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Chatting Flirtatiously / Flirt

Start the conversation with something interesting. If you want someone to talk to
you, you need to have something to talk about.
Don't start conversations with, "hey" or "whast up." Start with an interesting
question or an observation, or a comment.

�ncepe conversa?ia cu ceva interesant . Daca doresti ca cineva sa vorbeasca cu tine

, trebuie sa ai ceva despre care sa poti vorbi .
Nu �ncepe discu?ia cu " hey " sau " what's up . " �ncepe cu o �ntrebare interesanta
, o observa?ie sau un comentariu .

Get the other person talking. People like talking when it's easy. If you want to
have a fun, flirty conversation, make it easy for the other person to have it by
asking them questions and being a good "listener" to their responses.
Ask lots of follow-up questions. EX : "Have you been taking any trip this
" Did something funny,
worth mentioning , happened to you there ?"

Fa ti interlocutorul sa vorbeasca.Oamenilor le place sa vorbeasca atunci cand este

usor de discutat.Daca doresti sa te distrezi , sa flirtezi , fa in asa fel incat
discutia sa fie usoara pentru cealalta persoana folosind intrebari si fiind un bun
ascultator la raspunsurile lor.
Adreseaza o multime de intrebari la care se asteapta raspuns. Ex : " Ai fost in
vreo calatorie weekendul acesta"?

" Ai vreo intamplare haioasa de povestit in urma acestei calatorii ? "

Be playful. It's hard to define flirting exactly. Lots of people just want to look
for a connection, some kind of electricity. Often, this has to do with your sense
of humor and your playfulness. Let your sense of humor come through.Be yourself.
Sometimes, gentle teasing can be flirty and electric.

Fii jucausa.E greu de definit flirtul, exact.O multime de oameni doresc sa caute o
conexiune , un fel de electricitate .De multe ori, acest lucru are de a face cu
simtul umorului si felul in care stii sa te joci .Lasa ti simutul umorului
liber.Fii tu !
Uneori tachinarea usoara poate fi sexy si electrica.

Respond in a timely way. Flirting needs someone to be at the other end of the line
or it won't spark. Respond to as many messages as you can when you see them, and
show the other person that you enjoy the exchange between the two of you.
"Leaving them waiting" is rude. If you want to chat online, be there to chat. If
you want to ignore people's messages, go do something else.
If someone else isn't talking to you, leave them alone. There's no sense in
peppering them with a million interesting and well-formed questions that they're
going to respond "lol" to.

Raspunde �n timp util . Flirtul are nevoie de cineva care sa fie la celalalt capat
al liniei, sau nu se va declan?a . Raspunde la c�t mai multe mesaje poti ?i arata i
celelilate persoane ca te bucuri de schimbul de cuvinte dintre voi doi.
" Las�ndu-l �n a?teptare " este nepoliticos.Daca doresti sa vorbesti on-line, fii
acolo pentru a discuta . Daca doresti sa ignori mesajele oamenilor , du-te fa
altceva .
Daca altcineva nu vorbeste cu tine ,il la?i �n pace . Nu are nici un sens sa i
innebunesti cu un milion de �ntrebari interesante ?i bine formate , carora nu au
de g�nd sa le raspunda.

Be the one who ends the conversation. The best flirtatious conversations end with
the other person wanting more. You want to leave them thinking about you, and
wishing that you'd log back on for more chatting

Fii cea care �ncheie conversa?ia . Cele mai bune conversa?ii flirt se termina
lasand persoana in cauza sa si doreasca mai mult . Vrei sa plece gandindu se la
tine , ?i dorindu-te inapoi online pentru a discuta mai mult.

Be persistent. Invest some effort into flirting, but don't expect a lot of return
initially until you "click" with the right person. If you can't start a
conversation with someone, you can't start a conversation. Flirt around. Have fun.
Have lots of conversations, and keep them light.
On the other hand, don't give up too easily. Online chats can take some time to get
to know someone. As mentioned earlier, keep it lighthearted and stay approachable.

Fii persistenta . Investeste putin efort �n flirt, dar nu te astepta ca toata

lumea sa se reintoarca deoarece nu esti pe aceeasi lungime de unda cu oricine, pana
cand intalnesti persoana potrivita . Daca nu se poate porni o conversa?ie cu
cineva , nu se poate �ncepe !!!. Flirteaza .Distreaza te. Converseaza cu multa lume
si fa aceste conversatii usoare.
Pe de alta parte , nu renun?a prea u?or . Chat-urile on-line pot dura ceva timp
pana a ajungi sa cuno?ti pe cineva . A?a cum am men?ionat mai devreme , pastreaza
ti atitudinea usoara si ramai abordabila.

Stop trying to make yourself look good, and just be yourself. If you want to flirt
and find a genuine connection with someone, it's important to be yourself, not the
Write the same way you talk. You don't need to make yourself "sound smart" or try
and use words you wouldn't normally use to flirt. It'll come off as fake and
It's good to talk about yourself in positive ways.

Nu mai �ncerca non stop sa te faci sa arati bine , fii tu!. Daca doresti sa
flirtezi ?i sa gaseasti o legatura reala cu cineva , este important sa fii tu
�nsa?i , nu o imagine auto promovata.
Scrie �n acela?i mod �n care vorbesti. Nu e nevoie sa incerci sa pari intelegienta
sau sa incerci sa folosesti cuvinte pe care nu le ai folosi �n mod normal in
flirt.Va parea fals si incomod
E bine sa vorbe?ti despre tine �n moduri pozitive.

Knowing What to Say /A stii ce sa spui

Keep it light. Flirting is just like having a regular conversation, but more fun.
Go into expecting that you're going to laugh and you're going to have a good time
Just chat like you would with a new friend.
Different people like to talk about different things. To one person, it might be
flirty to tell long stories and talk about serious subjects, while to another it
might be dull. To one person, it might be flirty to talk about partying, while to
others it could be a turn-off. Read each person and adjust.

Las o moale.Flirtul este la fel ca o conversa?ie obi?nuita, dar mult mai distractiv
. Incepe cu gandul ca vei rade, ca te vei distra.Vorbeste cu toata lumea de parca e
un posibil viitor prieten.
Oamenilor diferiti le place sa vorbeasca despre lucruri diferite . Pentru o
persoana , ar putea fi sexy sa spuna povesti lungi ?i sa vorbeasca despre subiecte
serioase , �n timp ce pentru altul ar putea fi plictisitor . Pentru o persoana , ar
putea fi sexy sa vorbeasca despre petreceri , �n timp ce pentru al?ii ar putea fi
un turn- off . Invata sa cunosti fiecare persoana ?i adapteaza te caracterului

Take it slow. Online flirting is a marathon, not a sprint. There's no reason to
rush right into talking about what you want.
Don't go right for the crude sexual references. Some innuendo can be flirty with
the right person, but only once you've gotten to know someone.
Avoid blurting out "I love you" on the basis of five minutes of chat and one
profile photo. It's okay to tell the other person that you think they're lovely,
fascinating and gorgeous, but leave out love language until you both seem to know
each other quite a lot better.

Ia-o �ncet . Flirtul on-line este un maraton , nu un sprint . Nu ai nici un motiv

sa te grabeasti �n a vorbi despre ceea ce iti doresti (in cazul tau privatul) .
Nu conduce discutia direct spre referin?e sexuale brute . Unele aluzii pot fi ok
cu persoana potrivita , dar numai dupa ce ai ajuns sa cuno?ti pe cineva .
Evita?i folosirea cuvintelor de genul " Te iubesc ", pe baza a cinci minute de
discu?ii ?i o fotografie de profil . E �n regula sa spui altei persoane ca ai
impresia ca arata bine , ca e fascinant , dar lasa declaratiile de dragoste p�na
c�nd va cunoasteti destul de bine .

Talk about common ground. Talk about the best hang-outs. Talk about something that
you have in common with each other to help make a connection.
If you don't have anything in common, or can't figure out what you've got in
common, ask questions until you find something. Even if the questions are silly,
like, "What's the best month and why?" or "What's your sign?" you'll be able to
start talking about something.

Vorbe?te despre un subiect comun . Vorbeste despre cele mai reusite distractii .
Vorbeste despre ceva ce ai putea avea in comun cu cealalta persoana pentru a
ajuta la a face o conexiune .
Daca nu ave?i nimic �n comun , sau nu ti poti da seama ce ati putea avea �n
comun , pune �ntrebari p�na c�nd gasi?i ceva . Chiar daca �ntrebarile sunt
prostesti , ca , "Care este cea mai buna luna ?i de ce ? " sau " Care este semnul
tau zodiacal ? " vei putea incepe sa discuti despre ceva .

Talk about something funny that happened to you today. Everybody you talk to online
has been fed the same lines at some point, and been asked the same dull questions.
"What do you like to do for fun?" and "What are your hobbies?" are sort of dull
flirtation questions. But, if you tell a story about how your neighbors are
fighting about how the one's dog peed on the other's stoop, you'll have something
funny to jump off from. "What do you think of dogs? And ridiculous neighbors?"
Don't ramble about your own life too much. Talking about your whole history and
backstory is a good way to make someone think you're self-obsessed. Share smart
Vorbeste despre ceva amuzant care ti sa �nt�mplat azi(inventeaza ceva amuzant daca
nu ti s a intamplat nimic) . Toata lumea cu care vorbesti on-line a fost" hranita"
cu acelea?i fraze/replici la un moment dat , ?i au fost intrebati aceleasi lucruri
plictisitoare. " Ce iti place sa faci pentru a te distra ? " ?i " Care sunt hobby-
urile tale ? " sunt un fel de intrebari flirt plictisitoare . Dar , daca spui o
poveste despre cum vecinii tai se cearta , despre cum cainele unuia a facut pipi
pe usa celuilalt , va fi ceva amuzant de povestit , de la care sa poti sari la.. .
" Ce crezi despre c�ini ? Vecinii ridicoli ? "
Nu vorbi despre propria ta viata prea mult . Vorbind despre �ntreaga istorie a
familiei tale este o modalitate buna de a face pe cineva sa creada ca e?ti obsedat
de tine . �mparta?este detalii inteligente .

Don't overshare. Someone doesn't need all the intimate details of your entire life
story, your problems, and your innermost thoughts and desires. Save it for later.
That's not flirting, it's blurting.
Don't be a sad-sack if you're trying to flirt.
Be very, very careful about talking about serious things like marriage, monogamy
and having children, especially if you don't know the person. These are all flirt-
killing words. Wait until you're in person to talk about these things.Keep some
mystery. There's no reason to over-sell yourself. Keep some privacy, Spend a lot of
time getting to know someone before giving out intimate details .Once you stick to
this rule, the rest of your online flirting is about having fun.
Nu spune prea multe despre tine.Nu toata lumea doreste sa stie povestea vietii
tale , problemele tale , detaliile intime, dorintele si cele mai profunde
ganduri.Asta nu e flirt , e ca si cum te plangi .
Nu incerca sa pari prea trista, atunci cand flirtezi.
Ai foarte mare grija cum iti alegi subiectele serioase despre care vrei sa
discuti)casatorie,monogamie,ideea de avea copii) mai ales daca nu cunosti f bine
persoana.Acestea sunt subiecte care ucid ideea de flirt.Asteapta pana cunsoti
persoana respectiva mai bine sau pana aceasta deschide discutia din proprie
intiativa.Pastreaza putin mister.Odata ce respecti aceste reguli, timpul petrecut
online devine distractiv.

Play a silly associative game. If you really can't think of anything to talk about,
but really want to be flirtatious, you can always just start playing the random
question game and talking about silly things. Talk about your best meals, your
favorite animals.Good silly questions or prompts to show your funny side:
"Tell me the story of the best sandwich you ever ate."
"If you could go to any country, what would it be?"

Joaca un joc asociativ prostesc . Daca �ntr-adevar nu te poti g�ndi la nimic pentru
a discuta , dar vrei intr adevar sa flirtezi , poti �ntotdeauna sa incepi sa
vorbesti despre lucruri stupide,sa pui intrabari prostesti . Vorbeste despre cele
mai bune mese(reteta) , animalele favorite.Intrebarile prostesti dar bune iti pot
evidentia latura amuzanta.
" Spune-mi povestea celui mai bun sandwich pe care l ai m�ncat vreodata . "
" Daca ai putea mergin orice ?ara , care ar fi aceasta? "

Compliment the other person, sometimes. Good compliments can be a way to get the
door open and have more to talk about. Pick something that you like about the
person, or have noticed, and use it as a compliment, then turn that compliment into
something you can talk about.
Compliments are nice, but they're also hard to respond to.
One compliment per conversation is appropriate. If you start to seem overly
complimentary, it can seem obsessive or creepy. If you think someone is attractive,
that's nice to hear, but it's not necessary to say five times every minute.

Uneori poti complimenta cealalta persoana.Complimetele drafute pot fi calea de a

deschide o conversatie buna si de a avea mai multe subiecte de discutat.Alege ceva
care ti a placut la persoana in cauza, ceva ce ai observat, si foloseste l ca pe un
compliment iar apoi transforma l intr un subiect de discutie.Complimentele sunt
dragute , dar dificil de raspuns la ele.
Este de preferat sa nu exagerezi cu complimetele,unul in discutie este de
ajuns.Poti parea prea obsedata sau ciudata.Daca traiesti cu impresia ca cineva e
atragator , e placut sa i spui , insa nu e necesar sa i o zici de 5 ori pe minut.

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