vegeta-
species; and tion structure.
• creating demonstration plots for The application of this approach is described
environmental education. in more detail in the following case studies from
In turn, analogue forestry benefits from genetic Costa Rica and Cuba.
diversity, for example, through increased resist-
ance to pests and diseases, better local adapta-
tion, adaptation to climate change and diversity References
of products.

Brodbeck, F., Hapla, F. & Mitlöhner, R. 2003.

Traditional forest gardens as “safety net” for rural
During the initial stage of a restoration project,
households in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Paper
the natural forest surrounding the area to be re-
presented at The International Conference on Rural
stored must be studied to determine the ecosys-
Livelihoods, Forests and Biodiversity, 19–23 May
tem to be re-established on the degraded area. 2003, Bonn, Germany (available at http://www.cifor.
The structure of the ecosystem is important to org/publications/corporate/cd-roms/bonn-proc/pdfs/
maintain the ecological relationships between papers/T1_FINAL_Brodbeck.pdf).
pollinators, herbivores and nutrient cycling. To
begin with, the number of canopy layers or strata RIFA (Red Internacional de Forestería Análoga).
should be determined, and woody plants in each 2005. Manual de forestería. 2da edición. Quito,
of these identified. The height, coverage, consist- Ecuador, RIFA. 21 pp.
ency and leaf size of the prominent or dominant Senanayake, R. & Jack, J. 1998. Analog forestry: an
species in each stratum should be determined. introduction. Clayton, Victoria, Australia, Monash
Next, the different growth forms (e.g. climbers, University.
small palm species or herbs) are described, in-
cluding their average height or height range and
coverage. Information must be gathered on the
ecological roles and human uses of the species,
especially where the restored system will provide
staple or cash crops. Species are selected for the
restoration of the various vegetation layers based
on their growth height, their uses and the charac-
teristics of their seeds, among other factors.
One tool that differentiates analogue forestry
from other restoration techniques is the use of
a physiognomic formula. It allows visualizing a
model for the restoration process as a codified

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

13.1.1. Restoring forest for food height <0.1 m; very low cover (less than
and vanilla production under 1 percent).
Erythrina and Gliricidia trees in In addition, the following growth forms were
Costa Rica using the analogue identified:
forestry method • Climbers in canopy layers above 35 m (T8);
Carlos Navarro almost absent
• Epiphytes in 10–20-m layer (E6); almost
Coordinating Committee, Latin absent
American Forest Genetic Resources • Palm species in 5–10-m layer (P5): sparse
Network cover
• Bananas in 2–5-m layer (R4); sparse cover
• Ferns in 0.1–0.5-m layer (F2); sporadic cover
• Herbs in 0.1–0.5 m layer (H2); sporadic cover
• Lichens and mosses in <0.1 m layer (L1);
sporadic cover.
The corresponding formula of this forest type is:
V8r, V7p, V6r, V5r, V4e, V3r, V2e, V1a; T8a; E6a;
P5r; R4r; F2e; H2e; L1e
where the first letter (capital) indicates the
growth form (V=evergreen broadleaf), the num-
An ecological assessment of the forest vegeta- ber indicates the canopy layer and the follow-
tion of Los Espaveles primary forests at the Cen- ing lowercase letter indicates extent of cover
tro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Ense- (r=rare [6–25 percent], p=patchy [25–50 per-
ñanza (CATIE), Turrialba, Costa Rica, identified the cent], e=sporadic [1–6 percent] and a=almost
following strata, starting for the tallest trees: absent [<1  percent]). For non-woody plants the
• First (topmost) layer (V8): trees of more code also includes information on plant bio­
than 35 m tall; evergreen broadleaf species; logy (E=epiphytes, P=palm trees, R=herbaceous
sparse canopy cover of 6–25 percent of the [banana], F=ferns, H=herbs and L=lichens and
forest area. ­mosses).
• Second layer (V7): woody plants; evergreen The physiognomic formula of the area to be
broadleaf species, height 20–35 m; patchy restored is then constructed to allow comparison
canopy cover (25–50 percent of forest area). with the formula of the original forest followed
• Third layer (V6): woody plants; evergreen by restoration of the layers that are missing or
broadleaf species, height 10–20 m; sparse under­represented:
canopy cover. • V6: evergreen woody plants, height ­
• Fourth layer (V5): woody plants; evergreen 10–20 m; patchy cover
broadleaf species, height 5–10 m; sparse cover. • V5: evergreen broadleaf plants with hard
• Fifth layer (V4): evergreen broadleaf species, leaves (d), height 5–10 m; sparse cover
height 2–5 m; patchy cover (1–6 percent). • V4: evergreen plants with hard leaves (d),
• Sixth layer (V3): evergreen broadleaf species, height 2–5 m; scarce cover
height 0.5–2 m; sparse cover. • Special growth forms:
• Seventh layer (V2): evergreen broadleaf • Palm species, height 0.5 –2 m; patchy cover (P3)
species, height 0.1–0.5 m; patchy cover • Epiphytes, height 5–20 m with soft leaves (s);
(1–6 percent). almost absent (E6)
• Eighth (lowermost) layer (V1): seedlings of • Graminoids, height <0.1 m with soft leaves
evergreen broadleaf species, length <2.5 cm, (s); continuous cover (c) (G1)

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

The resulting physiognomic formula of the area 13.1.2. Restoration of ecosystems on

to be restored is saline soils in Eastern Cuba
• V6esm, V5rdm, V4rdg; P3e; G1csn; E6-5sma using the analogue forestry
where m, g and n indicate leaf size. method
As can be seen, the formula in the restoration area Orlidia Hechavarria Kindelan
has fewer elements. The differences between the
formulae for the natural vegetation and the area Agroforestry Research Institute, Cuba
to be restored guide the restoration activities.
In consequence, it is important to have detailed
knowledge of species that can be used in the area,
their potential ecological and economic uses and
their stratum in the analogue layer of the forest.
CATIE has developed a demonstration site in
Turrialba, Costa Rica, where plants for food produc-
tion and vanilla were planted in association with
Erythrina and Gliricidia trees. The goal of the pro-
ject was to develop a productive site with a diverse
group of species that: (i) have multiple uses; (ii) pro-
vide stability through the availability of products At present, large areas of agricultural land in
year round; and (iii) allow farmers to respond more Cuba are degraded by salinization as a conse-
flexibly to market fluctuations. An additional aim quence of poor soil management associated with
of the project was to simultaneously conserve di- sugar-cane production. This degradation could be
versity, provide wildlife with food sources and sup- reversed through reforestation and conservation
port a diversified production system. measures. Accumulating humus neutralizes the
In addition to plants that established through toxic effects of salinization and vegetation cover
natural regeneration, the project planted other helps to maintain moisture in the top soil, which
native and exotic species with: (i)  medicinal val- in turn impedes the concentration and crystalliza-
ue; (ii)  importance for household consumption; tion of salts.
(iii)  commercialization potential; and (iv)  poten-
tial to generate ecosystem services. Many of the Study area
species used provide multiple services including Numerous new farms were established in the vi-
fruit, wood and erosion control. These include cinities of the communities of Cecilia, Sombrilla
Erythrina sp., Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex and Paraguay in 2000 as part of the national
Walp., soursop (Annona sp.), Caimito (Pouteria forestry farms plan which aimed at encouraging
caimito Radlk.), Guaba (Inga sp.), guava (Psidium farm families to live in and reforest degraded
sp.), Zapote (Pouteria sp.) and peach palm (Bactris wooded areas. The three communities are com-
gasipaes Kunth). Species planted for wood pro- pletely dependent on the local sugar mill for
duction, either for commercial timber or for use income, and relationships between them and
on farm, included mahogany (Swietenia macro- the new farmer communities are not very good.
phylla King), cedar (Cedrela odorata L.), nance There is no original forest left in the area, and the
(Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth) and two varieties landscape is fragmented by cultivation of sugar
of naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.), among cane. The farmers live on their farms with their
others. Medicinal plants included mint (Mentha children, their average age being between 33 and
sp.), rue (Ruta sp.) and oregano (Origanum sp.); 35 years. The majority of them work on the farms
several of the other species listed above also have as forestry workers. Women mostly take care of
medicinal properties. the household and participate in agricultural

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

work. The study reported here took place near Figure 13.1.
the community of Paraguay. Degraded farmlands near the community of
The original vegetation of the study area was Paraguay before restoration work had begun (2008)
mainly composed of xerophytic evergreen shrubs
and thorny leguminous trees. On the degraded
areas this vegetation has replaced by degraded
secondary plant communities (Figure 13.1).
Mean annual precipitation fluctuates around
600  mm, with rainfall being concentrated from
May to October. Mean annual temperature is ap-
proximately 26  °C. Soil in the area is Fluvisol of
moderate depth (20–50 cm), fairly saline, with al-
most flat topography and little erosion (Sánchez
et al., 2008).

Approximately 75 soil samples were collected
at depths of 0–20, 20–40, 40–60, 60–80 and
­80–100 cm to assess the relation between salinity
and the occurrence of indicator plants. At a depth of stabilization, other exotic and native species
of 0–20 cm, the soil salinity ranged from very were introduced.
low (ECe 1.08 dS/m) to very high (ECe 5.28 dS/m), Medium-growth tree species already present
with most samples being highly saline. Deeper on site before initiation of the project included
soil layers were evaluated as excessively saline Casuarina equisetifolia Forst, wild tamarind
(ECe 4.00–13.01 dS/m).The aquifer was also saline. (Lysiloma latisiliquum (L.) Benth) and Caesalpinea
The drainage canal was clogged, and the soil con- violaceae (Mill.) Standl. During the first phases of
tained little organic matter. As a result of these the restoration activities the fast-growing exot-
unfavourable soil conditions the survival of tree ics Moringa oleifera L., Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC
species planted by local farmers was low. and neem (Azadirachta indica L.) were planted to
In an effort to remedy this situation, the Cuban improve soil conditions before introducing other
Agroforestry Research Institute, in coordination native species, since they are well-adapted to sa-
with the International Analog Forestry Network line soils and increase the soil organic-­matter con-
and the Falls Brook Centre, Canada, commenced tent through the production of leaf litter. Native
a cooperative project to restore the vegetation species planted included the medium-growth
of the xerophytic corridor of Guantanamo Valley species soplillo (Lysiloma latisiliquum), the slow-
using the analogue forestry approach. The pro- growth species Guaiacum officinale L. and several
ject commenced in 2008 with the elaboration other smaller species such as Colubrina arbores-
of maps of the farms and landscapes. This initial cens (Mill.) Sarg. and sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera
exercise showed a total farmed area of 338  ha. L.). Exotic fruit species, including peach (Prunus
Species already occurring on site and other wild persica (L.) Batsch), mango (Mangifera indica L.),
species capable of reducing the impact of deg- and coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), were also includ-
radation were identified from surveys, biblio- ed to provide food for local farmers. All species
graphic information, interviews with community were incorporated gradually to create a vegeta-
members and experts and results from previous tion structure similar to the original vegetation
work and selected for planting in the initial res- but that also met the food requirements of local
toration phase. Once the ecosystem showed signs communities.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Table 13.1.
Characteristics and survival of indigenous species 36 months after planting on the research plots
on the farms

Species Common name Family Growth Functions at site Survival assessment

in Cuba characteristics
Mean Survival
height rate
(m) (%)
Guaiacum officinale Guayacan negro Zygophyllaceae Slow-growing Erosion control, animal 1.23 83
stabilizing species shelter, wood†

Swietenia mahagoni Caoba antillana Meliaceae Stabilizing species* Erosion control, animal 3.03 60
shelter, wood*

Lysiloma latisiliquum Soplillo Fabaceae/ Colonizing species* Soil protection† 2.50 57


Conocarpus erectus Yana Combretaceae Slow-growth Soil improvement† 2.40 70


Cordia alba Uvita Boraginaceae Colonizing species* Soil improvement and –‡ –‡


Coccoloba uvifera Uvacaleta Polygonaceae Stabilizing species* Erosion control, fodder† 1.90 17
*Perez and Velázquez (2008).
† Survey findings, 2010.
‡ Not evaluated because the species is a soil creeper.

Results and discussion Two kilograms of organic matter made on farm

Thirteen species (seven native species, three fast- were deposited in each planting hole and mixed
growing exotic species and three exotic fruit with soil. The species were planted as stakes aver-
trees) were planted on the farms in May and June aging 35–45 cm in height.
2008, taking advantage of existing soil humidity. After planting, various agro-ecological tech-
niques were applied, including weeding and
Figure 13.2. mulching the soil with weeding residue to reduce
The same area shown in Figure 13.1 in 2014, evaporation, maintain soil moisture and increase
five years after planting the organic matter around the tree stalks. These
measures were taken to promote the develop-
ment of the root system of plants and their up-
take of nutrients.
Survival of planted trees was assessed 36
months after planting. All indigenous species
showed a moderate growth after 36 months
(Table 13.1; Figure 13.2). These species are char-
acterized by slow to medium growth rates (Bisse,
1988), particularly under the extremely saline soil
conditions of the restoration site. Under these
conditions it is of great importance to incorporate
ground cover species to protect the soil from inso-
lation and promote maintenance of soil moisture.
Swietenia mahagoni showed the greatest growth

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

(3.03 m on average) while Colubrina ferruginosa over time (Figure  13.3), which demonstrates the
had the highest survival rate (92 percent of all severe environmental pressure plants are under in
planted individuals) (Table 13.1). Conocarpus all these extreme conditions.
erectus performed well in terms of both survival
rate and growth. It also acts as a nursery plant for Conclusions
soplillo (Lysiloma latisiliquum), which in turn cre- The incorporation of a range of native and exotic
ates favourable conditions in the lower stratum species increased the diversity of species on the
for the establishment of other species. The high areas to be restored, and created conditions that
survival rates of soplillo (L.  latisiliquum), yana facilitate the establishment of other species that
(C. erectus) and guayacan (G. officinale), all na- meet the economic and social needs of local com-
tive species in the area, indicates that even under munities. Three years after initiating the study,
severe heat and water stress, certain xerophytic the results are still preliminary, but show the
plant species are still able to survive. usefulness of analogue forestry techniques for
Results obtained so far show that it is impor- achieving gradual reforestation and restoration.
tant to carefully select the species that match the
environmental characteristics of the degraded
site. Appropriate soil preparation is essential to
ensure high survival rates, including very deep References
plantation holes, application of organic matter
and irrigation during establishment. In the 1980s
Bisse, J. 1981. Árboles de Cuba. C. Habana, Cuba,
specialists of the Cuban Agroforestry Research
Editorial Científico-técnica.
Institute established comparable experiments
on saline soils with some species used in this Gamboa, L. & Criollo, M.C. 2011. Forestería análoga y
study, but without application of organic matter. su rol en la recuperación de ecosistemas y el cambio
Rapidly declining survival rates were observed climáticoía Cristina. LEISA, 27(2): 8–12.

Figure 13.3.
Survival rate (percent) of Lysiloma havanensis, Guaiacum officinale and Coccoloba uvifera in saline
soils without organic matter added, obtained from experiments conducted in the 1980s

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Brodbeck, F., Hapla, F. & Mitlöhner, R. 2003. (1993), and Dawkins and Philip (1998). Enrich-
Traditional forest gardens as “safety net” for rural ment planting has also been carried out in natural
households in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Paper forests in the tropics to create what some have
presented at The International Conference on Rural called agroforests (Michon, 2005). In these cases
Livelihoods, Forests and Biodiversity, 19–23 May enrichment with food, medicinal or resin-produc-
2003, Bonn, Germany (available at http://www.cifor. ing species has been done during the fallow stage
org/publications/corporate/cd-roms/bonn-proc/pdfs/ of shifting cultivation to improve the supply of
papers/T1_FINAL_Brodbeck.pdf). these products to the forest owner. Such forests
Pérez, E. & Velázquez, F.A. 2008. Habilidades competi- are found in many parts of the tropical world
tivas y adaptativas de algunas especies de impor- and often cover large areas (Clarke and Thaman,
tancia forestal existentes en Camagüey. Rev. Forest. 1993; Michon, 2005). Finally, enrichment plant-
Baracoa, 21(1): 113–123. ing has been used to modify the composition of
some planted forests although this has probably
Sánchez, R. Milá., F., Planas., J. Sánchez., Cintra, I.M. not been as widely implemented as in the case of
& Lugo, D. 2008. Informe de suelos realizado a natural forests.
fincas forestales de Paraguay, Guantánamo, Cuba.
Guantánamo, Cuba, Centro provincial de suelos.
Enriching planted forests
There are two situations in which the enrich-
ment of planted forests can be attractive. One
is where the objective is to increase the commer-
Post-establishment cial value of the forest, while the other is where
enrichment of restoration the intent is to increase the conservation value
plots with timber and non- of the forest.
timber species The commercial value can be enhanced in sev-
eral ways. The first is where a species producing a
David Lamb non-timber forest product (NTFP) can be grown
in the shade of existing plantation trees and pro-
Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, duce a commercial crop in a shorter time than it
University of Queensland, Australia would take for the trees to reach a harvestable
size. This can make tree-growing attractive to
landholders because of the earlier-than-normal
The term “enrichment planting” is used here to cash flow. Examples of this are the growing of rat-
describe the situation in which the species in an tans, medicinal plants or food crops in plantation
existing natural forest or plantation are supple- understories (Lamb, 2011).
mented by adding additional species. The most A second form of commercial enrichment is
common reason for undertaking enrichment when a plantation monoculture is enriched with
planting is to increase the proportion of trees timber trees rather than NTFP species. The ap-
that have a commercial value. The technique has proach has been used when the preferred timber
been used in logged-over natural forests where species cannot tolerate the present site condi-
natural regeneration has been insufficient and tions and the initial plantation trees are used to
the purpose has been to increase the density of modify these conditions to facilitate the estab-
commercially attractive timber species (or, where lishment of the preferred species. This situation
the species is already present, to increase the can arise when native species are being estab-
density of these commercially attractive trees). lished at degraded sites. This process might be
An outline of the silvicultural issues is given by thought of as being less a case of enrichment and
Baur (1964), Lamb (1969), Appanah and Weinland more a case of using the initial plantation as a

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Table 13.2.
The types of species that might be used in enrichment and the types of forests to which these might
be added

Types of species used to enrich an existing forest Types of forest that could be enriched
NTFP species Monoculture or mixed-species timber plantation

Timber trees or NTFP species Monoculture plantation of nurse trees

Native species with high conservation value Monoculture plantation

Timber trees or NTFP species Disturbed (logging, shifting cultivation, etc.) natural forest

Native species with high conservation value Disturbed (logging, shifting cultivation, etc.) natural forest
NTFP = non-timber forest product

temporary nurse crop. However, the silvicultural forests. In all cases the key task is to create
issues confronting the manager are similar. An ex- ­conditions on the forest floor in which the in-
ample of this approach is where the nurse crop troduced seedlings can establish and grow (or,
or ­facilitator ­species is established to shade out where species are added as seed, can germinate
weeds, improve the soil fertility or provide some and grow). This usually means manipulating the
early shade for the target species (e.g. McNamara canopy to improve the light environment. Those
et al., 2006). In other cases the nurse crop is used enriching disturbed natural forests have found
to create an environment that reduces insect that the best time to undertake enrichment
damage to the target species (Keenan, Lamb and is immediately after logging (or, in the case of
Sexton, 1995). In all of these situations the nurse shifting cultivation, after the cropping period
trees in the original plantation are eventually re- is mostly complete) when the canopy openings
moved leaving the now-established commercially are greatest. But even under these ideal condi-
attractive species to grow. tions it is usually necessary to remove compet-
Enrichment of a planted forest to increase its ing vegetation around the planted seedlings at
conservation value is beginning to be practised least several times a year for one or two years to
in situations in which changes in environmental allow the planted seedlings to thrive. If circum-
attitudes (or in timber markets) mean that some stances dictate that the process of enrichment
timber plantations are being taken out of the is delayed then it is best carried out by cutting
production forest estate and being added to the strips through the forest and planting seedlings
protection or conservation forest area (Knoke along these strips. Alternatively, it can be done
et  al., 2008; Lamb, 2011). Timber plantations by poisoning or ring-barking a group of trees to
close to urban areas or in locations that are stra- create large canopy gaps. In both cases the ob-
tegically important for biodiversity conservation jective is to manipulate the forest canopy to al-
(e.g. adjacent to national parks) may be destined low sufficient light to reach to forest floor. Some
for enrichment of this type. A summary of some prescriptions are outlined in Box 13.1.
of the situations in which enrichment might be Some experimentation is usually needed. Large
practised is shown in Table 13.2. canopy gaps may help newly planted seedlings
become established but they will also encourage
Methods for undertaking enrichment the growth of competing weed species. A balance
in natural forests has to be struck between opening the canopy
Some of the principles for undertaking enrich- enough to promote the growth of the introduced
ment have been developed from silvicultural seedlings but not so much that the costs of weed
research conducted when enriching natural
­ control becomes excessive.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Methods for undertaking enrichment in (2009) note similar results in forests in Sweden
planted forests and Canada, respectively. Control of herbivores
Similar constraints apply when enriching planted may be a necessary management activity in many
forests. However, the methods used depend on enrichment programmes. This has been done us-
whether the objective is to add diversity to a ing fences although this method can be expen-
plantation or to increase the commercial value sive.
of the plantation. Where the purpose is to add Not all enrichment need be carried out by plant-
diversity the emphasis is likely to be more on en- ing seedlings and there may be scope for directly
suring seedling survival than on maximizing seed- sowing seeds on the forest floor of a plantation.
ling growth. This means that the primary task is Direct sowing has the significant advantage that
likely to be one of creating conditions allowing it can be cheaper to undertake than raising seed-
the newly planted seedlings to simply survive lings in a nursery and planting these in the forest.
rather than to manipulate the canopy cover to On the other hand, simply broadcasting seeds on
enhance their subsequent growth. The most com- the floor of a plantation can be an inefficient use
mon approach is to create canopy gaps and plant of seeds, since many trials have shown the success
seedlings of the desired species in these gaps. Just rates with direct seeding can be low (Hau, 1997;
how large the canopy openings must be will de- Engel and Parrotta, 2001; Doust, Erskine and
pend on the height of the canopy trees, the solar Lamb, 2008). This means it may only be a suitable
elevation (i.e. on latitude) and on the shade tol- technique to use with species that are easily avail-
erance of the seedlings being planted. Dawkins able and cheap to collect.
and Philip (1998) note that wildlife herbivores When the species in planted forests are be-
can sometimes damage newly planted seedlings ing supplemented for commercial reasons there
in existing tropical forests, and Bergquist, Lof and is usually more emphasis given to maximizing
Orlander (2009) and Beguin, Pothier and Prévost growth as well as survival rates. Again, gaps can

Box 13.1.
Principles for enrichment planting in disturbed natural forest

• The species used must be capable of fast • Seedlings should be planted more closely along
growth, meaning that most will be light- these lines (i.e. <10 m) to allow for deaths and
demanding. perhaps thinning.
• Seedlings should have well-established roots, • All overstorey competition should be removed
meaning that container-grown seedlings before planting to avoid damaging young
are preferable to bare-rooted seedlings or seedlings.
wildlings. • Weeds along the planting line should be
• Species should have a low crown ratio (ratio of removed at least three times in the first year in
crown diameter to stem diameter). a strip about 2 m wide.
• These species should be self-pruning and have • The technique will fail if seedlings are
good form. susceptible to grazing by wildlife.
• Planting lines should be oriented in an east– • The regrowth between the planting lines should
west direction and be separated by a distance not be flammable.
about the same as the crown diameter of the
Source: Based on Lamb (1969), Appanah and Weinland (1993),
species when mature (e.g. around 10–15 m). and Dawkins and Philip (1998).

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

be created to increase the amount of light on the carried out by planting seedlings of the desired
forest floor. These gaps must be sufficient to al- species or by allowing natural regeneration of
low the growth of the planted seedlings but not these species to occur. In both cases better sur-
so great as to encourage weed growth. In many vival and growth is dependent on improving the
cases gaps are created by removing every second light environment for the new seedlings. The way
or third row of planted trees. The underplanted the light environment is manipulated depends
seedlings used to enrich the plantation are then on the nature of the existing stand but involves
planted along this line. creating gaps in the existing forest canopy or re-
Care is needed to ensure that this degree of moving rows of trees. In some cases these have
canopy cover remains appropriate. For example, been commercial fellings, but in others the trees
seedlings may benefit from a certain amount of have been felled to waste. Clear felling is usually
shade when they are young but require rather avoided to prevent sites from being over-run with
more light once they are established. In the ab- weeds. Herbivores have been excluded by fenc-
sence of extra light their growth may decline and ing or by culling. Targets for conversion are usu-
stagnate. This means there can be a trade off ally unstated but may involve reducing the exist-
between the beneficial advantages of the cover ing dominants to less than 20 percent of the tree
crop, such as providing early shade when the density.
seedlings are sensitive to full sunlight, and then
hastening shoot growth rates once seedlings have Case study: enrichment of logged-over
passed beyond this stage (Keenan, Lamb and natural forest in Sabah, Malaysia
Sexton, 1995; McNamara et al., 2006).

Case study: enrichment of monocultures

in western Europe

Large areas of natural forest in Sabah have been

degraded by intensive logging and fire. The in-
tensity of these disturbances limited the capacity
of the forests to recover naturally. This means it
In recent years there has been increased interest will be some years before another timber harvest
in adding additional species, mostly broadleaves, will be possible. Enrichment has been carried out
to the simple monoculture forests found in many to accelerate this recovery process (Yap, 2011).
parts of western Europe (Hansen and Spiecker, Ideally this should have taken place immediately
2005; Harmer, Thompson and Humphrey, 2005). after the disturbances but the extent of the area
Many of these monocultures involve exotic con- needing treatment meant that many areas could
fers such as Sitka or Norway spruce. Silvicultural- not be treated. Instead, these have been occu-
ists have been motivated to add additional spe- pied by natural regeneration of mainly pioneer
cies because enrichment can improve biodiversity species, especially Macaranga sp. Enrichment in-
conservation and also increase resilience, which volved girdling or ring-barking these trees and
means the stands are better protected against planting seedlings of more than 100 commer-
biotic and abiotic changes. Enrichment can be cially valuable native timber tree species in rows

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

or in gaps, depending on the presence and dis- enrichment programme flowered and produced
tribution of native timber trees. Where seedlings seed?).
are planted in rows, the rows have been about
10 m apart with the seedlings spaced 3–5 m apart Conclusion
along the rows. When seedlings are planted in Enrichment planting can be used to add species to
gaps the aim is to have a cluster of three seedlings existing natural forests and plantations. Much of
in a 10 × 10 m plot. Some tending is carried out to what we know about the silvicultural techniques
enable seedlings to become established and the needed to undertake enrichment comes from
planting areas are surveyed after three months work carried out in degraded natural forests. The
to ensure survival is greater than 90 percent (re- primary task is to create canopy openings suffi-
planting is done if survival is less than this). In the cient to allow light to reach the forest floor and
first two years around 2–3 tendings are usually promote seedling growth. When enrichment is
done with less thereafter. Tending can continue being carried out to improve the conservation
for up to ten years depending on need. Across value of the forest the amount of light needed
Sabah about 45 000 ha have been enriched using is that sufficient to allow the seedlings to survive.
similar methods. But when enrichment is being carried out to gen-
erate a commercial benefit it may be necessary to
Monitoring continue to monitor and manipulate this light en-
What constitutes success? Anyone undertaking vironment to ensure rapid seedling growth.
enrichment should have a clear idea of what is
an acceptable outcome and when they should in-
tervene to ensure enrichment is succeeding. The References
most obvious measure of success is that a high
proportion of the planted seedlings have sur- Appanah, S. & Weinland, G. 1993. Planting quality tim-
vived. But equally important might be that these ber trees in peninsular Malaysia: a review. Kepong,
seedlings are uniformly distributed across the for- Malaysia, Forest Research Institute.
est area and not clustered in a single small area.
Baur, G.N. 1964. The ecological basis of rainforest man-
Rapid seedling growth may – or may not – be an
agement. Sydney, Australia, Forestry Commission of
important additional factor. When enrichment is
New South Wales.
for commercial purposes the growth rates of the
newly planted trees will have to be monitored so Beguin, J., Pothier, D. & Prévost, M. 2009. Can the
that the canopy cover can be adjusted when nec- impact of deer browsing on tree regeneration be
essary. But for enrichment planting programmes mitigated by shelterwood cutting and strip clearcut-
aimed at improving forest biodiversity, perhaps ting? Forest Ecol. Manag., 257: 38–45.
the most important indicator of success is that Bergquist, J., Lof, M. & Orlander, G. 2009. Effects of
the species used to enrich the site have been able roe deer browsing and site preparation on perfor-
to flower, fruit and regenerate themselves on mance of planted broadleaved and conifer seedlings
the forest floor. Once this occurs, a simple even- when using temporary fences. Scand. J. Forest Res.,
aged plantation begins to be transformed, via 24: 308–317.
enrichment, into a self-sustaining uneven-aged
forest. Any monitoring programme needs to be Clarke, W.C. & Thaman, R. 1993. Agroforestry in the
Pacific islands: systems for sustainability. Tokyo,
designed as a series of questions such that the
United Nations University Press.
answers will give unequivocal guidance to the
manager (e.g. Have at least 80 percent seedlings Dawkins, H.C. & Philip, M.S. 1998. Tropical forest silvi-
survived? Are these seedlings uniformly distrib- culture and management: a history of success and
uted across the site? Have the species used in the failure. Wallingford, UK, CAB International.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Doust, S.J., Erskine, P.D. & Lamb, D. 2008. Restoring Michon, G. 2005. Domesticating forests: how farmers
rainforest species by direct seeding: tree seedling es- manage forest resources. Bogor, Indonesia, Center
tablishment and growth performance on degraded for International Forestry Research, and Nairobi,
land in the wet tropics of Australia. Forest Ecol. World Agroforestry Center.
Manag., 256: 1178–1188.
Yap, S.W. 2011. INFAPRO: 19 years experience of large
Engel, V.L. & Parrotta, J.A. 2001. An evaluation of scale forest rehabilitation project in Sabah, Malaysia.
direct seeding for reforestation of degraded lands in Paper presented at the International Symposium on
central Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Forest Ecol. Manag., Rainforest Rehabilitation and Restoration, 25–29 July
152(1–3): 169–181. 2011, Maliau Basin Study Center, Sabah, Malaysia.

Hansen, J. & Spiecker, H. 2005. Conversion of Norway

spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) forests in Europe. In
J.A. Stanturf & P. Madsen, eds. Restoration of boreal
and temperate forests, pp. 339–347. Boca Raton, FL, 13.3. 
Enrichment planting
USA, CRC Press. using native species
(Dipterocarpaceae) with
Harmer, R., Thompson, R. & Humphrey, J. 2005. Great local farmers in rubber
Britain – conifers to broadleaves. In J.A. Stanturf & smallholdings in Sumatra,
P. Madsen, eds. Restoration of boreal and temper- Indonesia
ate forests, pp. 319–338. Boca Raton, FL, USA, CRC
Hesti L. Tata,1,2 Ratna Akiefnawati2 and
Hau, C.H. 1997. Tree seed predation in degraded Meine van Noordwijk2
hillsides in Hong Kong. Forest Ecol. Manag., 99:
215–221. 1
Forest Research and Development
Agency, Indonesia
Keenan, R., Lamb, D. & Sexton, G. 1995. Experience 2
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF),
with mixed species rainforest tree plantations in
South East Asia Regional Office,
North Queensland. Commonw. Forest. Rev., 74:

Knoke, T., Ammer, C., Stimm, B. & Mosandl, R. 2008.

Admixing broadleaved to coniferous tree species: a
review on yield, ecological stability and economics.
Eur. J. Forest Res., 127: 89–101.

Lamb, A.F.A. 1969. Artifical regeneration within the

humid tropical lowland forest. Commonw. Forest.
Rev., 48: 41–53.

Lamb, D. 2011. Regreening the bare hills: tropical forest

restoration in the Asia-Pacific region. Dordrecht, The Indonesia has the world’s third largest area of
Netherlands, Springer. tropical forest. An estimated 50 percent of the
McNamara, S., Tinh, D.V., Erskine, P.D., Lamb, country’s total land area still has forest cover
D., Yates, D. & Brown, S. 2006. Rehabilitating (FAO, 2005). Natural forests in the lowland of
degraded forest land in central Vietnam with mixed Sumatra and Borneo are dominated by Diptero-
native species plantings. Forest Ecol. Manag., 233: carpaceae, which is one of the most important
358–365. families for good-quality timber. Some species
provide non-timber forest products, such as dam-
mar resin, camphor and illepe nuts. The family

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

consists of 16 genera and is widely distributed by rubber with a complement of native forest
from Africa (Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, trees. So-called “complex agroforest” systems
Madagascar and the Seychelles), to Asia (the An- are characterized by a substantial (but less than
daman Islands, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, 50 percent) proportion of rubber trees in the total
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea and the biomass and a high diversity of native forest trees
Philippines) and South America (Colombia, Ecua- and understorey plants (Gouyon, de Foresta and
dor and Venezuela) (Ashton, 1982; Maury-Lechon Levang, 1993).
and Curtet, 2005). In Sumatra alone, 106 species To counterbalance the high rate of deforesta-
of Dipterocarpaceae have been recorded. Con- tion, the Government of Indonesia has initiated
struction timbers derived from Dipterocarpaceae tree-planting efforts during the last three dec-
include red meranti, white meranti, yellow mer- ades. Tree plantings using exotic and fast-grow-
anti and bangkirai (Ashton, 1982). ing species, such as brown salwood (Acacia man-
The nature of forest in Indonesia is rapidly gium Willd.) and Eucalyptus spp., would provide
changing, even if cover is being maintained. resources for pulp and paper industries. Some for-
Indonesia has become the global leader in car- est rehabilitation is based on enrichment planting
bon-dioxide emissions from land-use change as with native tree species, such as Dipterocarpaceae
a result of the rapid loss of forest biomass and species (Nawir, Murniati and Rumboko, 2007).
destruction of peatlands (Archard et al., 2002; de Dipterocarp seedlings tend to be shade-tolerant,
Fries et al., 2002). The overall loss of forest cover so are suitable to be planted in an agroforestry
in Indonesia from 2003 to 2006 was 1.2 million ha/ system with rubber trees. Planting dipterocarp
year (MoFor, 2010). In the Bungo district of Jambi trees helps to meet the challenge posed by do-
province alone, forest cover decreased by 9964 mestic demand for timber, despite being con-
ha/year in the period of 1988–1993, but by only strained by rules and regulations on extracting
1211 ha/year in the period of 2002–2005. Between hardwood from farm-forests.
1988 and 2005, almost 40 percent of the Bungo Several studies have been conducted on en-
area was converted to intensive agriculture, such richment planting in rubber plantations with
as rubber and oil palm plantations. Rubber trees Dipterocarpaceae in various areas of Bungo and
are planted in both monoculture and agroforest- Tebo districts, Jambi province (Anonymous, 2004;
ry systems. Between 1973 and 2005, the area un- Tata et al., 2010). These have shown that diptero-
der rubber agroforest in Bungo decreased from carp species grow well in rubber plantings and do
15 to 11 percent, while the area under monocul- not suffer from mycobionts and abiotic factors
ture plantations increased from 3 percent to over such as soil and microclimate (particularly light
40 percent (Ekadinata and Vincent, 2011). availability).
Although rubber monoculture systems using Here we report on the early growth of meranti
clonally propagated rubber trees can produce in rubber agroforests in three villages in Bungo
large amounts of latex, agroforests can provide district and farmers’ participation in tree enrich-
multiple environmental services while ensuring ment planting in rubber smallholdings.
farmer livelihoods (Tomich et al., 2002; Schroth
et  al., 2004). Rubber agroforest consists of mix- Activities of enrichment planting
tures of rubber trees with other species that re-
generate naturally from seed banks or dispersal Study site
agents. Some important species, such as fruit
trees, are deliberately planted (Joshi et al., 2002). Bungo district is located in western Jambi Prov-
Rubber agroforests range in intensity from sec- ince, Sumatra, Indonesia. Bungo has the third
ondary forests with some rubber (e.g. 5–10 per- largest area of rubber agroforest in Indonesia.
cent of tree basal area) to vegetation dominated The sites were selected based on degree of land

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

intensification: (i) low intensification (with forest and ­silvicultural requirements of dipterocarp spe-
and complex rubber agroforests dominating the cies compared with rubber trees. An earlier study
landscape) was represented by Lubuk Beringin showed that very few rubber farmers (about 12.5
village; (ii) intermediate intensification (with percent of respondents) had experience in plant-
complex to simple rubber agroforests dominat- ing ­forest-tree species (Tata and van Noordwijk,
ing) was represented by Tebing Tinggi village; 2012). Farmers were responsible for regular seed-
and (iii) high intensification (with simple rubber ling maintenance in the plots.
agroforests, monoculture rubber and oil palm)
was represented by Danau village (Therville, Fein- Rubber agroforest development and
trenie and Levang, 2011) (Figure 13.4). maintenance

Farmer selection Establishment of rubber agroforests begins with

slashing the forest cover and burning it during the
One farmer was selected at each site based dry season. This method is relatively cheap and
on willingness to collaborate. The farmers are commonly applied by farmers in the area, in part
aware that wood stocks are getting scare, ow- because they believe that ash improves soil fertility
ing to few remnant natural forests and lack of (Ketterings et al., 1999). The plots in the three sites
wood supplies from plantations to meet local were established 10–12 years ago, at a planting
demand. Staff from the World Agroforestry Cen- distance of 6 × 3 m or 6 × 5 m. Rubber trees were
tre (ICRAF) provided technical support to farmers being tapped by the time Shorea leprosula seed-
to familiarize them with the different character lings were being interplanted in the rubber plots.

Figure 13.4.
Sites where dipterocarp species were planted in rubber agroforests in Bungo district, Jambi

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Tree species and planting Dipterocarps form symbioses with ectomycor-

rhizal fungi, but meranti do not need to be in-
Shorea leprosula is a native species that grows in oculated with the fungi to establish in tropical
the lowland forest of Sumatra. It is known locally forest (Lee, 2006; Tata et al., 2010). This proved
as meranti batu. S. leprosula wood is sold as red to be the case in this study; S. leprosula seedlings
meranti, and is used for light construction, fur- were not manually inoculated with ectomycor-
niture and moulding. The species can be grown rhizal fungi but most of the roots of seedlings
in various soil types, from fertile to poor. It has a were naturally inoculated by unidentified ecto-
long life cycle; wood can be harvested 20–25 years mycorrhizal fungi.
after planting. Shorea leprosula grown on Ultisol
soil in central Kalimantan grows by about 3.2 cm/ Monitoring and experiences
year, and hence is classified as a fast-growing me-
ranti (Soekotjo, 2009). Survival of S. leprosula in rubber plots
Seedlings were bought from an uncertified
vendor in Sungai Duren village, Jambi. Wildings Survival rate of S. leprosula six months after
were collected from the surrounding remnant planting ranged from 46.5 percent to 59.2 per-
forest areas. Therefore the age and the origin of cent in the three plots and remained the same at
mother trees of the wildings were unknown. The 12 months after planting (Figure 13.5). Survival
seedlings were planted between rubber trees in rate was lowest at the Tebing Tinggi site because
the rubber gardens at a spacing of 10 × 7 m. The wild pig (Sus scrofa) attacked both rubber trees
number of S. leprosula seedlings planted depend- and S. leprosula trees in the plots. Similar attacks
ed on the area of the rubber garden, ranging on Shorea seedlings in other plots in Bungo and
from 48 to 70 trees per plot. All farmers actively Tebo district were also reported by Tata et al.
maintained the S. leprosula seedlings, weeding (2010).
an area around them, but applied no fertilizer.

Figure 13.5.
Survival rate of S. leprosula in three sites in Bungo District, Indonesia

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 13.6.
Early growth of S. leprosula in three different plots in Bungo districts: Tebing Tinggi, Lubuk Beringin
and Dusun Danau: (a) diameter growth, (b) height growth

Note: vertical line shows standard error.

Early growth of S. leprosula in rubber plots received recognition from others (Tata and van
Noordwijk, 2012).
Height growth was greatest in Dusan Danau The participating farmers also planted other
while growth in stem diameter was greatest in trees, including Litsea sp., bitter bean (Parkia
Dusan Danau and Tebing Tinggi (Figure 13.6). The speciosa Hassk.) and Archidendron jiringa (Jack)
poor growth of S. leprosula in Lubuk Beringin was I. C. Nielsen. Litsea sp., which produce light tim-
the result of poor maintenance, particularly lack ber and usually regenerate naturally, while
of weeding, by the farmer at that site. P.  speciosa and A. jiringa, which are grown for
their fruit, are usually planted but can regener-
Farmer participation ate naturally in rubber plots during the fallow
period. Although S. leprosula is a native species
Many rubber farmers are reluctant to plant and produces good timber, it is not commonly
­forest-trees in rubber plots because they believe planted by the farmers in rubber plots. Farmers
that rubber and timber trees compete for soil are mostly interested in planting exotic species,
nutrients and light, which reduces production such as teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) and big leaf
of latex. The farmers who took part in the cur- mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) because
rent study were willing to do so because: (i) they of their market value. Market access is one of the
received free seedlings and technical assistance, key reasons why a farmer will plant a commodity
(ii) they were aware of the shortage of timber in tree. Farm forests of teak, albizia (Paraserianthes
their areas, (iii) they could use the planted trees falcataria (L.) Nielsen) and some other timber spe-
as a means of saving and as collateral for credit, cies are already well established and supported
(iv) they were innovators and (v) because they by the Government of Indonesia. In contrast, dip-

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

de Fries, R.S., Houghton, R.A., Hansen, M.C., Field,

terocarps such as Shorea spp. can be harvested for
C.B., Skole, D. & Townshend, J. 2002. Carbon
sawn wood only in forest-concession areas, that
emissions from tropical deforestation and regrowth
is, industrial plantation forest (hutan tanaman
based on satellite observations for the 1980s and
industri) and community plantation forest (hutan
1990s. P. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 99: 14256–14261.
tanaman rakyat), and not from farm forests (hu-
tan rakyat). This restriction on harvesting, trans- Ekadinata, A. & Vincent, G. 2011. Rubber agroforests
porting and marketing timber of dipterocarps in a changing landscape: analysis of land use/over
from farm forests, such as rubber agroforest, trajectories in Bungo District, Indonesia. Forest, Trees
hampers forest restoration using native species. and Livelihoods, 20: 3–14.

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the

Conclusions United Nations). 2005. State of the world’s forests
Dipterocarp species native to Indonesia are rec- 2005. Rome.
ommended for use in ecosystem restoration in
Sumatra. Red meranti (S. leprosula) grows well in Gouyon, A., de Foresta, H. & Levang, P. 1993. Does
the rubber agroforestry systems in Bungo district, “jungle rubber” deserve its name? An analysis
Jambi province. However, active participation of rubber agroforestry system in Southeast Asia.
of farmers in restoration activities is essential to Agroforest. Syst., 22: 181–206.
achieve high survival rate and performance of the Joshi, L., Wibawa, G., Vincent, G., Boutin, D.,
planted seedlings. Changes to government regu- Akiefnawati, R., Manurung, G., van Noordwijk,
lations are required to permit harvesting, trans- M. & Williams, S. 2002. Jungle rubber: a tradi-
port and marketing of red meranti from farm for- tional agroforestry system under pressure. Bogor,
ests, such as rubber agroforests. Indonesia, International Centre for Research in
Agroforestry, Southeast Asia Regional Office.
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Project funded by the Swiss Agency for Deve­
burn as a land clearing method for small-scale rub-
lopment and Cooperation (SDC). We thank two
ber producer in Sepunggur, Jambi Province, Sumatra,
anonymous reviewers for their critical reviews of
Indonesia. Forest Ecol. Manag., 120: 158–169.
the manuscript.
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tion. In K. Suzuki, K. Ishii, S. Sakurai & S. Sasaki, eds.
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Anonymous. 2004. Development of tropical reforesta- Maury-Lechon, G. & Curtet, L. 1995. Biogeography
tion techniques. Report of joint study. Kansai Electric and evolutionary systematics of Dipterocarpaceae.
Power Co., Gadjah Mada University and Kanso In S. Appanah & J.M. Turnbull, eds. A review of
Technos Co. Ltd. dipterocarps: taxonomy, ecology and silviculture,
pp. 6–44. Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International
Archard, F., Eva, H.D., Stibig, H.J., Mayaux, P., Forestery Research.
Gallego, J., Richards, T. & Malingreau, J.P. 2002.
Determination of deforestation rates of the world’s MoFor (Ministry of Forestry). 2010. Statistics of for-
humid tropical forests. Science, 297: 999–1002. estry 2010. Jakarta, Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia.

Ashton, P.S. 1982. Dipterocarpaceae. In van Steenis,

C.G.G.J., ed. Flora Malesiana, Series 1, Vol. 9, part 2,
pp. 237–552. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Nawir, A.A., Murniati & Rumboko, L. 2007. Forest

rehabilitation in Indonesia: where to after more
a paradigm shift in forest
than three decades? Bogor, Indonesia, Center for
International Forestry Research.

Soekotjo. 2009. Teknik silvikultur intensif. Yogyakarta, Paciencia P. Milan

Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University Press.
Visayas State University, Philippines
Schroth, G., da Fonseca, G.A.B., Harvey, C.A., Gascon,
C., Vasconcelos, H.L. & Izac, A.M.N. 2004.
Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in tropical
landscapes. Washington, DC, Island Press.

Tata, H.L. & van Noordwijk, M. 2012. Farmers partici-

pation on dipterocarp trees planting in smallholder
rubber plantation. In E.B. Hardiyanto, M. Osaki
& S. Solberg, eds. Proceeding of International
Conference on New Perspectives of Tropical Forest
Rehabilitation for Better Forest Functions and
Management, pp. 38–41. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, With less than 24 percent of its forest cover re-
Gadjah Mada University.
maining, the Philippines is experiencing loss of
Tata, H.L., van Noordwijk, M., Summerbell, R. & ecosystem services such as biodiversity mainte-
Werger, M.J.A. 2010. Limited response to nursery- nance, carbon sequestration, watershed protec-
stage mycorrhiza inoculation of Shorea seedlings tion and forest products for local communities.
planted in rubber agroforest in Jambi, Indonesia. As a result, natural disasters such as flash floods,
New Forest., 39: 51–74. landslides and even water shortages have in-
creased. Despite measures taken to curtail forest
Therville, C., Feintrenie, L. & Levang, P. 2011. Farmers’
destruction, the forests continue to decline. Most
perspectives about agroforests conversion to planta-
reforestation efforts in the Philippines focus on
tions in Sumatra. Lessons learnt from Bungo district
the development of forestry and agroforestry
(Jambi, Indonesia). Forests, Trees and Livelihoods,
systems using tree species selected for their fast
20: 15–33.
growth and easy germination. Species composi-
Tomich, T.P., de Foresta, H., Dennis, R., Ketterings, tion of the forest that covered the land prior to
Q.M., Murdiyarso, D., Palm, C.A., Stolle, F., logging is rarely taken into account (Margraf and
Suyanto, S. & van Noordwijk, M. 2002. Carbon Milan, 1996).
offsets for conservation and development in The use of non-native species in forest resto-
Indonesia? Am. J. Alternative Agr., 17: 125–137. ration impacts greatly on forest biodiversity in
the Philippines. Native tree species are being lost
from the landscape because their timber is still
sought, especially for construction. They continue
to be cut even if other types of timber are avail-
able. However, in spite of their popularity for
their high wood quality, native or local trees are
not propagated or used in reforestation. Hence,
mother trees have become rare, which in turn re-
duces the availability of propagation material. As
the rainforest tree species are depleted and mon-
oculture of exotic or introduced species in refor-

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

estation proliferates, the survival of local wildlife Table 13.3.

species is at stake. Some of them play an impor- Shade-loving local forest tree species of Leyte,
tant role in pollination and seed dispersal (Hutter, Philippines, recommended for rainforestation on
Goltenboth and Hanssler, 2003). The repeated volcanic soils
clearcutting of fast-growing exotics on reforesta-
Local Name Scientific Name
tion sites rapidly exhausts soil nutrients and, to
Palosapis Anisoptera thurifera (Blanco) Blume
some extent, water, making reforestation increas-
ingly difficult. Another drawback of monoculture Apitong Dipterocarpus grandiflorus Slooten

of exotic species such as Gmelina, mahogany and Hairy Apitong Dipterocarpus philippinensis Foxw.
Leucaena is their vulnerability to pests. Hagakhak Dipterocarpus warburgii Brandis
A paradigm shift in reforestation is needed
Dalingdingan Hopea foxworthyi Elmer
to achieve sustainability. As reforestation in the
Yakal-kaliot Hopea malibato Foxw.
Philippines can be described as a failure in terms of
restoring original vegetation, an innovative strategy Almon Shorea almon Foxw.
known as “rainforestation” has been developed Guijo Shorea guiso Blume
through a joint research project with the Philippine- Yakal-malibato Shorea malibato Foxw.
German Tropical Ecology Program, a bilateral ­project
Red lauan Shorea negrosensis Foxw.
between the German Organization for Technical
Tangile Shorea polysperma Merr.
Cooperation (GTZ, now the Deutsche Gesellschaft
für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ) and the Kamagong Diospyros philippensis (Desr.) Gürke

Visayas State College of Agriculture, the Philippines

(now Visayas State University) in 1996.
planted between rows when the pioneer trees
The rainforestation concept start to provide shade. Selection of pioneer
Only indigenous and native forest tree species tree species depends on the soil type, whether
are used in rainforestation. This approach em- limestone or volcanic.
phasizes improvement of the structural habitat Once these tree species have established,
to support wildlife. It consists of three opera- some specialized arthropods, birds and lizards
tional frames: habitat restoration, biodiversity stage a comeback. Over time, biodiversity
conservation and provision of ecological ser- increases with the number of native tree species
vices. Rainforestation is more consistent with and the structural diversity it offers to wildlife
biodiversity conservation strategies such as pro- (Milan, 1996). In addition, the closed forest
tected-area management and natural regenera- system promotes nutrient cycling. Aside from
tion than conventional reforestation efforts. biodiversity improvement of rainforestation
The planting scheme in the restoration areas farms, soil properties, biological activities
involves planting sun-loving native tree species and microclimate improve noticeably. Soil
at a close spacing of 2  ×  2  m to shade out pH and structure improve, increasing water-
weeds. Species used on limestone soils include holding capacity. In calcareous soil (Punta)
Terminalia microcarpa Decne. (known locally as and the demonstration site of the Visayas
kalumpit), Calophyllum inophyllum L. (bitaog), State University, soil colour changed from
Vitex parviflora Juss. (molave), Melia dubia light sandy to dark brown or black, and soil
Cav. (bagalunga), Dracontomelon dao (Blanco) organic matter and nutrient content increased,
Merr. & Rolfe (dao), Calophyllum blancoi especially nitrogen, calcium and magnesium.
Planch. & Triana (bitanghol), Vitex pinnata L. Soil microclimate improved becoming moist
(lingo-lingo) and other fast-growing pioneer and cooler, and soil arthropods and other fungi
species. Shade-loving trees (Table 13.3) are proliferated (Asio et al., 1995).

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 13.7.
Example of the combination of native tree species and fruit trees in rainforestation farming

Source: adapted from Margraf and Milan (1996).

Over almost two decades rainforestation Rainforestation farming

believers have been raising planting materi- Rainforestation farming is a systems perspective
als of native tree species in nurseries across the in forest restoration that emanated from the
Philippines. Most of those trained in nursery rainforestation concept. It not only preserves
man­agement took up growing native tree seed­ forest biodiversity but simultaneously sustains
lings as a livelihood endeavour. human food production (Milan and Margraf,
In spite of advocacy for the use of indigenous 1994). In rainforestation farming, native or
forest tree species, the use of native tree species indigenous tree species are used in combination
in reforestation programmes has received very lit- with agricultural crops and fruit trees (Figure  13.7).
tle support, mainly because of the following per- The rainforestation farming system, when
ceived limitations: appropriately understood and implemented, can
• Native species, especially dipterocarps, grow replace the destructive form of kaingin or slash-
slowly. and-burn farming, allowing upland farmers to
• Dipterocarps fruit approximately only every continuously crop even a small area (minimum
three to five years, depending on species of 0.05 ha). Planting fast-growing native trees
and locality. in the first year and premium tree species in the
• Too few seedlings can be produced in a following years contributes to the conservation
short time because nursery management of of local genetic resources. By incorporating fruit
native species is not well understood. trees and other crops, rainforestation farming
• Dipterocarp seedlings and other native can provide farmers with additional income.
species require shade and cannot be used to Thus, rainforestation not only contributes to
reforest open areas. saving forest ecosystems but also helps to address

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

the needs of farmers for food, timber and other References

forest products in a sustainable way (Goltenboth
and Hutter, 2004). As a result, it is acceptable to
Asio, V.B., Jahn, R., Stahr, K. & Margraf, J. 1995. Soils
resource-poor farmers and landowners alike.
of the tropical forests of Leyte, Philippines. II: Impact
Most assessments of the benefits of reforesta-
of different land uses on status of organic matter
tion focus on the easily measurable economic
and nutrient availability. In A. Schulte & D. Ruhiyat,
benefits and ignore non-monetary benefits, such
Eds. Soils of tropical forest ecosystems: characteris-
as ecosystem services, which are harder to quan- tics, ecology and management, pp. 37–44. Berlin,
tify. Promoting adoption of rainforestation rather Springer.
than use of traditional approaches to reforesta-
tion will depend on achieving a deeper under- Goltenboth, F. & Hutter, C.P. 2004. New options
standing of the interplay between the potential for land rehabilitation and landscape ecology in
to improve farmer income and the ecological Southeast Asia by “rainforestation farming.” J. Nat.
function of the forest biodiversity. Conserv., 12: 181–189.
Rainforestation offers the prospect of sus- Hutter, C.P., Goltenboth, F. & Hanssler, M. 2003. Paths
tainable development in the uplands and for- to sustainable development. Stuttgart, Germany,
est ecosystems of the Philippines. This was rec- S. Hirzel Verlag.
ognized by the Philippine Government in 2011,
when rainforestation was adopted as a strategy Margraf, J. & Milan, P.P. 1996. Ecology of lowland ever-
green forests and its relevance for island rehabilita-
in the National Greening Program implemented
tion on Leyte, Philippines. In A. Schulte & D. Schöne,
by the Department of Environment and Natural
eds. Dipterocarp forests ecosystems: towards
Resources (Executive order no. 26, 24 February
sustainable management, pp. 124–154. Singapore,
World Scientific.

Milan, P.P. 1996. Conserving biodiversity through water-

shed management. Paper presented at the Colegio
de San Juan de Letran, Calamba, on the occasion of
their Foundation Day, 11 March 1996.

Milan, P.P. & Margraf, J. 1994. Rainforestation farming:

an alternative to conventional concepts. Ann. Trop.
Res., 16(4): 17–27.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

The permanent polycyclic sity. Trees also influence microclimate, regulate
plantations: narrowing the water flows and reduce the effect of some pollut-
gap between tree farming ants. Moreover, trees sequester CO2 from the at-
and forest mosphere. On permanently forested sites, carbon
steadily accumulates in the soil and the amount
Enrico Buresti Lattes,1 Paolo Mori2 and of carbon sequestered in the soil may exceed the
Serena Ravagni3 amount stored in the plant biomass (Petrella and
Piazzi, 2006).
Association for Tree Farming for Thus, trees are important not only for produc-
Economy and the Environment, Arezzo, tive purposes but also because of their ecological
Italy and landscape impacts. Therefore, tree farming,
Compagnia delle Foreste, Arezzo, Italy especially polycyclic plantations, has an impor-
Agricultural Research Council (CRA), tant environmental role. Polycyclic plantation
Forestry Research Center, Arezzo, Italy tree farming covers a wide range of planning and
management approaches, from the Italian classi-
cal poplar cultivation (AA.VV., 1987) with large
farmer inputs and strong impact on the environ-
ment to silvicultural approaches with low farmer
inputs and little environmental impact. However,
all tree plantations generally have the same end
point: when the main trees reach the end of their
economic life, all trees in the plantation are felled
and the ecological and landscape benefits of the
plantation are lost.
Recently, researchers have started testing new
Many of the environmental benefits provided by permanent polycyclic plantations in order to ex-
tree plantations (tree farming) are lost at the end tend the ecological benefits derived from planta-
of a management cycle when the trees are felled. tions while maintaining profits to the farmer.
Permanent polycyclic24 plantations, which com-
bine the advantages of plantations with some of What are permanent polycyclic plantations?
those of the forest, can help avoid this disadvan- Polycyclic plantations are defined as plantations,
tage (Buresti Lattes and Mori, 2009). generally mixed, where there are several groups
Many living organisms, including animals, in- of main trees with different objectives and
sects and plants, are associated with each tree. lengths of productive cycles. Thus, for example,
Thus, diversity increases and becomes more com- a classical cloned poplar plantation is monocyclic
plex as the number of trees and tree species and while a mixed plantation of poplar clones and
the complexity of the vertical or horizontal struc- walnut (Juglans regia L.) is a polycyclic plantation.
ture of the forest increase. This aspect is very im- Recently, it was considered necessary to distin-
portant not only in forested landscapes, but also guish polycyclic plantations from permanent poly-
in areas such as intensively cultivated agricultural cyclic plantations (Buresti Lattes and Mori, 2006,
lands and peri-urban areas, where the presence 2007a). In polycyclic plantations the species with
of trees and shrubs can increase biological diver- the longest production cycle are planted at a den-
sity that allows them to develop a closed canopy
at the end of their production cycle; these trees
  In this chapter polycyclic means the contemporary presence of
two or more wood production cycles of different lengths on one are generally clear cut once they reach maturity.
plot of land. Permanent polycyclic plantations differ from non-

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

permanent plantations in terms of tree spacing trees. The larger the number of production cycles
and management strategy. Distances between to be combined in the plantation, the greater the
the main trees with a longer production cycle are complexity of the design.
greater than in polycyclic plantations to prevent The farmer has to understand the growth dy-
development of a closed canopy (Buresti Lattes namics of the different trees and the timing of
and Mori, 2007b). This allows trees of the same each production cycle in order to conduct the
or different species to be planted between these management interventions at the appropriate
main trees on a different production cycle, and times (e.g. pruning, felling and introduction of
the land remains continuously under tree cover. the new production cycle). Technical advice is very
As an example we can consider a mixed polycy- important during all these operations.
clic plantation with poplar clones (but also native Planning and managing a polycyclic, mixed,
species of Populus alba L. or Populus nigra L.) and multi-objective permanent plantation (PMMP) is
walnut. In a polycyclic plantation (e.g. Ravagni certainly more difficult than, for example, plan-
and Buresti, 2003; Buresti Lattes and Mori, 2007b, ning and managing a normal mixed plantation.
2009; Buresti Lattes et al., 2008a), when poplar is However, PMMPs can provide a number of ad-
felled walnut occupies all of the liberated space, vantages for the farmer (Buresti Lattes, Mori and
and the farmer must wait for the walnut to com- Ravagni, 2001; Buresti Lattes and Ravagni, 2003;
plete its production cycle before establishing a Becquey and Vidal, 2008a, 2008b; Buresti Lattes
new cycle with poplar or other (native) species. and Mori, 2010):
However, with permanent polycyclic plantations, • With the right spacing, older trees will
walnut trees are spaced such that at the end of influence the form of younger trees, making
the production cycle their canopies do not occupy pruning simpler.
all the available space but instead leave space for • With overlapping production cycles, income
subsequent tree populations. Thereby, after po- is more frequent and economic return can
plar felling the farmer may decide to start a new be higher than from a simpler plantation.
production cycle by planting poplar, or another • The plantation can be redesigned after trees
(native) species according to the environmental have been felled in each production cycle;
conditions and available space. While walnut con- changes can be made to species, spacing and
tinues to grow, the farmer may thus be able to production objectives and exploitation of
produce two or more cycles with other species in the available space improved.
the available space. When the walnut trees are fi- Moreover, permanent plantations provide eco-
nally cut, trees of other species remain in the plan- logical and other benefits for society that cannot
tation to buffer the temporary and partial lack of be achieved with traditional plantations and non-
large trees. A new productive cycle can then be permanent polycyclic plantations. These include:
started, replacing the harvested trees with walnut • less change in the landscape over time;
or other native species according to the farmer’s • continuous carbon storage; and
production aims. • less habitat change for fauna that depend
on trees for refuge and food.
The arrangements and benefits of polycyclic
plantations Case study: polycyclic permanent plantations
Permanent polycyclic plantations require careful in Mantua, Italy
planning and management that is adapted to the One of the first experimental PMMPs was estab-
needs of the species and their different produc- lished in the province of Mantua, Italy, in 2006.
tion cycles. The planner has to choose the spacing The plantation was established on a farm devoted
between trees of the same and different produc- to poplar cultivation where the owner was inter-
tion cycles to allow for optimal performance of all ested in producing poplar with fewer external

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

inputs and higher environmental value (Buresti

Box 13.2.
Lattes et al., 2008b).
Definitions of terms
The planting scheme proposed (Figure 13.8)
A main tree provides at least one of the main used main trees of three different tree species:
products for which the plantation was designed. pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) and poplar
An accessory tree or shrub facilitates the (several clones) to produce timber and hornbeam
management of the plantation by the farmer but can (Carpinus betulus L.) to produce biomass for fuel
be substituted by cultural care. or wood panels. Oak and hornbeam are native
Multifunctional tree farming refers to tree to Italy. The objective for the oak was to produce
cultivation designed to satisfy multiple functions logs of 40–45 cm in diameter and 4 m in length;
(e.g. timber production and reduction of pollutants for poplar the objective was to produce logs of
into waterways, or, in the case of common walnut, 40 cm in diameter and 6 m in length. Hornbeam
timber and fruit). was selected not only for the good quality of its
Multi-objective tree farming refers to tree wood as biomass, but also for its capacity to grow
cultivation designed to obtain more than one type of in partial shade and for its low competitiveness
wood product (e.g. timber and biomass). towards oak located only 4.5 m away.

Legend to Figures 13.8 to 13.18

Main plants Accessory plants

Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) Black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner)

Poplar clone Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula L.) or

viburnum (Viburnum spp.)
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.)

Figure 13.8. Figure 13.9.

Year 0. The first plantation scheme of all species. Year 10. Poplars should have reached the
production target of 40 cm trunk diameter and
are felled.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Accessory trees and shrubs (all native) were Sudden isolation of the oaks should be avoided
planted along the oak rows to improve shape and as it could cause stress reactions, and therefore
reduce branching in young oaks and to mitigate surrounding poplar and hornbeam must be felled
the isolation stress that might occur after harvest- alternately. After the first ten years, one or other
ing the poplar. The accessory trees and shrubs in- tree species will be harvested every five years.
cluded black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner), Felled trees are replaced with the same or differ-
buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula L.) and laurustinus ent species, adjusting the planting distance ac-
viburnum (Viburnum tinus L.). Nitrogen fixation by cording to species competition at each stage of
the symbiotic bacteria in black alder roots is also development. Over time, location of the species
expected to improve the productivity of the oak. on the site can rotate; where there were valuable
Figures 13.9 to 13.18 describe one possible evo- timber trees is it possible to plant trees for bio-
lution and management strategy for the planta- mass production and vice versa.
tion over 35 years. Production cycles are expected The scheme may change over time, depend-
to be 10 years for poplar, 35 years for oak and ing on the development of one or more species
10–15 years for hornbeam. The first cycle of or changing needs and preferences of the owner.
hornbeam is relatively long compared with that This plantation scheme is just one possibility.
of other native species that are suitable for the The choice of species and management strategies
production of woody biomass. This is because of will depend on environmental conditions, farmer
the relatively slow initial growth of hornbeam needs and applicable regulations in each area and
and the need to protect the adjacent oak trees. may change over time.

Figure 13.10. Figure 13.11.

Year 10. After felling the poplar trees, two new Year 15. Hornbeam is felled. The first cycle of
poplar rows are planted. The new poplar rows hornbeam is relatively long compared with that
will be separated by 7 m and will be 10 m from of other native species that are suitable for the
the oaks. The hornbeam trees should not be production of woody biomass. This long time is
cut at the same time as the poplars to avoid the due both to the relatively slow initial growth of
excessive and sudden isolation of the oaks, which the hornbeam and to the need to extend the
could cause stress reactions. oak protection for additional years.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 13.12. Figure 13.13.

Year 20. Poplars should have reached the Year 20. Two new rows of poplar are planted.
production target of 40 cm in diameter and are This time the rows are staggered in order to
felled. increase the spacing (trees will be 5 × 5.6 m
from each other). The minimum distance
from oaks (which are 20 years old and with
a well-developed crown) will be 11 m. This
distance should be enough to allow poplar to
grow without competition with oaks. The two
five-year-old hornbeam rows, which are 4.5 m
from the oaks, should have a positive effect,
protecting oaks from isolation stress.

Figure 13.14. Figure 13.15.

Year 25. The hornbeam suckers, which grow Year 30. The third cycle of poplar should be
faster than seedlings, should be ready for felling. felled and the hornbeam between the two
poplar rows removed.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 13.16. Figure 13.17.

Year 30. A new row of oaks and accessory trees Year 35. The oaks should have reached the target
is planted together with two new rows of size and should be felled. The hornbeam that
hornbeam 4.5 m from the oaks.The two new is closest to the oak trees should also be felled,
hornbeam rows are 9 m from the 30-year-old but yield will be low. At this point, thanks to the
oaks. positive competition with the older oaks and to
the microclimate provided by the oaks, the five-
year-old hornbeam plants should be adequately

Figure 13.18.
Year 35. New rows of poplar and hornbeam are planted. Trees for timber production are now
planted where trees for biomass production were before, and vice versa.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Buresti Lattes, E. & Mori, P. 2010. Les plantations

plycicliques permanetes: l’arboriculture se rapproche
à la forêt. Forêt Entreprise, 195: 61–64.
AA.VV. 1987. Pioppicoltura. Rome, Ente Nazionale per la
Buresti Lattes, E. & Ravagni, S. 2003. Piantagioni con
Cellulosa e per la Carta.
pioppo e noce comune: accrescimenti e sviluppo
Becquey, J. & Vidal, C. 2008a. Enseignements de deux dopo i primi anni. Foreste ed Alberi Oggi, 94: 19–24.
plantations mélangée de peuplier I214 et de noyer
Buresti Lattes, E., Mori, P. & Ravagni, S. 2001.
hybride. Forêt Entreprise, 178: 31–36.
Piantagioni miste con pioppo e noce comune.
Becquey, J. & Vidal, C. 2008b. Le mélange peuplier- Foreste ed Alberi Oggi, 71: 11–17.
noyer est il économiquement intéressant? Forêt
Buresti Lattes, E., Mori, P., Pelleri, F. & Ravagni, S.
Entreprise, 178: 37–39.
2008a. Des peupliers et des noyers en mélange avec
Buresti Lattes, E. & Mori, P. 2006. Legname di pregio e des plants accompagnateurs. Forêt Entreprise, 178:
biomassa nella stessa piantagione. Foreste ed Alberi 26–30.
Oggi, 127: 5–10.
Buresti Lattes, E., Cavalli, R., Ravagni, S. & Zuccoli
Buresti Lattes, E. & Mori, P. 2007a. Progettare impianti Bergomi, L. 2008b – Impianti policiclici di arbo-
policiclici e termine e multi obiettivo. In Arboricoltura ricoltura da legno: due esempi di progettazione e
da legno: schede per la progettazione e la con- utilizzazione. Foreste ed Alberi Oggi, 139: 37–39.
duzione della piantagione. Schede 4° and 10°.
Petrella, F. & Piazzi, M. 2006. Carbonio nei suoli se-
Direzione Centrale Risorse Agricole Naturali Forestali
minaturali piemontesi. Foreste ed Alberi Oggi, 123:
e Montane, Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Buresti Lattes, E. & Mori, P. 2007b. Distanze minime
Ravagni, S. & Buresti, E. 2003. Piantagioni con pioppo
d’impianto: prime indicazioni per le piantagioni da
e noce comune: accrescimento e sviluppo dopo i
legno. Foreste ed Alberi Oggi, 137: 13–16.
primi anni. Foreste ed Alberi Oggi, 94: 19–24.
Buresti Lattes, E. & Mori, P. 2009. Impianti policiclici
permanenti: l’arboricoltura si avvicina al bosco.
Foreste ed Alberi Oggi, 150: 5–8.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 14


Mangrove forest ha (Spalding, 1997). These figures emphasize the
restoration and the magnitude of the loss. The opportunities that ex-
preservation of mangrove ist to restore areas back to functional and biodi-
biodiversity verse mangrove ecosystems are also significant,
including mosquito-control impoundments in
Roy R. Lewis III Florida (Brockmeyer et al., 1997) (several tens of
thousands of hectares) and abandoned shrimp
Lewis Environmental Services Inc., Salt aquaculture ponds in Southeast Asia (Stevenson,
Springs, Florida, United States Lewis and Burbridge, 1999) (several hundreds of
thousands of hectares).
While great potential exists to reverse the loss
of mangrove forests worldwide, most attempts
to restore mangroves fail completely or fail to
achieve the stated goals (Erftemeijer and Lewis,
2000; Lewis, 2000, 2005, 2009). Previously docu-
mented attempts to restore mangroves (Field,
1996, 1999), where considered successful, have
largely concentrated on creation of plantations
of mangroves consisting of just a few species with
Mangrove forest ecosystems covered 13.8 million the objective of providing wood products (Kairo
ha of tropical shorelines in 2000 (Giri et al., 2011), et al., 2002) or collecting eroded soil and raising
down from 19.8 million ha in 1980 and 15.9 mil- intertidal areas to usable terrestrial agricultural
lion ha in 1990 (FAO, 2003). These losses represent elevations (Saenger and Siddiqi, 1993).
about 2 percent per year from 1980 to 1990 and
1 percent per year from 1990 to 2000. Therefore, Restoration of a biodiverse mangrove forest
achieving no net loss of mangroves worldwide Successful mangrove forest restoration requires
would require the successful restoration of ap- careful analyses of a number of factors before
proximately 150 000 ha per year, unless all major attempting actual restoration. Lewis (2005, 2009)
losses of mangroves ceased. Increasing the total notes that existing hydrology of a proposed res-
area of mangroves worldwide towards their origi- toration site needs to be characterized and com-
nal extent would require an even larger effort. pared with that of a reference forest to estab-
An example of documented losses of man- lish what conditions preclude natural recovery
groves is the combined losses in Malaysia, the in damaged forests, or what conditions prevent
Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam of 7.4 million natural recolonization of supratidal and subtidal

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

flats that might be proposed for conversion to An important goal of many restoration projects
mangrove forests. A six-step process called eco- is to provide habitats for fish and invertebrates
logical mangrove restoration has evolved from to restore local fisheries. Maximizing use of such
earlier attempts to standardize successful ap- habitats usually means maximizing biodiversity
proaches (Stevenson, Lewis and Burbridge, 1999), of the plant species, and therefore a monotypic
and is now taught around the world (Lewis 2010). stand of mangroves in an area that normally sup-
This method emphasizes getting the hydrology ports 20 or more mangrove species is not a logi-
right first and then observing and documenting cal goal. Establishment of persistent tidal creeks
natural recovery through volunteer mangrove to assist with entry and exit of juvenile and adult
propagule recruitment (Figure 14.1) before large- fish and invertebrates is also an essential restora-
scale planting of mangroves is even considered. tion objective. Lewis and Gilmore (2007) discuss
As seen in Figure 14.1, mangrove propagules the use by fish of both natural and restored man-
can ­voluntarily recruit to a restored site and es- grove forests and report specifically on monitoring
tablish the natural biodiversity of mangrove spe- a successful 500 ha mangrove restoration project in
cies. Planting is therefore not needed in most Hollywood, Florida, United States (see Figure 14.1),
cases. Situations where planting of mangroves is where fish populations sampled in both reference
needed are described as “propagule limited” sites and restored sites were statistically indistinguish-
(see below). able within three to five years of restoration. They
Unfortunately, as noted in Stevenson, Lewis and emphasize three restoration and design goals to
Burbridge (1999) and Samson and Rollon (2008), ensure functional and naturally biodiverse ecologi-
massive attempts to plant mudflats where man- cal restoration of mangrove forests:
groves have never existed have been the norm for 1. Achieve plant cover similar to that in an ad-
many decades and have almost uniformly failed. jacent relatively undisturbed control area of
Where they occasionally do work because local mangrove forest.
topographic conditions are conducive to planting 2. Establish a network of channels that mimic the
of mangroves, the results are typically plantations shape and form of a natural tidal creek system.
of a single species of mangrove. Various species 3. Establish a heterogeneous landscape similar to
of Rhizophora are commonly used in plantings as that exhibited by local mangrove ecosystems.
they have large propagules that are easily collect- Lewis (2005) introduced the term “propagule
ed, grown and planted. This emphasis on single- limitation” to define a condition in which natural
species plantings ignores the mix of species found recovery is slowed or halted because no natural
in most mangrove forests. Mangrove forests in the mangrove propagules are available to volunteer
New World typically contain four species of man- at a damaged site. The absence of propagules
grove, and a single forest in a location such as the may be caused by a large-scale loss of adult trees
Philippines, Viet Nam and northern Australia may capable of producing propagules or by hydrologic
contain up to 30 species (Duke, 1992). There are 69 restrictions or blockages (e.g. dykes) that prevent
species worldwide called mangroves (Duke, 1992). natural waterborne transport of mangrove prop-
Biodiversity is also threatened by the introduc- agules to a restoration site. Since propagules are
tion of non-native species of mangroves for res- produced at different times of the year by dif-
toration. Chen et al. (2009) notes that Sonneratia ferent species in different locations (Tomlinson,
apetala Buch.-Ham. has been introduced to China 1986), more than one site visit may be necessary
from Bangladesh and, surprisingly, used to con- to correctly identify a propagule limited site. Lack
trol another introduced plant species, Spartina of propagules at a single time of year does not
alterniflora Loisel, “even though the invasiveness necessarily define a propagule-limited site, and
of this exotic mangroves species was not fully un- therefore careful evaluation of this parameter
derstood” (Chen et al. 2009: 49). is important. If a damaged forest will recover on

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 14.1.
Time sequence photographs of a portion of the 500 ha West Lake Park mangrove restoration
project utilizing non-native exotic plan removal, site excavation, tidal creek restoration and natural
recruitment of mangrove propagules. No planting of mangroves took place.

its own within an acceptable time frame, any at- ing some predefined numerical target (e.g. per-
tempt to introduce propagules, plant propagules cent cover, total basal area). Priority should be
or plant nursery-grown mangroves is likely to be given to restoration sites that would indeed ben-
a waste of time and money. Recovery is here de- efit from human intervention at the least per unit
fined as the recolonization of a restoration site cost, given that time and money to devote to any
and growth of plant materials on that site reach- restoration project are always limited.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

These suggestions may seem obvious, but there A second example of a goal might be to maxi-
are very few documented examples of successful mize biodiversity. In this case, the restoration site
mangrove forest restoration. More commonly, might be left alone and not planted immediately
well-intentioned, but often faulty, mangrove res- to allow for volunteer colonization of the largest
toration efforts target areas on which mangroves number of different species of mangroves from
were not previously present, such as mudflats or propagules produced by trees adjacent to a res-
seagrass meadows seaward of natural mangroves toration site.
or damaged areas without a properly document- The next step is to look at available information
ed history (Field, 1996; Erftemeijer and Lewis, on both plantation and natural recruitment indi-
2000; Lewis, 2005). The result of unsound evalu- ces of success. Saenger (2002: 256–270) discusses
ations of restoration opportunities has, unfortu- in great detail what is to be expected in terms of
nately, emphasized first establishing a mangrove biomass and stem density, for example, from typi-
nursery and then planting mangroves at a casual- cal plantation projects. There has been much work
ly selected site as the primary tool in restoration, on plantation projects in which just a few species
rather than first assessing the reasons for the loss of mangroves are managed, and thus there is a
of mangroves in an area and working with the wealth of data to examine. In contrast with this,
natural recovery processes (Lewis, 2009). data on natural recruitment within a mixed forest
Both Brockmeyer et al. (1997) and Stevenson, are generally not available. McKee and Faulkner
Lewis and Burbridge (1999) present examples of (2000) report on the results of sampling for den-
successful mangrove restoration following re-­ sity and basal area within two r­ estored mangrove
establishment of historical tidal connections to ad- forests in Florida, United States, and compared
jacent estuaries. This is termed “hydrologic resto- these with two adjacent control areas. Their data
ration” (see discussion in Turner and Lewis, 1987). show that density and basal area of volunteer
In the examples discussed, volunteer propagules mangroves in the restoration areas exceeded that
of mangrove and mangrove nurse-plants were of planted mangroves. Proffitt and Devlin (2005)
sufficient to allow for rapid establishment of plant report similar results from one of the same sites
cover. No planting of mangroves was required. sampled by McKee and Faulkner (2000) but that
they sampled in later years as the system ma-
Establishing success criteria tured. Lewis, Hodgson and Mauseth (2005) report
Once a site is finally chosen for restoration and on the results of cover sampling over a period of
a design developed, quantifiable success criteria five years within a restored mangrove forest in
should be established. Establishing such criteria is another location in Florida, United States. These
important in order to actually measure progress studies help define parameters that need to be
towards successful restoration. The first step in es- sampled and sampling methodologies, but pro-
tablishing numeric criteria for success is to prepare vide limited data to apply to local situations in
a brief narrative goal or set an objective for the other parts of the world.
project (Saenger, 2002). This will define the next Few studies exist on trends in biodiversity in re-
steps. For example, a goal may be to establish a stored mangroves, and the range in age, species
monotypic plantation of Rhizophora apiculata Bl. and inundation class of restored sites makes gen-
to be harvested after 12 years as poles. It may be eralizations difficult. However, the co-­occurrence
an acceptable goal to local stakeholders in the of many animal species in both restored and
project, such as local villages and fishermen, and comparable natural forests suggest that coloniza-
harvest of wood products from locally managed tion of restoration sites by both mobile and non-
forests is a typical goal (see discussion of timber mobile fauna is a rapid process, and equivalent
production in the Matang Forest, M ­ alaysia, in populations of mangrove fauna in both natural
Saenger [2002]: 231–234). controls and restored mangrove sites can typically

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

be found within 5–10 years of restoration (Lewis References

and Gilmore, 2007; Bosire et al., 2008).

Bosire, J.O., Dahdough-Guebas, F., Walton, M.,

Concluding remarks
Crona, B.I., Lewis, R.R., Field, C., Kairo, J.G. &
Restoration of mangrove forest has not been
Koedam, N. 2008. Functionality of restored man-
generally successful except where timber produc-
groves: a review. Aquat. Bot., 89: 251–259.
tion was the goal and monotypic stands were
established. Establishment of a biodiverse mixed- Brockmeyer, R.E. Jr., Rey, J.R., Virnstein, R.W.,
species forest cover and restoration of functions Gilmore, R.G. & Ernest, L. 1997. Rehabilitation of
equivalent to those of an adjacent reference for- impounded estuarine wetlands by hydrologic recon-
est, have not typically been design criteria, and nection to the Indian River Lagoon, Florida (USA).
most restoration projects with some general eco- Wetl. Ecol. Manag., 4(2): 93–109.
logical goals have not been successful (Erftemeijer Chen, L., Wang, W., Shang, Y. & Lin, G. 2009. Recent
and Lewis, 2000; Lewis, 2005). The chosen restora- progresses in mangrove conservation, restoration
tion sites for many of these projects have been and research in China. J. Plant Ecol., 2(2): 45–54.
mudflats or seagrass beds lying seaward of the
outer edge of existing mangrove forests. These Erftemeijer, P.L.A. & Lewis, R.R. 2000. Planting man-
sites are typically planted with nursery-grown groves on intertidal mudflats: habitat restoration or
mangrove seedlings which do not survive because habitat conversion? In Proceedings of the ECOTONE
VIII Seminar Enhancing Coastal Ecosystems
of frequent inundation and waterlogging.
Restoration for the 21st Century, Ranong, Thailand,
Although there are relatively few studies on
23–28 May 1999, pp. 156–165. Bangkok, Royal
trends in biodiversity in restored mangroves, it
Forest Department of Thailand.
appears that colonization of restoration sites by
both mobile and non-mobile fauna is a rapid pro- Duke, N.C. 1992. Mangrove floristics and biogeogra-
cess that may take 5–10 years to reach levels com- phy. In A.I. Robertson & D.M. Alongi, eds. Tropical
parable to natural sites (Bosire et al., 2008). The mangrove ecosystems, pp. 63–100. Coastal and
scientific basis for optimum design of restoration Estuarine Studies 41. Washington, DC, American
projects to meet certain established criteria, such Geophysical Union.
as increased fish production or more use by wad-
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the
ing seabirds, is, however, very minimal.
United Nations). 2003. Status and trends in
In future, mangrove restoration projects should
mangrove area extent worldwide, by M.L. Wilkie &
be more carefully designed to ensure successful S. Fortuna. Forest Resources Assessment Working
establishment of a biodiverse plant cover over Paper 63. Rome.
large areas at minimal cost. This can be achieved,
for example, by restoring hydrologic connec- Field, C.D., ed. 1996. Restoration of mangrove eco-
tions to impounded mangrove areas, as has been systems. Okinawa, Japan, International Society for
done in Florida (Brockmeyer et al., 1997), Costa Mangrove Ecosystems.
Rica and the Philippines (Stevenson, Lewis and Field, C.D. 1999. Rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystems:
Burbridge, 1999) using the basic principles of eco- an overview. Mar. Poll. Bull., 37(8–12): 383–392.
logical mangrove restoration (Lewis, 2010). Use of
non-native species of mangroves in management Giri, C., Ochieng, E., Tieszen, L.L., Zhu, Z., Singh, A.,
and restoration projects should be avoided. Loveland, T., Masek, J. & Duke, N. 2011. Status
and distribution of mangrove forests of the world
using earth observation satellite data. Global Ecol.
Biogeogr., 20(1): 154–159.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Kairo, J.G. 2002. Regeneration status of mangrove revisiting forest management strategies. Ambio,
forests in Mida Creek, Kenya: a compromised or 37(4): 234–240.
secured future? Ambio, 31(7–8): 562–568.
Spalding, M.D. 1997. The global distribution and
Lewis, R.R. 2000. Ecologically based goal setting in man- status of mangrove ecosystems. Intercoast Network
grove forest and tidal marsh restoration in Florida. Newsletter Special Edition #1: 20–21.
Ecol. Eng., 15(3–4): 191–198.
Stevenson, N.J., Lewis, R.R. & Burbridge, P.R. 1999.
Lewis, R.R. 2005. Ecological engineering for successful Disused shrimp ponds and mangrove rehabilitation.
management and restoration of mangrove forests. In W.J. Streever, ed. An international perspective on
Ecol. Eng., 24(4 SI): 403–418. wetland rehabilitation, pp. 277–297. Dordrecht, The
Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Lewis, R.R. 2009. Methods and criteria for successful
mangrove forest restoration. In G.M.E. Perillo, E. Tomlinson, P.B. 1986. The botany of mangroves.
Wolanski, D.R. Cahoon & M.M. Brinson, eds. Coastal Cambridge Tropical Biology Series. New York, USA,
wetlands: an integrated ecosystem approach, pp. Cambridge University Press.
787–800. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Elsevier.
Turner, R.E. & Lewis, R.R. 1997. Hydrologic restoration of
Lewis, R.R. 2010. Mangrove field of dreams: if we coastal wetlands. Wetl. Ecol. Manage., 4(2): 65–72.
build it, will they come? SWS Research Brief No.
2009–0005. Madison, WI, USA, Society of Wetland
Scientists (available at
Forest restoration in
Lewis, R.R. & Gilmore, R.G. 2007. Important considéra-
degraded tropical peat
tions to achieve successful mangrove forest restora-
swamp forests
tion with optimum fish habitat. Bull. Mar. Sci., 80(3):
Laura L.B. Graham and Susan E. Page
Lewis, R.R., Hodgson, A.B. & Mauseth, G.S. 2005.
Project facilitates the natural reseeding of mangrove Department of Geography, University
forests (Florida). Ecol. Rest., 23(4):276–277. of Leicester, United Kingdom

McKee, K.L. & Faulkner, P.L. 2000. Restoration of

Tropical peat swamp forests and their
biogeochemical function in mangrove forests. Rest.
Ecol., 8(3): 247–259.

Proffit, C.E. & Devlin, D.J. 2005. Long-term growth and

succession in restored and natural mangrove forests
in southwestern Florida. Wetl. Ecol. Manage., 13:

Saenger, P. 2002. Mangrove ecology, silviculture and

conservation. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Kluwer
Academic Publishers.

Saenger, P. & Siddiqi, N.A. 1993. Land from the seas:

the mangrove afforestation program of Bangladesh. Tropical peatlands in Southeast Asia are the most
Ocean Coast. Manage., 20: 23–39. extensive in the world; they contain ~69 Gt of car-
Samson, M.S. & Rollon, R.N. 2008. Growth perfor- bon, equivalent to 11–14 percent of global peat-
mance of planted red mangroves in the Philippines: land carbon, and cover 247 778 km2, the majority
being in Indonesia (206 950 km2; 57 Gt of carbon;

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Page, Rieley and Banks, 2011). In addition, tropi- cent of current annual global fossil fuel emissions
cal peat swamp forests provide a range of other (Bappenas, 2010).
environmental services including a habitat for en- Given the extent of degraded peat swamp
demic, endangered and rare species (Posa, Wije- forest in Southeast Asia and the implications for
dasa and Corlett, 2011) and have a role in regional increased carbon emissions to the atmosphere,
hydrological regulation (Wösten et al., 2006). there is an international effort to promote ecosys-
Less than 4 percent of tropical peat swamp tem rehabilitation. The Indonesian Government is
forest in Southeast Asia remains in a near-intact collaborating internationally to initiate large-scale
condition, with 37 percent classified as degraded restoration programmes on degraded peatlands.
forest (logged-over), 24 percent as deforested,
burnt or both, and 32 percent as under agricul- Overcoming the barriers to the restoration
ture (Miettinen and Liew, 2010). Degradation of of tropical peat swamp forest
peat swamp forest leads to the loss of most, if not When intact tropical peat swamp forest is dis-
all, ecosystem services, including carbon storage turbed, environmental effects include changes in
and hydrological regulation (Page et al., 2009). microclimate (higher temperatures, reduced hu-
Total annual CO2 emissions from Indonesian midity, altered light levels); lowering of the water
peatlands (from peat oxidation, fire and loss of table, which in undisturbed peat swamp forest
biomass) over the period 2000 to 2006 have been is close to or above the peat surface; reduction
estimated at 640 Mt of CO2, equivalent to 2.1 per- or loss of the hummock–hollow peat surface to-

Figure 14.2.
The distribution of the main peat deposits in Southeast Asia (shaded areas). Most peatlands occur on
the islands of Sumatra and Borneo (Kalimantan, Sarawak and Brunei) and in peninsular Malaysia.

Source: derived from Miettinen et al. (2012).

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

pography, and hence loss of hummock surfaces all are adapted to the wet peatland environ-
on which tree seedlings establish; and increased ment. In stark contrast, only two or three pioneer
peat oxidation and fire occurrence, both resulting woody species occur on heavily degraded sites
in peat surface subsidence and increased risk of (Page et al., 2009). These typically include wind-
flooding (Page et al., 2008). dispersed species (e.g. Combretocarpus rotunda-
Disturbance history will be unique to each loca- tus (Miq.) Danser), species dispersed by small ani-
tion and will influence the rate and type of for- mals, (e.g. Cratoxylon glaucum Korth., Syzygium
est regeneration. Altered hydrological conditions spp.) or fire-resistant species (e.g. Melaleuca spp.).
and fire are the main barriers to forest regenera- There is little formally published literature on
tion (Page et al., 2009); therefore, a preliminary the selection of appropriate species for restora-
assessment should be undertaken of land cover, tion of tropical peat swamp forest, but a reason-
drainage history (time of installation, location, able wealth of grey literature, including confer-
size of drainage features) and fire history (fire lo- ence proceedings and internal project reports.
cation, frequency and severity). If anthropogenic The Kalimantan Forest Climate Partnership,
impacts are minimal, forest regeneration capac- a tropical peatland restoration demonstra-
ity is likely to be relatively high. For example, tion project supported by the United Nations
in selectively logged forest or sites subject to a Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions
single, low-intensity fire, secondary peat swamp from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in
forest can establish over approximately ten years Developing Countries (REDD) and developed un-
(Hoscilo et al., 2011). With increasing intensity of der an Australia-Indonesia Government partner-
degradation (e.g. following intensive drainage ship, has pooled available literature into a silvi-
and frequent and/or severe fires), regeneration cultural review of peat swamp forest tree species
of woody species is limited or entirely suppressed occurring in Central Kalimantan. This is an impor-
and species diversity greatly reduced (Wösten tant stage in identifying potential transplant spe-
et  al., 2006). Thus, active restoration measures cies for this region while also high­lighting gaps in
will be required to facilitate reforestation. In ad- silvicultural knowledge that need to be addressed
dition, information on annual hydrological varia- in order to develop restoration best practice
tion (duration and extent of low and high water (Graham, 2009). This is the first step in identify-
levels, which will influence survival of transplants, ing species with appropriate ecological traits for
especially at the critical seedling stage), natural use across the range of environmental conditions
seed dispersal by mammals and birds, levels of characteristic of degraded tropical peatlands.
competition from invasive, non-woody species To date, a small proportion (< 5 percent) of the
(ferns, sedges) and availability of nutrients and peat swamp forest tree species have been used
mycorrhizal fungal symbionts in the surface peat, in restoration trials; frequently used species are
all need to be assessed as potential barriers to Shorea balangeran Burck, Alstonia spathulata
tree regeneration. Active barriers identified in Blume and Dyera polyphylla (Miq.) Steenis. The
recent studies include wet-season flooding, high last of these is popular because the bark can be
light intensity, low levels of mycorrhizal fungi in tapped for latex, which provides a source of in-
the surface peat and low levels of seed dispersal come for local communities. Ideally, species to be
(Page et al., 2008; Graham and Page, 2012). planted should be selected based on their eco-
logical tolerance of site-specific conditions, but
Species selection since there is limited autecological knowledge of
In Southeast Asia, peat swamp forest supports at the vast majority of tropical peat swamp forest
least 1500 plant species (Posa, Wijedasa and Cor- tree species, restoration efforts have proceeded
lett, 2011). Of these, approximately only 11 per- largely by trial and error. Peat swamp forest that
cent are endemic to peat swamp forest, although has been logged and drained is exposed to high

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

light levels and drought during the dry season, forest degradation, their current dependency on
but does not suffer from flooding. Other sites, and attitudes towards the forest and their hopes
such as those closer to waterways or where the for its future (Graham, unpublished data). The
peat surface has subsided as a result of peat study highlighted important issues that would
oxidation and fire, may flood regularly (Wösten need to be addressed in a local forest-restoration
et al., 2006). Some peat swamp forest tree species action plan, and demonstrated the wealth of for-
have a broad tolerance of this range of degrad- estry and ecological principles understood by the
ed conditions; Shorea balangeran and Syzygium community, their desire to be involved with res-
spp., for example, are species of riverine forest at toration activity and their insights on how trans-
the edge of the peat dome and tolerant of both planted tree species should be selected and used.
high light and high water levels, making them
suitable species for planting on open areas sub- Concluding remarks
ject to flooding. In contrast, Tetramerista glabra Tropical peatland degradation is now widely ac-
Miq., a tree of mixed swamp forest on deeper cepted as a matter of international concern, and
peat, will grow in degraded areas but only if restoration is seen as essential. Key stages neces-
there is adequate shade, and thus is best suited to sary to achieving restoration in topical peatlands
enhancement planting or planting at the forest include improved knowledge of how to tackle
edge. Other species showing high survival rates in fire management, hydrological rehabilitation and
restoration trials include Combretocarpus rotun- species selection and better assessment of the di-
datus, Koompassia malaccensis Benth., Melaleuca verse array of secondary regeneration barriers.
cajuputi Powell, Syzygium oblatum (Roxb.) Wall. Knowledge gained from long-term monitoring of
ex A.M.Cowan & Cowan and Tetramerista glabra. restoration sites will also be critical to develop-
Nursery seedlings propagated from seed or wild- ment of pathways to more efficient landscape-
lings are commonly used as propagation material. scale restoration, as will be effective local com-
Seedlings are normally cultivated in nurseries for munity engagement.
at least six months before planting out on the de-
graded areas.
In practice, the greatest risks to the long-term
success of restoration trials on tropical peat References
swamp forest to date have proved to be pro-
longed deep flooding and fire rather than poor
Bappenas. 2010. Reducing carbon emissions from
choice of species for planting. Efforts to overcome
Indonesia’s peatland. Jakarta, National Agency for
seedling mortality during periods of high water
Planning and Development.
level have included constructing artificial plant-
ing mounds, while reducing fire damage requires Giesen, W. 2009. Guidelines for the rehabilitation of
active fire prevention during the annual dry sea- degraded peat swamp forests in Central Kalimantan.
son when drained peatlands are at greatest risk Master plan for the conservation and develop-
of ignition (Giesen, 2009; Page et al., 2009). ment of the ex-mega rice project area in Central
Kalimantan. Arnhem, The Netherlands, Euroconsult
Community knowledge and participation Mott MacDonald.
Local communities can provide knowledge of site Graham, L.L.B. 2009. Internal report: a literature review
history and insights into the social impediments of the ecology and silviculture of tropical peat
to forest restoration. A study in Central Kaliman- swamp forest tree species found naturally occurring
tan that employed community participation, fo- in Central Kalimantan. Palangka Raya, Indonesia,
cus groups and interviews investigated the under- Kalimantan Forest and Climate Partnership.
standing and attitudes of local people relating to

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Graham, L.L.B. & Page, S.E. 2012. Artificial bird perches

Support to food security,
for the regeneration of degraded tropical peat
poverty alleviation and
swamp forest: a restoration tool with limited poten-
tial. J. Restor. Ecol., 20(5): 631–637.
soil-degradation control
in the Sahelian countries
Hoscilo, A., Page, S.E., Tansey, K.J. & Rieley, O.J. through land restoration
2011. Effect of repeated fires on land-cover change and agroforestry
on peatland in southern Central Kalimantan,
Indonesia, from 1973 to 2005. Int. J. Wildland Fire, David Odee and Meshack Muga
20: 578–588.

Miettinen, J. & Liew, S.C. 2010. Degradation and devel-

Kenya Forestry Research Institute
opment of peatlands in Peninsular Malaysia and in
the islands of Sumatra and Borneo since 1990. Land
Degrad. Dev., 21: 285–296.

Miettinen, J., Hooijer, A., Shi, C., Tollenaar, D.,

Vernimmen, R., Liew, S.C., Malins, C. & Page, S.E.
2012. Extent of industrial plantations on Southeast
Asian peatlands in 2010 with analysis of historical
expansion and future projection. Glob. Change Biol.
Bioenergy, 4: 908-918.

Page, S.E., Rieley, J.O. & Banks, J.C. 2011. Global and
regional importance of the tropical peatland carbon Sahelian countries are severely affected by
pool. Glob. Change Biol., 17: 798–818. drought and desertification, with a significant
southward expansion of the desert into gum-
Page, S.E., Graham, L.L.B., Hoscilo, A. & Limin, S.
and resin-producing zones. Since the 1970s
2008. Vegetation restoration on degraded tropical
countries within the sub-Saharan Sahelian re-
peatlands: opportunities and barriers. Paper pre-
gion have experienced droughts that adversely
sented at the International Peatland Symposium,
affect livestock production, agriculture and
Tullamore, Ireland.
woodlands. A regional project implemented
Page, S.E., Hoscilo, A., Wosten, H., Jauhiainen, J., in 2003–2010 applied a coordinated strategy
Ritzema, H., Tansey, K., Silvius, M., Graham, for restoration of degraded lands to support
L., Vasander, H., J. Rieley & Limin, S. 2009. agrosilvipastoral activities. The development
Ecological restoration of lowland tropical peatlands objective of the project was to contribute to
in Southeast Asia – current knowledge and future sustainable development, food security and the
research directions. Ecosystems, 12: 288–905. fight against desertification through the pro-
Posa, M.R.C., Wijedasa, L.S. & Corlett, T.R. 2011. motion and integration of gum and resin pro-
Biodiversity and conservation of tropical peat swamp duction into rural economic activities in Africa.
forests. BioScience, 61: 49–57. The immediate objective was to strengthen the
analytical and operational capacity of six pilot
Wösten, J.H.M., van der Berg, J., van Eijk, P., Gevers, countries (Burkina Faso, Chad, Kenya, Niger,
G.J.M., Giesen, W.B.J.T., Hooijer, A., Idris, A., Senegal and the Sudan) to address food security
Leenman, P.H, Rais, D.S., Siderius, C., Silvius, and desertification problems through the im-
M.J, Suryadiputra, N. & Wibisono, T.I. 2006.
provement of agrosilvipastoral systems and the
Interrelationships between hydrology and ecology
sustainable development of the gum and resin
in fire degraded tropical peat swamp forests. Int. J.
Water Resour. Dev., 22: 157–174.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Site information local communities. Preliminary surveys and

The project sites were located mainly in degraded collection­of baseline information helped to iden-
silvipastoral sites in arid and semi-arid ecological tify target groups. Main interest groups for the
zones of sub-Saharan Africa. Restoration plots project were local communities, local government
ranged from two to 850 hectares, with a total departments for environment and agriculture,
area of approximately 13 000 ha. Location of the FAO, the Network of Natural Gums and Resins
sites and the landscape context in each country in Africa (NGARA) and the Inter-Departmental
were as follows: Working Group on the Convention to Combat
• Burkina Faso: 27 sites (no site information). Desertification.
• Chad: degraded land with low shrub and Restoration activities were initiated in 2004.
tree cover with natural indigenous species. The project employed a mechanized water-­
• Kenya: low isolated shrubs of natural Acacia harvesting technology (the Vallerani system) that
and Commiphora species in Marsabit District digs microbasins while ploughing degraded soils,
(Merille, Logologo and Laisamis sites), and in and used this to develop acacia-based agrosil-
the southern rangelands in Makueni District vipastoral systems and reverse land degradation.
(Kibwezi and Kiboko sites). The technology has good potential to harvest and
• Niger: natural woodlands occurring in the store water for associated vegetation (trees and
Departments of Mirriah, Aguié, Madaoua, crops) long after rainfall. The mechanized system
Say, Kollo and Plateau de Kouré. is efficient and can be used to prepare swathes
• Senegal: isolated acacia woodlands in the of degraded lands within a shorter time than can
main administrative regions in Louga, be achieved with local traditional systems, which
St Louis, Matam, Tambacounda and employ hand hoes or oxen-powered ploughs. This
Diourbel. system has been used successfully in rehabilita-
• The Sudan: in the Acacia senegal belt and tion of degraded lands in North Africa.
sites adjacent to forest reserves in North Native tree species were preferred because of
Kordofan, Sennar and Blue Nile states. their adaptation to the local environment, avail-
Site conditions prior to restoration activities were ability of planting material and awareness and
dry, open and highly degraded, with isolated use of the species by local communities. The key
shrubs or woody species; some sites were devoid native species used across the sites was the gum
of vegetation. Key sources of livelihoods for the arabic tree, Acacia senegal (L.) Willd., because of
local communities were landscape restoration the commercially valuable gum it produces and
for livestock grazing, agroforestry and provision- thus the potential for income generation. In ad-
ing of other ecosystem services such as fuelwood dition to producing gum, it is a nitrogen-fixing
and soil fertility improvement. Gum production tree, enriching the soil through the nitrogen-rich
was the strategic income-generating activity and litter it produces, producing fodder during the
driver for restoration activities. There was no dry season and stabilizing the soil. Other species
involvement in carbon offset schemes or activi- used were:
ties targeted at reducing emissions from defor- • the drought-tolerant timber tree species,
estation and forest degradation (REDD+), despite Melia volkensii Gürke (used at Kibwezi and
their strong relevance. Kiboko sites, Kenya)
• Acacia seyal Delile, Acacia nilotica (L.)
Restoration activities Delile, Bauhinia rufescens Lam. and Ziziphus
A participatory approach was adopted by the mauritiana Lam. in Niger
project, with high interest and ownership shown • Acacia mellifera (M.Vahl) Benth. in Senegal
by local communities. Sites for restoration were • Acacia seyal, Acacia mellifera, Acacia nilotica
selected through participatory approaches with and Albizia spp. in the Sudan.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Some exotic or non-autochthonous species bilitating degraded lands and rationalizing the
were also used in agroforestry systems, namely production of gums and resins as the key driver to
­Jatropha curcas L. (biofuel) and Mangifera indica restoration in the drylands.
L. (mango) for income generation in Kenya and Overall, the restoration activity was deemed
Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss. for medicinal pur- a success, considering the good establishment
poses and fodder in the Sudan. and survival of the trees planted, as well as in-
Seeds of Acacia senegal were collected from tegration and adoption of agroforestry activities
local populations or the nearest possible sourc- ­within the restored areas by the normally pasto-
es using standard procedures to ensure ge- ral communities. Problems encountered included
netic diversity. Seedlings were raised in local or prolonged droughts, especially during planting
community-­based nurseries. In Niger, Acacia sen- and establishment, damage to planted trees by
egal seeds from Kordofan provenance were also livestock and wild animals, and the communal
used but it is not clear in which site they were land-tenure system, which affects ownership
planted. and responsibility over restored areas. Income-
Acacia senegal trees were planted in rows generating activities should be identified, pro-
along the microbasins with an interrow spacing moted and supported to offer incentives to the
of 4–6 m. Annual crops such as millet and maize local communities to backstop the sustainability
were planted between the tree rows to create of the restoration activities.
agroforestry systems. The plots were located near There are plans to upscale the restoration pro-
villages and ranged in size from five to 100 ha. gramme, and to link to new initiatives such as
the Great Green Wall for the Sahara and Sahel
Monitoring and experiences gained initiative supported by the African Union and the
Management and monitoring of the trees were European Union.
carried out by the local communities. Trees were
maintained and intercrops planted annually dur-
ing rainy seasons. Performance assessment was
based on survival of seedlings and growth and
yields of annual intercrops. Seven years after
planting, Acacia senegal and other species were
reported to have survived and established suc-
cessfully, but no statistics are available.
The overall conditions of the sites are also re-
ported to have been restored, including improved
soil health and fertility and vegetation cover. The
local communities are using the restored land
for agroforestry activities. Agricultural inter-
crops include sorghum, beans, pigeon pea, cow-
pea, green gram, pearl millet, watermelon and
maize. The local communities are in accord with
the need to adopt an integrated approach to ad-
dressing the problems of land degradation and
poverty. Technological aspects of production and
processing should be linked to marketing, while
livelihood diversification should be introduced to
ensure sustainability. The participating countries
were highly receptive to the experiences of reha-

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

The use of native species ture is usually coarse sandy loam, sand and gravel.
in restoring arid land and Organic matter and nitrogen contents are low,
biodiversity in China but abundant soluble mineral salts are accumu-
lated at the soil surface, resulting in high pH and,
Lu Qi and Wang Huoran in many cases, large areas covered by saline crusts.

Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, Plant genetic resources in the arid areas
China of China
It is estimated that there are over 1000 species of
trees and shrubs in the arid and semi-arid areas
in northern China (Li, 1992). Many of these, es-
pecially the shrubs, have been used for environ-
mental improvement, dune stabilization, affores-
tation, and production of food and other human
A number of tree species have been used in
dune plantings in the arid and semi-arid regions
of China. Pinus tabuliformis Carrière, P. sylvestris
var. mongolica Litv., Platycladus orientalis (L.)
Generally, desertification is mainly caused by Franco, Sabina chinensis (L.) Antoine, Juniperus
climate change and human activities. Overgraz- rigida Siebold & Zucc. and Picea crassifolia Kom.
ing, inappropriate agricultural use and exces- are native coniferous species adapted to a cold
sive collection of fuelwood and medicinal herbs and dry environment with annual rainfall of less
reduce vegetative cover, rangeland capacity and than 400 mm (Zhao, 2005). Picea crassifolia, for
biological diversity, and expose the soil to ­erosion example, is naturally distributed up to the tree-
(CCICCD, 1997). China is one of the countries line and is critical for watershed management
worst affected by desertification. The areas most in the glacier-covered Qilianshan Mountains in
seriously affected are found in the northern, Gansu Province. Sabina chinensis and S. vulgaris
northeastern and northwestern parts of the coun- Antoine are useful for ground cover to protect
try. The Chinese Government, scientists and local soil from erosion on harsh sites.
communities have made great efforts to restore Only a few indigenous hardwoods can survive
land and biodiversity affected by desertification. in the harsh environment of northwestern China.
The climate and soils of northwestern China Populus simonii Carr. and P. alba pyramidalis
pose extremely severe challenges to the develop- (Bunge) W.Wettst. are mostly used for establish-
ment of vegetation. The climate is characterized ing windbreaks or shelterbelts on agricultural
by frequent, strong winds, very low rainfall and land or around oases (Zhao, 2005). Of the spe-
high evapotranspiration. Sandstorms are destruc- cies used in shelterbelts established in the 1970s
tive and hamper agriculture, forestry and animal in northwestern China, only Ulmus pumila L.
husbandry. Most of the arid areas experience a survived drought and insect pests. Other hard-
typically continental climate, with annual precipi- woods, such as Sophora japonica L., Salix matsu-
tation less than 250 mm. Temperature changes dana Koidzumi and Ailanthus altissima (P. Mill.)
dramatically, daily, seasonally and spatially; for Swingle are also often planted as shade trees
example, the maximum temperature recorded in around villages in northwestern China.
the Xinjiang region is 47.5 °C in Turpan and mini- The diversity of shrubs is, however, relatively
mum temperature is –43 °C in the Zunger Basin. richer than that of trees (SSG, 2003). Efforts to
Desert soils are relatively undeveloped. Soil tex- maintain biological diversity and reclaim land

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

have in recent years increasingly used shrub spe- ule-forming bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, which
cies as well as trees. Shrub communities have together help it fix nitrogen and take up other
important ecological functions in conservation nutrient elements in the soil. This species grows
of soil, water and biodiversity. Most indigenous well in soil with pH values of 8 to 9 (SSG, 2003).
shrubs are better adapted to dry soil, poor nutri- Tamarix chinensis Lour., Hippophae rhamnoides
ent availability and temperature extremes than L., Elaeagnus angustifolia L., Salix psammophila
are trees. Moreover, several shrubs have high eco- Z.Wang & Chang Y.Yang, Haloxylon ammoden-
nomic value as medical plants (e.g. Sophora alo- dron (C.A. Mey) Bunge ex Fenzl and many other
pecuroides L. and Lycium chinense P. Mill). There species are used to stabilize moving sands and es-
is great potential in the utilization of the genetic tablish shelterbelts as understorey or living hedg-
resources of shrub species evolved in the arid and es. Research in genetic improvement with H. rham-
cold environment in northern China. noides has been carried out over the last 30 years
A number of shrub species have been used and good seed resources have been established
to stabilize sand dunes and for other ecological and utilized (Lian and Chen, 1992; SSG, 2003).
and economic uses. Caragana korshinskii Kom.,
a leguminous shrub, is used extensively for dune Methodology of tree planting in arid areas
stabilization, bioenergy, fodder, and soil and wa- Generally, three approaches are used to estab-
ter conservation in arid and semi-arid areas in lish plantations of woody plants in China (Zhao,
the middle reaches of the Yellow River. It is xero- 2005). The first approach is to plant trees by hand
phytic, capable of prolific coppicing and tolerant or machine. This is commonly used to establish
of animal browsing. It is native to northwestern plantations, especially for shelterbelts. Seedlings
China, where it grows in areas with annual rain- or cuttings used are normally of a large size; for
fall of approximately 200 mm and air tempera- instance, it is quite common to use cuttings of
tures ranging from 70 °C above the sandy ground poplars over 2 metres in length. The seedlings or
in summer to −30 °C in winter. Other species in cuttings may be watered and fertilized at plant-
the genus Caragana with similar biological traits, ing time to assist survival. The second approach is
such as C. intermedia Kuang & H.C. Fu and C. to sow seed by airplane. This is the usual method
microphylla Lam., are also commonly used for when dealing with large areas of sand dunes or
land reclamation and dune stabilization (Li and wild lands, usually during the rainy season. Timing
Bao, 2000). Hedysarum scoparium Fisch. & C.A. is critical for aerial sowing. In the west of north-
Mey. and H. mongolicum Turcz., also leguminous eastern China and the Loess Plateau, plantations
shrubs, are more adapted to moving dunes, semi- of pines, larches or shrubs are sometimes estab-
fixed land or fixed sandy land in areas with an- lished by this method. Approximately 30–50 per-
nual rainfall between 150 and 300 mm. They are cent of the seeds sown germinate and establish
tolerant of wind erosion, with deep root systems (Qi, 1999). The third method is to close a mountain
and strong coppicing ability. Hedysarum mongoli- area or sandy land to human use or to mitigate
cum colonizes sites by producing thick suckers animal pressure. This allows natural vegetation to
around main stems. Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. re-establish and the land to recover. It takes many
(Chinese liquorice) is a perennial herb or semi- years to restore vegetation this way in the arid
woody shrub of the Paplionaceae family that has and semi-arid areas, but the approach requires lit-
been successfully grown in the desert, providing a tle in terms of direct inputs. This concept of land
good income to farmers as a traditional Chinese management has been used over a long period
medicinal plant. and has been shown to be efficient and economi-
Ammopiptanthus mongolicus (Kom.) S.H. Cheng cal (Zhao, 2005).
is unusual in that it is an evergreen species in the Prior to planting, sites are usually prepared to
cold desert area. It forms symbioses both with nod- reduce runoff of water and increase infiltration.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Many different methods have been developed usually made with shrub stems or other similar
and used depending on the situation. However, materials. Trees are planted in each grid of the
two methods of site preparation are widely used. checkerboards. Plantations usually take two or
On shallow slopes or relatively flat sites a 1 × 1 m three years to establish after planting; the straw
square pit is dug to a depth of 20–30  cm and a checkerboards and artificial barriers help stabi-
seedling is planted in the centre. On steeper lize dunes while the trees are establishing. This
slopes or stony sites a fish-scale-shaped pit, or method has been widely used for dune plantings.
level terrace, is made and a seedling is planted Recently, drip irrigation systems have been more
at the lowest point of the pit. On sandy land or widely used to maintain plantations in extremely
mobile dunes seedlings or cuttings are planted on dry areas, in some cases where annual precipita-
unprepared land. tion is not more than 400 mm (Xu et al., 1999). Such
Straw checkerboards and barriers have been systems are very expensive to set up, but are highly
shown to improve establishment of trees or shrubs efficient and save water compared with traditional
planted on dunes (Fan, Xiao and Liu, 1999). Newly irrigation systems. Drip systems have, for example,
planted seedlings or cuttings are easily damaged been used in the roadside planting project along
by wind or buried by sand. To prevent this, artifi- the desert highway in Takelamagan, Xinjiang
cial barriers and straw checkerboards are estab- Uyghur Autonomous Region, and a plantation
lished prior to planting trees in order to reduce project in the vicinity of Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui
wind velocity near the ground and slow down the Autonomous Region. Research is also being carried
movement of sand. Sand barriers can also prevent out to identify plant species and accessions with
sand from drifting inside fixed-sand areas. Wheat lower water requirements. Competition for water
or rice straw for making checkerboards is readily between trees and agricultural crops must be mini-
available in rural areas. Artificial sand barriers are mized or avoided if possible.

Figure 14.3.
Planting methods (left) and species (right) used in arid land restoration in China

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Lessons learned from the past Grazing animals and fuelwood collection pose
Species selection is a key to the success of biodi- problems in the management of dune planta-
versity recovery or land reclamation. In the past, tions, but this can be addressed by increasing the
too much emphasis was given to planting tree awareness of local residents of the environmental
species in monocultures, which led to poor ad- importance of shelterbelts and other plantings on
aptation and problems with pests and diseases. dunes.
One or very few clones of poplars have com- Changes in land tenure in recent years have im-
monly been planted across landscapes without plications for land restoration work in northern
having tested the clone prior to mass planting. China. In the past, windbreak systems were es-
Some poplars, such as Populus simonii and P. alba, tablished in very regular networks extending over
even though native to northwestern China, are long distances. However, this is no longer possible
not suitable for areas receiving less than 400 mm because agricultural land has been divided into
annual rainfall, yet shrub communities develop small lots, each owned by an individual. Under
well under such conditions. More shrub species the new system farmers are entitled to grow any
are now being used to stabilize dunes, for bioen- tree species they wish. Choice of species is mostly
ergy production and for conserving soil and wa- driven by market demand. The government can
tersheds in the dry areas in northwestern China. lead planting trends only by adopting appropri-
Another change in approach is to use more fruit ate policies and providing technical and financial
and nut trees to support the market economy. help.
Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume), Greenness, a new concept to express coverage
Siberian apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) and pear of vegetation in a given geographic area, has
(Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge), for example, are tol- been proposed as a replacement for the concept
erant of harsh environments and are able to pro- of forest coverage. Greenness can be calculated
duce nuts and fruits under such conditions (SSG, by remote sensing from satellite images. It is ar-
2003; Zhao, 2005). gued that greenness is a better measure of veg-
Insect damage has in recent years drawn more etation status than forest coverage since forests
attention to the management of dune planta- cannot establish or develop well in the arid and
tions, since it has become more serious in the dry semi-arid areas, and shrub or grass communities
environment in northern China. Species diversifi- also have environmental significance. This con-
cation is effective in controlling insect damage: ceptual shift will lead to change in the strategy
a single species or clone must not be planted of land reclamation, especially in terms of species
over large areas. Poplars are easily damaged by a composition and shelterbelt or stand structure.
number of insects and diseases, such as the Asian Disturbed shrub communities and grassland will
long-horned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis), receive more attention for conservation and man-
poplar grey spot (Coryneum populineum) and agement in arid areas (Shan, 2007).
poplar leaf rust (Melampsora laricis-populina)
(FAO, 2007). Compared with poplars, Ulmus pumi- Research gaps identified
la (Manchurian elm) and Salix matsudana are at- It is foreseen that environmental issues, espe-
tacked much less by insects. In some counties of cially those related to climate change, will be-
the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, among come more serious in the near future, affecting
shelterbelts that were established in 1970s, only human living conditions and social and economic
those established with elms remain. From an eco- development. In particular, sustainable social de-
logical point of view it is better not to establish velopment can be expected to be severely con-
windbreaks using tall tree species. Shrubs such as strained by the decline in availability of biological
Caragana spp. and Hippophae rhamnoides would resources. Obviously, arid and semi-arid areas do
be a good alternative. not hold potential for the development of com-

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

mercial forestry, and therefore the focus should Qi, J. 1999. Air-seeding for afforestation and rangeland
be on rehabilitation and sustainable manage- management in desert and the Loess Plateau. In
ment of arid land resources through biological CCICCD, ed. Traditional knowledge and practical
approaches. Research and development in the techniques for combating desertification in China,
conservation of biodiversity and land reclamation pp. 102–109. Beijing, China Environmental Science
should emphasize the exploitation of genetic re- Press.
sources of native species, especially shrubs and
Shan Zhiqiang. 2007. A discussion on “greenness” and
perennial herbs with economic values. Water “forest coverage”. Chinese Nat. Geogr., General
availability is a critical factor for species survival, issue No. 564: 24.
and plant species’ water-saving strategies should
receive more attention in research programmes. SSG (Scientific Study Group of Baijitan National
Nature Reserve, Lingwu County, Niningxia Hui
Autonomous Region). 2003. Ningxia Lingwu
References Baijitan National Nature Reserve Scientific Survey

CCICCD (China National Committee for the Xu, X., Wang, J., Youhao, E. & Zhu, S. 1999. Water-
Implementation of United Nations Convention saving irrigation technologies in arid areas. In
to Combat Desertification). 1997. China country CCICCD, ed. Traditional knowledge and practical
paper to combat desertification. Beijing, Secretariat techniques for combating desertification in China,
of the CCICCD, Forestry Publishing. pp. 87–94. Beijing, China Environmental Science
Fan, H., Xiao, H. & Liu, X. 1999. Techniques for estab-
lishing straw checkerboards, sand barriers and for Zhao, L., ed. 2005. Report of the assessment at the
revegetating sand dunes. In CCICCD, ed. Traditional first period of the protective forest plantation
knowledge and practical techniques for combating programme in the northern, northeastern and
desertification in China, pp. 116–123. Beijing, China northwestern China. Internal information docu-
Environmental Science Press. ment. Managerial Bureau of the Protective Forest
Plantations in the northern, northeastern and
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the northwestern China.
United Nations). 2007. Overview of forest pests,
People’s Republic of China. Working paper FBS/13E.

Li, J. 1992. Study on the genetic resources of woody

plants in “the three north” areas of China. J. Forest.
Res. (China), 5(special issue): 1–11.

Li, Z. & Bao, Y. 2000. Study on changes of population

pattern and inter-species relationship of Caragana
in Inner Mongolia steppe and desert region. J. Arid
Land Resour. Environ., 14(1): 64–68.

Lian, Y. & Chen, X. 1992. Ecogeographic distribution

and phytogeographic significance of Hippophae
rhamnioides. J. Plant Taxon., 30(4): 349–355.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Using native shrubs to Research results
convert desert to grassland Shazhuyu is a village in the northeast Tibetan Pla-
in the northeast of the teau (100°13’53.97”E, 36°14’08.41”N), with an-
Tibetan Plateau nual precipitation of about 280 mm and mean an-
nual temperature of about 5 °C. There are many
Yang Hongxiao1 and Lu Qi2 patches of secondary desert around the village.
Experiments were started in 1958 to investigate
College of Resources and ecosystem restoration. These demonstrated the
Environment, Qingdao Agricultural following:
University, China • The secondary deserts are restorable
Institute of Desertification Studies, because the climate is not as dry as in
Chinese Academy of Forestry, China primary deserts, such as Taklimakan in
Xinjiang, China.
• Frequent sand drift driven by strong wind
constrains the process of grass colonization
and ecosystem restoration.
• Transplanting native shrubs into the
secondary desert patches reduces sand drift,
allowing grass to quickly colonize the area.
• With the help of the shrubs, grass
communities develop smoothly over a
period of several years.
• Once the grass communities are strong
The Tibetan Plateau lies at an average of more enough to persist by themselves, the shrubs
than 4500 m above sea level. The climate is much begin to disappear from well-restored
colder and drier on the northern slope than on ecosystems that have become grassland with
the southern one. Mean annual temperature var- high vegetation cover.
ies from −5.8 °C to 3.7 °C and annual precipitation • The grassland can persist once the shrubs
is usually less than 400 mm. Such conditions ad- have gone because most of the grasses are
versely affect plant growth and maintenance of perennial, stabilizing the sand with their
vegetation. Adding to this, overgrazing and poor roots, stems and leaves even in winter.
farming practices have destroyed the vulnerable • Upon reaching this stage, the ecosystem can
vegetation. Desertification of former grassland tolerate some grazing.
intensified in recent decades and secondary de- • If grazing is well managed, desertification
serts increased. Secondary deserts look like pale need not occur.
scars on the grassland, where the sand is bare and Thus, native shrubs can play an important role in
exposed to the wind. When strong winds blow, converting secondary desert to grassland (Yang
such sand moves easily to form sand drifts and et al., 2006; Lu et al., 2009).
create sand storms. The government and local
people are anxious to revegetate these degraded Practical application
areas to improve environmental health and sup- Artemisia ordosica Kraschen. and Caragana
port sustainable development. However, this is korshinskii Kom. are two common species of na-
not easy; drifting sand restricts plant coloniza- tive shrubs in northwest China, mainly appear-
tion. Fortunately, researchers have found that ing in arid deserts or on sandy land in the north-
native shrubs can help solve this problem (Yang east of the Tibetan Plateau and the west of the
et al., 2006). Mongolian Plateau (Yang et al., 2006; Lu et al.,

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

2009). Shazhuyu falls within their natural distri- Baker, Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb., T.  hohenack-
bution, and they have been found to grow well eri Bunge, T.  laxa Willd., T.  elongate Ledeb.,
in secondary deserts in the area. Researchers in Hippophae rhamnoides Linn., Nitraria tanguto-
charge of ecosystem restoration selected them as rum Bobr., N.  sibirica Pall., Lycium ruthenicum
the main species to stabilize sand and facilitate Murray, L. dasystemum Pojarkova, L. cylindricum
ecosystem restoration. Biologically, they are well Kuang, Haloxylon ammodendron Bunge and
adapted to desert conditions. Nevertheless, they Ephedra przewalskii Stapf (Chen and Liu, 1997;
spread through the deserts very slowly. Harmful Liu, Gao and Jiang, 2003). Different regions will
sand drift greatly slows the spread of A. ordosica have different native shrubs, and local people
populations, although their tiny seeds are read- should be asked to recommend the most promis-
ily dispersed by wind. Spread of C. korshinskii is ing for ecosystem restoration in their locale.
limited by the plant’s heavy seeds, which are not
dispersed by wind (Yang et al., 2009). The slow
natural spread of the two species limits their References
contribution to ecosystem restoration. To over-
come this, researchers developed a method to
Chen, H. & Liu, Z. 1997. The characteristics of the veg-
transplant saplings or mature individuals of A. or-
etation composition of Jiangdang and its adjacent
dosica and C. korshinskii or to sow their seeds into
area at Rigaze County in Tibet. J. Desert Res., 17:
bare deserts. Researchers also adopted two other
methods using enclosures and mechanical barriers
(Lu et al., 2009). Enclosures protect target deserts Liu, Z., Gao, H. & Jiang, D. 2003. Issues concerning
from grazing, while mechanical barriers made of shifting sand stabilization at Zigaze, Tibet. J. Desert
clay, dry straw, dry twigs or rock fragments pre- Res., 23: 665–669.
vent sand from drifting. The two methods signifi-
Lu, Q., Wang, X., Wu, B. & Yang, H. 2009. Can
cantly increase the survival rate of A. ordosica and mobile sandy land be revegetated in the cold and
C. korshinskii. To some extent, they can also facili- dry Tibetan Plateau in China? Front. Biol. China, 4:
tate grass colonization on the deserts, but this ef- 62–68.
fect is not as prominent as that of mature shrubs.
Yang, H., Lu, Q., Wu, B., Yang, H., Zhang, J. & Lin,
Application to arid-ecosystem restoration Y. 2006. Vegetation diversity and its application in
Using these methods, researchers have succeeded sandy desert revegetation on Tibetan Plateau. J. Arid
in converting some sand deserts back to grassland Environ., 65: 619–631.

dominated by the perennial grass Leymus seca- Yang, H., Wu, B., Deng, H. & Lu, Q. 2009. Mechanism
linus (Georgi) Tzvel., which is palatable to yaks, of natural revegetation in sandy lands of agro-pas-
sheep, cattle and horses. This conversion takes toral ecotone in north China and its application to
about 50 years. In contrast, untreated areas are sand control. World Forest. Res., 22(4): 29–33.
still bare and consist of mobile sand, showing no
signs of restoration.
Experiences from Shazhuyu set a good exam-
ple for other arid regions in the Tibetan Plateau
and elsewhere, where native shrubs play an
important role in restoring secondary deserts.
Throughout the Tibetan Plateau, native shrubs
that adapt well to a sandy environment include
A.  ordosica, C.  korshinskii, Artemisia xigazeensis
Ling et Y.R. Ling, Sophora moorcroftiana (Benth.)

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Reforestation of highly cattle-raising and unsustainable cultivation of ag-
degraded sites in Colombia ricultural crops in the Colombian municipality of
Cáceres, Antioquia.³
Luis Gonzalo Moscoso Higuita
FORESTPA S.A.S., Colombia Various forest restoration strategies were devel-
oped in accordance with the type and degree
of soil degradation, including intensive and ex-
tensive cattle-raising, unsustainable agricultural
practices and opencast gold mining. For this
reason, the methodology is initially described
through a two-track approach, whereby some
common themes such as social and administrative
aspects are described jointly.
The starting point for the development of this
methodology involved the traditional knowl-
edge of the ethnic groups living in the project
The method presented here was developed by area. Colombia is a highly diverse country, both
the author based on observations of natural suc- in terms of biota and societies of different ori-
cession taking place on land that was abandoned gins, including Afro-Colombians, indigenous peo-
by rural communities as a consequence of armed ple, mestizos and mulattos. Valuable traditional
conflicts. Study sites included land that had been knowledge and practices were combined with
highly degraded by agricultural practices, cattle external technical and administrative knowl-
breeding and mineral extraction. Natural succes- edge, always in a context of respect and equity
sion was thoroughly studied on the sites, partic- in terms of goods and services. Second, it was
ularly with respect to the dominance of certain necessary to know what environmental resources
species, the abundance and diversity of weeds were present in the buffer zone surrounding the
in the understorey, the formation of soil organic degraded area. This involved selection of target
matter, the appearance of micro-organisms and species, understanding existing opportunities to
recolonization by natural fauna.25 connect vegetation fragments, identification of
Based on these observations, the author de- superior or elite mother trees for collection of
veloped strategies to stimulate natural processes germplasm, and assimilation of basic information
relating to wind-, water- and animal dispersal of on soils, vegetation, hydrology, fauna and micro-
seeds. This involved selection of the site, estab- organisms, among other aspects. Once sufficient
lishment and maintenance of fences, selection of knowledge had been collected to allow charac-
elite mother trees as candidates for future seed terization of both the degradation state and the
collection, propagation in transitory nurseries, available natural resources, the forest restoration
and establishment and maintenance of planta- strategy was put into practice.
tions. Full details of the approach are presented The project area was divided into zones accord-
in Moscoso Higuita (2005). So far, this method ing to prevailing conditions of soil degradation
has been applied on ​​1292 ha of land, of which using tools such as aerial photography and maps
751.79 ha are degraded by gold mining, intensive covering several decades. This was done to get
a better understanding of the sites’ history.26 In
  The Cáceres I and II projects, quoted as a case study, account
for 751.79 hectares, located at 7°34’38.6’’N, 75°19´47.4’’W, and
are characterized as tropical rainforest according to the Holdridge 26
  Maps and aerial photographs were obtained from Instituto
­classification. Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC).

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

­ ddition, a topographic survey was undertaken

a Table 14.1.
with the help of a GPS to determine the location Composition of fertilizer mix applied
of all landforms, including paths, roads, forest rel-
Component Percentage of
icts, crop residues, constructions and others. Based content
on this information, the landscape was divided Chicken manure 40.0
into plantation areas that were isolated from one
Mushroom compost 20.5
another by means of living hedges consisting of
Mycorrhizae 18.0
fast-growing and vigorously rooting plant species
(planted by means of vegetative reproduction, Phosphoric rock 10.0

and as grass seedlings) and barbed-wire fences. Gypsum 7.0

Soil samples were collected and characterized Magnesium sulphate 3.0
chemically and physically with the help of special- Agrimins 1.0
ized laboratories. Based on these analyses, com-
Humiplex 50G 0.5
panies producing organic fertilizers prepared a
Total 100
special fertilizer mix based on compost to restore
nutrient deficiencies (Table 14.1). Fungi and bac-
teria were added to the soil to promote biodeg-
radation of organic materials and increase avail-
ability of nutrients. Ultimately, this is expected it was found. For each of the selected species,
to lead to an improved nutritional balance and protocols were followed for germination and
improved soil-water retention. growth in transitory nurseries. Planting bags
Standard protocols were followed to iden- were filled with a mix of mineral soil, fine sand
tify good seed sources and planting material for and the fertilizer mix detailed in Table 14.1, in a
production of seedlings in transitory nurseries. ratio of 3:1:1. The substrate was further enriched
Selection was based on: with sprays composed of fungi and bacteria that
• research conducted at other locations with were produced and supplied by a laboratory spe-
similar edaphic and climatic conditions; cialized in biotechnology. The bacteria included
• volumetric efficiency of the species; in these sprays belonged to the genera Bacillus,
• nutritional requirements of the species; Pseudomonas, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Beijer-
• geographic distribution of the species; inckia, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Clostridium,
• adaptive capacity of foreign or exotic Thiobacillus, Lactobacillus and Rhizobium. These
species; are among the most important bacterial genera
• occurrence of the species in the region; involved in the degradation of organic and inor-
• economic, cultural and ecological value; ganic compounds, and hence promote availability
• ease of accessibility of seeds, high of nutrients to plants. The most important genera
germination percentage and broad genetic of soil actinomycetes used for enhancing plant
base; and nutrient uptake were Streptomyces, Nocardia, Mi-
• resistance to pests and diseases. cromonospora, Thermoactinomyces, Frankia and
In the Cáceres II project, plantations were estab- Actinomyces. Finally, mycorrhizal fungi from the
lished with seeds from seed orchards and from genera Rhizophagus (ex Glomus), Acaulospora,
elite trees selected from areas near the restora- Entrophospora and Gigaspora (which enter in
tion site and from other locations that were part symbiosis with the roots; Delgado Higuera [1999])
of the species’ natural distribution. A register were added to the substrate. The same substrate
was assembled of every elite tree, containing was used in the planting bags, while transplant-
details of its morphology, phytosociology and ing the germinated plants, and as fertilizer in the
health, and the location and topography where established plantation.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Light vehicles such as pickup trucks were used refers to methods that enhance the in situ regen-
to transport plant material to the planting sites. eration of plant species, either by promoting the
Within sites, seedlings were transported on the health and growth of plants already available on
backs of horses and mules to reduce soil compac- site or by distributing seeds of desired species.
tion. Sites were weeded manually or, in some cas- The species that were initially established in the
es, using mowers, especially on sites with a grass Cáceres II project were acacia and teak (Acacia
cover. During weeding some isolated trees were mangium Willd. and Tectona grandis L. f., both
left standing and were pruned; these act as natu- exotic species), Colombian mahogany (Cariniana
ral seed sources, attract dispersal agents and serve pyriformis Miers), red cedar (Cedrela odorata
as biological corridors. Bordering groves, marshes, L.), roble (Tabebuia rosae DC), Brazilian firetree
streams, creeks and rivers were left untouched. (Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) S.F. Blake), amami
This approach is categorized as enrichment; a gum (Hymenaea courbaril L.), choiba or almendro
combination of sparing interesting species al- (Dipteryx oleifera Benth.), melina (Gmelina arbo-
ready available on site during initial weeding ac- rea Roxb., another exotic), downtree (Ochroma
tivities and planting new trees in clearings. pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb.), Spanish elm
The planting design varied according to the (Cordia gerascanthus L.), Devil’s ear (Enterolobium
number and distribution of trees already present cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.) and ceiba tolúa
in the sites. On land without any remaining trees, (Bombacopsis quinata (Jacq.) Dugand), account-
seedlings were planted at a spacing of 3 × 3 m. At ing for a total of 359 830 individuals.
sites that were previously used for livestock ranch- In the 190 monitoring sites that have been in-
ing and agriculture, holes of 0.4  ×  0.4  ×  0.4  m stalled so far using this technique, 122 tree species
were dug and filled with crumbled soil to counter in various families and genera have been shown
soil compaction. In soils degraded by alluvial gold to have good CO2 sequestration capacity. Among
mining, holes were dug up to 70 cm deep to reach these are species that produce tannins, dyes, elas-
deeper, less or non-polluted soil layers. On sites tomers, herbal medicines, food and other prod-
with a grass cover, areas of 1-m diameter around ucts. These trees have contributed to attracting
each plantlet were weeded. In soils that were pol- a large number of mammals, birds, insects, bats,
luted from mining this was not necessary as there amphibians and reptiles back to areas that were
was generally no vegetation left. Soil from each once part of their natural habitat (Asorpar Ltda
planting hole was mixed with 120 g of fertilizer and South Pole Carbon, 2011).
mix (Table 14.1), 5 g of Terracotem (soil condi-
tioner with hydro-retainer) and organic–mineral Restoration of soils degraded by gold mining
fertilizer. Seedlings that failed to establish were Over 100 ha of soils degraded by alluvial gold
replanted 45 days later, but mortality did not ex- mining have been reforested and restored by the
ceed 10 percent. present project.
Maintenance depended on the nature of the Opencast gold mining had been executed on
weeds emerging. Naturally regenerating tree, the sites of interest (located in the Lower Cauca
shrub or herbaceous plants of interest were iden- region of Antioquia Department, Colombia) us-
tified and left standing. Degree of interest was ing tools ranging from bulldozers, excavators
based on wood quality, proximity to the plantlets, and tractors to small tools such as sieves, shovels
ecological value, growth, abundance, incidence and picks. Gold miners typically mixed the or-
and presence in the plantation. On sites with low- ganic layer with the rest of the soil, in most cases
er vegetation cover, regeneration was assisted or digging down to the bedrock. This mixture was
promoted by dispersing seeds of pioneer species then washed with water under pressure to pass it
(seed collected from marked trees, seed stands through a funnel and a canoe-shaped sieve con-
and clonal seed orchards). Assisted regeneration taining quicksilver (mercury) to catch available

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

gold particles. The contaminated and sediment- Earlier projects used heavy machinery (a
loaded water then typically flowed into creeks, Caterpillar D-6 bulldozer and a CASE 1450B), but
streams and rivers. more recent projects used lighter and more ver-
The mining activities left behind gullies, slag satile machinery (a Caterpillar D4 bulldozer) to
heaps (sterile accumulation zones) and lagoons reduce soil compaction.
(Figure 14.4). However, even under such degrad-
ed conditions life can show its power to regener- Subsoil preparation
ate ecosystems seemingly lost, with the appear-
ance of rustic and fast growing species such as The bulldozer was equipped with a 0.7-m-long
downtree, pedro tomín (Cespedesia macrophylla hydraulic hook to make grooves while levelling
Seem.), yagrumo macho (Schefflera morototoni the soil. This broke up compacted soil layers and
(Aubl.) Maguire, Steyerm. & Frodin), yarumos improved soil physical properties. This encourages
(Cecropia sp.), capulin (Trema micrantha (L.) root development and improves the establish-
Blume) and jacaranda (Jacaranda copaia D.Don). ment and growth of the trees and shrubs planted.
Several steps were followed in the restoration
of these sites, beginning with landscaping, fol- Fertilizing and planting
lowed by subsoil preparation and finally fertiliz-
ing and planting. Fertilizers were applied in the grooves in accord-
ance with recommendations derived from the soil
Landscape analyses. After this, the trees were planted in the
At this stage the objective was to establish a
topography as similar as possible to that of the Results
surrounding area. The waste piles left behind The post-restoration project area can be charac-
by mining activities, consisting of stones, sand, terized as a polyculture dominated by native spe-
gravel, silt and, in some cases, organic matter de- cies. The exotic species Acacia mangium and teak
posited on the sides of gullies, were levelled using were planted on soils where abiotic conditions
a bulldozer. This also improved the soil texture impeded the growth of other flora, in order to
and structure (Figure 14.5). create favourable soil conditions. Only 21 species

Figure 14.4.
Initial state of the restoration site as left by opencast gold-mining activities

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 14.5.
The restoration site after levelling of the soil with a bulldozer. The little naturally occurring
vegetation visible in the picture was preserved

were found on the project area prior to restora- tage of voluntary carbon markets. With around
tion; currently, over 100 native species are found 1292 hectares already planted, the project not
in the plantations, established through natural only generated 198 000 VCUs (verified carbon
and assisted regeneration. This approach has units, equivalent to 198 000 tonnes of CO2 fixed,
enabled the restoration of ecosystems in histori- or the annual average emissions of more than
cally degraded areas. The plantations are cur- 90  000 Colombians), but also delivered climate,
rently nine years old. The project offers a unique community and biodiversity co-benefits recog-
opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about nized by the Climate, Community and Biodiversity
management practices and appropriate selec- Standards. At the time of this project, the trading
tion of native tree species for commercial for- price of carbon was more than €8/t (Asorpar Ltda
estry plantations, particularly with respect to and South Pole Carbon, 2011).
seed selection, planting, management and main- Figure 14.6 provides an overview of the
tenance. ­volume of wood and amount of biomass pro-
The reforestation and restoration activities of duced and CO2 sequestered by individuals of dif-
the project increased economic activity through ferent tree species between 2002 and 2010 in
the sustainable nature of practices being imple- areas degraded by mining and intensive cattle-
mented, and the creation of employment for local raising.
communities. Even people from local communi- Acacia mangium showed the strongest growth,
ties who previously engaged in mining practices, greatest uniformity in plantations and best adap-
were encouraged to participate in this project, tation to soils damaged by mining. It is also legu-
which provided economic stability and contrib- minous, forming a symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing
uted to improving people’s living standards. bacteria and producing abundant leaf litter; this
Today, the area is a positive example of what in turn adds organic matter to the soil. As such,
can be achieved in a short term by taking advan- the species creates a microclimate in which many

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 14.6.
Volume of wood and CO2 sequestered per hectare in project areas previously degraded by mining
activities (A) and intensive cattle raising (B)



other plant and animal species can establish and lished by means of the enrichment method and
thrive and further enrich the understorey. For others through dispersal of collected seeds.
these reasons, Acacia mangium was combined The non-contaminated lagoons left by gold
with fast-growing native species, some estab- mining were used for fish farming with species

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 14.7.
Current status of restoration site after 96 months. The site is dominated by pedro tomín (Cespedesia

such as red-bellied pacu (Colossoma bidens), red er. In addition, the project provided people with
tilapia (Oreochromis sp.), carp (Cyprinus carpio) guidelines about administrative, environmental,
and small mouth (Prochilodus magdalenae reticu- social and financial matters. As the ecosystem re-
lata). The lagoons are now surrounded by trees, covered, natural control systems against the pro-
the water is cleaner, there is less evaporation, liferation of malaria vectors were restored, reduc-
temperatures are cooler and the aesthetic aspect ing the impact of the disease.
of the sites has improved.
The approach described has been replicated at Conclusions
other locations. Of the 12 000 hectares previously • The basis and key to success in reforestation
degraded by gold mining, more than 50 percent projects lies in the quality of the seed
have already been recovered. being used. Therefore, seed trees must be
The success of this approach depends in large carefully selected and conserved through
part on the direct involvement of communities liv­ vegetative propagation in a clone bank and
ing in project areas, respecting their culture, and seed orchard. In addition, seeds should be
contributing to the improvement of their living used from areas belonging to the natural
environment and standard of living. After all, one distribution of each species.
of the most valuable results of the project is to • Forest remnants occurring in the vicinity
generate alternative ways of life, and at the same of the plantation should be studied to
time create new sources of income. Thanks to the assess natural regeneration, the dominant
more than 40  000 days of paid work generated species, species phenology, associated fauna,
by the project, people have been able to improve the most common pests and diseases, and
their health, quality of life and ­purchasing pow- other basic information necessary for the

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

development of the restoration project. • Care for wells, channels, creeks and rivers. No
• Only healthy seeds of known origin and weeding or cutting of forests surrounding
from selected seed trees should be planted. swamps and lagoons should be allowed.
• Undesirable individuals in the forest nursery • Protecting forests by means of fences and
should be discarded. surveillance by rangers guarantees the
• All management oriented to the longevity of future forests.
establishment and maintenance of
plantations should be performed in Recommendations
the most natural way possible: always • More research should be conducted by
remember that we should be working with government agencies on forest-tree
nature. breeding and production. If this is not
• Combine technology with empirical and done, valuable and fast-growing species for
natural knowledge. The environment should potential use in reforestation pilot schemes
not be modified to any significant extent, will disappear.
as this will usually damage the project • Continue to select superior or plus trees at
outcome. various sites within the natural distribution
• Align management and technical guidelines. of species to obtain a broad genetic base
Operational resources are already available of planting material with a wide range of
in the region; farmers are generally innate shapes, volumes and physical, chemical and
planters. mechanical properties.
• The initial establishment practices (weeding, • There is a need to collect as much
digging, fertilizing, planting) and the origin information as possible about the selected
of the plant material largely determine the plus trees in order to determine their
success of the plantation. edaphic requirements, production potential,
• After the plantation has been established, best planting distances, susceptibility to
proper maintenance activities (weeding pests and diseases, enrichment methods,
and fertilizing) are indispensable for the behaviour of the species, phenology and
development of trees planted. germination potential of seeds, nursery
• Weeding contributes directly to the growth propagation techniques and plantation
of trees and to the control of pests and systems.
diseases. • Insurance policies covering abiotic and biotic
• Take advantage of the land between the risks in the plantations should be promoted
tree stands, for example, by means of to encourage and secure investment while
agroforestry or silvipastoral systems. Such attracting capital.
practices result in resources being reinvested • Advantage should be taken of forest
in the project and make it more profitable. plantations and their surroundings to
They also help to control pests and diseases install research programmes funded by the
and contribute to making fuller use of government to encourage scientific work.
• Encourage local people to be involved in Acknowledgements
the establishment and management of the The author thanks Asorpar Ltda. for manag-
plantation, so as to enhance the chances ing the project and encouraging both individu-
of success and significance of the project. als and legal partners to contribute financially
Local communities are the beneficiaries of to its implementation. Thanks also go to South
the project, receiving the vast economic and Pole Carbon for being in charge of preparing the
social benefits from reforestation. studies and selling carbon assets, and to forest

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Castaño, C., Orozco, J.M. & Sánchez, H. eds. 1994.

engineer Victor David Giraldo Tirado for his in-
Outlines and strategies of policies for the forestry
valuable assistance in the interpretation of the
sustainable development, legal aspects. Chapter pre-
pared by Eugenio Ponce de León y Margarita Flórez.
Bogotá Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, INDERENA.

References Colombia, Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo

Rural; Ministerio del Medio Ambiente;
Ministerio de Comercio Exterior; Ministerio de
Asorpar Ltda & South Pole Carbon. 2011. Technical
Desarrollo Economico; Departamento Nacional
Reports ASORPAR Ltda., 1995–2000. Medellin,
de Planeación; Corporación Nacional de
Colombia, Asorpar Ltda.
Investigación y Fomento Forestal. 2000. National
Delgado Higuera, M. 1999. Proposals for agriculture plan of forestry development. Discussion docu-
sustainability. Boletín informativo. Colombia, Orius ment. 21st version. Bogotá, Ministerio del Medio
Biotecnología. Ambiente.

Moscoso Higuita, L.G. 2005. Reforestación – un pro- CORANTIOQUIA. 1999. Basic environmental norms.
ceso natural. Medellin, Colombia, Eurotex. Medellin, Colombia, Impresos Caribe S.A.

Departamento Administrativo del Medio Ambiente.

1997. Colombian Environmental Legislation.
Further reading
CD-ROM. Bogotá.

Empresas Públicas de Medellín. 1999. Conditions

Aubad Echeverri, J. & Estrada Lozano, J. 1999.
and specification sheets for direct contracting
Snakes, recognition and conservation. Physical Biotic
N° CD-002716.
Monitoring Series Porce II N° 4. Medellin, Colombia,
Empresas Públicas de Medellín, E.S.P. Unidad de Espinal, L. 1992. Ecological geography of Antioquia, life
Comunicaciones y Relaciones Corporativas. zones. Medellin, Colombia, Lealón.

Aubad Echeverrí, J. & Londoño Florida, C. 1999. Giraldo Herrera, E. & Sabogal Ospina, A. 1999. A
Birds, biology and conservation. Physical Biotic sustainable alternative: Guadua plant. Fudesco,
Monitoring Series Porce II N° 5. Medellin, Colombia, Colombia, Corporación Autónoma Regional del
Empresas Públicas de Medellín, E.S.P. Unidad de Quindio C.R.Q.
Comunicaciones y Relaciones Corporativas.
Gómez Alvárez, L. Notes on a course in nursery han-
Bernal Euse, J. 1994. Tropical pastures and forages – dling and its problems. CORANTIOQUIA.
production and handling. 3rd ed. Colombia, Banco
Ganadero. IGAC. 1983. Preliminar chart – Map 93- IV-B. Scale
1:25.000. Colombia.
Botina, P., Rodrigo. 1998. Non timber products of the
Putumayian and Caucan Amazonia. Lima, Asociación Llano Serna, M. & Ramo Betancur, J. 1995. Colombian
Bosques y Desarrollo. life zones and endangered species. Biodiversity col-
lection. Medellín, Colombia, Impresiones Gráficas.
Carreño Sandoval, E. & Martínez Barón, A. 1983.
Answers of 10 forestry species to different pre- Magallanes Morales, H. & Tabares Monsalve, M.
germinative treatments and repetition in green- 1998. Fish of the Porce River and La Cancana stream.
house. Bogotá, Universidad Distrital Francisco José Physical Biotic Monitoring Series Porce II. Medellin,
de Caldas, Facultad de Ingeniería Forestal. Colombia, Empresas Públicas de Medellín E.S.P.
Unidad de Comunicaciones y Relaciones Corporativas.
Castaño Uribe, C. 1989. Guide to the system of
National Parks of Colombia. Bogotá, INDERENA.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Morales Soto, G., García Mejía, I. & Smith Pardo, Rojas Gutierrez, A.M., Suarez C., J.H., Guaque
A. 1998. Bees, handling and conservation. Valderrama, J.O. & Otaro Rodriguez, E. 2002.
Insects Project Porce II, subproject “wild bees”. Technical guides for the ordenation and sustainable
Medellin, Colombia, Empresas Públicas de Medellín handling of natural forests. 1st ed. Ministerio del
E.S.P. Unidad de Comunicaciones y Relaciones Medio Ambiente, ACOFORE, OIMT. Bogotá, Editorial
Corporativas. Gente Nueva.

National Code of Natural Renewable Resources and Sanchez Páez, E., Hernandez Camacho, J.I.,
Protection of the Environment. Law 99 of 1993 and Rodriguez Mahecha, J.V. & Castaño Uribe, C.
international treaties and agreements on environ- 1990. New National Parks of Colombia. 1st ed.
ment ratified by Colombia. Bogotá, Legis. Bogotá, Producción Editorial Fondo FEN.

Ortega Molina, O. & Duque Vélez, P. 1999. Butterflies, Tola, J. 1995. Ecology atlas. Santafé de Bogotá, Printer
natural history and conservation. 2nd ed. Physical Colombiana S.A.
Biotic Monitoring Series Porce II N° 2. Medellin,
Torres Nieto, A. & Villate Bonilla, E. 1983.
Colombia, Empresas Públicas de Medellín E.S.P.
Topography. Bogotá, Editorial Norma.
Unidad de Comunicaciones y Relaciones Corporativas.
Trujillo Navarrete, E. 1989. General handbook about
Ramirez, C.L. 1994. Index of forest and fauna species
the use of forestry seeds. Bogotá, INDERENA,
in Colombia. 1st ed. Medellin, Colombia, Forestales
National Seed Bank, Sub-gerencia de bosques y
FVE Ltda.
aguas, División Fomento.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 15

Species restoration approaches

Mela Veca, 2000; Figure 15.1). Specific measures

Species restoration are needed to conserve and restore genetic varia-
through dynamic ex bility of the species in a dynamic way that enables
situ conservation: Abies continued evolution of the species, particularly as
nebrodensis as a model climate changes.
Although an extreme example, Abies nebro-
Fulvio Ducci27 densis can provide useful insights for the con-
servation and restoration of other species and
Consiglio per la Ricerca e la sperimenta- their genetic variation. The populations of many
zione in Agricoltura, Forestry Research tree species are fragmented in the southern part
Centre (CRA-SEL), Arezzo, Italy of their distribution range, yet these popula-
tions may represent valuable sources of genetic
information under changing environment. The
factors that affect their genetic patterns and vi-
ability must be understood and managed in order
to develop methods for dynamically preserving
such gene pools. Climate change and ecological
changes in the Madonie range are rendering the
locale unsuitable for the long-term maintenance
of the existing gene pool of Sicilian fir, indicat-
ing the need to adopt pragmatic strategies to
preserve the species. Environmental or practical
Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei, or Sicilian fir, considerations do not always allow such conser-
is an endemic species of Sicily, Italy, growing on vation in situ, in natural populations. This article
the Madonie range at 1700–1900 m above sea presents options for species restoration and dy-
level. It is a highly endangered species (Conseil namic gene conservation ex situ, based on recent
de l’Europe, 1977; Morandini, 1986; Raimondo genetic studies on Abies nebrodensis.
et al., 1992; IUCN, 2007; Thomas, 2011), compris-
ing a single relict population of approximately 30 Status of Abies nebrodensis
adult trees spread over an area of 150 hectares Abies nebrodensis was more widely distributed in
(Morandini et al., 1994; Virgilio, Schicchi and La the past in the Madonie range in Sicily, as shown
by fossil wood samples of about 9000 years old
  Coordinator of FAO Silva mediterranea WG 4 “Forest Genetic (Biondi and Raimondo, 1980). The range of the
Resources in the Mediterranean Region”. species declined rapidly at the end of the seven-

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 15.1.
Current natural distribution of Abies nebrodensis. The within-population genetic structure increases
progressively from the centre towards the peripheral rings in the diversity core zone (orange
concentric rings, Vallone Prato). The extinction phase was detected in the Contrada Timpa Rossa
area, while the recolonizing phase (blue line) is associated with only two trees near the Vallone della
Madonna degli Angeli.

Source: modified after Ducci et al. (1999); De Rogatis, 2011, unpublished data.

teenth century, when demand for timber in the & Kotschy) Carrière (Cilician fir), A. cephalonica
neighbouring villages increased at the same time Loudon (Greek fir), A. numidica de Lannoy ex
as grazing expanded to higher elevations. Carrière (Algerian fir) and A. alba in southern
Local botanists have known of the existence of Calabria. Genetic distance analysis (anatomical, bi-
a peculiar population of Abies in Sicily for several ochemical and molecular) showed a clear discrimi-
centuries. Indeed, samples of the Sicilian fir can be nation of A. nebrodensis from the other species
found relatively frequently in herbaria dating from (Ducci et al., 2004; Camerano et al., 2012). At the
the end of the eighteenth century (Raimondo, same time, this species has preserved some traits
Giancuzzi and Schicchi, 1990). Abies nebroden- typical of more eastern fir species (Ducci, Proietti
sis was first described as a separate species in the and Favre, 1999; Ducci et al., 2004) as well as traces
beginning of the twentieth century (Lojacono of ancient exchanges with geographically nearer
Pojero, 1907; Mattei, 1908). Several authors re- species (A. alba, and A. numidica). In some cases, A.
lated A. nebrodensis to Abies alba Mill. (Silver fir), nebrodensis showed an allelic pattern completely
and in particular to the nearby Calabrian A. alba different from that of neighbouring populations
provenances, on the basis of morphology (Arena, of A. alba but closer to that of the oriental spe-
1959; Gramuglio, 1960; Morandini, 1969) and us- cies. Results of the genetic analyses were similar
ing needle anatomical traits (Bottacci, Gellini and for needle morphology and anatomical traits.
Grossoni, 1990). However, A. nebrodensis seems to Together, they suggest that A. nebrodensis could
derive from the pre-glacial group of several fir spe- be the focal point where A. alba traits, A. cepha-
cies which are the ancestors of A. nordmanniana lonica traits and A. numidica traits converged in
(Steven) Spach (Caucasian fir), A. cilicica (Antoine the past. For phylogenetic and genetic studies

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

on Abies nebrodensis, see Vicario et al. (1995), ing compared with wider ranging and more nu-
Parducci et al. (1996, 2001) and Ducci et al. (2004). merous populations of Mediterranean firs. The
Research aimed at conservation of the relict species has a well-defined genetic structure that
A.  nebrodensis population started in the 1940s, is characterized at topographic level within the
and initially focused mainly on the biology of the 150 ha of the present natural range. Genetic
species, monitoring the population and restarting analyses have shown clearly that the closer the
the local forest ecosystem succession. Scientific ecological conditions are to the species optimum,
techniques used in this period included invento- the higher the genetic variation and the greater
ries of existing trees, periodic surveys of sexual the ability of the population to preserve its gene
reproduction, anatomical studies on adaptive pool (Vendramin, 1997; Ducci, Proietti and Favre,
traits on needles, seed germination, vigour and 1999).
phyto-ecological aspects in the area. Those stud- On the basis of the genetic analyses, three
ies supplied clear evidence for the high potential distinct zones were identified within the A. ne-
of the population to restore its dynamism, which brodensis population: the diversity core of the
has since been confirmed by phylogenetic and species, one site in recolonizing phase and one
genetic studies within this population. In the in- site in an extinction phase (Figure 15.1). The com-
ventories carried out in 1992 (Morandini, Ducci parison of results of enzyme analyses carried out
and Menguzzato, 1994) new trees were recorded in 1999 (Ducci, Proietti and Favre, 1999) and am-
in situ, and a very slow but progressive restarting plified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs)
of the forest ecosystem was documented. Starting (De Rogatis, unpublished data) confirmed the
from only two or three flowering trees in 1960s, geographic distribution of the variation of the
the amount of pollen and cones produced by the population in situ. The genetic situation of the
population has significantly increased (Arena, Sicilian fir within each zone reflects the microen-
1960; Gramuglio, 1962). vironmental conditions, which can be classified as
Genetic diversity within the A. nebrodensis favourable, highly favourable and unfavourable
population was estimated using allozyme markers for survival and natural regeneration in the three
(11 loci, 32 alleles; Ducci, Proietti and Favre, 1999). zones.
The within-population genetic structure was com- The relatively good situation of the population
pared with other Mediterranean fir species and from the biological point of view is in contrast
another reference set of 16 Italian populations of with the generally unfavourable site character-
A. alba. These results showed how certain alleles istics, which limit the survival possibilities of the
have contributed to differentiating the A. nebro- present A. nebrodensis population. The present
densis population from the reference populations refuge is restricted to a mountain top, which pre-
of the other Mediterranean fir species. Moreover, cludes natural spread. The ecosystem has been
it was discovered that the genetic diversity with­ severely affected by human activities, particularly
in the A. nebrodensis population, despite there deforestation and grazing by goats. Only the re-
being only 30 remaining adult trees, was similar colonization zone of Vallone della Madonna degli
to the wider and dynamic populations of A. alba Angeli is really suitable for natural regeneration.
growing in analogous isolation and progressive Furthermore, climate change is expected to mod-
drifting situations (i.e. the forests of Gariglione in ify the local environmental conditions as climate
Calabria and La Verna in Tuscany). Simultaneously, belts move upward. In the case of Vallone della
a very high excess of homozygotes was detected Madonna degli Angeli (about 1800 m), the trees
in the A. nebrodensis population. The microenvi- cannot migrate to a more suitable environment.
ronmental diversity in situ has allowed the main- Indeed, rocky soils do not allow natural regenera-
tenance of very high within-population diversity tion and migration outside the Vallone and the
parameters and relatively good genetic structur- trees at the mountain top have no possibility of

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

migrating to a higher elevation. Other adverse Ducci, Proietti and Favre (1999) studied the in-
ecological factors include a progressively increas- trapopulation genetic structure of Abies nebro-
ing risk of fires. densis to explore the possibilities of conserving
Genetic effects add to the constraints imposed the species in situ. The aim of their work was to
by environmental factors on regeneration. Self- develop a strategy for the re-establishment of the
pollination reduces genetic variability across the biological dynamics of the existing gene pool, set
population, and the long distances between the bases for future spreading of propagation materi-
trees encourage selfing, leading to progressive ge- als of A. nebrodensis in the Madonie range and,
netic erosion. The few seedlings currently grow- in view of the effects of climate change, to es-
ing in the core zone all originated from a single tablish new and dynamic populations in suitable
mother tree (no. 21, Figure 15.1). Thus, the only locations. The authors concluded that practically
area where the population might regenerate is the only way to achieve these goals, and the one
characterized by a severe “founder effect,” the involving least risk, would be ex situ conservation
loss of genetic variation that occurs when a new using seed orchards devoted to increasing mixed
population is established by a very small number mating in the next generations.
of individuals from a larger population. The same There have been some previous attempts to
applies to the new tree generations in the zone propagate A. nebrodensis through seed collec-
undergoing recolonization because of the lack of tion and grafting. However, even if it is possi-
mother trees that produce viable seed. Even if the ble to obtain large numbers of seedlings under
present adult trees can survive, microenvironmen- nursery conditions, moving seed from the natural
tal conditions that adversely affect natural regen- population reduces the number of seeds available
eration and survival of seedlings severely threaten to support species survival in situ and increases
the population, except for the small recolonizing genetic erosion. Moreover, the small in situ areas
zone of Vallone della Madonna degli Angeli. Here, still suitable for reforestation programmes would
the genetic ­variation will be low and influenced then be planted with materials mainly from only
by the above-mentioned founder effect. three or four genotypes that have regularly re-
produced in situ. This approach would remove
Action needed for species restoration any possibility of reducing genetic erosion by
Previous work has shown the urgent need to re- introducing reproductive materials with higher
duce the genetic erosion of the important gene levels of diversity. Collection of cones within the
pool of A. nebrodensis, which contains traits Strict Reserve of the Regional Park of Madonie
common to the Mediterranean firs. The first step Mountains should be completely forbidden or at
should be to stop the loss of rare alleles and phe- least strictly controlled and monitored.
notypic traits of possible adaptive significance. A few grafts of A. nebrodensis have been pro-
Another goal should be to reduce the strong duced and distributed among several European
excess of homozygotes, the presence of which arboreta in the past. Regrettably, the source of
implies constraints in maintaining the high poly- the grafts has not been documented and it is pos-
morphism observed in the population. This will sible that they originate from a single specimen
require random mating among all genotypes. (growing within the garden of the Villa of Casale
The present genetic situation of A. nebrodensis baron in Polizzi Generosa). To our knowledge, the
in situ is potentially suitable for re-establishing following grafts are still growing:
the dynamics of the species, but the environmen- • Five grafts (unknown original genotype)28 in
tal conditions are not conducive to long-term the arboreta of Barres and Amance, France,
spontaneous survival. When the present genera- prepared by Dode in 1930 (Morandini,
tion concludes its biological cycle, the species will
be at real risk of extinction.   Technically defined as an ortet.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

1969). The grafts produced viable seedlings used seedlings. The ex situ conservation approach
through open pollination (Fady, personal should be integrated with in situ conservation
communication). approaches.
• Three grafts (only one mother tree [ortet],
identified by genetic analyses) within the Species restoration through dynamic ex situ
garden of Villa Lanza near Gibilmanna conservation
(Palermo, Sicily) (Morandini, 1969). A specific programme for the ex situ conservation
• One graft, probably from the same ortet and restoration of Abies nebrodensis was started
as above, at the arboretum of Borde in 1992 in response to the endangered status of
Hill (Sussex, United Kingdom) of which, the species and the anticipated effects of climate
however, no recent news is available. change. The aim of the programme was also to
• In addition, seedlings of A. nebrodensis are use A. nebrodensis as a model for studying ex situ
known from the following locations: conservation and species restoration methods for
• About 40 seedlings, 10 to 12 years old small or marginal population gene pools.
(provenance Vallone Madonna degli To produce reproductive material able to re-
Angeli, unidentified mother trees), were store the genetic dynamism in A. nebrodensis, two
planted near Papiano (province of Arezzo, orchards (clone archives) were established in 1994
43°48’55.008’’N, 11°41’46.68’’E, 752 m above in Tuscany near Arezzo (Pomaio 43°28’39.36’’N,
sea level, southwest aspect). 11°57’0.72’’E, 690 m above sea level and Caprile,
• Eighty seedlings, of the same age as above, 43°43’34.212’’N, 12°7’6.96’’E, 910 m above sea lev-
near the State Forest Service nursery in el), 1200 km north from the original population
Pieve Santo Stefano (province of Arezzo, (Figure 15.2).
43°39’16.5954’’N, 12°3’22.68’’E, 700 m above The experiment represents a model strategy to
sea level, northwest aspect). They are now conserve ex situ the entire gene pool of a species
monitored annually for pollen and cone through massive clonal replication. The orchards
production. were established with grafts from the 27  adult
• Three 25-year-old trees in the arboretum trees of the original population. Materials were
of Vallombrosa (province of Florence, grafted onto four-year-old rootstocks of Abies
43°43’52.392’’N, 11°33’18.3594’’E, 1000 m alba (provenance Serra S. Bruno, Calabria) in pots.
above sea level, westerly aspect). Each mother tree (ortet) is replicated at least
Other grafts were distributed to private arboreta five times. In total, about 200 grafts grow in the
in France (M. Albert Dumas) and in Germany (Herr orchards, and each year some of them are reju-
Klaus Albert Höller). venated in order to have new clonal copies. The
All these collections can contribute to ex situ orchards were established according to a com-
conservation of A. nebrodensis, but they are plete single-tree random design to improve pol-
characterized by the absence of information len exchange among genotypes and increase het-
about mother trees or ortets. Genetic analyses erozygosity, which in the natural population are
are being carried out to determine the parental constrained by the very low density of adult trees.
origin of these materials, but most of them The clones in the lower-altitude orchard start-
have to be excluded as seed sources because of ed to reproduce in 1997, with 80 percent of the
possible hybridization with other species or self- clones producing male flowers. Two clones (1 and
pollination. The importance of establishing seed 22) produced the first cones in spring 2000. In
orchards devoted to re-establishing a dynamic total, 110 seedlings survived in the nursery. In
genetic structure of the species is clear. The spring 2005, three clones (17, 22 and 29) produced
materials should be characterized by greater new cones with about 300 g of seeds, of which
heterozygosity and diversity than the previously half were sown and the rest dried and conserved

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 15.2.
The natural range of A. alba (light green) and of A. nebrodensis (orange cross) in Sicily, and the
location of the clonal orchards and ex situ dynamic conservation test in Tuscany (orange circles)

at −5 °C. About 150 seedlings were obtained. In The ex situ conservation plots are located in
spring 2007, two clones (1 and 6) produced cones, the northern Apennines (1000 m above sea level,
and in 2010 about 110 new seedlings were ob- northern aspect) and were established in col-
tained from six ortets (1, 6, 13, 17, 18 and 24). laboration with the State Forest Service, Forest
Numbers of seedlings produced seem to be low, Biodiversity Bureau of Pieve S. Stefano (Arezzo).
as a result of the young age of the orchards and The plots differ in their ecological contexts. One
the low rates of germination. A cut test showed of the plots is under the canopy cover of sweet
an average of about 20 percent empty seeds, and chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) and other noble
germination rates were extremely low, 1–39 per- hardwoods at very low tree density. The other
cent, very similar to the original population. plot was planted in an abandoned field area sur-
Nevertheless, each year more maternal genotypes rounded by a forest consisting of European beech
are producing seeds and open-pollinated off­ (Fagus sylvatica L.), Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.)
spring (Figure 15.3). and hop hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.)
The conservation programme was continued in (Figure 15.4).
2007 with the establishment of two permanent The new ex situ populations are “open,” in
experimental plots for dynamic ex situ conserva- that they were established using material from
tion of A. nebrodensis. In this model, the gene more than one seed collection (i.e. from succes-
pool of the original population is introduced and sive years and from different genotypes). The
tested within a new ecological context. The effects idea is to plant the offspring produced in the two
of different patterns of driving forces (e.g. more seed orchards year after year. The establishment
light, more drought or more continental ­climate) of grafted seed orchards allows the replication
are assumed to increase the possibility of conserv- of the source genotypes several times. This way
ing different alleles in different combinations. all the adult trees of the population have been

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 15.3. genetic dynamics in ex situ conservation and the

A grafted Abies nebrodensis tree producing genetic variation in offspring is one of the aims
cones in one of the Tuscan orchards of the experiment, in order to have a reference
model of the possible genetic implications of such
conservation approaches.
Next steps in the ex situ conservation pro-
gramme will be artificial flower induction in the
orchards, and the use of genetic markers to mon-
itor the genetic structure of the new generations
produced. This will allow the orchards to supply
in situ nurseries with reproductive materials that
have been monitored and checked for their ge-
netic structure.
Experiences gathered during these research
activities have allowed local Sicilian bodies to
develop strategies for dynamic in situ conserva-
tion of the relict A. nebrodensis population. In
the 2000s the Ente Parco delle Madonie, the re-
gional entity responsible of the management of
the Regional Park of the Madonie Range, where
the Sicilian fir is protected in situ, established a
strategy for developing in situ conservation initia-
tives. A Life Project on “Conservation in situ and
ex situ of Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei” was
approved and funded in 2000.29 A second project,
“Conserving Abies nebrodensis and restoring the
bogs of Geraci Siculo,” was approved and funded
in 2004.30 These projects focus on preserving the
rescued from possible random genetic losses, and individuals still surviving in situ. As in our project,
the homozygote excess will also be reduced ef- they grafted and established a clonal orchard to
ficiently. preserve the original gene pool in situ, with the
Both plots are planted according to a random aim of increasing the species’ distribution and
design in order to create maximum opportunities starting future reforestation programmes. So,
for outcrossing within the population. Together two parallel strategies were developed, one in
with the randomized design, having such differ- situ and another ex situ.
ent microenvironmental contexts contributes to
maintaining allelic richness and the variability of
genes or gene patterns responsible for adapta-
tion. Moreover, offspring and consequently the
gene pool of the population are being intro-
duced in new ecological contexts in order to start
new dynamics that may help increase heterozy-
gosity. Nevertheless, the evolutionary forces in 29
these new contexts may be different from those recupero_Abies_nebrodensis.pdf
acting in situ and consequently the populations 30
may adapt and evolve differently. Monitoring the nebrodensis-e-ripristino-delle-torbiere-di-geraci-siculo.html

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 15.4.
Ex situ conservation plots of Abies nebrodensis (a) under the cover of chestnut and maple trees and
(b) in an open field near a Fagus sylvatica–Quercus cerris–Ostrya carpinifolia forest

(a) (b)

References Camerano, P., Ferrazzini, D., Ducci, F. & Belletti, P.

2012. Regioni di provenienza per l’abete bianco
[Provenance regions of silver fir in Italy]. Sherwood,
Arena, M. 1959. Alcune notizie sul comportameno
182: 35–40.
biologico die Abies nebrodensis (Lo-jac.) Mattei. Bot.
Ital., 66(3): 451-456. Conseil de l’Europe. 1977. Liste des plantes rares,
menacées et endémiques en Europe. Collection
Arena, M. 1960. Sul potere di germinabilità dei semi
Sauvegarde de la Nature. Strasbourg, France.
e sulla vitalità dei semenzali di Abies nebrodensis
(Lojac.) Mattei. L’It. For. Mont., 15 (6): 247–250. Ducci, F., Proietti, R. & Favre, J.M. 1999. Allozyme as-
sessment of genetic diversity within the relic Sicilian
Biondi, E. & Raimondo, F.M. 1980. Primo rinvenimento
fir Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei. Ann. For. Sci.,
di legni fossili sulle Madonie. Giorn. Bot. It., 114:
56: 345–355.
Ducci, F., Favre, J.M., Proietti, R. & Verdelli, G. 2004.
Bottacci, A., Gellini, R. & Grossoni, P. 1990.
Relationships between Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.)
Morphological and anatomical aspects of Abies ne-
Mattei and other Mediterranean firs. Ann. Ist. Sper.
brodensis (Lojac.) Mattei. In M. Ducrey & H. Oswald,
Selv., Arezzo, 31: 73–93.
eds. International Workshop on Mediterranean Firs:
Adaptation, selection and silviculture, pp. 117–124. Gramuglio, G. 1960. Appunti sulla distribuzione geogra-
Avignon, France, 11–15 June 1990. Luxembourg, fica dell’Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei. Acc. naz.
Commission of the European Communities, Lincei, 29: 106–114.
Directorate General for Telecommunications,
Gramuglio, G. 1962. Sexual awakening of Abies nebro-
Information Industries and Innovation.
densis. Giorn. Bot. Ital., 69(1/3): 207–210.

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

IUCN. 2007. A preliminary world list of threatened coni- Thomas, P. 2011. Abies nebrodensis. In IUCN. IUCN red
fer taxa. Biodivers. Conserv., 2: 304–326. list of threatened species. Version 2011.2 (avail-
able at
Lojacono Pojero, M. 1907. Flora sicula. Palermo, Italy.
Mattei, G.E. 1908. L’abete dei nebrodi. Boll. R. Orto.
Bot. Giard. Col., Palermo, 7: 56–59.

Morandini, R. 1969. Abies nebrodensis (Lojac) Mattei,

Inventario 1968. Pubblicazione n° 18. Arezzo, Italy, 15.2. 
Restoration and
Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura. afforestation with Populus
Morandini, R. 1986. Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei.
nigra in Hungary
In FAO. Databook of endangered tree and shrub
Sándor Bordács and István Bach
species and provenances. FAO Forestry Paper 77:
Central Agricultural Office, Hungary
Morandini, R., Ducci, F. & Menguzzato, G. 1994.
Abies nebrodensis (Lojac) Mattei – Inventario 1992.
Ann. Ist. Sper. Selv., Arezzo, 22: 5–51.

Parducci, L., Szmidt, A.E., Villani, F., Wang, X.R.

& Cherubini, M. 1996. Genetic variation of
Abies alba in Italy. Hereditas, 125: 11–18. doi:

Parducci, L., Szmidt, A.E., Ribeiro, M.M.A. & Drouzas,

D. 2001. Taxonomic position and origin of the
endemic Sicilian Fir Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei
based on allozme analysis. Forest Genet., 8(2):
In the 1990s, European black poplar (Populus
Raimondo, F.M., Giancuzzi, L. & Schicchi, R. 1990. ­nigra  L.) was declared an endangered species in
Carta della vegetazione del massiccio carbonatico Europe because of widespread planting of hybrid
delle Madonie (Sicilia centro - settentrionale). Quad. poplar and genetic hybridization and introgres-
Bot. Ambient., Palermo, 3: 23–40. sion by pollen flow from hybrid poplar clones
(mainly P. × euramericana).
Vendramin, G.G. 1997. Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.)
Since 1997, reforestation or afforestation on
Mattei, a relevant example of a relic and highly
protected areas in Hungary has been carried out
endangered species. Bocconea, 7: 383–388.
using only autochthonous species, as mandated
Vicario, F., Vendramin, G.G., Rossi, P., Liò, P. & by the National Law of Nature Protection. This
Giannini, R. 1995. Allozyme, chloroplast DNA and regulation has increased demand for reproduc-
RAPD markers for determining genetic relation- tive material of European black poplar for affor-
ships between Abies alba and the relic popula- estation on protected sites, mostly in the former
tion of A. nebrodensis. Theor. Appl. Genet., 90: willow–poplar riparian forests (Salicetum albae-
1012–1018. fragilis) near riverbanks. In central Europe the riv-
Virgilio, F., Schicchi, R., La Mela Veca, D. 2000. er bank forests are composed of black and white
Aggiornamento dell’inventario della popolazione poplar (P. nigra and P. alba L.), silver willow (Salix
relitta di Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.). Naturalista alba  L.), and on less wet sites (higher elevation)
Siciliano, 24(1–2): 13–54. of narrow-­leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl)
and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.).

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 15.5. material, usually stem cuttings, was collected from

An old black poplar tree in the Danube valley the trees to establish clonal gene banks at six lo-
in Hungary cations in four geographical regions of Hungary.
Additionally, DNA of all sampled trees was tested
according to the method used by Heinze (1997) to
exclude introgressed and hybrid genotypes. Only
clones with proven taxonomic status were regis-
tered in the national database. All the gene bank
clones were tested for cultivation value (e.g. viabil-
ity, root formation, growing capacity). The most
appropriate clones were certified as basic material
in the National List of Basic Materials (NLBM) by
the national authority, and clonal mixtures (repro-
ductive material of clonal composition) have been
produced and marketed. The clonal mixtures have
usually been composed of 30–60 clones and are
recommended for use in the same region in which
the provenances originated. Since 1999, when the
first stock plantations were established, stem cut-
tings have been increasingly produced. Usually, the
stem cuttings are used in nurseries where rooted
cuttings (height 150–300 cm) are produced.
Some of the selected populations and stands
(according to EUFORGEN criteria) have been offi-
cially registered as seed stands in the NLBM. As a
minimum requirement, the stands must comprise
both female and male trees and be at least 1 km
A national programme was started in Hungary from any hybrid poplar plantations or black pop-
in 1997 to restore riparian forests. As black poplar lar stands with unknown origin. Since poplar seeds
was a fundamental species for riparian forests and are able to germinate for only one or two days,
there was no autochthonous reproductive mate- the female (seed) trees must be felled to collect vi-
rial available, genetic monitoring had to be carried able seed. Seedlings are produced in forest nurs-
out. First, registered occurrences in the national eries. The seedlings must also be tested for purity
forest inventory were surveyed. The first survey of their taxonomic status. In late summer, a local
listed 4390 ha of forest in Hungary, mostly mixed inspector collects leaves from the seedlings for
forest stands of P. nigra. Thousands of hectares DNA testing. Nursery production is under official
were surveyed to develop a distribution map of control to fulfil the requirements of the certifica-
existing populations, forest stands, small patches tion system for forest reproductive material (FRM).
and even solitary trees (Borovics et al., 1999). Since Only DNA-tested seedling lots can be certified and
1998, about 4000 mature trees have been select- marketed.
ed across the country for the gene conservation The certified cuttings and seedlings are used for
and restoration programme. All trees have been forest restoration on protected sites, mainly for
characterized morphological descriptors pub- riverbank forests, to recreate natural forest veg-
lished by the European Forest Genetic Resources etation. The reconstruction of forest vegetation
Programme (EUFORGEN) to exclude artificial or has been carried out using reproductive material
natural hybrids (P. × euramericana). Propagation of two to four autochthonous species planted at

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 15.6.
Certified reproductive material of black poplar (Populus nigra L.) produced in Hungary from 2000
to 2010

5000–8000 trees/ha. Based on the experiences of Information on the black poplar restoration pro-
local foresters, rooted cuttings can better survive gramme and its results have reported and pub-
short-term high floods and seedlings can better lished for the public, especially for local commu-
tolerate long-term lesser flooding with muddy nities and nature conservation organizations. The
water. Between 2000 and 2010 a total of 120 000 first positive results from the black poplar restora-
to 1 060 000 black poplar seedlings and 55 000 tion programme have stimulated work on gene
to 350 000 rooted cuttings were certified as FRM conservation programmes for other endangered
each year and marketed in Hungary (Figure 15.6). tree species, such as Sorbus and Pyrus species.
Each year, 30-120 ha of river bank forests are
being restored. Black poplar is also being plant-
ed in roadside plantations. Reforested areas are
under the official control of local inspectors of
the state forest service. The inspectors check cer- References
tificates (supplier’s documents) of FRM used for
planting and survey the plantations regularly.
Heinze, B. 1997. A PCR marker for a Populus deltoides
The basic data and ecological information on the
allele and its use in studying introgression with
reforestation area must be documented in the
native European Populus nigra. Belg. J. Bot., 129:
forest management plan, including species com-
position, total area, origin of FRM, and soil type.
Management interventions such as nursing and Borovics, A., Gergácz, J., Bordács, S., Bach, I.,
tending may be required. The restoration forests Bagaméry, G. & Gabnai, E. 1999. A fekete nyár
are supposed to be managed less intensively than génmegőrzésben elért eredmények [Recent results
hybrid poplar plantations, with the aim of estab- on genetic conservation of black poplar]. Erdészeti
lishing forest that is as close to natural as possible. Kutatások 89: 135–148.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Restoration of threatened on the island are harsh, with annual ­rainfall av-
Pinus radiata on Mexico’s eraging less than 200 mm. Although dense fogs
Guadalupe Island are common in winter, especially at higher el-
evations, they are less frequent in summer. The
J. Jesús Vargas-Hernández,1 Deborah L. volcanic-origin island has thin, rocky soils with
Rogers2 and Valerie Hipkins3 little organic substrate. The Monterey pine pop-
ulation on this island has evolved isolated from
Programa Forestal, Colegio de the other island and mainland populations, so it
Postgraduados, Montecillo, México has become genetically differentiated from them,
Center for Natural Lands showing distinctive morphological and adaptive
Management, Temecula, California, traits as well as genetic diversity measured with
United States molecular markers. Some authors recognize this
National Forest Genetics Laboratory, population with the varietal name of P. radiata
US Forest Service, Placerville, California, var. binata. The original pine population once oc-
United States cupied an extensive area on the northern end of
the island. However, even though the island has
not been permanently inhabited by humans, the
pine population shrank dramatically in the last
two centuries because of goats that were intro-
duced in the mid-nineteenth century, preventing
successful regeneration of the pines. The current
population is down to about 220 adult, over-­
mature trees (2001 census), growing isolated or
in small patches (Figure 15.8), in an environmen-
tal context hostile to recruitment of seedlings.
The drastic reduction in population size led to
Monterey pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) is a forest the opinion that this population was headed to-
tree species of great economic importance world- wards extinction. In 1981, the Guadalupe Island
wide, although its native range is restricted to population of Monterey pine was declared “en-
the coastal zone of central California and north- dangered” by the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest
ern Baja California (Figure 15.7). The species is Gene Resources largely because of the grazing
grown in exotic commercial plantations on over pressure from introduced goats.
4 million hectares, but in its countries of origin In 2001, a multinational team completed an
it faces heightened conservation issues; the spe- expedition to Guadalupe Island to make seed
cies has lost over 50 percent of its natural habi- collections of Monterey pine for conservation,
tat and is threatened by various human-related restoration and research purposes. In addition to
disturbances. Monterey pine is on the IUCN (In- collecting seed from individual trees, the team
ternational Union of Conservation of Nature) Red described the status of the pines, evaluated risks
List of threatened species, and the FAO Panel of and threats, and gathered information on pine
Experts on Forest Gene Resources has identified ecology to assist in restoration efforts. For exam-
it as a species with high global, regional and/or ple, before the expedition it had been speculated
national priority for genetic conservation. that microsite conditions may have deteriorated
The island of Guadalupe in the Pacific Ocean, to a state that would no longer support seed ger-
250 km off the coast of Baja California, Mexico, mination or seedling growth. However, soil and
hosts one of the five remnant natural popula- moisture conditions, at least within the canopy
tions of Monterey pine. Environmental conditions and fog-drip zone of living trees, appeared to

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 15.7.
Location of natural Pinus radiata populations along the west coast of North America. Mainland
populations occur at Año Nuevo, Monterey and Cambria. Island populations occur on the Mexican
islands of Guadalupe and Cedros

Figure 15.8.
Approximate location of remnant trees of Pinus radiata at the northern tip of Guadalupe Island (see
also Figures 15.9 and 15.10)

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

be sufficient to allow at least initial seedling es- as was the necessity of complete removal of the
tablishment. The discovery of a few small pine goats (Figure 15.9). The goat eradication project
seedlings supported the hypothesis that natural ­accomplished its goal on 2007, with Guadalupe
recovery may be possible if grazing pressure were Island being officially declared free of goats.
reduced or removed. At the same time, a multi-in- Environmental conditions conducive to natu-
stitutional project, led by the Grupo de Ecología y ral recruitment are one important component of
Conservación de Islas A.C. (GECI, a binational non- the restoration process for this pine population.
governmental organization), in collaboration However, the question remains as to whether
with several institutions from the federal govern- levels of genetic diversity in the population are
ment, was initiated to eradicate the resident goat sufficient. Because of the rapid and presumably
population. The eradication project started in massive loss of pines, causing fragmentation and
2000, when Mexican ranchers from Sonora, assist- drastic reduction in population size, several ge-
ed by GECI, local fishermen and the Marines sta- netic impacts may have already occurred, includ-
tioned on the island, began trapping and remov- ing reduction of genetic diversity and increased
ing goats for direct sale and use as breeding stock inbreeding. Thus, to ensure full recovery of the
on the Mexican mainland. To test the response population it was important to evaluate the need
to release from grazing pressure, GECI installed for genetic intervention during the restoration
exclusionary fencing in three areas in the pine process. For instance, if genetic diversity had been
population in summer 2001. Several years later drastically reduced in the population, it might be
the potential for natural recruitment of seed- important to reintroduce genetic ­material from
lings in the grazing-excluded areas was evident, ex situ collections. Similarly, if inbreeding were

Figure 15.9.
One of the southernmost isolated, over-mature, Pinus radiata trees remaining on Guadalupe Island
with the natural recruitment of seedlings moving out of the protection zone under the tree canopy,
May 2006

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 15.10.
Panoramic view of the northern patches of remnant Pinus radiata trees on Guadalupe Island with the
natural recruitment of seedlings appearing across the landscape and helping to connect the patches

an issue, actions might be necessary to promote to increase dispersion distance and accelerate
cross-pollination and seed dispersal between connectivity between patches (Figure  15.10).
patches to reduce relatedness among parental Although the population is still far from restored,
trees in the next generation. Based on a spatially the outlook is much more promising now than it
representative sample of germplasm from about was ten years ago.
35 percent of the current population, genetic
diversity, its spatial structure and inbreeding
level were analysed using microsatellite mark-
ers. The sampling structure allowed comparison
of the genetic diversity and inbreeding level in
the progeny (seed) to that in the maternal gen-
eration (remnant trees). Results showed that, de-
spite the drastic reduction in population size, the
level of genetic diversity – both in the parental
trees and their open-pollinated progeny – has
not been greatly reduced. The data also indi-
cated a minimum of 45 percent cross-pollination
in the population. Thus, the genetic information
obtained so far does not support the need for
genetic intervention to restore this population
other than to move seed among resident trees

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

A genetic assessment The species displays some of the highest outcross-
of ecological restoration ing rates seen among plants (Scott, 1980) and
success in Banksia has mixed generalist pollinator mutualisms with
attenuata nectar-feeding birds (predominantly honeyeaters
in the family Meliphagidae), native bees, wasps
Alison Ritchie and introduced honeybees. Both the restored
and natural undisturbed populations of B.  at-
School of Plant Biology, University of tenuata were located at Gnangara (31°47’09’’S,
Western Australia, Australia 115°56’32’’E), 40  km north-northeast of Perth in
Western Australia.
The restoration site was established 14 years
ago within a 100-ha leasehold of Rocla Quarry
Products (Rocla), one of five sand extraction quar-
ries surrounding the Perth Metropolitan area. The
restoration efforts at Rocla satisfied the environ-
mental completion criteria of the time, aimed
at restoring species richness, plant density and
cover to the conditions prior to sand extraction.
Restoration of the site focused on two main re-
Despite the importance of genetic management search areas: (i) seedling recruitment and plant
within ecological restoration for the long-term survival and (ii) plant growth and developmental
persistence, functionality and self-sustainability responses to a reconstructed soil environment.
of populations, genetic assessments of the success Seed pretreatments to enhance germination
of ecological restoration remain rare. If a found- (e.g.  smoke), greenstock-enabling treatments
ing population is sourced from a limited genetic (e.g.  tree  guards, antitranspirants) and various
pool, genetic bottlenecking and increased in- soil treatments (e.g. mulching, irrigation, ripping
breeding could potentially occur, reducing the and application of soil stabilizers) were used to
resilience and adaptability of the future popula- increase plant survival. As a result, by the third
tion to a changing climate. If the population is year plant density was 59 plants/5  m2 and the
established with seeds of non-local provenance, number of species was 14/5  m2, compared with
issues such as outbreeding depression could arise 78 plants/5 m2 and 8 species/5 m2, respectively, on
and lack of genetic integration with surrounding undisturbed adjacent woodland plots, surpass-
populations could transpire, influencing the over- ing previous restoration figures (Stevens et al., in
all success of restoration. press). Details of the restoration techniques em-
Microsatellite markers were used to assess the ployed can be found in Rokich and Dixon (2007).
genetic success of ecological restoration, asking The restored population of B. attenuata com-
two main questions: (i) Is sufficient genetic diver- prised approximately 200 mature adult trees. The
sity maintained within adult and offspring indi- natural undisturbed population was located ad-
viduals in restored populations? (ii)  Is there ge- jacent to the Rocla mine and comprised approxi-
netic connectivity between restored and adjacent mately 350 mature trees within naturally occur-
natural, undisturbed populations? (Ritchie and ring Banksia woodland that is up to 300 years old.
Krauss, 2011). Our focal species was the wood- Microsatellite analysis revealed that similarly
land tree Banksia attenuata R.Br. (Proteaceae), high levels of genetic diversity (heterozygosity
which is wide­ly distributed across the south-west and allelic diversity) were maintained within
of Western Australia and is a keystone species both restored and natural populations, and were
used in ecological restoration within this region. high for both adult trees and their offspring

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Figure 15.11.
Genetic diversity measures in populations of Banksia attenuata. Line indicates heterozygosity

(Figure  15.11). Genetic diversity was also similar pollen dispersal within and among the two popu-
to that of a large, naturally occurring reference lations (Figure 15.12). Pollination events were
population (Kings Park). There was very weak recorded at distances of 2 m to 324 m between
population divergence between the restored and paternal plants, and more than 50 percent of
natural populations, signifying sourcing of seed paternity was assigned to sires beyond the local
from local provenances within the restoration populations (Figure 15.12).
project. Genetic structure was undetectable with- In conclusion, we discovered that the restored
in the restored population; in contrast the natural population was successfully integrated with the
population showed significant structuring up to natural population, likely because of the initial
30 m. This reflects the pattern of natural seedling sourcing of genetically diverse seed from local
recruitment, as opposed to man-made mixing and genetic provenances. We also observed the deliv-
broadcast seeding used in the establishment of ery of robust pollinator services to the restored
the restored population. population. This study has revealed that, with the
We observed complete outcrossing, very low application of best practices for seed collection
biparental inbreeding and low correlated pater- and restoration, the desired genetic goals for suc-
nity in both restored and natural populations, in- cessful genetic management of a keystone species
dicating similar patterns of contemporary mating within a post-mining restoration site have been
at both sites. Paternity analysis revealed extensive achieved.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 3

Figure 15.12.
Network of inferred pollen dispersal events using a paternity maximum likelihood exclusion analysis.
Dark grey area is the natural, undisturbed population and lighter grey areas are the restored
populations of Banksia attenuata. Each circle indicates the position of a sampled tree, with open
circles indicating maternal trees that were also sampled for seed.

References Scott, J.K. 1980. Estimation of the outcrossing rate for

Banksia attenuata R.Br. and Banksia menziesii R.Br.
(Proteaceae). Aust. J. Bot., 28: 53–59.
Ritchie, A.L. & Krauss, S.L. 2011. A genetic assessment
of ecological restoration success in Banksia attenu- Stevens, J.C., Dixon, K.W., Newton, V. & Barrett, R.L.
ata. Restor. Ecol., article first published online, 28 2013. Restoration of Banksia woodlands. Crawley,
June 2011. Western Australia, University of Western Australia
Rokich, D.P. & Dixon, K.W. 2007. Recent advances in
restoration ecology, with a focus on the Banksia
woodland and the smoke germination tool. Aust. J.
Bot., 55: 375–389.

Part 4
Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 16

Analysis of genetic considerations

in restoration methods
Riina Jalonen,1 Evert Thomas,1 Stephen Cavers,3 Michele Bozzano,1 David Boshier,1,3 Sándor
Bordács,4 Leonardo Gallo,1,5 Paul Smith6 and Judy Loo1

Bioversity International, Italy
The Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Natural Environment Research Council, United Kingdom
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Central Agricultural Office, Department of Forest and Biomass Reproductive Material, Hungary
Unidad de Genética Ecológica y Mejoramiento Forestal, INTA Bariloche, Argentina
Seed Conservation Department, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom

This chapter discusses genetic aspects of current survey results was not undertaken, as the meth-
practice for ecosystem restoration using native ods and experiences included do not represent a
tree species. Practical implications for the viabil- random sample of ecosystem restoration efforts
ity of the restored tree populations are analysed, globally. Nevertheless, the responses can be con-
and options are presented for improving resto- sidered indicative of general trends in ecosystem
ration success by applying genetic principles. To restoration with respect to genetic aspects, and
this end, the restoration methods and approaches provide useful information to guide the incor-
presented in Part 3 were analysed from a genetic poration of genetic considerations in restoration
perspective, based on the theoretical and prac­ projects.
tical issues of ecosystem restoration introduced in This chapter includes a brief summary of sur-
Part 2. Authors of the methods described in Part 3 vey results on identified key areas, followed by a
were surveyed to collect additional information broader literature-based discussion of the issues
about the genetic considerations of the restora- and recommendations for research and action.
tion methods presented. The survey included
questions about species composition, source of
propagation materials, and practical details of 16.1. 
Appropriate sources of
the design and implementation of each method.31 forest reproductive material
In total, 23 survey responses were received.
Most of the respondents carry out applied re- Survey results: Only half of the restoration meth-
search, developing and testing a range of resto- ods incorporated guidelines or recommendations
ration approaches and methods that use native for the collection of forest reproductive material
species. A rigorous quantitative analysis of the (FRM). Such recommendations were clearly more
common for approaches aimed at conserving or
  The survey is available from https://www.bioversityinternational. restoring populations of particular tree species
org/fileadmin/user_upload/SoW_FGR_RestorationSurvey.pdf. than for approaches that focused on restoring

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

habitats or ecosystems in general. Sourcing FRM population as a quality seed source. In such cases,
locally or from similar ecological conditions was sourcing FRM from further away, albeit from simi-
considered ideal for nearly all restoration ap- lar ecological conditions, may be a better option
proaches. For approaches focusing on ecosystem than resorting to nearby fragmented or (geneti-
restoration, distance of the source of FRM ranged cally) degraded forests or isolated trees.
between a few hundred metres to approximately However, any introduction of genetically dis-
100 km from the restoration site, but typically tinct FRM, even of native species, holds risks.
FRM originated from within a few kilometres If FRM is not adapted to the conditions on the
of the restoration site. Half of the respondents restoration site, severe consequences may result,
indicated that lack of populations of the target such as low seed germination or mortality of the
species in the vicinity of the restoration area very plants before reproductive age. Alternatively, and
often limited the availability of FRM. probably more typically, lack of or poor adapta-
Ecosystem restoration efforts commonly source tion to site conditions may be expressed more
FRM locally. An emphasis on the use of local gradually, for example through slower growth
germplasm is likely linked to the assumption that or lower survival rates. The first generation of
FRM will be well adapted to the ecological con- trees plays a key role for subsequent natural re-
ditions of the restoration site, although the rea- generation on site, and low genetic diversity in
soning is not always stated. In fact, the excessive this founder population may result in deterio-
focus on “local” germplasm may obscure the fact rating genetic health and fitness over following
that geographical proximity to the restoration generations (Reed and Frankham, 2003; Rogers
site is not necessarily always the best indication and Montalvo, 2004; see also Insight 1: Examples
of the quality or suitability of FRM. The problem illustrating the importance of genetic considera-
is exacerbated where remaining forests near the tions in ecosystem restoration). If species being
restoration area are fragmented, as trees may introduced are the same as or closely related to
suffer from inbreeding, low fitness of progeny the species remaining on the restoration site but
or other negative consequences of small popu- from genetically distinct sources, there is an ad-
lation size, and may not constitute good seed ditional risk of genetic contamination (Ellstrand
sources (see Chapter 2; Lowe et al., 2005; Eckert and Schierenbeck, 2000; Ellstrand, 2003; Rogers
et al., 2010; Vranckx et al., 2012). These condi- and Montalvo, 2004). Gene flow between native
tions can be assumed to be common in most areas resident populations and non-local introduced
where restoration efforts are underway, yet rec- plants might lead to outbreeding depression. This
ommendations for the collection of FRM in such refers to a situation where, after repeated crosses
situations are generally lacking. Environmental between local and introduced provenances, hy-
changes may also already affect genetic quality brid progeny show lower fitness than local prog-
of tree populations as sources of FRM, although eny because of the breakup of co-adapted gene
the impacts are not well understood. Quality of complexes by recombination. The phenomenon
existing forest patches as sources of FRM must be of outbreeding depression is commonly discussed,
carefully evaluated in the light of past or ongo- although there is still little hard evidence of its
ing silvicultural management practices and other effects in trees (Frankham et al., 2011). This might
forms of resource use or disturbance (Lowe et al., be because its effects may emerge only after sev-
2005; Schaberg et al., 2008). For example, some eral generations (Rogers and Montalvo, 2004)
logging methods may modify the mating system or because many tree species have regular long-
of the residual trees and result in increasingly in- distance dispersal events, resulting in sufficient
bred seeds through selfing or mating between gene flow to avoid complete genetic isolation of
related individuals (Ghazoul, Liston and Boyle, populations even when they are geographically
1998; Obayashi et al., 2002), compromising the distant from each other (Ward et al., 2005; Dick

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

et al., 2008). Therefore, outbreeding depression species are open-pollinated and many seeds per
seems most likely to be a risk only where FRM is plant are available (>30), seed should be collected
introduced from provenances very remote or iso- from at least 15 trees. If the number of seeds per
lated from the local one. plant is restricted, or there is evidence of mating
Other than the geographical origin of FRM, between full siblings, then seed should be col-
genetic considerations seem to receive relatively lected from more trees. If there is evidence of
little attention in restoration efforts, in spite of substantial self-pollination, a minimum sample
their ecological and economic importance (in of 60 trees is recommended (Brown and Hardner,
terms of return on investment; Le et al., 2012). 2000). Smaller samples are very likely to result in
Descriptions of restoration methods do not con- genetic erosion, whereas collecting more than
sistently incorporate guidelines for the collection the minimum sample size is recommended when
of FRM, for example on the number of trees from the aim is to maintain genetic diversity (Rogers
which FRM should be collected or the distance and Montalvo, 2004). In general, a few seeds
between seed trees. Some of the guidelines that from many trees is genetically a more efficient
do exist may not be adequate; for example, a rec- sample of the diversity within a population than
ommendation to collect seed from (at least) five many seeds from a few trees (Brown and Hardner,
trees that we came across during this study clearly 2000). A number of general guidelines already ex-
falls short. Moreover, even when adequate guide­ ist and could be adopted for collecting FRM, such
lines are available, they may not be followed for as those published by The Australian Network for
practical or other reasons. Contributors to this Plant Conservation Inc. (Vallee et  al., 2004), the
study indicated, for example, that good parent University of California (Rogers and Montalvo,
trees may already have been removed from the 2004) and the World Agroforestry Centre32
landscape or may be difficult to access, and that it (ICRAF; Kindt et al., 2006). Broad-scale guidelines
is often very difficult to get people to collect FRM for the collection of FRM are generally widely ap-
from more than one tree per species even when plicable and need to be better communicated to
forest areas remain near the restoration site. restoration practitioners. At the same time, it is
Adherence to the guidelines may be even more important to recognize that the extent and dis-
difficult to evaluate and ensure when collection tribution of genetic diversity varies widely among
of FRM is outsourced. tree species (see Chapter 7), meaning there is also
Rules of thumb have been developed for how a need for more ad hoc guidelines.
many samples one should collect to capture at If properly designed, individual restoration ef-
least 95 percent of genetic variation (measured forts could also contribute to higher-level goals
as alleles) with the least amount of effort. Such – in particular to the provision of FRM for future
rules relate to many factors, such as breeding restoration efforts, and the conservation of native
system, pollination system, flowering and seed tree species and their genetic variation. Such out-
characteristics (Dvorak, Hamrick and Hodge, comes merit further consideration by restoration
1999; Brown and Hardner, 2000). For example, practitioners and researchers. Restored forests
Brown and Hardner (2000) estimated that some may later become seed sources for further res-
59 unrelated gametes are required to obtain toration, both in the landscape through natural
95 percent of the alleles in a local population, but seed dispersal and through collection of FRM. This
twice as many gametes are needed if alleles at aspect should be taken into consideration when
different loci are represented at equal frequen- planning restoration, especially for rare, endemic
cy. Translated into practical terms, this means
that in a completely outcrossing species at least 32
  Also see
30–60 randomly selected trees should be sampled databases/tree-seeds-for-farmers for additional manuals and
(Rogers and Montalvo, 2004). When outcrossing guidelines.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

or endangered species for which the availability On the bright side, it is becoming feasible to
of appropriate FRM is often already very limited. conduct genetic analyses for increasing numbers
Maintaining records on the sources of FRM is es- of species as costs decline and new techniques
sential, as it will inform decisions about future proliferate. As availability of genetic data for a
collection sites for restoration materials. Such re- larger number of species increases, it will become
cords will also allow lessons to be learned as the possible to design restoration efforts in such a
restored forests mature and will permit evalua- way that they also contribute to conservation of
tion of the fitness of the populations (Rogers and genetic variation in target species. However, it
Montalvo, 2004). The objective of establishing a would be unrealistic to assume that genetic data
future seed source provides further impetus for will become available soon for all relevant native
ensuring a sound genetic basis of initial FRM. species in restoration projects. In the meantime,
Efforts should be made to avoid the conventional guidelines about how to safely extrapolate knowl-
risks of “seed collection chains” (e.g. Lengkeek, edge about the genetic diversity of well-studied
Jaenicke and Dawson, 2004; Pakkad et al., 2008) species to broader groups of plants with compara-
whereby successive use for seed collection of ble characteristics would be very helpful to guide
planted stands with low genetic diversity exacer- decision-making processes in restoration pro-
bates the effects of a narrow genetic base in sub- jects. Certain characteristics, such as reproduction
sequent populations. Increased use of certifica- mode, breeding systems, and means of seed and
tion schemes, such as that of the Organisation for pollen dispersal (called life-history traits; Hamrick
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Godt, 1990, 1996), have been shown to cor-
scheme for certification of FRM (OECD, 2011), and relate with patterns of genetic diversity. In the
the associated guidelines and protocols should be absence of direct genetic information, such traits
promoted in this respect, because they not only may provide some guidance about the genetic
ensure systematic record-keeping but also trace- structure of species, especially in species-rich tropi-
ability of germplasm movement. cal forests (Rogers and Montalvo, 2004; Vranckx
Examples included in this study illustrate how et al., 2012). As such, genetic patterns recorded
conservation of genetic variation is often well for well-studied species could be generalized to
integrated in restoration efforts that focus on other species with similar life-history traits to for-
particular species (see, for example, sections 15.1 mulate recommendations, for example on the col-
and 15.2). In such cases, restoration activities are lection of FRM for capturing adequate divers­ity,
based on analysis of the genetic diversity of a spe- risks of fragmentation for the quality of natural
cies within the country or across its distribution seed sources or required population densities in
range in order to identify distinctive populations mixed stands for groups of species. Restoration
and optimal seed sources for each restoration efforts and research are recommended to strive
site. Such approaches are particularly valuable for to understand and account for differences in pat-
conserving and multiplying the genetic resources terns of genetic variation between species groups
of adaptively or historically distinct populations in order to more effectively capture adequate di-
and thus conserving adaptive capacity within a versity for establishing viable tree populations for
species – even for widespread species that are not a full range of native species. However, care has
threatened. However, lack of knowledge about to be taken not to over-extrapolate observations
the extent and distribution of genetic variation in made in one particular geographical area or spe-
all but a few widely planted, mainly commercial, cies (Duminil et al., 2007). For example, in some
tree species, especially in the tropics, currently cases, genetically highly diverse tree populations
constrains adequate planning of targeted species identified in single-species studies were found
restoration. to coincide with areas that also had the highest
species and ecosystem diversity (e.g. Gallo et al.,

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

2009), whereas in other cases quite the opposite 16.2. 

Species selection and
was observed, with genetic diversity in wide- availability
spread species not b ­ eing congruent with species
richness (e.g. Taberlet et al., 2012). Survey results: Lack of FRM of native tree species
was the most common constraint to the wider
16.1.1.  N
 eeds for research, policy application of the various restoration methods.
and action Availability of FRM was limited, above all, by lack
• Quantify the risks associated with genetic of knowledge of species biology (e.g. phenology
mismatching resulting from the use or propagation methods) and lack of populations
of narrow or exotic genetic diversity, of the target species in the vicinity of the restora-
including long-term studies. Identify the tion area. Availability of FRM and ease of propa-
critical thresholds for genetic diversity in gation and cultivation were the most important
restoration material and the key variables reasons for the choice of species after the suc-
for well-matched sources of FRM. Studies cessional characteristics of the species, and were
should be initiated in systems that are considered more decisive than, for example, func-
simple in terms of species and structural tional characteristics or conservation status of
diversity to facilitate understanding of the species. Most respondents implied that FRM
genetic and ecological interactions. was collected and nursery seedlings were raised
• Develop and promote decision-support tools as part of the restoration effort. One out of four
for collecting germplasm for restoration that respondents reported that exotic species were
consider the variation in genetic patterns regularly used. The most common reasons for the
among tree species and ways of predicting use of exotic species were their functional charac-
it for lesser-known species based on life- teristics or product preferences.
history traits of species. Such tools should In spite of the growing recognition that native
allow determination of whether remaining species are best for ecosystem restoration, their
populations of a species in the landscape wider use often seems to be constrained by the
are likely to contain adequate diversity lack of knowledge about their biology, such as
for sourcing good-quality FRM, and how phenology or propagation techniques, and diffi-
to identify alternative or complementary culties in sourcing FRM. Limitations in knowledge
sources of FRM when necessary. may be so severe that they compromise the opti-
• Create wider awareness among restoration mal selection of species for restoration and result
practitioners about the risks of using FRM in including exotic species because native alterna-
with a narrow genetic base. Promote the tives are not known. Yet the Leguminosae fam-
adoption of national or international ily, for example, is known to comprise more than
certification schemes, standards and 23 000 species,33 many of which are nitrogen-fix-
guidelines for collecting FRM and ing, which implies wide-ranging possibilities of
documenting its origin. using native legume species for site amelioration
• Promote awareness of the potential in virtually any area targeted for restoration.
of individual restoration projects to While large gaps remain in knowledge about
contribute to species conservation and the biology and ecology of most native tree spe-
serve as future seed sources, especially cies, especially in the tropics, it is noteworthy
for rare, endemic and endangered tree that a considerable amount of useful informa-
species. Develop approaches and tools for tion about many species has already been col-
planning, coordination and communication lected over the years in various studies and field
of restoration activities that support these

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

visits. Much of this information is hidden in grey Training Initiative, Yale University)36 has devel-
literature, and often written in language that is oped annotated literature lists relevant to res-
inaccessible to those working directly in the field toration, including grey literature, as well as
(Boshier et al., 2009). Similarly, several contribu- information on dozens of restoration projects.
tors to this study indicated that when they began The Seed Information Database37 of the Royal
to develop their respective restoration methods, Botanic Gardens, Kew, includes information on
there was a preference for species that were com- optimal germination protocols and other traits
monly available and for which some information such as seed storage behaviour on more than
already existed. As knowledge on (other) native 11 000 tree and shrub species (July 2012), and the
species in the area improved, it became possible UK Germination Toolbox,38 also from Kew, pro-
to select species more in accordance with their vides detailed information on germination for
functional characteristics, competitive abilities native species in United Kingdom.
or other desirable properties. Existing local and Exotic species are recognized by many resto-
traditional knowledge about species, their propa- ration practitioners as important under certain
gation and management can be an important circumstances (Newton, 2011; Alexander et al.,
information source and should be better docu- 2011a; Lamb, 2012). Many exotic species are
mented and integrated in restoration efforts known to grow well under harsh conditions and
(Douterlungne et al., 2010). to improve site conditions, for example through
The limited number of native species for which biological nitrogen fixation. Therefore, they are
information is available from long-term studies often included as nurse crops in the choice of ini-
and adaptive management, as well as the difficul- tial species to ameliorate the microenvironment
ty of access to that information, forces many res- on very degraded sites and to facilitate the later
toration practitioners to compromise species se- introduction of native species that may be less tol-
lection or conduct their own ad hoc experiments. erant (see, for example, sections 13.1 and 14.6).
Enhancing the public availability of information In particular, late-successional species may need
on species with potential in restoration efforts the protection of nurse plants against drought,
would considerably benefit the community of direct solar radiation or drying winds, and may be
restoration practitioners and researchers. To have unable to establish on sites where soil structure,
the greatest impact, information should be made chemistry or hydrology differ considerably from
freely accessible and easily searchable. Translation natural forest ecosystems. In some cases, planting
into non-specialist or local languages should be a non-invasive, non-persistent exotic species may
considered, at least for the most important species be a more ecologically compatible solution than
in each area. Some publicly available databases choosing an ill-adapted population as a source
and tools with information relevant to restoration of a native species that may genetically contami-
already exist. The Agroforestree database34 and nate resident populations (Rogers and Montalvo,
the Useful Tree Species for Africa,35 both by the 2004). Exotic species may later be intentionally re-
World Agroforestry Centre, include information moved (e.g. before they reach reproductive age),
on propagation and distribution of hundreds of or may be outcompeted by developing vegetation
tree species. The Tropical Restoration Information once the native vegetation is well established.
Clearinghouse (Environmental Leadership and In restoration or rehabilitation projects that
include production objectives, one frequent mo-

agroforestree 37

useful-tree-species-africa publications/uk-germination-tool-box/

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

tivation for using exotic species is preference for cause the production of species is often guided
specific products, for example valuable timber or by general ­demand, supply and ease of propaga-
fruits. Common perceptions of superior growth tion (see Insight 6: Seed availability: a case study).
or functional characteristics of exotics compared Nurseries, private or public, have limited resourc-
with native species are at least in part related es and logically try to minimize costs associated
to better knowledge of some traditional socio­ with collecting FRM of species that are not nor-
economically important species than of native mally produced or are from remote areas. Storing
species. However, according to the contributors to and growing FRM with a wide genetic base for a
this study, the use of exotic species was commonly large number of non-commercial species can be
motivated by their specific products or services, extremely expensive. As it can take several years
and seldom only by a lack of information on or from collection until the material is ready for
availability of native species. When native species transplanting, nursery operations need to know
were highly valued in restoration efforts, lack of what future demand will be, or to predict future
information or FRM on those species may have re- demand, which involves considerable risk.
sulted in their use but in lower numbers, or in use Often, little information is available on the
of native species less suited to the site conditions origin of germplasm in commercial nurseries
or restoration objectives, rather than resorting to and how it was collected (see Chapter 3 and
exotic species. Chapter 9).
Introduction of exotics in restoration projects Uncertainty about the identity of FRM may in-
should be carefully planned and based on knowl- crease the risk of genetic mismatching, as the ma-
edge of the species and their characteristics. This terial may represent too narrow a genetic base or
is particularly important in the light of climate be genetically too distant, increasing the risks of
change, since changes in habitat conditions may maladaption to the target site and genetic con-
alter species interactions, for example worsening tamination (Rogers and Montalvo, 2004). Where
problems related to invasiveness (Hulme, 2012; data are available, collection practice often tar-
Lamb, 2012). Research is needed to better under­ gets the “lowest hanging fruit” of easily accessed
stand the ecological and socioeconomic trade-offs trees, which may result in genetic bottlenecks
between exotics and native species in a variety of (Lengkeek, Jaenicke and Dawson, 2005; see also
contexts, and more specifically the factors that Lee, 2000; Hai et al., 2008) and associated reduced
currently limit the use of native species, includ- fitness in planted trees.
ing lack of knowledge on propagation methods, Any restoration project that uses nursery seed­
availability of FRM and limits imposed by people’s lings should, where possible, include a nursery
prejudices. strategy from the outset and integrate the costs
By far the most common planting material in and time required for the development of FRM.
restoration projects seems to be nursery-grown This would help to avoid dependency on com-
seedlings, and the possibility of using optimal monly available FRM, allow collection standards
species combinations and FRM that are both on genetic diversity to be met and provide suf-
adapted to site conditions and genetically di- ficient time for propagating the germplasm us-
verse appears often limited by what is available ing methods tailored to the project. The selection
in nurseries. Nursery operations range from very of species can then be better guided by analysis
small-scale roadside enterprises to large, efficient, of the natural vegetation and the current and
commercial suppliers, and may be commercially future habitat conditions rather than being sub-
driven or directly linked to projects, local com- ject to the vagaries and practicalities of supply.
munities, institutions or the state. In commercial Enhancing the establishment and use of commu-
nurseries the range of available species, particu- nity nurseries could contribute both to the use of
larly native species, is generally low, largely be- an increased number of local tree species and to

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

an improved sense of ownership of restoration helpful to analyse the implications of creating or

activities among local people. Many rural people extending such subsidies to ecosystem restoration
have a deep knowledge about their environment, and conditioning them to the use of adequate
including habitat and growth requirements, phe- germplasm.
nology and usefulness of locally available species.
Current initiatives to develop and test community 16.2.1.  N
 eeds for research, policy
nursery guidelines and protocols through partici- and action
patory research with local practitioners should be • Conduct applied research to understand
strengthened and intensified to ensure that FRM the potential of native species to achieve
produced in local nurseries is of good quality, ap- various restoration objectives in assorted
propriate to the target site and originates from states of site degradation and ecological
a sufficient number of genetically diverse par- and socioeconomic contexts. Analyse the
ent trees. Certification systems such as the OECD ecological and socioeconomic trade-offs
scheme for certification of FRM (OECD, 2011) ex- related to the use of exotic versus native
ist to ensure the quality of FRM and reduce the species, and the factors that currently
risk of its uncertain origin, and their use should be constrain wider use of native species.
promoted in ecosystem restoration. Develop knowledge-based decision-support
In addition to improving nursery strategies, tools for identifying the conditions under
considering a wider selection of different restora- which the use of exotic species in ecosystem
tion approaches and types of FRM could help to restoration can be considered beneficial and
include a more diverse set of species in restora- justified, or risky and best avoided.
tion efforts. For example, seed banks store large • Improve access to information that is
amounts of seed of many species and sources, and relevant for the restoration community,
many of them also supply seed for restoration or particularly data on the biology and ecology
afforestation purposes. Some larger restoration of native species. Encourage restoration
projects have established their own seed banks, researchers and practitioners to share
to compile and securely store diverse germplasm information and contribute results to
until required (see Insight 7: The role of seed publicly available databases, and develop
banks in habitat restoration). new decision-support tools for facilitating
Creating demand for good-quality germplasm the selection of species and restoration
of native tree species through political commit- methods. Ensure access to information
ments, supportive and regulatory frameworks is by local restoration practitioners, farmers
necessary for effecting large-scale changes in the and other stakeholders by developing and
production and supply chains of FRM for restora- promoting appropriate communication
tion. Such frameworks should explicitly address technologies and products and provision of
species and germplasm selection and the role of information in locally relevant languages
native tree species in ecosystem restoration. For that uses easily understandable terminology
example, development of zoning systems for and accessible formats.
sourcing FRM and mechanisms for their imple- • Raise awareness among restoration
mentation could result in more consistent use of practitioners of the need for early planning
appropriate germplasm in restoration projects. of appropriate and adequate germplasm
When developing such supportive and regulatory supplies of desired species, including
frameworks, appropriate financing mechanisms the associated time and costs. Envisage
should also be identified. For example, in many best ways to embed collection of FRM
countries large-scale afforestation projects re- and nursery production in projects from
ceive subsidies from the government. It would be the outset. Improve documentation of

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

collection and propagation of FRM as well production of seedlings, while crucial aspects of
as communication channels, cooperation identifying the preferred origin or provenance of
and feedback loops between seed suppliers, germplasm, collection methods and tending of
nurseries and restoration projects. seedlings on site after planting are often over-
• Analyse the needs and options for support looked. Selection pressures on seedlings in nurs-
and regulatory frameworks tailored to eries are quite different from those in a degrad-
the restoration of forested ecosystems ed forest. Many more seedlings can reach older
and production and supply of FRM. Such life stages in nurseries than would in the forest,
frameworks should explicitly address the where selective pressures are often more severe.
role and use of native species and the Selection in the nursery that mimics natural selec-
minimum set of genetic considerations that tion in degraded ecosystems can filter out inbred
should be taken into account, the role and individuals and produce healthy, vigorous seed-
knowledge of local communities and other lings. On the other hand, some of the selection
stakeholders, and capacity strengthening exercised at nurseries may unnecessarily (and un-
of local nurseries and seed companies, intentionally) narrow down or cause directional
as appropriate. Develop and implement changes in the genetic diversity among seedlings
the frameworks based on needs analysis, (Gillet, Gömöry and Paule, 2005). It is not well
ensuring adequate financing for the understood to what extent characteristics such
activities. as slow shoot growth at seedling stage relate to
genetic diversity and viability, and what the ge-
netic consequences may be of systematic removal
Choice of restoration and of certain phenotypes from the nursery seedling
propagation methods pool. Increasing the genetic diversity of planting
stock used in nurseries can help ensure that seed-
Survey results: Nursery seedlings were by far lings are fit to survive and establish in the degrad-
the most common FRM used across the range of ed ecosystem in sufficient numbers. Special care
restoration methods, followed by wildings and should be given to avoid unintentional selection
seeds. With few exceptions, the respondents indi- of traits during harvest of seed for propagation.
cated that nursery seedlings were very often used For example, seed dormancy and seed shattering,
as FRM in the restoration method they presented. which can be important adaptive traits in plants,
Wildings were also used as FRM in most of the are often selected against and lost unintention-
cases, and in half of the cases direct seeding was ally under standard seed harvesting and propaga-
sometimes applied. Although vegetative propa- tion practices (Cai and Morishima, 2002). Growth
gation was mentioned it was not often used. rate and timing of flowering and fruiting are
There was a reliance on natural regeneration other traits that are subject to unintentional se-
when constraints to regeneration (e.g. excessive lection. Harvesting seed in a narrow time window
grazing) were solved. can reduce genetic variation in terms of timing of
Nursery seedlings are very commonly used flowering if there is wide genetically controlled
in restoration efforts, and may currently be the variation in flowering and maturation of seed in
most feasible propagation method for many the parental population. Harvesting seed towards
species. However, if direct seeding or vegetative the beginning or end of seed maturity may simi-
propagation can be used, these techniques are larly result in genetic shifts in the trait (Rogers
less expensive and generally require less labour and Montalvo, 2004).
and care than production and planting of nurs- Restoration researchers consistently highlight
ery seedlings (see Chapter 8). The nursery phase the need for careful assessment of site condi-
generally seems to receive much attention in the tions and factors that restrict regeneration before

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

choosing an appropriate restoration method and tion of tree populations restored through natural
set of species (e.g. FORRU, 2006; Holl and Aide, or artificial recruitment processes (Pakkad et al.,
2011; section 14.1). In sites with low to interme­ 2004, 2008; Burgarella et al., 2007; Navascues and
diate levels of degradation, where soils are largely Emerson, 2007; Liu et al., 2008; Broadhurst, 2011;
intact and there are sufficient genetic sources for Ritchie and Krauss, 2012; s­ection 15.4). Research
the next generation (e.g. parent plants or soil is needed on this topic for landscapes in different
seed bank), natural regeneration may be the best states of degradation and for different species to
choice (Chazdon, 2008). If natural regeneration provide guidance for restoring viable, genetically
potential is good, it may suffice to tend natural diverse populations through natural regenera-
seedlings already occurring on the site and to con- tion and seed dispersal.
trol suppressing factors such as competing vegeta- In sites where diverse natural seed sources are
tion or grazing by animals (see sections 12.3, 12.4, lacking, or seed sources suffer from genetic ero-
14.1, and 15.3). Seedling recruitment can be pro- sion, introducing additional FRM (and genetic
moted by planting fast-growing species to attract diversity) may either be advantageous (Rogers
natural seed dispersers to the site and to provide and Montalvo, 2004) or simply the only solution,
shelter for other species that require some degree at least in the short term. In such areas, more re-
of shade (FORRU, 2006; section 12.2). Research has search is needed on alternatives to raising nurs-
shown the effectiveness of this method in recruit- ery seedlings, as well as on using a mixture of
ing a large number of seedlings and species to different FRM (Chapter 8). Little is known about
the site (Sinhaseni, 2008). In such conditions, in- the most suitable propagation methods for the
vesting in large-scale production of nursery seed­ majority of tropical tree species. While it is es-
lings and planting may not be an efficient use of timated that 80–90 percent of all plant species
resources. Natural regeneration bypasses the risks produce orthodox seed, the proportion is clearly
associated with introducing FRM and hence pro- lower among tree species in the humid tropics,
motes maintenance of genetic integrity (Rogers where only 50 percent of plant species may have
and Montalvo, 2004). Additionally, this approach orthodox seed (Tweddle et al., 2003; Kettle, 2012)
constantly allows the best-adapted seedlings to and are thus more difficult to propagate from
be recruited and hence builds in some capability seed. Future research should seek to determine
to cope with changing environmental conditions. which types of species are suitable for restoration
However, natural regeneration may be susceptible through direct seeding under what conditions
to genetic bottlenecks where seed trees are few. (FORRU, 2006: 62) and how the effectiveness of
Natural seed sources, whether on site or from direct seeding can be improved. Seed banks usu-
nearby forest areas, must be sufficiently large and ally carry out research for developing optimal
diverse to provide a sound genetic basis for the germination protocols, and may be both valuable
restored tree populations. Seed produced by trees sources of information and excellent research
in small fragmented forest patches in a non-forest partners on species propagation for restoration
landscape matrix may be of poor quality because purposes (Hardwick et al., 2011; see Insight 7: The
of inbreeding and genetic drift (Lowe et al., 2005; role of seed banks in habitat restoration).
Eckert et al., 2010; but see Chapter 2). Much de- Vegetative material can be a valid alternative
pends on the pollination and mating system of the or complement to seedlings for species that are
tree species in question. For example, the genetic easily propagated vegetatively, especially when
consequences of fragmentation may differ be- FRM is otherwise scarce or lacking (Chapter 8), as
tween wind-, animal- or insect-pollinated species may be the case for rare and endangered species.
and between self-incompatible and self-compati- However, suitability for vegetative propagation,
ble species (Vranckx et al., 2012; Chapter 4). So far, for example, the rooting ability of cuttings, may
few studies have examined the ­genetic composi- vary between genotypes. There does not appear to

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

be any evidence that a species’ ability to reproduce for different species of using seedlings
vegetatively is associated with lower levels of ge- produced under the relaxed selective
netic diversity, and clonal plants seem to display in- environment of the nursery.
termediate levels of diversity (in the overall range • Create awareness of the importance of
of genetic diversity for plant species) (Ellstrand carefully evaluating site conditions as a basis
and Roose, 1987; Rogers and Montalvo, 2004). for choosing the restoration approach that
However, at population level, and especially for best addresses the causes of degradation
planted material such as living fencerows, there is and the types of FRM most likely to ensure
evidence of reduced genetic diversity. It is impor- successful establishment of viable tree
tant to ensure that the source material for vegeta- populations and most efficient in terms of
tive propagation is of adequate genetic diversity use of resources.
to avoid inbreeding depression in subsequent gen-
erations and ensure future viability and resilience
of the stand (e.g. reduce disease susceptibility). 16.4. 
Restoring species
Ultimately, FRM must be chosen to match the associations
environmental conditions, including the level of
degradation of the restoration site. Germination Survey results: Only a third of the respondents
and initial establishment of seedlings are the indicated that the restoration methods they had
most sensitive phases of the whole development used deliberately considered restoration of spe-
of the restored forest ecosystem. In some cases, cies associations or symbiotic relationships.
changing climatic conditions and moderate to se- Most restoration efforts appear to focus ex-
vere site degradation could modify the environ- plicitly on restoration of the tree component in
mental conditions of a restoration site in such a forest ecosystems. Such focus may be based on
way that only nursery-grown seedlings or saplings the general perception that trees are commonly
that have already survived through some of the foundation species in the ecosystems where they
early critical phases can ensure regeneration. occur, facilitating the occurrence and evolution
of other less prominent organisms (Lamit et al.,
16.3.1.  N
 eeds for research, policy 2011). However, this overlooks the fact that dur-
and action ing their growth and development trees them-
• Carry out research to develop and test selves interact with and depend on many other
suitable restoration and propagation species, including pollinators, seed dispersers,
methods and decision-making tools for a herbivores and symbiotic organisms such as my-
variety of native tree species and states of corrhizal fungi or nitrogen-fixing bacteria. There
site degradation. Research should include is increasing awareness that genetic variation in
analysing the genetic composition of tree one species affects that in another species, result-
populations restored through different ing in complex co-evolutionary processes within
approaches and comparisons with existing entire ecosystems (community genetics; Whitham
tree populations in the surrounding et al., 2003, 2006). In forest ecosystems such rela-
landscape or in similar conditions further tions may arise, for example, when bird or mycor-
away to help ensure the genetic integrity rhizal fungal species preferentially associate with
of the restored plant communities. Phased particular genotypes of a tree species. In some
analysis to track the development of genetic cases, species and genotype relationships may
diversity at restored sites over multiple have significant impacts on successful establish-
generations would help to refine guidance ment of a population (Ingleby et al., 2007) or may
for good nursery practice, for example, by ameliorate negative impacts of abiotic or biotic
assessing the long-term fitness consequences stresses such as herbivory (Jactel and Brockerhoff,

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

Box 16.1.
Mycorrhizal and rhizobial symbioses

Mycorrhizal and rhizobial symbioses are among the References

most obvious beneficial associations to consider Bratek, Z. 2008. Mycorrhizal research applied to experiences
for successful restoration. For example, mycorrhizal in plantations of mycorrhizal mushrooms, especially in
symbiosis is known to improve the vitality of plants Central Europe. In J.I. Lelley & J.A. Buswell, eds. Mushroom
biology and mushroom products. Proceedings of the
under various stresses (Van Tichelen, Colpaert and Sixth International Conference on Mushroom Biology and
Vangronsveld, 2002; Domínguez-Núñez et al., 2006), Mushroom Products, pp. 272–286. Bonn, Germany, World
and growth capacity of various tree species planted Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products.
in truffle plantations in Central Europe was correlated Domínguez-Núñez, J.A., Selva-Serrano, J., Rodríguez-
Barreal, J.A. & Saiz de Omeñaca-González, J.A. 2006.
with mycorrhizal colonization (Bratek, 2008).
The influence of mycorrhization with Tuber melanosporum
Efficiency of the symbiotic associations is affected in the afforestation of a Mediterranean site with Quercus
by the identity of both the host plants and microbial ilex and Quercus faginea. Forest Ecol. Manag., 231:
symbionts. Nutrient acquisition or nitrogen fixation 226–233.
may vary significantly according to the plant–microbe Hart, M.M., Reader, R.J. & Klironomos, J.N. 2003. Plant
coexistence mediated by arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi.
combinations (e.g. Lesueur et al., 2001). Moreover, Trends Ecol. Evol., 18: 418–423.
there is increasing evidence that mycorrhizal Ingleby, K., Wilson, J., Munro, R.C. & Cavers, S. 2007.
symbioses are capable of altering competitive Mycorrhizas in agroforestry: spread and sharing of
relationships between plants and consequently arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi between trees and crops:
complementary use of molecular and microscopic
composition of entire plant communities (van der
approaches. Plant Soil, 294: 125–136.
Heijden et al., 1998; Hart, Reader and Klironomos, Lesueur, D., Ingleby, K., Odee, D., Chamberlain, J.,
2003). Although natural inocula of mycorrhizal fungi Wilson, J., Manga, T.T., Sarrailh J.-M. & Pottinger, A.
or rhizobia can usually be found in soils on restoration 2001. Improvement of forage production in Calliandra
sites, their populations may have changed because calothyrsus: methodology for the identification of an
effective inoculum containing Rhizobium strains and
of changes in environmental conditions. Mycorrhizal arbuscular mycorrhizal isolates. J. Biotechnol., 91:
fungal species found in closed forests may differ 269–282.
from those in areas under anthropogenic influence Nandakwang, P., Elliott, S., Youpensuk, S., Dell, B.,
(Öpik et al., 2006). Inoculation of propagules in the Teaumroon, N. & Lumyong, S. 2008. Arbuscular
mycorrhizal status of indigenous tree species used to
nursery with appropriate mycorrhizal fungi or rhizobia
restore seasonally dry tropical forest in northern Thailand.
or by seed treatment can facilitate and accelerate Res. J. Microbiol., 3(2): 51–61.
seedling establishment by increasing the availability Öpik, M., Moora, M., Liira, J. & Zobel, M. 2006.
of nutrients and water. Importantly, it can assist Composition of root-colonizing arbuscular mycorrhizal
seedlings in the crucial early years of restoration, for fungal communities in different ecosystems around the
globe. J. Ecol., 94: 778–790.
example in overcoming competition with undergrowth van der Heijden, M.G.A., Klironomos, J.N., Ursic, M.,
or in tolerating the more extreme weather conditions Moutoglis, P., Streitwolf-Engel, R., Boller, T., Wiemken,
and drought found in degraded open areas. There is A. & Sanders, I.R. 1998. Mycorrhizal fungal diversity
clear evidence that inoculation can increase success determines plant biodiversity, ecosystem variability and
productivity. Nature, 396: 69–72.
rates in plantings (Lesueur et al., 2001; Ingleby et al.,
Van Tichelen, K.K., Colpaert, J.V. & Vangronsveld, J. 2002.
2007). Mycorrhizal colonization can be facilitated by Ectomycorrhizal protection of Pinus sylvestris against
the choice of potting medium and nursery practices, copper toxicity. New Phytol., 150: 203–213.
such as establishing forest nurseries and storing
seedlings near the ground where they can be more
easily infected by native soil fungi (Nandakwang
et al., 2008).

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

2007). Overall, higher species and genetic diver- in inocula to trigger bioactivation and recoloni-
sity improves the stability and resilience of entire zation of soil life, and to promote decomposi-
ecosystems and ecosystem recovery to climate ex- tion of organic material, thus increasing nutrient
tremes, which is of increasing importance under availability. This approach has been successfully
environmental change (Gregorius, 1996; Elmqvist applied on highly degraded soils, such as gold
et al., 2003; Muller-Starck, Ziehe and Schubert, mine spoils (section 14.6).
2005; Reusch et al., 2005; Paquette and Messier, Analysis of site conditions as a basis for iden-
2010; Thompson et al., 2010; Alexander et al., tifying appropriate restoration methods should
2011a; Gerber, 2011; Isbell et al., 2011; Sgro, Lowe include the associated species present or required
and Hoffmann, 2011), although the relationship in the system (e.g. symbiotic or herbivorous spe-
between diversity and associated species can be cies or species that compete for habitat), their life
complex (Castagneyrol et al., 2012). cycles and probable effects on restoration pro-
The genetic diversity of FRM from genetically cesses. This also requires study of the approaches
distant sources might have consequences for the required for promoting their establishment and
species associations that they are used to restore, survival and restoring and managing their func-
in some cases leading to cascading effects through­ tions. It is noteworthy that exotics can also con-
out the ecological community. For example, when tribute to species associations, although there
plant populations are introduced with earlier or is a lot still to learn about the implications and
later flowering and seed-setting times than the risks related to the introduction of exotics (weeds,
resident populations, this might have consequenc- herbivores, mycorrhizal and other fungi, bacteria
es for associated animal species such as pollinators and insects) in specific systems. As a general rule,
or seed dispersers (Rogers and Montalvo, 2004). it is wise to avoid introducing FRM of uncertain
Analysis of the dynamics of the main energy chains origin and on which information is scarce. Lastly,
within the ecosystem can help to identify the inter­ it would be particularly valuable to consider inter-
dependencies of species and traits. actions of multiple species at the landscape scale,
Restoration projects should, as far as pos- bearing in mind the potential costs and benefits
sible, create appropriate conditions to foster to other land uses, including other forest types
restoration of the interactions and associations (Carnus et al., 2006).
between species and genotypes. This should
both improve success rates for restoration and 16.4.1.  N
 eeds for research, policy
promote the biodiversity benefits of restora- and action
tion projects. Most restoration methods rely at • Analyse the importance and strength of
least partly on natural recruitment of seedlings relationships among foundation species,
to the restoration site, and their success, there- associated organisms and their genotypes
fore, crucially depends on the restoration of pol- and the implications of the relationships
lination and seed dispersal within the ecosystem for successful establishment of diverse and
and landscape. Enhancing diverse species asso- viable tree populations. Identify success
ciations also promotes optimal use of growth factors and develop practical approaches
resources at restoration sites. Using pioneer spe- and guidelines for restoring species
cies that form effective symbiotic relationships associations using different restoration
with mycorrhizal fungi, nitrogen-fixing bacteria methods and in different ecosystem and
or both could contribute to improving site condi- landscape contexts. Develop and test
tions, provide inocula to assist establishment of models for predicting the likely benefits
other species and, as such, help ensure successful of restoration to plant-community
restoration. Additionally, other fungi and bacte- relationships, biodiversity conservation, and
ria that are not necessarily symbiotic can be used ecosystem function and resilience.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

• Raise awareness of the importance of to other restoration efforts. Ensuring ecologically

species associations for the successful and genetically effective connectivity requires
restoration of ecosystem functions and that mating systems, pollen- and seed-dispersal
promote the consideration of species distances or landscape permeability to gene flow
associations in the planning and design of are taken into account from the outset of resto-
restoration projects. ration projects. For tree stands to contribute to
gene flow it is important to make sure that FRM
is genetically matched to the remaining (frag-
Integrating restoration mented) populations of the same species (Rogers
initiatives in human and Montalvo, 2004). Hence, if FRM is obtained
landscape mosaics from outside the target area, the risk of hybridi-
zation with existing populations needs to be con-
Survey results. Area of application varied widely sidered (Chapter 2 and Chapter 6).
within and among methods, but the most typical Species pollinated by generalist pollinators are
size reported for restoration actions was about generally more readily connected within a land­
10 ha. Two out of three respondents indicated scape than species with specialized or low-energy
that landscape connectivity needs to be considered pollinators (Vranckx et al., 2012). It is important
when applying their restoration method. Land- to ensure favourable conditions for pollinator
scape considerations were most commonly associ- survival and mobility, especially for the latter
ated with seed dispersal distances from surround- type of pollinators. Connectivity and gene flow
ing forests to the restoration site. The majority of are important for both self-compatible and self-­
respondents considered carbon sequestration and incompatible species: lack of cross-pollination can
restoration of habitats for flora and fauna as the result in increased selfing and inbreeding depres-
most common benefits expected from restored sion in the former and in reduced seed set in the
forests, while production of timber, fodder or latter. Site conditions should also be attractive to
fuelwood were considered important by only half seed dispersers that promote natural dispersal
of the respondents. Half of respondents reported and recruitment (Markl et al., 2012). Although
that the restoration methods they used could in in many cases knowledge of species biology and
some cases be applied to agroforestry or other ecology may not be readily available, it is impor-
land-use types, integrating livelihood aspects. tant to learn as much as possible before initiat-
Very little is known about minimum viable ing a restoration project. Interaction with indig-
population or effective breeding unit sizes of enous and other local human communities can
tree species, especially of those that occur in be very useful and rewarding as they often hold
species-rich tropical forests where population extensive knowledge of the ecology of their lo-
densities are often low. However, from theory, cal plants and associated fauna. When planning
it has been suggested that at least 50 unrelated restoration activities, it may in some cases also be
reproductive trees are needed to form a viable useful to use historically reconstructed reference
population and avoid inbreeding (Brown and land­scapes and ecosystems based on historical
Hardner, 2000; Frankham, Ballou and Briscoe, ecology techniques (Egan and Howell, 2005). This
2002). Estimates of the typical area of applica- allows restoration trajectories to be anchored in
tion of restoration methods suggest that many historical time (Chapter 10).
sites for ecosystem restoration may be too small In many tropical areas, the success of resto-
to sustain viable populations of tree species on ration practices depends on the engagement
their own. Therefore, it is important to design of local communities (Newton, 2011), not as a
restoration projects in a way that connects them workforce but as true participants and direct
to existing tree populations in the landscape or beneficiaries of restoration projects. People will

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

invest more and care more for species and systems ness among conservation biologists and rural
that correspond to their own needs and values. It development practitioners about the potential
must be recognized that in some cases local peo- role of on-farm conservation of biodiversity.
ple may prefer species for production purposes Overall, optimal allocation of restoration ­efforts
rather than ecosystem restoration, may not value at the landscape level requires close ­collaboration
non-timber forest products as highly as is often and coordination among the ­various landowners
assumed, or may prefer exotic species for their and users (see Chapter 11). Research is needed on
marketability, ease of production or other charac- the best means to ensure that individual restora-
teristics. It is noteworthy that half of the respond- tion projects add value to the landscape in terms
ents of the survey conducted for the preparation of connectivity between populations and habi-
of this study did not consider the restored ecosys- tats as well as complementarity of land uses and
tems as potentially important sources of timber, livelihood strategies of local people. Examples of
fuelwood or fodder, all of which are products that potentially useful approaches include the analysis
may often be of particularly high importance for of the viability of tree populations in providing
local livelihoods. This may be indicative of typi- products and services in diverse land-use mosaics;
cal ecology-oriented objectives in restoration re- development of distribution maps and analysis
search, whereas restoration practitioners may fo- of necessary landscape linkages (e.g. stepping
cus more on the utilitarian value of the restored stones, corridors or favourable land-use matri-
ecosystems. Nevertheless, there is increasing ces) and gaps for target species; development
recognition of the potential of managed ecosys- of species-specific action plans for conservation
tems to provide important ecosystem goods and through restoration; and regional-scale habitat
services, including carbon sequestration, nutrient corridor initiatives. Finally, landscape restoration
and water cycling and biodiversity conservation depends on national public policies and politics.
(Thompson et al., 2010). One contributor to this Decisions leading to large-scale forest conversion
thematic study pointed out that, in many parts of are taken by national and state governments, and
the world, local people have long-standing expe- these bodies are also able to take decisions that
rience with production systems that incorporate will reverse the trend. In spite of recent initia-
trees and agricultural plants and in many cases tives, landscape-scale restoration efforts are still
are undoubtedly more knowledgeable about the few and the area of restored forested ecosystems
species and appropriate propagation and plant- remains small in comparison with the 13 million
ing methods than researchers. He noted that hectares of forest converted to other land uses
what may often be missing is the promotion of each year (FAO, 2006).
the concept that such production systems also
have high potential for ecosystem restoration and 16.5.1.  N
 eeds for research, policy
conservation (see Chapter 4). and action
To improve the feasibility and the socioeco- • Consistently plan restoration efforts at a
nomic value of ecosystem restoration projects, landscape scale and seek to integrate them
efforts are needed to better understand and into the surrounding land-use matrix or
incorporate local people’s preferences for spe- existing networks of habitat corridors. The
cies, land uses and management options, and to presence of existing tree populations of
identify how outside interests can contribute to target species needs to be explicitly taken
or interfere with local objectives. Participation of into account to facilitate establishment and
local authorities is important for continuity and maintenance of viable tree populations.
coherence of restoration projects at the land- Develop and promote tools and
scape scale. In addition, education and training opportunities for learning, coordination,
curricula need to be broadened to raise aware- communication and joint decision-making

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

among landowners and users on the Several approaches have been suggested to
allocation of restoration efforts. build resilience to climate change in forest man-
• Carry out research on the best approaches agement and restoration initiatives. Given the
for ensuring that individual restoration uncertainty of future climatic conditions and lack
projects benefit from the landscape of knowledge of the nature and distribution of
context and add value to it in terms of adaptive traits of species, a prudent adaptation
ecological and genetic connectivity, land strategy at this time may be to increase popula-
uses and livelihood strategies. Transform tion sizes, enhance species and genetic diversity,
the main findings into practical decision- and ensure genetic and geographic connectivity
support tools for landscape planning. between different biotic elements of both natu-
Researchers should seek to consolidate ral and cultural landscapes (Ledig and Kitzmiller,
the role of production systems and on- 1992). The underlying assumption of this approach
farm conservation in providing ecosystem is that high levels of genetic and species diversity
goods and services while contributing and gene flow, along with large population sizes,
to landscape connectivity, and should will allow natural selection to shift fitness-­related
analyse the genetic impacts of different traits so that populations can adapt to changing
management practices and land-use environmental conditions (Thompson et al., 2010).
patterns on tree populations. Larger population sizes also buffer against the risk
• Advocate among politicians for policy of population extinction resulting from extreme
measures and decisions in favour of events, such as drought, storms or fire. Many tree
landscape-scale restoration of degraded species exhibit a high degree of plasticity in fit-
forest ecosystems. ness-related traits, which gives a population time
to adapt to changes (O’Neill, Hamann and Wang,
2008; Thompson et al., 2010; Mata, Voltas and Zas,
Climate change 2012). Tree species generally also have relatively
high genetic variation in adaptive traits, consti-
Survey results: Two out of five respondents indi- tuting latent adaptive potential that is expressed
cated that the restoration methods they use con- only when conditions change (Doi, Takahashi and
sider effects of climate change at least to some Katano, 2009; Thompson et al., 2010). High di-
extent. At the same time, only two of the 23 re- versity in FRM could be combined with increased
spondents provided explicit approaches for antici- planting densities or fostering natural recruitment
pating climate impacts. Climate change was most to increase the absolute amount of diversity in the
commonly related to changes in species compo- seedlings (Ledig and Kitzmiller, 1992; Guariguata
sition, with only two respondents explicitly men- et al., 2008; Chmura et al., 2011) and to anticipate
tioning intraspecific effects. relatively high mortality rates. The role of gen-
Climate change is expected to change habitat erational turnover is key to the capability of tree
and growth conditions rapidly and profoundly populations to adapt through shifts in standing
in most regions of the world. Some current com- genetic variation, and methods to accelerate it –
binations of climatic and edaphic conditions will such as gap creation – may have to be considered.
disappear or be strongly reduced in size, while Although many tree species have high capabil-
other entirely new combinations are expected to ity for gene flow among populations (Ward et al.,
emerge. Climate change will have a strong impact 2005; Dick et al., 2008) this may vary in accordance
on most restoration activities, yet at present few with species life-history traits such as pollination
restoration practitioners appear to purposefully patterns (Vranckx et al., 2012). Thus, appropriate
consider climate predictions in the design of res- (species-specific) conditions should be created to
toration activities. ensure genetic connectivity between existing and

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

restored populations to increase the selection be taken advantage of when sourcing more di-
pool and allow better-adapted recruits (contain- verse FRM that may represent adaptations to
ing new genetic variation from gene flow or new varying microclimates. Furthermore, drought
combinations of existing variation) to enter the gradients are present at large landscape scales
population (Newton, 2011). In a similar fashion, all over the world, and remnant trees within the
conditions should be created to promote the mo- more arid areas could be potential seed suppli-
bility and migration of plant and animal species, ers for restoration of the same species in neigh-
most notably pollinators and seed dispersers, to bouring areas that are currently still more humid.
habitats or microhabitats within or near to resto- Similarly, the gene pool of remaining trees on
ration sites where environmental conditions best sites that are already affected by climate change
match their requirements for survival, growth can provide a useful seed source for sites with
and reproduction. This can be achieved, for ex- conditions that are currently less extreme but still
ample, by facilitating movement across hard nearing the edge of the species’ tolerance. This is
edges such as human infrastructure (e.g. “biod- because such residual trees are survivors and may
ucts” over highways), or by taking advantage of be better adapted to the extreme conditions. The
the topographic heterogeneity of a site being quality of residual tree populations as seed sourc-
restored. Connectivity is also key in this context, es, including the risk of inbreeding and the risks
particularly in terms of providing migration path- associated with transfer of provenance, should,
ways (Rogers and Montalvo, 2004; Newton, 2011). however, be evaluated in all cases.
Degraded forest sites that require restora- If provenance trials have been established for
tion typically constitute tough environments for species of interest, it is possible to select prov-
seed­ ling establishment and growth. When the enances that are adapted to the expected cli-
climate simultaneously becomes harsher, natural matic conditions of a restoration site (Ledig and
or planted propagules experience high selection Kitzmiller, 1992; O’Neill, Hamann and Wang,
pressure. Hence, it is even more important than 2008; Wang, O’Neill and Aitken, 2010; O’Neill and
before to collect FRM from a large number of Nigh, 2011). However, provenance and progeny
parent trees to maximize genetic diversity (see trials that can provide knowledge about adaptive
Chapter 2). Especially where climate change is traits and climatic or environmental tolerance
already evident and suitable seed source popula- within species and populations exist mainly for
tions are available, FRM should be collected from introduced, commercially valuable species. They
a range of environmental conditions in the same cover only a small proportion of species of po-
or neighbouring seed zone to increase the varia- tential interest for restoration, and most of those
bility in adaptive traits and thus enhance adaptive trials that do exist do not sample the full species’
capacity of the next generations of established ranges. New trials should be established along
tree populations. This approach relies on the as- gradients of relevant variables, such as eleva-
sumption that the species have relatively high ge- tion, latitude and aridity, both within and outside
netic diversity in or near the target area; it may natural distribution areas of a species, and use
therefore be less relevant for species whose popu- various approaches, such as reciprocal transplant-
lations have been severely reduced or for species ing. The main purpose of such trials would be to
with naturally low genetic diversity. understand the extent and patterns of adaptive
Additionally, the expected direction of selec- variation, rather than just choosing the best-per-
tion could be taken into account, for example by forming provenance. Similarly, interpretation of
including FRM from warmer rather than cooler en- results from existing provenance trials originally
vironments or from drier or wetter e ­ nvironments, established for production purposes should be
depending on general climate predictions for the studied in the context of ecosystem restoration
region. Topographic variation in the area could and adaptation.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

Importantly, research is needed to understand typically moved upwards, anticipating that future
climatic tolerance of species and their genetic vari- climatic conditions at higher altitudes will be simi-
ants during the critical phases of tree life cycles, lar to those presently occurring at lower altitudes.
such as germination and seedling establishment. If In general, FRM could be moved along latitudi-
mortality risks during such phases are over­looked, nal gradients to help plant communities follow
the appropriateness of germplasm to given site changing temperature patterns. These selection
conditions may be misjudged and the success of strategies need to be combined with a study of
restoration compromised. As mentioned before, the expected future environmental and climatic
an important concern for FRM grown in nurseries changes and predicted rate of change for the
is that it may be exempted from normal selection restoration site to ensure that FRM selected has
pressures during germination and initial establish- the most potential to be resilient to future condi-
ment. These are precisely the stages during which tions. As stated previously, care must be taken to
trees typically experience the strongest selection evaluate the risks of provenance transfer. Species
pressures of their life cycle under normal field associations such as mycorrhizal symbionts or spe-
conditions. Exempting plants from such selection cific pollinators should be considered when plan-
pressures may result in poorly adapted seeds and ning provenance transfer.
seedlings in future generations. Tree breeders also Spatial species distribution models can be useful
can contribute to enhancing survival chances of tools to identify sources of FRM with potential ad-
planting stock under changing environmental con- aptation to extreme habitat conditions and to pre-
ditions, for example, by crossing provenances dis- dict the suitability of future climatic conditions for
playing adaptive traits of interest. Possible breed- given species on particular sites (O’Neill, Hamann
ing strategies include: (i) selecting and breeding, and Wang, 2008; Wang, O’Neill and Aitken, 2010;
for specialists, varieties that perform particularly Sáenz-Romero et al., 2010). Spatial models are al-
well in specific, defined conditions, and then using ready used to inform approaches to forest land-
them on the appropriate site types; and (ii) select- scape restoration by indicating those locations
ing and breeding, for generalists, varieties that within a landscape where particular restoration
perform at least moderately well in a broad range approaches would most likely be successful based
of environments (Ledig and Kitzmiller, 1992; see on local environmental conditions (Newton, 2011).
also Chapter 2 for other strategies). Given the un- In a similar way, spatial models could be employed
certainties of expected climate change, breeding to identify areas and cases where climate change
for generalists would be the better choice (Ledig considerations in restoration may be most impor-
and Kitzmiller, 1992). tant, for example, at the retreating edge of a spe-
In some cases habitat conditions will be al- cies range. The modelling approach allows projec-
tered by climate change to such an extent that tions of regeneration and spread of native forest
the classical preferential use of local germplasm under various anthropogenic disturbance regimes,
may no longer be valid. If climate conditions in providing insights into the potential for passive
the area are expected to change substantially, de- restoration approaches (Newton, 2011). However,
liberate moving of FRM along climate gradients spatial distribution models should be used with
may need to be considered (Ledig and Kitzmiller, caution. Their predictions are directly related to
1992). Examples of such strategies include assist- the quality of available data on species distribu-
ed migration based on predictive provenancing tion. Lack of distribution data, especially for many
(Chmura et al., 2011; Chapter 2). Such approaches tropical species, and alterations to natural species
can target both provenances and species, and in- distributions caused by human influence limit the
volve either matching of germplasm to a given application of such models. In addition, it should
restoration site or suitable sites to germplasm of be noted that species distribution models are usu-
interest. In mountainous areas planting stock is ally based on ­climatic factors only and often do

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

not take into account other factors affecting spe- a forest regulation has already been changed to
cies distribution, such as soil types, population ge- accommodate new seed transfer rules to better
netics or species plasticity and adaptive potential match seedlings to expected future conditions.
(O’Neill, Hamann and Wang, 2008). Such models Finally, planting stock that is best adapted to
typically do not treat species as dynamic entities changing environmental conditions and thus
and fail to build in evolutionary processes. Hence, most suitable for use in restoration projects may
the potential for in situ adaptive change is not ac- not always be available in the country of imple-
counted for and predictions of changes in distri- mentation. Hence, the need for cross-border
bution may be over-simplified. Therefore, results movement of germplasm will likely have to in-
of species distribution models should be ground- crease if ecosystem restoration projects are to be
truthed as much as possible before using them in designed to respond most effectively to climate
the design of restoration projects. In sum, distri- change. In light of this, there is an urgent need
bution models can be useful for obtaining first for countries to re-examine regulatory norms that
approximations of expected species distributions currently impede or excessively regulate germ-
or site conditions to inform restoration research, plasm movement across political borders (Koskela
but should not be used as self-standing tools for et al., 2010).
As noted above, several precautions should be 16.6.1.  N
 eeds for research, policy
borne in mind with respect to moving germplasm and action
along environmental and climatic gradients. First, • Given the uncertainty of future climate
there are clearly risks in the level of confidence predictions, the most prudent approach
with which predictions of future climates can be to preparing for climate change for most
made. Even if the predictions per se proved to be restoration efforts is to use as much as
correct, it is likely that in many cases novel envi- possible of the genetic and species diversity
ronments will emerge that are currently not part available near the restoration site or in
of species ranges, and suitable FRM may, there- sites with similar (macro)environmental
fore, be difficult to identify. Second, in addition conditions, which will allow natural
to climate, local adaptation has been shaped by selection to take its course and move
numerous factors, such as photoperiod, soil con- the restored population in the required
ditions, the local biotic environment, and com- direction. Restoration projects should
petitive and symbiotic relationships with other collect forest reproductive material from
species and their variants, including pest and a large number of parent trees and from
diseases (see section 16.4). Therefore, transfer- as many sites as possible with locally
ring germplasm on the basis of climatic gradients varying (microenvironmental) habitat
alone is usually not to be recommended as it risks conditions. Such approaches should be
exacerbating fitness deficits, potentially divert- used in combination with planning and
ing attention and resources from vital efforts to management strategies explicitly designed
bolster local population sizes through restoration to promote gene flow and facilitate species
and, at worst, causing genetic contamination or migration. In cases where genetic diversity
introducing new pests or diseases to existing pop- is lacking and where impacts of climate
ulations. In spite of these precautionary observa- change are already stressing the ecosystem,
tions, it should be noted that there are very dif- assisted migration may be necessary,
ferent perspectives on the benefits of germplasm taking precautions to match changing
movement for matching expected climatic condi- environmental conditions as closely as
tions, both among scientists and policy-makers possible and to avoid possible associated
(Seddon, 2010). In western Canada, for example, risks to local biodiversity in target areas.

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

• Conduct research on the extent and Despite an accumulation of experience on eco-

distribution of plasticity and adaptive system restoration over the past decades, it is still
capacity in native tree species, particularly quite common to measure the success of refor-
in areas that are especially vulnerable estation and restoration efforts mainly in terms
to climate change, in order to identify of number of seedlings planted or their survival
appropriate FRM for restoration that in the short term (Le et al., 2012). Such measures
also maximizes resilience. Develop and ignore the importance of using good-quality FRM
test practical approaches and decision- that is capable of establishing on the site and cre-
support tools for improving ecosystem ating functional ecosystems over time and do not
resilience through restoration. Establish help evaluate achievement of the actual restora-
provenance trials using seed sources tion objectives. If the focus on planting targets is
collected from a stratified sample across too strong, it may divert attention from the actual
the species’ distribution range, on sites objectives (the establishment of resilient plant
across environmental gradients within communities) and factors critical to success, result-
and beyond current species distributions. ing in inefficient use of resources and wasting of
Research should also be designed to test the time. Restoration success needs to be evaluated in
feasibility of assisted migration. Modelling a more holistic way, not only by restoration prac-
approaches that take into account genetic titioners but also by government institutions, civil
diversity and selection seem a promising society organizations, the private sector and, im-
approach to yield timely and relevant portantly, funding agencies. The fact that genetic
results. factors are still missing from the recent conceptual
models and otherwise extensive lists of success in-
dicators and drivers (Le et al., 2012) is illustrative
Measuring success of the scale at which awareness needs to be raised
about the importance of genetics in reforestation
Evaluating the success of any action requires a and restoration projects. Genetic variation itself is
clear definition of objectives or baselines against an indicator of functional and resilient ecosystems
which performance can be judged. Possible ob- and hence also the success of restoration activities
jectives of ecosystem restoration are at least as (Thompson et al., 2010).
diverse as its definitions, ranging from restoring Successful re-establishment of functional eco-
tree cover, original vegetation structure and bio- systems can only be truly evaluated in the long
diversity, to ecosystem functions, services or pro- term by covering all the main stages in restora-
vision of livelihoods. One of the proposed, more tion projects (including forest establishment,
holistic goals for restoration is restoring ecologi- growth and maturation; Le et al., 2012). The
cal integrity, defined as “maintaining the diver- problem is that such assessments extend sub-
sity and quality of ecosystems, and enhancing stantially outside the time span of most restora-
their capacity to adapt to change and provide for tion projects. Nevertheless, a plan or strategy
the needs of future generations” (Mansourian, for continuous monitoring of progress towards
2005). Another, probably more dynamic defini- set objectives should be an integral part of any
tion by lead members of the International Society restoration effort to allow for steering and cor-
of Ecological Restoration emphasizes “reinstat- rective management practices where necessary
ing autogenic ecological processes by which spe- throughout the different stages of vegetation
cies populations can self-organize into functional development. Effective monitoring requires the
and resilient communities that adapt to changing establishment of a baseline and a set of indicators
conditions while at the same time delivering vital that relate to the specific objectives of restora-
ecosystem services” (Alexander et al., 2011b). tion. Ideally, especially for research purposes, the

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

baseline for genetic monitoring should include to determine the reference target level of genetic
the genetic structure of: (i) the remnant trees diversity for species used in restoration activities,
of the degraded populations in the landscape, for example when natural populations have been
(ii) their naturally regenerated saplings, (iii) the nearly or completely eliminated. In such cases it
source populations of germplasm used, (iv) the may be necessary to define a baseline rather than
progeny (seedlings) of this germplasm grown un- target to allow assessment of the success of resto-
der nursery conditions and (v) the mating pattern ration activities. In addition to comparing levels of
in undisturbed and disturbed populations. This genetic diversity between restored plant popula-
information would allow assessment and a bet- tions and their natural analogues, it would also
ter understanding of the changes in the genetic be important to assess the genetic connectivity be-
structure of species throughout the restoration tween restored and adjacent natural, undisturbed
process, evaluation of the genetic viability of the populations.
progeny and, eventually, assessment of the suc- Examples of possible indicators that could be use-
cess of restoration on time­scales at which fitness ful for evaluating genetic composition of restored
of species can be judged. populations include genetic structure and genetic
The genetic diversity profile of one or more diversity for forest structure demographic charac-
healthy reference populations occurring natu- teristics, and gene flow and inbreeding for forest
rally (as far as possible) in the same seed zone or function (Newton, 2011). Early detection of genetic
ecological niche should ideally be known for as- bottlenecks, which may go undetected in traditional
sessing success in restoring genetic diversity. This demographic monitoring, is important to avoid po-
could then be compared with the genetic diver- tentially harmful effects and relatively easily done,
sity of the developing tree populations under for example by comparing neutral allele frequency
restoration at various stages in time throughout between different generations (Luikart et al., 1998;
the restoration process. Such references for tar- Rogers and Montalvo, 2004; Kettle, 2012). It is im-
get levels of genetic diversity may already exist portant to note that monitoring changes in genetic
for some species and areas, but are lacking for diversity must be framed in a biologically meaning-
the large majority of species and contexts. Use ful context so as to be able to interpret whether any
of similar or standardized molecular techniques observed changes are within a normal or desirable
to assess diversity of restored populations would range, or whether they might signal some serious
facilitate comparability and wider applicability of loss that could have negative repercussions (Rogers
the findings, although this is probably not realistic and Montalvo, 2004). For example, the loss of se-
for the majority of species, as techniques are con- lectively neutral traits measured using molecular
stantly changing and being improved. In the long markers does not necessarily translate into loss of
term, databases could be established contain- adaptive traits (Holderegger, Kamm and Gugerli,
ing reference levels of genetic diversity per spe- 2006). After going through an extended genetic
cies and for different target areas of restoration. bottleneck that dramatically reduces population
Genetic assessments of the success of restoration size and genetic diversity, genetic variation in selec-
projects could then be limited to measuring the tively neutral traits may require many thousands of
genetic diversity of the restored tree populations generations to recover, whereas recovery of varia-
and comparing these values with reference values tion for adaptive traits may require only hundreds
from the databases. Ideally, such genetic assess- of generations (Milligan, Leebens-Mack and Strand,
ments could also be extended to populations of 1994; Rogers and Montalvo, 2004).
other, naturally establishing (plant and animal) There is emerging consensus that a combina-
species that are representative of certain groups tion of ecological and genetic indicators would
of species with similar functional, structural or provide the best results in genetic monitoring of
life-history traits. In some cases it may be difficult forested ecosystems (reviewed in Aravanopoulos,

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

2011). However, most restoration efforts can- An initial assessment of genetic diversity in the
not be realistically expected, at least in the short seem­ingly highly degraded P. radiata population
term, to include molecular studies to assess lev- on the island of Guadalupe showed still relatively
els of genetic diversity. Moreover, most native high genetic diversity and low levels of inbreed-
tree species in the most biodiverse areas of the ing, and led to limited intervention, simply elimi-
world have not been subject to molecular analy- nating the main factor that prevented natural
ses, and most restoration practitioners are not regeneration (i.e. grazing by goats). Similarly,
equipped to carry out molecular analyses, even a more frequent application of genetic assess-
for those species that have been relatively well ments of the success of restoration projects, such
characterized. Two sets of indicators to evaluate as that performed for Banksia attenuata (see
genetic composition of restored tree populations section 15.4), would permit testing and compari-
are therefore needed: one for situations where son of the performance of different restoration
molecular studies are feasible and more detailed methods for different species combinations and
information can be obtained, and another for site contexts. Unfortunately, given the limited
situations where such studies are not feasible attention to genetic aspects in ecosystem resto-
and information must be obtained more indi- ration to date, little information is available on
rectly. Developing effective surrogate indicators factors related to success and fail­ure in restoring
for genetic diversity for wider application first re- the genetic diversity and adaptive capacity of tree
quires a good understanding of various genetic, populations under different contexts and using
biological, ecological and management processes different restoration methods.
and how they may affect genetic diversity during While the type and amount of genetically rel-
restoration (Graudal et al., 2013). Priority species evant information that can be collected in practi-
for which to develop surrogate indicators might cal restoration projects may (still) be limited, such
include those for which some baseline genetic efforts would be important in building a critical
data exist, and that are known or suspected to be knowledge base on ecosystem restoration that
particularly sensitive to human influences or envi- can, in turn, support restoration research and help
ronmental change (e.g. based on their life-history improve restoration guidelines. Global initiatives
traits; Vranckx et al., 2012; see also Jennings et al., could be designed to collect important data from
2001; Rogers and Montalvo, 2004). Studies should different restoration sites that could subsequently
be initiated in ecosystems that are simple in terms be used to better understand the genetic dimen-
of structure and species composition to facilitate sion of ecosystem restoration, conduct meta-anal-
understanding of the interactions between eco- yses across sites, and synthesize general approach-
logical and genetic processes and consequences es for restoration that incorporate genetic criteria
for genetic diversity. and conservation. Lessons could be learned from
Knowledge from existing studies that looked restoration practices across different habitats.
at the genetic structure, diversity and connectivity For example, considerable effort has gone into
of restored tree populations in combination with developing standards and criteria for measuring
ecological observations can be used to inform the success of restoration of fresh­ water ecosys-
the development of monitoring guidelines and tems (Palmer et al., 2005) that could be relevant
choice of surrogate indicators for practical res- for restoration activities in other habitats. Among
toration. The case study on Pinus radiata D.Don the data to be recorded at different restoration
(section  15.3) illustrates how measuring genetic sites would be: the location of the source popula-
diversity of a target species at a degraded site, as tion of FRM; environmental description; number
a baseline, can be highly informative for select- of trees from which FRM was collected; distances
ing optimal approaches for restoration interven- between them; amount of seed per tree; whether
tions or providing support to chosen methods. seed was mixed among the trees; year of seed col-

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

lection and associated climatic conditions; nursery References

conditions; size of seedlings; whether any selec-
tion was performed in the nursery; acclimatization
Alexander, S., Nelson, C.R., Aronson, J., Lamb, D.,
method prior to planting out; and whether natu-
Cliquet, A., Erwin K.L., Finlayson C.M., de Groot
ral regeneration also occurred on site. Enhanced
R.S, Harris, J.A., Higgs, E.S., Hobbs, R.J., Robin
collaboration between restoration practitioners
Lewis, R.R., III, Martinez, D. & Murcia, C. 2011a.
and researchers would contribute to better un-
Opportunities and challenges for ecological restora-
derstanding of genetic diversity and genetic pro- tion within REDD+. Restor. Ecol., 19: 683–689.
cesses important in restoring functional and resil-
ient populations of native tree species, and the Alexander, S., Aronson, J., Clewell, A., Keenleyside,
associated ecosystem and evolutionary processes. K., Higgs, E., Martinez, D., Murcia, C. & Nelson,
Lastly, while there is a dire need for better ways C. 2011b. Re-establishing an ecologically healthy
to synthesize and distribute knowledge from suc- relationship between nature and culture: the mission
cessful projects for the definition of best practices and vision of the society for ecological restora-
in ecosystem restoration, it is also important that tion. In Secretariat of the Convention on Biological
failures in restoration projects are reported more Diversity, ed. Contribution of ecosystem restora-
tion to the objectives of the CBD and a healthy
systematically to help improve future strategies.
planet for all people. Abstracts of posters presented
at the 15th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on
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and action
Convention on Biological Diversity, 7–11 November
• Conduct research for different combinations
2011, Montreal, Canada, pp. 7–11. Montreal,
of native species, degradation states and
Canada, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological
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various biological, genetic, ecological and
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Products, pp. 272–286. Bonn, Germany, World
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compile information, conduct meta-analyses
and generalize good practices for ensuring Broadhurst, L.M. 2011. Genetic diversity and popula-
viability of restored tree populations for tion genetic structure in fragmented Allocasuarina
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The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 4

Brown, A.H.D. & Hardner, C.M. 2000. Sampling the Duminil, J., Fineschi, S., Hampe, A., Jordano, P.,
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Part 4

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Part 5
Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

Chapter 17

Evert Thomas,1 Riina Jalonen,1 Judy Loo,1 Stephen Cavers,2 Leonardo Gallo,1,3 David Boshier,1,4
Paul Smith,5 Sándor Bordács6 and Michele Bozzano1

Bioversity International, Italy
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Natural Environment Research Council, United Kingdom
Unidad de Genética Ecológica y Mejoramiento Forestal, INTA Bariloche, Argentina
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Seed Conservation Department, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom
Central Agricultural Office, Department of Forest and Biomass Reproductive Material, Hungary

In a world characterized by unprecedented rates tions for researchers, policy-makers and restora-
of biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation and tion practitioners to better address the deficien-
environmental change, ecosystem restoration is cies that may currently compromise the success of
more important than ever. Considerable efforts some restoration efforts.
have already been made to restore degraded for- There is a dire need to develop elemental,
ested ecosystems globally, supported by experi- practical and convincing recommendations and
mental and anecdotal research and rapidly ma- guidelines for selecting, collecting and propagat-
turing new scientific disciplines such as restora- ing genetically diverse and appropriately adapted
tion ecology. However, there is a need to further planting material that is specifically tailored to
upscale and mainstream activities. Policy-makers ecosystem restoration. General guidelines for se-
are increasingly recognizing the potential of eco- lecting and collecting planting material for res-
system restoration for mitigating and reversing toration are largely compatible with those tra-
a wide range of environmental problems and ditionally used in forestry and agroforestry and
associated opportunities for socioeconomic ben- should build on them. However, it is clear that
efits. The most important future challenge will some issues need more emphasis in restoration. In
be to translate the knowledge generated from particular, the traditional rule of thumb that local
research into widespread sustainable practice. It seed is generally the best choice when sourcing
is imperative that restoration practice develops planting material for restoration may no longer
strong multidisciplinary approaches that include be universally applicable. Although local seeds
a stronger focus on important but previously may still be the preferred option in the absence
neglected factors. The genetic composition (di- of knowledge about the qualities of germplasm
versity and adaptedness) of tree populations in sources, scientific evidence is increasingly showing
restored ecosystems is often overlooked despite that local tree populations may not be adapted
its fundamental importance for the success of res- to environmental conditions that are already de-
toration in both the short and the long term. The graded or those that are expected in the future.
objective of this thematic study is to highlight the Even if local populations are adapted to future
breadth and depth of genetic aspects that need conditions, in many areas they may already be
to be considered in ecosystem restoration using too degraded or fragmented to constitute good
native tree species, and to propose recommenda- sources of seed for restoring viable and resilient

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 5

self-sustaining populations. Such fragments may of adequate planting material. At present, the
no longer have the adaptive capacity required choice of species and propagation material of
to cope with environmental changes, although many, if not most, restoration projects is heavily
responses may be species-specific. More research influenced by what is available in (commercial)
and decision-­ support tools are needed to help nurseries or that can be easily collected. This may
evaluate the quality of local germplasm as seed lead to a mismatch between planting stock and
sources. In some cases it may be appropriate to the conditions at the restoration site, or may even
source seed from more remote, larger populations result in the selection of suboptimal restoration
growing under ecological conditions similar to the approaches. First and foremost, adequate politi-
planting site, but perhaps with climatic conditions cal incentives and public policies are key for mo-
more similar to those expected in the near future. tivating nurseries, especially commercial opera-
However, ­special care should be taken to avoid po- tions, to widen the choice of planting material.
tentially harmful effects from genetic contamina- A second priority is to improve restoration practi-
tion of remaining resident populations. tioners’ and nursery managers’ access to existing
Given the uncertainty of predictions of future and new knowledge about the genetics, biology
climate and the limitations of current knowledge and management of native species. This implies
about the vast majority of native tree species, for the development of better tools and communica-
most restoration efforts the most prudent ap- tion strategies to improve information sharing.
proach for anticipating the impacts of environ- In particular, knowledge has to move beyond the
mental change would be to maximize genetic and scientific restoration community and academic
species diversity that is well-matched to the tar- journals to reach the much broader community of
get sites, while at the same time creating favour- restoration practitioners, nursery managers and
able conditions for connectivity (i.e. for gene flow seed suppliers. This may require translation of in-
and species migration) and regeneration. There is formation into different languages and accessible
still considerable controversy about the necessity, styles, increased efforts to raise awareness and
utility, feasibility and risk of deliberately moving strengthening of capacity specific to the cultural,
germplasm over long distances to help tree spe- socioeconomic and gender context of the target
cies and populations track changing environmen- audience.
tal conditions. The most informative and safest A third priority for widening the choice of
way to tackle this uncertainty would be to ex- propagation materials is to improve communi-
pand the use of provenance trials to cover a wider cation channels, cooperation and feedback be-
range of environments, more native species and tween seed suppliers, nurseries and restoration
a wider range of traits (e.g. the consequences of projects. During the planning stages, restoration
germplasm transfer for associated organisms are practitioners should inform nursery managers or
rarely considered). There is considerable potential seed suppliers about the planting material they
for learning about the performance and adaptive want to use and help them to identify potential
potential of propagation material from known seed sources. Restoration practitioners, if not
sources in already established and planned resto- linked to the nursery where their planting mate-
ration sites. In addition, increased use of ecologi- rial is produced, should provide feedback to nurs-
cal zones or other proxies for adaptive variation, ery managers about problems experienced with
such as environmental gradients, would help res- their planting material in the field. To compen-
toration practitioners chose the best sources of sate for the limited choice of planting material
site-matched planting material. in existing (commercial) nurseries or seed banks,
Another major constraint on diversification of or to complement the germplasm that is avail-
restoration efforts and optimization of different able, restoration projects could set up their own
approaches to local conditions is the availability (project or community) nurseries or seed banks to

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

produce the desired plant material. In either case, necessary to understand underlying factors that
adequate time needs to be reserved for sourcing may affect species selection and the trade-offs
the germplasm, including identifying source pop- related to the use of exotic versus native species
ulations and flowering and fruiting seasons of the in different contexts, such as behavioural patterns
different species. or local perceptions of the ecological and socio­
Record-keeping is essential for good genetic economic value of species.
management in individual restoration projects, as In addition to their contribution to mitigating
well as at nurseries and seed banks. Adoption of a and countering ecosystem degradation, restora-
certification scheme such as the OECD Forest Seed tion projects also hold great potential for contrib-
and Plant Scheme would ensure not only system- uting to biodiversity conservation. Restoration
atic record-keeping, but also traceability of germ- practitioners should plan to integrate their ac-
plasm movement. Looking to the future, records tivities in the wider landscape from the outset,
of the genetic base and source of materials used and consider how they can both benefit from
in restoration projects will also help to evaluate the landscape context and in turn bolster biodi-
the qualities germplasm and inform decisions versity conservation. A stronger focus on species
about where to make future collections of plant- associations, such as microbial symbionts and
ing material in restored vegetation sites. pollinators, can enhance the chances of survival
Political commitment and supportive regula- of planted or recruited trees, optimize the use
tory frameworks can help promote demand for of available resources on site, and increase the
and supply of good-quality germplasm of na- resilience of the plant community to biotic and
tive tree species. Governments must support and abiotic stresses. Genetic connectivity contributes
guide restoration initiatives through carefully to the maintenance of population-level diversity
defined policies and financial support. Currently, through pollen flow, which reduces the likelihood
few countries have regulatory frameworks and of inbreeding and results in new genetic combi-
funding schemes for ecosystem restoration in nations that may be better adapted to changing
place. Strengthening national capacities to re- environmental conditions. Genetic connectivity
store genetically diverse, healthy and resilient also facilitates migration of populations to more
forested ecosystems is also important and should suitable habitats through seed dispersal. On the
be supported by integrating genetic aspects into other hand, restoration efforts have considerable
curricula on biodiversity conservation and resto- potential to support conservation of threatened
ration, and the provision of appropriate training or endangered native tree species, their genetic
to restoration practitioners. diversity and associated species, for example, by
The actions proposed above can be expected restoring and maintaining genetic diversity of
to contribute to increased popularity and use species across a range of ecological conditions
of native tree species in restoration projects. and establishing genetically diverse sources of
Nonetheless, the use of exotics may sometimes propagation material.
be justified, particularly as nurse plants to facili- New approaches and tools are needed to en-
tate subsequent establishment of native species able communication and coordination among
by improving (micro)environmental conditions in restoration practitioners in order to realize the
severely degraded environments, or when native biodiversity potential of restoration projects.
species with comparable properties have not yet Policy-makers can play a facilitating role in bring­
been identified. However, a preference for exotics ing together stakeholders involved in landscape
even when native alternatives are available sug- planning. This could lead to development of
gests that there are other factors that constrain practical guidelines on how to best organize eco-
the use of natives besides availability and knowl- logical and genetic connectivity and conservation
edge of their biology. More research is, therefore, at landscape level, which could serve as policy

The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic study

Part 5

s­upport tools. Lessons can be learned from re- 17.1. 

Recommendations arising
constructing the historical ecologies of particular from the thematic study
target areas, which could guide the design of con-
nectivity across different landscape scenarios. In
this context, clarity of the objectives and species 17.1.1.  Recommendations for
for which connectivity is sought is key. research
Finally, in monitoring and assessing the suc- • Evaluate the impact of different restoration
cess of restoration it is important that restoration methods on the genetic diversity of restored
practitioners systematically integrate genetic as- tree populations.
pects in ways that reflect ecosystem functionality • Expand knowledge on native species,
and resilience in the long term. Reference levels particularly with respect to their ecological
against which changes in genetic diversity and and livelihood importance, propagation
structure of plant populations can be assessed in- methods and genetic variability, and identify
clude baseline genetic diversity at the start and ways to overcome constraints that limit their
the target genetic diversity (e.g. by comparison use in restoration.
with known natural populations). There is an ur- • Develop, make available and support the
gent need to develop indicators that allow meas- adoption of decision-support tools for:
urement of the success of restoration efforts to (i) collecting and propagating germplasm
(re-)establish self-sustaining plant communities, in a way that ensures a broad genetic base
including the likelihood of long-term population of restored tree populations; (ii) matching
viability of the tree species. Such indicators may of species and provenances to restoration
require direct monitoring of genetic parameters sites based on (current and future)
in restoration sites or monitoring of other (less- site conditions, predicted or known
costly) variables as proxies for genetic diversity. patterns of variation in adaptive traits,
Ideally, indicators should be few and designed in and availability of seed sources; and (iii)
such a fashion that they are based on ecological landscape-level planning in restoration
or biological measures and can be widely applied projects.
across restoration projects. In general, restoration • Develop protocols and practical indicators to
interventions should incorporate a monitoring monitor and evaluate the genetic diversity
(and evaluation) strategy that extends beyond the of tree populations in restoration efforts as
establishment of seedlings and, ideally, continues an indicator of the viability and resilience of
long enough to assess the reproductive success ecosystems.
of species in restored ecosystems. Comparative • Intensify research on the ecology of
research should be carried out to analyse the suc- mycorrhizal and bacterial symbiotic systems,
cess of various restoration approaches, including focusing on the most commonly used tree
– critically – recording and reviewing failures as species and their symbiotic partners to
well as promoting methods that have successfully increase the resilience of plant associations
restored viable populations across varying states in restoration against biotic and abiotic
of degradation and landscapes. This will allow stresses.
identification of good practices and potential
problems associated with genetic quality under 17.1.2.  Recommendations for
various restoration approaches and contexts, and restoration practice
facilitate formulation of solutions to overcome • Give priority to the use of native tree species
them, thus contributing to more successful (eco- in restoration projects.
logical and socioeconomic) restoration of forest- • Strive to use propagation material that
ed ecosystems. is well matched to the environmental

Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using nati ve tree species

conditions of the restoration site and 17.1.3.  Recommendations for policy

represents a broad genetic base. • Create an enabling national policy
• Given the uncertainty of predictions of environment that fosters long-term,
future climate, aim to promote resilience ecologically based forest management
by maximizing species and genetic diversity that explicitly favours the use of native
from sources that are similar to the site species in ecosystem restoration and genetic
conditions, encouraging gene flow and conservation and provides adequate
generational turnover, and facilitating financial support.
species migration to allow natural selection • Put in place supportive regulatory
to take place. frameworks that guide the production and
• Plan for the sourcing of propagation supply of propagation material of native
material of desired species and associated tree species and the use of adequately
information well before the intended diverse material of appropriate origin in
planting or seeding time to ensure restoration efforts.
that optimal material for the site and • Broaden education and training curricula to
restoration objectives can be identified promote understanding of the importance
and produced. of using native species and genetically
• Consistently plan restoration efforts in the diverse and appropriate propagation
landscape context and seek to integrate material, as well as appropriate approaches,
them into the surrounding landscape matrix. in restoration projects.

There is renewed interest in the use of native tree species in ecosystem restoration
for their biodiversity benefits. Growing native tree species in production systems
(e.g. plantation forests and subsistence agriculture) can also ensure landscape
functionality and support for human livelihoods.

Achieving full benefits, however, requires consideration of genetic aspects that are
often neglected, such as suitability of germplasm to the site, quality and quantity of
the genetic pool used and regeneration potential. Understanding the extent and
nature of gene flow across fragmented agro-ecosystems is also crucial to successful
ecosystem restoration.

This study, prepared within the ambit of The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources,
reviews the role of genetic considerations in a wide range of ecosystem restoration
activities involving trees. It evaluates how different approaches take, or could take,
genetic aspects into account, thereby leading to the identification and selection of
the most appropriate methods.

The publication includes a review and syntheses of experience and results; an

analysis of successes and failures in various systems; and definitions of best
practices including genetic aspects. It also identifies knowledge gaps and needs for
further research and development efforts. Its findings, drawn from a range of
approaches, help to clarify the role of genetic diversity and will contribute to future

ISBN 978-92-5-108469-4

9 7 8 9 2 5 1 0 8 4 6 9 4

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